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A war RPG


Nov 10, 2008
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Well I've wanted to try this for awhile now. I want to try an RPG based on actual war, just looking for some interest right now. I may need some help with rules and such, but I do have something to work off of. I'm thinking mostly free form, but with some rules added in. Just so you know I don't plan on pulling punches for this, though things may change after a little brainstorming. I would really like to at leat try to run it as roleplaying is my main outlet for creativity, I can't really write or draw. So this is about all I have to express myself.

Like I said, just looking for interest right now. If people like the idea I'll put more up.

EDIT: Please show some interest even if it doesn't start up it'll help me out. If you want to know specifics ask. I'll answer as best as I can.
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Re: A war RPG

What kind of war RP? Modern-day war, like War in Iraq? Or kinda futuristic?

Also, interest shown.
Re: A war RPG

To add to doom's questions: would this be fantasy based or non fantasy?

Also, would this be set in an alternate reality (So that basically you aren't limiting the game to only those who actually know about the militaries of various nations)?

In essence, could we have small South American nations with magitek tanks or Scarab Walkers or are we stuck with existing world powers and whatever we can figure out that they have?
Re: A war RPG

Well That's why I left it kind of open ended. Personally I would prefer a more modern day type, though what I'm basing off of right now is a WWII RP I saw. I would prefer a somewhat modern type as it allows me to pour more feeling into it.
Re: A war RPG

I'm capable of playing any of the aforementioned settings, but I would like to try a WW2 setting. Though I'm better at futuristic.
Re: A war RPG

Ah... well, if the game requires any more knowledge than calling a tank a tank or a rifle a rifle, then I'll have to step away from this personally. I don't really know anything about military equipment and I don't feel like adding a bunch of more work on top of my course load researching the stuff, so... Essentially, if it requires no knowledge of any real life events or hardware, then I can do something, but I have the wonderful attribute of being almost completely out of touch with stuff like that.

It probably boils down to what type of game you're planning and whether or not you are either providing a system to build a person's army with whatever naming conventions they see fit (Such as a tank type called a M-1 Fluffy Bunny) or providing all the names and details about real life stuff necessary to play.

Also, I'll preemptively say the fluffy bunny is just a name that amused me as opposed to a serious name.
Re: A war RPG

Way off from what I'm picturing. I'm thinking more of you start with basic training and get sent off to a foreign land. No more knowledge required than the average person. Sort of you learn as you go just like the typical soldier.
Re: A war RPG

So, by war rpg do you mean based in a war or controlling armies?
Re: A war RPG

I think he means it'll be something like my Tiberium Wars Chronicles, where you play the soldier.
Re: A war RPG

Seems interesting. Whether WWII or Modern I'm up for this.

If Modern though perhaps the setup should be something similar to Rainbow Six (If you've only played Vegas, I don't know if you'll get this. This idea is from the book), where there is an international force of some sort, taking operatives from various countries around the world (most people on this forum are even NATO based countries) where they have international jurisdiction to act out in hotspots that could trigger something of an incident were any one specific country to go in.
Re: A war RPG

One last question: are you going to gm this or have this work the same way Last Resort seemed to work?
Re: A war RPG

No one can mimic the way LR worked *cue fail song*
Re: A war RPG

All I'm going to say is that Last Resort resembled what would happen if you had a group of D&D players where there was no GM, and the person reading the campaign book they were playing forgot to tell everyone else what was happening half the time.
Re: A war RPG

I honestly don't Know Last Resort, so I couldn't say there. Sinful seems to be following the right idea though with Rainbow Six. More to follow after I grab some food.
Re: A war RPG

In last resort, the gm had a character that seemed to be more powerful than the other characters and would play the game instead of gming leaving it up to the players whether or not their actions succeeded and whether or not they ever encountered any enemies.
Re: A war RPG

If that's the case, then Ronny could be like John Clark or "six" in the RP.
Re: A war RPG

Last Resort actually sounds a little like Silth's VK, at least the uber powered GM player part. There'll be NPC's controlled by me of course, but I don't envision them any stronger than the actual PC's.

Like BoD said I'm planning for the PC's to be individual soldiers, not being like generals in charge of an army. I'm also picturing a rather gritty campaign, as I would like to try and get as close to my experience as possible. Without getting ridiculous that is, I mean somethings just aren't doable without being ridiculously tough or too easy.

It would probably end up similar to Rainbow Six in the fact that I would allow any nationality. Which is easily doable just by making it a UN, NATO, ETC. force. I'll work on writing it out tonight and probably put up more detailed stuff tommorrow. That way it's all clear in my mind before typing it out.
Re: A war RPG

If ya want any help Ronny, I'll offer what assistance I can. Gritty would be good to.
Re: A war RPG

This sounds like a great idea, interest shown. Now for my two cents (Canadian):

A Rainbow Six style of game is a good idea and a sound starting point, but if that's the case, characters will have more knowledge and experience that some fresh trainee. Now, that doesn't mean it would be any harder for people who don't know military stuff, it just means the people who do know will have to supply proper names, protocol, and etiquette when it's important. Lets use the tank example. For the most part, I don't see it making much of a difference, but it could be 'tank', 'american tank', or 'M1 Abrams (tank)'. Heck, use all three!


Ronny and Sin are street fighting, clearing a building. They look out a window and spot two hostiles in the next building over, loading an RPG and aiming it at an aliied tank in the street below.
((Both of you recognize it as an Allied tank, of American make. Ronny recognizes it as an M1 Abrams, and knows how to drive it if necessary.))


Now, that's a fair amount of work for the person running it, but it makes it more accessable to people who don't know as much. Also, anyone who knows some can help out, make it a team effort. Thoughts?
Re: A war RPG

A good point and idea Shrike. It's also why I volunteered to help Ronny out. Whilst I may not know as much as him, I might know things he doesn't.