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A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Torin: HP = 48, PP = 46, EP = 58, Status = Fine

Elowen: HP = 50, PP = 48, EP = 96, Status = Fine

Cosi: HP = 62, PP = 39, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Snow: HP = 32, PP = 23, EP = 25, Status = Fine

Destiny. Fate. Providence. Chance. Divine Mandate. Luck.

All different names, and to some wildly different concepts. Some swear by one and disparage the others. Some live off what they would call the benefit of one or more. Some ignore each, or even denounce each as folly. Can one truly say that there is no fate? That destiny is a farce? Can one claim that the gods hold no sway over the lives of men and women and be truly correct?

Is our fate our own? Or is all that we do predetermined by the gods or fate or some other force, leaving us to simply... Play out our parts until destiny dictates that we should end?


For a half-merfolk, half-faerie, drawn between two wildly different but not opposing natures born of magics worked ages before her own birth, such questions were perhaps easy to answer. As a druid and a sentinel of the Order of the White Coral on pilgrimage, and as a half sidhe carrying a portion of that race's connection to the natural world, she had been brought up to understand the natural workings of nature, and understood on a primal scale the system on which their world ran. It was an unforgiving one, uncaring for the will of those within it, but it was fair.... Usually. Dark forces often meddled, gods and demons and angels and monsters from beyond the veil of their own reality, but nature was a force beyond even their control, and though she might bend under the weight of the forces arrayed against her, she would never break to them.

Her time on the surface world had not been easy, but it wasn't difficult for the water-born woman to understand why. She had lived with her fins for all her life, flitting gracefully through the waters of her birthplace, but now that she was on land she was restricted to two dimensions. It was hot and dry up here as well, and though her supernatural parentage and her racial ability to control her shape ensured that she wouldn't be killed by the heat of the Anudorian desert, that didn't make it a pleasant experience for her. She'd come to the surface only a few days ago, traveling on the sacred pilgrimage directed by her order, and after arriving at a small coastal village she was able to get directions to a larger settlement of the landbound folk. She'd decided to seek out one of the lost temples of her people, an ancient structure from a time when her ancient kin had walked the world, before Adamantia had been sunk beneath the waves. Within it lay secrets long lost to her people and treasures that had (hopefully) lain dormant and untouched for centuries. All she had to do was find it.

That said, it was already proving harder than she might have thought. The merfolk had come to the surface in a time of strife, after the surface world had been devastatingly invaded by alien beings from the sky. The civilization bordering her own had been all but destroyed, and one of the few sanctuaries that they retained against the monsters menacing them was a city sitting on the coast, the dangerous waters around it preventing her from returning to the sea and swimming there. It was at the base of mountains that loomed before her, larger than even the grand palace in Adamantia and dwarfing the settlement that lay so near to their base. Srikloeth-Tonn this place was called, the last bastion of the ailing Su-Ku-Ta race, and given the plight of her own people against the Leviathans and the Formori without the presence of their ancient god-king Elric, it was perhaps a sentiment that Cosi could appreciate.

It was nothing compared to the city of Adamantia, but it was the last bastion of knowledge left to the people of the desert that hadn't been lost to the sands or the invaders, and thus the last place that might hold the location of the Temple of Red Waves. Having little more than the clothes on her back and her magics, Cosi entered the city in the guise of an elf, her pointed ears standing in for the fins that normally hung on the sides of her head, and the humanoid legs that she still wasn't quite used to standing in place of her tail. The city guard had allowed her to pass with only a bit of suspicion, wondering why one of her kind was this far West but not bothering to stop her. Once inside, however, it was up to the merfolk's initiative to find where she might look for her much needed lore. The people living in the city, (or perhaps they were travelers like here?) paid her little heed beyond the occasional confused glance, and though she found herself in the market square, there were no signs of a library or temple where she might start her search....


For Elowen, a nymph and a druid, the answer to what guided the world was equally simple. Raised among her kind, she was at the very least aware of the powers surrounding them, and knew the effects that they wrought. She knew of angels and demons, faeries and yetis more ancient than the sands upon which she'd been born. Shew knew of the Outsiders, those from beyond the veil of her own reality that sought to come in and consume all that was, and all that had been, and all that would be. She knew of the gods and of their battles, and of the one who had emerged from the battle that had rocked the heavens over own home so many centuries ago victorious. She knew of the aliens, and of their endless relentless march against all that lived upon her home, seeking to homogenize the peoples of her world into their own endless grey mass. She knew, too, of the power of her own element, that of nature, and how it coexisted with all of the forces that battled around it, and of its unspoiled and irresistible might. All things of her world obeyed their nature in one way or another, and though countless beings from beyond their own world sought to change it, the fundamental powers that she both wielded and served were unchanged.

She and Snow, without supplies and with the Dok-Cat injured and ill from being in an environment to which it was not suited, had made their way down from the mountains only to find their old home gone, transformed into a bastion against the abominations that had come from the sky. Though she was on the same side as those that now inhabited the oasis, Elowen knew that it was not a home now, and so had set about wandering the desert. Their journey had taken them West, to the sea, where they found the last great city of the Su-Ku-Ta; Srikloeth-Tonn. It held not their ancient tombs, nor the palaces of their long dead kings, nor even their great factories, but it did sit upon the coast, allowing bustling trade to bring it wealth that she knew it spent to fund the efforts to reclaim their home from the grey menace. She knew, too, that those efforts were failing.

That said, it was a bastion of civilization, and while she didn't precisely need civilization, Snow had wounds that her magic could not heal, and while she might have called upon her kin, the simpler option was to go to the settled peoples and seek their aid for the ailing Dok-Cat. The legendary cats of the desert sands were well known to the Su-Ku-Ta, who had given them their name and tamed them to serve as mounts in battle. Legends had been born of warriors riding the great beasts, but such times had come long before her birth, and their she knew that the once prosperous species, the apex predators of the desert, were on their way to extinction. It was a time of change in the world, and while the passing of things was understandably to be mourned, death was as much a part of the natural order as birth, and Elowen knew this on a level even deeper than instinct; the propagation of natural order was an aspect of her very being, ingrained into her very soul. She had learned that in her time up in the mountains,

She'd been allowed into Srikloeth-Tonn with some trepidation on the part of the city guard, some suggesting loudly that Snow ought to be put on a leash. Others had more quietly suggested that they might like to see her put on a leash instead, but those elements had made no effort to make good on such threatening gestures. Proceeding into the depths of the port city that sat at the base of the mountains she'd once been lost in, Elowen and Snow got a lot of odd looks from the townspeople, though such was not unusual. Dok-Cats, though important to their cultural heritage, were rarely glimpsed by settled folk such as these, or even by the nomadic humans that wandered the desert. After only a short time, Elowen and her faithful companion arrived at the city's market square, where medicines that could heal the great beast standing beside her might be found...


For the Su-Ku-Ta princeling, bred from generations past to be the prime example of his kind, the answer was the easiest of all. The role of men and chance in deciding the outcome of events were but a trivial concern compared to the will of the Star God and the course fate had decided. The stars of his birth decided his fate, and thus the path he'd taken, which had led him here. Freed of the constraints offered by the monks that had seen him sired and raised him to continue his lineage, Torin had followed his own path, joining a resistance group that fought against the very invaders that who's assault upon his people had seen him freed of his former constraints.

It had been a hectic week for Torin, to say the least. The war had been taxing on his kind, and the group he'd been with had seen battle only days earlier against a force intended to move through the Northern mountains, undoubtedly to infiltrate the more peaceful land of Crolia while it tried to deal with its own problems. While his people and the humans and elves to the North held few connections and had made no alliance, every soul lost to the invaders was a gain for them, and so their group had striven to halt the push in the mountains before it could reach the wintery Northlands. They had only been partially successful, the invasion force being larger than they'd expected, and while they had killed the alien leaders via dropping a small avalanche onto the floating monstrosities and their army via a scheme that Torin himself had devised, they hadn't quite wiped it out. The remains, mostly the advance scouts and flankers, had attacked them during the night and routed them, the alien hunters too dangerous to face openly in their own element.

What had followed was an increasingly desperate forced march across mountains, tundra, and desert that had lost many lives to both the elements and their enemies, but they had eventually managed to annihilate the last of their pursuers only a few short days ago. Many had died in the process however, and it was agreed that they should return to a civilized area to regroup, resupply, and gather reinforcements. It was with that in mind that Torin and those with him had come to Srikloeth-Tonn, the last true city controlled by his kind. He'd parted from his group upon arrival, their structure such that members dropped in and out regularly, and thus he'd come to the market square at the center of the city all on his own, where he saw a woman who looked oddly familiar wandering about with a great white cat....

~~~~Market Square~~~~​

And so, three strangers, by chance or fate or the will of some god or another, came to the same place at the same time. One from the South, though originally from the depths of the Jeweled Sea, and the ancient city sitting at the bottom of it. One from the East, who had wandered far to the North and back in search of a friend, having found knowledge of themselves along the way. And, lastly, one from the North, his path winding and filled with dangers both seen and unseen. Each from disparate beginnings, and following different paths, their goals their own, come to a single point at the same time, there to witness something strange. Each saw the other for what they appeared to be at the time, Elowen the most unusual by all appearances with snow standing at her side, while Cosi stood out only because of her elven disguise, and Torin, despite his lineage, was all but indistinguishable from the crowd of his kin, even to Elowen who had known him from a time long past.

There, in the heart of Srikloeth-Tonn, with dozens, perhaps hundreds of people around them..... An angel fell. Hard.

Fell in the literal sense, in this case. Appearing practically out of nowhere, a woman of unnatural beauty, her skin dark like the people of Anudor and her hair tied in short braids and as black as night, and grave plummeted to the earth and landed with force enough to crack the paving stones with its impact and send a dust cloud soaring high into the air. No being of flesh and blood should have been able to survive such an impact, but the gleaming armor that the figure was clad in had seemingly dulled the impact sufficiently that the angel was alive.... Barely. What might have caused her plummet was impossible to tell, but it was clear that the woman was in dire straits, and that without assistance her death was assured. Blood pooled beneath her, seeping into the cracked stones on which she'd fallen, and bones poked through her flesh in several places as dying magics flared around her, their last breaths mirroring their originators.

Torin, though he'd been schooled well by the priests that had brought him up, knew little of angels. They were said by the priests of the Star Gods to be false divinities, to be no less reviled than the false gods that other lesser men worshiped, but his fighting companions had sung a different tune. Angels were the greatest of boons to those facing the aliens, for they would often appear in the direst of times to lay waste to the grey horde and their foul masters. Tales spoke of men capable of calling such boons when they were in need, and of the quests that they would give to aid the cause in recompense, but Torin had never even seen one of the winged warriors before, much less seen one in the last moments of its life. His old mentors would have said good riddance to it, or even helped it on its way, but his comrades would have done whatever they could to save such a champion. What Torin thought of it, however, was his business and his alone.

Cosi, while she had never seen an angel before, knew of them well. While they could not enter the undersea world in most cases, the angels held an amicable relationship with Adamantia. She knew that they were wise, and possessed of ancient lore that both mortals and her own kind had long lost. It might be too good to be true, but the angel dying almost literally at her feet might hold a clue that would give her a location to the temple that she sought.

Elowen knew of the angels, and while he hadn't ever met one, she did recognize them as members of her kin, albeit very distantly. They were beings of purity, strength, magic, and wisdom, their every breath devoted to making the world better than it was, and while their strength was incredible it was not without its limits. The armor of this one marked her as a Valkyrie, a warrior knight of skill beyond that of even the greatest warriors of the faerie courts, and while she was likely not long for this world, it was said that many angels who lived to see such power possessed vast knowledge. Perhaps she would know how to cure what ailed snow?

It would take great effort to save the dying angel's life, and if any of the three wanted to intervene in some manner, it would be up to them to do so. The people around them were as surprised as they, but none appeared capable or willing to help, their expressions too stoned for the time being to offer any aid.

Sorry if it's a little bookish or if I took too many liberties with reactions, and that Torin has a seemingly less compelling hook than the other two. This was the first thing that popped into my mind, and if it doesn't work I'll just figure something else out.
Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

Elowen looked over to her beloved Dok-Cat, Snow, with an expression of concern, though she managed to force a smile when the feline's eyes met hers for a brief moment. Normally, being able to travel freely alongside her animal companion like this would be a cause for celebration. The wind in her hair, warm sand beneath her feet, and a boundless landscape before her eyes waiting to be traversed would easily be her kind of setting for any given day, and even just to have it now was a blessing. But to have her best friend suffer the way he did made things that much more difficult for her, seeing as he was perhaps not half of his usual, mighty self in such a state. To be healthy and able to live life the way a predator should, that was all that she could want for Snow--and the primary reason why the route she walked on was an unusual one for her. Instead of a winding, haphazard course to wherever her impulses fancied, for now it was a direct, orderly line towards civilization; Srikloeth-Tonn, a Su-Ku-Ta settlement.

The nymph hadn't the best of experiences with the feline humanoids, as her most memorable encounter involved being abducted against her will by a cult of the Star God. She was to be sold to the highest bidder as a slave, which should have been far more terrifying than it was in hindsight, given what little power and wisdom she possessed back then. But despite that, they couldn't be all bad, so she told herself, as one dark-haired youth still possessed the heart to set her free--with a bit of verbal persuasion on her part, of course. She remembered his name, Torin. What became of him? As the bustling city's image, distorted by heat, appeared on the horizon, she couldn't help but wonder.

The fae wiped some sweat from her brow and took a deep breath as she continued to plod forward through the scorching desert sand. It didn't bother her, though, as she was used to this. Although she possessed the ability to shapeshift, the form she favored in this environment was that of a slender, tanned young woman with short blonde hair and hazel eyes; a representation of one of several Anudorian standards for beauty. In the mountains of Crolia, the norm was different, and as such, she spent much of her time there as a more pale-skinned individual. But like all who braved the wilds, she would adapt to her environment, changing her appearance as necessary.

The only things that would make her stand out, other than the beauty typical of many a nymph, were her personal effects, including a staff made from a long sapling she found in the desert, and of course, her albino Dok-Cat, Snow, who walked alongside her. She couldn't ride him the way others were often ridden, at least not in his injured state. And yet the white feline would not be leashed--to her, such an apparatus was a sign of subservience. He was seen as a friend, an equal to her, even if his requirements often came to little more than a proper meal and a body to sleep next to at night.

She stuck to this unspoken principle in spite of the suggestions given by those nearby as she entered the city limits. Despite his odd coloring, Snow was a Dok-Cat nonetheless, and it wasn't surprising that the Su-Ku-Ta folk would prefer to see him treated the same way as his more domesticated counterparts. But he behaved himself in a way that others couldn't, and Elowen knew it, as she wasn't quite the average owner. As a Druid, she had the ability to communicate with animals both small and large, and Snow was no exception. Most animals were simple, and needed not more from life than seeking food to eat, shelter under which to sleep, and safety from predators. Living for the sake of living was something that she learned to embrace in the wilds of Crolia, and she kept that philosophy with her ever since.

The other comments, more suggestive in nature, were taken in stride. While she wasn't quite the type to be leashed up herself, as she preferred to choose the 'who, where and when' in regards to her sexual encounters, Elowen was quite aware of the pull she had on humans and many humanoid species, as a member of the fae and a nymph, no less. She often used this charm to her advantage in her youth, to get what she wanted and string some people along. And though she was older and wiser nowadays, habits like those didn't quite leave her system so easily.

Several paces later and she set foot into the bustling marketplace of Srikloeth-Tonn. While a scene like this might have been somewhat claustrophobic for her, she could still appreciate it in some ways, full of life as it was. Her eyes flitted back and forth from stall to stall, observing the various goods for sale and hoping to find the right healer, or at least someone who was particularly familiar with Dok-Cats.

Her focus wouldn't stay for long, however, as a resounding tremor was felt through her entire frame. Were they under attack? A quick check of her surroundings showed that an assault on the city wasn't the case, at least not for the time being, much to her relief. But as her gaze settled on the crater, Elowen gasped in shock at the sight of what she knew to be an angel. What could have caused such grievous injuries was beyond her, and she cared not to think of it for the time being, but only how to best help the fallen messenger. The druid hurried over to where the angel lay, kneeling down beside her and checking her injuries. Not good. She couldn't even remember if she had seen worse wounds on less powerful beings. Either way, she needed help, and needed it quickly.

Focusing the immense amount of spirit from her inner reserves, Elowen channeled what she could into life energy in its purest form; the essence of life, vitality, abundance. In this state, the glowing green spirit between her hands could mend wounds, strengthen muscle and bone, even accelerate growth given the right circumstances. Naturally, she had tried as much upon Snow when she first found him, but something odd about the wounds he had incurred kept him from healing the way he was supposed to. Still, it was worth a try for the one in front of her, especially seeing as no one else moved to help for the time being.

Once the energy between her hands was properly focused, she applied it to the angel's body, hoping to see at least some improvement in her condition. "Please... live!" said the dark-skinned fae, gathering her will to force recovery upon her subject.

Using Natural Order, first option. Paying 20 EP to heal the angel for 4X HP, which in this case would be... 80 HP total.
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Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

Cosi almost regretted her decision to travel Srikloeth-Tonn. Almost. After all, there could not have been a more stark contrast between the cool, water-filled sea to this broiling desert, even if it was on the coast. Though, with how much she was sweating, she could practically swim. She might as well be back in the water. Her dark hair, as well as her robes, were plastered to her face and body. How did everyone deal with the oppressive heat like it was nothing? Then there was the issue with feet and legs. With how often she stumbled with the cursed things, Cosi wondered if those around her believed her to be drunk. How did the surface-worlders manage with such unwieldy appendages. And then there was the weird feeling of sand. It felt almost as if it wanted to swallow a walker whenever it shifted. Still, these problems had to be dealt with as this was the only place she could think of to get any sort of lead on where to go for her pilgrimage.

But, as the merfolk in disguise stood in the market square, she could say she was a bit lost. There was no place she could find to begin any sort of research, and getting to anywhere was hard without the ability to just swim over whatever might be in the way. She would walk in one direction to maybe attempt to see if there would be any luck that way, second guess herself and turn back. With no idea of where to go from here, Cosi just hoped for a sign of where to go next. Unfortunately, the miracle of an angel falling from a sky might not be exactly the best way of go about a lead.

Staring at the fallen angel briefly, Cosi quickly made up her mind. It might be her best chance, and only chance to learn anything. Of course, it was only right to try something. What the something was, she didn't exactly know, as she rushed over, stumbling as she did due to the crowd and her own lack of skill with feet. As she arrived, she found a tanned woman already there. The merfolk slid down to her knees, wincing as they came into painful contact with the ground. Still, now that she was closer and had a better look at the situation, her knees paled in comparison. The wounds, whether they were from the fall or perhaps from a fight that had caused her to fall here in the first place, were terrible and Cosi regretted her lack of knowledge in the art of healing. However, this other woman seemed to.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"
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Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

"To see the face of the Star God is to glimpse destiny itself, behold the strands of fate, and comprehend the palette by which the universe is painted. Small wonder then that He is the only divine being not to have been seen in this world. One does not easily or rashly seek to comprehend infinity. Mortals were not meant to know it. The Gods in vain attempted to control it, until the Godslayer proved them incapable. Even the Star God himself may not guide destiny, perhaps He is only an observer, and a doomed one at that. For what greater hell could there be than to know everything?"

Farseer Torin

"The Next Horizon"


Rest had not come easy to Torin for well on a week. He had taken to being awake during the nights, when the stars dotted the sky and the Oracle was visible to guide his frequent scrying. In the day, when he would normally try to sleep, he and his group of Su-Ku-Ta freedom fighters had been forced to stay on the move. The Gemini had been relentless in their reprisal raids. While his avalanche plan had worked as the guiding stars had predicted, his vision had not been so encompassing as show that he would not destroy the entire alien force outright. Neither had the stars given him a sure egress from the situation other than to run swiftly, for days, unto the point of exhaustion.

Now when he looked up at the stars, he saw the faces of the recently departed, those lost to the Gemini or mercifully slain in the heat of battle. Ezra, Konrad, Jesper, Knythia, Luxe, Ebile... five comrades he had shared smiles and stories with less than a week ago. Now they were gone, and how much of a role had his scrying played in their threads being cut short? The Star Priests would tell him it was fate, all a part of the Star God's plan. Torin failed to see the sense in any plan where the Gemini had come to this world, where Anudor had been all but destroyed. There was no denying that it was Destiny, for it had come true, but lately the farseer's faith had been troubled, and heretical ideas toyed in his mind. Destiny versus destinies, the ancient theological argument that had split the faithful for ages - did the Star God play dice? Were they loaded?

Years of fighting a losing battle were shaking Torin's idea of the universe. Was it that he was just not seeing enough of the Star God's plan? Or were the priests that had raised him wrong, and he was just a pawn on a playing board, unaware of the rules, yet forced to act, and in so doing, causing other pawns to fall?

After the last of the Gemini hunting squads had been dealt with, Torin and his fellow survivors had made for the only place in the world where Su-Ku-Ta could still call a home: Srikloeth-Tonn. There they would part, each to go their own way and stir up a new group of resistance fighters. It was important that those who had the courage and the knowledge to take on the Gemini and survive spread the flame of hope to others who were more inclined to bury their heads in the sand and wait the conflict out.

Torin looked at the parting as a small blessing. Maybe starting out fresh would help to clear his head, and he might finally get a good day's sleep. Maybe then he would be able to see the Star God's plan clearer. If any would be able to do it, he should. The principles by which he had entered this world, the precise designs of his birth, had been orchestrated to align him spiritually with the cosmos. It was a part of the greater plan itself that he should be able to see the future, and in so doing shape the present.

In the market square, he sat at the edge of fountain, depicting the ancient meeting of the town's founder with the native tribe. "Tonn" the Magnificent was astride his Ji-Dok-Cat, a fierce breed of Dok-Cat now thought extinct. The ancient conqueror was accepting a branch of palms and a bounty of fish from the local wiseman. The warrior king in turn was shown offering a magnanimous hand to the people beneath him, as though he might scoop them up with him onto his mount and carry them off to a greater life. If only Tonn could see what had become of the empire he had started. This statue might be one of the last memories of his people's history - and it was barely an eighth the size of the great monument of Tonn in Anudor.

In his hand, Torin gazed at a gearwork device of his own creation. In his quieter moments, when not puzzling the workings of his God and the universe, the far seer was also something of a tinkerer, and his soul energy was as much devoted to the applied sciences his people were so famous for as much as it was to the night sky. The device he held in his had was meant to keep track of time, and its inner workings were a delicate thing. He knew that with soul energy, he could make the device work, but his true desire was to reshape tiny scraps of metal together in such a way so as to make the device permanent, and above all flawless. The nature of the task appealed to his personality - one that was sadly not grounded in the hear and now but often in a long term goal or future.

As it happened though, something did occur to distract him from his clockwork. A passerby had strode past him, uttering a distasteful remark about a nymph with an unbridled Dok-Cat. The mention of a nymph caused the celestial princeling to look up and as he did so, he could not help but smile. Another sign of the Star God's plan?

It was her. Elowen. The nymph that had taught him the courage to question. How long had he had her beautiful face etched in the back of his mind? Here she was again, looking not a day older than he had left her. He stood up hastily, shoving his gadgetry into an inner fold of his dark, desert-dweller robes.

"Elo-" he began to speak, taking a step forward towards the nymph. Then the sky opened and from nowhere the angel fell with a horrid crunch. Torin jumped back, covering his face with the sleeve of his robe as the impact kicked up red dust from the courtyard.

He saw first Elowen, then some strange elf step forward. Two foreign women from a crowd of Su-Ku-Ta onlookers. How humiliating that none of his own people had the courage to run to help. Running forward, he knelt beside the fallen angel just as Elowen had put her hands together and attempted to heal the woman. He had very little in the way of healing abilities, though in a pinch he supposed he could weave a strand of his soul energy in a way to guide a person back into consciousness, but it was not an effective use of his energy.

Instead he placed a hand on the angel's brow and concentrated on the strands of fate that connected the fallen woman to this place and time. Perhaps he would be granted a vision of how to save her if such were possible.

Action: Spend 5 EP to scry, targetting this angel's destiny, looking specifically for a destiny in which the angel is saved from death.
Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

A droplet of sweat rolled down the side of Elowen's face as she tried her best to focus her spiritual energy enough to properly heal the wounded angel. Her concentration only broke when a mysterious figure entered her peripheral vision, and she instinctively glanced sideways to see who it might be. An elf, and what she could guess to be a fellow traveler given their attire. While it was all too uplifting to see someone else in all the crowd finally come to help, the druid managed to stop herself from erupting into thanks, and kept her voice at a relatively urgent tone. "If you can heal, or if you've any herbs or something that might work, that'd be faaan-tastic! I've never seen an angel before, let alone one this badly hurt, so uhmm, I'm not sure exactly how well I'm doing here," said the tan-skinned woman, shifting her gaze between Cosi and the winged being. "I mean, what can do this to someone like her in the first place? I don't even..." she huffed before returning to her attempts to mend her patient's wounds by channeling vitality directly into the affected extremities.

Then, she spotted the hand of a Su-Ku-Ta come over the angel's brow, and a quick look up told her who it was. Torin, whom she had been thinking about just minutes earlier. An amazing coincidence! Upon seeing the familiar face, Elowen managed a smile for just a moment. "Glad to see that you found your way!" she remarked with a wink. "So what do the stars tell you about this one?" added the nymph, opting to make a bit of small talk during the odd reunion as she put her last bit of energy for the time being into the armored celestial, then awaited the result with a hopeful face.
Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

Cosi frowned as her options were listed, regretting her lack of knowledge in the art of healing. It just wasn't something she had learned. She watched with despair at her inability to do anything and she wracked her head for ideas. However, something the tan-girl gave the merfolk in disguise inspiration. What could have done this? Angels, after all, were not weaklings and, likely, few things would dare challenge one. So, what had done it? And, would they come to finish the job?

As the nymph and Su-Ku-Ta began to converse, Cosi leaned over the angel. "Sorry for intruding," she whispered as she closed her eyes to concentrate. After all, what she planned on doing violated the most sacred of places, one's own mind. But, it was for a noble cause. While she could dig for information about her quest, that was not the just thing to do; instead, she hoped to find out what had attacked the angel. If it was some monstrous beast that would chase after this angel, the idea of the sheer power such a creature would have arriving into the heart of a crowded city could be a massacre. With a sigh, Cosi attempted to enter the angel's mind, searching for information on what had caused the trauma since angels don't fall for no reason.

Mind Worm
Cost: 8 EP
Look for memories on what might have attacked the angel

If possible, stop if the angel resists.
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Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

While the far seer was pleased and thankful for Elowen greeting him with a smile, he wished it were under better circumstances. An angel was dying on the ground before them and there could be no time for a response. His eyes were already closed, hiding the starlight glow that would suffuse his eyes during his scrying trance - a physical output of the soul energy he used to grant him temporary vision into the future.

One hand remained on the angel's brow, to form an easier link, allowing Torin to follow the thread of the angel's future, if indeed there would be any possibility of the winged one surviving this. With his other hand, he raised a finger to bid Elowen to have patience while the Su-Ku-Ta scryed. He needed concentration. Pleasantries and a happy reunion could wait.

That being said, she was as beautiful as he remembered. Older than him by perhaps a decade, yet not showing any signs of aging. Her short hair and tanned skin, combined with that eldritch glamour possessed by members of her race, had made her quite an exotic sight in the old Anudor. The Star Priests had wanted to sell her for a high price, regarding her as cargo, rather than a person with a destiny of her own, a purpose in the grand scheme. He had never been comfortable with how detached the other priests had been from morality, and Elowen had been the first one to call him on it. She had been the voice that let him know he had to walk his own path, not the one the priests had set for him. If he didn't, he'd be just as much a thrall as they wanted her to be.

He had always wanted to thank her for that small piece of enlightenment. Maybe now, after they saw to this angel, he could.
Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

Torin: HP = 48, PP = 46, EP = 53/58, Status = Fine

Elowen: HP = 50, PP = 48, EP = 76/96, Status = Fine

Cosi: HP = 62, PP = 39, EP = 77/85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Snow: HP = 32, PP = 23, EP = 25, Status = Fine

Elowen uses Nature’s Order for X = 20, healing the angel for 80 HP.

Torin pays 5 EP using Scry.

Cosi uses Mind Worm for 8 EP

And so had three individuals converged, all at once despite coming from wildly different places, to one single point in time and space, coming together just as an angel of war had fallen from the sky. Despite the sheer madness of the situation, each moved to help the broken woman in their own way.

Elowen was the first to move, and the only one of them to apply direct aid. Her task was the simplest, though by far the most intensive in terms of the cost in energies. Her magic, a direct outpouring of pure life force drawn from her own body and soul, was capable of miraculous healing of both physical and spiritual injuries, and that it was so was fortunate since to heal the shattered angel that was exactly what was needed. Snow crept beside her, the great white cat’s movements all but silent despite his regal presence, and nuzzled lightly against her side while she slowly poured the magic into the angel’s broken body. “Someone… Call a healer!” a man’s voice called, a Su-Ku-Ta older than Torin and dressed in shabby garments stepping up and looking down upon the broken angel as he spoke. His words, despite his shabby appearance and the disdain the cat-folk held for those too poor to support themselves as this man certainly seemed to be, caused those around them to rush into rapid activity where before there had been only startled stillness.

Regardless of her reaction to the events playing out around her, Elowen’s intense efforts were rewarded appropriately, as the woman’s broken bones and torn flesh slowly repaired themselves before Elowen’s very eyes. With her two companions, Torin and the elven stranger, seemingly engrossed in whatever it was they were doing in their efforts to help save the woman, Elowen was alone in seeing the dark skinned warrior draw in a deep, desperate, and ragged breath. Few beings could survive the wounds that the angel had suffered when she’d fallen to earth, and certainly none that Elowen had ever known, but fewer still could recover from them so quickly, even with magical aid in the quantity that the desert nymph had just provided. The second indrawn breath was deeper, and her subject’s limbs spasmed as the muscles came back together following the repair of the angel’s bones. Only a few moments later, the angel’s eyes fluttered open, a feat that should have been impossible after the wounds that she’d taken…

To say that Torin’s visions when using this particular aspect of his gifts were open to interpretation was to put things mildly. He could guide things, search the possibilities as he did now, but the paths to his desires as revealed to him were rarely clear or simple. Oftentimes things would turn out differently, even when he sought something in the short term, but to find a future in which the angel survived her injuries was a simple enough goal that it would hopefully not bring him too far. If Torin hoped as much, however, he would be sorely disappointed.

That his visions were uncertain was one thing. The priests that had raised him had even admitted that the paths of the stars and the will of the Star God were often unclear…. But in all his admittedly short time, and in all his experiences, Torin had never once experienced the chaos into which he now glimpsed when using his powers. From where he stood now, possibilities beyond measure stretched out, some completely alien and in direct defiance of events that he had known would come to pass. A man had once told him, long ago, of what such portents might mean. A human man to whom the Star Priests had referred to with respect bordering on reverence despite his race, and to whom he had only ever heard called “The Traveler.” Some things, some points in time and space, were irreversible and unavoidable, all timelines conjoining toward them and branching off from them again, that was what The Traveler had said the second time (of three) that he’d seen the strange human but the only time that Torin had ever spoken to him directly.

They’re called fixed points,” he’d said in a voice soft and comforting to the young Su-Ku-Ta, kneeling so that his eyes were level with those of the young starseer, but even then Torin could sense the wisdom behind it. “There will be times when you look out into the future, and you’ll find that it’s impossible to make out just what will happen from there. All those threads, seemingly linear lines but really each a point of infinite possibilities… They intersect at those points, all coming together. Those fixed points are the knots that tie reality together. Someday, I think, you’re going to find yourself at one… Maybe even more than one, but don’t ever let that make you think that you can’t make a difference Torin! Every action you take, every single tiny choice that you make, will have ripples that spread across the fabric of space time to affect people that you’ll never meet and events that you’ll never even know about. You’ll never be nothing more than an observer, never helpless to change the situation, and someday you might even be able to see some of what you sow by your actions when looking into the future… But that kind of skill will come with time and experience.” Then he’d ruffled Torin’s hair and stood up, departing after a brief conversation with his mentors.

Now, as Torin looked out into the tangled mass of possibilities, he might have felt that the strange man’s words were somewhat misguided. Regardless, however, he saw that each and every path that branched from this one began with one thing, with the angel beneath him drawing in a breath and opening her eyes. In some it was her last, and in some she survived, but in each she had time to speak, to say something that Torin sensed was of monumental importance… But, unfortunately, Torin was unable to hear it.

For the second time in the same calling, something that Torin had never experienced before simply… Happened. As he looked upon the future, waiting to hear the angel’s words in his mind before he could hear them in person, his vision was suddenly wrenched aside. The visions could sometimes show portions of the past or the far future, and that was what he sensed was happening now, though this time he could feel that his mind was being pulled along regardless of his will. For a few brief moments, Torin stood within a version of Srikloeth-Tonn far different from the one in which he stood in the present.

The streets were empty, and the buildings were burning. Or, what could burn was burning, given his kind’s penchant for building with bricks and stone and clay rather than with the sparsely available supplies of wood present in Western Anudor. Only ashes and blackened bones revealed that people had ever lived within the burning wreckage, meaning that whatever fire had cleaned them of flesh had been hot enough to do so quickly since the buildings were still burning. More intense than the death that surrounded him was the heat, but only a few seconds into his vision was the deafening roar that sounded from what seemed to be a great distance away. The sound was unlike anything that Torin had never heard the like, not even from the few great dok-cats that he’d glimpsed in his travels, the last remnants of the noble beasts that had once roamed the desert. It made his entire body shake with the ground around him and left his ears ringing for seconds afterwards, though it didn’t deafen him quite enough that he wouldn’t feel the earth shaking even harder as if quaking under the power of some massive creature’s footsteps. A few more footsteps later, their falls each at least ten seconds apart, and the roar repeated itself, and through the dense smoke clogging the air that was hotter now when the full moon shown bright than in the hottest parts of the desert, Torin glimpsed a beast larger than any being born from flesh or legend, standing hundreds of feet high and dwarfing even the greatest tombs of his forefathers. The dragon was wingless, but its sheer power and majesty left that as the only word that Torin could use for it other than god, its body coated in dark green scales that looked as if they could withstand the end of the world.

Again the roar, and this time the light of the flames was dwarfed by a greater light, this one an unnatural mixture of dark crimson and deep sky blue, and there was a blinding light accompanied by a heat greater than anything that Torin had ever imagined. He burned in body and soul for a single instant, agony unlike anything he’d ever experienced, and the vision darkened. That part of the vision faded quickly, however, and in its place he was taken to…. The very same place. Or very near to it. Srikloeth-Tonn stil burned around him, but this time he was by the sea, and was able to view the docks burning. From the Great Sea, a figure rose, nearly the size of the dragon but different in so many ways. A similar shade of green but wrapped in slimy skin rather than armored scales, the creature stood upon four trunk-like legs at the very edge of Torin’s sight, great leathery bat-like wings jutting out from its shoulders, and it stood upon four trunk-like legs that disappeared beneath the shimmering waves. Its head, above all else, was an abomination the likes of which Torin had never seen, rounded and overly large for its hunched body but without a single human feature. Eleven glowing golden eyes stood upon its head, five on each side of its face and a single larger one in the center.

It was into that eye that Torin gazed, unable to help himself, and in that moment everything became clear. What had seemed like a random occurrence, a strange alteration in the function of his ability to see the future, had been the work of this being. It had not merely been a premonition or a glimpse into the past, but sending. In the blink of its great eye, the faceless beast was before Torin, its eye within the reach of his hands, but with it so close he was paralyzed in mind and soul. Though he glimpsed it through the protective barrier of time and space, the Su-Ku-Ta seer recognized in an instant that, not only in size but in everything imaginable, he was this creature’s inferior. It was alien, and up close it was revealed that the creature had not one but three slitted pupils within its single great eye, the others appearing more or less normal by his standards, and even here looking into it threatened to scatter his mind. One errant thought, one collapse of his will, and Torin knew that madness would consume him. For what felt like an eternity he was forced to stand there, motionless and helpless as an ant before a titan, and then…..

The vision ended. Torin found himself in Srikloeth-Tonn, kneeling over the angel as she gasped in a breath, the sentence he’d been unable to see in his scrying on the tip of her tongue….

Cosi’s task, while perhaps the most complex of the works performed by the trio, was also the easiest. Her water-born kind were naturally gifted with psionic talent, and with the angel still unconscious as the dark-skinned woman healed her, she easily slipped into the winged warrior’s mind. She could have done any number of harmful things to the woman in those moments, erased or rewrote her memory, torn whatever knowledge she liked from the angel’s psyche, but despite the potential for evil Cosi’s goal was benign. The memory of what had caused the angel to drop from the sky and into their midst was, unsurprisingly, quite easy for her to find. It was the woman’s last waking thought, and within moments the mermaid had isolated it and was left to experience it for herself.

She was flying. The sun beating down upon her, clouds caressing her skin and the soft feathers of her wings, Cosi was flying in the angel’s body as she entered the memory. It was a sensation surprisingly similar to swimming, though with currents of air instead of currents of water, and despite the unfamiliar and potentially frightening visage of the ground many miles below, it was a comforting sensation to the mermaid after she’d spent so many days trapped upon the ground. She was surrounded by her own kind, other angels, some clad in armor similar to her own and some wearing only robes, and she realized that they flew with purpose. Rarely were so many gathered together at one time, but they were faced with a grave threat, and to avert it before others could be harmed was of the utmost importance, no matter the cost to her own kind.

The clouds broke around them, and the winds were disturbed by a great presence upon which they intruded, forcing the angel that Cosi was presently inhabiting to beat her wings harder to continue moving forward. Up ahead, sunlight glistening from its pale gray skin, their goal was revealed, and though Cosi had never been witness to the invasions she could recognize what lay before her eyes easily by descriptions alone. There, floating miles above the ground despite lacking any apparent means of propulsion, was one of the great alien vessels. Some, the angel knew, had been brought down without a fight by her kin before, and as they drew nearer the angel hoped dearly that that would be the case this time as well.

She was to be disappointed.

As a flight moved in, more than a dozen angels among them, one of the massive tentacles surrounding the great being ceased its meaningless waving and pointed directly at them, unleashing a wave of blinding fiery light over her kin before any of them could react. When the beam cleared, there weren’t even ashes of her kin left, but there was no turning back now. Battle commenced as the alien lords, dangerous spellcasters in their own right, flooded out from the vessel to engage them, and what followed was a war in the sky unlike anything that Cosi had ever imagined.

Her own people had to do battle in three dimensions, the nature of their seafloor home requiring as much, but Cosi herself was no warrior. The angel that she inhabited called upon centuries of experience in battles just like these, weaving between combatants and their projectiles alike to strike at one of the floating aliens, splitting it in half and sending its remains falling to earth with a single strike of the glowing blade held in her hand. On the battle raged, for minutes, and though they fought valiantly and claimed far more lives than they lost, Cosi realized quickly that they were losing even before her host did. That moment of horrible realization, when the angel recognized that the sheer numbers brought forth by their foe and the raw durability and firepower of their primary target was beyond the abilities of her and her kin, was capped off by one of the vessel’s massive tentacles reaching out and slamming into her with the force of a meteor strike, and down she went as blackness claimed her.

Cosi fell from the angel’s mind, pushed out by force of will, just as she awakened under the effects of Elowen’s restorative magic. Despite her injuries, which were still on the mend, the armored woman shot up to her hands, displacing both Torin and Cosi as they came free of their distinct visions. Elowen, ever conscious of her companion’s movements despite Snow’s natural stealth, sensed a sudden alertness in the great dok-cat as it rose its gaze to the sky from which her subject had fallen, an action mirrored moments later by the beggar standing over her once he heard the rumbling growl emanating from the cat. “Oh no… Oh by the gods no….” Elowen heard the old man whisper, and if any of them looked skyward they would understand why, as the great floating vessel that signaled a full on invasion Arrived over Srikloeth-Tonn, floating downwards as more angelic comets fell to the streets.

Gasps were soon followed by screams as the market square erupted into panic, the people around them reacting as one might expect to the arrival of such a sight and scrambling to what each might think was the safest place. Such a sight had been among the greatest nightmares of Torin’s people, and despite their constant fear that their last city would be so targeted they had been caught completely off guard, just as they had been that day two years ago when the aliens had first come…. Come and destroyed their entire civilization. Elowen, while not nearly as victimized by the aliens as Torin, would recognize that fact as well, and even if Cosi wasn’t immediately familiar with the beings from beyond the stars, she would likely be able to recognize a hostile force when she saw one.

"Run...." the wounded angel rasped, her body trembling as she turned her gaze from them to look skyward, seeing as they did the grey cloud of the legion of monsters contained within starting to emanate from the titanic tentacled vessel. "Run.... You must.... Run...."
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Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

Torin recalled the first time he had successfully scryed. It was one of the most frightening, challenging, and exhilarating feelings of his life, perhaps matched only by the first time the young Su-Ku-Ta had taken flight with his astral wings - a secret celestial technique that the Star Priests had constantly advised him to keep under wraps. Flying Su-Ku-Ta in the desert sky drew far too much attention than they would have liked.

Scrying however, that was a flight of the mind and soul. Aloft on the currents of destiny, gazing at the Star God's possible plans for the universe, and never truly knowing what was fact and what was false lead. He had in truth only begun to understand it when the Traveler had appeared for that second time. He had come to Torin's campfire only a handful of minutes after the young cub had come out of his scrying trance. Torin had been in awe of the strange human, and his explanation of 'fixed points' had given him much to think about. For instance, how to recognized these fixed points and justify their existence in a web of seemingly infinite strings.

Despite the complexity, it did not mean that scrying was useless. Seeing glimpses of the future gave Torin conviction when he made choices that might seem arbitrary to others.

The scrying that came from looking into this angel's future however - this was something altogether new and shocking. The last bastion of his people, the last city, was on fire, drenched in the impossible heat of some elder drake. It was hard to look upon the doom of the last remnant of his empire. A doomed and scattered people. He wished instantly that it were not true, yet could not deny the truth of it. In one way or another, Srikloeth-Tonn would not last.

Then, more horrible and unimaginable than anything he had yet experienced, the creature from the sea, with its eleven alien eyes and slimy skin, gazed upon him in the vision, as though its astral projection were aware of his, and that they were both meeting here, reading the strings of destiny together. Now this creature was looking at him, and Torin knew that next to it, he was immensely inferior, unable to match it in any way. He imagined that this fact was clear to the creature as well, and he wondered at that moment how many times he had swatted at flies if for no other reason than that their presence was a bother to him. Paralyzed, he stood transfixed by that horrid central eye, waiting for the crushing blow that was sure to come and end his minute existence.

By some mercy, he came back to himself, only to be confronted now with the recovered angel and the knowledge that her very next words would be critical to him and to everyone around him.

The angel told them to run. They must run.

"Do as she says!" Torin said hoarsely, his mouth suddenly dry.

Then the screams began and he looked up like all the others to the parting clouds, seeing the alien host bearing down upon them, preceded by more falling angels. If ever there were a portrayal of the doom of his people, it would be such a sight as he now looked upon.

He turned and gripped the angel gently by the shoulders. "We can't leave you. Can you move under your own power?"

His eyes flitted to Elowen and then to the unnamed elf who had also been hovering above the angel doing something to her. "I've seen what's going to happen here. If we stay, we die. We must move!"
Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

A smile nearly crossed Cosi's face as she felt the wonderous enjoyment that came from being free from the ground. The aches and pains of using such foreign limbs to keep herself upright against the weight of gravity were gone. She almost wished she could take the angel's place or done such flying herself if she could have at that moment. That was, at least, until she saw the alien vessel.

It reminded her of Aboshan, the great tentacled leviathan, if only an extremely bastardized interpretation of the colossal creature. Of course she knew what it was, but she certainly hadn't expected them to be nearly so grotesque. How did it even manage to move, especially when compared to the grace that the angel's wings had? Still, as they approached within the memory, the reason for the vast number of angels was clear at the alien's first attack. Angels were nothing to scoff at when it came to their might, but to essentially wipe it from existence without a single trace was a horrifying sight. It was suddenly clear why they needed so many angels. The half-merfolk briefly wondered if it hurt before you disappeared.

When the battle finally commenced, Cosi was once more amazed by what occured in the memory. The angel's ability to flow through the air and her ability to deliver such power to the aliens was inspiring. However, only dread set in as the numbers dwindled for the angelic side while only more and more of the xeno forces poured out of the vessel. The feeling of doom only ended when Cosi was ejected out of the memory forcefully as the tentacled slammed into the host, causing the druid return to the waking world with a gasp as she fell backwards in surprise, catching herself with her elbows.

From her position, she could easily follow the gaze upwards of those around her to see the vessel she had just experienced approaching overhead. After that horrifying display, Cosi was stunned that they would already be here. She almost didn't catch the words of the angel, but when Torin began speaking, Cosi was brought back. Instinctively, she tried to undulate her fishy tail to reorient herself, but that only resulted in painful scrapes on her shins as her legs moved against the hard ground, producing a small yelp. Wincing, the 'elf' scrambled back to her feet.

Turning back to the others, Cosi nodded. The only option was to run. There was no way and no reason to try and fight. Not after what she had just experienced. Unfortunately, she still wasn't knowledgeable as to which way was which in this city and she wasn't about to leave this angel behind. The goal of her pilgrimage was the last thing on her mind, she just wanted to help especially after having intruded into the angel's mind as well as having seen what the angel had already been through.

The druid initiate reached down to help the angel up, if the latter needed it. "I'll follow you," she told Torin. After all, he seemed to be sure of what to do and where to go.
Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

The nymph was blissfully unaware of the visions that Torin and the mysterious elf traveler had apparently experienced, and as such remained able to devote the majority of her attention on the angel. While Elowen placed no small amount of concentration into the task of healing the wounded angel, she wasn't so single-minded as to miss Snow's sudden vigilance of their surroundings. Out of her peripheral vision she saw the Dok-Cat tilt its head upwards towards the sky, emitting a growl that she easily understood to be a high-priority warning. The druid trusted her animal companion's instincts perhaps more than her own. Thanks to Snow's keen senses, she could easily guess the magnitude of the threat that had come upon them, even before the elderly bystander uttered his words of dismay.

Before she could process it completely, or even make a proper decision about whether to run or fight, her patient had already risen, making the choice for her with one word: run. They had to leave as soon as possible, despite the fact that the angel hadn't fully recovered yet. Elowen might have argued with the winged warrior, had she not seen the immense, tentacled monstrosity up above. That, based on all of the stories she had heard--of alien threats so great that even the demons and angels alike had devoted resources to fighting off the invaders--was more than enough to get her into the mindset of fleeing Srikloeth-Tonn. She needed no further explanation as to the destruction they could cause. Suddenly, the concerns she had before coming to the city, such as finding medicine for Snow and the like, all fell by the wayside. They had to. It was a sobering notion for Elowen, who thought herself different now, having experienced the harsh Crolian tundra and learning to channel its icy power. But even then, she was not opposed to the idea of running, especially if it meant the preservation of one's life.

Still, the thought of simply leaving the angel in the process, whose life she had already worked so hard to save, didn't sit terribly well with her. "Wait! It'll take just a second," she said to Torin, taking a moment to quickly summon her inner spirit to heal the rest of the angel's deeper wounds--particularly those on her legs, wings, or any other part of her body that was essential to mobility. Provided she could do as much in time without interruption, Elowen would then offer her shoulder to the newly healed warrior as support while starting to move. As she did so, she made sure to keep a sharp eye out for the quickest pathway out of the city, if Torin had not already found it.

For this round, pump another 10 EP into healing the angel for a total of 40 HP recovery, then get moving. Likely buffs or summons next round if the others start to do it or if the angel still can't move for whatever reason.
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Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

Torin: HP = 48, PP = 46, EP = 53/58, Status = Fine

Elowen: HP = 50, PP = 48, EP = 66/96, Status = Fine

Cosi: HP = 62, PP = 39, EP = 77/85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Snow: HP = 32, PP = 23, EP = 25, Status = Fine
Valkyrie: HP = 180/190, PP = 125, EP = 100/270, Weakened x3

Elowen uses Nature’s Order for X = 10, healing the angel for 40 HP.
Ye Valkyrie uses Lay on Hands X = 10, restoring another 60 HP to herself.

Elowen's second burst of healing magic flushed into the angel, further restoring the battered woman's strength, drew a grim look from her. "Save your strength," the angel said softly, her hoarse voice barely audible over the chaos sprouting up around them. Closing her eyes, she put a hand to her chest and sighed, releasing her breath before the trio felt her enact some sort of magic. The next breath that she drew in was stronger than the one she'd let out, and in a much stronger voice the angel calmly said; "I have strength enough for this!" The woman climbed to her feet, but despite the conviction in her statement it was still through gritted teeth, her motions slow and careful enough to display that she was still in quite a bit of pain. Magic, though able to speed the body's recovery greatly, could only do so much in the face of so much trauma, and given that it was something of a miracle that she was alive at all it likely wasn't much of a surprise that she wouldn't be at full strength even after all of the energy that Elowen had pumped into healing her.

With the angel up, they were able to join the crowd in trying to flee as the invaders began to rain down from above. Gunfire erupted, both immediately around them and in the distance, and from the periphery of their vision the group could see flashes of fire and lightning, the magi among the native Su-Ku-Ta joining the initial volley in an effort to slow the advance of the aliens. The efforts didn't even seem to thin the rain of grey flesh coming down toward them, however, and the creatures simply continued to slowly float down toward the seemingly doomed city.

They didn't get far. Moving through the panicked crowd was slow and difficult, with the press of bodies going in every direction ensuring that no one was getting anywhere as quickly as they wanted to.... And then, with a brilliant flash that Cosi would remember from the angel's memories, one of the tendrils of the sky monster pointed downward and unleashed a ray of deadly fiery light. Though it was not flame, the roar of the blast could be heard even from the center of the port city as the beam cut a path far away from them. Torin, the only one of the three familiar with the layout of Srikloeth-Tonn, would realize that the beam was hitting just beyond the city gates and sweeping parallel to the walls. Everywhere around the city, the great floating abomination unleashed more beams of light, burning a swat across the desert, and then two tentacles would point almost straight down and fire directly into the city, albeit at the edge, landing to the East... Right around where the docks would be.

Whether Torin opted to relay this information to his companions or not, they wouldn't have long to ponder the consequences of the alien vessel's actions. The first of the monsters to touch ground landed in the market square, falling with thunderous impact similar to the fall of the angel that had preceded them. Snow let out a deep roar, albeit one pained by his persistent injuries, and turned as the first monster's impacted, trying to shield Elowen with his body. The first four, a group of the creatures that Torin knew were called hunters by his fellows, landed and rolled, coming smoothly to their feet and flexing claws as they sighted upon him and the women around him. The creatures, bipedal and humanoid but with arms that were too long and heads that were flat and mouths both too wide and filled with razor sharp teeth, were seemingly intent upon them, the closest to them since the crowd had started running before they had due to the angel. Only a single man stood with them, the old beggar that had come to the aid of the angel as well, but he was unarmed and looking upon the creatures more in horror than in defiance. Unfortunately, even as those fanned out, not even bothering to enact the natural ability of their skins to shift in color, they were joined by an even more thunderous crash as some massive shape slammed through the statue of Tonn the Magnificent, reducing it to little more than rubble.

The juggernaut unfolded, standing up on two legs that were was wide around as Cosi and rising to a height nearly three times that of Torin. Rather than the fairly regular humanoid shape that the resistance fighter would remember, however, four massive arms spread out from its body, still tipped in the fists that he would be familiar with. Unleashing a savage roar that was even more deafening even than the sound of the beams coming down from the alien mothership, the eyeloss monster took a thunderous step toward them as its toothy maw appeared. The angel stoically took a stand between the rest of them and the approaching monsters without so much as a second's hesitation, saying not a word as she prepared to face the creatures. Snow, despite his injuries, kept between Elowen and the square. A second wave of monsters was already on its way, some of the slimes and some of the tentacled creatures, but they at least had a moment to prepare and hopefully deal with the creatures already arrayed against them before more of them arrived.
Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

Torin shook his head as the angel rose up and prepared immediately for battle when any other being might be thankful enough for a respite from death that they would treasure an opportunity to not seek it out again.

"Strength enough for what exactly? We can't repel this direct assault, if we stay and fight them directly, we will all die!"

Or worse, he thought, but left it unsaid. By this point, anyone traveling through Anudor territory knew the dangers and costs that came from falling to the invaders from the void.

"If we fight, it has to be in order to break away!" He called amid the din of aliens crashing to earth and the frightened screams of the populace as they prepared for a desperate battle. "They're trying to cut off our escape, but we could go through the alleys. Tighter space, but we'd still have an eye to the sky. There's also the sewers -- can't say I've been down there before, but I know they'll take us to the sea. It may be our only way out."

He flashed Elowen a concerned, questioning glance. She'd guided him to a better path once before, maybe the wise nymph's intuition would be good here as well.

Suddenly, four grey beings struck the ground in front of them and rolled forward with unsettling grace, flexing their claws.

"Hunters!" Torin yelled, instinctively activating his defenses. Soul energy that had been bound to the celestial light of the distant stars and the interwoven destinies of billions of worlds that they represented, suffused his body with the blue-purple glow of twilight momentarily, granting him a boon to speed and internal resolve thanks to an expanded clarity. He didn't want to burn through all of his energy too quickly, however. With an army like this appearing around him, it was suicide to wade in looking for victory, at least in his mind it was. The angel didn't seem so convinced.

Then the Juggernaut appeared a moment later and his ears instinctively flattened. He eyed the hunters again. Perhaps if the angel dealt with the juggernaut, he and the others could deal with the smaller threats.

As the nearest hunter approached him, he would bare his teeth in a challenge, then run at it, at the last moment lifting his fist and bringing a starblade to life in it, crashing it down upon the beast as best he could.

First, Astrologers' Boon targeting self, spending 5EP to raise attack rolls, dodge, resistance, and perception by +15, spending 3 on upkeep each turn. Then at moment of attack, bring in Starblade at a summon cost of 10 EP to deal (1d8+1)*10 + 10 damage per successful strike.
Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

Cosi grimaced for the angel as the latter stood, but being able to start moving did bring a sense of relief. Unfortunately, it was no where near as Cosi would have liked. Why were they so slow? Shouldn't running away be quick? Again, this wouldn't be a problem in the sea. Then came the flash. The merfolk instantly went wide-eyed, thinking they were dead. She just expected that they would be instantly vaporized right then and there. The realization that she was still quite alive wasn't much consolation as she watched in frightened awe as the beams cut around the city.

As Torin spoke, Cosi basically missed everything, being quite distracted by the deadly power of the aliens. However, her elven ears perked up as the Su-Ku-Tah mentioned an escape to the sea, snapping her out of her shock similar to how a conversation is just background noise until the very second someone starts the sentence that contains a dirty joke or something along those lines. Luckily, or unluckily, this brought her back enough to notice the hunters that come to greet them.

She could only vaguely remember the creature through the blur of combat she had experienced, but it was as if it had stepped out of that memory and materialized in front of them. What was worse was when the Juggernaut followed the hunters' lead and joined them in the city square. Cosi paled. There was no way to quickly run from this behemoth. There were just too many people. She could only follow Torin's lead.

A pulse of energy ushered forth from the psion's head which coalesced and expanded to envelop her. It wasn't definitive, but it was an aura of energy. After a moment the energy shifted, becoming more solid and taking on a form. A snout grew forth, the mouth filling with threatening teeth, while a tail extended backwards from the aura. The shield took on the outline of a shark that seemed to loom over and surround Cosi as she sunk down and prepared to defend herself, her own claws bared.

Action 1: Psychic Shield, X=6 (Upkeep 0). Dodge, AV, defensive Resistance increased by 24 = 6 * 4.

Action 2: Wild Shape ('Wolf'), X=8 (Upkeep 3). Gain Natural Attack mutation. Attack, Speed, dodge increased by 32 = 8 * 4.

Looks like , but more shark and less eel.
Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

Elowen blinked several times in surprise at the angel's sudden outburst, having been taken somewhat off-guard by her impressive vitality--or stubbornness. Either way, it looked as though she had regained enough strength to flee, and that was the first priority for the time being. With a trace of concern still lingering upon her face, she nodded firmly towards the winged warrior and followed after the others, glancing sideways at Snow to ensure that he was right there alongside her. She figured that the loud volleys of gunfire might startle him, as it did her. While she knew that the guns were aimed in the direction of the real threat, for the most part, the series of pops only added to the chaos of it all as she tried to squeeze past the panicking crowd, which felt as if it were suffocating her. The adversity Elowen had survived up until now was different. She was used to the biting cold, the scorching heat, the slow torture brought about by hunger, and most notably, the natural struggle--the clash for survival between predator and prey. But this was hardly even a fight, nor was it anything that could really be called natural in the same regard. It was soon to be a massacre, and she knew it.

To make matters worse, their avenues of escape were closing one by one. While the nymph only had the vaguest idea of what was going on at the borders, the sheer numbers of citizens jamming the obvious exits made her realize that they simply weren't going to flee the town unhindered, nor would anyone else seeking to run from the imminent onslaught. Her suspicions were confirmed as four reptilian figures appeared in shocking fashion, to which she instinctively rose an arm and her staff to shield herself. Snow was there to assist in a flash, as reliable as he was, but she already knew that they had a fight on their hands. "Doesn't look like we have many options," she replied to Torin while tightening her grip on her weapon, doing her best to stay calm and gather the focus needed to summon her inner power. "I thought the sky was a pretty good idea," suggested the fae, "but the swarms above made me think otherwise. The ocean seems our best bet." It seemed even the sky wasn't an extremely viable option, given that the angel appeared grounded and so was Snow; the massive numbers of floaters, like a swarm of locusts, made the underground route appear more appealing in comparison. But the invaders gave them no time to deliberate on the matter too hard, especially when a hulking giant, referred to by some as a 'juggernaut', touched down upon the ground. Four hunters were bad. This was beyond that.

The timeframe to formulate the best course of action, however, had already passed. Torin had already acted, summoning a blade of energy, while the mysterious elf alongside them appeared to have made similar preparations with a most unique aura. Elowen could feel the spiritual energy radiating off of the other two, and knew that they were, in a way, the same as her now. She didn't know that the young Su-Ku-Ta male was even capable of such feats, although an elf possessing druidic powers like her own didn't prove to be as much of a surprise. Still, she was a different girl from the one Torin had met back then, in terms of abilities if nothing else, and she intended to show this to him.

She had to do something, and now. Elowen saw the toothy grins of the hostile hunters before them, and knew that their behavior was strange, unnatural. It was warped by the aliens, modified in such a way that the lizard-like beings were bound to their commands. Within seconds she completed her summoning; an opposing pack of stalkers built to match the strengths of the reptilian foes, feral but true to their inherent nature, to combat the foes before them. Surely they could show that nature's own, in their purest forms, could triumph over something so corrupted. Or so she hoped. They'd get some well-deserved payment if they won, as the victor usually did in a natural setting, and with that promise she sent them forth to fight with their alien counterparts.

But the largest in the group before them, the juggernaut, was a different matter in of itself. Left unchecked, it would no doubt cause a swath of destruction about the town. She had to keep it in one place, for sure, and so immediately after her summoning, her next area of focus went to the ground directly beneath the giant humanoid. With her druidic abilities, flora and fauna alike were at her beck and call, and in this case she opted for the former rather than the latter, causing giant vines to sprout up beneath the juggernaut's legs, which would wrap around the powerful creature and bind it in short order. While these were hearty vines, their strength lay in their sheer numbers, and their could continue to form indefinitely, requiring one large, powerful motion rather than a drawn-out struggle to free oneself of them. She focused enough life energy into these tendrils to hopefully keep the juggernaut bound long enough for them to leave the area, or for someone else to perhaps finish it off.

First use Summon Nature's Ally, choosing a pack of 2d4 + 2 feral stalkers for the cost of 1 EP per creature. She also has these perks from Aptitudes:

"Summon Nature's Ally costs 2 less EP statically and has the minimum number that can be summoned using variable numbers increased by 2." from Nature's Ally.

"Creatures summoned by the character through Spirit Powers gain a +10 bonus to Body and a +4 bonus to AV. The cost to activate summon Powers is reduced by 2 (statically regardless of input.)" from Overlord.

Dunno if that makes them free outside of the payment afterwards or what, but just putting them there for you.

Then, use Entangling on the Juggernaut, X = 10, in which case it would gain the Bound status with DC = 8X.
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Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

Torin: HP = 19/48, PP = 46, EP = 43/58, Status = Injured, Astrologer's Boon X = 5, Starblade X = 10, Upkeep = 1, Clothes at 10/25 TP

Elowen: HP = 50, PP = 48, EP = 50/96, Status = Fine

Cosi: HP = 62, PP = 39, EP = 63/85, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 6, Wild Shape Wolf X = 8, Upkeep = 3

NPC Stats
Snow: HP = 32, PP = 23, EP = 25, Status = Fine
Valkyrie: HP = 180/190, PP = 125, EP = 89/270, Weakened x3, Energy Blade X = 10

Feral Stalker 1: HP = 26/52, PP = 33, EP = 35, Status = Injured, +4 AV
Feral Stalker 2: HP = 52, PP = 33, EP = 35, Status = Fine, +4 AV
Feral Stalker 3: HP = 26/52, PP = 33, EP = 35, Status = Injured, +4 AV
Feral Stalker 4: HP = 52, PP = 33, EP = 35, Status = Fine, +4 AV
Feral Stalker 5: HP = 26/52, PP = 33, EP = 35, Status = Injured, +4 AV
Feral Stalker 6: HP = 52, PP = 33, EP = 35, Status = Fine, +4 AV

Four Armed Juggernaut: taken 67 damage
Hunter 1: taken 30 damage
Hunter 2: taken 34 damage
Hunter 3: taken 34 damage
Hunter 4: taken 44 damage
Adult Grabber 1: fine
Adult Grabber 2: fine
Adult Grabber 3: fine
Adult Grabber 4: fine

Prefight buffs and stuff!

Elowen summons feral stalkers!
Numbers: 2d4+2 = 3 + 1 + 2, min of 3 on ye combined dice, so no benefit from ye Druid this time around. They do, however, benefit from Overlord! So that's 6 Feral Stalkers with +10 Body and +4 AV. That's a cost of 2 + 6 - 2 - 2 = 4 EP.

Cosi activates Psychic Shield X = 6.

Torin activates Astrologer's Boon X = 5.

Elowen uses Entangling on ye juggernaut for 10 EP!
Attack: Hit. Ye juggernaut is grappled with an 80 DC.

Cosi Wild Shapes into Wolf Form X = 8. She becomes a Street Shark.

Torin uses Star Blade X = 10 and attempts to maul a Hunter. Unfortunately, ye aliens have no non-natural AV and no shields, so ye Aptitude isn't too terribly useful in this fight.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 2 + 1 = 3 * 10 = 30 + 10 - 10 = 30 damage.

Snow attacks the Hunter wounded by Torin.
Attack: Miss.

The feral stalkers all opt to murder the hunters in pairs.
Attacks: All hit.
Damage 1: 6 + 6 + 15 - 10 = 17 damage per hit to a total of 34.
Damage 2: 7 + 5 + 15 - 10 = 17 damage per hit to a total of 34.
Damage 3: 8 + 9 + 15 - 10 = 22 damage per hit to a total of 44.

Valkyrie uses Energy Blade X = 10, and then mauls ye juggernaut.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 1 + 2 + 1 = 4 * 13 = 52 + 15 = 67 damage.

The juggernaut rips free of the entangling.
Grapple: The juggernaut wins.

The hunters respond. With murder. Torin and some of the feral stalkers are attacked.
Attacks: Hit Torin, hit all of the feral stalkers.
Damage: 4 + 3 + 23 = 30 damage. 29 on Torin (Clothes TP at 10/25) and 26 on the stalkers.

Four adult grabbers land in the battle and prepare to attack.

Preparing themselves as best they could for the bloodshed that was to come, Cosi, Torin, and Elowen each worked upon their own specialties. Cosi quickly enacted a power native to her own people, shielding herself not with steel or magic but with pure willpower. Elowen, calling upon that magic that ran through her very blood, called upon the forces of nature, and before her a group of feline bestial plants simply formed into being, their bodies rippling with fibrous muscle and tentacles waving, ready to fight for her and feast upon the dead. Torin, in the meantime, covered himself in his protective violet glow, the visions of the possibilities flooding before his eyes like a sea of ghosts, allowing him to see the most likely outcomes of the movements of his enemies. The people behind them were still crowding, and now that they were also fighting for their lives it would be difficult to move past them to get to the avenues that might offer them a bit of safety.

And thus their battle begun. Elowen opened up as the plant-beasts advanced, rushing in pairs towards the hunters while Snow glanced at her and darted after Torin, who conjured a blade of living starlight from the very air and raised it against the only one of the hunters not suitably distracted by the plant-beasts she'd called. The massive four armed giant was caught in a web of interlocking vines, starting with its legs and proceeding upwards to wrap around even its massive arms. Torin, in the meantime, slashed against the hunter while the great Dok-Cat prowled into striking range behind him. His magical blade tore into the monster's body, slashing through scale and skin and muscle, but the aliens were hearty creatures and Torin knew it. They would not go down so easily, and so it was likely little surprise that the thing took the hit and kept on coming. Snow lashed out at it as it drew closer, but the young warrior noted the slowness of the strike compared to what he had heard in the legends and what he himself knew from that very beast. It was telling of the great cat's injuries that its strike was avoided by the hunter, which took a quick hop back before suddenly leaping right back into melee range.

Its attack was aimed not at Snow, however, but at Torin. The lizards were crafty and prudent, this Torin knew, but that knowledge didn't same him from the reach of the hunter's claws, which he saw coming just a fraction of a second too late to evade, resulting in a line of bloody gashes along his upper right arm and chest, starting on his left arm and ending just past his right breast. Blood welled up immediately, swiftly running down his chest and staining his torn clothes, but the wound wouldn't be fatal so long as it was seen to before it took infection or caused him to lose too much blood. Not on its own, at least.

Cosi alone among them made no contribution to the battle.... Not yet, at any rate. The hidden merfolk's magics were not yet played out, the psionic shield only a part of her plan. The energy field created by it warped and twisted, forming into a shape that was a familiar fear to the young mermaid - that of a deadly shark, the apex predator of the seas. Claws formed over her hands, and her body tensed in preparation for motion, stronger and faster than it was by nature. Soon, she would be able to strike, and hopefully see the battle to a swift end, but for now she could only sit back and watch.

The tactics of the feral stalkers were effective, albeit perhaps not as effective as Elowen might have wished. The hides of the aliens were thick, and they resisted the clawing pounces of the plant-beasts enough that the creatures weren't mortally wounded, though their blood did begin to run down their grey-green hides in rivers of dark crimson. The creatures hissed, but the plants gave strange piercing howls in return even as the hunters returned their strikes with their own deadly claws, wounding three of the beasts that Elowen had summoned.

Though she had bound it, Elowen had perhaps not known of the creature's great strength. The manner in which it was bound forced it to break free by sheer force alone, requiring a great burst of strength. The four armed alien was up to the task, unfortunately, and with a tremendous heave and a shrieking roar it lurched forward, the vines trying for all their worth to readjust and bring the monster back into position. Such was not to be, however, as it took another step and wrenched the plants away from their moorings in the ground, and after another step it was all but fully freed. Even so, the wounded angel was quick to meet it, conjuring a blade of golden light that stretched out from her hand and wrapped around her wrist as she did so. She could only deliver a single quick strike before being forced to back away by its flailing, but she managed to open its belly from one side to the other, making its stringy grey insides plainly visible. It hardly seemed to notice the blow, however, as it surged toward the retreating angel with an enraged shriek.

Their foes were to receive reinforcements, however, as more of the creatures dropped down into the battlefield. Four of the tentacled creatures, large enough that Torin would recognize them as the adult versions of the creatures, landed gently down among them, tendrils waving and their spindly legs already carrying them toward Elowen and Cosi.
Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

The situation was getting out of control quickly. The group's initial attacks were not thinning the enemy numbers as he'd hoped, and already more foes were appearing in the area. To make matters worse, Torin had just received a grievous wound that would need tending to - if he survived this battle. Right now, his chances appeared slim.

"This is impossible," Torin muttered, then raised his voice so Elowen could hear. "We need to get through these hunters!"

The only chance for immediate escape seemed to be carving a way through to safety. He would fight his way past this reptilian horror or die in the process. It seemed an unenviable fate, but better to die in battle than to be caught and turned into one of the enemy's thralls.

He rose the starblade to shoulder height and swung it around with speed, aiming to sever his foe's head in one swoop, knowing that the starblade's wound would have a slowing effect on the already injured creature. He felt confident he could finish it, then move on.

"Kill them and run through! We've got to find an access to the sewers. From there we can reach the ocean! It's our only hope."
Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

Much to Elowen's dismay, her summoned beasts didn't fare as well as she had hoped, nor did the mass of vines she conjured to keep the juggernaut at bay. She clearly misjudged the hulking abomination's sheer strength, along with the apparent toughness of the reptilian pack sent to hunt them down. It was her first time dealing with such a formidable alien force, after all. Regardless, having to adjust at such a crucial moment only made things all the more stressful.

However, the tan-skinned druid wasn't to simply give up just yet. Not now, and certainly not here. Torin's voice caught her attention, and she gave him a nod. "Right!" was all that she said. Rather, it was most of what she could afford to say given their apparent lack of time.

Planting the tip of her staff into the sand, she begun to focus her spirit energy, channeling it into the ground below and allowing it to spread to a wider area all around them. If the juggernaut could not be held in one place, then surely, slowing it over a distance, along with its green-skinned cohorts, would be a much more viable option.

Once again, multiple vines sprouted out from the town square, forcing their way through the cobblestones. It looked as if nature itself was there to reclaim the trappings of civilization as the green ropes shot up, forming a small garden of sorts--one that heeded the female druid's every command. And its goal in this case was to do everything possible to entangle the hunters, juggernaut and grabbers alike, keeping them from giving chase as Elowen sprinted in the direction that Torin pointed out. Hopefully she'd be able to slip past the group of Hunters, staying just out of range and relying on their new encumbrances to outrun them.

Likewise, Snow and the other members of the party were left free of any troublesome vines; all that lay beneath their feet was a pleasant carpet of grass, as the thrashing tentacles were set to seek out only those of alien origin. Escape was now or never, and she provided a perfect path by which they could make one grand, desperate attempt at such. "This should slow them down! Move!"

Using Entangle, AoE effect, X = 10. Also paying an extra 4 EP for the bonus provided by the Aptitude, making it a total of 14 EP paid. Friendly targets are the party, Snow, and her feral stalkers, along with any innocent Su-Ku-Ta bystanders. Enemies are, obviously, the grabbers, hunters and juggernaut, who will take a -20 penalty to Speed, Dodge, Attack rolls and Grapple. They'll have to win a Resistance check vs DC 40 or be knocked Prone--and are then bound with a DC of 80.

Then, fucking run for it.

Entangle, selected option:
The character pays X EP and selects an area equal to X five-by-five squares. Creatures that the character doesn't designate as friendly within that area take a -2X penalty to Speed, Dodge, attack rolls, and Grapple.

Bonus from the Nature's Ally Wielder Aptitude:
When using Entangle, the character may pay an additional 4 EP to force creatures within its AoE to win a Resistance check against a DC equal to 4X or be knocked Prone, from which they are treated as if they'd had the version of the power causing the Bound status against them.
Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

The fight didn't seem so bad at first, especially with Elowen's new allies. Cosi was reminded, by her fellow druid's vines, of swimming through a kelp forest and how the large stalks of brown algae always seemed to want to wrap itself around you. However, the Juggernaut breaking free with hardly any effort wasn't nearly as positive. That did not seem to be an insignificant display of raw strength. Just how strong were these creatures? Still, the merfolk felt as if they could hold their own. That was, until the reinforcements arrived.

The others were right. There was just too many hideous grey bodies, with, likely, only more coming, and the ocean was as good of a goal as any. It certainly was not one that Cosi was about to debate. The surface world was a terrible place.

Keeping low to the ground, Cosi did her best to run through. Not the easiest feat for one so accustomed to swimming. As she did so, she pounced by the nearest alien to deliver a swipe of her claws. Her aura moved with her, seemingly swimming through the air over her before taking a snap at the target as she did her attack.

Action: Attack a nearby target then run
Attack Roll: 1d20 + 46 + 32
Damage: 2d12 + 13
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Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

Torin: HP = 19/48, PP = 46, EP = 42/58, Status = Injured, Astrologer's Boon X = 5, Starblade X = 10, Upkeep = 1, Clothes at 10/25 TP

Elowen: HP = 50, PP = 48, EP = 40/96, Status = Fine

Cosi: HP = 62, PP = 39, EP = 60/85, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 6, Wild Shape Wolf X = 8, Upkeep = 3

NPC Stats
Snow: HP = 32, PP = 23, EP = 25, Status = Fine
Valkyrie: HP = 180/190, PP = 125, EP = 89/270, Weakened x3, Energy Blade X = 10

Feral Stalker 1: HP = 26/52, PP = 33, EP = 35, Status = Injured, +4 AV
Feral Stalker 2: HP = 52, PP = 33, EP = 35, Status = Fine, +4 AV
Feral Stalker 3: HP = 26/52, PP = 33, EP = 35, Status = Injured, +4 AV
Feral Stalker 4: HP = 52, PP = 33, EP = 35, Status = Fine, +4 AV
Feral Stalker 5: HP = 26/52, PP = 33, EP = 35, Status = Injured, +4 AV
Feral Stalker 6: HP = 52, PP = 33, EP = 35, Status = Fine, +4 AV

Four Armed Juggernaut: taken 67 damage
Hunter 1: taken 30 damage
Hunter 2: taken 34 damage
Hunter 3: taken 34 damage
Hunter 4: taken 44 damage
Adult Grabber 1: fine
Adult Grabber 2: fine
Adult Grabber 3: fine
Adult Grabber 4: fine

Upkeeps are paid.

Cosi attacks!
Attack: Hit a grabber.
Damage: 7 + 3 + 13 = 23 damage.

Torin also attacks. Hopefully with a less flaccid performance.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 1 = 5 * 10 = 50 + 10 - 10 = 50 damage.
Not flaccid! Hunter is dead!

Elowen uses Entangle X = 10!
Resistance: Ehhh... It doesn't matter that much, tbh. The angel kills the big monster, the tentacle monsters are bound, and the rest of the hunters get torn up by the stalkers while ye PCs run away!

The battle was not going well. Though Torin managed to slash down the hunter that had mauled him and Cosi entered the fray enshrouded in the aspect of a mako shark and guarded by a barrier formed of her own will, striking one of the freshly-entered tentacle spawn for seemingly minimal damage. Elowen's contribution did the most to allow their escape, however, as she caused the entire market square to erupt in vines that dragged down the aliens. The larger creature barely seemed affected, but the angel lashed out with the blade of glowing energy and managed to take off one of its arms, causing it to roar in pained fury while she turned and followed them. Snow followed after the nymph without hesitation, and after Torin had taken off the hunter's head he was able to follow, leaving Cosi to do the same while the feral stalkers that Elowen had summoned mopped up their foes, already preparing to feast upon their helpless enemies. The angel trailed on after them, at a slightly slower rate and with a scowl upon her face.

The trio and the cat lurched through the scrambling crowd to find themselves in an alleyway that was possessed of a thinner crowd. The beggar that had tried to help their fallen friend was cornered by a tentacle monsters, but he was also several paces beyond a sewer entrance. Whether they wanted to spend the time to help him or not was up to them, but their escape route was right before them, the manhole leading down still in place suggesting that no one else had yet had such an idea.

(Bleh, shit post but needed to get this moving)