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Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)


Tser Pool Encampment
Tag: Rovana

"Aye. I want to sail with you. When you find your way out of here, take me with you!" Damia said, putting her hand on Rovana's knee.

"Even if we can't have the sort of fun we had that last time... I mean, I understand if I've fucked that up. Still. I don't want this life anymore. And when you do get a crew together, you'll want some gypsy magic! I'm no Madam Eva, but I've practiced a bit of the craft! And I can fight! And you could teach me all that sailor stuff... So. Don't forget about me, Captain."

Damia took the folded paper in hand and tucked it away among her clothes. She nodded at Rovana's words, hanging on them.

"We know all about curses, captain. I'll deliver your message as best I can, but there's no guarantee that Strahd will be the one to open this. And even still, I've NEVER seen anything scare him. But I'll do as you say nonetheless. You'll not be able to reach Mount Baratok until you get close to Vallaki anyway. It's just on the other side of the Lake Zarovich from the town. As for Mount Ghakis... I've never gone there. I've heard tell there's a pass through and up that mountain, but it begins far to the west, beyond Vallaki. The eastern face of it is through the wilderness, southwest of here. I... don't advise wandering far from the roads. Perhaps... I'll say that it's your intent to search Mount Baratok for a way out of this land, yes? Then maybe Strahd won't be watching the roads in the west too much."

Damia looked confused for a moment, as Rovana mentioned the line 'not in the nose or the eyes,' but eventually took her meaning as the pirate raised her voice loud enough that Stanimir and Ratka and several of the others who were eating at the center of camp could overhear her. The gypsy girl did a good job of looking hurt by her comments, maybe even a few of them hitting close to home when talking about not caring about her save being annoyed. Damia's eyes grew watery and she stood up and slapped Rovana across the cheek, before storming off to her own wagon, running a short way.

"Raaawrk, 99 problems but a bitch ain't one! Wee Woo!" Joe chirped after her, with his head then bobbing actively beside Rovana.

"Perhaps it's time for you to be seeing yourself out of our camp," Ratka said darkly, as he watched his hurt sister run from her.

With the eyes not leaving her, it quickly became apparent that there was no hope of her simply sneaking out of the camp, so she simply made her way back onto the road to the south. Jasmina did not accompany her, though she did offer some words before she left.

"I've gotten you to the seer. Now you have an idea of what your road is going to be like. Farewell for now, Captain Rovana. I will stay here for your companions, my Ismark, and his sister. We may meet again, if you manage to stay alive long enough. One last piece of advice: avoid the windmill."

With that said, Jasmina walked back into camp, and the stares of the Vistani, with their hands near to their crossbows, indicated that it was indeed time for the pirate to truly leave. Joe followed Rovana out of the camp, flying ahead for a bit before swooping back onto the pirate's shoulder, pecking at nothing in particular.


Rovana retraced about a mile back to the crossroads where she had seen a vision of herself hanging at the gallows. There were no gallows to be seen now, just a row of unmarked gravestones resting besides the road. The road to Vallaki continued steadily upwards on a long, winding path through the dark Svalich woods. The trees are so densely packed on either side, it's difficult to keep track of where she is or how far she has come, but it certainly must have been at least four or five miles up hill by the time her legs start to ache. A short rest, some greasy, cold venison that should probably be eaten sooner rather than later, considering it hasn't been made into jerky, and a swig of rum later, and the pirate is back on her feet. She at last emerges from the woods after another mile or so, and sees a long stone bridge that crosses over a chasm - a 1000 foot drop into the River Ivlis below. To the west, Rovana can make out the rush of falling water from Tser Falls, which feeds the River Ivlis. Tracing the river below, Rovana can make out the Tser Pool in the distance to the east. And ahead, she can see the rising spire of rock that is the pillar of Ravenloft. According to the map, the dread castle should be just on the other side of the rocks ahead, though still a few miles away. The outer gates of Barovia would not be far now. Perhaps another hour's march.

As she crossed the stone bridge, which was quite ancient, though sturdy, she had made it about halfway before a thunderclap rolled overhead and rain began to soak the countryside in a flash. Then as she was about three quarters of the way across the 100 foot bridge, lightning flashed and smote the dirt road at the far end of the bridge. The smell of ozone wafted through the air, and the dirt roiled in front of her. Something was moving out of the earth! A large form, with huge arms and a wide belly, with the foul smell of the grave, up rooted itself from the ground and lurched toward Rovana. Over its head it wore a maggot-eaten sack cloth. In one of it's hands was a crude iron club with jagged spikes set into it at odd angles. Joe began to squawk and flutter. The large figure was big enough to take up the width of the bridge as it slowly moved forward with a groan.

A glance behind her, at the far side of the bridge from where she just had come from showed three smaller figures standing, lurching oddly from side to side, and dragging themselves towards her. The thunderclouds had turned the countryside as dark as night. A feeling of dread was making the hairs on Rovana's neck stand up.

Initiative Roll!
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Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)


Captain Rovana
Tser pool, seer tent

Rovana grinned slightly at the idea of gypsy magic.. admittedly that couldn't hurt to have on board. She rubbed her cheek slightly, giving Ratka a confident smirk. "I'll go where it pleases me but aye. Keep yer sister under control, will ya." Rovana made for a quick leave after responding, in order to avoid more physical reinforcements.

Rovanas tune changed as she tipped her hat. "Good winds on your back Jasmina. Never been one for flour pers'nally. I'll try to stay the roads but thats never been my way." Rovana left with her arms crossed behind her back and a smirk on her lips.

Rovana traveled on, a short tipping to the unmarked gravestones, just in case and when the woods crew dense, she began whistling. Determined not to be intimidated by the landscape, even while she took the advice she'd been given by those that lived here, for that was the pirate way.
"I bear orders from the captain:- get you ready quick and soon
For the pikes must be together by the rising of the moon
By the rising of the moon, by the rising of the moon."

She pulled out her Codex Piratica during the rest, staring upon it. "Never got to filling it out. Tristram, Molly, Damia, where be their place in it? Crows code had none. Who falls behind is left behind.. eh, I'm being a sentimental foe." She rolled it up and packed it away. She coud hardly fill anything in without a quill and ink either way. She made sure to stuff herself with most of the verison, eat now, so you're not hungry later, the pirates would say and washed it down with rum, continuing on.

"Oh bloody.. what kind of creatures be you. Death to every foe and traitor! Forward strike the marching tune." She hummed on with determination. Sure, taking the three from behind of her might be smarter, they seemed weaker, but she'd still have the river and she had no idea how fast or far the worm would pursue.. plus, the other three shapes seemed weird as well.

It was that hesitation that showed one of the weak points of a pirate.. She was used to taking the initiative. Not good with situations where she was the prey and could not turn it any other way, as she reached for her crossbow to steel herself for the worms assault, planning to defeat it, or some other way rush past, before the lurching figures closed in, she lost valuable seconds, which she commented with a curse. "Bloody lily livered land -twitchers."

(Nat 1 initative, 6 total)
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

Mountain Pass Bridge
Tag: Rovana

Initiative Rolls: Large Enemy - 6
Three medium enemies - 1

Large Enemy attack roll: 20 (modified).
Damage: 8 bludgeoning.

Rovana is at 16 / 24 HP.

The large, hulking humanoid figure rushes towards Rovana, its enormous, jagged club held high. It stank to high heaven, and it was clearly some sort of undead construct, for it was massive, with grey, corpse skin hanging off of its body in flaps, showing bulging muscle tissue. The club smashed down upon the stone where Rovana was, and she just barely manage to duck to the side so that the lethal strike became only a glancing blow that stung her shoulder.

Whirling around, Rovana would notice that the three shambling figures behind her were not advancing quickly at all, but seemed only to be standing there, blocking off her means of retreat.

Turning back to the creature in front of her, Rovana felt that its body type resembled something other than human. It had been a monster at some point, certainly. Perhaps a goliath or an ogre. Whatever it had been, it was now smelly, ugly, and unholy. It was also in her way.

Across her vision, a raven swooped past, pecking the hulking zombie in its sackcloth-covered head, distracting it and causing it to pause as it brought its club back in defense.

[Rovana's turn. She may attack with with advantage if she wants. Don't forget to command Joe.]
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)


Captain Rovana
Haunted Bridge

"I understand ye nay be happy with yer exterior apperance going by all things, but theres no point unleashing that on prettier ones.." She trie to talk as she always did but only got clubbed for it, then growled at her aching shoulder, stumbling back with a pained expression on her face, exchanging crossbow for her blade, cutting at the creatures leg and tendons. After that she bit her lips, looking back at the three creatures cutting off her escape. "Damn it. Joe, Distraction. Peck its frigging eyes out, but try and be save.. ugh.. this is bad. I don't wanna die in this shitty place.. She pointed at the creature but exhaled. She didn't like endangering Joe yet again, but an unthinking brute was propably the worst foe for her to fight. "Stick to the roads they said. How the heck can I deal with a mindless..." She looked at the creature and its massive club. She took a step foward, under the club as the creature used it in distracted defense, trying to hold her breath for more reasons than one.

Attack rolls: 9, 19, taking the 19.
Damage with sneak attack: 10

Bonus action to use stealth while using the creatures own weapon as cover.

Readied move action to move with the club as the creature moves it to stay in cover.
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Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

Bridge over Troubled Waters

The hulking zombie roared, as both Joe and the raven pecked at the sack cloth while scratching with their talons at the area of the sackcloth where its eyes presumably were.

The crude morningstar was hefted back up into the air, and Rovana realized that her attempt to hide from the creature in the shadow of its weapon probably wasn't going to work. The big zombie swatted with its off hand at the birds, causing Joe and the Raven to flutter away unless they were hit. The zombie then lurched to try to grab the raven out of the air, but it missed, as the dark bird fluttered sideways.

Now the foe was overextended again, and Rovana could try to take another hack out of it. She also felt it was now paying far more attention to the birds than to what the pirate was doing.

Behind her, the other three zombies, that had been simply standing there before now lurched forward, sensing perhaps that their prey was getting more help than expected.

Big Zombie chooses to attack the raven, but misses. Joe takes the Help action, giving Rovana advantage again on attacking it if she wants to do that.

Her first cut seemed to be a minor injury to it.
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)


Captain Rovana
Haunted Bridge

Rovana cursed inwardly. Of course she had not expected those creatures to fight fairly but.. clearly they had at least enough intelligence to surround her. Well she'd not go down without a fight. She gripped her blade. She exhaled. She scrunched up her face.

"Yarrr. I'll teach ye to ignore me, creature!" She growled, her cutlass Twirling as she thrust it upwards and towards the sack-cloth, tipping her hat to the Raven as a sign of gratitute. "And hurrah my boys for freedom; 'tis the rising of the moon!"

Roll with advantage:
Damage: ooh: 22 total.

Readied movement action: If her foe is felt, 5 ft of movement to take a step back and not be squished under it., then 20 ft to climb over it and draw her crossbow.
Bonus action to tip hat!
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

Rovana slices through the exposed heel tendon of the enormous undead hulk, taking advantage of its distraction with the birds. With a great moan, the creature falls to one knee. Then, its attention focused once more on the pirate, it strikes out with a big, meaty hand and clutches the swashbuckler by her sword shoulder, trying to lock in a vise like grip!

[Its grapple attack hits! (23 result). Roll a Dex Acrobatics check to slip away from the hold!]
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)


Captain Rovana
Haunted Bridge

"Let go of me ye stinking.. ugly.." Rovana growled, raking her blade along the creatures arm. For any living foe it'd be enough to free herself, but..
"Never sticking to the fucking roads again."

Acrobatics: 22 Nope, grappled.

Damage: 14 total

Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

(I suppose it's useless to mention that off road would have been worse? Plus, do you want a challenge or not?)
Tag: Rovana

Unable to nimbly dodge the creature's grasping hand, Rovana was picked up into the air and held aloft by the hulking undead creature.

Rovana slashed deeply into the zombie, starting to really bite deeply into one big wound on the arm that held her. Reeking dead tissue was hewn aside and thick ichor began to leak out of the meat where her blade rent, but unfortunately she couldn't deal enough damage quickly enough.

The zombie lifted her and dangled her over the edge of the thousand foot drop. Rovana's legs kicked as she swore off roads, and realized perhaps that at the moment she'd really like to have it under her feet again.

The raven and Joe squawked in alarmed unison. Joe pecked viciously at the zombie's face while the raven swooped away and came straight for Rovana. As it neared her, the raven grew in size and its shape became humanoid, though it retained a bird's visage and it had wings where it should have had arms.

The zombie let Rovana go, and the pirate began to drop as the world hung in slow motion, her whole life flashing before her eyes. Then the raven-person thing grasped her in its talons and with a pained squak gripped her and flapped with all its strength to be able to fling the pirate back onto the bridge, putting the pirate on the opposite side of its opponent. The effort on the part of the bird thing wasn't without its downside, for the giant raven smacked into the side of the bridge, nearly knocking itself senseless and it was forced to glide downward after a brief freefall.

The big zombie, confused, and still with a torn heel, found it difficult to turn around to face the pirate now that she was suddenly behind it.
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)


Captain Rovana
Haunted Bridge

Rovana did not find her life running past her eyes. There was no time for that distraction. Falling from a huge height into water was actually not a good idea at all, but if she had to, she would... and then the bird-person changed further and she was tossed back to the living. "Considerably easier landing than I expected." She mused, her hand shaking slightly when the Adrenaline ran off. "Fuck this place." She remarked, striking at the zombies other leg, before backing off.

(14 to hit, 13 damage total if it hits, dash plus move and drawing of crossbow back away from the creature, and not onto the road, but towards whatever is closest and provides potential cover.
I guess technically in a way a death-trap is a challenge, in the way you'd run a challenge of a setting of old. To be clear, I can deal with that kind of adventure, can be fun to fight to your utmost againt a world thats happy to screw you over, infact then finally losses feel real, just didn't know it was coming. Lets go ahead without further ado!^^)
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

The mountain pass did not allow for much in the way of cover, but Rovana was now clear of the bridge and faster than her undead foes. The big one was badly hurt around its legs and forced to crawl forward. It's bulk also was in the way of the three faster zombies that had shambled up and groaned menacingly at the pirate.

If Rovana wanted to, she could leg it and be clear of the foes, out distancing them easily. Her path this high up in the mountains would be difficult if it went off road, as it would mean scaling rough, jagged and craggy heights without proper mountaineering equipment.

From what she recalled of the map in the burgomeister's study, she had a mile to go along this road before she reached the Barovian gates and the fork in the road that would lead either to Castle Ravenloft, or down into the valley, where Vallaki awaited.

The three zombies clambered over and around the now stationary larger zombie, who seemed to have realized that its purpose in blocking the bridge had been circumvented.

In the distance, what had been a larger bird person thing had reverted to its pure raven form and was gliding away to the west, near the Tser Pool. Joe flapped high above the zombies and returned to hover above Rovana, still ready to either stay and fight a withering retreat or to flee to safety with his dread captain.
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)


Captain Rovana
Haunted Bridge

"Well then, seems I'm saved. " Rovana put her crossbow away again, realizing she could move faster than the stiff, twitching creatures on a normal walk. "Not like I fucking deserve it. Everything I've been doing in this wretched place is just getting rescued over and over." She grabbed the rumbottle, emptying it in one strong sip, tossing it to smash up against any of the zombies, or, if her aim was off, one of the rocks.

"Bloody ancient evil in my sword." She drew her blade, slamming it against the nearest rock. "You can't even cut down an overgrown undead and I bet the vampire has dozens of those. What are you fucking good for? Bloody nothing! I'd figure at least I could summon a dozen doom-tentacles or whateverso!" She slammed it against another rock, as if to punish the blade for her misfortune, watching a bit of rock-dust fall upon it.

"Be the Reaver. What kind of stupid advice is that? Bwa wah you have potential in your heart, believe in yourself, what,-will this stupid hag ask the priestess to find her faith and tell Vita she's stronger than she thinks?" Rovana kicked away a stone on the path with angry determination. "Fucking useless advice. I'm already me. I'm sure some would say I'm so much me I'm almost too full of me, I reckon. I can hardly be more of myself!" She watched the rock clatter against a mountainwall. She looked at her sword, the wall, the slowly pursuing zombies. She looked left and right thoughtfully, rushing forward, almost up to the zombies, taking slow steps backwards, reaching out for her hat, scratching her sword against the mountainwall for another thoughtful moment, exhaling, taking another step backwards, and waiting for the zombies to close in, not looking at them, but seemingly having given up, her eyes wandering over random rocks.

"Well then, I'd warn you to respect a pirate captain, but frankly, .. I don't deserve it, plus.. well, if you don't respect me, that'll mean you will underestimate me. So.. I doubt any of you have the rotting brains left to comprehend this, or that you will survive, but if you do, you shall always remember this as the day that you almost caught Captain Rovana, The Reaver" With that she gripped her cutlass in both hands, smashing it as hard as she could against the rocky wall, raising an eyebrow, smashing it again, leaning over.. then running away up the path in a panicked rush, not looking back.

And from there, she continued her path, casting one worried glance to the castle as she arrived at it, arms pushed into her side, gaze narrowed. "You'll get your dues later." She mused, before turning her back, moving towards the mountain in the distance. She still stuck to the road, but this time, if anything looked like it would make a well place for trapping her at, she'd slow down and attempt to sneak past it rather than walk ahead into things.

Perception take 20 to find any structural weakness in the overhanging rocks to cause an avalanche with her attack.
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Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

Mountain Pass to the Western Gate of Barovia
Tag: Rovana

There's no such thing as Take 20 in 5e. I'm just going to play this out naturally, assuming she takes enough swings to come to observe the effects. Also, I don't remember if I've shown you the map - I though I had - but I'll post it here again to give you an idea. There's no direct road to either Mount Baratok or Mount Ghakis on Ismark's map. (That doesn't mean that there isn't one, but that it's either not marked or so far west as to not be marked. This map isn't all of Barovia.) Also, the castle isn't just along this main road, there's a side road that goes for about four miles to reach the castle, which directly overlooks the village. Also, there's something waiting for Rovana at the fork in the road that she may or may not care to respond to.


The captain swung her sword dejectedly at the outcroppings, creating sparks where her strange cutlass connected with the stone, but doing only superficial damage, if any, to the rocks. She had to then look for loose rubble to enact her plan against the zombies, who were shambling quickly and tirelessly after her. Eventually, after about three minutes or so, she found some rocks that looked appropriately loose and timed her run up to the zombies so that they would be close by as she struck the stones with all her strength.

The stones fell down upon the first zombie, crushing it underneath, while the rest of the rubble - which wasn't as much as she'd hoped - hit the other zombies and knocked them over. They would get up soon enough, but when she shouted at them, they stayed sitting down, watching her. Listening perhaps. They made no move to attack her again, so long as she kept moving down the road. If she made to go near them again, they growled and would continue their pursuit.

If the captain were satisfied with the zombies' halt, she would be able to continue on the mountain path which fell away to her left into a steep, wooded valley. To her right the mountain went higher in sharp, cruel looking crags. The path curved left in a wide turn for about another mile, then turned right, to the north, bringing her into a narrow gorge, whereupon she soon saw the western gates of Barovia standing tall before her. They were similar to the gates she and the others had passed through a day ago, but they were wide open. To the right of the gates, a branching off road doubled back to the east, still climbing higher, to where, in the distance, the Castle Ravenloft stood, foreboding and chill.

Of most interest, perhaps, to the captain at the fork in the road was the appearance of the black carriage. So similar was it to the one that had carried Strahd and his brides last night, that the pirate might think it a distinct possibility that it was one and the same. Two pitch black horses, looking very malnourished and skeletal, stood by, barely moving. No figure held the reins. The door to the carriage was open, and within, facing away from Rovana, was the hem of a white gown, with white, leather boots laced up the thigh. Through a slight cut in the gown, Rovana spied dark, ebony flesh.

The pirate considered the time of day. It must be early afternoon about now, though the sun never showed in the sky and the dark clouds above caused the shadows here to grow long. Thunder in the distance suggested more rain would be on its way soon.
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

(You've shown me the map but distances on it are a bit finicky, I just assumed the castle was somewhat visible in the distance, either way, the coach changes her approach anyway^^)


Captain Rovana

Rovana gave a drammatic gesture as she grinned, wandering off from the undead with a triumphant grin. She felt like she had learned something there. Maybe.

Ignoring the forests ahead, Rovana approached the coach with curious interest, first considering hijacking it, before reevaluationg.. those famished horses would either not pull her well, or perhaps be under the vampires control. Either way it seemed risky. When she looked upon the coaches entrance she grew more interested though. Ludmilla? Rovana adjusted her hat, slightly, leaning to dust off her armor, casually, taking long, determined strideful steps towards the coach. Then she hesitated, approaching a bush closeby, drawing her blade and cutting loose a wild rose, with a triumphant grin.... then, less drammatically, she scuttled back to the coach, lifting her hat with a flourish as she faced the entrance, bowing down dextrously but also drawing her blade. recent encounters had made her wary.

"Lady Ludmilla, I'm honored you come to meet me here, though there is no need, I said I intend to procure your fierce frame, to a place and people where you shall be recieved as more than a trophy in a collection of trophies, but with the respect a powerful ..warrior ought to command. For my pirating purposes there be no need for cooperation, but.. if you had some pointers..." Rovana left this open, peering into the coach with a somewhat curious expression. If it was Ludmillas she'd sheathe her blade, if not.. she'd put her hat back on.
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

Ludmilla, Bride of Strahd
Black Carriage at the West Gate of Barovia
Tag: Rovana

When she stepped in front of the open carriage door, Rovana would indeed see the hauntingly lovely visage of Ludmilla, sitting in her tarnished old wedding gown with the beautiful (and expensive looking) golden tiara upon her dark, braided head. She was sitting calmly in the carriage, with an oversized, creepy looking toy doll the size of a child or a full grown halfling, sitting next to her, with glassy, soulless eyes.

Upon seeing Rovana, with her hat doffed and her blade out, the vampire bride cracked a bemused smile, and widened still when the blade was sheathed. Up close, Rovana was reminded of Ludmilla's undead, potentially feral nature, for her fangs were visible and there was just the faint trace of dried blood at the corner of the dark woman's mouth.

"You are a charming one, Rovana. Bold and daring. I like that."

Ludmilla gestured to the seat across from herself and the doll, in the carriage.

"Pointers? Hmm." She thought for a moment, then replied. "You should come back to the castle with me. The master can seem violent and discourteous to those who get in the way of what he wants, but he bears you no ill will. He is... more concerned with the Ireena woman at the moment... he does not have time for myself or the others as of late. It leaves me lonely and cold. Come to the castle and I will show you around... we can, talk and... perhaps other things... nice, fun things.~"

Ludmilla shifted in her seat and licked her lips, her eyes roaming over the pirate with a lustful hunger.

Rovana notices the doll's eyes move slightly, glancing from Ludmilla to the pirate, and then back again.
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Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)


Captain Rovana

She should really get a new dress, part of Rovana thought. That crown is worth a lot, I bet. Said a larger part. It's propably cursed or something, said the part of her that qualified as common sense. We need to find new rum, said another. "Alright, I didn't take you for the type to .. err.. play with dolls and, I know the things we keep from childhood don't always age well, but that one.." She cleared her throat. "Daring? Aye, that be me, why thank ye..you wouldn't happen to have any rum on you right?" Rovana shrugged with a half grin, putting her hat back on, reaching out for the carriage door, stepping in and taking place, but, just in case, she subtly left her left boot-tip to block any potential closing door off.

"This is not going to slam shut, trapping me inside to sai.. drive forth to toss me out over a cliff of flesh-rending leeches? Having an off day." She mused, then smiled, adding: "Not that I would think you'd ever condone doing such to waste one such as me, my lady." She spoke with all the makings of a noble visiting his beloved (If said noble had a distinctive pirate-tinted accent, that was). With the 'my lady' she raised the wild rose she had cut off, presenting it like a present. It was a small thing, with a brown leaf on the edge and little scent, hacked off more than cut with attention to detail, but.. it was the best Rovana had had in the short time, as she addressed Ludmillas words.. "See, theres a problem. I bear him ill will." She nodded, trying to ignore the dried blood, the dolls eyes and .. well, she did not ignore the hungry look, instead deciding to shift and pose slightly, .. just a subtle temptation, it worked wonders on certain men..

Rovana looked at the doll again. She felt as if, even if Ludmilla would not share everything she told her immediatly, the doll might. "Even if I had no ill will before entering, I'd have so now! I mean... Why do you have to wear a raggedy dress, why do you hang with a creepy doll, I understand you'd welcome if I simply come to the castle, however.." Rovana narrowed her eyes.

"While ye can be forgiven for just following commands, Strahd killed two of me crewmembers, one sucessfully even. He prevents the populus from indulging in rum and.. just now I barely fought off a bunch of his undead dicks. I'm making ye a better offer. Come with me. I'll guarantee to not chase another while I have ye ready by my side," well, maybe I will let you join and share, chase and everything at the least! Rovana added in her mind. "How about this, ye toss out that creepy doll, drive me a certain way where I need to go and don't tell Strahd.. unless he specifically asks, I understand there be some magic bindings involved, else he could never tame such a wild beauty as yours and, in exchange.." Rovana cooed.

"I'll help you warm up more than you've been in decades." Rovana cooed softly, raising a hand. "Don't think about your interim master, or .. err.. me as a.. " she cleared her throat. "Very delectable, yet most definitly bad tasting bottle of rum, but.. ahem.. think of me as someone that could give you the warmth and respect, that Strahd has been unwilling to invest for many years, if he ever had it." Rovana cleared her throat again, eyes wandering over the powerful vampiress frame. Here, her survival instinct told her, was something far more powerful than the undead that had almost clubbed her to death not long ago. .. she had also an attractive, exotic power around her, dangeros, sure, deadly, Rovana had seen it, but also .. alluring. Making Rovana think back to her dream, half an eye wandering over that white dress to..

Focus on the ugly doll, ugly doll, Rovana. She chided herself, trying to focus her thoughts. She was aware of a certain tendency of her to get a little carried away, sometimes. Very rarely. Like wanting to kneel infront of the powerful vampiress, tearing off that dress to prepare her to be girded in a sexy armor to go to fight her wicked vampiric opressor, while Rovana took great caution to sharpen her mighty spear, kiss her dark orbs.. seeing the state of her dress she propably had a full bush of dark hair down there, kind of hiding the full beauty and girth of it until teased out, but that in itself could be sexy too and.. gah!
Yeah, it was a pretty ugly doll. Rovana decided the safest course of action to not get.. distracted was to challenge it to a staring contest right now..

Charisma for sexy posing:
Damn.. whats with the pirate.. ^^

I feel like this will come out of my nat 1 in fight poket later <.<
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Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

Ludmilla, Bride of Strahd
Black Carriage
Tag: Rovana

Ludmilla continued to gaze unfalteringly at Rovana when the pirate stepped into the carriage and sat opposite her. The dark-skinned beauty moved sinuously in her seat, her hands with their sharp fingernails pawed at her own gown, as if she were finding the presence of the garment restricting to her underlying desires.

"The doll isn't mine," she said. "Its owner is dead and gone. And no, the door will not shut on you unless the master wills it. And he doesn't, at this time. He wants me to see you. I want to see you.~"

Ludmilla flashed her teeth again and swayed her head even as her eyes continued to penetrate deep into the sea blue orbs of the blonde girl.

"Oh? A rose for me? How lovely." She took the flower and held it in her ashen hands. "Such pretty things, flowers. And if you want to keep them, you have to kill them first..." She looked closely at the cut stem, and then back to Rovana, as though to convey the thought more poignantly.

After the mention of ill will, Ludmilla once again busied herself with studying Rovana's body, and it seemed as if she were only half paying attention to the particulars of what the pirate was saying, though her eyes flickered up once in a while and she murmured responses.

"Even if I desired to take such an offer, I could not. You do not understand the bond that I have to my master... I.... love him. I MUST love him. And I cannot abandon him, even if he abandons me. He has given me this eternal undeath, and I shall not be released from him until he allows it. But... he does not mind if I play with you. If I entertain you and befriend you. I can see the way that you look at my body. The way you speak to me and coax me. If you desire my body, I can give it to you. In exchange for your warm flesh, writhing under me.~ Do you not wish to see me out of this dress? Do you not wish me to be pushing up against you - into you?"

She cooed and put her hands behind her back, beginning to pull on the old tied string that kept the gown secured around her bust. If Rovana did not intervene, the gown would loosen and be pulled away, revealing a modest but pert pair of breasts.

"Shall I go on?" Ludmilla asked, still eyeing Rovana with what she hoped was a sexual hunger.

The doll's glassy eyes flicked towards Rovana, as the pirate fought to not be enticed or distracted by Ludmilla's quite forward approach. After the eyes moved, then the face did to, with the slight sound of old clockwork gears clicking together. Then its hand rose and it waved silently to Rovana. Then it pointed to the now semi nude Ludmilla with one hand, its mouth silently going agape and then covered by the off hand, as though it were mimicking shock at the vampire spawn stripping down in front of both the pirate and itself.

The creepy doll appeared to be of mechanical construction, though obviously its animation suggested some magic must have been used on it at some point. It was dressed as a jester, and seemed to be trying to be funny. Possibly. It's hard to tell, because it is quite creepy.

Then Ludmilla began to drop her grown lower, inch by inch, her tongue licking her fangs as she did so.

"You should come to the castle just for a short while, lovely Rovana. There are private chambers where we could be alone and comfortable.~"
Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)


Captain Rovana
Ludmillas pimpin carriage

"See, I used to dress my doll up as a pirate and.. err.. Why does he want you to see me, also can we stop calling him a master? Such a title ought to be earned. like.. Captain for example." Rovana nodded. "Well, you can plant a rose in your garden too, takes more work, but lasts a fair while longer. This rose will wilt and wither away now that I've cut it, though in a way is there not beauty in its fleetingness, rather than its demise?" Rovana answered.. this was a battle, she thought to herself, one of wits, but luckily my words are as sharp as my blade. If she gets me to admit to her philosophy somehow..

She stood the vampires gaze, looking back at her dark eyes, but only barely so.. a lesson from Captain Crow who crewmembers believed stared crows to death. Crows were actually pretty bad starers, Rovana knew. They did like good booze though, so thats how that tale came to be.

"He will release you, because I will make him then. Oh, and there are other ways, that I doubt he wants you to know... sadly, for now, anything you know, he knows too, so I can't share my ways.. but your false love is not as all powerful as he presumes himself. No one is." Not even I. Damn cliff was really high in hindsight. Should have taken out one of the smaller undead crawlers.

Rovana had to interrupt her line of thinking and gulp at the tempting vampiress. "I .. errr. The idea may have.. briefly .. crossed my mind." Rovana adjusted her hat. She didn't really have a dress that justified adjusting, so this was as close as she could get.

Rovana was not too interested in intervening and soon, distracted at the sight. "I errr.. you misunderstand, I don't want you to 'play' with me as a past time, like some hobby, I don't want you to love Strahd, but.." she hesitated for a moment, catching herself.

To a vampire.. the signs of Rovanas arousal were propably clear. A slight flushing, the rushing of sweet life, to her cheeks, a quickening of her breathing and heartbeat, the slight dillation of her pupils.. "You know, I'd really love to but.. its the doll, I just can't get it on while a doll is watching.." She stood up, one hand clenched, as she'd lean towards the door.. oh how she wanted to find out what more Ludmilla was hiding.. no. No! The image of Tristram. The dried blood, calling Strahd master...

"I'll not come to the castle .. invited." she nodded, with a regretful sorrow in her eyes briefly.
"Lady Ludmilla, I must refuse your offer, I have business more troublesome than Strahd for now and if you cannot lend me your aid, I must depart." Then again, she could always try plundering the pearl first. And finding out who Strahds supporter was, to make her blade hold some actual edge.. well she almost got killed already.

"I said it before and I will say it again. I will not have Strahd release you like something I owe thanks for, I will not have you gifted to me like some commodity." She put a hand upon her blade. "I will fight to make you mine and if that fight includes facing you until you are, so be it. That said, I think you delude yourself. Sure, Strahds direct command is irresistable.. and yet I saw you delay, if for a moment in the past. I'm sure if Strahd ordered you to do to me as you did to Tristram you would... would.... " .. Rovana sighed inwardly. She had just confronted her mortality Really, who was she trying to woo this undead? She shook her head, staring at the wooden bottom of the carriage. What'd the code say? Have sex with the hot lady.. but.. also try to stay alive and she's clearly.. ".. you know what, fuck the bloody quest, fuck knowledge. Almost died today, the last thing I need is wandering the oh so safe roads, besting more unkillable undead monstrosities only to hear some more cryptic useless babble about curses and fates and how fucked I am. And while at it, fuck this useless sword." She drew the blade. "What do you think Molly, I bet Strahd would reward me greatly if I told him just what my sword is.. oh and while at it, where Ireena and her crew are heading." She looked at Ludmilla.

"But damn it, it doesn't feel right to have you offered to me like some treat, like a reward for a good doggie! It would be so easy to just.. do what Strahd wants and ask for you as reward. I'm tired of struggling and almost dying and tired of there being no damn rum." She sheated her blade and sighed, looking at Ludmilla and finally admitting. "Aye, I want your body, but you are not just your body... I want.. your friendship.. y.. yeah." Rovana sighed again, investing the last of her energy..

"And you know what, as a friend, I ask you show me the ..beautiful land of Barovia and beyond before we get to the castle. Surely you wont deny me at least a request of showing me a bit around your country, where you lived and all such. Seeing how I already know Tser pool and the forest beyond and knowing that the castle lies one way, I wonder what lies the other? I'm but a weak mortal, my feet tired and weary, let us travel down the other road for a while? Oh and not in the mood for doing anything lewd with this weird thing about.." She exhaled, trying to fight back all the despair and struggles she had faced so far. Also, a passing glance upon Ludmillas pert breasts didn't hurt, but damn if Rovana wasn't tired of her odds.

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Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)

Ludmilla, Bride of Strahd
Black Carriage, West Gate of Barovia
Tag: Rovana

"If my calling him master bothers you so, I shall call him my Count, for he has earned that title through blood and conquest. He is also my husband, I still wear the dress that I was wed to him in. It is true that I... resisted greatly."

Ludmilla's lips fall away into a frown and she blinks, as though remembering something out of the fog of the past, long repressed. Her head shakes with consternation. "No... but I was foolish for the way I felt. I must have been... oh my Count..."

She stirs and places a hand to her forehead, suddenly angry and pained.

"Excuse me, I should not have brought up such a memory." She turned once more to Rovana and smiled wanly.

"Oh I believe that you would fight the Count for me," she fingered the cut rose, putting it to her lips and smelling it. "I think he believes you might too. Maybe that is what he is counting on? You asked why he would have me talk to you like this? To consider traveling and helping you? Because he would happily use me to harm you. To make you want me, and then tear me away from you, or use me against you. Perhaps it is best you run from the sight of me and leave me to my own fate..."

The vampire shook her head again. Rovana perceived that there might be some subtle dissonance going on within Ludmilla's mind, though the exact nature was left to her to guess. Maybe it was all an act? Or maybe it was all true, and Ludmilla was fighting against the false bond of love? Or maybe the vampire spawn hadn't fed since Tristam and was starting to go a little mad in the head? A lack of direct experience with vampire spawn meant it could be any of these things, and quite possibly more.

It was at this point that a change of lust came over Ludmilla and she began to undress and shift the conversation down a more overt and lewd track. Perhaps whatever forces were fighting within her had temporarily succumbed to the power of vampiric libido.

This lasted for a short time, as the sorely tempted pirate excused herself from the carriage and turned to face Ludmilla once more, swearing on her blade that she would take Ludmilla, rather than be given her. Ludmilla craned her head and looked down at Rovana from the carriage with a bit of regret and perhaps something approaching admiration or adoration. She remained quite the sexual visage, holding her gown only at her waistline, her upper body bare to the chilly mountain air.

Then the pirate talked about the opposite course of action, about considering an offer from Strahd. After all, what were the problems of this land to her? If she got what she wanted from him, and set sail afterwards, what harm could come from it?

"If you came back to the castle with me, I will lavish you with what you desire, and when we are done, you may depart, or speak directly with the m- with the Count. He will reward you handsomely for information about the vexing Ireena woman. And with her in his possession, he will leave you and I to ourselves, no doubt. He intends to wed her and make her a bride of his too, you see. Perhaps an alliance between yourself and the Count would be a good thing?"

A memory of the split dream Rovana had flashed in her mind, and she suddenly felt as if this conversation had been similar in part to the dream. It was as if Rovana had heard the advice of two different Ludmillas.

The vampire paused at the final offer, raising a brow and then looking at the doll for the first time. The doll looked back at her, unblinking.

"What do you think, little one? Would the Count approve of such a thing?"

The doll opened its jaw, tilted its head to side and raised its shoulders and arms upwards, as if to say it had no idea. The bells at the end of its hat tinkled.

"If I were to journey as I am, many would recognize me. I doubt they would let you within the walls of the towns to the west. Also, I would need to feed, if you understand what I mean. And ultimately, while I would... certainly hesitate, to harm someone which I desire - I must obey my mas-- husband. One can only fight against the tides for so long before they are pulled under. If you would have me journey with you in spite of all that, then I can join you after I return to the castle and slip into something a bit more appropriate. Join me, and you can pick something out.~"

The clockwork doll jester did a little jig, waving its hands (jazz hands!) and spinning its head around 360 degrees.
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Re: A Pirate's (Un)Life for me! (Rovana)


Captain Rovana
Ludmillas pimpin carriage

"Fair enough, count be he." Rovana nodded. She looke over at Ludmilla at her words of resistance. "It doesn't seem like a proper marriage if you barely had the mind to agree.. not that I care for such things, its just a way for churches to make themselfs look more important."

Rovana shook her head. "Actually you should bring up such memories. Ye ne'er wanted to serve this count. I'd say I'd make him pay but..." Rovana shrugged. It was hard to be brave in these lands. "Well, if I was a proper pirate captain I'd say its not me that has to worry about the things you might do." Rovana shrugged. She felt like a foolish child holding onto fantasies, she covered up her face for a long moment. A death that could have easily been hers..

"I don't know. Neither of the things I could do would truly fit the code. I'd like to come to the castle, what pirate would chose the stoney path and believe in dreams and fairy tales." Rovana reached into her vest, pulling out her Pirate Codex.. "I never got to fill it out.. there was a reason.. what was the reason.. what was the reason.." She tipped her hcin, rolling it up, looking back at Ludmilla. "I did like how you looked at me a moment ago." she smiled slightly, stuffing her codex back in her vest. [COLOR="DarkOrange]"What? Fight against the tides? Right, right you are. Thats what it was. You're right. Fuck this sword, fuck Dagon and fuck the Count. I do what I want. That was the creed. We have no nation but the sea. No creed but that we will live free. You know the mightiest ships can sail against the tide? And err.. well, if you are willing to fight the tides, I'd help you any way you.. needed. .. I bet after you err.. enjoyed my warmth, you'll reconsider Strahd."[/COLOR] She smiled, reaching forward, taking Ludmillas hand in hers, bowing down with a seductive smile, pressing a kiss upon her hand, as one would treat a noble.

[COLOR="DarkOrange"]"I want you to slip into something you want to wear.. not me, or Strahd.. You.
.. but, if you are taking suggestions, I'm thinking dark mysterious mistress and warrior of the night."[/COLOR] She extended her arms. "Ludmilla, I'm aware of the magic Strahd holds over you for now. If you can't stop loving him, I'll just see if I can't make you love me more." She winked.

"Next time I shall.. see more of you. If Strahd asks for me as ally and he will, as he learns what it means to face a pirate-captain, tell him:
We have no nation but the sea, no creed but that we will live free, loot and burn all that we can thats run by a dishonest man. Your end is near and there is no denying, when you see the black flag flying."
she lifted her hat again, bowed, then jumped back from the coach, turning on her heel, looking at the street leading to the mountain, grumbling to herself. Looking for knowledge and listening to old women, you're becoming a goddamn scholar-pirate. As she, trying not to look, turned her back to the dark coach, to follow the road towards the mountain.
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