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A Land of Monsters (Ranger9000 and Armacalic)

Re: A Land of Monsters (Ranger9000 and Armacalic)

Shri heard the beastman's gulp quite clearly, and figured that he might have been nervous about what he just did and maybe about what he was about to witness. Trailing one of her fingers along the back of his neck she asked "What are you nervous about little fox?" Leaning down to rest her head on his shoulder she whispered seductively "A vulnerable girl right before you, completely unable to resist whatever you wanted to do to her, tell me that doesn't appeal to you," Then she pulled back again and grinned, letting her fangs show, "Once I'm done with her of course, then you can have her all to yourself."

With that she scuttled forward, her taloned feet making no sound on the forest floor. When she had reached the elf she gave her a quick poke with one of her feet, she was quite certain the elf had been out cold the moment she had hit the tree. That wouldn't be as fun, but Shri was rather more concerned with offloading her eggs then she was with maximizing her entertainment at the moment.

A few more quick movements and she had positioned herself over the fallen elf, her ovipositor freeing itself from the pouch it normally hid in. Leaning in she bared her fangs and delivered an aphrodisiac filled bite to the elf's neck at the same moment as she sank her ovipositor deep into the woman.

If she was lucky maybe the girl would wake up before her all her eggs were offloaded, and she would get to hear her shouts of pain and ecstasy, though she did seem pretty out of it.
Re: A Land of Monsters (Ranger9000 and Armacalic)

Tek just took a step back, feeling no better than he did before, in fact, Shry’s words had just made him feel even worse. It was true, the elf who was now getting abused by this… monster… She was in this problem because of him…

Tek hung his head down, his breathing still irregular. He couldn’t bear it in his mind… there was no way he could stay and watch this. The kitsune made his way away slowly, walking out of the place in a daze. His short trek took him just far enough from the place for him to be unable to listen to Shry again, and he just took a seat at the base of a tree, trying still to come to terms with this.
Re: A Land of Monsters (Ranger9000 and Armacalic)

Tek Edine Girion: HP = 49, PP = 50, EP = 72/91, Status = Fine

Shri Ymma: HP = 44/69, PP = 67, EP = 42, Status = Injured, Pregnant

The elf shivered unconsciously as she was lifted, but didn't awaken even after Shri's fangs sunk into her neck, delivering her aphrodisiac venom into the woman's veins. She had to get the purple skinned elf's sparse clothing out of the way before she could sink her ovipositor into her, but once she did the arachne easily slid the first few inches of her breeding tube into the elf's clutching depths, tearing through the barrier of her virginity and wetting her organ with a tiny quantity of the woman's blood. Her folds were quick to grow damp as the arachne's venom worked its way through her veins, and a few moments after her initial penetration into the night elf's folds the woman awakened.

Her eyes shot open, a startled gasp mixed with a choked moan escaping her lips, and then she managed to get out a handful of intelligible words; "Nnn! Wha... What!? Noo.... You.... How could you.... Monster!" There was hate in her words, but it was drowned easily by the lewd gasps and moans that she was emitting in response to the arachne's thrusts, her ovipositor slowly pushing deper and deeper into elf's depths by the second until it brushed against her cervix. She was struggling, albeit feebly, but with the web bindings covering her and the poison running through her veins, they were barely noticeable to the unnaturally strong arachne.
Re: A Land of Monsters (Ranger9000 and Armacalic)

A feral grin came to Shri's face as the elf woke up beneath her. Ohh how she could feel the girl's wish to kill her through her words, and yet she still broke down to the combination of her venom and the ovipositor. The moans, coming from the feebly struggling elf, raising her bodies own excitement. Even better she had taken this girls virginity, and she could just imagine how much shame this girl would feel after this act, which drove the arachne even higher. When she hit the elf's cervix she could feel herself mostly ready to go as lubricant began running out of her ovipositor.

"Thats right girl, struggle all you want... its all futile anyways." She said as she felt the first egg begin to push down her ovipositor. Causing Shri to moan as the bulge moved down her breeding tube, and after what felt like an endless amount time filled with pleasure the bulge moved past the elf's lower lips and after enough pleasure to drive Shri to her own orgasm the egg made its final push out of her ovipositor and through the elf's cervix. Though she didn't get much more then a few moments before the next egg began to bulge out at the base of her ovipositor. Leaving her to half blank out as the remaining eggs were forced into the elf.
Re: A Land of Monsters (Ranger9000 and Armacalic)

Tek Edine Girion: HP = 49, PP = 50, EP = 72/91, Status = Fine

Shri Ymma: HP = 44/69, PP = 67, EP = 42, Status = Injured

Struggle she did, but it was just as futile as Shri had said it would be. The longer the arachne's ovipositor pushed into her, the more unclear it became about whether the elf was trying to dislodge the organ or get it to go in deeper, and the harder it became to differentiate her moans of pleasure from her slurred demands that she pull the intruding member out. She could feel the bound woman's taught stomach coiling as the first of her eggs pressed against her nether lips, and that was when the woman's words became intelligible again. "You... Nnnnn... No! Please... Pu.... Pull it out! Don't! Ahhhh! Don't put those inside me..." she moaned desperately, her thrashing briefly becoming more intense as Shri's first egg slowly passed through her ovipositor, the bulge along her length allowing the elf to feel every inch of its passage towards her womb.

The closer it got the more she squirmed, and when it was finally pushed out of Shri's ovipositor and through her cervix, a desperate moan escaped the new host for her eggs. The woman's pussy squeezed and quivered around her, juices flowing down her shaft as the first of the arachne's eggs was planted into her, causing her to cum. It was not the last egg however, not by a long shot, and the elf was in for a great deal more, her babbling of denial soon turning into wordless moans as Shri's eggs were laid into her ripe body. It wasn't the elf's last orgasm either, as she came three more times while Shri impregnated her, quickly wiping out her resistance and leaving her as a still but not silent heap in the arachne's grasp. The fox-boy had apparently been quite potent, as her body had pumped out no less than two dozen eggs that his seed had managed to fertilize, leaving their host so bloated that she looked like she was completely round. Tek had been forced to listen to all of it, his sensitive ears picking up every little sound emitted by the elf that he'd delivered into the arachne's clutches as she was raped and filled with the children that he had sired.
Re: A Land of Monsters (Ranger9000 and Armacalic)

Shri finally regained her own senses after the last egg forced its way into the elf. Stepping back and looking at the now round elf woman she smiled, that fox had some good potential with all the eggs she had just laid, even if only a few would make it to maturity.

After observing her handy work for a little bit, ensuring the webs holding the elf in place would still hold (though she doubted that was necassary at this point), she even threw a makeshift bandage of webbing over the elf's wound (she didn't know anything better to ensure the girl would live and even then she only cared that the elf lived long enough to give birth) Shri looked in the direction she had last seen her little fox, and saw that he had wandered off, probably not very far though, and a quick few ventures away from the elf latter she had found him with his back to a tree.

"Your turn little fox," She said from the other side of the tree, "Though you might want to wait a few hours, when she's a bit less full," Then a bit of a vicious grin came to her face, "You were quite potent you see, and she was rather small."

With that she started back toward where she had left the elf, leaving the beastman to come along at his leisure.
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Re: A Land of Monsters (Ranger9000 and Armacalic)

“…” the kitsne clenched his fists at the arachne, almost feeling the urge of blasting her away, bury her into the deepest place of the earth and forget about this… His eyes widened, however, at the arachne’s words, he had had enough about her.

"Your turn little fox," She said from the other side of the tree, "Though you might want to wait a few hours, when she's a bit less full," His teeth clattered in anger, almost losing it as he saw the grin the arachne had in her face.

"You were quite potent you see, and she was rather small."

“Go to hell.” The kitsune quickly stood up looking at her with anger. He didn’t need to put up with that… He moved, using instant transmission to anywhere… far, far away from there.

He looked back... noticing the still cool shadows of the trees, ways from the spot where he and the elf had been raped… he couldn’t face that woman, what could he do or say to make her situation not horrible… being the only culprit as to her position, he couldn’t face her after the way he betrayed her…

The kitsune spared only one last glance in that direction before walking away hastily, hoping to get as far away from the place as possible.

Instant transmission. 6 EP
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Re: A Land of Monsters (Ranger9000 and Armacalic)

Turning back to see the beastman teleport away Shri frowned and muttered "Well that's annoying."

Well she was disappointed at the turn of events she wasn't really that surprised. She had been half expecting the beastman to make a break for it at any time, though she had expected him to try to go back for the elf. Guess it wasn't some sort of sense of heroism that had driven him away.

Shrugging she headed back to watch over the elf, the beastman had atleast served his purpose once, and she could always pick up the next one that walked into her territory.

(Need to talk to Tass at this point cause we got an idea how to continue this)
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Re: A Land of Monsters (Ranger9000 and Armacalic)

Tek Edine Girion: HP = 49, PP = 50, EP = 66/91, Status = Fine

Shri Ymma: HP = 44/69, PP = 67, EP = 42, Status = Injured

(Shri and Tek get 2 exp! For, uhhh.... Teaming up on a tier 1 enemy, I guess. Also situation resolved, I guess. You two have to go off and decide where each of you are going before we can get to that though.)

Vanishing from the presence of the arachne that had raped him and then convinced him to strike out against a woman that had tried to save him, Tek found himself in a small clearing, alone.

Shri, in the meantime, found that the elf had passed out again after she'd released her, and would be able to do as she wished with her.
Re: A Land of Monsters (Ranger9000 and Armacalic)

The kitsune was completely baffled, still out of his wits. Fuming not only at arachne, but at himself for his sickening act. Betraying his would be savior just like that, had he no honor? Was he simply a mindless beast?

“Dammit.” The kitsune barked as he kicked on the ground, barely able to keep his attention on his surroundings, but still trying his hardest not to lose it, he wasn’t out of dangerous territory just yet after all. Whatever compelled him to not flee by means of teleportation, Tek couldn’t explain, but he couldn’t help it at all to look back from time to time… His heart gnawing at him for abandoning that girl to her luck with that… bitch…
Re: A Land of Monsters (Ranger9000 and Armacalic)

Shri looked at the elf girl that she had turned into little more then an egg sac, wondering if she could use her as bait to draw in something else and start the cycle all over again. Though a short burst of pain from that knife wound from earlier reminded her that she should probably just rest for a bit. Deciding she could do both she ran a few warning web lines around the area, hopefully if someone came (or the elf tried to leave) they would hit the line and warn her. Then she skittered back up into the trees, tried to put a small makeshift web bandage over the wound, and went back to waiting, though this time she let her eyes drift to a close.
Re: A Land of Monsters (Ranger9000 and Armacalic)

Tek Edine Girion: HP = 49, PP = 50, EP = 66/91, Status = Fine

Shri Ymma: HP = 69, PP = 67, EP = 42, Status = Fine


Bandaging her wound with a bit of webbing and setting up her lines around the bound, unconscious elf, Shri was able to drift off to a brief nap while seeing if anything would come to bite. Her rest was undisturbed, and by the time she awakened night had fallen. It hadn't been any of her lines that had awoken her though, it was the elf carrying her spawn wriggling about on the jungle floor, no doubt trying to free herself from her bonds.

(Slightly pending in case Tek comes back.)


Tek stood in the clearing into which he'd appeared for as long as he wished. The kitsune wasn't getting anywhere standing here though, and his stomach began to rumble on him a few moments later. If he wished to return to the clearing where he'd left the arachne and the elf, perhaps intending to right his wrongs, he could do so. If not, there was a stream nearby, where he could fish if he so wished or get some water otherwise, and he spotted a tree bearing some interesting fruit nearby as well, though whether or not it was actually edible wasn't immediately clear.
Re: A Land of Monsters (Ranger9000 and Armacalic)

“…” Tek couldn’t decide if he was an idiot or if he was stupid, standing there like that in such a dangerous place, still somewhat close to that manic bitch… All the while feeling like shit, his head was pounding as though a hammer was smashing it open. There was little else to do now, however, he’d wasted time, already and that was not going to change, better get moving or else something bad could come out for him again…

He stopped before he even began, however, as he felt his stomach making a revolution inside him. He’d apparently grown hungry also. He sighed, looking for some place where to get some food, the river seemed as good place as any. There was another source in the form of a big tree, however, the young kitsune didn’t trust his non-knowledge in the place just yet. He went near the stream, this time trying to keep his senses a bit more alert. Hoping he’d at least get a second or so to react to whatever came his way…
Re: A Land of Monsters (Ranger9000 and Armacalic)

After a nice sleep Shri looked down at the elf as the girl struggled to escape her bonds. After checking her lines one more time she dropped to the ground beside the egg host and re-enforced the bonds, as she did so she said "Well then elf, your use to me will soon be done, and right now I'm wondering what to do with you. Should I let you go, let you take your ruined self back to your village? Keep you here as bait? Or maybe just leave you here, all tied up for whatever decides to wander by next?."

Finishing the re-enforcment she gave a rather sinister smile, adding "Well elf, I'll let you have an opinion, which one will it be?"
Re: A Land of Monsters (Ranger9000 and Armacalic)

Tek Edine Girion: HP = 49, PP = 50, EP = 66/91, Status = Fine

Shri Ymma: HP = 69, PP = 67, EP = 42, Status = Fine


The woman continued to squirm, making futile efforts to free herself even as Shri secured her more fully, and offered no response to the arachne's initial ruminations on what to do with her. When asked her opinion, she was quick to reply; "Go fuck yourself, wretched thing!" It would be a few more hours yet before she gave birth, so Shri would be stuck with the elf for some time now. Normally, her kind would keep suitable hosts for their eggs until the hosts expired in their lair, but as she didn't have a lair in her new territory the elf would be difficult to hold on to.


Nothing leaped out at Tek as he approached the stream, a narrow and shallow waterway in which he could see a few fish swimming. How he planned on catching the elusive meal was up to him to figure out though, and the fish were small enough that he would likely need more than one to make a meal, and even after he'd caught them he would need to clean and cook them before they could be eaten.