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A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Making a run for it, Jen finds herself easily outrunning the monstrosity in her panic, leaving it far behind in a few moments out of reach and out of range for good...

(Jen is now Level 2! You have 3 stat points with which to spend! Please state where you would like to add points/if you would like to save your points, then update your character sheet accordingly.)

When she manages to calm down and collect herself, she will notice that she now appears to be in some sort of cafeteria, albeit littered with corpses. What is even more strange however, is that it is utterly pitch black outside the window, completely devoid of any light whatsoever even a faint glow via starlight...
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Looking around, Jen's eyes widen at the sight of the darkness. Backing away from that, she does the first rational thing that comes to mind. Loot the corpses. They're dead, maybe in worse ways than a drunk lying on the side of a road, but she isn't rich enough to afford to pass up the opportunity.

Edit: +1 Dex (1 point left over)
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Unfortunately for Jen, she finds nothing of value on the corpses. Mainly as upon further inspection, she finds that their outfits have all be shredded into useless rags, their faces smashed apart brutally, and anything of use that would logically be there having been taken away...
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Jen feels bile start rising in her throat as she looks at the corpses before she forces it back down. She couldn't go around throwing up her lunch, whenever, Who knew when her next chance to eat might be. Speaking of which, while she might not want to try going outside, there might be food in the back of the cafeteria where the kitchens were. With that thought, she moves off in search of food.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Rummaging about the kitchen, Jen manages to find a sealed bag of beef jerky hidden in the one of the cabinets...apparently intended for someone's private enjoyment.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Real food! It might not even be stale! Jen thinks, the idea of food she didn't either buy stale or pull out of a dumpster banishing despair from her mind. Plopping herself down on the ground, she cradles the bag to her chest and tries to open it and nom on some of the precious food.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

("Nom?" Did I just see you use chatspeak in an RP Phoenix? *slaps*)

Opening the bag, Jen begins to feast upon the sweet and succulent, yet salty beef jerky as if it was the best thing she had ever tasted. Fed and content, the fun sized girl began to ponder her next course of action.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Much happier and calmer now that she's had some fresh food, Jen starts moving about with a little more cheer. She still doesn't stop sneaking, but overall she seems a little more bouncy and sparkly eyed. Looking out the windows again, she shakes herself before trying to find a door. She will have to go outside sooner or later despite whatever is happening and decides it will be better to do so on a full stomach.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

After wandering for a period of time, Jen finds herself in a large room with a pedestal in the direct middle of it, illuminated by a small ceiling light and holding what appears to be another letter. Scarcely a moment after she steps into the room however, the door behind her slams shut, a eerie message written upon it in a strangely "sticky" and ominous red ink.

"Let the games begin."
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Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Eep! Jen squeals in the confines of her mind. Not wanting to go into the middle of the room, she starts inching around the outside, looking for any exit she might be able to sneak through.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Jen is unable to find an exit out of the room asides for eight doors other than the one she came from, all of which were locked. Upon each door was a number, starting from one and continuing all the way to eight. It appeared that whoever had enclosed her in this room, intended on forcing her to comply to their regulations.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Jen whimpers quietly before moving over to door one. Being catious, she first tries to see if she can look through the key hole before taking a glance around nearby and dropping down to try looking through the crack under the door if it seems safe to do so.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Jen finds herself unable to make out anything asides from a disturbing red light obstructing her vision no matter which way she attempted to peek into the room without opening it. It would appear that whoever had placed the source of the glows, had done so to prevent others from finding out the actual contents of the room in advance.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Jen whimpers again before trying to slowly crack the door open to look inside. She really doesn't want to be here. What she really wants is to be at home on the second floor of the warehouse curled up on her bed (A stained, but otherwise perfect mattress that she is proud of finding). Still, one of these doors had to be a way out, so...
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

(The door's locked o_O;; )

Despite her hardest efforts, she finds herself unable to crack the door open, as a result of it being locked. However, during her fumbling of the door, she faintly hears a slithering sound from within the room, hinting to her that she most likely wouldn't want to go into the room either way...
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Moving back quickly, Jen decides to take another look around the room there had to be something in the room aside from the pedestal with the bloody writing that might be useful.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

(Please do note that I've rolled for each one of the searches and scouting... but that you've rolled failures each time... And in this case? A critical failure.)

To the small girl's despair however not only did she fail to find something useful but it was then, after a extended period of searching that a loud screeching sound echoed through the air. A sound which appeared to disturb certain creatures, as the doors marked 6, 7, and 8 began to vibrate, as if they were being pounded upon...
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Panicking, Jen runs at random to one of the doors that isn't labeled either 1, 6, 7, or 8 and tries to open it. If that doesn't work, she'll start trying to jiggle at the handle and use a fingernail to try and shimmy the lock open.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

(Going to be nice and add a bonus seeing as this situation is brought about by my screw-up... Which is just enough to let you pass the difficulty roll for locking picking with your bare hands >.>;; )

Amazingly enough, despite the normal impossibility of such an action, Jen managed to pick the lock of door "2", quickly entering the room, and slamming the door behind her. Breathless as she keeps her back to the door in fear that whatever those things pounding on the doors were would try to break in the room she was currently in, the small girl is too paralyzed by these fears to move.

Fortunately however, a short period of time after she enters the room, she hears the pounding sounds growing faint, before ceasing completely. Relieved that any pursuers have stopped for the moment, it is then that Jen is finally able to calm herself enough to observe her surroundings, finding herself to be in a small enclosed room, with a glowing "red orb" in the middle of the room, upon a desk.
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Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Panicked as she slams the doors and presses her back against it in what would really have be a futile gesture if the creatures slamming on the other doors tried to break in. Jen's fearful eyes dart about for more creatures as she hears the continued slamming. Eventually, as the sounds calm down in the other room, Jen manages to calm enough to realize what she is looking at. Unlike what she had first thought when her eyes had scanned the room in a panic, the red lamp on the desk seems to actually be something else, although she can't guess at what. Still, there is one part of the room she can't see, so edging around the side of the room (And casting the occasional glance at the first door to make sure it is still closed) Jen moves herself carefully so that she can see behind the desk without hopefully tipping off anything on the other side.

(I'm not sure what Jen was too paralyzed to do, so I interpreted your post in the way that made the most sense to me.)