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A Place to Rest (lurker) GMed by ranger


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
HP = 41, PP = 50, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Mithral had wandered for a long time, never stopping in any place for very long. Even among her own exceedingly rare kindred, Mithral's incredible, but also inhuman appearance stood out from those around her, and even the fey she had met in her travels oftentimes looked upon her silver and gold visage with a degree of awe. Unfortunately, the fey rarely allowed members of other races to dwell among them, and no mortal that she had ever met had been able to get past her appearance. She'd been kept at a distance, and made unwelcome everywhere that she went, and many places had treated her with outright hostility.

So, when Mithral had learned of a place, hidden amidst the mountains and valleys to the South, within a weeks travel of the fallen village of Artmirst, where all could go, and be treated as equals, it had seemed like a dream come true. She wasn't yet quite sure if she'd believed the gruff who had told her, but the taciturn, goat-headed fey had seemed sincere enough, and as she'd had little better to do, the dragon-kin had steered her wanderings in that direction. It had been a long journey, across mostly hostile terrain, but it hadn't been anything she hadn't experienced before.

She'd been traveling for many hours through the woods, no signs of civilization in sight, and the sky was beginning to turn orange as the day drew to a close. It was mid spring, and the air was pleasantly warm during the day without being overly hot or humid, while the nights were still pleasantly cool. Through the tops of the trees which were only just growing in all of their leaves, Mithral could already see the half-full moon hanging low in the sky, waiting for the sun to fall so that it's silvery light could cover the forest for the night.

As she hiked on, likely looking for a place to bed down for the night, a voice called out to her from the woods off to her right; "Ho traveler! Darkness approaches, and the woods be unsafe to travel at night alone!" Turning, Mithral would immediately spot the satyr standing amidst the trees, the fey's furry goat-like legs, stout build, bare hairy chest and ram-like horns allowing her to identify it without much trouble. He was smiling joyously at her as he continued; "You may share my camp for the night, if you like! A warm fire, a bite to eat, and some company for the night. That doesn't sound so bad, eh?"
Re: Mithral (lurker)

Mithral's feet were tiring as the sun lowered. Even still, she kept her trek even until she was occosted, turning to the voice as she was called to. "Oh, er..." she started, thinking a bit of her perdicament. She had been able to hold her own relatively easy thus far, however the offer of a hot meal was something the dragoness knew she hadn't had in a few days.

"Sure, I guess," she replied back after thinking, shifting the light travelpack she had shouldered over traveling clothes to a more comfortable part of her back. "May I ask of your name, just out of idle curiousity?" she asked, keeping herself balanced on the staff she had been using as a walking stick.
Re: Mithral (lurker)

HP = 41, PP = 50, EP = 41, Status = Fine

The satyr grinned widely at Mithral, and replied; "Shrakur is what they call me. And a pleasant afternoon to yourself, and yours, milady!" He bowed to her, and when he rose his grin was still just as wide. "Tis not often that I come upon a proper lady who's horns outmatch my own! Come, food and rest lie this way!" Without another word, the fey spun and began walking away at a rather swift pace.

If Mithral chose to follow, she would find herself having trouble keeping up, and even more trouble keeping her eyes upon the satyr's back. Every time she lost sight of him, however, he would appear no more than ten feet away from her, grinning widely, before leading her on. After a few minutes of hiking through the woods, she found herself at a crude campsite set within a small clearing. A fire pit had been dug, and was already stacked with wood and kindling, a small collection of additional firewood had also been set aside, as well as two thick logs which had been propped up by stones, forming low benches. A spit was hung over the firepit, and one that were a rabbit and a pheasant, both already prepared to be cooked. The satyr took a seat on one of the benches, and promptly grabbed a pair of sticks and began rubbing them against one another excitedly, trying to start a fire. As he did so, he half-mumbled; "Welcome! Say, I didn't catch your name earlier...."
Re: Mithral (lurker)

Mithral smirked a bit at the comment of her horns, brushing her hand through her hair a bit as she followed the satyr. She wasn't sure she could trust him, but on the other hand she wasn't sure she wanted to be alone one more night. As long as he didn't try anything, she was fine.

As Mithral entered the camp, she quietly settled herself onto one of the split logs, letting her pack set nearby with a clanking of metal. "Mithral, sir," she replied, her tail curling around with her. "It's not often I spend time with others, it's more often then not they flee in terror or are confused about my appearence, ya see..."
Re: Mithral (lurker)

HP = 41, PP = 50, EP = 41, Status = Fine

The satyr made a quiet thoughtful sound as she spoke, but Mithral got the impression that he hadn't been listening all that well as he continued fumbling with the sticks in his hands. Smoke was just starting to rise from the pit as Shrakur said; "Hmmm.... Hrm.... Oh, right. Ehhhh..... Sorry, I don't get many visitors out here. This isn't a particularly pleasant place to be, for my kindred, but someone has to watch over It, and I got the job. Keep travelers like yourself from stumbling over It's resting place, and warn the Court's if some mortal or demon or whatever comes a looking. Believe you me, you're not the strangest character I've had coming through these parts.... What are you doing here, if I may ask?"
Re: Mithral (lurker)

Mithral shrugged a bit as she began to speak again. "I heard of a village that wouldn't nessisarily ostricize me just on my appearence and skills. I was hoping to reach it before nightfall, but it seems not to be," she replied. "Even still, what is this... 'It' you refer to? Is it highly dangerous? And why has it not been destroyed if it is such a danger?"
Re: Mithral (lurker)

HP = 41, PP = 50, EP = 41, Status = Fine

"Ahhh! You seek the Hidden Village! A great many folk are going there, seeking refuge from this or that, or a place to start anew." Shrakur said, smiling. The smoke rising from the would-be fire began to increase, the thin wisps becoming gradually thicker. He waited until he had a few embers going before he spoke further, his face dark as he answered Mithral's question; "Tis a daemon, who's been locked away for a hundred thousand years. Twas the old gods that sealed it, forever within a length of wrought iron chain and a casket of gold, and not many of them are left around these days. The White Death, some humans called it, and others the Silver Serpent. Twas called 'Aivilniar' in the tongue of the elves, and means more or less a mixture of the two. The Silver Death, roughly translated."

"It was sealed away when it tried to destroy the world, or at least that's what the legends say. Not much is known about it, at least not anymore. It was around before the humans had taken writing from the elves, and a fair few still live from those times." The fire was just started, and Shrakur tossed the two twigs he'd used to start it into the fire before turning back toward her. "Why do you ask?"
Re: Mithral (lurker)

Mithral listened quietly to the satyr's description, the tip of her tail waving behind her in idle need of movement. As he finished and asked his question, she shrugged again. "Tis more idle curiousity twas all. I wander a lot, and do have some talent in the magic arts, so was curious if I could help was all."
Re: Mithral (lurker)

HP = 41, PP = 50, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Shrakur hmmmed to himself, staring into the fire, once Mithral had finished speaking. He didn't speak for a long while unless Mithral decided to ask some questions of her own, and when he did, it was when he rose, and smiled as he said; "Be back in a minute or two. Gotta answer a call of nature!" He left, wandering off into the increasingly dark woods on his own.

As the satyr's footsteps disappeared, Mithral was left with the only the sounds of the spring night and the crackling of the fire to keep the silence at bay. The half-full moon peaked through the clouds, casting a thin white light upon the forest outside of the flickering light of the fire.

There was something watching her. It wasn't so overt as hearing a twig snap from behind her, or a set of eyes staring at her from the darkness. But... Mithral could feel a presence, its direction indeterminate, as it gazed upon her. It was not a friendly presence, nor a pleasant thing to feel that gaze upon her, particularly as its point of origin was a mystery, but as the tension around her grey, Mithral heard someone moving through the woods toward.

A moment later, Shrakur appeared from the woods, and with his return, the presence vanished. He retook his seat without a any greeting besides a nod if his horned head, and immediately checked the meat. "Looks done. Would you prefer poultry, hare, or a bit of both, lass?"
Re: Mithral (lurker)

Mithral nodded as the Satyr left, quietly shifting a tad closer to the fire. She was used to being alone, but it would be best the fire was kept running, especially if it was as dangerous as he said.

After a bit, the unnerving sence of being spied on crepted into her, causing her to pause. Quietly, she reached into her bag, and gripped the hilt of her rapier, the feeling of hard steel beneath her claws reassuring her once more.

She was quite literally planning to release a volley of her spells when the satyr returned, causing her to visibly relax. "Both is fine, thanks," she replied, her shoulders lowering, but even still having a light pang of concern about the shadows surrounding them.
Re: Mithral (lurker)

HP = 41, PP = 50, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Apparently taking no notice of Mithral's discomfort, Shrakur began cutting the meat from the spit using a small dagger taken. The presence, whatever it had been, did not return until the satyr handed her a ceramic plate covered in chunks of pheasant and rabbit. She felt the concentrated attention of... Something, but it was nowhere to be seen. "Something the matter?" Shrakur's voice surprised her, but before Mithral could respond, the satyr suddenly flinched and narrowed his eyes. His gaze darted around the woods, searching, before looking back to Mithral.
Re: Mithral (lurker)

Mithral took the meal, but quickly tensed at the return of the sence of being watched. "...There's something out there..." she muttered, once again gripping her rapier as she peered into the dark. Her ears perked, trying to catch even the slightest sound out there. "I take it you sence it too?" she asked, glancing to the satyr again, almost expecting... whatever... was looking for her to pounce.
Re: Mithral (lurker)

HP = 41, PP = 50, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Shrakur nodded slightly, his eyes still darting out into the woods, but as the seconds ticked by tensely, nothing happened. Some more nothing happened, and then some more nothing. Shrakur very slowly rose to his cloven feet, a hand cautiously reaching for a blade that leaned against the log he'd been using as a bench, but before he could grab it, the presence simply disappeared once more. A few more tense seconds later, and Shrakur blurted; "What in the hell was that? I've never felt anything like that befo--."

The presence returned, and Shrakur went silent, the satyr paling visibly. A soft rustling sound among the bushes off behind Mithral alerted them both to movement coming toward them. A snapping of a twig, the sound closer than it had been before, caused Shrakur to tense, and lunge for his sword and draw it in one swift motion. Another twig snap, and more rustling, in a section of brush just behind them. Then, nothing, and the presence once more disappeared.

The seconds went by, the tension thick enough to cut, but this time, the presence did not return. "What in the hell was what....." Shrakur muttered, barely audible.
Re: Mithral (lurker)

Mithral sighed a bit, before slowly relaxing herself and returning from the crouch she had inadvertently moved into at the sound of the twig snapping. "I don't know... but whatever it was, it wasn't fearful until we drew steel at it's direction. That could mean that it's not just some wild animal..." she reasoned, her tail twitching. "It may be best if we take watches during the night, in case it once again fancies it's chances, am I right?" she asked, now finally turning to the meal her companion had generously fixed.
Re: Mithral (lurker)

HP = 41, PP = 50, EP = 41, Status = Fine

"Right...." Shrakur muttered, still staring off into the empty woods, sword in hand. However, after a moment, the satyr shook himself, and sheathed his blade, which Mithral idly noticed was made of copper. He sat down again, and promptly started eating the meat he'd prepared. After a few moments of stuffing his face, the satyr glanced at her sharply, and said, his mouth still full of meat; "Ahhh, yes, watches. That might be a good idea, actually."
Re: Mithral (lurker)

Mithral nodded a bit. "As thanks for being such a generous host, I could take the first watch, if you wished," she suggested, simply laying her weapon nearby and returning to the meal. While she was famished, she still ate neatly, biting a chunk off and chewing through it, while still listening for the satyr's reply, an ear poised to listen both for him, and the odd sounds from earlier.
Re: Mithral (lurker)

HP = 41, PP = 50, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Shrakur nodded as he continued eating messily, and if the satyr didn't seem like he was overly bothered by how comparatively clean Mithral kept herself. After one heavy swallow, and between putting more into his mouth, he replied; "Aye, I'll accept your offer lass. Not likely to be getting to bed soon though, not after after that." With the way that he ate, Shrakur was done with his meal within a few minutes, and licked his fingers clean of the juices left by the meat. As she ate some of her own, Mithral found it to be just slightly on the rare side, the meat being mostly soft and tender.

Her host sighed, and then said; "So, Mithral.... Where are you from, anyway? You said that you've wandered a great deal, but surely your tale must have a beginning somewhere?"
Re: Mithral (lurker)

Mithral simply nodded as the satyr agreed to the nightwatch. As for the state of the meal, she had far worse then this before, so it wasn't as much of a concern. What WAS a concern, however, was when Shrakur asked about her past.

Finishing the last rements of her meal, she sighed and bowed her head a bit, lost in thought. "To be honest," she began, "It started a long way from here. My mother was a pureblooded human, and wound up running into my father during that time. They fell madly in love and had secret relations, as young couples often due. However, her village wasn't really apt to creatures like, well, like me..."

"When I was discovered, they accused my mother of some form of devil-worship, locked her up, and were still deciding what sort of demon I was so they could get rid of me when I managed to sneak into the prision and release her. Even still, my mother was starting to get old, and in all respects, we would not be welcome in other settlements if I accompanied her... Thus, I wander. My skills keep me alive, and until I find a proper place to rest myself, it's probably how I'm stuck traveling," she concluded with a small shrug.
Re: Mithral (lurker)

HP = 41, PP = 50, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Shrakur listened to Mithral's story intently, watching her with dark eyes, and nodded as she finished her tale. "Aye, tis a tale heard too many times in these lands, to be sure. Do you know if your mother yet lives? You seem young, compared to the other members of your esteemed kind that I've encountered." The wind suddenly picked up, causing the fresh leaves on the trees to sing pleasantly through the night air. "Smell's like a storm is coming. Few things in these woods are out and about during a rainstorm, even the more aggressive creatures. Whatever is out there, I doubt that it'll do anything but seek shelter when the rain starts, but if you'd still like to keep watch, I'd understand."
Re: Mithral (lurker)

"Last I knew, she was moving to a human settlement on the other side of the continent. I am unsure if she made it or not, of if she yet lives," she replied. As the winds grew, her ears perked a bit, as if the sence of rain was making her interested. "True enough," she replied. "Perhaps the rain will chase it off more then the campfire will," she reasoned. "And it has been a while since I got proper sleep, in a sence..."