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A new idea for DTT

Re: A new idea for DTT

Interesting. So if you meet a tentacle monster in the middle of the woods, how would the game work in giving the players control over whether the girl gets raped?
Re: A new idea for DTT

It would be determined by logic, you'd very likely get raped.

But, it's a good thing that I'd never make a map that would put the human girls at such a disadvantage, isn't it?

As well, if the tentacle monster, lets say it's Bartnum, for old time's sake, is surrounded by Toxic, Shrike, Keylo, Dreana, and Siphon, and rolling 20's like never before, while the latter are rolling utterly pathetic rolls, how would the game work in giving the players control over whether the girls get raped?
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Re: A new idea for DTT

Well everyone except Bartnum would want not to be raped. Since all the happenings in the game would get revealed at the end for everyone to read, they needn't worry that just because their own character survived they won't get to witness any action.


And they would be either attempting (and failing) to get out of tentacle grapples or trying to hack at the tentacles holding other girls / the main body of the monster if not grappled ((if they continuously rolled low))

While I don't want to reveal how the TM works exactly (since the girls shouldn't know), she does have a low number of tentacles she can extend out of her body at any one time, and if they are attacking different targets, she gets hefty penalties.
Re: A new idea for DTT

I know you said it's not, but that really does sound like a fighter RPG situation. The only thing missing is EXP and and magic attacks. But, everything else is there; an attack stat, HP, as well as the constant grind of, "Attack, attack, attack," until the combat is resolved.

I'd just much rather know that should I fail at escaping, or raping, it was because I made the wrong choice. Not because the dice fudged me over.
Re: A new idea for DTT

To be honest, if the TM gets found out when there are 3 or more girls left, then yes there will probably be a single fight in that manner.

However assuming the TM is smart, most of the "fights" will be 1 on 1 and last hardly any rounds. More realistic - it only takes one tentacle to properly pin a girl, and at the same time the TM isn't strong enough to take more than two blows from say, an axe, to her main body.
Re: A new idea for DTT

What does the TM's, "health points" have to do with what I'm talking about? I don't care if a bullet to the body is enough to bring it down, the dice are my main concern, and dislike. If being, "smart" means you get to rape the girls, one at a time, then why bother having a system that has HP, and whatnot? Why not just say, like in the original DTT, that the girl gets raped? And that the TM dies at the hands of the girls if it's outnumbered?
Re: A new idea for DTT

I was trying to go for more realism.

What if one girl is being raped, and another girl shows up? Will the TM die? Will she have the chance to flee, and will she take it, or stand and fight?

I'd rather not just have a fixed "if there are 2 / 3 girls, the TM dies". Because there's a chance that she won't and she might want to gamble on that. In the same way, if a girl has worked out that the person she is with is likely to be the TM, she might want to attack her. Even if it's a surprise attack, I wouldn't want a ruling that just says who wins. I'd rather work out the odds and let the dice decide.
Re: A new idea for DTT

If you read the first post, it'd indicate that the girl who's behind the raping, is not the tentacle monster, she's just in control of it. And when she's moving it around, she needs to be alone, because if anyone saw the process she used to move it about, being an occult-like ritual, then she'd be discovered as the one leading the tentacle monster around, raping the women in the mansion.

The TM doesn't die, not unless the person controlling it dies. If there are more than one girls walking around, then, you gotta expect, it'd be pretty hard to have sex with someone when someone else is constantly trying to cock block you. To counter this, once the TM has it's prey, it can run away with her, so that way it can rape her without interruption, even if someone shows up to the last location they heard a scream. They'd find her to be long gone.
Re: A new idea for DTT

ah so your saying that someone controls the tm that is and independent entinty from the person controlling instead of a girl Being the tm to avoid someone blocking it repeatly that has a hunch about who the tm is
Re: A new idea for DTT

Exactly. That way, the TM can do interesting things to try and get the other girl's off her trail, such as order the TM to rape her, or personally knock another girl out who suspects her, and deliver the girl to the monster herself.

Just think, you decide not to sleep that night, at the expense of your own fatigue(which is something I was thinking of implementing, to encourage people to sleep in their rooms), and the risk of falling asleep somewhere in the house due to lack of sleep, in order to confirm any suspicions you have about a certain girl. You get to the door to her room, and put your ear to the door. You hear sounds of someone being raped on the other side, and decide to come to her rescue.

After bursting in, thinking your the hero, it turns out, she was the one controlling the TM all along, and immediately orders the TM to rape you instead, shutting the door behind you, as you're raped helplessly.