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A War of Blood Soaked Golden Wings (Kala;Blu)

Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala)

"I've met some other slimes who have showed me the amazing things that slime-kind is capable of. One of them, a lava slime named Lava, suggested that if I got the chance to meet other slimes associated with particular elements, I could learn more about slime powers." Kala informed Metal, without feeling the need to hide anything from her. As they journeyed back at leisure to the meeting place where Biggs and Wedge were located, the diamond slime would try to open up more to Metal in an attempt to bridge the gap of trust.

"If you want to learn more about me, just ask. I'm an open book," she said. "And actually, if you need a little energy. Here."

Kala transferred a bit of her own magical energy into Metal, strengthening her new acquaintance.

"I promise not to use you. And if I want anything of you, I'll ask and I'll offer something in return for it. Sound fair?"
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala)

Metal hummed at Kala suspiciously, though at the offer of energy, she blinked, though didn't think anything of it. Once Kala let her energy flow, Metal quickly began to look sick. "Oooh... I-I don't feel so good all of a sudden..." she grumbled, before slowly becoming a puddle on the floor. It seemed as if Kala's energy made her sick. Though at least Kala got to inspect just how fluid Metal was. As it turns out, not that much. It would even take a while for her to become a puddle on the floor, so while Kala had some vulnerabilities in combat, it would appear that Metal would have to pick her form and keep it. Changing her form would take a very long time. However, there was no doubting her substance. After her fight with Baphomet, with this slime forged from the finest fires under the earth, there would be little doubt that Baphomet would have had no luck in penetrating Kala's form and stealing her heart. As well, any offensive form Metal took would likely not be easily thwarted or destroyed. The only major issue is her mobility, of which she has almost none.

Combining together with Metal would no doubt give Kala access to very stable and powerful forms. Though this power wasn't very flexible, as Kala herself encountered it's greatest weakness, managing to catch Metal before she could even do anything.

Metal would need a minute to recover after Kala mixed her own energy with the other slime's. Maybe she truly did get some valuable energy, but the process seemed far from pleasant.
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

While Kala began to understand Metal's capabilities to an extent, the fact that her own flow of energy seemed to be poisoning the other slime alarmed her in the extreme. She cut off her energy feed at the first sign of Metal losing her internal stability, and attempted to hold her together in a ball within herself by manipulating her own internal gel.

"Oh dear! I'm so sorry. I was trying to give you energy. I didn't know that it would make you feel bad. There... you seem to be recovering. Are you okay? Are you unable to use my energy? It didn't cause any problems with the last slime that I met. Hrmm."

She paused and waited for Metal to reform herself.

"What do you normally eat?" She asked, trying to better understand how she could help Metal.
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

"I-it's just... When you pour it into my core... I get this really nauseous feeling..." Metal explained. "I normally would just eat the magical weapons the dwarves left laying about, but they've started to realize I've been about... So I tried getting at those delicious looking things called men to eat them instead, but the dwarves guard them jealously." She stated.
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

"Uh... you shouldn't eat men. It's pretty wasteful, not to mention a bit morally reprehensible. Um... so, wait. The dwarves are keeping men locked up somewhere? Could you show me?"

Kala was concerned about this new revelation. She wouldn't stand for mamono keeping men locked up against their will. She resolved to make sure that the men being guarded by the dwarves were here of their own volition.
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

"Locked up? Oh yeah," Metal nodded, before going to a nearby building that looked like a common house. "See, the door's locked," she noted, and directed Kala to peek inside a window, where a handsome man was laying naked on a bed reading a book. Little less a captive, more a significant other to the dwarf. "Wanna get him?" Metal said with a voracious grin.
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

"Hang on a sec, Metal." Kala said to her eager new acquaintance. She then elevated herself a bit by extending her lower goo, and pushed herself forward through the window a bit, but not all the way.

"Hey," she said calmly, trying to get the male's attention. "Sorry to bother you. I was just wondering, are you happily married to a dwarf girl?"

She waved away any sudden alarm that the man might have and tried to put on a smile. "I'm sorry if it's so forward a question. I was just curious as to how human and dwarf relations are going. So... are you happy here?"
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

When Kala announced herself, the man looked over, saw her, and screamed in shock. "HONEY! Get in here, it's another god damn slime!" he shouted, before a dwarf came running in through the door, holding a hammer in both hands.

"What is up with the slimes lately!? Two in one day!? Get out! Shoo!" the dwarf shouted, looking ready to attack Kala.

Having asked her question, she'd get an angry response. "What the hell does it matter to you what anyone else's relationship is!?" the dwarf inquired. "He's my husband, I paid good money for him, so GET OUT MY WINDOW!" the dwarf demanded.
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

Kala really did wish the man wouldn't have been so high strung and reactive. She HAD deliberately been polite and reasonable in her approach, at least to her mind.

"Oi! Don't be slime-ist!" Kala said to the man, irritably, and poking a gooey tendril at him. Though she was happy enough she supposed that the man referred to his wife by an affectionate pet name. When the dwarf wife entered, looking all mad, Kala got even more huffy.

"Relax. I'm not after your man. I was asking a bloody survey question!" Kala slipped out of the window and down next to Metal.

"Come on, let's get out of here. Apparently he's happily married. And that means that he's off limits to you." She held up a tendril and wagged it for emphasis. "Respect the bond between a man and his mated mamono. It's a sacred thing. Now come on, let's go back to my friends. We won't be bothered by these dwarves so much I hope."

On the way back towards Wedge and Biggs, Kala asked Metal a question that had been weighing on her mind.

"Metal, have you ever left these tunnels? You know, been outside and seen the world? You might stand a better chance of meeting a mate of your own out there."
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

Metal looked a bit disappointed that they wouldn't be pouncing on any man within the city, and when Kala slipped out from the window, the dwarf came up and shut it with a loud bang as the metal hit the stone.

Then, on their way back, Metal looked a bit surprised at Kala's questions. "Why? Is someplace else different from this?" she inquired. "I guess I haven't been exploring my options much... But admittedly, I WAS born from that huge forge just a while ago... I don't... I have no idea how long ago it was. Time kind of doesn't matter down here." she stated.
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

"Mmhmm," Kala said in response to Metal's question about the outside world. Inwardly, the diamond slime felt an emotionally warm and nostalgic feeling, triggered by her instinctive use of Lava's signature catchphrase.

"The world is a vast and wondrous place, Metal. There's ever so much to see. Even if you are comfortable in a place like this, it's important to go out into the world and see for yourself. You might end up enjoying it. If you want, when I leave to go back to my friends at Undine's water temple, I'll let you come with me. We have a flying vehicle, so even though it's quite far overland, we can cover the miles in minutes."
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

Metal looked at Kala as if she were a mixture of crazy and amazing. "I have no idea what you're talking about... But I am curious. I'd also like to have a proper meal sometime soon. The magical metal of this place is a little sweet, but it's mostly bland depending on how they enchant it." she commented on the dwarven equipment within the mines.

As they walked through the mines, the caverns began to tremble suddenly, though the voices of drunken dwarven shouting quickly revealed that it was merely the dwarves causing the ruckus, but it brought about it's own consequences. A loose rock broke free from the ceiling. The moment Metal saw it get loose, she aimed a single thin needle of her body straight up, which required much less preparation, along with covering herself over Kala. The rock fell, and hit her needle, suddenly breaking into five smaller chunks which bounced off of Metal's frame. Metal would reform, and look as if nothing happened.
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

"If you're curious, and willing, then I'll show you. And yeah, I'll try to get you a proper meal, but the most proper tactic when trying to approach a living male target, if that's the meal you're wanting, is to not simply jump on him. You should try to simply talk to him, maybe entice him a bit, and if all else fails, just ask him if he'd mind you feeding from him. You're cute enough that it just might work most of the time."

Kala was feeling good about having met Metal, and about the possibility of opening up this sheltered slime to the world above. Just as she was pondering how she might best broach the subject of getting Metal a meal specifically, there was a loud commotion, followed by a sudden break in the structure above them. A rock fell straight down, and would have potentially crushed Kala were it not for the quick and instinctual reaction of her companion.

Kala looked at the shattered stone, and then at Metal with a raised brow. "You really do have a solid frame. It's very impressive. I wonder if you appreciate just how impervious you are."
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

"But males always run away or try to attack me when they see me." Metal revealed. "So I had to resort to eating magical metal." She said, though seemed confused at Kala's compliment. "I guess I am pretty sturdy? I never thought about it. I try to maintain a single form so nothing hurts me. I haven't come across anything that can cause me harm, even when this one man wearing a bandana and three of his friends showed up and they all hit me repeatedly, I managed to get away."

Proceeding further through the mines, Kala would eventually see the light, as well as Biggs and Wedge apparently making out while incredibly drunk, meaning Isabell had been somewhat correct about them.
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

"Mm," Kala hummed. "Maybe you're just not giving off the right first impression. Although, you're right, some men can be really dumb and simply attack slimes, thinking us uncultured monsters. But we're not! We're capable of being nice and protective and nurturing. So the trick is to convince a man that you are one or more of those things. Then they're not so hard to deal with, although..."

Kala held up her talk about men when she rounded the final corridor and saw Biggs making out with his drunk sister. "It helps if they're not already involved with someone else."

She cleared her throat as she approached the pair with her new slime companion in tow.

"Ahem. So, Biggs, taking care of your sister while she's recovering from her drink, eh?"

She watched his reaction with a dubious expression before presenting Metal to them both. "This is Metal, she was created from the magic of the dwarven forge, and is a slime imbued with the elemental toughness of metal. Hence her clever name."
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

"Men seem kind of annoying though. Very needy." Metal stated. "It's hard when all I really want most of the time is what's between their legs." Metal said with a shrug, eventually able to move around on her own as Kala's energies settled down inside of her.

When Kala approached Biggs and Wedge, Biggs at first seemed to try and explain the situation and break away from Wedge, but Wedge seemed to be a bit wild. "Dwarben ale ish sooo gud!" she declared, though looked at her brother. "You dun wanna kiss when Kala shows up! I git it! I'm all the woman you need, Biggs~" Wedge declared, kissing her brother more while Biggs seemed to want to convey some message to Kala.

Though they both looked at the newcomer when Kala introduced her. "... What a dumb name." Wedge commented, before reaching for more ale, while Biggs made weak, drunken attempts for her to stop.

"I want to break the blond's arm." Metal said to Kala in regards to Wedge.
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

"Don't break her arm, she's hopelessly drunk on dwarven ale. Humans can't metabolize it well at all." Kala explained swiftly to Metal. "She's much more polite when not drunk."

Turning back to Biggs, Kala wore a frown and a stern expression.

"Honestly, Biggs, I expected better of you! You shouldn't have been drinking anything, not while your sister was recovering. I pretty much vouched for the pair of you earlier on to Isabell, and now you're both making a fool of me, as well as doing a piss poor job of showing off the qualities of humans to my friend here. Now where is Isabell? Have you seen her or the Queen at all?"

She shook her head, quite convinced that she would not be getting Metal a good meal this way. Any sort of good energy would have to come from more dwarf metal or from ranging far and wide for a man to feed her. It also seemed that Metal was a more direct sort, when it came to a man's offerings.
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

Biggs looked helplessly at Kala. "I got drunk... When she kissed me..." Biggs declared, trying to explain how it wasn't his fault. Though at her question, Biggs would point a finger at the upper areas of the Dwarven Fortress. When Kala would look up, it was up a series of stairs, and inside of a structure of stone with a pair of red banners hanging on either side of a large door. The red banners had a symbol of a hammer and pickaxe, seemingly the symbol the dwarves chose for themselves. From within, it was clear who was inside, as a sudden flash of white came from within the windows, with a maniacal laugh of a mad scientist to follow. That in turn was followed by a loud roar of cheer and clapping of small dwarven hands. "Just SMELLIN' it is makin' me tipsy! Yer my new best friend, even if yer a bit odd, Isabell!" Giotto roared.

"This will test your limits as a living being! You wanted my best, here it is, dwarf!" Isabell announced with an equally loud roar, the two women seemingly at equal standing in just how crazy they were about their passions.

"I could ask for nothin' more! CHEERS!" Giotto said.

"HAHAHAHA! CHEERS!" Isabell laughed. It would seem ominous to a normal person, but not even the dwarves seemed to really care. Giotto was bringing it on herself after all.

By that time, Kala would have reached the front doors if she headed for them, and was free to push open the large double doors that led into where the two women were shouting.
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

Kala waved away Biggs' excuse. He shouldn't have been letting his sister kiss him while she was so drunk. Instead she focused on the large metal doors of the inner fortress, and the wild cries from the queen and Isabell made her start to walk in that direction, bringing Metal with her.

"Try not to let her get into anymore trouble or cause an incident," Kala called over her shoulder as she went to the double doors and pushed them open.

What she found beyond was anyone's guess, though she supposed she would be greeted with a view of Giotto downing a heady devil's brew of the mad scientist's creation. No doubt, the iron stomach of the dwarf would be able to hand what would likely have killed a mere human.

"By the sound of things, I trust all is going well?" Kala asked. "You may be interested to know that you now have a truce between the lizardfolk and your kingdom."
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

Naming it a devil's brew was a good start. Kala managed to see it before Giotto threw it back. It was a large pint filled with what seemed to be bubbling, fizzing water. It appeared well enough along the path of dangerous liquids to be an acid. It seemed so dangerous that the brew looked ready to dissolve the glass it was contained in. This did not stop Giotto however, who quickly threw it back, gulping not one, not two, three, four, but five full mouthfuls of it, drinking the entire thing. Giotto seemed far from alright, as she ended up dropping the brew, and holding her mouth with one hand for a moment, before releasing a loud burp that made Kala's form shake down to her core. Not just air came out as well, Giotto seemed to even vomit up a little blood. This was apparently a good thing, as Giotto began laughing afterwards.

"You're stronger than you seem, Dwarf Queen! I designed that to leave you on the brink of death!" Isabell declared.

Giotto had to take a moment, falling to her knees and breathing heavily. Despite managing to not be sent to such a brink, the brew seemed to hit her right in the center and cause severe damage. A minute passed, and Giotto stood up. "I shall never drink that again." she declared. Isabell looked at Giotto with surprise, before the dwarf grinned up at her. "Poison this good, you only drink once! I'll be happy just having it as a memory!" Giotto resigned herself.

Isabell looked pleased at that. "I'm shocked you only feel threatened at the idea of a second full glass. I clearly underestimated your tiny frame."

Giotto grabbed Isabell's arm, yanking her down. "Never... NEVER, call a dwarf, short." she scolded the magi with a grim expression, before letting that be that.

Finally, she focused on Kala. "A truce with those scalies, you say? I wouldn't have minded testing their inferior craftsmanship, but if they'd rather keep outta my hair, all's well!" Giotto shrugged. Apparently she wasn't thrilled about being friends with the lizard folk. Same likely went for the lizards. Both sides seemed to have a standing history with one another, none of said history likely involved them doing anything but being at odds with one another.