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A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru)


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
Reputation score
Pasha: HP = 54, PP = 41, EP = 41, Status = Fine.
Meara: HP = 81, PP = 43, EP = 44, Status = Fine.

It was the worst of times. That was really all that could be said about that period for the two sisters. They had lost their mother, they had lost their father, they had lost their home, they had lost their teachers, and all of this had happened in the course of a few years. The siblings' bond was tougher than all the rest, though, it had never been broken. They stuck together through thick and thin, never taken astray by the squabbles expected of sisters, the two a complementary force despite their clashing personalities. Whatever else happened, they still had each other--so maybe it wasn't the worst of times, after all.

The Su-Ku-Ta women, empowered by their sisterly bond, had trekked a long path across the deserts of Anudor. They were directed by the whisperings and rumors of other bands of refugees. Sometimes they traveled with them, more often they didn't. But they had a goal in mind: Badaria. Thanks to the actions of various heroes during the invasion, the former Empire hadn't fallen so hard as the lands held by the Su-Ku-Ta. Nobody came to the aid of the xenophobic and patriarchal catmen who ruled a majority of the deserts. And while the Lich King had fallen -- some even suggesting that he had joined the invaders' side out of boredom with the human race -- and his empire had collapsed into shambles, at least the people of Badarian cities could go to sleep every night without knowing that any day they might wake up in the clutches of an alien; there would be warning bells first.

And after so many weeks of walking, the two had, at some point, crossed into the green lands of the former empire. Days after that, they had spotted their goal, a border town.

The town was a small one, barely more than a village, but it met all the criteria. The perimeter was as ready for an invasion as any place the two sisters had seen up until that point. Earthen walls of packed dirt stood four feet tall, which were lined with wooden spikes at intervals large enough for a riflemen to stand between them and take aim. Over the area where the defenders would stand were canopies made of wood bound together by rope and lined with leaves, these were used to prevent skyrays from descending upon a militiaman without warning and distracting them long enough for the tentacled aliens to come over the spikes. A set of two chevaux de frise stood in the way of the road from Anudor into the town, which were manned by four riflemen.

They were asked to submit to a short test, in which one of the riflemen ran a single finger across the side of their necks -- in what, in fairness to him, was the most professional manner that the two had experienced since they had fled their home -- to check for gemini slime. When none was found, the wooden barricades were removed long enough for them to enter before being replaced. "Welcome to Southberry," the riflemen had offered them with a dismissing tone of voice as they passed the station. What they found when they entered was less than reassuring.

The dirt roads of the town were packed with refugees, easily ten times as many people as there were houses in the small stretch of civilization they had entered. Looking at the situation inside, it seemed almost a miracle that they were even allowed entrance at all. Every building they passed had at least one beggar in front of it, and they passed many as they came into the town square, which was the most overrun section of the town. The grass had died from where the overabundance of survivors fleeing Anudor slept on it, stayed on it, and, in a few cases that were still evident, died on it, leaving it a place of despair rather than hope.

A stone fountain was present at the center of the clearing -- it was a large, if simple, affair consisting of two circular bowls, the higher one smaller than the second, which water would fill and run down before collecting into the basin, which was larger than either, until it drained in order to be pumped out of the bird-shaped spout at the top and made the trip again -- obviously marking that the area they were standing in was the square. No water ran in it as the siblings looked at it. What water remained in the basin was shallow and fetid and filthy where desperate refugees had tried to drink and clean themselves in it. The entire town was fetid, if they were to be honest. But it was free of invaders and boasted a place slightly safer to sleep in than the open desert, which had obviously led many refugees who arrived to simply stay.

Whether or not they ended up as one of the refugees who simply accepted their lot in life and loitered in Southberry was up to them. There were certainly other options available to Pasha and Meara. For one, they might talk to some of the people on the street, there were certainly enough of them that they'd have no difficulty finding one, to plumb any information they might want to know about the town. The ease, price, and usefulness of any knowledge they might gain that way would depend much on luck and the sisters themselves.

There was a tavern at the edge of the square, as well. It looked dilapidated and in desperate need of repair. The sign, which hung at the end of a post a metal hanger at one end and one length of rope which had come untied on the other, was missing letters, causing it to read 'T_e D__d T_ief Tav_er_'. A window was broken, the view it allowed them of the inside of the tavern being the only reason they knew the place was not only in business, it was thriving. At least the door appeared to work. And, as all good adventurers knew, in any place where a collection of people have the time, denarii, alcohol, and reasons to get drunk, the jobs practically come to you.

There was also the market, if they wanted to try to make some coin or buy some food, water, or other goods. There were several stands available, though everything was marked up, as was easily evidenced by the amount of times a '1' had been crossed out in order to be replaced with a '2' or worse. Amidst the markets was a group of wagons that looked like it was preparing to leave the town, which might just be what the sisters were looking to do as well. The apparent boss of the caravan was a big man, probably seven feet tall, with dusky skin and a build that looked like somebody had fit a cannonball into a shirt. His face was a roadmap of wrinkles and a wild salt and pepper beard framed his jaw while also making up the only collection of hair visible on his otherwise bald head. If the tavern and refugees weren't to their liking, they might approach him.

And if none of those were appealing options, the sisters might pursue something else in Southberry. It had most of the expected amenities of a small town and all they would need to do to find most things would be to search.
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Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

As she traveled, Meara surveyed the gradual change in scenery with weary, yet hopeful eyes. It was the first time she had traveled this far outside of her home country, and the presence of green vegetation in such vast amounts would normally be something of wonder. Unfortunately, this milestone of her life, amongst others, was easily overshadowed by the string of tragic events that had hit the Su-Ku-Ta and her sister, such as the loss of practically everyone they knew and loved, let alone the destruction of their entire civilization, thanks to the aliens. If she were to stop and be honest with herself, she was indeed miserable. Even when the sisters were given reason to believe that they had found a new place to belong to in the camps of the freedom fighters, a ray of hope in all of that darkness, that light was only visible for a fleeting moment, as the opportunity to find sanctuary was quickly snuffed in the wake of their newfound powers--the ability to drain someone of their life energy through sex. What would have otherwise been a tender and memorable loss of one's virginity for both Maera and Pasha became something out of a nightmare in the afterglow, with their respective partners having slipped into comas, and they were forced to leave or face the repercussions of their accidental crimes. This slew of unfortunate events may have sent just about anyone into a down spell. But the catgirl couldn't afford to sulk, not when there was someone relying on her, and in turn someone to rely on, in her sister Pasha, who had been the only consistent thing throughout her life thus far. As flighty and prone to mischief as she could be sometimes, the younger Su-Ku-Ta provided an unparalleled degree of support to Meara, who in turn vowed to be a similar anchor for her beloved sibling.

Besides, things were just looking up--they had finally found a town, in Badaria no less. Perhaps a fresh start could be found here, somehow. It looked secure enough, between the well-armed sentries and the numerous barricades set up, no doubt intended to avoid the fate that had befallen the siblings' native land. If nothing else, there was a sense of security away from the alien invaders, and that was enough, for now.

As the sentry reached forward to run a finger along her neck, Meara herself raised no complaint to this inspection, remaining perfectly still for the guardsman to test and ensure that she was genuine. After all, she was reputed to be the more disciplined of the two, and given the trials they had been through involving other groups in the past, this was nothing, although the man's touch had quickly given rise to a faint feeling of melancholy within her, given her experiences in the past. Though Meara was a skilled lover in her own right, taught by the best concubines the Anudor Desert had to offer, and having learned quite a bit about her own powers since the incident in which she lost her virginity, the experience in which she drained her trainer, an honorable knight named Niran from which she learned discipline, to a near-death state was still something of a sour topic whenever it returned to her. She made sure to glance over in Pasha's direction during the procedure, then simply responded with a "Thank you" after making it past the barricade.

Once the older sister got a closer look at the condition of the area through those amethyst eyes of hers, her hopes for a permanent settlement, at least one here, quickly died. The town was filthy and smelled rather unpleasant to her. The fountain, or what was left of it, was also an unfortunate sight, especially when one considered that having water in the Anudor Desert was a necessity, of course, and for a green place like this to be short on it due to the aliens was just sad in its own right. Meara tried her hardest to avoid eye contact with the beggars, as she had a weak spot for the downtrodden, in her own way--it would be hard for her to look them directly in the eye and yet continue to do nothing for their plight. After all, her and Pasha had their own troubles to worry about, and helping everyone in this town would practically guarantee them no end to said dilemmas. So she moved on, with a heart slightly heavier than before, to see all of these people awash in despair. Regardless, everyone here was still alive, which was better than could be said for many folks that the two Su-Ku-Ta used to know.

The older sister scanned the places worth taking note of, such as the tavern and the caravan on standby. Although Meara called the shots more often than not, Pasha's opinion was of course valuable to her regardless, and she wouldn't make the final decision without her little sister's input. Turning to the other catgirl, she gave a thoughtful look, then spoke. "Hmm. Are you hungry, Sha-sha? It's been a while since we've had a good meal--we can check out the marketplace if you like. I still have some denarii..." she suggested, addressing her sister affectionately by the nickname she exclusively used. Her hand wandered over to the pouch secured at her side, giving it a brief pat. Meara was always the one to suggest an 'honest' mode of doing about things, such as a purchase of the required goods despite the high prices, as that was how the rule-abiding sister operated. If Pasha had no objections to her proposal, she would head over to the stands to see what was available in terms of fresh water or food.

Head over to the marketplace and see what's available for purchase!
Also, character sheet for quick reference:
Name: Meara
Class: Succubus
Race: Su-Ku-Ta
Sex: Female

Body: 30 (+6 Racial) (+12 Exceptional) = 48
Mind: 10 (+2 Racial) = 12
Spirit: 10 (+4 Exceptional) = 14

Hit Points (HP): 61 (+20 Healthy) = 81
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 43
Spirit Energy (EP): 44
Speed: 22 (+8 Quick) = 30
Dodge: 37 (+2 Knight) = 39 (+10 from Duelist when single-wielding) = 49 (+4 versus weapon wielders via Fencer, so 53 at max potential)
Armor: 1 (from Clothes) + 2 (from Knight)
Resistance (Body): 24
Perception (Body): 22
Stealth: 22
Grapple: 48
Spirit Ceiling: 9

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

(Racial) Quick: Increase the character's Speed stat by 8.
1.) Suck you Dry: The character deals an additional +12 pleasure whenever they perform any type of foreplay.
2.) Succubus Magic
3.) *Natural Warrior (*Duelist: A character with this Talent gets +10 to Dodge and +2 to all damage rolls so long as they are using a single weapon in one hand and nothing in the other.)
4.) *Superior Warrior (Skilled: The character can choose an additional 3 Skills.)
5.) *Erotic Fighter: The character gains 2 skills and a +6 bonus to attack rolls.
6.) Healthy: +20 HP
7.) Exceptional: +4 Body, +4 Spirit
8.) Exceptional: +8 Body

(Racial) Fetish [Beasts]
(Racial) Mutated: The character gains 3 mutations of your choice. This Flaw can only be taken up to 4 times.
(Class) *Lustful (RP) : The character is a frequent enjoyer of physical pleasure. They are more likely to seek sex from their allies or accept it if it is offered to them, and are also more likely to give in if they are being raped.
*Honorable (RP) : The character cannot break their word once given. Every contract, agreement and promise is totally binding, and the character must seek to fulfill them even at their own detriment.
*Easily Aroused: Whenever the character would gain the Aroused status, they instead gain the Horny status.
Sensitive: The character takes an additional 4 PP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
Mutated: The character gains 3 mutations of your choice. This Flaw can only be taken up to 4 times.
Fetish [Involving her sister]
Fetish [Oral sex]
Fetish [Paizuri / Titfuck]
Fetish [Gangbang]
Fetish [Deepthroating]
Fetish [Facials]
Fetish [Bondage]

(Class) Soul Eater: The character must feed off of the souls of others in order to survive. They cannot regenerate EP beyond 1, and whenever they are at 1 EP they must actively seek to feed regardless of any possible consequences. Whenever they deal pleasure to a creature, they drain 1/2 as much EP from that creature as they cause PP damage. This draining is doubled if the drained creature orgasms. So long as the character is not at 1 EP they can willingly suppress this effect.
(Racial) Tail
(Racial) Funny Ears
(Racial) Whip-Tongue: Your character causes +2 PP damage during oral foreplay.
(Racial) Night Eyes: Your character can see very well in the dark. They no longer take penalties to Perception for being in darkened areas.
*Masochist: Whenever a character takes health damage, they also take 1d4+1 PP damage. This PP damage is not affected by Resistance or damage due to resisting pleasure.
Massive Breasts: Deals +4 PP damage whenever they would tittyfuck anything. This mutation can only be taken by female characters.
Lactation: The character begins to lactate, and any pleasure they take due to their breasts being touched is increased by 2. Can only be taken by female characters.
Soft-Skin: Your character causes +2 PP during non-oral foreplay.
Tight: The character deals +2 PP to your opponent during penetrative sex.
Whip-Tongue: Your character causes +2 PP damage during oral foreplay.

Knight (Passive) – Gets a +2 bonus to AV, Dodge, all attack rolls, and damage rolls for all melee attacks. Requires: Honorable.

Specialized [Whip] (Passive) – Deals an additional +4 damage with whips.

Power Strike (Activated) – The character can trade points from their Dodge to make their attacks more likely to hit and deal more damage. These are traded at a 1 to 1 rate, every point of Dodge traded granting the character a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls, and no more than 10 points can be subtracted from Dodge. Cannot be used in the same turn that a character is fighting defensively (trading attack for additional Dodge.) Requires Duelist.

Lightning Strikes (Activated) – The character attacks three times instead of only once, but each attack takes a -12 penalty to its attack roll and a -6 penalty to damage. These attacks need not be against the same creature. Requires Duelist.

Fencer (Passive) – You are more adept at facing an enemy that wields a weapon, as such you have a better chance at parrying and dodging their attacks as well as delivering your own. When fighting against an enemy wielding a weapon of any kind you gain +4 bonus to Dodge against their attacks, gain a +4 bonus to attack, and deal an additional +4 damage per attack. Requires Duelist.

Succubus Powers:
*Charm: The character pays 6 EP and chooses one target creature within 20 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character or gain the Charmed status.

*Stunning Gaze: The character pays 2 + 4X EP, and chooses one target creature within 20 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character, who gets a +X bonus to their check, or become stunned for X + 1 rounds.

Deny Release: The character can deny their partner orgasm by winning a Resistance check against them. For every round that the subject of this power would take pleasure damage that would reduce their PP to 0 or less, they are drained as if they did orgasm, but are denied their actual climax effectively leaving their PP at 0. For every turn in which they maintain this effect, they can drain an additional 4 EP from their partner. This effect is cumulative but is not multiplied by orgasm unless the character ceases using this power.

Energetic Foreplay: While causing pleasure to a creature in a way that does not result in the character taking pleasure themselves, the character may pay X EP in order to deal an additional 2X Pleasure. The maximum value of X is 10

Dazzling Beauty (Passive) : The character is perpetually the center of attention, and will always be looked upon with lust. All creatures able to see the character take a -10 penalty to their Perception stat when trying to perceive creatures other than the character, and whenever they deal Pleasure damage to a creature it is increased by +6.

Drain through Pain (Passive) : The character can drain a creature's EP through dealing HP damage. Any time that the character deals melee damage to a creature, they also deal 2d6 + modifiers EP damage, and regain that much EP. Modifiers basically include anything that affects EP damage, like Open Soul or Greater Draining. This cannot drain more EP than the attack causing it to activate deals in HP damage.

Clothes: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2.
Leather Bullwhip: 2d4 + 2 + Body/2
vs Unarmed (+56) 2d4 + 34
vs Armed (+60) 2d4 + 38
50 Denarii

Meara is the older sister of Pasha, one of two Su-Ku-Ta refugees from the smoking ruins of Anudor. With no one to depend upon except each other, the siblings are coming to grips with the budding realization that they are both succubi. While Pasha is the light-hearted mischief maker, Meara is the more level headed one of the two, with a strong sense of personal responsibility.

Meara and Pasha were born into a rather privileged Su-Ku-Ta family in Anudor. Their mother, Salah, was the favorite concubine of a wealthy yet notoriously ambitious noble named Duram, who strangely enough had no other offspring of his own. Ironically, the two catgirls, his only daughters, happened to be illegitimate children in their own right, both born as the result of repeated secret meetings between the Salah and a fey lover. Unaware of their true lineage, Duram saw them as his own, but even this did not keep him from being put off by the fact that he had no male heirs to carry on his name. Seeing as they were just a year apart, he arranged for their education to be that of high-class concubines, looking to sell them off as a virgin pair for the purposes of further bolstering his existing fortune. Bearing witness to repeated verbal conflicts between their parents at a young age, Meara and Pasha developed a close sisterly bond from the beginning, learning to rely on each other for comfort and support in spite of a distant, uncaring father and a mother frequently preoccupied with her own troubles.

As with many siblings, their personalities contrasted quite a bit; while Pasha was the more mischievous of the two, often looking to break the rules and start troubles, Meara proved to be the more level-headed one, carrying a strong sense of personal responsibility and obligation. However, they served as harmonic complements to each other rather than clashing opposites, with one making up for where the other lacked. There were very few, if any, matters that they kept from each other, and they found it naturally easy to talk to each other about various matters, from hobbies to boys and so on.

It wasn't until two years or so after the onset of puberty that the bond between the two was even considered by either to be more than that of a sisterly one. While her Pasha dealt with her sexual urges rather well, Meara, a sexual repressor, found her own to be uncannily strong, often resorting to frequent masturbation sessions in the bathroom when she felt that no one was looking. However, as this became more of a nightly thing, it was only a matter of time until her younger sister overheard her muffled cries of pleasure during a particularly intense episode, and wound up watching while undetected. Pasha had seen Meara naked before, but to take in the sight of her older sister moaning so lewdly and handling herself in such a fashion made her heartbeat quicken and her temperature rise. The lustful sentiment was soon mirrored in the younger one, who began to mirror her sibling's actions from just behind the door, taking Meara as an unwitting guide in the journey of self-pleasure. But that only lasted so long, as the older sister eventually noticed the set of moans existing separately from hers, and caught Pasha red-handed. The two resolved not to talk about it ever since, but from that incident a relatively thick air of sexual tension remained hanging between the two.

With the two of them quickly coming of age, it was only another year before their time came to be sold off as concubines to the highest bidder among only the most wealthy. In preparation for their sale, Duram had the two of them exposed to twin sister concubines of one of the other Su-Ku-Ta merchant princes, who taught both of them in the ways of etiquette, dance, music, and other entertainments for their future owner. Pasha and Meara had not quite reached the end of their tutelage, which would have been sexual techniques, but their teachers made no secret that this would be a part of their training and that they would need to learn how to be comfortable around one another in bed. This only served to heighten the sexual tension between the two of them.

However, all of this, along with the culture of Anudor, came crumbling down with the alien invasion. The legal father, Duram, was lost in the attack, though whether he was assimilated or killed remains unknown to them. Salah, their troubled yet beautiful mother, sacrificed herself and stayed behind to buy the siblings just enough time to flee the horrifying scene, and the two quickly developed a bitterness for aliens that has remained ever since. Having lost practically everything that they ever knew and loved, save for each other, Meara and Pasha eventually joined up with a ragtag band of Su-Ku-Ta freedom fighters intent on resisting the alien threat, or at least surviving the attacks from hunters that sought to subjugate them. It was there that the two learned the arts of warfare, with Meara honing her skills with a whip in direct combat and Pasha proving adept in the use of a dagger. Each girl learned their respective weapon arts from a different trainer; Meara to a weapons master named Niran, and Pasha to a rogue named Calel. Through repeated struggles and hardship, they soon grew attached to their men as they were to each other, except the sexual attraction to the two handsome veterans only grew during their stay with the group. Eventually, confessions were made, and due to the girls' beauty and charm, it was difficult for either man to say 'no' to his respective pupil, and in separate tents one night they sought to consummate their affection for the men they desired.

Unfortunately, this occurred just in time with their 'awakenings' as succubi, and while Meara and Pasha were lost in the throes of ecstasy, unaware of their powers they inadvertently drained their partners of all energy, leaving them in comas. Seeing as succubi were stigmatized by the group, and fearing reprisal from the relatively well-armed members of the resistance, the siblings packed up and fled during the night. Eventually, they found some other parties to join, but ultimately found little success in keeping one consistently, with their lustful urges and need to feed causing a great degree of inconvenience for the already high-strung bands of refugees. With only each other to rely on, Meara and Pasha reached the edge of Anudor, hoping to find a new beginning...

(the one in green, on the left)

The OOC section:

Cheat Sheet:
In combat, Meara gets the following bonuses:
Attack rolls:
(+2 from Knight)
(+6 from Erotic Fighter)
(+4 vs weapon wielders from Fencer)
Damage rolls:
(+2 from Knight)
(+2 from Duelist)
(+4 vs weapon wielders from Fencer)
49 (53 against opponents with weapons)

Clothes: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2.
Leather Bullwhip: 2d4 + 2 + Body/2
vs Unarmed (+56) 2d4 + 34
vs Armed (+60) 2d4 + 38
50 Denarii

When taking HP Damage:
Maera has 3 AV (+2 Knight, +1 Clothes).

When dealing PP damage:
Maera deals +6 PP damage at all times due to Dazzling Beauty.
+4 PP damage from tittyfuck / paizuri (Massive Breasts)
+12 PP damage from any kind of foreplay (Suck You Dry)
+2 PP damage during non-oral foreplay (Soft-Skin)
+4 PP damage during oral foreplay (Whip-Tongue x 2)
+2 PP damage during penetrative sex (Tight)

Also, when dealing PP damage, she drains half of an amount of the damage dealt of EP from the creature as well, doubling if the drained creature orgasms. (Soul Eater)

When taking PP damage:
She takes +4 damage from sensitive at all times.
She takes another +8 damage for each of the following fetishes being fulfilled: sex involving Pasha, oral, paizuri, gangbang, deepthroating, and facials.

When people look at her, they take a -10 Perception penalty when trying to perceive other creatures. (Dazzling Beauty)
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Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

During her travels with her sister, Pasha had done her best to keep her hopes alive. It was a difficult task, considering the loss of her family, her home, her city, her entire culture, and everyone and everything that was familiar to her save her sister, Meara. Into that one person, her sister, Pasha had place all her hopes and dreams for the future, trusting in the elder sibling's good senses to always see them through. It had been Meara who had led the both of them through the old irrigation canals of the Anudorian capital to escape the alien invaders on that terrifying day that was etched into the young Su-Ku-Ta's memory for the past two years. It had also been Meara who had led her to the freedom fighter camp, had them join up with people who could train them, teach them how to fight, and most importantly, feed them.

All Pasha could offer her sister in return for all this was her continued loyalty and occasionally a joke and a smile. As with younger siblings, Pasha had turned into something of a trickster and it brought Pasha joy when she could make Meara laugh. Sometimes, even when Pasha wasn't in a particularly good mood, she'd put on a smile and do something silly just to make Meara smile, and if she could accomplish that, then Pasha felt happy too. Because if Meara didn't have hope, then what hope could Pasha have?

The memory of her teacher, the rogue Calel, was troubling Pasha as they were tested by the Badarian guards. The young man who had taken her in his arms on what should have been a magical night for her, had enjoyed scratching her on the side of her neck. It would always make her pur, and he had said it was the most incredibly adorable sound he had ever heard in his life. Calel had told her he would have stolen a fortune in jewels and gold just to pay the price her father would have set for her. The memory of those words made it all the more terrible to think that it had been her curse as a succubus that had put this man in a coma.

She didn't pur as the guard rubbed his finger across her neck.

Following wordlessly behind her sister, Pasha looked blankly across the crowds of reeking refugees and beggars that crowded the streets of Southberry. Her ears flattened dejectedly and her nose wrinkled.

"We can't stay here, Ra-Ra" she murmured to her sister, using the affectionate pet name she reserved for her big sis. Then her stomach growled and her sister picked up on it. Pasha followed Meara's eyes to regard the market stalls, and her gaze lingered on a cart of red and green apples. The sweet and tart fruits called to her, and her mouth began to water.

"I... I guess we could stay long enough to grab a bite to eat."

She looked uncertainly down at Meara's dwindling coin pouch, and then back to the apple cart, where the sign was displaying a ridiculous price. She flexed her fingers. No way could they afford to pay that amount, unless they wanted to end up as beggars themselves. But perhaps a little five finger discount could get them their meal.

"We can't afford that price, though. You'd better haggle him down some. If you can't, don't worry, I'm not that hungry," Pasha lied.

As soon as Meara went to approach the apple merchant, Pasha slid off to the side and went into her sneaky mode, just as Calel had taught her, becoming nothing more than a gust of wind, flitting silently behind the merchant hoping to fill her hands and pockets with apples quickly and efficiently before walking away.

If she was successful with her swiping of food, she'd try to get to Meara before the elder sister handed over any denarii.

Pasha uses Sneak to hide from the merchant, then uses her thief skill to acquire some apples without discovery.

Character Sheet:
Name: Pasha
Class: Succubus
Race: Su-Ku-Ta
Sex: Female

Body: 34+6 = 40
Mind: 12+2 = 14
Spirit: 14

Hit Points (HP): 54
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 41
Spirit Energy (EP): 41
Speed: 20+8 = 28
Dodge: 34
Armor: -
Resistance: 20
Perception: 20
Stealth: 20+16+3+5 = 44
Grapple: 40
Spirit Ceiling: 8

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

1) Natural Warrior
2) Superior Warrior
3) Erotic Fighter (+6 attack, +2 skills)
4) Fuck Me (+12 PP damage during penetration)
5) Succubus Magic (3 succubus powers)
6) Stealthy (+5 to stealth, unaware victims are auto hit and dealt dbl dmg or free grapple check going into submission hold)
7) Skilled
Quick (Race)
Sneaky x2

Lustful (Class)
Fetish: Beasts
Fetish: Involving her sister.
Fetish: Bondage
Fetish: Doggystyle,
Fetish: Anal,
Fetish: Bukakke
Fetish: Gangbang

Soul Eater (Class)
Natural Attack
Funny Ears
Whip Tongue
Night Eyes
Tight x2 (+4 PP dmg dealt during penetration)
Shapeshifter (from succubus power)

1) Sneak (stealth check at -10 against all nearby enemies who are aware of her, success means she is hidden from them)
2) Strike the Weak Spot (passive) sneak attacks ignore armor.
3) Thief (can disarm traps and pick locks)
4) Sudden Strike (-10 to dodge for one turn to get a -5 Stealth check vs opp Reistance: victory means attack counts as a sneak attack)
5) Strong Willed (+10 to resistance to being controlled or altered against her will.)

Base Casting: -
Favored Elements: -
Magic Feats: -

Powers: -

Succubus Powers:
1) Charm
2) Desperate Avoidance
3) Apparent Innocence
4) Shapeshifting
5) Rhythm
6) Energetic Foreplay

Daggers x2 (2d6 + 20 dmg)
Clothes: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2.

Bio/Description: Pasha is the younger sister of Meara, one of two Su-Ku-Ta refugees from the smoking ruins of Anudor. With no one to depend upon except each other, the siblings are coming to grips with the budding realization that they are both succubi. While Pasha is the light-hearted mischief maker, Maera is the more level headed one of the two, with a strong sense of personal responsibility.

Maera and Pasha were born into a rather privileged Su-Ku-Ta family in Anudor. Their mother, Salah, was the favorite concubine of a wealthy yet notoriously ambitious noble named Duram, who strangely enough had no other offspring of his own. Ironically, the two catgirls, his only daughters, happened to be illegitimate children in their own right, both born as the result of repeated secret meetings between the Salah and a fey lover. Unaware of their true lineage, Duram saw them as his own, but even this did not keep him from being put off by the fact that he had no male heirs to carry on his name. Seeing as they were just a year apart, he arranged for their education to be that of high-class concubines, looking to sell them off as a virgin pair for the purposes of further bolstering his existing fortune. Bearing witness to repeated verbal conflicts between their parents at a young age, Maera and Pasha developed a close sisterly bond from the beginning, learning to rely on each other for comfort and support in spite of a distant, uncaring father and a mother frequently preoccupied with her own troubles.

As with many siblings, their personalities contrasted quite a bit; while Pasha was the more mischievous of the two, often looking to break the rules and start troubles, Maera proved to be the more level-headed one, carrying a strong sense of personal responsibility and obligation. However, they served as harmonic complements to each other rather than clashing opposites, with one making up for where the other lacked. There were very few, if any, matters that they kept from each other, and they found it naturally easy to talk to each other about various matters, from hobbies to boys and so on.

It wasn't until two years or so after the onset of puberty that the bond between the two was even considered by either to be more than that of a sisterly one. While her Pasha dealt with her sexual urges rather well, Meara, a sexual repressor, found her own to be uncannily strong, often resorting to frequent masturbation sessions in the bathroom when she felt that no one was looking. However, as this became more of a nightly thing, it was only a matter of time until her younger sister overheard her muffled cries of pleasure during a particularly intense episode, and wound up watching while undetected. Pasha had seen Meara naked before, but to take in the sight of her older sister moaning so lewdly and handling herself in such a fashion made her heartbeat quicken and her temperature rise. The lustful sentiment was soon mirrored in the younger one, who began to mirror her sibling's actions from just behind the door, taking Meara as an unwitting guide in the journey of self-pleasure. But that only lasted so long, as the older sister eventually noticed the set of moans existing separately from hers, and caught Pasha red-handed. The two resolved not to talk about it ever since, but from that incident a relatively thick air of sexual tension remained hanging between the two.

With the two of them quickly coming of age, it was only another year before their time came to be sold off as concubines to the highest bidder among only the most wealthy. In preparation for their sale, Duram had the two of them exposed to twin sister concubines of one of the other Su-Ku-Ta merchant princes, who taught both of them in the ways of etiquette, dance, music, and other entertainments for their future owner. Pasha and Meara had not quite reached the end of their tutelage, which would have been sexual techniques, but their teachers made no secret that this would be a part of their training and that they would need to learn how to be comfortable around one another in bed. This only served to heighten the sexual tension between the two of them.

However, all of this, along with the culture of Anudor, came crumbling down with the alien invasion. The legal father, Duram, was lost in the attack, though whether he was assimilated or killed remains unknown to them. Salah, their troubled yet beautiful mother, sacrificed herself and stayed behind to buy the siblings just enough time to flee the horrifying scene, and the two quickly developed a bitterness for aliens that has remained ever since. Having lost practically everything that they ever knew and loved, save for each other, Meara and Pasha eventually joined up with a ragtag band of Su-Ku-Ta freedom fighters intent on resisting the alien threat, or at least surviving the attacks from hunters that sought to subjugate them. It was there that the two learned the arts of warfare, with Meara honing her skills with a whip in direct combat and Pasha proving adept in the use of a dagger. Each girl learned their respective weapon arts from a different trainer; Meara to a weapons master named Niran, and Pasha to a rogue named Calel. Through repeated struggles and hardship, they soon grew attached to their men as they were to each other, except the sexual attraction to the two handsome veterans only grew during their stay with the group. Eventually, confessions were made, and due to the girls' beauty and charm, it was difficult for either man to say 'no' to his respective pupil, and in separate tents one night they sought to consummate their affection for the men they desired.

Unfortunately, this occurred just in time with their 'awakenings' as succubi, and while Meara and Pasha were lost in the throes of ecstasy, unaware of their powers they inadvertently drained their partners of all energy, leaving them in comas. Seeing as succubi were stigmatized by the group, and fearing reprisal from the relatively well-armed members of the resistance, the siblings packed up and fled during the night. Eventually, they found some other parties to join, but ultimately found little success in keeping one consistently, with their lustful urges and need to feed causing a great degree of inconvenience for the already high-strung bands of refugees. With only each other to rely on, Meara and Pasha reached the edge of Anudor, hoping to find a new beginning...
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

Pasha: HP = 54, PP = 41, EP = 41, Status = Fine.
Meara: HP = 81, PP = 43, EP = 44, Status = Fine.
Pasha's Stealth: Success.

The two passed a few stands on their way to the apple cart. The first of which was less a stand and more an open wagon; a wagon taller than either of them, no less, which a man, one who was tall enough to lean over the side of it while keeping his feet on the ground, was currently rummaging through for something or other. They couldn't tell exactly how tall this particular merchant was -- all they could see of him was his red and yellow vertical striped silk pantaloons and the barest hints of a purple silk overcoat -- but apparently it wasn't uncommon to see some giant individuals among the market stalls. The second was a simple stand, cheap in nature, offering bread for five denarii a loaf, about five times what it had cost in their lost home, manned by an elderly woman in shoddy robes.

They passed without incident to the man selling from the apple cart, with the younger sibling slipping away along the way. If Pasha was to steal from anyone, it would quickly become evident that this was a merchant who probably deserved it, especially once he had noticed Meara approaching him. "Ah, a Su-Ku-Ta!" He cried out in delight. The elder sister might have thought he was speaking some foreign language in which 'Su-Ku-Ta' meant sucker if the rest of his words hadn't been in the common tongue. "A beautiful one, too!" He continued, obviously attempting to win her coin with cheap flattery.

The same sentiment couldn't be shared as easily for the apple salesman. He was of an average build, with short black hair, and had an average, beardless face that might have erred on the side of handsome if not for how greasy he appeared otherwise. It looked like the man regularly dipped his head into vats of snake oil, giving him a slimy sheen that gleamed in the sun. He could have easily been mistaken for a gemini, freed or otherwise, except that his hands and forearms, the only other parts of his body not covered by the robe he wore, were dry.

The oil felt like it seeped into his voice as he talked. "I take it you have a craving that needs fulfilled! Hehehe. Normally, I sell these apples at a mere seven denarii apiece, or twenty-five denarii for a five pound bag! But for you, four denarii per apple! Twenty for a five pound bag!" The price was completely ludicrous, even with his 'discount'. In their youth, a bag of apples could be found for three denarii. At his rates, a few days worth of sustenance would leave them completely broke. Meara would have a long day ahead of her if she intended on haggling with this merchant.

Of course, unbeknownst to the honorable sister, her sneaky sibling had, by then, melded in with the crowd easily enough to slip into a blind spot behind the cart. Moving carefully, the nimble Su-Ku-Ta extracted vengeance on the merchant's exorbitant prices by managing to line her clothes with no less than eight apples while the man was busy talking to her sister. If she was feeling particularly brave, she could also attempt to sneak one of the netted bags of apples away, which, she noted, felt like they weighed a little less than five pounds. Whether or not she had the brazenness to attempt it, they would certainly be covered for the day--provided she didn't get caught slipping away from the cart, of course.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

Feeling confident that her sister's haggling would involve the tried and tested view of Meara's 'goods,' Pasha reasoned she had enough of a window to grab one of the apple bags. She merely waited for her sister to begin to speak, sure that however honerable Meara was, she would at least try to haggle a little bit. Her silly, goodie-two shoes sibling would feel as though she had to try something, especially if she thought Pasha was really hungry. That's why Pasha loved Meara, and knew that these apples deserved to be inside both their tummies.

Her quick fingers picked a few juicy reds, and some nice, hard greens, and then once Ra-Ra started her best attempt at barter, Pasha would nick the nearest bag and then steal away to a side street where she would stow the bag under some rubble before coming back to Meara and suggesting they go, considering the horrible price that they simply could not afford.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

Meara perused the various shops that lined the strip, from the wagon with the tall man to the old lady's overpriced bread stand. The prices were outrageous, indeed, and if not for the pair's nagging sense of hunger, the older sister would just as quickly go back on her plans to spend what little denarii she had left on the absurdly expensive provisions for sale in this crowded place. Luckily for her, she was famished enough to eat just about anything, which meant that any kind of pickiness she'd normally have with regards to food was at an all-time low. But it didn't matter once they caught sight of the apple merchant, as Pasha having slipped away gave Meara all the reason to believe that this would be another one of her little 'operations'. The older of the two didn't always approve of her younger sibling's methods, but seeing that Pasha had already made her move, it was a little too late to be raising objections. Besides, if she were given the choice between backing up a complete stranger and her own sister, Meara would choose the latter every single time.

She couldn't help but make a slight face at the exaggerated enthusiasm by which she was greeted, although in this case it was more the speaker that turned her off than his words, though those were also felt by the girl to be less than completely honest. And once his prices were named, well... Meara's visage, as pretty as it was, didn't soften in the least, instead shifting to illustrate her genuine surprise. "F-Four denarii per apple?! Let alone seven..."

Despite how 'honorable' she was, particularly when placed next to Pasha and her sneaky antics, counter-flattery was not beyond that of the older catgirl, whose training as a concubine brought about some habits that came naturally to her. Making a pouty look and giving him her best, she folded her arms right underneath her feminine assets, idly pushing them upwards as she shrugged her shoulders. "I mean, normally I wouldn't be inclined to raise such an objection, good sir, but... isn't there any way you could lower the price by half, just for me? I came all the way from the region of Anudor, and it's my first time in Badaria..." said Meara in her sweetest tone, hoping to at least bring the offer down to reasonable prices. If she couldn't, she would take her younger sister's cue to leave, provided everything went well on Pasha's end.

Try to barter down to 2 denarii a piece. If not, take Pasha's well-timed cue and leave looking rather disinterested.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

Pasha: HP = 54, PP = 41, EP = 41, Status = Fine.
Meara: HP = 81, PP = 43, EP = 44, Status = Fine.
Pasha's Stealth: Success.

The sisters' perception checks: sort of success.

The greasy merchant looked at Meara with all the disdain of a eunuch as she emphasized her own goods. "Come now, girl, I have mouths to feed, horses to keep, a wagon to repair, and an orchard to run! I can't go about lowering my prices by so much for just anyone!" He glowered at her for a few moments, though the severity of his look was dampened by the ridiculousness of seeing it on such an oily visage. "Fine, fine. Two denarii an apple," he offered begrudgingly, as if this weren't still several times what such a fruit was worth, "Deal?"

Before she could answer, the eldest sibling felt something brush against her backside. When she turned around, though, there was nothing there. The apparent groping certainly wasn't imagined, but the warrior catgirl couldn't find the culprit. All she could really do was return to her dealings with the merchant, now that she had at least haggled him down to her proposed price range.

In the meantime, Pasha had hoisted a bag of the fruit, preferring her own intended pricing method of taking as much as she could carry for free. She looked up, checking on her sister's progress and to ensure nothing had seen her, just in time to see a short, brown-haired human man's hand come suspiciously close to Meara's rear and the latter's reaction to it, then he all but vanished into the crowds, almost as well as the sneakier of the siblings herself had earlier. The thief didn't have much time to dally, though, as at any moment a guard or the merchant might spot her at the cart.

The nimble Su-Ku-Ta slipped away with her loot, leaving about as much evidence that she'd been rummaging through the man's goods as a gust of wind might have. She was so swift in her efforts that she was able to stash her prize in an abandoned side street and return to her sister's side even as Meara was reaching for the pouch she kept her denarii in. But, before Pasha could suggest that they needed to leave the greasy salesman and his overpriced merchandise behind, the more martial sibling made an important discovery.

All of her denarii was missing, along with the bag which had held it. Meara had never seen what had brushed her but the thief of the two could probably quickly piece together what had happened.. Pasha had lost track of the brown-haired man, but knew that the last she had seen of him, he was heading north--further into the crowded marketplace.

(Meara loses 50 denarii.)
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Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

"Come on, Meara, this guy can go feed his horses and run his orchard with some other chump's denarii." Pasha said, staring at her sister meaningfully and flickering her eyes off in the northerly direction where she'd seen the human thief disappear. She prayed her sister kept her cool and didn't start some sort of outcry until Pasha could get her far enough way to explain.

She had to respect the way with which the cutpurse had gone about his business. Simple and effecient, but he hadn't known that Pasha had gotten a look at him. After he was a good 30 meters away in a crowd like this he'd stop worrying about Meara following him, and he would be walking so as to not draw attention. If Pasha and her sister followed quicky, she might still find him and be able to ask for the money back.

And by asking of course she meant stealing it back with interest.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

The older catgirl exhibited more of a frown to see that her strategy failed, and that she was hit with the vendor's own story in return. "I...I'm sure, sir, though my intent was not to trouble you, I just have very limited funds myself, so--ah? Eep!" Her eyes widening for a moment, she hopped up on her tippy-toes for just a second, as she could've sworn someone had copped a feel on her without permission.

Raising a brow, she looked immediately behind her, but saw no one of note, only finding something wrong with the situation once she brought her hand back to rest over her coin pouch, finding it... well, gone.

"Wait, my..." Suddenly, the merchant's oily visage was the last thing of concern to the startled beauty as her ears perked up while she frantically began to pat herself down, only looking around once she saw that it was truly gone. "It's not here! P-Pasha, there's a--" She almost slipped and said 'thief', but luckily caught herself, as that would have incriminated the other Su-Ku-Ta--not that she hadn't already, by the mere mention of her existence. Meara saw her sister pointing with her eyes to the north, wordlessly explaining the situation to her. Her brow furrowing, she turned away from the salesman abruptly, breaking out into a sprint in the direction of where the thief had fled.

"How could they?!" Her face took on that of a most pitiful look at first, but turned to one of angry determination, as she quickly resolved to find this thief and hunt him down.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

Pasha rolled her eyes and scampered after her older sister. "Ra-Ra, wait!"

She tried her best to catch up to her sister and managed to tug at her green tunic on the shoulder. "You don't eve know who you're looking for. Calm down before you scare him off."

Pasha scanned the heads of the people around her. No good. She was too short to see the man's face.

"We need a higher vantage point. It was a human, male, with brown hair.... just stand here and look lost. He might be watching you and if he sees you getting fed up he won't run as fast."

Pasha then slipped to the side and found some rubble to step up on so she could poke her head up above the crowd and do her best to scan for the man, starting by looking at other similar vantage points around this area of the bazaar, and then switching back to focus on people of the man's build and coloration walking straight away from Meara. It was what she'd do if it were her after all...
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

Meara nearly missed the calling of her name, but the tug on her clothing caused her to look over her shoulder. When she saw that it was Pasha, she slowed and turned halfway, though the urgency in her expression didn't leave right away. It was only after the other catgirl's suggestion that she managed to put on a bit of a facade.

"You're right, Sha-Sha," she admitted in a low voice, looking one way, then the other. The younger sister was always better about the mindset of thieves, being one herself, while Meara's own trainer was of the knightly sort, so in situations like these she'd have to rely on the sneakier of the two to track and determine the location of the elusive pickpocket.
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Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

Pasha: HP = 54, PP = 41, EP = 41, Status = Fine.
Meara: HP = 81, PP = 43, EP = 44, Status = Fine.
Perception: Both succeed. No gropes for Meara and a found thief for Pasha!

The oiled merchant gave an exasperated sigh as the two went after the thief, apparently not having noticed the brown-haired man. No calls followed after them either, which suggested that he hadn't yet realized that his apple cart had been picked through by the other thief present. His quickly fading interest left Meara in her desperate attempt to find her coin-purse, managing to gather some stares until the more devious of the two had managed to calm her down.

Perhaps it was her natural talent for drawing attention, perhaps it was the facade of confusion that she had adopted, but not all of the eyes left her once the warrior of the two had stopped her frantic search. Several men, and a few women, approached her with only the most "noble" intentions, at least that's what they assured her. Apparently, if these helpers were to be believed, all she needed to do to find whatever she was looking for was to step into any one of several secluded alleyways, ones which looked like they led to dead ends, and follow them with one or more of the people trying to "help" her. And, of course, she would need to hand up her whip, too, some suggested, offering reasons so flimsy that an ant might have knocked them over. The only bright side to the situation she found herself in was that she really didn't have to act like she wasn't looking for the thief anymore, because taking her eyes off of any of the supposed samaritans ended in a hand creeping too close for comfort. At least none of them were brave enough to risk seeing what she could do with her whip, for the moment anyway.

Pasha, in the meantime, slipped toward a vantage point. There was no convenient rubble about, but she found an abandoned cart. Stepping atop it, she had to scan quickly to spot the brown-haired man she was looking for in the throng of people -- especially as, based on her findings, it turned out to be a very common hair color in Southberry. None were as short as he was, though, and that would prove to be a valuable bit of knowledge. In what was surely be a relief for her martially-inclined and currently very popular sister, the thief discovered who she was looking for in less than half a minute. Her eyes caught the her target near the carts led by the big, dusky man they had spotted upon entering the town square. The short, brown-haired human sat in the middle of the hustle and bustle of those wagons, munching away at an apple with a very familiar looking purse on his belt, even as a dozen other people of varying gender, race, shape, and size worked around him. Luckily for the siblings, he seemed downright cocky regarding his perceived successful escape.

The agile Su-Ku-Ta could easily hop down, return to her sister, and between the two of them manage to force their way out of Meara's group of admirers before a single hand even touched the warrior--assuming she didn't have some greater plan in mind that didn't involve reuniting with her besieged sibling. Beyond that, it seemed that the next step was figuring out how to approach and handle the man.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

Looking around at the new crowd that had surrounded her, Meara covered her annoyance with a polite smile, looking to fend them off with her words. "Um... yes? No, I'm fine, really, it's just that a thief--or someone like that, just headed off in that direction, and I need to... What? Why my whip? I can't just..." Each response she gave was rudely interrupted by different members of the pushy group, but she couldn't just give in, especially after stealing a glance at the alleyway they pointed to, a dark place suitable for conducting any number of activities undetected. The older sister might not be quite as wise as Pasha in the ways of thievery, but she was no fool. She could tell what they wanted from her, and while the nagging thought of 'feeding' burned deep within, she really wouldn't have preferred it to be on terms other than her own, and the sinking feeling in her stomach, set off by the thought of her stolen coin purse going further and further away, overpowered any other notions she might have had at the time.

Raising her hands up to her shoulders, she shook her head with a nervous smile, trying to maintain her politeness before she got rough with one of them. Cracking her whip and showing the nearest bloke her skills was what she would've wanted to do, but with this many people, that probably would've been a bad move, as the town guards didn't seem to be all too concerned about this particular situation. Not that she was terribly surprised--there were dead bodies on the streets, after all; a little commotion like this was probably the least of the soldiers' worries. While trying to keep an eye on the mob of potential violators, and doing her best to make sure she wasn't within range of getting shoved into the alley should one of them lose their patience, she called out to her sibling. "Sha-Sha! Did you find him yet?!" The catgirl called out quickly, and loudly, before turning to address one of her nagging admirers. "A-Ah, no, I must decline." Meara had to constantly make counter-excuses for the group's urgings, but as she did so, she would slowly gravitate towards the other Su-Ku-Ta.
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Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

Pasha was actually grateful for her sister's magnetic personality in this instance, as everyone's eyes were on her, and none on the sneakier of the two catgirls. It took a while to find the thief amongst the caravan, but once she locked eyes on him, she was sure it was him, enjoying an apple and their only source of denarii for when they might really need something bought.

Glancing back at her sisters, she considered for a moment going after the thief alone. As long as Meara was stuck among this crowd, he wouldn't have any reason to run. The younger sibling quickly abandoned that mode of thought though. She couldn't let those smelly people put their greasy, pudgy, un-clawed fingers on her beautiful Ra-Ra.

Hopping back down, she shoved and elbowed her way through the lusting crowd with a few well placed Su-Ku-Ta growls tossed in before finally clutching her sister by the wrist.

"Found him! He's in the caravan, counting your coin. Go beat 'im up, big sis!"

Leading her stronger sister to the forefront of the crowd, the sisters made straight for the caravan. "Just be careful not to eye him until we get there, I'll tell you which one he is."

Pasha would do her best to avoid eye contact with her target until they were right up close to the caravan. She figured the man would just play it quiet and let them walk by, since in his mind he must not know they'd marked him.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

Meara heaved a sigh of relief when she saw that her sibling had come to bail her out of the socially awkward, if not outright hostile, situation, and she followed the other catgirl with all haste, with her hand firmly settled over her weapon--partially to deter the grabby-hands of the lecherous throng that surrounded her, but also to ready it for the purposes of doling out punishment to the brown-haired thief.

"...I understand. Let me know who he is and I'll do the rest. I no longer have the patience for these games," replied the Su-Ku-Ta, her eyes taking on a look of sharp focus as she took a steady gait in the direction Pasha was leading her. And really, she was at her limit after experiencing first-hand the somewhat lawless feel of the area. She wasn't about to let him go this time around, and if none of the townsfolk would properly assist her with the apprehension of a thief, then maybe no one would help the poor bastard with fending off the beating he was due to receive.

When she reached him, however, Meara wouldn't get violent right away, instead resorting to a look most intimidating while slamming her palm into the wall next to him. Flashing him a feigned smile, her voice was clearly laced with annoyance, and she mumbled to him under her breath so that others may not hear. Her overall aura was one of suppressed anger as she spoke.

"Hello there... that's a nice coin purse you've got there. Please, do tell, where did you get it from, hmm~?"
Her eyebrow twitching, the catgirl's ears were flattened at this point--only someone intimately familiar with Su-Ku-Ta body language at that range would be able to discern her leaking rage. Given the lack of others like her in the area, that meant only Pasha would have a good idea of how close Meara was to putting a beating on the youth, if he gave the wrong answer. She was fairly close to doing it anyway, given his offense, but was mildly curious as to what kind of excuses would be made on the thief's end.
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Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

Pasha: HP = 54, PP = 41, EP = 41, Status = Fine.
Meara: HP = 81, PP = 43, EP = 44, Status = Fine.

After her escape from the horde of ill-intentioned townsfolk, Meara was quite rightly upset. The thief could be blamed for her even needing to suffer the indignity as a result of him already harming her well being by stealing all of her coin. Pasha guided her sister's righteous anger well, bringing her right to the thief without him knowing until it was too late. The crowd of workers parted for the women nearly silently, and the brown-haired man only had time to give a pitiful squeak as the warrior sibling's palm smacked into the wall.

He looked quite pathetic, up close, although that was mostly relative to the situation she had put him in. A face almost softer and more girlish than either of the siblings' own, which was saying something given their heritage and former callings, framed by short brown hair. He looked shorter than Pasha. He wore a dark gray tunic and flowing black trousers and had near him a staff with a sling on one end and a suspiciously wrapping on the other, though it was no closer to him than the angered catgirl.

"U-uh..." He stammered, obviously searching for a way to slip out of the mess he'd put himself in. Before he had a chance to answer or Meara had a chance to give him the beating he so rightly deserved, a massive wall of flesh had placed itself between the thief and her. "Oi, little lady!" To the golem of a human in front of her, nearly everyone could be referred to as relatively little. The man, which she discovered in short order was the first big caravaneer the two had spotted in Southberry, interposed himself between catgirl and pickpocket in order to prevent a violent outbreak. "I hired 'im as a scout for my caravan, so you got a problem with 'im, I'm involved too." Though his words were gruff, he didn't raise his fists against the woman or assume a threatening posture, though his intimidating size might have been enough to accomplish that alone.

This had apparently emboldened the brown-haired man to make his response, which was a simple; "No, I understand." Following his words he slipped out from behind the big man into visible sight with his eyes closed in a sad manner, a manner that Meara might have expected to precede a sob story to justify his crime. But when he opened his mouth... If only it had been that, it might not have run the risk of damaging any of the present parties' braincells. "She's here to rape me," he explained with an air of depression.

The big man's palm collided with his own face, before rubbing down so hard that Pasha and Meara might have been convinced that he was trying to wipe some of the stupid that the thief's words had contained off. "You're kidding, right?"

"No, sadly! You see, I had to borrow some coin from this Su-Ku-Ta lady and there was a bit of a misunderstanding! And now she is here to exact her revenge by raping me. I read this in a book somewhere. The subhuman women of the world -- alraunes, the fae, demons, kitsune, harpies, and the like -- will frequently rape a man to drain him of his energy and then make him her husband. By force if necessary!"
"Wait, borrowed? Didn-" The big man's attempt to interject was cut off by the thief's continued babbling.
"She has obviously come to rape me in vengeance! And as I wish for a peaceful coexistence between subhuman and human, I can only accept! Even if she rides me all day and night, I will endure in the name of peace!"
"Are you an idiot or some-"
"Or my name isn't Nabal!"

The thief continued to talk and talk and talk, his words all blending together in a slurry of stupidity. By that point the dusky man had given up on trying to communicate with Nabal and was frantically mouthing to Meara something along the lines of; 'punch him in the face as hard as you can.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

The green-clad catgirl was clearly on edge, eagerly anticipating the boy's answer. What kind of pathetic excuse would he give her? Whatever it was, it wouldn't hold water. At this point, she was practically looking for an excuse by which to let him enrage her further. Getting a closer look at his innocent visage may have otherwise softened what would be a hard approach, but his hesitation almost proved to be his undoing nonetheless--that is, until the massive guardian interposed himself between Meara and her quarry. While this didn't deter the Su-Ku-Ta in the slightest, given her current mood, it did at least cause her to take a step back so that she can look all the way up to see his face.

"Listen, this 'scout' of yours is a thief! While I was in the marketplace, he... oh? Let's hear it, then."
She only stopped her speech, as well as her train of thought, when the brown-haired lad began to state his case. Meara then took on an expression that could best be described as a blend of genuine interest and barely suppressed anger. Finally, she'd get to hear his piss-poor excuse. She could almost hear it now--some lie about him needing to support his family, or feed an orphanage, or something like that. All he needed to do was build up the nerve to give a reason for possibly leaving her and Pasha to starve in a land already foreign to them.

What came out of his mouth was replete with more idiocy than she was ready for, and the girl's kitty ears actually perked up to make sure that she was hearing him correctly. Rape, him? Husband by force? What did any of this have to do with the fact that he took from her livelihood?! Meara's hands clenched up at her sides as he went on, her frame visibly shaking. "W...What?! I'm no longer in the mood to hear your stupid fantasies! Just return the money you stole, already, and I'll..."

His desperate ramblings continued, which only served to infuriate her further. "Grrr...!!" After the Su-Ku-Ta caught the hint that even the hulk nearby was no longer buying such an outlandish story, she quickly pivoted and snapped one of her fists directly across the brown-haired idiot's jaw--something, anything, to shut him up.

If she was successful, she'd swiftly seek to take back what was rightfully hers, her coin pouch, briefly checking it to make sure all 50 denarii were still there.

Punch him in his face. Get money back.
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

When the giant of a man stepped in between her sister and the diminutive thief, Pasha's jaw dropped a couple inches and her ears flattened, for just the briefest of moments, before telling herself that she was going to need to get the drop on the giant and stab his eyes out before he could lay a ham-fisted appendage on her sister. But just as she was disappearing from sight, she was caught off guard by the thief's outrageous claim.


What idiocy was this? She crouched down low, still not quite certain how this encounter would turn out, but entranced by the thief's ridiculous proclamations. Finally, the big guy seemed to relent, and stepping to the side, mouthed permission for Meara to take out her aggression on him.

"Ooh. Good one, Ra-Ra."

Pasha winced at the impact, and hoped that Meara hadn't bruised her knuckles with that. She then eyed the big man as her sister went to reclaim her coin purse.

"The guy stole my sis' money. That's pretty low, taking from refugees. Do you really need some half-baked thief like that working for you? My sister and I are expert scouts. You could do a lot worse than hire us in place of him!"
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

Pasha: HP = 54, PP = 41, EP = 41, Status = Fine.
Meara: HP = 81, PP = 43, EP = 44, Status = Fine.

Thankfully for everyone, the thief's speech about justice and being raped by beautiful subhuman women and their somehow interlinked nature was ended with a single strike to the jaw. He crumpled to the ground, knocked out by the blow. The big man looked down at him impassively as Meara took her pouch from the unconscious Nabal. She quickly discovered that all of her denarii was present and accounted for. "Told 'im no more stealing from other people. Warned 'im that I wouldn't protect 'im if 'e did that again. Ain't worth it to me to keep a petty pickpocket on hire."

"It all there, little lady?" He asked, obviously not aware of how much she had been carrying in the pouch. "I'll compensate anything missing, plus ten denarii for your troubles," He immediately offered up ten coins to the warrior catgirl to take, though his attention turned away from her even as his meaty hand held out the denarii.

He called out to one of the apparent workers next. "Drag 'im to the square and dump 'im. What goes around comes around." The man who responded, wordlessly so, was fairly average looking. He wore a tank top which revealed his tanned skin and slightly muscled build and loose, flowing pants. He had short salt and pepper hair framing a serious face. The only particularly noticeable quality about him was that he wore a sword at his hip. He performed the order without question, dragging the thief away with little care for his well-being or concern for what would become of him until eventually they were both out of sight.

Finally, the big man's attention turned to Pasha, heedless of whether Meara had taken the coins or not. "You're right about that. But I can't just go around hiring anybody who claims themselves a scout, y'know, it's a very important task on the roads these days. And I," he cleared his throat, "need more than just a scout's skill-set, maybe. See, uh, this caravan is headed into northern Badaria after it makes its usual stops. There's a bit of a job up there, a special job. I need somebody who's good with locks and traps." He waved his hands quickly, as if to assuage any suspicions that the siblings might have before they could voice them. "I'm not for stealing or anything. It's a hard world out there, no need to make it harder. But I can't exactly go sharing details with just anyone, y'hear?"

"'Course, for properly skilled scouts, I would pay twenty denarii for every town we made it to in once piece and one-hundred if they tagged along for the, uh, job. Passengers pay one-hundred denarii. Just need you to do a few little tests to show me that you've got what I need. Whaddoya say?"
Re: A Tale of Two Sisters (Blueslime and Takimaru) GMed by Hafnium

Pasha's eyes gleamed confidently as the man stated his need for a skill set that was right up her alley. Standing as tall as she could, which still didn't amount to much next to such a large bruiser, she held out her fingers in a V for victory sign and put on a winning smile.

"Mister, we're exactly what you've been looking for!" Pasha said proudly. "I handle the locks, and my big sis handles guards. We make a great team and for that kinda coin, we're definitely in! Right sis?"

The offer of denarii was music to the catgirl's ears, not to mention that there'd be a ride for them out of Southberry - which to be honest was quite a depressing place for a thief. There'd only be so many apples to steal and she wasn't gonna pickpocket refugees like that unscrupulous Nabal.

"So what sorta test didja have in mind?"