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A War of Blood Soaked Golden Wings (Kala;Blu)

Re: Diamond Heart Vs. The Fortmaster (Kala)

The feeling of the crack forming on her heart was shattering, as if a thunderbolt had just struck her dead on. Only by sheer animosity and will did Kala hold on enough to keep the offending limb that had hammered her core.

The strike Cleska had done would have lethally dispersed lesser slimes. Though Kala's heart was more obvious to an outsider's view, slime cores existed in all slimes to one degree or another, and Kala's had the advantage of being one of the hardest to actually break. A regular slime's core, being as completely malleable as the rest of her, is quite easy to splatter apart, and if that happens, if the core is broken apart, then a slime has met her end just as much as a human who loses their head.

Kala felt her mortality flash before her as the diamond core reverberated inside of her. Her solid humanoid form melted visibly, becoming drippy all over, and where her feet, knees, and hands touched the floor, they melted away into a general mass of goo. The pain made it impossible to concentrate enough to maintain her adopted shape everywhere.


At least she had not been the only one to come off worse for wear in the exchange. Her enemy had screamed loudly, suggesting that she too felt pain, or at least emotion at having her physical abilities limited by the grievous wound.

Kala looked up with hardened, white glowing eyes at the madwoman.

"Good to know I'm making an impression. I was concerned you'd be dead before you began to take me seriously."

Kala drew ominously closer to Cleska, her more liquid body oozing at a slower rate than it had been previously in the fight. Her hands came up defensively, intent now on not letting the android have another strike at her heart.

When she was close enough, she would start to whip more tentacles at Cleska, trying to force her to back off and go on the defensive.
Re: Diamond Heart Vs. The Fortmaster (Kala)

"Ha, ha, ha..." Cleska chuckled at Kala following her thankfulness that she was acknowledged by the machine. Cleska extended her hand forth, before tightening her fingers into a fierce fist. "It's not over... Not yet!" she boasted. "I'm sure you've already considered it, Kala... Wondering if this is truly it... If I don't have some plan for surviving this, should you actually manage to beat me... Since you've a blabbermouth now to tell you all my precious secrets, I suppose those no sense hiding it! So long as the Magi science factory remains in operation, you can kill me a thousand times! My soul can inhibit any host, even a machine!" Cleska announced this information boldly, as if to erase any thoughts Kala had of winning. However, behind Cleska, Isabell was using some of the machinery that was still in barely working condition. It processed, and released what appeared to be a small doll. Holding it up wordlessly, Isabell showed Kala the doll. It looked exactly like Cleska herself, though it had an arm.

Cleska looked so cocky that she simply held up her arm in a wide gesture, leaving herself completely open. "Go ahead! Kill me! I need a new body anyway!" Cleska beckoned Kala to strike. The moment her shell is destroyed, the black soul within will definitely come out, and seek it's new host, like a parasite.

Isabell drew her arm back, and threw the Cleska doll in Kala's direction, while Cleska arrogantly waited for Kala's futile attempt to kill her.
Re: Diamond Heart Vs. The Fortmaster (Kala)

Kala just seemed rather non-plussed with the insane woman's babbling. Of course, it made sense that she was just some kind of evil spirit inhabiting machinery, but her concept of her supposed immortality seemed a bit far fetched.

Nothing was immortal. That was what Kala believed. Sure, maybe some things were immune to time, or immune to most kinds of damage, but nothing was without some sort of weakness.

The diamond slime glimpsed beyond the egomaniac and saw the scientist hold up a newly minted doll that appeared to be a minituarized form of Cleska, only with her arm still intact. Isabell gave her a meaningful look and then threw the doll to Kala.

She whipped a tendril up and latched onto the doll like a frog's tongue catching a fly, retracting it into her liquid body as she started forward.

"Fine then," Kala said surging forward. "I'll kill you now, and kill you later too!"

Her body washed into the waiting Cleska like a tidal wave, dissolving through her limbs and engulfing the torso and head of the still barely functioning android shell. Still protective of her heart, Kala hardened her core as best she could and kept it away from the dying machine.

Kala knew a small amount about soul transferal. The Magi practiced it commonly with golems and dreadnaughts. If she could contain Cleska's soul within the magical field of her own body, then the only outlet for Cleska to seek would be the mechanical doll inside of Kala. In that form, Cleska would be much more tame.

She only prayed that this had been Isabell's intention, and that it would work.
Re: Diamond Heart Vs. The Fortmaster (Kala)

When Kala came rushing forth towards Cleska, the woman gave out a final laugh. "Dissolving me... Won't work..." She uttered, before Kala reduced her body to metallic bits, and hopefully she would spit out the scraps and black oil that came from her. It would taste awful for one.

Then, Cleska's soul came out. It was like a black hole the size of a bowling ball when it collected and formed into a single ball of energy. It seemed to suck all light into it, and once this ball of malice was inside Kala, the slime could immediately feel it trying to attack her and destroy her from within. An awful and indescribable pain would come over Kala from her very core as Cleska sought to kill her heart, forcing Kala to make use of the doll she retrieved from Isabell. Forcing the two together, it took all her willpower against Cleska's resisting violence to shove the black ball of evil into the tiny doll.

A moment passed... And the little doll began to move. It squirmed, it's voice unheard within Kala's slime as it kicked and screamed with hate and frustration. Only Kala would hear the words within. "YOUUU! RAKEN-FRACKEN-SLIME-SLAPPIN, DIRTY-ROTTEN CHEATIN DIRT-SLURPIN' VARMINT!" Cleska cursed with a somewhat diluted accent, far from the proper speech she always maintained.
Re: Diamond Heart Vs. The Fortmaster (Kala)

Kala needed no further encouragement than the acrid, bitter, and disgusting taste of the android's byproducts to expel them immediately from her slime mass. All she was interested in was maintaining a solid containment on the powerful, inky ball of void-stuff that was Cleska's rotten soul. In truth, the diamond slime would have rather kept the oil and metal scraps within her than this thing, for it burned her nearly to her core just to keep a hold on it. Doubtless, Cleska was deliberately fighting her with whatever innate magics she possessed in this form, and it took an immense effort of will to shove the dark soul orb into the diminutive doll's frame.

At last, with great toil, the deed was done, and Cleska had been forced into her new body. Kala prepared to spit the vile being from her body, and hold it aloft by a lone tendril of slime. Just before she did so. the dripping muppet let out a torrent of vitriolic verse, in what the slimegirl thought to be a very uncharacteristic, borderline comical accent.

With the wriggling new Cleska drawn out from her, the noise only got louder, as she could now share her frustrations with the others present.

"This should keep you from causing too much trouble," Kala said grimly. She had no need to gloat over the doll's misfortune. So long as Cleska was alive, she was still a threat to mamono everywhere. This wouldn't be over until Kala discovered a way to destroy the evil permanently.

"Thank you for your help, Isabell," Kala said slowly, not taking her eyes off of the doll. "But what should we do now? How long will she be trapped in this form? And what can we do about finding a more permanent solution?"
Re: Diamond Heart Vs. The Fortmaster (Kala)

Isabell adjusted her glasses, while Lava gave her cheers from the sidelines, congratulating her, claiming 'Kala is the strongest, mm-hmm!' while wiggling her slime in celebration. "In all honesty, the doll was quick thinking. I have no idea how to follow up with this. The simplest solution, and you may not like it, is to destroy all possible hosts for Cleska's body. The first is the machine factory that you know of, and then the dreadnaughts and pre-made Cleska bodies that were already created... After that, then Cleska will be unable to possess anything noteworthy, other than perhaps a golem in some magician's little dwelling, and even then she won't amount to as much as she did in that frame you fought her in..." Isabell sighed. "I know that's hardly a solution at all, but I cannot currently think of any better ideas. If you'd prefer to destroy it... You would require power immensely greater than Cleska's own, otherwise her soul would escape once you've exposed it from it's body. I would have considered bribing a creature such as Baphomet to take care of Cleska, but it would appear you and her are not on neutral terms."

Lava raised herself up to Isabell. "Don't you mean, friendly terms?" she inquired.

"Baphomet isn't a creature that's friendly with anyone," Isabell replied simply, before looking back to Kala. "For now... Our best course of action is to ensure that doll isn't destroyed, as it now acts as Cleska's prison." With that, Isabell turned her back to Kala, and began examining the machines. "I'm next in line for leadership over the Magi after you and Lian were removed. So, I plan on repairing this station to fuel the Magi industries. Don't worry about the plant either, I'll shut down it's production."

Lava looked to Kala. "What about Ignis? Isabell draining even more of her power is really gonna hurt her, I think."

"The Magi will be defenseless against the inevitable Angel attack unless we have power." Isabell argued. "I won't be convinced of any course of action that leaves us without our weapons."
Re: Diamond Heart Vs. The Fortmaster (Kala)

Kala listened with patience to Isabell's words, laying her slimy grip across the mouth of the ill-tempered doll to silence it if it interfered with her own conversation. When Isabell was done with her suggestions, Kala chimed in.

"Destroying all of the Magi defenses in the form of golems and dreadnaughts will not be necessary, not at least if you are to be in charge of the Magi, and intend to keep good on your word, Isabell. What I propose instead is that we find a suitable prison that this doll's body would find impossible to break out of. There are many beings with the power to destroy Cleska's soul, but it will take time and effort to attract their attention, and we cannot be busy watching her and preparing for an assault of angels or demonic mamono, to either the Magi or aquatic forces."

Kala mused, tapping a formed finger upon her lips.

"As for the power draining, Isabell. I grant you, the Magi need a power source, but do you know of no methods that would be more symbiotic in nature, rather than diminishing of Ignis' power over her domain? Ignis must be allowed to recover her power as well. We will need her strength one day, I'm certain of it. I say that not merely as a mamono, but as the strategist that once led you.

"You are one of the Magi's most brilliant minds. Can you not think of a way?"
Re: Diamond Heart Vs. The Fortmaster (Kala)

Isabell shook her head at Kala's mentioning of a prison for Cleska. "I don't know what would be suitable. I personally have no means of keeping her prisoner. I'd suggest you look elsewhere." the head scientist advised her. "If someone else were to lend us power, we could obviously employ them. Anyone with a good amount of power available to them would do. However, it cannot be an elemental like Undine. Ignis only worked for us because of her proximity... Though..." Isabell hummed, before facing Kala. "Perhaps the dwarves? They would perhaps have something, though they are a greedy lot. Do not naively make deals with the dwarves."
Re: Diamond Heart Vs. The Fortmaster (Kala)

"The dwarves, you say..."

Kala mused to herself, stroking her chin with a double pronged tendril of dripping slime.

"If they can construct something that provides the Magi with power, then I must seek them out. Ignis must have the ability to regain her power. Isabell, will you come with me to the dwarf holds? You know more than I about what sort of power source will be suitable for your purposes, and I can leave Lava with Ignis, to assure her that the troubles with the Magi power draining is over."

Kala looked questioningly at both Isabell and Lava, to see if both of them were satisfied with this suggested course of action.

"After that, I'm not sure what I'll do next. Probably I will return to Undine's temple, to inform Erik and Lian of the developments. No matter what occurs, thank you Isabell for doing what you did. Your initiative helped me defeat Cleska. I am thankful."
Re: Diamond Heart Vs. The Fortmaster (Kala)

Lava was the first to nod at the course of action. "I can do that, Mmm-hmm. I borrowed a lot of energy from you, and I'm sure Ignis could use some, mm-hmm." she nodded once more.

Isabell merely adjusted her glasses to give Kala a more stern look. "I am merely acting in the interest of my research. I would also ask that Lian Erik, and Alexis be returned to the Magi so that their excellent skills can be put to use. All they amount to in your temple is normal people. They belong with Magi Technology, especially with the feedback we will no doubt face with the recent changes." Isabell stated firmly, before shrugging and folding one arm under her breasts, and raising the other to cup her chin with her hand. "Asides from that, I have no reason to refuse going to the Dwarven underground. We should use my transportation device however. You broke it, so you have to help repair it. Then we can get there far faster than you could with such a sticky body."
Re: Diamond Heart Vs. The Fortmaster (Kala)

"Sticky?" Kala looked down at her body with a frown. "It's as sticky or as non-sticky as I want it to be..."

Isabell was however not really paying attention to this fact, and Kala readily decided that the make-up of her body did not matter, since the Magi transport device would be faster either way. Slimes were simply not known for their speed and they could not fly, to her knowledge.

"As for the three guests, Erik doesn't want to go back, and Lian is making himself comfortable among us as well. Alexis, well, personally I'd say you could have her back, but she wants to be with her brother and he has a soft spot for her, despite her obvious desire to run his life for him." The diamond slime sighed. "In any case, they aren't ineffective among us, and if you want to provide us with some Magi golems for them to use, I'll happily accept. However, Erik is my, ahem, my mate and future husband, and just as you require power generators, I require him. So please, try to keep your requests reasonable."

Kala motioned to Lava to merge with her again so that they could be protected from the molten rock below on their ascent to the surface.

"Now, hop back into me and we'll go repair your device."
Re: Diamond Heart Vs. The Fortmaster (Kala)

Isabell looked eager to avoid the topic once Kala rose a defense, even more so as Kala merged with Lava and urged Isabell to join inside of her. "Just... Hop right into you..." Isabell let out a huff. "Always lacked tact... Ugh..." Isabell shivered. She apparently didn't much take to being slimed, but had to regardless. Lava would giggle at Isabell's squirming about being encased in slime again, which would draw some ire from the scientist. "By all means, I'm here for your amusement." she grumbled, before they would make their way back out, hopefully with the Cleska doll.

"This is Hell." Cleska grumbled as well.

They'd make their way through the volcano tunnels, and end up back where they came from, even a little further along in order to be closer to Isabell's ship. Lava would place Kala and Isabell on safe terrain, before waving goodbye to the two. "Come back soon, Kala! Mm-hmm! The next time I wiggle, I will think of you!" she swore, before submerging herself into the lava.

"Wiggle?" Isabell blinked. And if Kala had nothing to add, they would proceed to the ship. Repairing it would be a simple process. All Kala would have to do is use her slime to seal the cracks she made in the circular halo so that it has an even power distribution. The ratio of that distribution was a fine science, but somehow everything that Isabell described made sense, despite how much sense her scientific talk should not make. It likely connected to her background as a Magi, which even Isabell noticed. "So, you still have that brilliant mind in all that goo, do you? Good, I thought that this was going to be difficult at first." she said with relief.
Re: Diamond Heart Vs. The Fortmaster (Kala)

"Oh don't be that way, Isabell. Besides, you lecturing me on social skills? Just remember who was the admiral and who is the scientist locking herself away in her labs." The diamond slime winked at the Magi and then encouraged her again to enter into her slime mass.

Lava's giggling at the rather pleasurable squirming that Isabell provided on the ride up was a bit infectious.

"To a slime, the act of squirming and wriggling inside of us is, ah, somewhat affectionate Isabell. If your intention is to not encourage us to amuse ourselves, you should just try to stay still. We're not going to harm or play with you against your will."

Kala of course brought the Cleska doll with her, but ignored the thing's complaints. She didn't desire to talk with it at the moment. She doubted it would say anything that she would want to hear.

Later, when they were on safe terrain, the woman and the two slimes all untangled, and Lava waved her goodbye, which Kala did as well.

"It was wonderful to meet you Lave. You've taught me so much, you really are a credit to slime-kind. Please do your best to take care of Ignis, and for certain, we'll meet again."

When Isabell made her single word inquiry, Kala looked at her non-plussed. "Yes, wiggle. Slimes do it on occasion. Think of it like a human choosing to dance."

Kala doubted that this would be very illuminating to the scientist, who didn't seem like a dancer. She set about fixing the transport ship with relative ease, even exceeding Isabell's expectations.

"Glad to receive such lofty praise," Kala retorted. "Did you always think me so dim, or is it just the fact that I'm a slime now that's made you so crass and prejudiced?"
Re: Diamond Heart Vs. The Fortmaster (Kala)

"To dance... I suppose I can slightly understand." Isabell shrugged. "I never did much research into slimes because I thought them to be rather simple to be quite honest. Clearly, the more powerful ones seem to possess a stronger intelligence, and I dare say a stronger sense of humanity. I've not quite observed a slime that could remember it's human shape as exactly as you." Isabell admitted. "Though, that makes me curios as to what turned you into a slime... And if you were willing. The one transformation I witnessed, the state of mind that the victim had was destroyed due to their not wanting to become a slime. At least, I assume that was the case, and the mental impact of the transformation likely resulted in the mindless creature I'm sure even you have noticed."

As Kala got to work, repairing the machine fairly effectively, Isabell would hop into it, and invite Kala to do the same. It didn't take much to undo the damage. "I thought you the second greatest mind I knew. The first being my own of course." Isabell stated arrogantly. Looking to the horizon, Kala would spot a pair of hover ships identical to Isabell's quickly coming into view. "And 'they' are late. I sent a distress signal such a while ago." Isabell sighed.

"Apologies Lady Queen!" announced one of the Magi troops aboard their floating cups. "We were attacked by a flock of wild harpies on the way here, and had to lose them in a storm." said the other soldier, a woman to the contrary to the first who spoke, a male. Coming to a halt, their cups rearing back, the pair would give salutes to Isabell.

Isabell would salute in return. "Don't mind the creature behind me," she explained.

"Commander Chiesol," The two Magi soldiers announced, saluting Kala as well. The act of which left Isabell baffled. "It's good to see you after you departed for the corrupt lands. We've done as you instructed and made all the preparations for the switch in leadership. Though, Adviser Lian is not present to take leadership as you intended."

"You sneaky bitch." Cleska cursed.

"That is due to a change in plans. I am to become leader." Isabell took the initiative to speak. The result was a pair of confused soldiers, both of whom exchanged glances between Isabell and Kala.
Re: Diamond Heart Vs. The Fortmaster (Kala)

"The details of the transformation are lost to me, though I have begun to piece together certain facts about what I was up to," Kala told Isabell. "I believe now that I intended to become a slime, to sacrifice my human form in the attempt to gain some necessary advantage. I have yet to know whether the change was worth the cost, but I'd say retaining my personality is a good start. And yes, while there are certainly simple slimes out there, they can be taught, some more easily than others. Remember too, that there are a fair few simple folk among humanity, and many more who would be considered simple merely because they lack a proper education. If mamono are given a chance, I believe they can be taught to harmonize with humanity. And when I say taught, I mean with positive reinforcement, not being forced or domesticated."

Later, as they flew through the air on the fixed vehicle, they soon came upon two other magi on similar machines. She did not recognize either man or woman, but they seemed to recognize both Isabell and herself. The title, Lady Queen, did not escape Kala. So she was seated next to royalty was she? Best not to let Isabell know that she hadn't recalled that. More interesting still was the salute that both soldiers gave to her, and they addressed her as Commander Chiesol. She hadn't remembered her last name.

She returned the salute with ease, making certain that she was sitting straight and not dripping any slime off onto the machinery. Isabell was quick to say she was taking command, which gave Kala pause. Perhaps it was not wise to say that Isabell should be in complete command. She decided a caveat was in order, especially if these soldiers seemed to respect her as much as they did.

"Adviser Lian is currently at the Undine Temple," she said. "His return to assume command will be delayed for a short while. In the meanwhile, the Lady Queen is to take nominal command, and when he does return, it will be up to the two of them to sort out the exact details. The important thing is that the Magi stay strong enough to defend themselves and power their technology."

She nudged Isabell and whispered, "I hope that's not going to be too much of a problem for your plans... Lian is after all the best tactician you have, and so long as someone I trust is around the Magi, my purposes are served."

Turning back to the two Magi, Kala decided a bit of honesty was in order. "Can the both of you remind me of your names and rank? The transformation has unfortunately caused me to forget them."
Re: Diamond Heart Vs. The Fortmaster (Kala)

Isabell did not seem pleased that Kala was still holding a door open for Lian. She too seemed more than content with the idea of Kala simply forsaking Lian completely, as was Lian himself. Such was likely an attempt to not grieve for his loss of love. Still, Isabell kept quiet. She clearly had something to say, but decided that Kala would not hear what it was.

Meanwhile, the two soldiers were more than happy to answer her. "I'm Officer Biggs!" the man announced. The woman saluted as well. "I'm Officer Wedge!"

After introducing themselves, they dropped the salute. Another thin crack in Kala's heart sealed itself then... Memories came flooding in. Kala would see from her own eyes, sitting at a table in a mess hall with Biggs and Wedge together. The two were like rivals, brother and sister. They competed with each other for rank, though felt lonely whenever they left the other behind, which caused them to remain the same military rank. Both deserve much more, but their efforts went more towards being together, trying to one up the other. Biggs and Wedge would punch each other playfully at the table, while Lian sat besides Kala. Her eyes would look over to Lian, and the composed man gave her a most loving look, an expression she hadn't seen from him since becoming a slime. Across the room, Erik was watching them at his own table, with Alexis giving him a similar loving expression.

Another memory. Kala, with her human hands, was working on connecting a War Golem's parts together, and using her magic to line up the veins that allowed it's pilot to easily control it's finer parts, such as it's fingers. It was an exhausting and tedious process, yet made combat efficient for even the most magically inept individual. Biggs and Wedge were helping her build it, working together to lighten the load. She'd hear their voices from the memory. "Magi's power comes from powerful things like this golem," Wedge announced, as she looked at the powerful construction. "But it feels kind of useless when we fight against opponents that resist the physical world."

"Like slimes," Biggs groaned. "I don't even bother attacking slimes if I can help it. They're so tough to kill, and they're so innocently stupid that it's hard to do with a clear conscience." He said with a sigh. "There was this one slime I saw in the mountains, it was purple, and get this, I think it knew how to use magic."

"Tell me more of this slime." Kala inquired.

The memory faded, and Kala would see the two officers lowering their hands, as if time was conveniently suspended for her to see her locked memories.
Re: Diamond Heart Vs. The Fortmaster (Kala)

Not for the first time since awakening in her new form, Kala felt stymied by her incomplete memory. Clearly she had been at the heart of a political web within the Magi, and those memories were essential to properly navigating the field of power players within her former society. Who could be trusted? Was Isabell a true ally or just an opportunist? Was she royalty as had been suggested and what did that imply? She could not remember a thing about the royal families, nor even the names of the countries they might belong to in far off lands.

What she did recall right now were the siblings, Biggs and Wedge. A happy pair that got along as well as brother and sister might - better than in fact, for they had a genuine rapport with one another and improved each other's performance in their duties rather than inhibit one another. She also got the strange inkling that her human personality's interest in slime creatures may have come from an off the cuff commentary from these two.

"Of course, it's coming back to me now. It's good to see you two together as usual, brother and sister."

Her acknowledgement of their blood ties should help to signify the truth about her memory of them returning to her.

"Isabell and I are headed for a dwarf hold. We intend to secure an alternative power supply to the Magi factories, so that Ignis might begin to recoup her lost power. Will your current mission orders allow for the two of you to accompany us?"
Re: Diamond Heart Vs. The Fortmaster (Kala)

They both nodded at Kala when she seemed to remember, though at the next bit, they looked at one another with confusion. "Uh... Well..." Biggs looked to his sister, who looked back to him while searching for an answer.

"Rather than a mission, we're actually just answering a distress beacon Queen sent from her transport pod. So we were here to rescue her." Wedge began, looking back to Biggs.

"So I guess we could accompany you?" Biggs concluded.

"What use would you be?" Isabell scoffed. "I got dragged all over this volcano, inside and out, and it took you this long to arrive." she chided them.

"The harpies-!" Wedge began, before Biggs put his hand behind her head and forced her to bow towards Queen together with him.

"We're terribly sorry for our lack of desired performance." he apologized, while Wedge looked rather steamed.
Re: Diamond Heart Vs. The Fortmaster (Kala)

Kala shrugged.

"I'm sure you did your best. Any danger Isabell was in is now past. She and I worked together to solve the problem. Signs of good things to come, I can only hope. Since the two of you are here now, you should accompany us. Isabell will need an escort, she's too valuable to be left unguarded. We're headed for the dwarf holds. Follow us."

As Wedge and Biggs fell in line, Kala leaned forward and talked in a more hushed tone to Isabell.

"I'd hardly call what we did 'dragging' you around. And try not to be hard on good soldiers. Those two could have been promoted a dozen times over if they didn't love their current positions so much. Just because they're not of high rank doesn't mean they don't deserve respect, as it was, there was nothing they could do to get to you sooner. Perhaps next time you won't run ahead of your backup, eh smartypants?"

Kala didn't feel the least bit inhibited by Isabell's title. If her being a queen might have held the old commander Kala from speaking up before, it had no hold on her now. She was a mamono, and free of the trappings of human society when it came to deferral to a crown.
Re: Diamond Heart Vs. The Fortmaster (Kala)

The two gave smiles, before brother and sister saluted Kala. They looked to be enjoying a sense of nostalgia as they did so, expressions of content on their faces as if they missed speaking with their superior Magi. "If anyone asks, we were captured by the enemy!" Wedge announced.

"Does it really matter...?" Biggs inquired. "The main person we'd worry about angering is right in front of us." He looked to his sister as if she were quite silly.

"Isn't it more exciting this way though?" Wedge inquired with a giggle.

"No." Biggs replied firmly. Wedge only looked to him with a slightly upset face.

When Kala whispered to Isabell Queen, the Head Researcher now Magi Leader looked to her with an expression that made Kala fell as if the scientist were looking down on her for a lack of knowledge. "Those two are 'good soldiers' to none other than each other. They've failed exams on purpose and put valuable time to waste while failing to realize any potential, lest they 'dare' separate from one another via different careers. Their devotion to one another reeks of a brother/sister complex and is beyond creepy." Isabell stated, vigorously shunning their sibling relationship. Then, she'd narrow her eyes at Kala when the slime called her a smartypants.

"I didn't have backup, Kala. I had the title of Head Researcher, panicked colleagues, and mysterious power failure along with a single transportation pod. I made a distress beacon only when I realized I was facing my mutated former associate. Even then, I had no idea how much of a monster you'd become, if you'll pardon my use of words. You never told me why you went down this path." Isabell revealed.

Kala would be sure enough that she told everyone she trusted of her plan to become a mamono. What that basically meant was that Isabell Queen wasn't included in her list of trusted friends at the time.