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A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 31, P = 31, EP = 48/60, Pregnant, Blessing 1

(Was too lazy to throw it in the last post, since I knew you were just going to burst next round anyway, which destroys the webbing along with the plant-cum still on your character.)

Damage: 6 x 5 = 30 damage.

Nilliens burst of holy fire fills the cavern, burning away the webbing holding her down along with the demonic spiders, including the one on the ceiling. She finds herself once more alone with a bunch of charred corpses.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Shivering slightly at how close to death she may just have been, Nillien slowly gets up before noticing she is finally clean of the plant juices. Happy with this turn of events as it helps her calm down a bit, Nillien quickly puts on her clothing under the cloak. After she does that, she closes her eyes and probes the corpses with her senses trying to feel for any residual energies that might indicate something she could salvage from the corpse.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 31, P = 31, EP = 48/60, Pregnant, Blessing 1

While the corpses seem to have traces of energy remaining, none of it seems to be of great enough concentration for Nillien to take.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Deciding to look on the bright side, Nillien slowly turns to feel the surrounding area with her energies. Once she's sure where the walls are again, she begins to head off deeper into the mines. Of course, she does make sure to skirt the spider corpses, not wanting to step in their burnt remains if she didn't have too.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 31, P = 31, EP = 60, Pregnant, Blessing 1

Opening up her senses, Nillien is able to detect the walls of the mine well enough to navigate, and continues down the tunnel. After a while, she detects more of the spider things up ahead. A lot of them. Mixed in, there seem to be humans among the spiders, but they feel... wrong. Twisted, somehow, as though they had been partially turned into demons.

(I shouldn't give you your energy back since you kept blessing up, but meh.)
(Edit: Oh, yeah, 2 exp for you.)
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Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Hoping they wouldn't notice her, Nillien tries to get closer to see if the humans were allies of the demons. That might explain why they feel corrupted. If the people had given themselves over to the demons, she will treat them like any other creature she found down here. Carefully, she separates several several flames of different sizes from her spiritual core, but she doesn't bring them to her surface yet.

(I actually forgot that I had that up, otherwise I would have had her drop it. I'll do so after this fight then.)
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 31, P = 31, EP = 60, Pregnant, Blessing 1

Stealth: Failure

Nillien carefully tries to creep into range of the collection of creatures around the next turn. She succeeds, seeing a large collection of spiders along with a bunch of strangely mutated women lying in various places, almost all of them having their asses raised in the air and their bellies expanded, likely full of spider eggs. Unfortunately, she hears a demon cry off to her right, and realizes that she has been spotted by a very large number of hostile creatures.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Bad! Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad! This is not good! Nillien thinks as she sends out one of the portions of spiritual fire in her core out in a wave against the largest group spiders before the full impact of the women hits her. They are captives! Not knowing if the fire would hurt them, she tries to desperately pull the fires back, wasting a great deal of energy. Slowly her energies start to form an eddy as they try to move outward with their initial power yet are pulled back by the new energies flowing out from Nillien. As a consequence, a whirling barrier of Nillien's spiritual fires hovers a few feet from her person between her and the largest concentration of spiders.

(Holy Wall 1)
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 31, P = 31, EP = 51/60, Pregnant, Blessing 1

The wall of energy seems to have little trouble keeping the spiders at bay, and any that come near pull back with a shriek of pain as the fire touches them. the demons circle around her wall of fire, hissing and waiting for it to dissipate.

(They can't get through it even on a 20, so I'm not going to roll it.)
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Gah, what? Nnnggg. Nillien thinks as she feels her energy continue to drain from her body. Trying to make sure she finishes off the spiders before the whatever she made drains her completely, she quickly peels a small amount of her spiritual fire out to launch at one of the nearby spiders.

(Holy Fire 2)
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 31, P = 31, EP = 48/60, Pregnant, Blessing 1

To-hit: 12 + 44 + 3 = 59 vs 20 = hit.
Damage: 4 + 3 = 7 x 2 = 14 + 3 = 17 damage.

Nilliens bolt of fire strikes one of the demons that had touched her barrier, and it catches alight briefly, rushing away quickly. The other demons continue to circle quietly, looking for a way around the shield. One of the tries to shoot its webbing through the barrier, but the substance disintegrates as it touches it.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

What did I make anyway? It's useful, but at the rate it's going, I'll be drained and an easy target for those things. Nillien thinks as she pushes out another bolt of spiritual fire at a spider. However, she does start looking for a way to remove the barrier draining her power.

(Holy fire 2, maintain wall.)
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 31, P = 31, EP = 45/60, Pregnant, Blessing 1

To-hit: 2 + 44 + 3 = 49 vs 20 = hit.
Damage: 1 + 1 = 2 x 2 = 4 + 3 = 7 damage.

Nilliens next bolt strikes a spider on the leg, doing little more than superficial damage. She realizes that she could easily dispel the barrier, just as she calls up her fire and strengthens herself.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Planning things out, Nillien tries to sense how close the women are to the barrier. If they're far enough away, she might try and do a blast of spiritual fire in all directions as soon as she drops the barrier. Otherwise, she'll have to plan for another tactic. In the mean time, She draws up another portion of her energies to fling at another spider while she probes the area with her senses.

(Holy Fire 2, maintain barrier.)
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 31, P = 31, EP = 42/60, Pregnant, Blessing 1

To-hit: 2 + 44 + 3 = 49 vs 20 = hit.
Damage: 8 + 8 = 16 x 2 = 32 + 3 = 35 damage.

The barrier holds, and another bolt of fire lances out at a spider, this time killing it. Nillien can't be sure, but she could probably release a blast so that it doesn't hit any of the captive women.
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

I hope I don't hurt them... Nillien thinks as she finally cuts off the link draining her spiritual fires into the barrier. Then, trying to act before the spiders do, she reaches into her spiritual core and scoops out a good sized flame before pressing it out of her skin in all directions.

(Holy fire 5, burst. Stop maintaining Holy Barrier)
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 9/31, P = 31, EP = 37/60, Pregnant, Blessing 1

Damage: 5 x 5 = 25 damage.

Nilliens burst of fire destroys all of the demons she'd already injured, but the other demons survive the blast. Nillien finds herself surrounded by a half dozen angry, burning demonic spiders, who immediately rush to attack her, fangs dripping venom and raised to strike. Two of them reach her quickly enough to bite before she can react.

To-hit: 10 + 20 = 30 vs 29 = hit.
Damage: 7 + 4 = 11 - 1 = 10 damage.
Mind vs Body: 16 + 6 + 3 = 25 vs 3 + 20 = 23 == Nillien wins.
To-hit: 12 + 20 = 32 vs 29 = hit.
Damage: 9 + 4 = 13 - 1 = 12 damage.
Mind vs Body: 14 + 6 + 3 = 23 vs 2 + 20 = 22 == Nillien wins.

Both spiders sink their fangs into the priestess legs, causing her to scream in pain. She can feel the demons venom coursing through her veins, numbing her as it moves through her body, toward her heart and her head. She manages to shake it off as the demons close in, at least long enough to deal with the spiders perhaps.

(Nillien gains 10 corruption.)
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Pain, to someone unused to it, it can cause a great deal of fear. Fear itself, being a primal feeling, can easily disrupt a person's spiritual core causing their powers to fluctuate wildly if it is strong enough. It is in this manner that Nillien lose control for the second time since she has arrived in this place. The first was in the battle where she was injured and then temporarily blinded, and now she is faced with a large number of foes and already two of them have injured her badly and almost successfully poisoned her. Because of this, her spiritual core temporarily flares outward in a massive wave, engulfing the demons and almost certainly incinerating them.

(Holy Fire Burst 25.)
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Nilliens Status: HP = 9/31, P = 31, EP = 12/60, Pregnant, Blessing 1

Damage: 2 x 25 = 50 damage.

Her burst of fire incinerates the spiders, destroying every single one of the creatures, at least those that she could see. Nillien finds herself alone with the captive women, a dozen or so perhaps laying around in the large open area.

(Pwned. Gain 6 exp.)
Re: A Desert Girls Tale (Pheonix Alugere)

Panting, Nillien blinks and looks around as she tries to figure out what just happened. Shaking badly, she finally just stands up and wobbles over to the closest woman. Shaking her, she speaks, Hey, are you ok? You and the others need to get out of here.