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A Quest for Converts! (Stratiros)

Re: Aya'liatrin (Stratiros)

HP = 55, PP = 40, EP = 52, Status = Fine

After lying still in the sun for a while, allowing her nude body to dry, Aya re-donned her armor and prepared to head off. Despite the spring being a common ground among the living things of the jungle, nothing had disturbed her. She was fairly close to the city now, and it only took her about fifteen minutes of hiking through the jungle before she broke the tree line. What she saw.... Surprised her. Something massive and gray hovered above the city of Celesis, dwarfing any of the human structures, and even larger than many mountains Aya had seen since she'd come here to recruit followers to her masters cause. Tentacles that could easily have been a thousand feet long waved slowly across the sky around it, and tiny pieces fell like rain down onto the city from it. She'd never seen or heard of anything like this titanic, gray fleshy thing, even when she'd lived among the demons.
Re: Aya'liatrin (Stratiros)

Aya's eyes grew wide when she saw the.... for lack of a better word creature, though its size made even that suspect. "Maybe tentacle monstrosity... no that doesn't work." She mused about names while watching it move about. The tendrils looked so enticing to her.

"Any way, I should go say hi. Maybe it's a very powerful demon or some sort. Or.... if it isn't I can save people and prove what I've been telling them this entire time." She chirped before taking her spear and walking through the gates and heading for any occupied areas.
Re: Aya'liatrin (Stratiros)

HP = 55, PP = 40, EP = 52, Status = Fine

She'd never seen or heard of any demon like the creature floating above Celesis, and it was certainly larger by far than any living thing she'd ever seen, but the mystery of it couldn't be answered here. Taking her weapon, Aya headed toward the gates, which stood wide open and abandoned by the guards. People were rushing out, alone or in pairs or groups, and fleeing out into the jungle, most of whom ignored her completely while others only shot her a cursory glance before running into the brush. She'd have to push through them in order to get into the city, but from here it looked and sounded like some sort of battle was going on. As she watched a trio of the falling objects fell down in front of her, people around the gate screaming and turning away to flee in a direction away from her as three strange creatures stood before her.

They were about three to four feet tall, with four thin spindly legs supporting a headless body. Their only other extremities were about a dozen or so writhing, slimy tentacles, all about five or six feet long. They looked sort of like miniature legged versions of the creature floating up above. Two of them started toward the crowd, while one came for Aya, its tentacles waving and writhing toward her as it approached, only ten feet from where she stood.
Re: Aya'liatrin (Stratiros)

A grin spread across Aya's face as she saw the three creatures fall in front of her. Pointing her spear at the creature with one arm she yelled out to the fleeing crowd, "Don't worry I, Aya'liatrin, will slay these monstrosities." She then raised her arm into the air where a small white orb appeared at the tip of her spear. It started spiraling downward, moving further out with each circle and leaving flakes on snow in its wake. The orb moved very close to Aya's body as it fell, softly pressing into her skin and leaving a layer of frost on her with each pass. When it finally reached the ground the orb exploded, leaving a soft snowfall in the area.

Aya exhaled, breath visible as if the temperature had fallen below freezing even though it had not changed. She took her spear in both hands and pointed it at the creature in front of her shivering with pleasure as she did so. "Come on then." She moved into an aggressive stance; her legs were spread wide parallel with her spear and she leaned over, giving the crowd a very nice view if any of them were looking.

Using Fell Might x4.
Re: Aya'liatrin (Stratiros)

HP = 55, PP = 40, EP = 45/52, Status = Fell Might 4, Grappled

Attack: Hit.
Aya has been grappled.
Aphrodisiac: Aya is at 17/19
I only now noticed the shortening of the name you put above your character sheet. Would you prefer it if I started using Lia instead? It makes no difference to me.

None stop to stare at Ayas display of power, though many at least glance at her as her orb of frost slowly approaches the ground, empowering her with its magic. The energies leave little visible clue of their passing, at least once the snow has dissipated, as they flow throughout her body, but she feels them all the same, the supernatural cold which only she could feel both exciting her, and beginning to bite against her nerves. The gray creature in front of her doesn't seem particularly impressed though, as it ambles forward and reaches for her with its slimy appendages. Despite her newly granted strength, Aya cannot avoid being grabbed by the slimy thing, its tendrils wrapping around her arms and thighs as she tries to avoid them. Wherever they touch her skin, she feels the slime start to seep into her body, a familiar warmth spreading throughout her being that signaled the early stages of arousal and fought against the demonic cold already present within her. That, along with the tentacles trying to worm their way into her clothes, left the demoness little doubt as to what was in store for her if she didn't get away from this thing soon.
Re: Aya'liatrin (Stratiros)

Aya tried to dodge to the side when the creature attacked, however she was far too slow and swiftly found herself grabbed. "Urgh, stop it you." she yelled as she trashed about, trying to break its grip before her instincts to just let the monster continue overcame her. Simply giving in and taking the pleasure it would no doubt give her wouldn't earn anyone's favor even if it would solve the immediate problem.
Nah, Aya works too I didn't really care much about which nickname it was. I'll edit my character sheet soon.
Re: Aya'liatrin (Stratiros)

HP = 51/55, PP = 40, EP = 41/52, Status = Fell Might 4, Grappled

Okie dokie.
Grapple: Enemy wins.
Ayas clothing has been removed.
Aphrodisiac: Aya is at 16/19
Your kung fu is weak. (Read: Your grapple stat sucks.)

The headless tentacled creature doesn't respond to Ayas words, unsurprisingly. Its slimy tendrils pull her closer to it despite her attempts to free herself from its grasp, and within seconds her top is pulled up over her head, her massive breasts falling free. Her bottoms come off a second later, both garments being tossed aside, leaving the demoness completely nude save for her boots. Its appendages warp around her body and legs, spreading her limbs apart as one tentacle moves to rub against her nether lips, and two more begin to wrap around her breasts. Its slime continues to seep into her skin, weakening her will to resist, though for the moment Aya retains her ability to fight the heat that was slowly spreading through her.
Re: Aya'liatrin (Stratiros)

As her top was pulled off the crowd could see just how turned on Aya was already. The demon's nipples stood at attention begging to have something happen to them and she gasped with pleasure as her breasts bounced around. When the monster pulled her skirt off too and she felt herself spreading her legs it was obvious the first battle was lost.

Taking all of the power coursing through her Aya pulled a white ball into her right hand and threw it toward the other two tentacled things. Through her lust filled mind she couldn't quite decide who to try calling, but these creatures required something more powerful than a goblin. When the orb struck the ground it formed a white portal that connected to the room of a Stalker Lightmage that she knew, hopefully it would be able to help out here.
She only sucks at grappling a little bit ;P.
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Re: Aya'liatrin (Stratiros)

HP = 40/55, PP = 15/40, EP = 45/52, Status = Fell Might 4, Grappled, Penetrated, Pregnant

Grapple: Enemy wins.
Aphrodisiac: Aya is at 15/19 Resistance.
Pleasure (Aya): 7 + 9 + 20 + 4 - 15 = 25 Pleasure.
Pleasure (Enemy): 10 + 10 + 19 - 15 = 24 pleasure.
Pleasure (Enemy): 5 + 1 + 10 + 10 - 15 = 11 Pleasure = Orgasm.
Aya drains a total of 6 + 6 = 12 EP.
Damage: 7 damage.
Aya summoned her stalker successfully. You can give it orders as you see fit. You can leave on or deactivate Fell Might whenever you want, but at this point it's only just using up EP and HP.

While the poison was still fairly weak, the gray creatures tendrils more than filled in for it as Aya hung in there grasp. Even as her gateway opened and the demonic sorcerer she'd summoned came through it, the tentacles twisted around her breasts, squeezing her soft orbs, while the tips brushed against her nipples, wetting the tips of her breasts with their aphrodisiac laced slime. A moment later, the tips of them opened up like blooming flowers, and Aya had only a second to examine the slimy, cilia filled pads before her bust was engulfed by them. The slime coating seemed to heighten her sensitivity, and Aya moaned helplessly, as her nipples were simultaneously sucked on and rubbed against by the tentacles, which were a mix of suction cups and dozens of tiny smaller tentacles.

At the same time, two more tendrils remains whole, one of which slid up into her flower, easily sliding all the way up her moist channel and into the half-demons womb, while the other slid into her mouth, going down her throat instantly. Despite the fact that she was technically unwilling, Aya instinctively sucked on the appendage, the sweet but bitter taste of its slime strangely appealing to her. It bucked repeatedly into her holes, sliding about into her pussy and going deep down her throat as Aya wriggled helplessly in its grasp, its suckers still working on her breasts. Before she could reach climax, however, she felt them enlarge within her, and suddenly she felt burning hot cum flowing into her. Her womb was filled to the brim instantly with the monsters semen, and it continued thrusting into her mouth even as it spewed its goo into her mouth and down her throat. She felt herself draining some of its spiritual energy as it fucked her, but it was strangely muted, as though she couldn't consume its power as she normally would.

Her summoned ally was prepared to attack the creature that was molesting her, but even as some of those fleeing turned to watch her otherworldly sex with the monster, two women were grabbed by the monsters that had left her alone. They were clearly about to be raped just as she was.
Re: Aya'liatrin (Stratiros)

Aya took a few deep breaths as the creature began playing with her breasts, they were already had when the monster started playing with her and a shiver of pleasure rolled down her spine when it clamped down on them. She pointed at the stalker then to the other two monsters that weren't holding her. "Get them f-"

She was interrupted by the tentacle thrusting into her throat and even if she hadn't; nothing but moaning would come out of her mouth any time soon as it penetrated her below. The demon sucked on the tendril in her mouth and rocked her hips, causing stronger sensations for herself and it as the beast ravaged her. Even the little bit of the poison she'd absorbed affected her heavily because when the creature engorged it's tendrils she found herself climbing up much faster than expected. Though it's abrupt finish left her wanting much more. Such a rude monster, she thought, here she was trying ot make them both feel good and it only cared for itself.

As the creature forced more cum into her Aya tried to suck it further in and tightened herself below. She was not getting anywhere near the energy she should've been from it and her body ached for more as the icy pain shot through it. She focused her energies on relieving the pain form the magic bound up i nher body, waiting for a better chance to strike back.

Going to keep it up for a little while longer, not sure how long it will continue and she'd start draining for hp this time to heal.
Re: Aya'liatrin (Stratiros)

HP = 30/55, PP = 40, EP = 41/52, Status = Fell Might 4, Pregnant

Aphrodisiac: Aya is at 9/19 Resistance.
Pleasure (Aya): 9 + 3 + 20 + 4 = 36 Pleasure = Orgasm.
Pleasure (Enemy): 2 + 1 + 19 = 22 pleasure.
Pleasure (Enemy): 6 + 2 + 10 + 10 = 28 Pleasure = Orgasm.
Aya drains a total of 5 + 14 = 19 EP = 10 HP.
Damage: 8 x 2 = 16 damage.

Casting: Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 2 + 2 + 7 = 11 x 5 = 55 damage.

I'm just skipping through the stunned round.

The creature definitely seemed to enjoy her added tightness and the work of her mouth, as its tendrils pulsated as she drained out the last of their seed, and started thrusting into her once again. She felt more of its energy slowly flowing out of it and into her, her strength quickly being replenished despite the icy cold that still flowed through her. The tentacle buried into her womanhood writhed and twisted, hitting all of her most sensitive places, even though it was really just trying to pleasure itself, and the tips of her breasts bombarded her with a myriad of pleasurable sensations as they were simultaneously sucked on, pulled on, and rubbed against by dozens of tiny tendrils from beneath the pads that covered her chest. After another moment, she felt something flowing out of nipples, and the suction on her breasts increased as the gray abomination began milking her.

It was this, along with the sensation of another load of cum making bulges force their way past both her sets of lips as they went down the tentacles that finally sent Aya past her point of no return. Her body tensed, and the familiar sensation of her own climax washed over her as she naturally tightened around the one buried inside of her womanhood. For several seconds she was forced to twitch in its grasp, her juices mixed with its seed spraying out of her lower hole while the pads on her breasts drank greedily away at her milk, her inner spasms churning its seed within her, before a second burning eruption into her womb and down her throat caused her climax to heighten even further. She shook visibly as she was filled once more, before she suddenly felt both of its tentacles withdraw from her, the pads pulling off of her breasts as well.

After a second of recovery, Aya realized that it hadn't fully released her, but now all of its appendages hung limp about her, the gray monster motionless beneath her. She looked up just in time to see the stalker wizard reposition himself, before firing a spell that produced a brilliant flash of light. It was only there for half a heartbeat, but it went through both of the other creatures that had fallen from the sky to attack her, practically disintegrating them in a single blast. The demon wizard approached her then, Aya still prone and recovering from the powerful orgasm she'd just had, and smiled, the gray skinned demon showing rows of sharp teeth. "Battle is over. I'll take my reward now. You'll let me feed until I am full, and you don't feed off me either." He examined her womanhood for a moment, which was releasing a flood of seed already, and shrugged before saying; "Turn around. On your hands and knees." The words were spoken like a command, though Aya knew that she didn't have to listen to him if she didn't want to. Still, if she broke the terms of the bargain, there would be very severe consequences, and it wasn't like she couldn't get her energy back from one of numerous other sources.
Re: Aya'liatrin (Stratiros)

Aya moaned and bucked against the monster as it continued thrusting into her. The tendril in her pussy had finally begun hitting the right places, even if it was an accident. She squeezed that one as much as she could as she noticed the two begin sucking on her breasts. Another shiver of pleasure ran down her spine as her milk flowed out into the tentacle beast. It was a sensation that she knew rather well and had always felt incredible.

As the cum bulges came up Aya loosened up just enough to let them in easily and clamped down on them again once they were inside. The larger bulge pushing against her finally threw her overboard and she arched her back as her climax began. She thrashed in the tentacles grip for a few seconds, unable to contain herself. Before collapsing and mewing sadly as the beast pulled itself from her body. She had been willing to simply stay there a bit longer when the stalker began speaking.

"Give me a short while to recover and ensure everything here is fine first," Aya said to it as she pulled the now deceased monster off of her and sat up. She glanced around to make sure that no more of the monsters were raping the townsfolk before she put herself under the demon. "Though you may want to use my rear hole when it comes time. The tentacle beast did not touch it." She was prepared to simply lean over and let the demon begin if nothing was wrong.
Gotta make sure the mission is done first. Also, if nothing looks wrong she'll drop fell might and simply lean over for the stalker.
Re: Aya'liatrin (Stratiros)

HP = 30/55, PP = 19/40, EP = 30/52, Status = Pregnant

Pleasure (Aya): 7 + 2 + 8 + 4 = 21 Pleasure.
Pleasure (Stalker): 3 + 3 + 19 = 25 Pleasure.
Aya has been drained 11 EP.

There didn't seem to be anyone else around them currently, as all of the townspeople had already fled, and no more were coming through the gate out of Celesis. There also weren't any more creatures around, so Aya allowed her dark magics to drop, and warmth swiftly flooded back into her system. The stalker grinned down at her as she bent over, and she watched as the demons cock slid out of its protective sheath. It knelt behind her, and she felt it press the tips of its rod against her anus, and slowly press inwards, the pleasure caused by the penetration only increased as Aya felt the first tugs upon her soul as the demon began to feed. It kept going until it was halfway into Ayas tight rear before it pulled back, at least having the decency to be gentle before she got used to the size of its shaft inside of her, and then slowly thrust forward, sending shivers of pleasure mixed with a little pain from the intrusion up Ayas spine. It growled with pleasure as it slowly fucked her ass, savoring the sensation of her tight hole, as well as the taste of the essence that it was slowly draining from the young part-demoness.
Re: Aya'liatrin (Stratiros)

"Good everything is ok," Aya muttered to herself as she bent over. She wasn't sure where the demon was going to go and yelped softly as he pressed into her. She relaxed her ass to give him enough room as he began thrusting. Aya tightened around the demon's dick as it did so. While it wouldn't make him feed any faster it would make her feel much better about the entire process.

As it continued she started tweaking her own nipples and moving opposite its thrusts so it went just a bit deeper into her. She was meaning to get as much pleasure out of this as she could while it lasted.
Re: Aya'liatrin (Stratiros)

HP = 55, PP = 40, EP = 11/52, Status = Pregnant

Pleasure (Aya): 5 + 2 + 8 + 4 = 19 Pleasure = Orgasm.
Pleasure (Stalker): 10 + 9 + 19 = 38 Pleasure = Orgasm.
Aya has been drained 19 EP.

The stalker growled in pleasure as Aya tightened her ass around its cock, and thrust harder into her, until his crotch pressed against her rounded ass with every movement forward. After about a minute of rough pounding, Ayas own attentions to her breasts and the thrusting into her anus caused her to cum, her hole gripping his rod and her juices spraying out of her womanhood. She also felt him erupt into her rear as she came, his warm goo filling her only unsoiled hole accompanying the feel of the demon draining her spirit to make her cum all the harder. After he'd finished, the gray demon pulled out of her quickly, chuckling, and muttered; "Any time you'd like to summon me.... Feel free." With that, he disappeared, and Aya was left to her own devices once more.

Her energies had been severely drained, and even though her body was already filthy with the semen of multiple partners, her demonic side hungered for more, so that she could regain her strength. The monstrous thing floating above Celesis remained in place, likely dropping more monsters onto the city, and Aya could here the sounds of battle coming from within its walls. The creature she had fought had been difficult to take energy from, however, and many people had fled into the jungle already, where more conventional dangers lurked.

(Gain a mutation from the tentacle monster, plus set your corruption to 50 from the stalker.)
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Re: Aya'liatrin (Stratiros)

Aya shuddered in pleasure as the stalker started fucking her rougher. She rocked her hips against his thrusts and she pulled on her nipples. The demon noticed the streams of milk now pouring out of her chest as she did this, but payed it no mind as she continued pushing against the stalker. As her climax finally came Aya dropped her hands to her knees to stay up and the shivers ran through her body and caused her to clamp down on the stalker.

She kept up for the duration of his orgasm then fell to the ground into her own puddle panting. After a few moments to recover herself Aya stood up and glanced around, looking to see if any of the people here before were still around. the part-demon ignored her fallen clothing as she searched, though she did pick up her weapon.
Re: Aya'liatrin (Stratiros)

HP = 55, PP = 40, EP = 11/52, Status = Pregnant

There didn't seem to be anyone around anymore, all of the people she'd seen flee having gone off into the woods. They were all probably already lost, as there were no roads through the jungle, and the idea of going after them into the damp, sticky jungle as soiled as she already was was hardly an appealing idea. If she wanted to find anything intelligent, she'd probably have to go into the city, from which Aya could hear the sounds of combat still.
Re: Aya'liatrin (Stratiros)

"Aww, hello anyone there?" The part-demon cried out lustily and pouted when she realized that no one was answering. She looked down dejected as she went over to her clothing and started putting it back on. she pulled the goo covering her off as she did so, eating it for lack of anything else to wipe off with.

With her gear in place again, though her top had grown more strained as her chest was much heavier now, she sauntered off into the city. Aya was looking for someone to feed off of still and honestly anyone, but one of those monsters, would do.
Re: Aya'liatrin (Stratiros)

HP = 55, PP = 40, EP = 11/52, Status = Pregnant

No one answered her call, and after she cleaned off as much of the slime and cum as she could with only her mouth, and re-donned her clothing, Aya set off into the city, her top straining to contain her breasts and cum still running down her legs. Given the amount that had been shot into her, it wouldn't surprise Aya if some of the tentacle creatures seed had taken root inside of her, as she still felt bloated even though the things seed wasn't flowing out of her like a river anymore, so she thought that safe sex need no longer be a priority, at least for a little while. She was severely drained of energy already, but as she stepped past the gates of the city, a woman suddenly bumped into her, and fell back onto the ground with a start. She screamed suddenly, but immediately stopped as she looked up at Aya. Taking a deep breath and glancing around nervously, the woman quietly said; "You're... You're not one of those... Things? Please! Help me! We have to get out of here! They're killing all of the men! And... The women..... " She didn't seem to be able to finish that sentence, but as she looked down at the woman, who had dark brown skin and wore a simple, grey robe tied at her waist and flowing down to her ankles, Aya noticed a strange bump slowly growing at her crotch, and the womans eyes were locked a bit below her face. Strange.....
Re: Aya'liatrin (Stratiros)

Aya frowned at the bloating she felt. Carrying such a creature's spawn wasn't exactly on her lists of wants at the moment. Though it would make regaining her energy a bit easier. As she passed through the gates the woman running into her caused the half-demon to stumble back, barely able to keep herself up.

She only looked at her eyes for a moment before roaming over her body. "I'm not one of them, I'm here to save people." She said leaning her spear on a nearby object and crouching in front of the woman. Aya make sure to move in such a way that the girl on the ground could look right up her skirt if she so choose. "But I'm rather tried after.... fighting... and need your help to recover." She'd seen enough succubi in the past to guess at what was happening here and slowly reached for the bulge in her robe. "Just relax and I'll take care of the rest." She grinned and licked her lips as she looked the woman in the eyes once more.