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A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 76, Status = Fine

With Mandragora's tentacles pumping into both of them, Jezebel squeezing around them and spasming as she was filled in all three holes, and Ione both penetrated and feeling the elf's rear squeezing around one of her tentacles, it didn't take a whole lot more to bring all three of them over the edge. Jezebel screamed in renewed climax as Ione's tentacle bulged and exploded inside of her, and her spray of love honey was answered by an explosion of Mandragora's own seed as it blasted up into both her sex, and into Jezebel's. Their hosts eyes rolled up into the back of her head as the dual explosions of alraune cum filled her to the brim and beyond, causing her belly to bloat and coating the bed in their mixed releases. The night elf and Ione were both coated in Mandragora's cum as well, turning the three of them into one big sticky, sweet-smelling mess.

With their massive mutual orgasm came exhaustion, and after she'd unwound her tentacles from around the cum-bloated Jezebel, Mandragora pulled both her and Ione down onto the bed. It was nearly impossible for the three to get any closer together at that point, as Mandragora proved to be quite the cuddler, and when one had so many tentacles... Well, it was hard to resist. Jezebel had seemingly passed out somewhere through her orgasm, but the bloated elf formed a wonderful source of warmth between the two, removing any real need for a blanket beyond the desire to cover oneself while they slept.


The night came and went, and as the sounds of the night died down save for the more natural ones filtering in from the jungle, sleep came. When Ione awoke, her two partners remained cuddled up next to her, Jezebel's heavily pregnant form facing Mandragora while her back pressed warmly against Ione's front. The daylight coming in from outside was strangely dim for this time of year, as the monsoons weren't set to start for a while yet and there hadn't been any signs of rain last night. She could hear people outside, shouting and crying unintelligibly, but as the seconds ticked by and her mind awakened, Ione felt more and more as if those sounds weren't the cries of jubilation accompanying the festival.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Even in the afterglow of their lovemaking Ione let pleased little laughs escape her. She was a little dizzy now from all the exertion, and the feeling of having herself filled with Mandragora's cum sparked a sensation of wonder in the plant girl. It didn't feel like she was making seedlings, but at the same time the warmth she felt was similar yet different. Nothing she was used to but certainly not entirely unpleasant. Her own belly bloated somewhat from the amount Mandragora pumped into her, but it slowly deflated to join the sweet smelling mixture that coated the bed. And covered her as well, the plant girl having delighted in being hit with a few ropes of cum as Mandragora had pulled out of her.

Smiling just as goofy as before when the other alraune hugged her tight, Ione fullheartedly joined her plant sister in her cuddle, trapping their warm prisoner once again as they settled down to sleep off their exhaustion. Albeit with less tendrils of course. Jezebel was already soundly unconscious, and gave no protest as she became a warm and comfortable pillow to be sandwiched between. Ione continued to tease the woman for a time, taking to kiss softly at her back some while tasting a little of the sweet coating still adorning her. Eventually her wariness proved too much, and the last sight the plant girl saw was her partners lovely forms before she drifted into slumber.

The alraune found them the same way when the night had come and passed, still cuddled up next to her and dosing lightly. Though now, the effects of last night were in full force on the Night Elf, her body now sporting a very pregnant form. Tentatively, Ione ran a hand over the bump. There would be no mere shorn seedlings at work here. These would be alraune spawn surely, and a part of her was still doubtful they would be as 'different' and amiable as Mandragora seemed to be. After a moment of dwelling on it, she merely let out a small sigh, kissing the night elf's cheek before slipping up and out of the bed, making her way over to a nearby window to try to see just why everything seemed so much darker this morning. 'It can't be monsoon season already can it? It's a little early for that isn't it? And why do those shouts sound so... frantic?'
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 76, Status = Fine

Perception: ???

The shouts and cries became clearer as Ione approached the window, the sense that they were not those of a joyous celebration rising with every step. And then, when she looked out the window into the street, and up into the sky...

The streets were in chaos. The festival decorations had been thrown this way and that, scattered and broken. The festival goers were in the streets or in their homes, screaming and running and fighting against horrific creatures in places, and those that had fallen... Ione saw a woman being taken by bestial creature that looked like a cross between a lizard and a man, its arms overlong and and ending in fingers with claws almost as long as her forearms. She saw another woman lifted into the air by a grey creature that seemed to be nothing more than a ball of tentacles supported on four spindly legs, being violated in every one of her holes at once. A puddle of grey slime suddenly leaped up onto a man attempting to fight off one of the lizardmen, forming into a feminine shape and tearing at his pants, revealing a shaft that grew to full erection in seconds despite the terror in his eyes. Another man, fighting to protect a woman as she ran from the village, was lifted into the air by a massive faceless humanoid and promptly torn in half, screaming all the while, and even as the creature was anointed in her guardian's blood, the escaping woman was lifted from the ground while a phallic rod grew out of the monster's crotch.

Up in the sky was the greatest abomination of all, however. A slimy grey form floated above them, large enough to cast the entire village in shadow. Tentacles as large around as she was writhed around it, some stretching out as far as a hundred feet from the main body, which lacked any definable shape other than a vaguely organic roundness. A tendril had descended to the ground, and Ione could see bulges slowly traveling upwards toward its main body, though what they might contain was impossible for her to tell.

Even as she took in the chaos in the streets just outside, Ione was apparently spotted by some of the attackers, who started toward her immediately. Four of the grey, slimy creatures that seemed to be just about the most common ones started sidling towards her, rising over Jezebel's fence like it wasn't even there and heading right for the window that she was looking through. Her two companions had begun to stir, likely at the noise, but both of them were still asleep and helpless, leaving her as the sole line of defense in the first few moments against the oncoming monsters.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione's sleepy eyes only managed to remain so for but a moment before the scene set before her truly registered. Gone was the delightful sight of ceremonial decor arranged so tastefully with joyous indulgence. Of scurrying mirth as people guided their way to moments of ecstasy. Instead everywhere there was panic, hysteria at the forms of greyish... things attacking and ravaging everyone! On the street and in their homes the visages of greyish puddles of slime, slender scaled clawed horrors, and spindly balls of tentacles prancing about cluttered the landscape. Fighting and violating various unfortunates where they fell. Along with a monstrous hulking beast which lifted and tore a man in half before the plant girl even had time to blink.

The gory sight was enough to make the plant girl's eyes widen in horror, shivering as her gaze drifted up and away. What lay hovering in the sky was no consolation to her however. It was... the thing was an abomination! A giant flying grey tentacled abomination that shadowed the village with it's tremendous bulk. She had never seen anything so big with such long tendrils before. Not even the biggest shorn weeds could ever match the size of the thing in the sky... could they? The bulges in the things earth grounded tendril reminded Ione of a swallowing throat, but just what or who was being taken up into the thing her mind couldn't fill.

She was too busy scanning the carnage to consider anyhow, and with her scans it dawned on the plant girl that being near the window now was certain to attract unwanted attention. Sure enough, four of the grey slimy blob things were on their way toward the building she was in, passing over Jezebel's fence with no difficulty. 'No... I've got to stop them before they reach us... I'm the only one up!' Focusing her power, Ione gritted her teeth as she traced her eyes to a spot where all the slimes seemed to be converging before channeling the flow of waving energy she gathered to her target. Watching with panic and hope that the grey things might just explode into little grey mists before they were really a threat to herself and her companions...

Ione will attempt to hit the 4 slimes she sees with a 10 foot radius shot of the Energy Wave spirit power. Preferably as they converge but before they get onto the building and begin to climb up to Ione and company on the second floor (Via the window).

Master Blaster EP Input Bonus = 3

Energy Wave: X = 2, (1d6 + 4) * (2+3) damage so... (1d6 + 4) * 5 = DAMAGE

Assuming that works (or even if it doesn't) Ione would immediately back away from the window and make her way to her companions with as much urgency as a terrified plant girl would be in such a situation.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 74/76, Status = Fine

Perception: ???

Attack: Hit.
Damage: 1 + 4 = 5 * 5 = 25 damage.

This is just short of killing them, and they come crawling in through the window.

Attack: Automatic Hits.
Mandragora and Jezebel have been put into submission holds.

The attacking creatures, unfortunately, did not explode into mist no matter how much Ione might have wished it were so. Even when she unleashed a burst of golden light at them, the orb that she flung exploding in their midst exploding and washing over the trio of odd monstrosities, but they simply kept coming for her. She saw them climb over the fence before she back away, her legs bumping into a table and momentarily causing her to stumble. In that time she heard a rustling from over by the bed, but rather than see Mandragora and Jezebel rousing themselves in order to come to her aid, she heard them both struggling. A glance aside would reveal two of the reptilian humanoids that she had seen outside lifted the two frightened, struggling women from the bed, hands over their mouths such that they couldn't truly cry out. The three tentacled monsters clambered in through the window that she had looked out of one by one, and now that they were closer Ione realized that her attack had left them badly singed, their flash blackened in places as the slime that coated them tried to reassert itself over the surface of their bodies.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Hope swung to full panic as the plant girl realized her attack hadn't finished the slimy blobs off. They were still coming! Moving forward and rising over another fence that blocked their way despite all of them taking a direct hit from her attack. Ione retreated from the window then, backing away with too much haste right into the side of a table. The near stumble it caused bringing curses to the frightened plant girl's lips. Now was not a time to be stumble! She really had to warn the others... but before the thought could fully form the sound of rousing and then struggling caused the plant girl to stiffen her body before turning her distressed gaze toward the bed.

Two of the green scaled horrors were in the room! And they had Mandragora and Jezebel! Their clawed hands covered their mouths, preventing them from calling out as their others locked around them, fighting against them in an effort to hold them. When had they made their way in? She hadn't even heard them! What Ione did hear loud and clear was the sound of the window being pushed open once more, and the patter falls of the three slimy monsters climbing in. She couldn't see it before, but now closer she could see how her attack had singed them a substantial amount. The blackened flakes of burnt slime keeping the things oozing and their flesh dented in like some kind of bad souffle. A really horribly burnt, grey and black oozing souffle.

An instinct to blast the horribly burnt things away rose in the plant girl, but so did a sense urgency as she glanced back between the two scenes. Mandragora and Jezebel were in serious need of help, and with all these creatures appearing in the room Ione felt very vulnerable. She had to do something quickly about that! Drawing forth from her powers, she summoned forth a wash of psychic energy, using the initial boost it gave to maneuver quickly around the table she had bumped into and away from the 3 monsters. Whipping around and moving toward the creatures grappling the others, the alraune clenched her fists together, already on the verge of bringing forth more energy into them as she shouted out in an effort to fight her fright and steady her nerves. Staring back at them with frightened, yet murderous intent.

Activate Psychic Shield while moving away from the 3 monsters which entered from the window and toward the Hunters for Round 1. Afterwards If Able in Round 2, Invoke Master Blaster(Stun) and target the Hunter grappling with Mandragora.

Psychic Shield: X = 6, Upkeep Expenditure is 4 EP every round.
+18 to Dodge, Resistance, Grapple, and +6 to Armor
-4 EP Upkeep per term

Energy Blade: X = 4 + (+3 from Soul-Soldier) = 7, Expenditure is only 4 EP per summon
((2d4 + 1) * 7) + 7.5 damage that ignores armor

Master Blaster: Stun, Resistance DC equal to 4 times the EP input
(DC vs 4 * (4 + (+3 from Soul-Soldier) = Resistance DC vs 28

Notes: Ione's current notable stats/Information are:

Drain through Pain (Passive): Drain EP through HP damage, 2d6 + modifiers EP damage, regain to character
Soul-Soldier: Attacks with weapon powers gain a +12 bonus to hit

Body: 18
Mind: 14
Spirit: 30

Speed: 13
Dodge: 31+(10 from Unarmed Fighter) + (18 from Psychic Shield) = 59
Armor: 6
Resistance: 15+(18 from Psychic Shield) = 33

Perception: 17
Stealth: 13
Grapple: 18+(18 from Psychic Shield) = 36
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Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 68/76, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 6, 30/33 Resistance, Grappled

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 86, Status = Grappled, Submission Hold

Round 1:
Ione activates Psychic Shield for X = 6 and moves toward the hunters with a speed of 13.

The grabbers come up and try to nab her, their speed is 17.
Attacks: 1/3 hits, grappling Ione. They needed a 19 or 20 to hit, so apparently the dice are not on your side.
Aphrodisiacs: 3 Resistance damage.

The hunters try to put Mandragora and Jezebel into Submission Holds while they fight to get free.
Grapple (Mandragora) : Enemy wins.
Grapple (Jezebel) : Enemy wins.
Both of them are in Submission Holds.

This kinda requires a decision on your part, so stopping it here.

With a burst of the golden alraune's spiritual power, Ione felt a wave of protective psionic energy wrap around. Running around the table towards the captured women, she thought herself free even as she prepared to unleash a weapon born of similar magics from her hand, a blade of pure energy, in order to deal with the monstrous beings holding them. She only got a few feet past the table before a tendril suddenly wrapped around her leg, causing Ione to stumble and fall flat on her face, thus cutting off the yell she'd meant to instill confidence in her self, while the trio of monsters - one of whom now had her by the ankle - closed in on her. A vague but familiar warmth spread up from the point of contact with the tentacle monster, arousal starting to slowly creep into her system, but for the moment it wasn't particularly strong and easily fought down by her panic.

The two lizardmen that had her friends, in the meantime, gripped the two women tightly and lifted them off the ground, holding them by their mouths and their waists. Mandragora had her tentacles out and was trying to hold onto things, and pry the monstrous humanoid's hand away from her mouth so that she could breath, but her arms and her tendrils combined didn't seem to have enough strength to dislodge the creature's arm. Jezebel had no better luck, and as she struggled with the badly injured tentacle monsters, Ione could only watched as the lizardmen dragged the two towards an open window on the wall opposite the one that the tentacle monsters had come from, moving almost within arms reach of her as if to taunt her.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

"AAAAAAHhhhhheeeeeeeek" Ione had barely a moment to register the grain of the wooden floor before she completely faceplanted against it, her heroic yell turning into a squeak as the trip muted her. She managed to brace herself to avoid any real damage, but the tendril wrapped around her ankle caused more than it's own fare share of damage by itself. Even with her added psychic strength one of those things had still managed to nab her! And where it touched her a strange soothing feeling worked it's way into her body, relaxing, if only for the moment the very small part of her around where she was currently constricted. Fear flashed across her features as she glanced down at the hold and then back up at the swiftly exiting lizards making their way for an opposing window. Still constricted captives and all.

She had to stop them before they got to that opposite window! Looking back down and growling with determined eyes, the plant girl grappled with the thing trying to constrict her further, glancing with some wariness at the two other greyish tentacled things approaching as her breathing intensified in the struggle. Her muscles strained against the tendrils as she continued to struggle, just as deep within her own mind she was certain she could feel a very different kind of muscle taut and flex itself when she gathered an intense telepathic grasp and then in an instant sent it flying toward the thing in front of her, intent on scrambling whatever mind currently compelling it to try to keep her down.

Use Mind Worm offensively on the Grabber currently grappling with Ione for 5 EP. Then try to scramble away from the other two and pursuit the hunters again with the same intent as previously.

Mind Worm: X = 5, 4 + 5 EP Expenditure
Resistance DC 5X or be killed, so Resistance DC vs 25
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 55/76, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 6, 29/33 Resistance, Grappled

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 86, Status = Grappled, Submission Hold

Ione uses Mind Worm for X = 5, for a total expenditure this round of 5 + 4 + 4 = 13 EP.
Resistance: Enemy wins.... on the dot.

The grabber tries to secure its hold and place Ione into a Submission Hold.
Grapple: Ione wins.

The other grabbers come up for hugs.
Attacks: 1/2 hits, grappling Ione.
Aphrodisiacs: 1 * 2 = 2 Resistance damage.

The hunters try to drag their victims away.
Grapple (Mandragora) : Enemy wins.
Grapple (Jezebel) : Enemy wins.
Both of them are pulled out the window.

Ione's psionic assault reached out and curled around the creature holding her ankle, but where she expected to find a thinking mind she only found a shell, a set of basic guidelines and no free will. That shell seemed to be protected against such assaults, and her assault washed over it without effect as it tried to real her in. She managed to grab a hold of it, but one of the others managed to reach out and entangle her as well. The reptilian monsters pulled the struggling forms of Mandragora and Jezebel out the window, leaving Ione trapped alone with the three tentacle monsters in the night elf's house. She could still see them, but if she didn't do something quickly they would be gone to who knew where in the grasp of the monsters that had suddenly attacked Jezebel's home village.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione's struggles against the creature grappling her only became more desperate as her attack crashed into the thing's mind and had no effect. Instead of the shredding of thoughts came nothing more than a dull echo bouncing about a shell of a mind. Feeble, primal, and controlled by those instincts with but simple command. During her wrestling with the thing she managed to grab some of it's tendrils, managing to push them away from herself. But just as soon as that one victory came she felt more tendrils wrap themselves around her, another of the grey tentacled things moving in and sending it's appendages out. They looped around one of her arms, tangling it up while more found their way around her waist, some looping up and under her inner thigh, contorting to squeeze at her leg and pelvis as they squirmed to pull them open, causing Ione's growling to weaken with a sudden gasp.

A glance up awarded the alraune with the sight of the lizards hopping out of the other window, her friends still struggling to get free. In an instant they were out of the room, leaving her all alone with the three creatures still trying to get a hold on her. She could still see Mandragora and Jezebel barely but that wouldn't last very long, as they were sure to be out of sight in mere moments. And she was sure to be forced into submission if she didn't do something. She couldn't lose them like this! There had to be something she could do to get out of this bind. But as more tendrils wormed their way around her form the futility in trying to grapple with these things became ever more apparent.

Just when it seemed as if the third creature was about to make it's move Ione decided enough was enough. She wouldn't be able to dispatch these things in this kind of condition, and the others were slipping from her grasp. Letting out a great cry, Ione felt the effects of her power once again take hold. Instead of psionic energies though, a warm feeling spread through her as she felt every inch of her form dissolve and begin to reform as a swarm of creatures. Her thoughts churned of the visage of the grey things, and reminded so much so of moths that is what her swarm became. A group of skittering moths that wasted no time in bee-lining for the window the lizards had just left. Perhaps if she made her way out, and stationed herself on the roof she'd be able to situate herself long enough to hatch enough of a plan to protect herself better and to save them in the process.

Drop Psychic Shield and Use Form of the Swarm to remove oneself from dire predicaments, and then follow the Hunters out the window they just exited with a preference to get onto and stay on the roof if possible.

Form of the Swarm: Swarm of Grey Moths, 5 EP Expenditure
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 60, PP = 38, EP = 50/76, Status = Fine, 11/15 Resistance, Form of the Swarm

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 86, Status = Grappled, Submission Hold

Ione drops her buff and becomes a swarm of moths for 5 EP!

The grabbers stand there like derps, cuz not sure what do, and the hunters continue to drag Jezebel and Mandragora off.
Grapple: Hunters win.
Jezebel does... Something.

The slimy tentacle monster could do nothing to prevent their prey's dissolution, and so Ione transformed, her body splitting apart into a swarm of tiny, fuzzy moths. A few got stuck in the slime, but not enough to cause the alraune any harm, and so she flitted out the window after the lizardmen carrying off Jezebel and Mandragora. Her position in the sky allowed her to get a good view of the town, which was being steadily devastated by the monsters invading it. More monsters, more scenes of desperate battle and violent death and savage rape were everywhere, all senseless and vile. The monsters holding her allies were heading for one of the tentacles stretching towards the ground, and now Ione could see more of the monsters near the base, shoving squirming humanoid bodies into an opening at the base. They were still a ways away, but Ione had better intervene quickly if she didn't want to see her friends vanish into that dark tendril. Jezebel in particular appeared to have a pained expression on her face as she squirmed in the grasp of the creature carrying her off.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

The liberating feeling of the swarm swept over Ione as the last of her form dissolved into moths, the after image of the grey tentacled things fading away as her vision warped into a mesh of every single set of eyes that now flew about freely. Her sense of sound shifted as well, and though it was initially disorientating that feeling quickly passed, allowing her to focus on her rapid effort to follow her stolen away companions. Her swarm swelled upwards in a draft, soaring into the sky and giving her more than enough view to track where those reptilian things sought to take Mandragora and Jezebel. Once more as she had seen from the view out the window, the sights and sounds of carnage echoed all around the plant girl, desperate fights and devious scenes of bloodshed and ravaging portrayed everywhere as people fought for their very lives.

Watching the scenes, for the first time it really hit the plant girl of just how desperate the situation of Hafstead had become. But more importantly a simple fact clicked through Ione's head, causing her heart to drop just a little as it sunk in. 'The others!?' She was sure she couldn't see either Arthur or Clarissa from where she hung in the sky, nor Sivi too. She gave a quick effort to glance about in case they were visible, and even looked for those Soldiers she had saw earlier in the bar. But it was merely glances, for looking back towards the sight of Mandragora and Jezebel being taken away towards one of those long tendrils refocused the alraune on her current task. 'I can worry about them later... now's the time for them...'

There was no way she was going to let those things get any further than they already had gone. The things that threatened to take away not only her lover for a night but the only other alraune who she had met that didn't seem to be all that bad. It invoked a feeling of rage in Ione, her form changing back into an anger etched tempest as her swarm faded away. Normally a very stupid idea to do in mid-air if it weren't for her immediate surge of her flying powers. Ione could feel the corner of her eyes twitch as she stared at the scaled horrors, a fire building in her gut. How cocky the things seemed before in the house, moving so close and yet so far. She was sure the things had even grinned as they went by and had left, and the thought flared up her anger more.

Power seeped into the alraune then furiously, no longer satisfied simply to defend herself. She would make sure this time that they would no longer be a threat. To her or anyone else. Ione's formed darkened as the first flares of her Fel powers took hold, her eyes beginning to blaze savagely as she directed them once more on the creature grappling Mandragora. She twitched and shook in as her muscles prepared themselves until finally, with a sound and burst of acceleration she barreled forth toward the thing at as fast as she could, meeting it's eyes with fiery own and ignoring any surprised looks from either of the others with a look that only meant one thing in any language.

Blargh post

Once Ione rises enough into the sky, Drop Form of the Swarm and substitute for Flight. Activate Fell Might and then Rush straight towards the Hunter grappling Mandragora with fiery plant temper intending to smash it in the face with an Energy Blade when able.

Flight: 3 EP activation, -1 EP upkeep

Fel Might: X = 7
+21 to Dodge, Attack Rolls, Melee Damage, and Grapple. +7 to Resistance
-1 HP for initial use, Upkeep Expenditure is -5 EP and -3 HP every turn

Energy Blade: X = 4 + (+3 from Soul-Soldier and +3 from Master Blaster) = 10, Expenditure is only -4 EP
((2d4 + 1) * 10) + 7.5 damage that ignores armor

Notes: Ione's current notable stats/Information are:

Drain through Pain (Passive): Drain EP through HP damage, 2d6 + modifiers EP damage, regain to character
Soul-Soldier: Attacks with weapon powers gain a +12 bonus to hit

Body: 18
Mind: 14
Spirit: 30

Speed: 13
Dodge: 31+(10 from Unarmed Fighter) + (21 from Fell Might) = 62
Armor: 6
Resistance: 15+(7 from Fell Might) = 22

Perception: 17
Stealth: 13
Grapple: 18+(21 from Psychic Shield) = 39
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 56/60, PP = 38, EP = 35/76, Status = Fine, 18/22 Resistance, Flight, Fell Might X = 7, Energy Blade X = 4 (effective 10)

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 86, Status = Fine
Jezebel: HP = 64/34, PP = 34, EP = 57/79, Status = Pregnant, Transformation X = 10

Ione reforms into herself, then activates Flight for 3 EP. This takes 2 turns, effectively.

Reformation turn: Jezebel suddenly tries to break free! Mandragora follows suit!
Grapple: Jezebel wins!
Grapple: Mandragora still loses. :(

Flight activation turn: The hunter tries to reestablish control!
Grapples: Jezebel breaks free, Mandragora still fails.

The grabbers then come forth as Ione activates Fell Might, and the hunter tries to slash at Jezebel! 1 EP for Flight and 7 EP and 1 HP.
Attack (Hunter) : Miss.
Attack (Jezebel) : Hit.
Damage: 2 + 27 - 8 = 21 damage on the hunter.

Ione then divebombs, activating Energy Blade X = 4 (effective 10 from various Aptitudes) for a total cost of 3 HP and 10 EP this round.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 1 + 1 = 6 * 10 = 60 + 8 + 21 = 79 damage. Dead Hunter.
Drain Through Pain: 5 + 1 = 6 EP restored.
Jezebel punches the hunter again!
Attack (Jezebel) : Hit.
Damage: 1 + 27 - 8 = 20 damage.
The hunter counters: Miss.
The grabbers are now in melee range of yon group.

Also, you put Psychic Shield in your rules spoiler, which I remember you deliberately deactivating earlier.

Reforming from her component insects and mid-air, but catching herself with her other magics, Ione watched from above as the aliens slowly dragged her friends towards the tube connecting ground and floating monstrosity.... Until they suddenly stopped for reasons that the alraune could only guess at initially. It became all too clear that Jezebel was struggling a lot harder than before, as she suddenly surged out of the grip of the hunter that had dragged her from her home in full, spinning to face the foul creature while Mandragora's renewed struggles distracted its companion. The resigned monster slashed at her with its claws, but despite her fairly heavy pregnancy Jezebel ducked under the blow with surprising agility, causing the hunter to look stunned.... And then twice so as she slammed her fist against its face, knocking out several of its jagged teeth with strength that Ione was sure the woman hadn't possessed the night before.

The battle between the two continued, but Ione spotted the alien tentacle monsters coming out of the house, possibly at the sound of the commotion caused by the escaped night elf. But then, while Jezebel was pounding the suddenly terrified alien lizardman into submission, Ione descended upon the scene shrouded in her fel might, a blade of pure energy stretching out from her hand and cutting the hunter that held Mandragora cleanly in half. The other golden alraune, now freed from the beast that had grabbed her, looked absolutely stunned at this turn of events, but she didn't have long to contemplate what was happening. The wounded grabbers were on their way and almost within tentacle range, and though Jezebel was steadily beating it to death the second hunter was still in their midst... Plus, there was no telling what attention their battle might attract, as they were having it on the side of the hill on which Jezebel's house stood.
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Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione reveled inwardly in the last moments of panic on the reptile creature's face, even if it was only for an instant as she deaccelerated, before her swift strike put an end to the creature. Even as it fell apart, cut in half by her bladed strike, it stared back with it's stunned empty gaze before gravity finished it off, toppling it into a hemp and leaving Mandragora overcome. One down... and another to go. Though it appeared that the Night Elf was already well on her way to bashing the other to death with strength that had to have been conjured up. The alraune watched with approval as a few more of the thing's teeth were punched out before turning her eyes over Mandragora's own stunned gaze, and back towards the Night elf's home.

Those tentacled grabby things from before had shuffled their way out, and worse were almost within reach of them once more! Ione's vision narrowed, darkening at their approach. She had no intention of letting these things get her again, and she certainly didn't want to have to deal with them AND anything else that might be alerted by the commotion they were all making on this hill. And there was no doubt something might decide to investigate given the circumstance. Quickly turning her sights on Mandragora, still surely in shock from before, the plant girl reached out with her free hand to the other alraune's shoulder, her form still swirling with the effect of her Fel powers as she gave her a simple abrupt order that came off a lot more dark sounding than she intended. "Help... the Night Elf... now..."

Wasting no further time, Ione released her hold on Mandragora and clinched her hand back, gathering energy into it as she took a step forward and then whipped her free hand out in a solid thrust, a wave of energy releasing that would, at least hopefully, kill the little grey buggers this time. And with them gone she'd have time to help her two companions deal with whatever other things decided to jump into the fray.

After nudging Mandragora towards Jezebel for double teaming, Ione will attempt to finish off the 3 slimes she sees with a 30 foot 120 Cone shot of the Energy Wave spirit power.

Master Blaster EP Input Bonus = 3

Energy Wave: X = 1, (1d6 + 4) * (1+3) damage so... (1d6 + 4) * 4 = DAMAGE
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 53/60, PP = 38, EP = 28/76, Status = Fine, 18/22 Resistance, Flight, Fell Might X = 7, Energy Blade X = 4 (effective 10)

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 86, Status = Fine
Jezebel: HP = 64/34, PP = 34, EP = 51/79, Status = Pregnant, Transformation X = 10

Ione blows up some grabbers! She spends 1 EP, plus 1 EP upkeep on energy blade and 5 EP and 3 HP on Fell Might, for a grand total of 7 EP and 3 HP.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 5 + 1 = 6 * 4 = 24 damage.

Jezebel punches the hunter again!
Attack (Jezebel) : Hit.
Damage: 7 + 27 - 8 = 26 damage. AND DOWN HE GOESSSS

Ione and co gain 4 exp.

Mandragora turned a shade greener at the tone in which Ione issued her orders, the equivalent of going pale for members of their kind with their unusual coloration, but the alraune turned and obeyed anyway. That proved needless, however, as Jezebel hit the hunter with a thunderous uppercut that laid the alien flat out on the ground. "That doesn't seem to be necessary...." Mandragora said, watching the lizardman twitch on the ground with a mouthful of blood and broken teeth, and turned back just as Ione turned the approaching tentacle monsters to dust with a second wave of energy. With the immediate threat over with, Ione was able to take stock of the situation. Jezebel was panting with exertion and clutching at her engorged belly, but the elf seemed alright. Mandragroa was unharmed and untried, but looked uncertain and fairly concerned as she looked over at Ione.

They didn't have a lot of time, however. They were completely exposed up on the hill, and it was unlikely that they'd be ignored for very long if they didn't get moving quickly. The assailed town lay below, the nearest bit dominated by one of the tentacles reaching down towards the ground from the huge floating monstrosity. There was no telling where Sivi, Arthur, and Clarissa had gotten to in the midst of all the chaos, as Ione couldn't see any of them anywhere nearby, but she could see the open-air tavern they'd stayed at from up on the hill. It was swarmed with creatures fighting against the town's inhabitants, but a glimmer of hope could be found in that the people seemed to be organizing against their attackers now. The fight still wasn't going well, however, and Ione could see a number of unconscious people being carried towards the tentacle leading up by the invading monsters. One of the larger creatures was even then trundling toward them, however, having just finished tearing a struggling man in half with its bare hands. They could try to move and intervene in the battle or rescue the civilians, as the creature was coming from another direction, but if they weren't quick to deal with whatever they faced they'd be attacked from behind by the monstrous creature.

Her two companions were looking about in horror, not particularly asking for leadership but needing it all the same. It was up to Ione to get Mandragora and Jezebel moving, though whether that was towards the woods or into the village to help the other townsfolk was up to Ione to decide... And she would have to make a decision quickly.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

With the tentacled things dispatched in a sear of coned light Ione collected herself, stepping back once more and setting her sights on her allies. Besides the look of alarm and uncertainty on the other alraune's face she appeared to be in good health. The same couldn't be said for the night elf however. Jezebel's capable arms relative health were one thing, but her pregnancy was going to become a very big problem. Even with her enhanced strength, it wouldn't be able to hold in those seedlings churning inside forever, and having her suddenly go into labor right in the middle of the fight could leave them all very vulnerable.

Glancing around from where they stood on the hill, the night elf's pregnancy wasn't the only vulnerable thing to consider. They couldn't remain standing around uncertain here forever; more of those creatures could start working their way towards them at any moment. And one very well was from what the alraune could see, a large hulk of some kind thundering towards them, blood of it's victims still coating it's large hands. Ione quickly scanned around the scenes, jumping from direction to direction, from down ways to up ways and even looking toward the jungle, before settling on the sight of the tavern she remembered from before. A tavern now swarming with those same creatures.

But not just creatures... people! People inside were actually managing to hold a defense, but only barely. It was obvious from the bodies being taken away that they would fall soon if nothing was done, and if that occurred there might not be anyone left from the village to put up a fight against these things. If she helped them, they would certainly come to help in fighting off these creatures. Not to mention Jezebel might have some safety should she need to ride out a sudden labor. Looking back at her panicked companions, Ione gave them both a commanded shout to snap them to attention. "Look... the tavern! We need to get to higher ground and help them. Come on!"

Lifting off the ground slightly, Ione began to glide along, going uphill towards the tavern, though not going as fast as she could at first, and giving both Mandragora and Jezebel a narrowed dark blue gaze, flickering with the wicks of her Fel Might to make sure they were actually following. Only when it was certain, would she begin to pick her pace up to get to the tavern and offer assistance there, her Energy Blade at the ready.

Lead them party members uphill towards the Tavern! Also glidey alraune shenanigans that I should really be more descriptive with ;w;
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 50/60, PP = 38, EP = 21/76, Status = Fine, 18/22 Resistance, Flight, Fell Might X = 7, Energy Blade X = 4 (effective 10)

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 86, Status = Fine
Jezebel: HP = 64/34, PP = 34, EP = 48/79, Status = Pregnant, Transformation X = 10

Just an upkeep log really. Jezebel is paying 3 EP and Ione is paying 7 EP and 3 HP.

(The tavern was down the hill. Jezebel's house was on it.)

Jezebel and Mandragora wordlessly followed Ione's lead, but the golden alraune's glance at the night elf showed that the woman was straining to keep pace with the flier, and Mandragora lagged back to look after her. Ione limited her speed to let them keep up, however, and they made progress down the hill towards the battle at the tavern at a decent pace... Until the roaring monstrosity came tearing over the hill, shattering Jezebel's picket fence like kindling and coming directly for them. That spurred the pregnant night elf on quite nicely, and they arrived onto the streets of Hafstead a few seconds later and got a better look at the melee around the tavern.

The place was swamped with aliens, but the defenders were steadily working to clear them out. On the forefront was a woman with blue skin and curving ram's horns holding a greatsword, naked to the waist but conservative enough that that didn't get in her way while fighting, who stood in the doorway of the open air tavern while a half dozen men with spears clad in various quantities of armor supported her and kept the invaders from simply leaping over the fence around the common area. Behind them were another dozen or so people, and while a few of them were huddling terrified in the corner the rest were up and fighting, even if it was merely in the form of throwing whatever was on hand at the monsters surrounding them. One figure stood out, however, a pale man clad in a black robe, apparently human by Ione's estimation, who was waving his hands and muttering an incantation. There was no sign of Arthur, Clarissa, or Sivi, however.

Their defense was holding well, but they had a problem... Namely, the tavern's rear entrance. Ione spotted a pair of the alien lizards creeping in through the entrance, and the majority of those within the tavern itself were too busy fighting off those surrounding the building to notice. Clustered outside were over three dozen of the weird tentacle monsters that had attacked Ione in Jezebel's house, along with four of the lizards clustered around the entrance. They were clawing at the horned woman savagely, but she was avoiding or blocking their strikes without taking any significant harm... For the moment. Finally, the giant that had followed them over was still on its way, and would be upon them within the next few moments. Mandragora was already looking back at it as if preparing to do something, but Jezebel seemed to be at a loss in the face of the tremendous battle.
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione glided over the downward slope of the hill with ever increasing swiftness, feet not even touching the ground as she equaled out her pace with the others even as they picked their own up, spurred by the tremendous roaring creature chasing after them. As much as she would have liked to have more time before the thing caught up with them, it appeared they would have to act quickly once they reached the tavern, as not even the impregnable defense of Jezebel's mightly picket fence could delay the beast. And as it was, the plant girl only had but a few moments to spare in surveying the scene of the hectic battle from the streets of Hafstead.

A blue horned woman was fighting at the front at the doorway against two of the scaled horrors, a leader of the group perhaps? A number of spear men were acting as support for her, defending a fenced common around the entrance from some of the various tentacled things that numbered in the dozens around the building. Just the sight of them alone was enough to cause shivers to travel up the alraune's back, but her Fel Might acted as reprieve, tempering the feeling for now. The tavern inhabitants seemed to be out of the fighting, most of them huddling save for a few taking to throwing various things and for one Magely presence among them. A mage who was clearly not Arthur, much to the alraune's chagrin.

In all the fighting came a problem. Ione narrowed her already slitted gaze, her long ears flattening and raising as she observed a rear entrance to the tavern, seeing more of the scaled horrors slowly making their way in without notice. She couldn't tell if it was just the two she saw or what, but regardless of how many there were if that entrance remained unattended for too long all of the defense of the tavern would be for naught. Oh if only the others had been here! The alraune was sure had they been amongst the tavern patrons that nothing would have been able to get past their defense. Their absence only served to fuel a particularly troubling feeling that had begun to surge in the plant girl's heart.

Urgently, the alraune reached out in her mind to the sole mage within the Tavern, quickly connecting to him and spitting out her warning. 'Mage, In the Tavern! Rear Entrance... Reptiles!' She thought to follow through and pick off the things there, but if the mage did unleash something nasty at the creatures she would rather not be in the crossfire. Memories of Arthur's drowning of the wolves filtered to mind, once again welling a pit of worry again in the plant girl's heart. Looking back to her companions, Ione saw how lost Jezebel remained amongst the Chaos, and how focused Mandragora was as she prepared to do something against the still approaching giant.

The alraune, remembering about Mandragora's abilities, gave only the barest hint of a grin at the other alraune. "Do it Mandra. Try to delay him, and then hurry and follow us!" If they were lucky, her breath might even fry the beast into nothing if she were successful, a hope inspiring thought in the very least. Turning to Jezebel right after, Ione gripped the lost Night Elf's shoulder in support and gave her a good shake. She needed to get the woman ready to act. "You've still got a few punches in you right? Let's go give those lizards one hell of a headache..." She would only wait for the Night Elf's confirmation before giving her a nod and then, picking one of the four Lizards giving the horned woman grief, race toward it with her Energy Sword stretched forward, intent on skewering the thing's head clean off.

Drop Flight if necessary and then Establish a Telepathic link (2 EP) with the Mage inside the Tavern and warn him of incoming rear bound lizards.

Then, assuming Jezebel isn't all 'GAME OVER MAN', go punch some lizard skulls in as assistance to the front entrance defenders, all while Mandragora does her thing to hopefully turn Mr. Big into a giant burnt marshmallow.
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Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Ione: HP = 16/60, PP = 38, EP = 21/76, Status = Badly Injured, 18/22 Resistance, Telepathy, Fell Might X = 7, Energy Blade X = 4 (effective 10), grappled by 2 Adult Grabbers, Aroused

NPC Stats
Mandragora: HP = 50, PP = 42, EP = 71/86, Status = Fine
Jezebel: HP = 64/34, PP = 34, EP = 45/79, Status = Pregnant, Transformation X = 10

Giving you Telepathy as a free action to simplify things for me. Jezebel is paying 3 EP and Ione is paying 6 EP and 3 HP in upkeep.

Ione slashes at a hunter while in the midst of the grabbers.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 2 + 1 = 7 * 10 = 70 + 8 + 21 = 99 damage. One hunter down.
Drain Through Pain: 6 + 2 = 8 EP restored.

Jezebel punches a different hunter.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 1 + 27 - 8 = 20 damage.

The faerie knight uses supreme might for 20 and ten points of defensive fighting for more dodge and attacks a hunter.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 6 + 4 + 45 + 20 - 8 = 67 damage. One hunter down.

The mage that she warned turns around and uses Piercer, X = 9, +1 EP to hit the other hunter.
Attack: Hits.
Damage: 11 + 2 = 13 * 9 = 117 - 8 = 109 damage. Double kill.

The two soldiers in the front supporting the knight attack the hunter the Jezebel hit.
Attacks: Both hit.
Damage: 7 + 8 + 18 - 8 = 25 damage per hit, total of 50 damage. Another hunter down!

The last hunter attacks Ione.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 1 + 7 + 23 = 31 damage. (She never had a chance to get her armor back on.)

Mandragora uses Animate X = 15 to bind the juggernaut, resulting in a DC 90 grapple check to escape.
Attack: Hit. The juggernaut is grappled!

The juggernaut tries to get free!
Grapple: 82 + 20 = 102, god dammit. He breaks free.

The other ten guards each attack a grabber.
Attacks: All hit.
Damage: 1 + 10 + 18 = 29 damage on each grabber.

24 of the grabbers go for guards, and four go for Ione, the fey knight, and Jezebel respectively.
Attacks: 6 of the guards end up grabbed. Ione is grabbed by 2. All miss Jezebel. All miss the faerie knight.
Resistance Damage: 6 + 5 = 11 * 2 = 22 Resistance damage total on Ione.

The rolls were not kind to you in terms of enemy attacks this round. A lot more of them were 15+ than are statistically viable.

Mandragora shot Ione a brief smirk as she prepared her power to deal with the approaching juggernaut, and quickly shouted; "I'm on it!" Jezebel, dazed as she seemed, looked at Ione with wide eyes when the alraune grasped her by the shoulder, and after a second's hesitation she nodded and said; "R... Right!" Without further adieu, the golden alraune and her night elven lover for the night both rushed into the melee around the door together, and while normally the sight of the two nude women running about might have been quite the eye turner, the tavern's occupants were too busy to bother with it. Her attempt at psychic contact with the dark-garbed sorcerer was initially resisted, but after her message was delivered she received a brief reply even as he spun around to deal with the new threat; ['Thanks!'] Flicking a single hand out, the mage sent two shards of shadow at the approaching aliens, and the tiny chunks of blackness hit both monsters right in the throat... And burrowed their way all the way through, ensuring that both of the hunters died messily.

Rushing into the melee, Ione accomplished exactly what she'd set out to do; she cleanly decapitated a hunter with her energy blade, and managed to shave off a chunk of the monster's essence to replenish her own waning energies at the same time. Jezebel was right beside, and despite her advanced pregnancy the woman leaned in and slammed her fist against the reptilian alien with inhuman strength. The thing recoiled back, and the two men that had been directly supporting the woman in the door took the opportunity to jab into its sides with their spears, poking a pair of holes in the monster's side even through its thick scaly hide. The blue woman, seizing the opening offered by their intervention, swept her greatsword twice across one of the two remaining aliens, and then the more dangerous aliens were down to one. That much it obviously recognized, as it turned towards Ione and raked its claws across her abdomen, tearing open her plant-like flesh and sending shivers of agony up her spine and a stream of green blood down her golden skin. Its last strike given, the monster suddenly turned and started moving away as quickly as it could, weaving between the tentacled monstrosities that closed in.

Jezebel and the faerie knight were able to hold the creatures at bay, though the elf was forced to jump the fence into the tavern to do so, an act that obviously pained her slightly. Ione, in her distracted state, was not. First one, then another of the tentacled aliens caught her, and the wounded alraune found herself lifted up as grey tentacles started swimming over her skin, spreading their foul poison. The pain she'd felt was numbed almost instantly as the aphrodisiacs spread, rapidly overwhelming the alraune's mind with lust and threatening to drive her into a blind heat, a state in which she'd do anything she could to simply breed. Indeed, the appendages holding her up were already speeding toward her crotch, pulling her legs apart and, after a brief rub that forced shivers of a different sort up her spine, angled themselves to pierce her multiple times in both holes, another wrapping around her face and threatening to force itself into her mouth.

"Ione!" Jezebel called, but even as she tried to come back over the fence, she was forced to stop as the tentacle monsters attempted to surge over. The people in the lobby tried to ward them back with spears and chairs and bottles and whatever else they could grab, but six of the men trying to fight off the foul creatures were snared in their tentacles and started getting dragged towards the horde.

Mandragora, meanwhile, had completed gathering her energies and lifted her hand as if holding the approaching juggernaut in between them. "I'm tired of looking at you!" she shouted, and then clamped them together. The massive quantity of energy that she'd prepared tore out from her fellow gold-skinned kindred, and the ground around the charging monster erupted and promptly wrapped around it, binding the huge creature in place. A massive toothy maw opened where none had existed before, and from it came a thunderous, earth-shaking scream that was filled with mindless fury.... Until it was choked out by the encroaching pile of earth that buried the creature in place, forming a mound of rock and earth that squeezed around it as if trying to crush it. Seemingly satisfied, Mandragora spun around and patted herself on the backside as if teasing the buried monster, "Hah! Get out of that, ugly!" She turned to see Ione captured, which soured her smirk slightly, but that was nothing compared to the look she adopted when the roar returned with a vengeance as the monstrous alien literally smashed its way out of her earthen bindings with pure brute strength. Turning back towards it and gathering her energies once more, Mandragora muttered; "Well.... Shit!"
Re: A Wild Flower (Ryu Doppler)

Agony. She had only a moment to notice the remaining scaled horror before the intense feeling swept up her spine, but when it did Ione nearly seized up completely in pain. Instinctively, she jumped back, clutching at her stomach as if to protect it from what it couldn't before. But no amount of holding the raking claw cuts would lessen the aches throbbing from it now, or prevent the oozing green streams emerging from staining her golden skin. Green... the sight alone of her stained skin mesmerized the plant girl for the moment she gazed at it, welling up anger in Ione as her she clenched her teeth and jerked her eyes around, looking for the bastard lizard that had done the deed.

He had made his escape much to Ione's chagrin, amid the sea of grey tentacled things that surrounded the inn. Had she been able to fly, perhaps she could have seen him, but alas. More importantly had she been able to fly, the feeling of two of those tentacled things snatching her up might have been avoided too. Wracked as she was by pain, she could barely struggle against the thing's tendrils as they scoured around her form, propping her up. And in a way it was actually a good thing... at least in terms of her pain. The moment the slimey substance coating them began coating her, all her feelings of agony washed away in a sea of relief and peace.

Relief and peace that was soon replaced by a stormy sea of lust. She felt her body relax gradually, reacting to the substance invading her mind, and she sighed out almost disarmingly as the things grappling her propped her into an accessible position. Their tendrils, swarming over her legs to pull them apart, another wrapping around her face and then bumping against her lips almost teasingly as the two others below tested her the same. 'T-this... I can't afford to... enjoy this...' It would be so easy to just relent then, and let the herself be plugged by the foul things. To give in, and just enjoy the betraying feeling of the ooze seeping into her system, and the tantilizing feeling of fullness these gripping tentacles would bring to her.

But Ione wouldn't give in just yet. Even as she struggled half heartedly thanks to the poison, she saw the others still fighting for their lives. A few, seemingly already on their way to losing them, as more of the tentacled things grappled and began to carry them off. And in the distance was Mandragora, doing her best against the giant monstrosity. She expected her to fry the thing with that fire of hers, but instead of flames there was rock and earth. Shaped in a way to entomb the creature. But it didn't work, and the roar that it gave as it's prison shattered echoed loudly enough in Ione's own ears to cause them to ring, and throw off the last little bit of inhibition preventing her from doing something.

"Let go of me..." The alraune growled weakly at first, determination narrowing her eyes down at the tentacled things and causing her growl to grow as power gathered in her free hand. She gritted her teeth, feeling her Fel Might swell once more before focusing on a spot beneath her and willing a radial disc to sear out and tear the things apart, as well as any others that might be nearby, into nothing but burning bits of psconic ashes. And once the last bits of them were toasted away, and she was released from their grip, Ione fell to her knees, panting through clinched teeth as she struggled back to her feet and set her sights on the big beast lumbering towards the other alraune. "Mandragora! Get out of my way!"

Smash the Grabbers holding and surrounding Ione with a radial Energy Wave (With Master Blaster bonus), and then once free, move towards and attack the Juggernaut with her Energy Blade (With Master Blaster Status chance)

Energy Wave: X = 5, (1d6 + 4) * (5+3) damage so... (1d6 + 4) * 8 = DAMAGE, 10 Foot Radius

Energy Blade: X = 4 + (+3 from Soul-Soldier and Stunned Status chance from Master Blaster) = 7
+28 vs Enemy Resistance to inflict Stunned
((2d4 + 1) * 7) + 7.5 damage that ignores armor
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