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Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

Rovana went over to the chest to open it up, but found it to be locked! And this close to the chest, it smelled of... some sort of floral scent. Lavender perhaps?

[The chest is locked! Do you have thieves tools? If is, you can try to pick the lock. Otherwise you may need to figure out an alternative method.]

A long, low note, played upon an eerie horn, echoed across the waters.

"Men, to arms! Away from the water! Form a line with each other. Crossbows out!" Alaric commanded.
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

Rovana the exploring pirate captain
The old wizard tower, insides

"Bloody. Why can't things ever be easy?" She asked Joe. Thats what she got for being a better navigator than lockpick. Of course, she could simply ask Joe to grab one from one of her crew, or.. If the chests weren't too heavy, simple push them down the towers shaft, to hopefully crush their frame upon impact after an 80 ft fall. "Well then.. get yourself down, in case I need a lockpick swiftly"

Meanwhile, she'd proceed to her bruteforce methods of opening the chest.. "Ugh.. bloody.. chests."

She shouted down below. "Alright, someone hand me parrot a lockpick." She chuckled slightly. "Or get yourselfs to safety. Won't blame ya."

She wouldn't blame anyone for putting their own survival above hers, though she'd keep trying to maneuvre the chests. "Seriously, why lock a chest up here, how paranoid can one be.. I mean 'tis justified, but still!" She growled.

Aaand nat 1 strength, sooo. :p
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

Old Tower, Top Floor

"Rawwrk, Never Easy! Wee Woo!" Joe squawked in sympathy with his cursed captain as she put her back into dragging the heavy chest across the floor, creating a horrid scrapping across the wooden floorboards, and then getting stuck on the old rug that covered the middle of the floor.

Joe whirled about and swooped through the hole in the floor, leaving Rovana alone. As she paused to breath and straighten her now aching back, she thought the air in the room had suddenly grown denser, and the perfumed lavender odor mixed with something foul in her nostrils. The room grew darker and the shadows lengthened, including her own.

This didn't at first alarm her, but then Rovana felt a slight chill down her spine as she recalled that her shadow was normally gone, having been stolen from her by Strahd. And then there was that odd time as she lay between life and death as a phantom of herself, and had returned to life, yet not wholly.

Her shadow moved of its own accord, becoming solid and stepping out in front of her, forming into a more solid shape than it had previous. Features became more definite, areas of it smoothed, lips formed, eye lids fluttered, and dark hair flowed on unnatural wind.

Light grey painted itself over the shadow, and the features now became obvious. Rovana found herself staring at a black and white version of herself, dressed in her small clothes. Her 'shadow' wore a smile.


"Paranoia be always justified when yer sailing through hell, me hearty~" the copy said to her in a flawless copy of her own voice, which had a distinct, eerie effect on Rovana, assaulting her mind. "Be ye surprised to see me again? Ye know what they say about running from yer own shadow.~"

Outer clothes began to form on the surface of the Shadow 'Reaver,' making her look as though she were wearing a grey scaled version of Rovana's leathers, boots and cloak, appearing at her hip was a saber made of shadow stuff, which the Shadow Reaver put her hand upon, without drawing just yet.

[Opposed Wisdom check to avoid supernatural fear! Shadow Rovana rolls... 12.]
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

Rovana the exploring pirate captain
The old wizard tower, insides

"I'd really like some rum right about now." she mused towards the rug, saving herself the curses and despair she had felt in the past. It wasn't that she was less worried, but she had grown to realize that didn't help. She leaned up against the chest, sighing, inhaling heavily.. was it her or did it smell.. weird? She was more annoyed than horrified at her shadow taking shape.

"Oh lookie there. Seems you only appear with whatever weaponry I have on me though." She smirked. "So what, want to arm-wrestle me to death? I don't think either of us would win. We aren't too strong. Sorry, you couldn't be a more impressive persons shadow." Rovana chuckled when the shadow responded this time.

"Aye. Kinda satisifed you speak this time, consider that one of me best weapons, you'd be a terrible copy without it. I figured I couldn't keep you down forever.. 'cause you can't keep me down for long either. Also figured ye'd be waiting for the perfect moment to strike. And when would that be, well.. .. oh come on. Thats cheating.. damn pirate." Rovana sighed at the shadow suddenly aquiering weapons, then her smile turned to a grin, as she raised her hand, seeming unitimidated.

"Parrley." She grinned, raising her hands. "Listen up here, I figure you propably hate me and want to replace me, plus, I want to put you back on your leash but you are -me-. So.." Rovana leaned back, crossing her arms behind her head, leaning back against the chest.

"Ye can't kill me. Not until ye heard me proposal out. It's the code. We live by it, we die by it. Now then. I believe you have a lot to lose by letting me life, a lot to gain. But what if I change the equation. How about we come to.. an accord. How about Ye help me get one of the gems, enough to get the mage cured and in exchange, I'll promise upon the code not to cleanse ye. Ye -know- I wont go against me word. I can't. Furthemore." Rovana pointed to the shadows outfit.

"Like your new outfit? You'd not have it without me. I tell you what you hate even more than me. Being powerless. Them damn bastards in this land looking down on you, hunting you like a scared animal.. because, well, basically, thats what ye be. But we deserve to be a famous pirate captain. That we can't be if I die now, blade incomplete, Dagon at our throat.. do you really think he'd let us be free as we wish, even if we threw in our lot with him? 'cause I don't think so." Rovana smirked.

"My strength be your strength, am I wrong? So.. are you satisfied with where you are now? Cause I ain't. Frankly.. I'd not even mind dying as much, knowing one would carry on my name and legacy. But first, there needs to be a proper legacy.
So, I propose ye help me with the chest here, rather than us stabbing one another. Perhaps I'll even use the other gem to ask for some protection from life stealing touches. Admit it."
Rovana licked her lips, taking in herself..

"You've fantasized about it. Once you get beyond being annoyed with there being another you, you have to admit, there be less impressive sights to behold." She licked her lips. After all, she had never seen the blonde, piratey beauty before her from the outside.

Wisdom check:
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

Old Tower, top floor.

"Oh, I don't want to kill you," the Shadow Rovana shook her head, side to side.

"Sure, when I first came into being, I had this murderous rage, but... that all changed. Quite recently in fact. Couldn't really say *why* exactly."

She listened to the talk about the Code, and Rovana's proposal, then chuckled in the same manner as Rovana did so often.

"I'm not so keen on you cleansing me, that be the truth. 'Tis why I'm here, after all. And I do find most of your accord agreeable. Save that I'm a bit greedy, you see. You've got some things that I don't have, and that I very much want. A crew, a ship, real clothes... not this shadow stuff I'm made of. I'm you, matey. We're the same. But you've got it all right now, and I'm just skulking about. If I ever go back to you, I cease to be - and I can't be letting that happen."

She stood on the other side of the room, where the hole in the floor with the chains was set in the middle of the room, between them.

"I don't know how our bond works. Only that it is a bond, and that there be a potential benefit out of it - for the both of us, maybe. I intend to find out a bit more about it, but in the meantime, no cleansing ritual."

She cocked her head and shoulders, crossing her arms and grinning.

"You mean like getting the chance to tumble about with yourself? Ha! We could do that right now, if you like. I don't have to sap your strength if I don't want to."

The shadow paused and seemed to concentrate, and then, slowly, the greys became more vibrant, as colour appeared on the shadow's cheeks, and whitish locks of hair turned golden, until, with some effort, the shadow had become a duplicate of Rovana, this time, her clothes and saber disappearing.

"There be just one thing. I may be from you, and I may be like you. But I don't serve under ye. I'm me own captain, and I intend to be me own terror of the seas, if ye follow. If that's not too much for ye, then I can oblige ye the diamonds. Though I'd suggest breaking that chest open. Or searching for the key."
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

Rovana the exploring pirate captain
The old wizard tower, insides

"Oh, thats nice to hear. Let's keep on the not killing me course." Rovana chuckled up against the chest. "You tried to kill me, I killed you, we're square." Rovana didn't bring up the part where she wasn't happy with someone else having her face and more, .. not whilest her opponent out-equipped her.

"Greedy huh?" She narrowed her eyes. "I hear ya sister, so whats the plan, impersonate me? Nay, me crew don't be that stupid." However, the idea of another her, lacking what she posessed made her rather sympathetic. Infact, there was a part that badly wanted to help herself and this was an odd opportunity, reflected in her tone growing subtly softer.

"Sorry, tempted to have someone that really knows what I like,.. but no tumbling about now. There be some trouble outside, can't have meself having fun here, only to find my things and folks gone." She shook her head, actually not blushing much at the sight before her, more interested than anything. She had seen it before after all. Out of a random curiosity she peeked if the shadow had her bitemarks as well...

She crossed her arms, watching the shadow become more real thoughtfully.
"Fascinating. I guess there could be possibilities with two of me running about. Hah. I want to be independent to the point of not being beholden to meself? Well, then you have to earn it too. Earn yer clothes and crew and ship. I'll let ye wear me face, because.. well.. I be a bit generous with meself, who else is gonna be, but if ye want to be independent ye gotta earn what ye are. Tzk. Wanting to be the captain no matter what.

Sounds about right. Sorry ye couldn't be the shadow of someone more imposing to make a name from. Either way."
She got up. "Deal. You help me, there wont be any cleansing. I'll still take two diamonds, cause frankly, the abbot owing either of us a spell could be useful if one of us ends up dying again, aye? Searching for the key? That be silly. Why lock up your chests if you keep the key closeby." She looked over to the table, pondering. "'Worth a look. Ye try the chest, I try looking for a key in the usual hiding spots. If there be none, we'll .. actually, can't ye just make a shadow-lockpick?" She chuckled, investigating for the unlikely key..

(Knowing Rovana, the Shadow would propably realize that, unless Rovana swears upon the code, or considers her shadowy copy more useful to keep around than get rid of, there's a chance she'll simply go through with the cleansing after all. I figure theres no point rolling deception against someone thats nearly yourself.)

Paying the price for the good climb-rolls now. :p
Perception (Investigation would be worsey)
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

Inside the old wizard's tower.

"Impersonating you? Wearing your face?" There was a strain in the shadow's voice as if it found this offensive, though she calmed down and made some shadow clothes for herself once again when Rovana had passed on the idea of getting frisky.

"This is MY face. I'm REAL. And I won't be erased. Aye, I'll keep a bargain - but a bargain sworn on the Code! The copy you've been keeping close to yer heart all this time. Swear upon that! Swear you'll not seek to cleanse me - not until I have time to understand what I am, and what it is that binds us."

The shadow Rovana stuck out a hand and pointed to the copy of the Code that Rovana had created and had held up before Strahd on the previous night.

"Strike a bargain on that. And let the Dark Powers take the first of us that breaks the pact. Aye?"

If Rovana proved willing to swear such a pact, then her Shadow would nod and take a look at the chest, inspecting it. When Rovana failed to find the key, her counterpart shrugged and twisted her shadow into a thin wisp and inserted it into the lock, picking it with some frustration and extended pauses as she had to start again. The shadow seemed even worse at picking locks than she was. And in a moment of frustration heaved upwards with the chest and brought it down with a thud. The lock snapped and fell off, allowing the chest to be opened with a loud creak.

Inside were the diamonds... as well as a severed human head that had been perfumed heavily in lavender. Only if Rovana had agreed to the pact upon the Code would the Shadow allow her to take both diamonds without objection.

"I'll find me own ship and me own crew. Of that ye can be certain."
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

Rovana the exploring pirate captain
The old wizard tower, insides

"Well, I wore it first.. But whatever, I'm uncertain enough about just who I am anyway to not care for another claim." Rovana crossed her arms, but agreed. "I'll swear upon me code that I wont attempt to cleanse you; As long as you wont bring willful harm to me, me crew, or Ludmilla." She extended her hand to Shadow Rovanas, hesitating for a moment, remembering her copies draining properties..

But then again, this would be in bad style for her, and thus, she presumed, her shadow, so she took her hand. "Heh. Whilest you are searching for whatever drives you.. first of all, good luck, Strahd created you, but he wont tell, however, I wouldn't talk about dark anythings, the code is enough to fear." She watched the shadow shaping.

"That is pretty nifty, you got to admit." She chuckled, also noticing that the shadow seemed to struggle with locks. This wasn't Rovanas expertise, but clearly, they weren't quite identical. .. exspecially considering the strength-act that followed. Curiously, Rovana leaned over the chest.

Rovana snatched the diamons, raising a brow at the head. "Ye can have the head. Well then, I guess ye want to find a way for yerself, but first, gotta make it out of this place." The captain nodded, poketing the gemstones carefully, reaching for the chain leading down. "A head and diamonds.. did someone try to revive whatever was in the chest?.. ugh, whatever, I need it to save this whole place from Dagon." She nodded, attempting to descend, once on the third floor she'd take that rope as well, though look outside at what was going on as well. Joe had taken a while to respond.. worst case, she could look through his eye as well.

Climbing down the chain: Roll(1d20)+2:

And down the rope:

Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

The old tower

The shadow-Rovana thought about the conditions for a moment, then nodded.

"Aye then. Fair is fair."

The shadow took Rovana's hand, and then upon seizing it, pulled the pirate close and kissed her upon the lips, the fringes of her face wavering like flickering shadow as she did so, but no harm or draining sensation was felt by the pirate, only a cool tongue attempting to part through the pirate's lips.

Whether this was resisted or eventually welcomed, the Shadow would pull back and chuckle with genuine mirth.

"I was thinking about what it might be like too, ever since the moment I was no longer driven to kill ye."

After the lock was broken, Rovana was able to take the diamonds without issue or objection from the Shadow, though the creature did not take up the offer of the severed head.

"I've no need for that thing. Best to leave it be. Perhaps the owner of this tower has use for it. This place still seems lived in. As for you, until I know better about whether your death will mean ill for me - do be staying alive. And if'n ye can't do that. I'll be a laying claim to your things... after all, no reason our growing legend can't live on with me~ And hey... ye don't need to be killing this Dagon thing. Strike a bargain with it if ye have to, or let some other sap take the fall for ye. The Code don't say nothing about no fool's errands and semantics!"

She tipped her chin up and settled her hands on her hips, grinning confidently as the pirate swung down on the chains and managed to get back to the ropes and the tear in the side of the tower with her secured gemstones. The stones themselves were cool to the touch, almost icy, though the inside of the chest had been room temperature.

Once she was outside of the tower and able to rappel down the side, Rovana saw that the water out on the rest of the lake/ocean was covered in a green glowing mist. All of the sailors had their crossbows pointed towards it, and Damia, Neku and Jowai were standing together with their eyes on the water as well. However, as time passed, it didn't seem that there was anything coming out of the mist towards them, at least nothing that could be seen.

"There's something happening," Damia whispered,"But perhaps not here. The water may be dangerous though. I suggest we stay on land for the time being. Did you get what you needed, Captain?"
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

Rovana the exploring pirate captain
The old wizard tower, -retreating

Rovana was only mildly hesitant at the sudden kiss, giving it a relaxed shrug in response.. "Well, kinky as it may be, considering you are a shadow sent after me to ruin my day by Strah, furthermore, you have a lot of a road to travel after attempting to attack me and fear-aura me
before I'll respect ya. I recognize the advanage of having another me about, that said, ye're o thin ice if ye think ye can claim whats mine."
Rovana shrugged, with darker tones at her shadowy self. "Only thing I want of Dagon, beyond obvious payback, is finding a way to take down whoever imprisoned him and me here in the first place. He may have deserved it.. I may have.. I doubt Era did. I don't quite get it, but seems ta me theres some malevolent force happy to mess with ev'ryone trying to have a good time here. The mists, the darkness, whatever ye call it. That be the real enemy, in the end. I shall not suffer a tyrants winds to blow in any of me sails. Dagon annoys me, Strahd does, but I can't help but feel theres somethings worse behind the scene, no idea what, but, the old Seer spoke of it, Strahd left things out at odd places... you did just speak of some darker powers in your oath... So anyway, far as I know, Dagon is bad news, crazy and worse than that, he betrayed me once, so he'd better have something real good on offer if he wants more than me blade, or something I could possibly despise more than that bastard."

With that, Rovana climbed down, peeking at the green mist as she guarded uperself up. "Seriously green mist.. and thats all ye fear? .. oh well then. Ready the horses, we'll travel slowly to the dusk elves, so the others can keep up if they so wish and to fulfill my oath then, and from there, back to the seashore, in hopes of fiding the mad mage.. and yes, I found what I want. Soon, its time so unleash my blades true potential still.. repare for danger and ambushes on your way, thats the way of this world. It won' stop scewing with you."

Rovava would ride on slowly, causiouly, readying a crossbow bolt for whoever dared attack them, not out of malice, but out of necessary self-perservation.
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Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

Back into the Svalich Woods

The shadow Rovana smirked at her duplicate and watched her swing away down the ropes. She may have said something under her breath, but whatever it was, the real Rovana didn't catch it. The conversation between the two seemed to be over for now. Whatever the shadow knew of the nature of those things beyond Strahd and Dagon, there would be no illumination at this moment.


Reaching the base of the tower, Rovana's mocking comment drew a derisive snort from Blasa, who overheard it and assumed that it was directed at the sailors who were pointing their ranged weapons at the mists.

"Only an idiot wouldn't be on guard when the unnatural appears before them. Save your mockery for your own self!" The Brechtan noblewoman had her dagger and rapier out, standing in what looked to be a capable fighter's stance.

Damia's reaction was not so scornful.

"Captain, I have not lived here all my life and seen horrors regularly without learning that it is best not to tempt fate. You say you have what you came for? Good. Then the horses are ready. Let's be off and leave these newcomers to their own destiny."

As they made ready to ride off, Alaric called out to Rovana.

"Captain Dilisnya. If you intend to travel inland, my crew and I are in need of some direction, and to be frank, traveling in large numbers may help you avoid undue trouble on dangerous roads. If you'll have us, we can travel on foot with you. And if you have a ship to sail on, myself and my men can crew it with peerless competency."


The green mist did not spill out onto land, enabling the small company to leave by the gravel landbridge back to the dirt path of the Svalich Woods, and south to wear the path linked up with the main road heading east and west.

Rovana turned her horse eastward, back towards the overlooking hill nearby to Vallaki, and only about a mile south of Lake Zarovich, overwhich the green mists had likewise covered.

Traveling with the company of Brechtan sailors behind her, Rovana would meet with no opportunistic creatures or bandits. And by the time that they reached the hill of the dusk elves, all signs of the Vistani camp had disappeared, save for embedded wagon tracks. It seemed the Vistani had packed up and relocated for the time being.

Near his hovel, sitting down with two other male dusk elves beside him, was Kasimir, the brother of the banshee, Patricia. He looked up with curiosity at the approach of the pirate and waited for her to speak.
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

Rovana the exploring pirate captain
The old wizard tower-> elf homes

"Oh, I've mocked myself earlier, but we came to an agreement afterwards." Rovana chuckled, her amusement at the prior situation,.. now that the danger of it was over.. helping her shake off the accusal from the warrior-woman.

She looked over to Alric. "Your men and blade would be welcomed. The problem is, not many places here are.. welcoming. Barovia village is too far away, the Vistani are a gamble if they are friendly or not, no offense." She mused to Damia. "And on the life of yer, avoid the castle. I'm heading to the town of Krezk, but you wont get in there without me.. cajoling the way in either and Vallaki.. err.. might be troublesome right now. It be best we travel slower, but together, I apologize for dragging ye along such, but I got a delivery to make upon me code." She tipped her chin.

"Tell ye what, ye travel with me for a day, I'll permit you to use me ship.. without being a pirate." She nodded, inwardly chuckling, none here had even seen her ship, only Damia potentially suspected the necklace for what it was. Either way. She'd travel on.

She looked ahead, noticing the green mists covering the lake as well. "Bad sign that." She mused, but, luckily, with the larger company, they encountered no dangers, causing Rovana to nod to Neku who had carried the axe and dismounting her horse.

"Greetings. I've been to the hill, taken the sap.. at quite the danger, I'd like to add. If whats on the axe is not enough, consider us even for you neglected to mention the wicked forest creatures and mad druids on the way there.. plus, you can keep the axe." She chuckled.

"As for the second part of the agreement, I can tell you theres a gate, guarded by a dangerous winged beast, the place is all in all bad news, .. which is good news to me. I swore upon the code I'd aid you, yes, but thing about the code, it nay compel me to put my life in undue danger, unless theres promise of greater treasure.
That said, I got something better than some scouting for you. At the foot of the mountainpass, one of the undead knights of the Silver Dragon should be waiting patiently. He knows the area well, and will certainly help anyone with knowledge and blade, in exchange for assistance getting to his dragons skull, which hopefully is somewhere on the mountains summit. Just tell him Rovana send yer."
The piratess nodded, and then, to the elf and Damia said:

"Perhaps that mountaintop also holds the secrets of the creature that now clouds the lakes green and hunts me down, but frankly, if I risk my life going up that cursed mountain, or risk my life fighting it, no difference. I risk me life any way. So.. unless the long-lived elves of this land have anything to tell me about Dagon, the creature of the like, and Era, last of the Dilisnya, I'll be off. I've paid my blood for your sisters aid, I hope it will be of use, but my time is limited." She looked up to the sky. The way to finding the crazed mage couldn't be that hard, she'd just have to try and backtrack the way she came in the night.. she hesitated, then looked over to the horses. Taking them through the wildernis would be tricky, plus she had to slow down anyway..

"These were taken from the Vistani, I wont lie. But would you trade them nonetheless? You could claim you found them for a reward, if you prefer, but as comfortable as rising them may be, it's better to walk and have these men fed, if you have water and bread to spare." She decided, looking over to Alarics sailors. Tired and weary as she was, she was still a leader, a captain, even if these weren't her crew.

If the elf agreed she'd let Alaric hand out fair portions to everyone, looking at her hand once more, thoughtfully. Just who are you, Rovana. Just a month ago, you'd threaten by blade, ask for food and valuables. What changed? Did you see it wasn't as fun to be on the recieving end of such things? Is it because these people scantly have anything anyway, compared to the merchant ships? Did being away from the pirate ship turn you into this? Or is it simply because, whoever you threaten, they'll just beat you up at best? Do you want it to stop? Who are you? Who do you want to be? A pirate? A hero? Yes. A pirate feared by her foes, yet a hero admired by those she protects. Hah. I can't even protect myself. I'm the one afraid at best. Theres no proper pirating to be had in terrorizing a few poor farmers that are already broken under the yoke of Strahd and thats the best I could manage. Can't even say I protected Ludmilla from Strahd, more like annoyed him enough to toss her at me. Perhaps I help the elf.. though its not like the banshee lives thanks to me. .. so what, what do I care? Do I want her thanks? .. perhaps I want to feel like I make a difference, do anything, as if anything I do in this world actually matters, because.. why else even do things? She looked over to her ragtag group, smiling weakly. "Well, Ludmilla is free, no matter how the vampire made it look, they're here.. following me. Who knows why. Well, I wanted a sword to rule the seas.. and now I have a magnificent ship to call my own. Guess theres a price to pay for these things. Is this what you've been through, crow, to laugh in the face of danger?

Aye, perhaps thats what a pirate is. Fearless, free, who cares about plundering.. I can do it or not as I see fit, that is my right as pirate! Treasure. I got my greatest treasure waiting for me, dark, beautiful, in a cellar in Krezk. That said, a bit of gold and jewelry to toss around, buy booze and clad herself in wont hurt.."
Rovana smiled, touching the ruby-necklace Ludmilla had given her after a moment of soul searching, having fullfilled her code-bound promise had helped. Now that she had dealt with the burdens fo the past, she could focus on dealing with Dagon.. and the treasure her sword might secretly be.

She took a moment to step over to Blasa. "By the by, ye be mostly right... about what ye said earlier, only a fool wouldn't be on guard with the unnatural, so far ye're right... ye lot at least. Perhaps we are innately foolish."

She turned to Damia, Neku and Jowai, extending her arms, finally recovering her smirk. "But there be no point in being afraid me hearties. Ye told me not to tempt fate? Damia, we tempt fate when we stand up in the morning. Ye got the rest of eternity to be dead, I chose to use it to find a way tosail forever and not be afraid instead.
What do we have to be afraid of? Losing our lifes?"
She petted Joe. "I have no quarrel sailing with the dead. Losing our souls? Ye've paid yer soul to the sea the moment you called yourself a pirate! Ye think she'll allow this robbery? Do you fear curse and damnation? Trust me, I'm cursed as cursed can be, the only thing I fear is betraying the code.

Now then! You sorry lot!"
She smirked, not caring for any elfish audience she might gather. "We'll be heading right towards danger, to find a crazed mage, then, challenge a creature most men can't fathom in their nightmares.
Those of you that want to live in peace and fear, feel free to stay here, the elves will surely show you a safe passage to go.. safe as this place can be. Those of you ready to come with me knowing whats coming.. ye be welcomed and surely, we'll find treasures to make it worth yer travel, but know that if you see danger I wont have you run or cower. The green mist is just the beginning of it, drowned and undead and worse await us, yet THEY are the ones supposed to be afraid of US. Ye see some undead horror? Be afraid, sure, fear keeps you alife, but laugh in its face, because thats what pirates do."
She nodded, exhaling.. she was as much trying to pump herself up as she did the others. Granted, green mist itself wasn't scary, but, better than anyone here, she knew what that mist held, the drowned one she somewhat remembered from Wachters mansion, the undeads, the beast, after her soul... but that wouldn't change if she kept despairing, questioning herself and feeling worthless.

Feel like doing charisma. not sure if persuasion or etc, that'd be a +2 you decide,
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Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

On the road and at the Dusk Elves' hill


The nobleman shook his head slightly.

"You aren't dragging us anywhere, Captain Dilisnya. My men will follow me, and I'm of the mind to follow you until such a time as I can get my bearings. The beast that killed half my crew and sunk my ship must pay for what it did."

The axe bearer, Ingrid, strode forward and walked behind Jowai.


"If there is to be a way to avenge my battle sisters, it will be with a force of competent fighters. You have the look of veterans. If you intend to eventually face these creatures in battle, then I don't mind journeying with you."

Jowai and Neku both gave the axe fighter a nod. Damia took no offense to Rovana's comment about trusting the Vistani. There was clearly truth to that warning, and none knew it better than she.


With the score of armed people traveling together on the road, the promenade received no trouble along the Old Svalich Road. Though many ravens fluttered alongside them and the howls of wolves echoed in the misty woods to the north and south.

The elves, having seen such a force approaching, had gathered in what few numbers they had, perhaps only a dozen or so of them, with Kasimir at the front of them, listening to what Rovana had to say and taking the axe which bore the sap of the blighted tree upon it.


"Take no offense, woman. The evils of this land are ever shifting and at times unknowable. It was not into Yesterhill with ill intent that I sent you, nor could I know what opposition you might face. But whatever it was, you appear to have overcome it without loss. And you have provided me with some news about the road to the mountain. A winged beast and a helpful, if undying knight are certainly good to know about."

Kasimir held the axe by its handle and carefully examined its edge. One of the other elves brought forward a container and Kasimir used his dagger to extract the bloody ichor into a glass jar, which he corked and handed gently back to his colleague, who disappeared inside the hovel behind them. Kasimir then weighed the axe in his hands and nodded thoughtfully.

"I do not know of this Dagon, and my thoughts have been dark for so many years since my sister's passing, that the names of humans do not stand out to me as much. But for your gift and your aid, I shall remember yours, Captain Rovana. Whatever promise you made to my sister, you have fulfilled it. I will prepare an expedition when I find some hearty travelers, and I shall take that path to mountain and find the cure for her condition. With this sap, I shall be able to calm the banshee's urge to kill the living long enough to restore her. I am certain of it."

In council with Damia and the elf, Rovana was able to give the horses away, and in return, the dusk elves set about sharing what food they could offer with the company of sailors. For a short time, in what had seemed now like an age, Rovana and those around her were able to sit upon the grassy hill on the grey day and partake of a simple meal without dread or fear crossing their hearts - at least, not unless the pirate captain dwelt overly long upon her cursed state.

After the meal, and her wrestling with her inner thoughts, Rovana had turned to Blasa Graun, the first mate to Alaric. The statement that the pirate offered the Brechtan gallant mariner woman caused her hardened expression to relent somewhat.


"It is a saying among my household - with experience, arrogance fades. This is due to being wrong so many times and having received the consequences of failure. But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, yes? Perhaps this is why I do not really like pirates, because arrogance tends to get in the way of wisdom. But a pirate with a bit of noble humility, that would probably be someone to be rightly feared."

Damia, Jowai and Neku turned to listen to Rovana, and as she spoke, the three of them grinned in their own ways. Damia's smile was eager and mischievous, Jowai's more masculine and with a thumping of his fist on his chest, and Neku with his left palm and right fist interlocking and his smiling face grinning wide showing the pearly whites of his teeth in contrast with his inky eyes.




"Too fucking right, cap'n!" Jowai growled.

"In this we find ourselves of one sky," Neku seemed to agree in his odd, disconcerting way.

"If you intend to do all that, then you'll need the luck of a proper Vistana on your side, or you're doomed. Luckily for you, you found the one gypsy crazy enough to join you." Damia chuckled and drew and raised her sword. To this, Jowai pulled out his greatsword and held it aloft. Neku put a fist up in the air.

There was the sound of another sword being drawn, and turning around Rovana would see Alaric holding aloft a well-crafted longsword in front of him, in a salute.

"Let it never be said the Danigau Navy was afraid to pursue a pirate into the jaws of hell and shadows. Besides. I've a feeling I was heading that way anyway.~ So tell us Captain Dilisnya. Where to next?

With Alaric speaking his desire to join, the crew fell into line. The axe-bearing Ingrid said nothing more, for she had spoken her peace before and would choose to join anyone willing to let her wet her axe in an act of vengeance.

[Persuasion check of 10 makes it. They are a company looking for leadership, and Alaric seems to be readily willing to take his crew with you. The only one who seems mildly reticent is Blasa, but she follows Alaric without a word.]
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)


Rovana the exploring pirate captain
Elfish homes-> Wildernis by Lake Zarovich

"Oh tell me about it, that same beast drowned me." She nodded to Aleric, then hesitated.. "I look like a Veteran?" She mused, not quite feeling like one.

Rovana smiled to the elf, nodding respectfully. Being remembered. That was what mattered, was it not?

Rovana looked at Alarics first mate, in good mood with food in her tummy and a smirk on her lips. "We are arrogant because we need to be, often, if you are confident in yourself, many a foe will be intimidated and give you what you want before you raise your blade.. though not in these lands. What about things that kill you yet don't stop you, do those make you even stronger?" Rovana chuckled slightly, if clearly cheered up. She was not a friend of humility, but .. noble humility sounded like something one could at least try for, like some sort of weird looking, exotic fruit..

"I guess if somehow making it through incredible dangers makes you stronger I do have something going fer me." She chuckled, her grin growing wider, nodding at each of her crew in turn, before giving a nodding of goodbye to the ashen elf.. there was no more words needed to be said between them, she felt like.

"Alright then, me hearties, this ragtag group will head right towards the misty shore." Rovana drew her own sword, finally, pointing back at the path she had come, two nights before. "Be on the lookout, for a lost mage is our goal, everything else on the path there, likely our enemy. Fear no shambling undead, even if you find them wearing familiar faces, greatest favour you can do them is cutting down the mockery of their shells, savy. Once, the mage is saved of his own insanity, we'll see about who rules the waves, Dagon.. or the Reaver." She lifted her sword, unleashing a small gust of wind, just.. for effect and morale of the sailors more than anything, though neither Jowai or Neku had seen her blades full abilties now that she thought about it.. well, it had power of the sea, not the land.

With that, Rovana would set out, cautious with the howls in the distance and the birds circling overhead. She was quite certain that such a large group would be watched, at least by Strahd, if he felt like it, if not whatever servants Dagon has here as well.

She made her way, backtracking towards the mage, also trusting her blade, she had drawn it not for battle, but for guidance, a feeling that had guided her before. She smiled as it seemed no creature approached them along the way... she should have gotten here with her crew.. then again, considering some of them.. She looked over to Damia, Neku and Jowai.. Perhaps she was better off with how things were turning out...

Once they reached the lake, Rovana lifted her sword, focusing for a moment, before cutting downwards, trying her best to chase away the green mists, sour expression at the likely stronger smell of.. rotten sea. Yes, that described it well..
She sheated her blade, then nodded, explaining: "Here comes the dangerous part, but sailing quickly through the danger is better than taking our time, walking along it. Every passing moment that damned fish gets closer to waking up. Now then. Time to board my ship."

Rovana smirked, stepping to the shore. Only Damia would even -know- of her ship, even she hadn't seen it and she would have lied if she hadn't said she wasn't proud of the mighty vessel. She couldn't help a little dramatic flair, as she turned to the water, leaning over it, intonating.. not that there was a need for it, but she.. liked it. Perhaps Neku or Jowai had heard at least the refrain, but Rovana had certainly memorized it all, actually devoted to the idea of piracy.
"The Bell has been raised
from its watery grave.
Hear its sepulchral tone?
We are a call to all,
pay heed the squall
and turn your sails toward home!

Red Dawn!"
She called out for her ship, leaning forth to let her necklace fall from her bossom and touch the lakes water, before spinning around, turning her back to the lake and extending her arms dramatically, letting Joe fly up to his proper position in the lookout first and directing the Red Dawns lifeboat to the shore after it had been called forth.

"Yo ho, haul together,
hoist the colors high!
Heave 'ho thieves and beggars,
never shall we die!"

(ooh new pics!)
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Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

The Shores of Lake Zarovich

The procession towards the southern edge of Lake Zarovich took only a quarter of an hour. When they arrived, Rovana rose her sword into the air and cut down with it, trying to disperse the green mists that floated eerily over the lake. The sword had a visible effect, with the mist parting backward perhaps a good ten feet, but as usual, the sword's effects were only effective for so long, and the mist always crept back into place.

Rovana's impromptu ditty got a few raised eyebrows, especially from the sailors of Danigau. However, her summoning of the Red Dawn produced a far more amazed effect, and Rovana was able to enjoy the surprised expressions on everyone's faces. The most stoic of them was Neku, but that could have just been due to those inkstained eyes of his. Yet he grinned and chuckled at the appearance of the mighty ship with its crimson sails. Damia was giddy with excitement, quite possibly having never seen so grand a sailing vessel. While Alaric and his men were impressed by the nature of its appearance from beneath the waves.

Something that might have pleasantly surprised Rovana was how the Red Dawn dispersed the green mist in its immediate vicinity. No mist was able to cross over the railings of the boat for more than a second or two before receding from it.

"Not in all the world have I heard of such a thing as this," Alaric said with a shake of his head. "And now that I see it, I already know that I'll not be satisfied until I have one myself."

The lifeboat came to the shore, followed by several more, as the ship, or Rovana's thoughts, registered the need to ferry more than one group of sailors across to the Red Dawn. Three longships in total appeared and stepping upon them, the new crew were transported to the waiting chain ladders that allowed the boats to be attached and hauled up, but Rovana and other climbers could easily reach the deck quicker by simply climbing up.


On board the ship, all save for Rovana wandered about the magnificent vessel, familiarising themselves with it in the way that the pirate captain had done so the first time she arrived on it. Though the door to the captain's hold would stay closed unless Rovana wished it to open.

"Strange that there are no ballistae on the deck. What armaments does this ship have?" Blasa asked, to which Jowai was the one to answer.

"There's these odd iron tubes down below. About six on port and another six on starboard. Maybe they're magic ballistae or somat?"

In addition to whatever the strange tubes were on either side of her ship, Rovana still could sense a charged feeling about the ship, as though she might be able to command the ship itself to attack somehow, as if it were a living entity. Indeed, now that she thought about it, Rovana felt as if this ship had a very real, very sentient soul. Possibly, she could tap into that presence, but for the moment it was just a very pretty, and very summonable ship.

With Alaric's sailors ready and willing to take orders, it would be quite easy for Rovana to set sail for the north shore of the lake, with the green mist parting around the ship and not touching any who stood aboard it. Above the ship, Joe squawked happily - pleased to be on a proper ship again.

Setting sail northwards, the waters of the lake became choppier and choppier, until it seemed like they were no longer upon a lake, but upon the open and wild sea. Certainly the smell of sea water was in the air. After twenty minutes, the far side of the lake was nowhere to be seen, even in the mist. However, they did come across a bizarre and haunting sight soon enough.

Out of the waters rose a stone island which looked to be actively crumbling into the turbulent waves. This alone was not all that significant, but what was surprising was the man who stood upon it, his beard fluttering wildly against the lashing wind, his gloved fists raised and bolts of raging fire leaping from his fingertips at a gruesome ship with black sails which appeared out of the mists on the far side of the island. Upon that ship, which was intertwined with the green mist, were chilling figures with bloated, dripping dead flesh gripping crude pirate weapons. Among them were robed figures with writhing flesh that suggested they were more of the tentacled deep ones Rovana had encountered before.

Some of these robed ones were casting blasts of eerie force magic towards the mad mage, which was deflected by the arcane defenses that the mage possessed. And yet, he was quite outnumbered, and the dead sailors were moving ballistae into position to fire upon him.

Rovana felt an instinctual tingling on the back of her neck, as if the Red Dawn itself were communicating with her wordlessly. It was possible, the pirate somehow knew, to activate the Red Dawn's primary weapon by sheer concentration. She could as her action cause a whirling fury of energy to form above the ship, which she could direct and unleash at will - however the effect would then need to recharge.
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)


Rovana the exploring pirate captain
Shore of Lake Zarovich-> Lake Battle

Rovana grinned demonstratively, a grin that only widened as she noticed the green mists disperse.. it seemed her ship had a few secrets of its own. She smirked briefly at Alaric, sheating her sword. "Theres no other ship quite like the Red Dawn.. though a few similiar ones exist, not all yet owned, so you might have a chance. Fair warning though, I died for this one and nothing less it'd take to part me, .. if that even were enough." She stepped upon the longboat, one foot firmly planted on top, showing her balance on the waters.

After a short climb she stepped on deck, not looking about the ship, her meeting was more.. intimate, one hand extending, touching the wood of a mast of the sea. "Hello again my pretty." She exhaled, stepping to the ships wheel as people familiarized themselfs with the ship, slowly closing her hand around it, her eyes closing for a moment as well, her expression changing as she inhaled.

"Alright ye milk drinkers! This be yer first time upon a pirate ship for the most of yer so I be giving ye a gentle reminding." She leaned her back into it, after all these dark lands had thrown at her, she didn't even need to pretend to be a hardened pirate captain anymore.. much.
"Anyone that questions the captains orders can try swimming across the lake without me ship. Anyone that disobeys the captain or steals her rum forsoever a time we shall aquire some, shall be doing the swimming with their personal choice of limb removed priorly.
Let me be worrying about the weaponry of the ship, you sorry lot! batten down the hatches and man the ship!"
That the ship sailed by itself didn't mean it'd not sail better with help. "This be hostile waters so I want Joe on the lookout and two men, ideally with crossbows back and starboard each, One watching abaft. Ye see something moving in the mist, ye fire at it. Ye see something moving in the sky, ye fire at it. And ye see something moving in the damn water, ye warn everyone and keep fiering until I bloody tell ye to stop!" She commanded, one hand curling around the grip of her blade almost playfully, both commanding the winds, just a little and the ship to set sail.. "To the northern shore we sail. Hoist the mainsail, Heave ho on the yardarm! pull on to the right. Aye, that be better." She shouted, fluently switching over to Brecht when instructing the sailors alone. "Damia, on a word." She nodded over, once the ship had taken off.

"Ye don't know the details of sailing that well yet, so instead just enjoy the trip.. yes, we are still in Barovia, but this be a taste of what it means to be free." She grinned, nodding to the Vistana. "Come on, smile into the wind.. 'tis a shame its not the fresh breeze of me home sea, but its better than a clunky wagon and all this solid earth nonsense below you. This lake is big and deep enough to feel at least a taste of it.. freedom." She smiled on. "Sure, we sail with a purpose and goal, but it is a goal we decide. There is no trees to walk around, no mountains to climb or valleys to.. also .. climb.. over.. ahem. My point is.. ye want to turn right? Ye can. Ye want to turn left? Ye can. Ye want to go down under the waves? I .. think this ship can do that, but I don't quite think we should try this, as curious as I am to see just where this ship comes from." Rovana mused. Rovana inhaled.

"Wait.. hold on, this is the smell of the sea... I'd never mistake it, not in my life or death." She narrowed her eyes. "Dagon. I've ne'er been a loyalist or even nationalist, but I don't like that he takes people from -my- sea." And as they sailed on, it seemed there would be no sneak attack, but one quite obvious... and Rovana continued smiling. "Marvelous. Thats how pirates fight. No hiding nonsense.. well, unless it benefits you, you show off everything you have. That one must have a pirate captain." She looked over to Jowai and Neku. "Lookily, your loyalty by the code ends with your captains death. All hands on deck!" Rovana grinned, quickly formulating a plan.

"We'll set sail close enough to the island to pick up the mage. I'll hold course to slow down and barely pass by, so make sure to be quick. We can't kill the dead or drown the drowned, so this is a quest to kidnap the mage." She perhaps just didn't like saying 'rescue'. "Neku.. ye be best suited to getting in quickly over the distance and safely getting him out. Tell him I found a way to uncurse him if he's stubborn, you two should.. get along. Damia, back him up. Joe, stay on the lookout. Alaric, command your men as suits them best. You know to fight pirates well, aye? Jowai, mess up anything that slips through and mess up the face of whatever threatens your captain, crew, Aleric, or the pretty ones of the sailors, in this order." She winked at Blasa. Because she was a pirate.

"The enemies captain is mine.. as is the initial attack. Alright then. Overwhelm them, hit them so hard they can't follow us with whatever bloody witchcraft they got. If we manage to sink that ghostly ship for a while I'll find a damn way to get you all drunk in an after-party!" She promised, suddenly having an idea what else to spend the favour the additional diamond could buy her on, rather than de-cursing her shadow. With her last words she had drawn her blade, pointing it at the enemy ship, aiming it, silently, one eye closing, as for a moment, she shared her senses with Joe, and.. while at it, extending her senses, as if she was sharing them with her parrot, but this time, towards her ship. Get ready to fire. From the two points I can aim at the perfect angle.. geesh these things are ugly. But what is the best angle. Normally It'd be aiming for the rudder or bridge, make them sitting ducks without movement, but if its anything like me ship, I should aim for what deals the most damage to the ship as a whole... no wait, we aren't -trying- to board them, there'd be little to gain from that. So I have to aim at... Rovana ever so slightly slid the blade to her right, letting her ships power build before.. how.. would she actually unleash it? She hadn't commanded arcane energies before.. perhaps it was just like using a gust of wind with her blade. Yes, she'd try that. She lifted her blade up, shouting out. "Degüello la muerta! No quarter for the dead!", swinging her blade down and unleashing whatever the Red dawn held, straight upon the harpoonports of the enemy vessel. If she took out their firepower on one side, even if they pursued they'd have to first turn the ship about, with the island hindering their navigation, to ready their artillery against them or the mage, whereas Rovana could move past, think about what the iron harpoons of her ship could do and hopefully make it without too many undead abominations managing to board her ship.
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Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

Day at the Lake

"We are not in the Great Bay, Captain Dilisniya," Alaric replied, "I have no authority to take your ship, nor do I desire to remove it from your possession unlawfully. But if you say there are others similar to it, I would not balk at commandeering one to serve as the flagship for the Danigau Navy."

Stepping onto the ship itself felt good. For Rovana, a pirate by decision and trade, it was good to be back on a proper sailing vessel, but it was more than that. She felt as if she had bonded with the ship somehow, or attuned to it through her connection with the strange amber medallion.

Her announcement to the people aboard the ship drew a mixture of looks. Neku and Jowai simply set about their business like veteran pirates. The sailors of the Danigau Navy all looked from Rovana over to Alaric, as though for confirmation. Alaric nodded to Blasa, who stood beside him, and she raised her voice to shout at them.

"Make ready to sail! To your stations!" She continued to shout specifics to the men, assigning them to roles specific to the ship. She picked out select sailors to go to port and starboard as Rovana had ordered to serve as lookouts, while the rest set about making way. Men climbed up the rigging, adjusted the sails, and caught the wind to head the ship northward. Alaric walked behind Blasa, giving approving glances, and then having private words with sailors on occasion, walking among his men.

Rovana's blade still could not command a full gust that would make a ship this large move, but luckily the wind picked up anyway, enough for the sailors to move out into the lake. As this happened, Damia stepped close, the Vistani girl looking about her at what the sailors were all doing. She picked nervously at the colorful bangles on her wrists, and turned toward the captain when asked to have a word.

"I'll do my best to pick up the basics of sailing. Don't worry, I'm a quick learner."

Damia did smile then, and even among the green mist and the threat of danger and evil curses lurking over them, standing on the magnificent ship felt as if it were a bulwark against the darkness and dread.

"You know what this ship feels like? It feels like my wagon in the caravan. I'll find my nook among the lower decks. I'll make colorful trinkets and hang my charms and wards, and I'll weave a tapestry to hang there, and it will be a part of me. A ship like this can be a home, and like a true Vistana, I can take my home with me. Yes, Captain Rovana, a ship is a freedom, but what you're describing, I already had it in a sense. Our caravans could turn right or left, we called no village our home, but only the ground beneath wherever we roamed. Family was what made us free. But in my case, it was also what tied me down. I left my people because I needed to see another way, and I needed to be free of a family that I did not choose, at least for a time. One day I may come back to this place. You might find that shocking, but no matter where I go, I shall always be a Vistana, and my place will be among the people. But when I do come back, I will have tales of the seas and of the Reaver to tell, and I will have a role in them, and THAT, oh captain, is my freedom."

It seemed that Damia was no stranger to the notions that Rovana was trying to relate to her. But unlike what Rovana had been as a young Danigau girl longing for the sea, a different understanding of the world and her place in it had beset Damia. Her reasons for boarding the ship were not to fulfill a romantic ideal of piracy. They were far more personal, and likely Rovana felt, owed to the girl's hang ups about her place among her people, and possibly unresolved father-issues. Not that Rovana was particularly fond of Damia's father, who had been largely responsible for her being in Barovia in the first place.


Later on, Rovana took in the sight of the familiar mad mage standing upon the windswept rock, fending off a large ship of drowned men and twisted servants of Dagon. To the credit of everyone on board, there was no panic from seeing the dead and the foul magics of the deep ones. Everyone on the vessel had encountered similar horrors before and had survived. Now it was time once more to stand tall and fight the good fight.

The crew listened to the captain give her orders. This time they didn't look to Alaric or Blasa to reaffirm, they simply made ready to implement the plan. The ship set a course to skim along the side of the island. The sails were slackened to slow down, giving time for the 'kidnapping' to take place.

Neku slid down rope and landed lightly on the deck. He then looked calmly from Rovana to the mad mage and then back at Rovana.

"I can get to him quickly, but he is beset by enemies and looks... rather unhinged. Are you certain that he won't try to set me on fire?"

"I'll come with you," Damia said, drawing her rapier. "He'll see we're not undead and don't have tentacles crawling out of our backs. Plus we're not attacking him. We're just offering him a way off that rock."

Jowai meanwhile had his greatsword out and flexed his muscles, grunting at the order to be on guard and repel all boarders. Blasa gave Rovana a wry look at the wink. Alaric caught this, and grinned, then extended his gaunleted hand and intoned "Feuerblitz!"

A bolt of fire struck out towards the enemy crew and caught a zombie sailor in the arm, setting it partially on fire. Rovana was reminded of how in her world, the ability to cast magic was tied to bloodline, and that the Count of Donigau was a renowned mage. It would make sense that even his warrior son had some spells in his repetoire.

Not to be outdone, Rovana raised her blade and after a moment's consideration of what she should aim at, willed the Red Dawn to attack. The medallion against her skin felt warm in response to her mental command, and a gathering of intense crimson energy, crackling like red bolts of lightning circled the sails of the ship, before snapping with a thunderous crack towards the enemy's ballistae. The red bolt smote the harpoon and broke the contraption in half, as well as scorching the deck behind it. The casters aboard the ship were alarmed by this sudden appearance and attack from the Red Dawn, and began to fling their spells against this new threat, while other fallen sailors aimed the remaining two harpoons at the ship.

Stepping up to the railing of the ship, a large undead creature with malign intelligence in its eyes and a huge anchor wielded in its hand like a great axe growled and pointed its finger towards Rovana.


Neku and Damia leapt onto the rock, and the mage turned on them, his eyes wild. He put his hands up towards them as if he were about to cast a spell against them. Neku put his hand up and shouted to him, although Rovana was too far away to hear at that point. A pair of harpoons fired on the Red Dawn, landing with a thunk and attaching to the railing. Immediately the vessel with the zombies heaved itself closer to the Red Dawn in an attempt to board them.
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)


Rovana The Red Dawns captain
Lake Battle

"Geesh, these sailors sure need precise instructions." Rovana shrugged. Pirates didn't no.. wouldn't have anyone tell them what to do. 'set sail towards treasure, and hurry up about it' Usually was enough of a direction, specifics as needed.

"Charms and wards sounds fine. I got no clue what any of them do of course, but still sounds good." Rovana nodded approvingly to Damia. It was strange, it felt more as if they were helping the ship sail than making it sail, either way, they wouldn't need every last hand, likely her, Neku and Jowai could help guide it, though.. the sailors definitly helped as well right now. "Similiar to pirates indeed. We of course wouldn't admit our crew is like family, but.. well, theres a reason every proper pirate follows a certain set of rules. Granted, they may vary, .. thats part of the code, but there is.. a comradery." She smirked slightly. "You can leave whenever we make port after a sucessful cruise, you needn't tell anyone why or where you're going, thats the rule. If you sail long enough or get injured so you can't battle, theres a compensation.. which.. right now would be tricky so try to avoid that.
Oh and feel free to exaggerate my tales a little."
She smirked for a moment. "If there be need for that, afterwards." ...

"I'm not certain, nay. Try to be charming. He'd know me, but I've got to steer this ship" Rovana gave Neku a non-assuring grin. She actually, was quite a good navigator, moreso with a ship that was linked to her very mind.

Rovanas confident grin stayed, even as she realized the Red Dawns attack held more precision power than a spread.. one of three Ballista only. Well, that was still one down and, by the looks of it, not fiering again for a long time. Her course was dangerous, she'd be quite exposed to spell and harpoon when crossing the island slowly. At least a part of her ship would be concealed by the rock. Then Rovana saw the.. undead monstrosity, half loud clearing up: "Changed my mind, anyone wanting a go at the enemy captain, feel free.." She had to keep the ship steady by the island. She could of course order the sailors to cut the harpoons loose, but, that would leave them exposed... "Everyone without good aim or magic take cover from their spells." They couldn't fight against that without the mages assistance. "Stay steady, wait until the last moment and then send anyone that comes on board back into the ocean!" The enemy casters had an advantage at a distance. Being boarded had the distinct advantage that their own men would deny them a clear shot at anyone fighting at the Red Dawn whilest they were boarding, so whilest at first it sounded the most dangerous, thinking about it, it was not. This command given and ensuring the course was steady, Rovana herself took a step back, into the shadow of her ship. She was the last that could get targeted. Plus, she was ready to cut down whoever first tried to take a swing at where the captain was supposed to be.

Holding the course and hiding in the shadows of her ship, 23 stealth, yey!
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Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)


The thwack of crossbow cords loosing bolts filled the air as the undead corsairs heaved mightily upon the harpoon ropes, dragging the boats closer to one another. A terrible scraping noise played across the hull as both boats were dashed against the rock escarpment, until their prows were almost touching.

On the rock, Damia and Neku were placing their hands out in front of themselves protectively, their mouths moving quicky, while the mage narrowed his eyes between them, gathered power suddenly between his palms and sent out a gout of flame towards the rotting enemy ship, striding toward it with a savage look upon his face. Tentacled, piscine warriors and dripping undead zombies crackled and burned with a terrible stench, falling into the sea.

The fallen sailors from the upper rigging launched themselves on swinging ropes, falling down upon the deck of the Red Dawn. The first was met swifly by Ingrid's axe, hewing it in the gut. The creature's body doubled over from the impact, but gave no sign of acknowledging the pain. It reared its face up, only to be caught in the eye by Blasa's rapier, piercing what remained of its animated brain.

Alaric and his crossbowmen maintained fire upon the enemy deck, concentrating on the enemy spellcasters. The combined ranged attack was successful in killing one of the more troublesome ones outright. At the prow of the ship, two undead at a time leaped onto the Red Dawn's railings, but Jowai was there, his greatsword at the ready. His first attack was parried by a rusted cutlass, but his second swing came across from the opposite direction, critically severing the spinal cord of his foe and tossing its wreck into the ocean. The remaining undead pressed him backward for a moment however, allowing more to come forward behind it, where the gap between the two ships was smallest.

Rovana felt the recharge of the Red Dawn's powers arrive unexpectedly fast, and knew that she could direct another red bolt at close range. Alternatively, she instinctually knew that she could instead use this same power to send a wave of repulsion out, potentially opening up a sudden wide gap between her ship and the other.

The enemy captain was lifting its anchor high above it and rushing forward to the prow, along with a guard of six more undead, some of which Rovana noted, had tentacle growths not unlike the deep ones - who were presumably still living.

Looking back at the rock, Neku and Damia were now placing their hands on the Mage's shoulders and dragging him towards the Red Dawn, even as gouts of flame continued to pour forth from the man's fingers, incinerating a bold zombie that tried to leap onto the rock. More, it appeared, were willing to brave the flames in an attempt to get closer to the mage.

To Rovana, the situation appeared to be that her crew was undoubtedly more talented and capable, but the enemy ship was literally teeming with the undead, who even falling at the rate that they were still could potentially overwhelm them. The two harpoon lines were keeping the ships together at this point, bound by powerful, thick cords of rope that would take a mighty effort to hew through, which were attached to the ballistae on the far deck, each of which was being held in place by the undead and locked wheels.

"Rawrk! Death from above! Wee Woo!" Joe the Parrot called shrilly from the crow's nest.

Looking upward, Rovana also noticed that many undead were shimmying up their own rigging, perhaps twenty of them, all massed in their upper ropes and looking like they were about to jump as one onto the Red Dawn. The fall would likely break a living man's legs, but considering their undead nature, perhaps they were simply aiming to get behind the living sailor's battle lines and rely on their undead resilience to cause trouble...

If you have any questions about the layout of the battle and what's happening, PM me. A quick summary follows:

20 or so zombies are climbing and getting ready to fling themselves at you from above.

The big anchor captain and six of his cronies are headed to the prow to make a simple leap over to your ship, near to where Jowai is already fighting a zombie.

The ships are being held together against each other and the rock by the two remaining harpoon lines. Hacking through them is an option, but will require dealing a damage threshold to each. Removing them via the ballistae is also an option, but would require boarding the other ship or hitting them with more blasts.

Your Red Dawn ability (Captain must be aboard vessel and in possession of Medallion) has a chance of recharging each round on a d6 roll of 5-6. And you rolled a 5, so you have it again. It has two modes.
Red Lightning - 60ft line, 5ft wide attack, deals 10d10 lightning damage, must originate from any physical area of the ship. DEX save DC 15 to halve damage received.
Repulsion Wave - 30ft cone, DC 15 STR save to resist, otherwise pushed 40 ft away from origin of wave, which again, must be from any physical area of the ship.

Neku and Damia are about a turn away from getting the Mad Mage onto the Red Dawn, but he might be fiesty and try to resist with the goal of just throwing more fire at the zombies. There'll be a roll to see how good he is at avoiding being dragged/cajoled onto the ship.
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)


Rovana The Red Dawns captain
Lake Battle

Rovana observed the situation unfolding before her, hand on her cutlass, trying to take in the whole of the situation. She'd could save her spell to deal with another of the harpoons, but it'd be best to disengage -after- the mage had been aquired. She still couldn't help but grin confidently in this situation, when hearing Joes warning. "Tch. Too much trouble all at once." She mused, though her grin only widened. So they were trying to get in behind the sailors and pincer them, using their numbers and confusion to overcome superior training skill and ability. A proper pirate tactic, which was why she knew how to deal with it.

"It's like ye're asking for it." Rovanas blade twirled in her left, as she rushed, gripping a rope of her own in her right. As tempting as it was to unleash the lightning upon the enemy captain or a harpoon, she had a better idea. She would aim for the moment they landed, the moment that living or not, they'd have to get their balance. "Stand yer ground where ye are and strike down whats left after me." She shouted to her sailors, as soon as the undeads assault started, tilting her blade upwards and slamming its grip upon the deck, her danger loving grin hitting its peek as she unleashed her lightning upon as many undead as she could, as soon as they landed, only to follow it up with a quick rushing backwards, getting herself out of the direct range of follow up attacks, moving naturally on a ship as she almost presented herself, trusting in the crossbow fire to keep the casters occupied, there was one more she had to deal with.

"Whats that, ye half-perished Blaggard?" Rovana shouted to the undead enemy captain, extending her arms and pointing her blade towards him still. "Ye think it matters if ye send a few more dozen of those rotten bones o'er here? I'll just strike 'em down like that again, you gotta run out somewhere down the line. How about ye come over and fight me like a man." She taunted.

Dashing into position to fire a lightning and hit as many zombies as possible in one go just as they land, then moving back out of easy retaliation range from the same. Not sure if you wants me to roll for the damaging, would be a slightly below average 28. ^^
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