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A Demon's Answer to the Heavens (Prudence;Termite)

Re: A Demon's Answer to the Heavens (Prudence;Termite)

It was a scene of adorable chaos. Countless happy faces, countless hugs, and a lot of naked mamono. They seemed content with making grunts and basic noises, but their mentality developed at an alarming rate, naming body parts such as boobs, nipples, hair, and pussy. They also seemed to refer to everything in the room and everyone in it as 'wow' in general. As if life itself and everything in it was impressive. Eventually some broke off from the snuggle fest to explore, searching through just about everything, digging around and making a mess while in search for whatever they could grab.

The temple seemed content to allow the duo their time with the metal slime newborns.
Re: A Demon's Answer to the Heavens (Prudence;Termite)

And chaos never looked so fun. Even if they started simply the slimes appeared to be developing at an astonishing rate, and eventually the human recovered enough to start participating. Whenever one of the slimes made an observation Prudence would confirm it, and after they started showing an affinity for proper language she decided to give a few some gentle tests. It wasn't anything complex, just simple questions to see how much they understood, but every correct answer would urge her to ask something a little harder, and all the while she made sure she was available to give any of the little sludges a hug should they look like they wanted one.

The demonic Pru joined in, but instead of testing their intelligence she decided to test their bodies. She disguised it as the natural exploration they were already engaged in, and with all of Eric's stuff sitting everywhere she had plenty of things she could use to grab one slime or another's attention.

With the entire temple seeming content to let the group stay as they were the twins spent their time bonding with the girls and watching them mature. But once the majority of them appeared to hold some form of critical thinking Pru would suddenly stand proud. "All right, ladies, do you know what we are?" There were a number of correct answers, but as her feet planted themselves wide and her hands landed on her hips in a rather dramatic pose there was only one answer she wanted. "WE'RE PIRATES!" At that she leaned back and let out a deep laugh.
Re: A Demon's Answer to the Heavens (Prudence;Termite)

The chaos of the many slimes seemed to be both controlled and not. As the two Prudences went through walking them through their new life, they seemed to cling onto and never forget lessons learned. Plenty stopped being puddles and began to use their powers to mimic the fact that both Pru's stood upright by standing upright themselves, converting all of their metal goo into solid humanoid forms. They all struggled at first to walk instead of just sludging along, but when one figured it out it seemed like the rest just used that knowledge gained and mimicked her too, and they all began to walk.

Then came the question.

"All right, ladies, do you know what we are?"

The slimes all stopped, and gave varied responses. "Snuggles!" one replied immediately. "We're babies!" said another, and since they were called babies before, they all acted like that was the correct answer. They started repeating it, "Babies! Babies! ♥" they cheered.


They all stopped and stared as she laughed, before looking at each other, and then mimicking her, putting their hands on their hips and leaning back to let out youthful laughter.
It was an excellent laugh, and the fact that they all joined in brought a smile to the twins' faces. The two of them were having so much fun with the young slimes, but as much as they wished to do so they simply couldn't stay inside. There was a war to be had and a different slime to assault with questions. "All right, ladies, it's time to get out there! But before we do there are a few rules we'll need to follow.

"First, be careful. As you can see out the window there's a lot of water out there in the temple. If you fall in it won't hurt you, but your... poppa? Sure. She said that you'll sink to the bottom. No need to go fishing.

"Next, try to keep your hands to yourselves. We all had fun looking through everything up here, but none of this stuff belongs to us. And we can't play with things that don't belong to us. It's not polite, even if you really want to.

"And that brings us to our last rule for now. Ask people before you do anything. If you see something you really want to touch or someone you really want to hug then ask them first. This way we won't get into too much trouble."

With that the twins gathered up their clothing, Prudence needing to make some emergency repairs to her dress to get it back in proper order, and once they were ready they then gathered the babies and started herding them outside. Once they were all in the temple proper the two would point out things like interesting mamono and especially any other crew members in sight. "If anyone needs any help you can ask us or find one of them." At that point the mini Metals would be given a little more freedom to wander on their own, and as they did the two would start searching for Claire. They really did need to learn everything they could about Heaven if they wanted to infiltrate that realm and live to tell the tale.

Question: With the forum going all weird with the colors do you want me to switch Prudence speech from Bold/Gold to Bold/GoldenRod? Would it be easier for you to see?
Prudence was quick to find the effect of rules on newborn slimes. Each rule she added they seemed to melt a little more, slowly becoming puddles as their physical state seemed to reflect their attention span. When she was done though, they reformed and followed along, keeping her words... Loosely... In their loose minds. Heading outside, she saw that the hustle and bustle of the Temple only increased. Everyone was preparing for a fight, many were taking valuables and possessions to hide them so that they might return to their homes having lost as little as possible. Others were preparing weapons and weaves, moving so slow with their weaving that it looked perhaps agonizing to someone who was naturally capable of it. All the same, the various monster girls who could weave were making something out of their weaves eventually, many of them slowly crafted by nature, like a few lizard women who were engraving magic into their swords to cut through supernatural flesh, blades made just for fighting angels. Going to the very top of the temple, where several large waterfalls came from a singular large structure, Prudence rose, and found Crystal Claire sitting on the steps to the temple with Undine, both seemingly having a rather somber conversation. "Is it fine, like this?" Undine inquired, looking uncertain. "As fine as it can be..." Crystal Claire replied. "I feel as if my powers are useless to stop what's coming. For how much I'm worshipped, I can do little more than summon catastrophes. All of my power, all of my weaves are one with the water. All of the ocean and the rivers, the lakes and puddles... Each time a wave crashes against a shore, it's like a million heartbeats inside my chest. Yet, despite being revered as a god, when a threat looms in the sky, I cannot help. Why must someone like me feel so helpless? I actually did not believe something could ever be truly beyond me. Do even the gods sometimes feel this way?"

Crystal Claire put her hand on Undine's. The two shared a moment together before Prudence arrived. "Claire... Is everything fine? How may we assist you?" she inquired. Undine looked up eagerly. "If there is any help this goddess of water can offer, speak thy request now."
Prudence couldn't say she wasn't surprised. As the conjoined souls laid out the rather general rules for the newborns the juvenile slimes simply melted. The longer the two took the more the more the others settled into puddles until a couple looked like nothing more than piles of goo with the barest hint of an utterly bored face. And that left the twins sighing. They understood that rules were kinda boring, but c'mon, they weren't taking that long to go through them...

Either way it was time to let the babies loose. So they did, and thus did small bundles of metallic chaos descend upon the Temple. Hopefully the little slime troupe wouldn't be too disruptive since it looked like a number of mamono were focusing on their preparations for the upcoming battles. Valuables were being stored, weaves were painstakingly woven... It looked like nearly everyone was battening down the hatches, so to speak...

Well the Prudi had their own role to play, and with that in mind they sought out Crystal Claire. Said Claire was found at the top of the Temple, the previously closed temple proper no open and revealing the crystal slime speaking with the temple's master. Or deity. Pru wasn't quite sure. By the sounds of what she'd overheard Undine was worshiped as such, but the woman was lamenting on her seemingly ineffectiveness concerning her domain. Claire was obviously trying to lift the god's spirits, and Prudence waited just long enough before introducing herself. "I apologize, I really don't have requests to make at the moment, at least not until this whole mess with the Heaven has been dealt with. We just wanted to pick some more of Claire's brain since we'll be trying to sneak into Heaven. Gotta look out for any traps or defenses while we're bluffing out way up to Naznia, right?

"That said I did overhear a bit while we were coming up. And it's giving me some thoughts. How fine is your control over water? Does it encompass all its forms, or does it get limited for things like fog and mist? I'm wondering if you could do something with that once the water is floating even if its nothing more than using it to cloy at the bitches and drag them into the sea for something a little more substantial."
With that it seemed the twins would split for the moment, Prudence engaging Undine to see if maybe the goddess could find a use for herself while Pru focused on Claire to see if the former angel managed to remember anything else that would help them in their infiltration.
Undine showed a face of worry when the twins brought the idea up. "I'm not sure if the idea is wise..." Undine said with concern. "Naznia is one of the intellectuals of Heaven. She may not be so easy to fool." she declared.

To that, Claire shook her head. "Indeed, it will be dangerous. But I'm sure the twins will be able to accomplish great things while they are in there. But Undine is correct... I'm sure she wouldn't be surprised by someone trying to do something in heaven, even if not to her. So... If I were you, I'd be very... Very careful..." she declared, before hearing more out. "There will be indeed traps and defenses around Naznia, and Heaven itself. There are plenty of checks, and even a casual greeting gesture where they check each other for the taint of the curse. Spies are executed on the spot. Essentially... Most would consider an infiltration attempt suicidal, when we the enemy are so... Easily detectable." she said with a grimace.

Undine meanwhile looked to nod at the human. "Things like mist and fog lie dormant between the realms of my own and the realms of Sylph. She is the reason why such things even as weather exist in the first place, due to her whimsical nature. So when other elementals get involved, it's hard for me to interfere with their weaves." she explained. "However, I do have a plan to work with the chyribdis to pull some foes below to meet their unhappy neighbors to those fishing villages that destroy their homes."
"Hm... We were going to have Alvin act as a convert and potential Hero to cover our entry, but you make it sound like that would outright fail when a simple greeting can reveal us in an instant. But that makes me wonder. Are there certain individuals who don't have to go through all that? Like maybe some kind of maintenance worker or even some form of human volunteer who would be largely ignored since they seem so innocuous? And what if we completely sealed our essence within us? Would blank slates be considered suspicious?"

The mention of weather being mostly Sylph's domain put a damper on any further thoughts the human had on using atmospheric moisture for Undine's defense. The water elemental simply couldn't use her weaves to interfere the water in the air. But then she remembered something specific. "What if you weren't trying to interfere with the weaves in the air? Say you had someone creating mist. If they kept a hold over the entire thing could you piggyback your own weaves on top of theirs?" Granted Undine already had plans in place, but it never hurt to have some kind of backup. Just in case.
Claire, as a former angel, decided to speak up about it. "Indeed... First and foremost, covering yourselves in human energy would be required, or you'd be seen from afar to be demons. To do that, you'd need to absorb a considerable amount of human energy." She declared. "Though, there are human beings that exist in Heaven. Therefore, I wouldn't suggest you come as angels. You lack their holy light, which burns all things possessed by the succubus curse. Humans... Are your best hope for passing by them undisturbed." she said with a visible show of worry on her face, as if she would normally tell someone not to do what Prudence was about to do. "Just... Be aware that Naznia... Is incredibly cunning. She was always the voice of reason no matter which side she was on, able to resolve all inner turmoil as if it were her second nature. She will make you pay if you try to deceive her. I think... I think the best way to handle her is to be honest with her. I have never seen anyone get away with lying to her... For what seldom times I saw her, that is. She was always sheltered away in her secret labs..." Claire reveals, before uttering the general idea of the entrance to Naznia's laboratory, a rather conspicuous archway of vine around an archway leading underground.

"Though, if you ask me how to best infiltrate... I suppose your plan has merit... Potential heroes fallen in battle would often be walking around with their entourage in tow. I suppose that could be you two." she declared. "And if anyone but her is searched," she pointed at the demonic Pru. "The story will make sense. You must be extra careful, however... If at any point they search your demonic half... They will let as many others as possible know."
"No need to worry about me, then." That little fact from the human was obvious, but that left them both worrying over the demon of the pair. She would stick out like a sore thumb, even if her energy didn't quite wash off her body like her sisters. So they would need to practically drown her in human energy. Hm... Well they did have a crew they could ask to help with that, and Seras seemed to be a powerful enough soul on her own. Maybe she could manage to give them as much as they'd need on her own. And if they couldn't find anyone to offer themselves to their cause then the demon could technically feed on her human twin. But then they run the risk of merging once again. That would probably make Kat happy. But then they wouldn't have the same control over themselves as they did now. But maybe they could use the human-soul's energy to create the shell, and then they wouldn't need to worry about it collapsing so soon. But would that actually work?

With the twins mentally lobbing arguments at one another they nearly missed Claire's warning concerning Naznia. "That's something we've already been considering. We've even been thinking about how we'll approach the subject. Definitely need to speak with her in private. Unless she has some assistants she trusts implicitly. And even then I'll reveal myself in such a way that she won't be threatened. We just need to hope there aren't any eavesdroppers to worry about." Of course that probably sounded like lunacy to the crystalline slime, but such were the risks they would need to take. And the fact that she preferred to keep herself sheltered probably worked in their favor. Those lone scientist types usually only relied on themselves and no others.

But that only worked if they could remained undetected. Claire warned that any search involving Pru would likely leave them all exposed, and the twins couldn't find any way to argue against it. "So we just need to keep her from catching any of the angels' interest." She'd need to be as drab and unassuming as possible, maybe even find some way to warp her features and make her appear a little more flawed and thus a lot more human. Maybe even leave the human looking nearly immaculate, thus making any suspicion fall on her and leaving Pru mostly ignored. "Do you think setting me up as a red herring would work? If anyone is suspicious they'd gravitate toward me to run their little greeting-test, and when they find that I'm human they'd either be satisfied or too flustered to check my sister here."
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Claire shook her head, perhaps thankfully. "She does not keep such company with her, your assessment... Is correct. In fact, I find it odd that she's such a famous topic right now... As far as I can recall, she was just someone who kept to herself, always interested in strange things. To think she was working on something like that the whole time..." Claire hummed. "I suppose that's why God allowed her to remain reserved like that instead of showing contribution to The Lord." she hummed even more in thought, one arm folding along her belly as the other went to her chin.

At her suggestion of stealth and distraction. "That and whatever else you can think of. I cannot give you any assurance what will happen once you are within the Golden Gates. In fact, I would never send anyone there. They have repelled so many spies and attempts at subterfuge that I have lost count the number of demons whose souls I watched turn into the golden threads that angels breathe. Their entire existence... Just becoming air... Oh!" she gave a start. "I nearly forgot, an advantage. The air is rich with weaves in Heaven. You can use your powers more freely unlike here on Gaea or even Hell. Just breathing will allow you to intake a great deal of magical substance. Use this to your advantage, if you find yourself in a pinch. Exhaust your power if you feel it's necessary. And if you're going to pose as angels, you need only take in the magic around you and wear it. The ease of this is what has Heaven on high alert for spies at all times, such that checking for interlopers has become a casual form of life, even making handshakes a form of greeting where the two explore each other's soul in an intimate fashion. In that sense, you might be able to catch them off guard... If they don't want to check everyone... Which, everyone often does. They see new faces so rarely up there, due to their limited selection of candidates for angelic powers... Wait, I think Heaven has been recruiting more frequently as of late. Perhaps... Hmm..." Claire thought carefully. "... This will likely help you on your road to success. Indeed, the influx of new faces might make it less special for you to exist. I think you stand a chance... Higher than what I thought." Claire said hesitantly. It seemed she was thinking Prudence's chances of dying were absolute, but now it decreased by a small margin.

Her arm folded still, she rubbed her chin with a soft sound of crystal sliding against crystal.
So far the major threat to everything they planned was that invasive greeting. Prudence could pass through it easily enough, and the explanation for Alvin would serve to explain his obvious mamono traits. Would the same work for Pru? By burying her demonic presence beneath all that human energy she was obviously needing to absorb could she pass as a mamono descendant willing to forgo her heritage and be reborn as a human? Might as well ask. "How about..."

While the demon was asking those precise questions that had run across the twin minds Prudence had a rather startling thought. Since the human may ultimately need to provide the source of human energy that means their souls would be directly embracing each other once again. Just as they did before they split. Following that path of thought the human immediately starting sending out some subtle threads, their presence expanding to fill the temple until they'd penetrated every surface and sought out any weave or presence that may have been eavesdropping on their little conversation. While they may have been openly discussing infiltrating Heaven what she was about to reveal was something she didn't need any curious demons or such exploiting for their own benefit. "Claire, I'm not sure if you've noticed or not, but my sister and I are not simply twins. We're actually two halves of the same soul. It meant we resided in the same body, and during that time our essence mixed and created a core that completely hid our exact nature. Anyone that examined or fed on us thought we were nothing more than a normal succubus with unusual tastes. No one even suspected I existed within our soul. If we were to reabsorb each other again that false core would reform. And I'm sure I could change it. Instead of exuding demon energy it would show as nothing more than human. We can't show you right now because we're not sure how to rejoin." Unseen by the human the demon looked a bit flustered. It seemed she had some thoughts on how that would actually go about, and for some reason it simply wasn't transferring over the link they shared. "Do you think that would be enough to fool any angels, or is their greeting so invasive that it would pierce even that shell?"
Claire put a finger to her chin in thought, while Undine seemed to know how to answer immediately. "Your demonic half would have to be sealed such that her corruptive influence doesn't consume you. I'm sure it was the shard of fate that kept your human side alive, somehow. It will be quite different from your first transformation I imagine. It will be a prison." she explained. "If you wished to merge, such is how it would be done. If left unconstrained, your succubus half would corrupt the human soul naturally. If done like that, then it would be far more convincing, you might even be able to pass a brief check. But not a thorough one. Such scans of your person should best be brief. Otherwise, any and all traces of heresy in their midst would be found out, if Claire is to be believed." She said, and Claire just nodded.

"She's right. It is impossible to remove the risk of being found if you have demonic traces of weaves. I used to be an angel... And they are quite religious about it, if you pardon my wording." she chuckled.
So, even if they integrated each other back into their original being the traces of Pru could still be found. Hells, it sounded like the scans the angels did were far more intrusive than anything a demon would ever do. "It's starting to sound like the angels are acting more and more like the monsters of old..." That wasn't a very comforting thought.

In any case it sounded like they'd learned all they could from Claire, and with their singular voice they showed their appreciation. "We thank you for your help, Claire. We're still not sure how we'll approach Heaven, but you've definitely given us some sound advice." Unless either of the slimes had anything they wished to add or anything else they'd like to discuss the girls would excuse themselves and find some place to think. More than likely that place would be some alcove that overlooked the entire temple, and from there they would simply look out and see just who they could spot from their crew and the miniature Metals while pondering just how they were going to pull this infiltration off.
"Hopefully, you'll do it carefully..." Claire said with worry.

Then, the girls departed. They sought for a place that gave a good view of everything... And it seems they found someone who had a similar idea. Said someone was at the highest point in the temple, which was accessible through a natural ramp of rock that led up to an extension of cliff that gave one a picture perfect view of the pillar based life style of the temple, each building resting on it's own island of rock far above the water, with some exceptions dwelling near the water's surface.

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When Prudence came upon this person, they'd notice that it was a , but in human form, with bright pink hair. She was laying prone, holding a set of binoculars and gazing at the temple below, with her legs lifted like a girl excited to be doing naughty things. "My goodness, Capri, you're so easily seduced by those elven women~" she cooed. Then, she seemed to have a thread thin, whipping around her in a circle. It touched Prudence's arm. She rose her head, detecting someone with her magic. "Oh, I have a guest." she declared, before pushing herself up. Her fat breasts no longer pancaked against the ground as she stood up. "I've seen you running around the temple. I don't think we've had a chance to talk proper. What brings you up here?" she inquired with great curiosity. Then, she let out an expression of shock, before she then calmed herself by placing her left hand's finger tips over the top of her left breast. "Oh, manners. I'm Francis. I am the Representative of Atlantis here to keep the peace between this temple and the Pearl Palace. I don't tell most that fact, but I have a feeling that information is going to be good in your hands one day~" she said with a wink.
Oh. Well this was a surprise. One would have thought everyone else was being too busy preparing for the approaching battle, but obviously one would be proven wrong. Seeing a merrow of all things laying out in human form was a bit odd, but once the girls realized she was spying on some Capri fellow it actually made sense. These mermaids were known for being the voyeurs of the sea, and this would be the best place for it.

The sudden touch of that lone thread was enough to drag the human's thoughts back down to Gaea, and with their presence suddenly known Francis greeted them and made her eventual introduction. That proved to be far more surprising for the pair. Were they just incredibly lucky, or was Fate somehow intervening? Either way it was time to answer the woman. "I am Prudence. Pru. And we're the ones that led all those pirates down there when they liberated the mermaids being held by the Order. But you probably already knew about that since you saw us running around the temple." To run into the Atlantean representative seemed like Kismet, but for now they decided to not get into politics. At least not right off the bat. "We were looking for a nice quiet place to simply people watch while we try to figure out just what we're going to do with our little mission to Heaven." They also didn't want to simply drag her into their problem, so unless she expressed an interest in what they were doing then they'd let the matter drop for now.

So what would they talk about? "You said someone was being seduced by elves?" Prudence actually conjured her own spy glass and began searching for this Capri that was mentioned. There was a possibility that this man was actually speaking with some forest elves and not their more adventurous dark-skinned cousins, and when the forest elves started getting amorous it was always a treat to watch them getting all flustered around a male. They just had to see that for themselves.
Francis looked interested. "So... The Human twin is Prudence... The demon is Pru... How fascinating." she smiled. "Indeed, there is little that escapes my eyes. If you couldn't tell~" she cooed. "A little mission to Heaven you say? Well, that sounds outright awful. But I'm sure you aren't going there just to die, so I won't patronize you~" she said with a smirk. She returned to spying on the area below, as if indeed, she wasn't interested. "Yes~ The man I speak of is quite loose. Originally, he was from the Order, but then he fled from the Order due to it's oppressive nature coming down upon his art. He couldn't draw what he wished, so he ran. That's when a certain... Lamia... Found him~" she cooed with a blush, as if thinking about the Lamia excited her. "So, in his free time, he drowns himself in the seduction of mamono. He's addicted to it. Not that he's cheating on his Lamia, but... Well, it's going to happen if he continues to lead women on like that. His loyalty is to his whims it seems." she said.

Through the glass, Prudence saw a man at a restaurant with an elf next to him. , typical to the artsy type, and was clearly happy and interested. Just based on their bodily movements, the elf was wanting to get closer to him, and the man had such a lax posture that it was as if he were telling her it'd be fine if she just sat down right in his lap. It seemed like she worked there too, so having such a man be so flirtatious with her was likely a highlight of her week. One that she wanted to shine rather brightly, when she kissed him on the cheek and slid a piece of paper into his shirt and returned to her job. The man, apparently named Capri, just tucked the paper in snug and enjoyed the food and drink she brought him.

"Oh dear." Francis cooed. "I wonder if I should tell Azure..." she hummed. "Well, at the very least, I'll watch, get a feast for my eyes, and make sure he isn't hurt~"
Former Order? And newly liberated by the sounds of it. It was only a moment later that Prudence found the man, and by the looks of him she could understand why he would flee. He was an obvious artist, and those types could only truly survive through their expression. To have something like the Order suppressing their drive to create would feel like a slow death, and seeing Capri sitting there so relaxed only proved that point.

But his interaction with the elf... Francis was silently chiding him for allowing himself to be seduced, but... "Are you sure she's the one seducing him?" Sure, the woman was doing most of the work, and she was obviously thrilled by it considering her happiness and her willingness to publicly show her attraction, but that wasn't all. Capri was leaving himself open. He was inviting her to engage him. Hell's tits, considering how the curse worked he was practically demanding her attention and daring her to take it further. He may be passive, but so was Sloth, and she could seduce any man into her bed by doing absolutely nothing. Why couldn't the same work for him?

But that got the twin souls thinking, and after a bit they started searching elsewhere. Capri may be a passive man and encourage others to engage him, but they knew a man who was far more aggressive. He actively sought the affections of woman and worked to steal their hearts. And anything else they might have. "But if you want to see seduction..." Their eyes scanned the crowds beneath them, and once they found the familiar set of ears they would point in that direction. "...then you should keep an eye on him~" With so many women concentrated in this space Alvin probably couldn't help himself, and once he got down to business he would definitely give the merrow a show.
"Hm? You mean the cat boy? He seems cute indeed, but he also seems more like a tease than someone truly interesting." Francis commented, as if she had already been stalking him for a while. Looking through the glass, she and Prudence saw Alvin before a mermaid running a sushi stand, selling fresh fish food. Small in their own right, perfect for a mermaid to eat. Her stand was low to the ground on the waterside, allowing both water dwellers and land dwellers to divulge. Alvin was seemingly flirting with the blue haired mermaid in an attempt to get a good deal. The mermaid was timid, and very vulnerable to his flirtation. She blushed as he spoke, while he looked over the food. Then he seemed to act as if he had no money... Before getting a deal on her food. "He's a very bad boy." Francis commented. "I cannot say I find him very exciting. He doesn't even do anything fun as far as I can tell. He just deceives women. Rather, I'd hope to see a woman punish him for his behavior. I imagine there must be quite a few women like that at this point. I wonder if I watch, I'll find someone who will punish him~?" she cooed with delight.
"That's... actually the perfect way to describe him." A tease that played with a woman's heart yet never gave her what she wanted. A lothario that seduced and deceived countless women in his wake and cared nothing for the destruction and heartache he wrought. It was rather disappointing to actually see him in that light, even after Pru had already seen a glimpse of his true self. Seras was right. He did deserve to be punished.

That caused the twins to sigh. "You're right. He's bad, and he's left a lot of broken hearts behind him. He even gloats about it saying he's the King of Thieves and can steal any woman's heart. Problem is he's hard to keep down." At that the demon motioned over toward Seras. "See her? She's been chasing him for Hell knows how long. She's convinced he's the only one that can truly make her happy after he managed to best her in a contest. She even managed to get her hands on him after I managed to capture him. But he still strings her along. As well as half of the ship. And even after seeing that she still pines for him. If she doesn't seek vengeance than I don't know who would."