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A simple Zombie apocalypse

Pheonix Alugere

New member
Former Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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March 13:
A team of 'monster hunters' from an American television program head to the rain forests of Congo in order to capture footage for an episode about a creature known to locals as the 'Mokele-mbembe'. Before setting out, they stock up on provisions and hire an interpreter.

March 18:
The team comes across a small village deep in the rain forest. Having recorded enough footage for the show already, they decide to grab a few more interviews before heading home. The villagers don't recognize the pictures or stories about the Mokele-mbembe, but they do comment on an area a day's walk to the north which they claim to be cursed by a demon. Apparently the demon's curse haunts anyone who trespasses in the area, draining them of their life force before killing them off. The curse later brings back the dead under the demon's control and has them attack the living. Intrigued, the team decides to investigate in the hopes of getting enough footage for an extra episode. Something which would likely net them a bonus on their return.

March 20:
After a day of wandering in the supposedly cursed area and only finding dead plants and animals, the team concludes that the area simply has contaminated groundwater, likely from some sort of unknown volcanic activity putting sulfur into the water.

March 23:
On the night before leaving the rain forest and returning to civilization, one of the team's cameramen begins experiencing fatigue and headaches, but it is brushed off as being tired and worn from the trip.

March 24:
On the plane ride back to America, the cameraman falls into a coma and his heart rate falls to near zero putting him in a deathlike state. He is immediately rushed to a hospital upon the planes landing. The rest of the passengers are put into a quarantine and the plane is moved into a hanger for the duration.

March 26:
With no one showing any signs of illness except fatigue from sleeping in the plane's less than comfortable seats and a few cases of headaches from the exhaust given off by the planes flying nearby, the passengers are released.

March 28-29:
The passengers from the plane all fall into comas. Since many were from different places and had taken connecting flights home, the cases aren't seen to be related.

March 30:
The cameraman wakes from his coma and attacks his attending nurses. Several nurses and orderlies are treaded for bites after the patient is sedated and strapped to bed. Several doctors nationwide are called in to examine the disease thought to be a new strain of rabies.

April 2:
The nurses and orderlies bitten by 'Patient 0' fall into comas after having reported fatigue and headaches the past few days.

April 3-4:
The other passengers from the plane awake under similar circumstances as patient 0. Nation wide medical advisories are sent to hospitals to quarantine anyone who falls into a coma after having experienced fatigue and headaches prior to collapse.

April 5:
The nurse and orderlies bitten by patient 0 awake and their attendants are overwhelmed. Police are called in to quarantine the entire hospital. One of the infected nurses goes missing before the quarantine is fully in place.

April 6-7:
The attendants of the other passengers of the plane who were bitten when the passagers awoke now fall into a coma. The body of the infected nurse is found drowned in the city water supply. Thousands throughout the city begin to experience fatigue and headaches, many driving accidents occur as a result.

April 8:
The national guard fails to quarantine the city before several hundred infected people leave.

Over the next few weeks the disease spreads across the globe due to quarantines being to slow to be put in place, and infected individuals not being noticed before it is too, late. The victims of the disease whom are now known by the nickname 'zombies' outnumber the uninfected.

A town less than 50 miles from the city where the characters currently are has reported cases people infected with the z-virus as well as a few full blown 'zombies' wandering into the town. Now it is up to the characters to survive in this growing apocalypse. The characters will have to be ready to defend themselves while at the same time caring for their wounds and finding food and water (Which for simplicities sake, they will only consume one unit of per day). Characters do not have to travel together although they may if they meet up. However, as this may result in several one on one threads, I will be putting a 6 player cap to start the game with, although having large groups working together and thus making it easier for me may convince me to raise the cap. I will be using a homebrew system that consists of characters and skills leveling up separately: characters will gain xp from kills and the occasional achievement with levels granting a few stat points while skills will level through use.

I will give more details on character creation once I have enough interest (Say 3+ people). Also note that this system is only lightly tested so it may have some bugs.

Other details:

Corruption: It isn't present here as this is a non-erotic game (Although players can interact that way if they don't hold everyone else up). However, in it's place there will be fear points. Fear points are a measure of how freaked out a character is and they are damaged by either seeing people killed, seeing people try to kill you, or a few undecided factors. They heal slowly on their own if the players haven't taken any recently and can be healed manually once per day with a certain skill. If a character exceeds his or her fear point limit that character will begin to take penalties on all their rolls until the fear points drop to safer levels.
To Miachan and Ryu: Ascalion is not over, I'm just going to use the forum for more things as the Ascalion seems to have slowed drastically and I want to play with a new system.

Also, I will note, that Dreana has expressed interest already, however the thread in which that was done was accidentally deleted with the adbot flurry last night.

What I need players to give me:
Main Hobby:


Each stat starts with 1 point in it and you have 5 points to spend to raise the stats higher on a one-for-one basis. Your starting gear and skills will be based of of your job and main hobby, with the possibility of some stuff given by your background. The three secondary stats (HP, FaP, and FeR) are determined by vitality and mind (Health Points are from vitality, Fatigue points are from mind and vitality, and fear points are from mind.).
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Re: A simple Zombie apocalypse

It sounds interesting, though I'm a little maxed out on zombie-based games lately. I look forward to seeing it in motion though!
Re: A simple Zombie apocalypse

Actually... you know, if you decided to set something up, I'd be game for some fun. X3 I think I'll have time.
Re: A simple Zombie apocalypse

I'd still need at least one more person before I decide to try and go with this. If not, I do have one other idea.
Re: A simple Zombie apocalypse

*raises her hand* Okay. I'll give almost anything a shot (especially if it's non-erotic) ;)
Re: A simple Zombie apocalypse

Alright, I'll post the character stuff after I have breakfast. (Most of it requires me interpreting your background anyway)


What I need from players is:

Main Hobby:


Each stat starts with 1 point in it and you have 5 points to spend to raise the stats higher on a one-for-one basis. Your starting gear and skills will be based of of your job and main hobby, with the possibility of some stuff given by your background. The three secondary stats (HP, FaP, and FeR) are determined by vitality and mind (Health Points are from vitality, Fatigue points are from mind and vitality, and fear points are from mind.).
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Re: A simple Zombie apocalypse

I'll just post a bump to alert that I finished editing.
Re: A simple Zombie apocalypse

So wait, we have 5 points to spend in each stat, or 5 points total? o_O" Buying 1 skill costs 1 point, 2 in the skill costs 3 points, 3 costs 6, etc? or 1 for 1, 2 for 2, 3 for 3?

XD Forgive my dumb.
Re: A simple Zombie apocalypse

Roughly how common is ammunition going to be in the game? I don't want to make a character who would be good with guns if we're going to be constantly short on bullets.
Re: A simple Zombie apocalypse

5 total, and the general meaning of 1-for-1 is one point per one point raise in the stat.

Basically, your stats start as this:

Str: 1
Dex: 1
MD: 1
Vit: 1

and you have five stat points to raise them with. To know if you did it right, once you finish deciding your stats they should add up to 9.

I will give you starting skills levels based off of your job and hobby, although you can learn advance them or earn levels in other skills simply by practicing them.
Re: A simple Zombie apocalypse

Roughly how common is ammunition going to be in the game? I don't want to make a character who would be good with guns if we're going to be constantly short on bullets.

Sorry, missed your question:

Ammo will be more common in larger cities where places that sell it are more common. However, there are more zombies in the larger cities than in smaller area's. For the amount of ammo, however, it depends on how much you take when you find a store. Most likely, you could find enough to justify being good with guns, but you would need to be careful not to waste it either by shooting zombies you don't need to shoot. (Essentially, what I'm saying is, that you will likely find enough ammo in the beginning of the game, but you may want to practice with a melee weapon in game so that you have something to fall back on when you start running low on ammo.)
Re: A simple Zombie apocalypse

Name: Vince Baduin
Description: A scrawny man in his forties, Vince's hair (now receding visibly) is long and oiled, kept back in a pony-tail. His skin is darkly tanned and is pockmarked badly across the face. His eyes are beady and dark, and his expression is often vacant, save for a frown... most of the time. At least, when he was on his meds. Now he is beginning to grow twitchy, so his eye often ticks and he is prone to grow angry for little reason. He is often seen in a suit, the left pantleg of which covers a fake leg from the knee down. It's an amputation from his early twenties, so no worry of zombie infection there!
Background: Vince graduated from being a no-good-punk to a life of crime some time ago, and while he's no mastermind, he's gotten into his fair share of trouble. A rat of a person by nature, he is rather shocked that he's been spared this apocalypse, but he's not complaining (well, yes he is actually, quite a lot.) considering he's still alive!
Job: Used to deal in stolen goods, mostly. Dabbled here and there with drugs and other nasty things.
Main Hobby: Vince enjoys a good game of poker, and before his buddies turned into mindless eating machines, he used to be pretty damned good at bluffing, betting and reading facial features and signs. He's no bad hand at math or odds. He used to do a lot of boxing in his teens and while he's still an avid fan of the sport, is no longer able to handle it, himself.

Str: 2
Dex: 1
MD: 3
Vit: 3

XD I expect he'll be zombie chow soon, but I wanted to try something different!
Re: A simple Zombie apocalypse

Can I play?

Name: Robert Dorlan

Description: An aging retired police officer in his late forties, Bob is still rather fit. After retiring and completing a divorce three years ago, he moved out to a small house on the outskirts of a small town. He chops his own wood and maintains his property, including a small vegetable garden off of his porch. His ex-wife and fifteen year old daughter live in a city a good distance away, since the courts didn't give him visitation rights. He is 6'1" tall and starting to get a little overweight, at about 210 lbs. He hasn't yet developed any health problems due to his aging, though he is allergic to bees and peanuts. His eyes are brown and his hair is short and gray, with none of its previous dark brown evident anywhere; he keeps his face clean shaven. His skin is just starting to wrinkle, with the most around his eyes from squinting so much while he works outside. He's 48 years old.

Background: Bob still practices occasionally with his police revolver and a .22 rifle his cousin got him for his birthday a year before, and his wood chopping and care of his small property has given him a degree of practice with an axe and chainsaw, along with other simple farming tools. He worked as a beat cop for twenty three years before retiring on pension.

Job: Retired Cop.

Main Hobby: Gardening.

Str: 2
Dex: 3
MD: 2
Vit: 2
Re: A simple Zombie apocalypse

I'm taking up to 6 people for now, so yes, you can come, too. I'll start putting stuff up in the forum tonight including your completed sheets. (Also, once I'm done with them and you can think of skills I didn't include mention them to me. The system isn't perfect yet, so things can still be altered.)
Re: A simple Zombie apocalypse

Name: Clint Rydell

Description: A big, athletic man in his late twenties, Clint has close-cropped curly auburn hair, green eyes and a slightly ruddy complexion. He’s usually clean-shaven, although he sometimes forgets and walks around with a few days growth on his cheeks. Before the zombie outbreak, he was pretty laid-back and a bit of a prankster; flashes of that good humor still come through occasionally. He dresses very casually; jeans and a t-shirt are the norm and seems like he’d be uncomfortable in formal clothes. He has a is a crescent shaped scar on his chin that runs from just below his lower lip all the way under his jaw; he tends to scratch at it when he’s thinking.

Background: Clint is from a large family; his dad and two older brothers are all firefighters back in Boston. Clint was afflicted from a very young age with wanderlust and was the first person in his family to leave home (although he wasn’t quite enough of an iconoclast to avoid the ‘family business’).

Job: Firefighter

Main Hobby: Clint loves hunting, fishing, camping and outdoor sports. When he has vacation, he’ll disappear for entire weeks at a time out into the wilderness just roaming in whatever direction catches his fancy. He likes open spaces where he can watch the world go by.

Strength: 3
Dexterity: 1
Mind: 2
Vitality: 3

I'm totally loving the all-guy game so far! ^_^
Re: A simple Zombie apocalypse

I'm starting to get some stuff up. Oh, and the forum is here.

Currently, there are only the OOC thread and the Character sheet thread up. I'll put up the first few individual threads up tonight. Also, since zombies haven't made an obvious appearance in your town yet, there will be alot of NPC's running around as well.

Oh, and wallpaper: although you don't have any weapons yet, your the closest the group has to a medic. (You can use knowledge[chemicals] to try and make things like stimulants, sedatives, and other various drugs at the cost of 2 chems per drug. Chems can be salvaged most commonly from drugstores, but also in other places)
Re: A simple Zombie apocalypse

Name: Chase Onson

Background: Chase has just gotten out of high school having been a hometowner and keeping up about town in the same old ways as always. Growning up with only a father Chase always tries to keep a manly attitude about things and even indulges a little in the loves of the father which have been cars and guns. Chase's most prized posession actually being an old style 6-shooter which is kept lovingly polished and actually in working order. Not the most social of people Chase usually keeps home either working on cars or if out on the streets running for fun as its actually Chase's favorite hobby and sport having been a track and field runner in high shool. Mostly a rather normal life.

Job: Car mechanic (familiy profession)
Main Hobby: Running (track and field and recreational)


hows this?
Re: A simple Zombie apocalypse

Bah ha ha ha, what? Seriously? XD That's cool, I'll keep an eye out for it, then!