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A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

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Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Well, you could just drive us into the store. Still, we do need to go in. I need more ammo and you need a gun. Not to mention, I doubt any restaurant will be open here for a while. Johnny replies.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Vince snorted, eying the milling crowd with dark intentions. Even if he were able to bust through the front door, how'd they get out again? He wasn't quite ready to sacrifice his car, after all. He revved the engine again, thinking about mowing people down... something just wasn't sitting right with him.

"Johnny, we trying to get out again, or stick around inside for a while? You know if creeps start popping up trying to eat our brains, we're gonna need to find somewhere to wait it out. Maybe for a while..." Maybe the mob mentality was getting to him...
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Well, If we can find enough bullets in there, sure, But we need to have a way to kill all the fuckers, and if we don't have that then we're screwed. You got any ideas, or should we park the car and run in to grab some stuff. Maybe with me standing out here to guard the car or something. Johnny replies.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

"Well... we could try stickin' around inside," Vince suggested, feeling no less twitchy. "People're gonna try'n pick their way through the place for a while yet, probably. Maybe they'll bring some supplies with them. Just pick 'em off when they come on in, and we could be laughing, if noone else's thought of it yet." The place was huge, and with few enough doors that they could probably ram some of the cars in front to keep anything out...

Still, he didn't much appreciate Johnny's tone of voice. Vince didn't run anywhere. "Fuckit, let's get in there and do what we're gonna do, we'll have to fucking wing it." With that, he swung around the parking lot and switched off the ignition, struggling out of the car once they were stopped and resting his arm on the roof while he glared at the mob. "This is gonna be such a fuckin' shit picnic," he grumbled to himself as he began towards the doors.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Walking in, Vince can see the mob dispersing quickly: everyone running out to different sections of the store to take stuff. Fortunately, it looks like half the stuff people are taking is mostly useless currently. People seem to be taking everything from refrigerated food to video games. Some people, however, seem to be planning smart, and Vince notices some people walk out the doors with either guns or dried foods. Vince would probably have to decide what he wanted to do in here and move quickly else nothing be left when he looked for it.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Well, shit. Vince made his way towards the guns and hoped that there was still enough yet. He wasn't yet concerned about food, though given the situation, he probably should have been... for now he knew that he and Johnny would need to defend themselves, so that was his top priority.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Unfortunately, the gun rack is practically empty, all that's left is a .22 hunting rifle. It even looks like somebody has come along and picked up all the loose shells as well as the ammo boxes. Vince can take the gun, but he might have to look elsewhere for ammo. In the mean time, the Wallmart has several sections and might have something that could be used in melee.

An small thought crosses Vince's mind. Most stores have extra goods in storage in the back of the store. That area may not have been as heavily looted.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Shrugging, Vince shoulders the gun. It'd be useful to bluff with if not to defend with... and then, having that thought, he clomps on back to the storage area, keeping his eyes peeled for any idiots who might want to try to get a piece of him on the way.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Heading to the back, Vince finds the amount of people has gotten exponentially lower. He can only spot half a dozen or so moving along the shelves and checking labels on the rows of cardboard boxes. Vince could probably find a lot back here, it was just a matter of looking for it.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Deciding to do his best to load up on what he could find, Vince began looking for ammo for both his rifle and Johnny's handgun, something that'd come in handy to brain a person (preferably something he could slip through his belt or hang from a shoulder when not using it) and a bag to scoop whatever food he could find...

And thinking about it, he began searching around for anything that might look like pharmacy storage. Given his pills wouldn't last him more than a week or two, he was gonna go nuts if he didn't find something useful... at the very least something to give a person a good fix. Zombies or no, people were always looking for that. He could make a lot of money, that way...
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Although Vince doesn't find a full cardboard box of either, he does find a small box of bullets for himself and a small case of chemicals that would be sent the the pharmaceutical department to make medicines. After looking a bit more, Johnny says he found a few more bullets for himself. He also finds several brown paper bags which, while not truly durable, could be used for a while at least. The only thing he found that might could be used as a melee weapon was a carpenter's level which he might not decide to take.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

If it came to that, he'd probably wind up whacking a person with the butt end of the rifle -- Vince didn't think that he could juggle everything and a level to boot. Hoisting his loot and doing his best to keep it all in arms, he looked around for a back way out... if not that, then he'd begin to the main doors again.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Not able to find a the way out the back very easily, Vince starts back out towards the main doors. Walking into the main area of the store, he can tell that the rush off people has died off significantly. In fact, when he goes outside, he event notices that there are only two cars left. His and a pickup truck. Most of the people left wandering around are either headed back into the Wallmart or are trying to find a way out of town and are walking along the sidewalks of main street. From the looks of things, it'll probably be easier to get out of town now than it was earlier.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Well, go figure! Vince looks for Johnny ((did he come in or guard the car? XD)) and raises his brows, surprised that the ride didn't get smashed or stolen after his painstaking searching around.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

(He went inside.)

Johnny moves over towards the car. My best guess as to why no one screwed with your ride is because the scratches on the side made it hard to pick. Either that or the blood stains on the fornt. So, what now? He asks.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

"Well let's see. We could take off with the rest of these froot loops," he scanned those still buzzing around like drunken flies, "or we could do some picking over what people've left... still..." he sucked on his lower lip, thinking. "Might be best if we find some place to hole up and wait it out for a while. Find somewhere decent, we'll be able to charge rent until the cops or the army get things back in order, y'know?" He grinned.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

What? You want to take over an apartment building or something? How do you expect us to get people to pay anyway? They'll probably just find their own hidey hole. Johnny says, I say we just look out for ourselves first, others later.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

"Maybe a more long term idea," Vince chuckled. "Alright, smartass, you want to ride shotgun or should we see if that truck's working?" There had to be a reason that it was left behind... "where'd you take off to? Middle of the woods?" Hefting his rifle, he added, "only so much ammo that we're gonna have, y'know."
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

I'd say go shotgun. A car we have the keys for is always better than one we have to hotwire. That means we can lock it from the outside later on. As for where? I'd say we go find an old cold war bunker if we can. Although I guess we can even try holing up in there. Johnny says, gesturing at the nearby apartment.
Re: A Lost Bet (Vince Baduin)

Vince laughed again. "Fucking thinking ahead, huh? You know where to find a bunker? I haven't run into anything useful like that."
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