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A Knights Tale (Feris)

Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

The torch only illuminated a small area around her, but it lit up almost all of the narrow hallway. The passageway goes for about ten minutes before she finds herself staring at a small post made of old moldy wood with a small symbol that looks like a scorpion on it. From here, the passageway branches left and right. The walls of both sides are marked up quite a bit with a number of small strange glyphs depicting various objects and creatures.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

She slowly proceeded to head down the narrowed hall so far it appeared a bit pleasant being there was only one path to follow however change presented itself in the form of a molded wooden board that had a very strange symbol on it and having the paths diverge.

"Perhaps the ones who built this maze are still abound though it is unlikely." She muttered to herself as she took a deeper examination of the board revealing it to have a scorpion of some sort, could it be a religious symbol or a warning it wasn't clear.

Regardless she looked at the diverging paths without a second guess she turned left heading down the hall it seemed it was just a guess on her part.

(Take left passage)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

Turning left, Miruna continued on into the tunnels, proceeding farther and farther inward. After another minute or so of walking, she found herself once more at a split in the path, though this time she could make a sharp left or right, or simply continue straight.

Perception: Success.

Miruna noticed more strange glyphs on the walls around each path, including what looked like a scorpion glyph leading to her left. She could also here odd sounds coming from the directions, almost like someone moaning accompanied by an odd shrieking sound.
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Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Miruna sighed as she came to yet another fork in the road that this maze presented though this time she managed to catch a glimpse of the scorpion glyph again though this time it was clearly stating whatever beyond this place was left in this current pathways. Though the mixture of sounds made it quite impossible to tell which way was the safer one or pertaining to her objective was unclear yet Miruna choose to investigate what this scorpion glyph was about and proceeded left.

(Go Left)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

(Forgot to spell check last time sorry.)

Moving left and into another stone passageway, the moans and shrieks began getting louder and louder as she proceeded onward. Eventually, she came upon an opening in the passageway, and her torch lit up a horrifying scene. A woman, obviously one of the Fey thanks to her green dress which was now wrapped around her midsection, fully revealing her breasts and privates, had a massive spider on top of her, easily the size of an adult horse. A long pink tube was sticking out of its body and was penetrating the womans pussy, and Miruna was forced to watch, stunned, as yellow balls flowed down it and into the Feys body, causing her to moan in pleasure as each egg was pushed inside of her. Every few seconds, the spider would shriek, obviously in pleasure, until it finally pulled out, one last egg falling out and staying at the edge of the Feys vagina.

The tube pulled back up into the spider then, and Miruna got a better look at both of them. It was jet black and hairless, with eight thick legs that held it four feet off of the ground. She couldn't see its face, as she was behind it, but she didn't doubt that it had a pair of massive fangs in front of it. The woman had long pointed ears and lustrous golden hair that looked like it would have fallen to her waist had she been standing. She was moaning and clutching at her bloated belly now, seemingly pleased despite the fact that she'd just been impregnated by a gigantic demonic spider.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Miruna looked on in horror at the rather lewd event transpiring before her though she wanted to strike at the beast almost immediately after she saw it but with the Fey so close to the demonic spider there was a chance she would harm the woman. Then yellow eggs descended from the tube connected to it's large sack as now the woman's once slender stomach looked stretched out as big as a pumpkin in a near instant.

Yet now the large spider was probable weary from the act and even contemplated should she slay the woman as well to prevent the hell spawn from ever entering this world such thoughts were quickly dispelled however knowing that maybe the highborn at the camp would be able to do something to help the woman before the dark ones could be born into this world. She stuck her torch into the mud below making sure it was standing upright and gripped her sword Aegis with both hands.

"Yet why does it always have to be spiders...ah...Lord may my strikes be swift. HAAAA!" She let out a roar not bothering to make any sort of sneak attack upon the creature but not hesitating attack it's back if it didn't respond to her in time and with both hands tightly grasped she attempted to strike the creature with a deadly strike to its sack or wherever her blade would land.

(Attack Demonic Spider *Slash*)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

To-Hit: Hit.
Damage: 10 + 10 = 20 damage.

The spider moved sluggishly, and far too slowly to react before she could land her strike upon it. Mirunas attack cuts the spiders cock clean off as it pulls out of the Fey woman, causing it to screech in pain as it wobbles around for a few moments, leaking greenish fluid, before dropping dead to the stone floor. The golden haired woman continued to rub her belly, an expression of contentedness on her face as she lay back on the cold stone, panting with obvious arousal. "Come to join me dearie? You look like you could use a good lay...." She whimpers quietly, opening one eye to look up at Miruna, now the only other person in the room.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Upon her strike Miruna observed how to now aching giant spider reacted to her blow though her intended target wasn't his cock she couldn't help where her blades momentum landed her blow. Though just after one strike the beast was slain and the golden lady though full of the monsters seed and rather pleased at these events that have befallen her.

"Milady you clearly must be delusional to suggest such an act after these tragic deed was done to thee." Miruna stated stabbing her sword into the mud and kneeling to check on the Fey's condition though she wasn't sure what to do should she head back to Fey camp to get this woman treatment or perhaps...No only if she requested Miruna would never bear her sword against the highborn she so admired.

"If milady doesn't mind I can take you to among your people to receive treatment for the monsters spawnlings dwelling within you." Miruna asked offering her hand to the Fey woman so she could mount her on Miruna's back to help take her back to the Fey camp.

(Offer Help to the Fey Woman)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

The Fey woman snorted and lay back at Miruna pointing out that she'd just been impregnated by a demon. "Oh... It's not so bad really..... I certainly don't mind;" She said, and it was then that Miruna remembered that young Fey women were generally driven to breed as much as they possibly could, regardless of what they might be breeding with. Apparently, they didn't even mind if that happened to be massive demonic spiders.

"Oh.... I wouldn't want to burden you.... I could certainly use a little pick me up though..... Just something to tide me over until I can find a partner with more time on their hands....." The women idly said as she allowed Miruna to pull her to her feat. She didn't get on Mirunas back, as her bulging stomach wouldn't have allowed it, but she seemed able enough on her feat, if a little awkward.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Then the memories hit her as Fey weren't too picky about whom they bedded with the thought had quickly escaped her though since most of her time was spent with her cloistered breathern. As she lifted her up Miruna gave pause to her previous idea as the bloated stomach would prevent anyone from carrying this woman though Miruna loathed not having a free arm it would seem she would have to carry her if she couldn't move very well.

Miruna sheathed her blade and mounted it rightfully upon her back as she picked up her torch with her left hand.

"My supplies are woefully thin but whatever I have is yours...Though this a dreadful place to dine I'm afraid perhaps if you know somewhere nearby perhaps?" Miruna asked extending her right arm to the fey woman so she might lean most of her weight on her when they moved if she had couldn't move at all in later stages Miruna wouldn't hesitate to carry her with both arms though the woman would probable have to carry the torch.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

The Fey giggles quietly, and mutters; "That wasn't exactly what I had in mind....." Then, however, she continues in a louder voice; "I suppose I can wait though. You wouldn't mind leading the way would you deary? I won't need much more help than that, I just lost my way down here a few hours ago, and couldn't find my way out." She steps up with a surprising amount of stability, and holds gently onto Mirunas arm as they prepare to go, apparently needing it more for comfort than stability.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Miruna paused giving a quizzical look at the fey's inquiry but was quickly dispelled upon her declaration.

"Very well I will take you back to camp then perhaps there you will find whatever you seek milord is generous and should be able to take you under wing." Though Miruna loathed returning without truly obtaining her objective she now had been given such a burden and would rather do so then leave a fey all alone to fend for herself should her next attacker not be so lustful and would rather crave for her blood.

She guided the fey upward and proceeded to backtrack her way to the camp.

(Attempt to return to camp) *Not sure if I need to roll and see if I can remember the way and whatnot~*
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

(Nope, no rolls required since you didn't go that far.)

The trip back to the Fey camp was fairly quick and completely uneventful as Miruna retraced her steps. Along the way, Miruna and the Fey made idle conversation, the other woman doing much of the talking. Once they reached the top of the steps, the woman said; "Thank you, I think I can make it from here on my own. Good luck in your quest, lady knight."

(Gain 2 exp.)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Miruna bowed to the her ladyship silently bidding her adieu as she turned to resume her quest though now she would probable be late with all this backtracking on her assignment the fact that she...mmm come to think of it did she really save that fey lady surely the demon wouldn't of harmed her because...'Ugh...The sooner I dispel the thought the more my sanity would thank me for it.' Miruna loathed erasing the scenery from her mind.

She picked up her pace retracing her steps to find where she had left off down the tunnel until she came to the first fork in the road she met before. "There must be other demons in that place if I head down the same road...Though my objective isn't a demon best avoid it for now..." She stated taking the right path instead

*Take the Right Pathway.*
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

Miruna turned right at the fork in the path, noticing that her torch had burned low but that the wall of this passage was lined with unused torches that were sitting in braziers. The path went for about two hundred feet before she arrived at another fork going left and right. More symbols lined the entrance to each passageway.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

"Ugh more...Then again it is to be expected of this place no matter I'am well prepared to face whatever comes in either pathway." She states not bothering to examine any of the symbols and heading down the right pathway. Before however she took one of the torches lining the pathway so she didn't have to use the extra one on her back and used the remaining light to ignite it's flame.

*Head Right, Use one of the lined torches*
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Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

Picking up another torch and heading right, Miruna travels a ways before she ends up at another crossroads. The same symbols as before cover the walls, though she can't spot any scorpions anywhere. She could go left, right, forward, or back the way she came.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Wasting little time she decides to take the direct path infront of her.

(Head into the middle path.)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

(Dropping stats since these are the wrap up posts.)

The route Miruna chooses eventually leads to a dead end, and she is forced to turn back. Eventually, after several hours, Miruna decides to follow the scorpion marks on the walls, which eventually lead her to a door that has a similar mark on it, and leads into a large chamber with a group of people in black robes, who immediately draw swords and clubs as the knight enters their lair. Their robes hide their features, though some of them are obviously female, given their protruding "assets." This must be the cultists hide-out.