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A Demon's Answer to the Heavens (Prudence;Termite)

Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

His attention brought to the twins while the crew was back in fighting shape, Alvin hummed as the two stood together. Narrowing his eyes, he did indeed look closer without being asked. "I see two gorgeous women with breasts worthy of worship, and hips so tempting that my loins are stirring something awful." he said with a chuckle. "As well... it seems something very odd happened. I recall an old woman speak of a case similar to this, but it was such a long time ago..." he hummed. "I do believe that she called this happening, Succubus Rejection. Something to do with a particularly strong human soul able to reject the corrupted presence of the succubus parasite eating away at it's soul, and remove it from it's body, thus creating a separate entity, I think. It's a rare phenomenon." he commented.

"Basically, at some point your human half must have strongly wished the succubus half to be gone. But what's odd is the chain between you two, there shouldn't be one." he said simply. "You must have been infected with the curse recently, I imagine." he assumed falsely.
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

"No, I've been a demon for decades, maybe even a century. You kinda stop bothering to keep track after 40 or 50 years..." At that Pru took on a slightly contemplative look as if she were trying to figure out how old she truly was.

"But our split did happen recently, but not because I wanted to be rid of her..." Prudence stopped herself, only she looked out to her crew and to see how Katerina was faring with the other boat. "Let's continue in my cabin."

Unless someone rose some kind of objection both sisters would lead Alvin and Seras into the Captain's Cabin, and there they would make sure everyone was seated and comfortable. They'd even wait for Yuri and Kat to follow if either of them wished, and once everyone was assembled they started going over the events that happened over the past couple of days. From exile to discovery, from revelation to division, from victory against the false hero to the moment they all found themselves right then. And to top it all off she went back to her rebirth, when Pru was first created and was nearly destroyed before Prudence stepped in. "Once we both realized we weren't integrating into a single persona we started looking out for each other. Even then we never really felt like separate spirits, merely two aspects of a whole. I would never try to rid myself of her presence, but when we split... She was leading. She was exploring her true nature, especially since Yuri asked for it, but I just couldn't accept it. I just couldn't get over inflicting pain on another soul, not after being tortured as a human and not after seeing her nearly crumble into nothing more minutes after she was born. I tried to lock myself away, and when that didn't work I just...pulled too hard... I became the free soul left to try and create her own body, and had Yuri not sacrificed herself I would have died."

"But there's something that's been bothering me. It's something that happens when we reach sexual gratification. She doesn't notice it, but when I get close to her after she's climaxed I feel myself... crawling... It's like something inside me is trying to reach out and claim her again, and every time it shows it makes feel strange and apprehensive. Like I shouldn't be trying. Any insights to what this problem is?"
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

Alvin narrowed his eyes with interest as she revealed just how long she'd been a demon for. "I've never heard of such a case before, I can tell you that much." Alvin replied as he followed along with them to the cabin of the ship. As they went in, Alvin took the liberty of sitting down right in Seras' seat, and completely ignoring her look of offense she took in having the man who's supposedly their captive taking her very own seat. Rather than start a fist fight, Seras sat down on Alvin's lap, leaning back in her chair as Alvin groaned, making herself comfortable while he peaked over Seras' shoulder and listened to Prudence. With Seras in his lap, he let out a hum, thinking to himself as he went over everything he was told.

"So, this is quite interesting..." Alvin announced. "Normally the succubus curse acts like a parasite, and takes over the human soul. As it spreads through the soul, the corrupted portions feed off of the human portions in order to survive, because once corrupted, a soul cannot survive on it's own. In your case..." he tapped his chin. "For some reason, the part of you soul that was corrupted made the decision to not completely devour your soul. While this has happened before, it certainly never lasted for over 50 years. It's easy for the corruption, even when it gains sentience through corrupting another soul, to accidentally corrupt the soul it's with little by little... There must have been something protecting that human half, else I cannot fathom your soul surviving for that long. The use of magic limited to the human half... I'd wager it works something akin to the balance between you two. At some point or another, I think your two souls established an equilibrium that doesn't allow one side to take over the other. If your demonic side were to use magic until she faded, then your soul as a whole would be without corruption."

He patted Seras' belly as he rocked the chair back and forth. "Your souls are still connected by a thick string as it were, so it would be best not to distance yourselves from one another. But, what's interesting here, is that you two could have that string cut and distance yourselves as much as you'd like. The reason for that being... Is that you, Prudence," he directed at the demon. "You're the only demon to possess a 'shell' that all non-spiritual beings possess. I expect that when you two parted, the demon half snuck off with the shell while the human half was left with nothing. Yuri gave her 'shell' to her, and allowed her corruption to consume her so that she could continue to be with this world... If that makes sense." he chuckled. "Looking back on the reason you two parted, I'd say that what went on with Yuri was the first disagreement you two had. Normally, the human soul will always disagree with the corrupted half taking over, and as such, the human half will be swallowed up to cease the dispute. The same would have happened to your human half, but you seem to possess a great amount of power to be able to break your soul in half like that and still function properly."

He pat Seras' stomach again. "That's my two coppers on the situation."
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

With Alvin and Seras making themselves comfortable in each other's lap Prudence and her sister decided to claim the bed. And much like the pair of captains the human chose to sit in her counterpart's lap. But unlike the others neither human or demon rose so much as a grunt of annoyance. Pru simply wrapped her arms around Prudence's waist before lightly closing her wings around the both of them as they explained their story and listened to everything Alvin had to say.

Once he was finished the twin souls leaned their heads against each other in contemplation. "So I have a body..." In truth it was actually their shared original body, but even if Prudence had built her shell from someone else it led to basically the same thing: they could split. They could sever the tie that bound them together and simply go their separate ways. Pru could delve into her succubus nature, see just how deep and dark this curse had truly made her, and Prudence could walk across the lands of Gaia free to explore and live and do every little thing she always wished when she was so young.

They both considered it, their thoughts echoing against each other... And a moment later they threw those stray thoughts into a dark corner of their minds, locked the doors, and buried the keys where nobody would dare try to find them. Outwardly they simply clung a little tighter to each other, and that in itself was proof enough of what they thought of severing their ties. Since their rebirth they existed with each other. For each other. Even as part of the coven that governed all demons they held no true trust in any of their 'sisters'. The one truth in Hell was that each demon put herself before others. If she wanted something then she would need to fight for it one way or another, and if that involved driving you into the ground so she could step on your corpse to stand even higher then ultimately she wouldn't hesitate. It was just the way things were, the selfishness and vanity of the human condition stroked until the darkness of Hell consumed everything else. They couldn't trust any of the others to keep their secret lest they eventually become betrayed. They could only rely on each other.

Or at least that was how they saw it. But the last few days had been a bit of a ride, and after looking into Kat and finding the truth at their mentor's core that belief was shaken. But somehow they knew they wouldn't find anything redeeming if she were to peek into Jezebel's depths...

If either Seras or Alvin were privy to the twin's thoughts they would think the split soul was simply wandering in her own odd direction. "We have no intention of splitting completely, but..." But she suddenly came back to the matter at hand. "We're still a bit confused about that last thing I mentioned. That creepiness that overcomes me every once in a while. It almost feels like a part of me wants to devour her. Do you think that's a possibility?" "And what would happen if that connection suddenly deepened? If we reintegrated? I figure we would return to a single shell, but... what would happen to the shell Yuri gave me?"
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

Alvin merely blinked when they agreed that they wouldn't be split, simply making a slight gesture, throwing his hands up slightly as if to say, "Do whatever you want." Though when it came to the creepy sensation, Alvin brought one of those hands up to scratch at his nose. "I truly have no idea what that sensation is. Normally you'd be right, and that would be your soul trying to eat the human half that it was made of in order to establish dominance over the host, but such is not the case. Your demon half is not trying to dominate, but acting as if it's just another human half. There was some kind of acceptance along the lines, and such has happened before, when the host accepts the curse. Those results are called Witches. They stand between being a demon and being a human and quite obviously accept the curse into their lives."

"In your case, I would have to say that the sensation you feel is due to your bond. Right now, you two are closely knit, and accepting of each other. If you know anything about magnetics, it's a rather new study, then that sensation you feel when near her is the 'pull' that is trying to bring you two completely together, because, as we can see... That is what both halves want. They don't want to separate, so that desire is trying to make it so you two are within the same shell once more. Should that happen, and it shouldn't, not without great difficulty, then it will be your demon half that will leave her body and inhabit the human's once more. That is why you feel it more than your human twin."

"But this is all purely educated opinion. I don't think I'm right."
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

So, the both of them wished to rejoin. That much was a given. But there was something else. Even if they didn't want to sever their connection there was a certain...charm to have two distinct bodies. The human was reaching a potential she had never known, the control of her spectral threads starting to expand beyond anything she had shown as a conjoined soul. And the demon was starting to realize something similar. Though her own threads refused to exist beyond the confines of her shell the body she held reacted far more easily. It hinted at another kind of potential, the potential for immense physical strength and adaptability. And that was something she had never showed when joined with her sister within one body. But even then they could still speak with each other privately. They could hear each other's thoughts, react in an instant, and that sensation when they both started screwing their own partners...

But turning an eye toward the future they both realized that they couldn't stay like this for eternity. Prudence herself was human once again. She had a body, remade as it was, yet it still reacted as any normal human body would. That meant she would age. There was no telling how, the fact that she held such control over magic would probably stunt that aging quite easily, but eventually she would wither. And that may not even have a chance to happen. A human body also held a far more vulnerable mortality. Any number of things could end up destroying her, and on this island that mortality would be threatened by the Curse. That bounty on her head left her vulnerable to nearly every demon she could ever come across, and if she was eventually captured there was no guarantee she could resist the succubus infection a second time.

So what would they do about it?


Absolutely nothing. They both understood there would a point where they would need to join once more. But that point hadn't come, and it most likely wouldn't for quite some time. Might as well enjoy their individuality while they still had the chance, right?

"Thank you, Captain. You've given us some insight into our problem, and it's given us much to think about." "Of course that raises even more questions, but such is life. So..." At that the demon's wings opened to reveal both of the twins, the demon wrapped around her sister's stomach. "We feel we are in your debt." "What can we do to repay you?" And they both shared the same coy little grin.
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

Alvin chuckled at their question. "I do not often receive thanks from those who were my opponents not even an hour prior." he said, before putting a hand to his breast, and giving the two women a small bow from his seat, as much as he could manage with Seras sitting on him. "No thanks required, it's an obligation for a gentleman to be of assistance to refined ladies such as yourselves."

"Do you enjoy flirting with them in front of me?" Seras asked, seeming put off.

"I do," Alvin said with a smile.
Re: The Hero Never Wins (Prudence)

"Merci!" Prudence rose to her feet, both sides of her, and the both dipped respectfully to their captured captain. "Such a gentleman!" "We will find a way to reward such selflessness another time!" "But for now we shall leave you in the care of the most caring and loving soul we know."

The slightly mischievous grin on their faces may have given him a hint of what was coming next, but nonetheless the twins each pulled their first mate to her feet and gave her a pair of kisses, one Prudence to each cheek. "We leave this man in your very capable hands, Miss Seras." "Please treat our guest well~" At that they started heading out of the cabin to give the two some quality time together.

Should neither of them raise any kind of objection the human and demon would simply step out into the open air and stretch their arms and legs. In the demons case she also stretched her wings and tail, but otherwise they were a perfect example of synchronized harmony. They lingered outside their cabin for a moment, just to make sure Seras didn't try to start killing Alvin, as unlikely as that sounded, and once they were sure they started walking further along the ship. "How long should we give them?" "An hour seems fair." With an hour of free time on their hands they needed to find something else to do, so they decided to take their own small tour of the ship.
Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

As they walked outside, their ears were all they had to interpret the following situation.

"I would have it that the only female company you ever had was me." Seras announced.

"Diamonds pass through many hands." Alvin replied with an arrogant chuckle.

"That is the only ugly part of you," Seras announced. "If you had no clue how attractive you were, then you wouldn't have such an ego."

"I'm afraid you are guilty of possessing 'such an ego' yourself." Alvin replied. "Now, shall I have my freedom?" he asked.

Seras only chuckled in response, before a light shuffle was heard within. "You shall not."


Chapter 4: Passing Diamonds

Prudence had seen most of the ship thanks to her chase with Alvin. All that was left was the view of the ocean and the dusk sun setting over the horizon, which Prudence was left to enjoy before a ruffled Seras was seen stepping out from the captain's cabin. Her hair was a mess and so was her attire, wrinkled with the evidence of prior naughty happenings with the feline man no doubt still below. "Oh, Captain," Seras said in such a woeful tone. "I apologize for stepping up to your presence in such poor state, but the feline beast took all of me brawn to wrestle him down~" Seras said with a satisfied sigh, her manner of speech devolving into something more simplistic, no doubt a sign of her mental state after a no doubt hour.
Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

The twins couldn't help but giggle to themselves at that last comment, but despite how much they would have liked to linger and act the voyeur, especially so for the demon, both halves of Prudence walked off and started exploring as they wished. They inspected the ship from bow to stern, even going as far as moving below decks to see what remained and to speak with other members of the crew they may not have noticed during the struggle with Alvin, but even then that was quickly done in less than an hour. This left them with little else to do but find a sit up on the deck and simply enjoy the roll and smell of the sea as her ship continued to sail.

Once that magical hour had finally passed the pair turned to an emerging Seras and immediately started grinning. The woman looked like an utter mess, her hair tangled on itself and no less chaotic than the clothing she obviously had trouble slipping herself into, but there was no denying the languid motion of a woman completely satisfied. And Prudence couldn't stop herself from feeling jealous. A part of her wanted to be the one that left Seras so thoroughly fucked that the human looked like she would simply stretch herself out with a glorious moan of content and simply fall asleep where she stood. The other part was jealous for another reason. Seras had reappeared nearly spent yet happier than Pru had ever seen the woman. Alvin had to be some kind of sexual god to leave this demon of a human this content. Too generous... I should have at least had first shots at the man!

But despite all that Prudence in her entirety was quite happy for her first mate. She still remembered the woman's search for some soul who could match her need for passion, and it seemed that today gave her the chance to find not one but two who fulfilled her wish. "That's quite all right dear. I'm simply glad to see that you've treated him quite well~" "So how is our guest? Has he made any requests?" There was a slight air of anticipation hovering around the demon that simply transferred over toward the human half. Despite what it sounded like they had just how he was in bed, and they couldn't wait to hear what Seras had to say.
Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

Seras chuckled as she was asked the question of whether Alvin had any requests. "He's all tired out, so his request was to be given some rest after contending with a beast like me~" Seras said, looking rather proud of herself.

She maintained that look of confidence before Alvin himself would be seen walking up from the captain's own quarters. He didn't look too much different, his hair just as spiky and unkempt as always; however, his face did appear relatively more shiny, as if it had gotten wet and then cleaned off. "I said nothing of the sort. I'm actually fairly hungry and thirsty." Alvin announced.

Suddenly, Yuri peeked her head out from behind him. "Shall I get you something?" she asked with a smile.
Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

Not exactly a telling answer, but the twins shared a curious glance at each other nonetheless. For the man to show such stamina that it brought Seras to her knees should have said enough. But his sudden appearance spoke of even greater strength, especially when he actually took the time to compose and clean himself by the looks of it. It made one wonder how much of this was for show...

The mention of food set something off within the human half, and a moment later her own stomach started growling fiercely in protest to being ignored all this time. "Oh! Oh my..." Prudence suddenly felt quite embarrassed by this, and it showed on her face. "Guess I was a demon for a little too long..." Being of the infernal persuasion only gave you one kind of hunger, and up until now Prudence had confused that thirst for essence for the pangs of human hunger. "Is that what this is?" It would probably be surprising to see the demonic twin patting her stomach. Even more surprising would be the growl that followed. "Hm... Guess I have more needs then just the one..."

"Miss Yuri, perhaps a small meal for everyone would be best?" Prudence asked that of everyone, and there was little doubt that Seras wouldn't agree considering how worn out she looked. But then again she may try to show up Alvin and his fresh-in-the-morning image. It didn't hurt to ask, at least.
Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

"Right away!" Yuri said happily, going into the inner sections of the ship to make a grand meal for the whole crew since others were hungry as well. The ship's chef looked happy to allow Yuri to make something as well.

Alvin scratched himself behind his ear in the meanwhile. "This is actually quite an odd group you've gotten yourself involved with, Seras." he commented. "At first it was just one weirdo..." he hummed, staring at Katerina, who glared at him from where she stood on the boat. "But now you've collected a masochist and a rather peculiar set of twins..." he hummed, taking a prolonged glance at Prudence.

"You make it sound like I attract bizarre people." Seras chuckled. "Doesn't that make you strange as well?" she asked.

Alvin glanced to Prudence again, seeming to note the regard in which she gave to his ability to satisfy Seras. "Your friend may think so." he said with a smile.

After a time, Yuri shouted out to everyone that the food was done, and that they should all come down to the little mess hall that they had in the boat in order to enjoy their meal. Alvin walked past the human Prudence to go and get some food, bumping into her accidentally as he did so. "Oh, sorry, force of habit." he said, putting the pocket change back into her pocket that Katerina made sure everyone had for the journey so that they could pay for 'fine company' if need be.
Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

With Yuri scurrying off to cook herself a meal Pru and Prudence simply took a moment to daydream about food. It had been so long since they actually ate anything other than essence and the fluids that come with it that they began to wonder if their sense of taste may have withered or not. Or maybe those tastes had changed. Or maybe they were in for a orgasmic tour-de-force of culinary ecstasy the likes of which they never remembered.

Wait, what was that? That one shared thought had them both focusing on Alvin, and as he called Kat a weirdo, Yuri a masochist, then the twins peculiar they shifted their attention to each other. They simply looked rather puzzled at this, but when Seras ventured her question they turned back toward the catman just as he started glancing at them once more. The smile he wore as he answered had them grinning back at him. "Maybe..." "But sometimes strange can be a wonderful thing..." A moment later Pru's tail rose snuck behind Alvin and rose, and as it did her spade gave Alvin's more feline version a light stroke that probably bordered on inappropriate. But she was a demon, afterall. It should be expected...

When it finally came time to eat the twins prepared to move down, but as they did a slight bump from Alvin caught their attention. A moment later an apology rang out, and following that the human found herself being repaid with the money that had somehow been freed from her pocket. "Oh my..." It was a bit of a surprise to see that the good captain was actually a thief. To know that such a man would steal your money after stealing your heart... What was the world coming to? "You know... There are far more pleasant ways to get our... emergency funds..." The human actually went a little pale before blushing furiously. She really hadn't expected her sister to come out and proposition him so blatantly, even if the thought had been passing through their mind. Some things just weren't supposed to be said...
Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

Alvin would merely chuckle at the offer, and even more so at the reaction to the offer. "Prudence, I trust you kid!" he replied with a shrug, before taking a finger, and trailing it along the spinal curve of the demon's back. "After all, you should never need to pay anyone for a night of passion. Your personality and beauty are true treasures. Tis why I returned your money," he said with a smile. "I aim to steal your heart, not your change. I can enjoy your love far more than a souvenir." he announced, before coming up to the large variety of food Yuri had cooked up, waiting on a long counter, picking out all of the foods that the human Prudence would find appealing, and handing it to her on a plate, rather than keeping the plate to himself.

"It helps that I know what ladies want~" he said with a wink, handing her the plate filled with appealing food. Turning back, Alvin immediately fished out all of the seafood available, his ears perked up and his tail swishing back and forth with excitement.
Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

Whatever response the demon held was suddenly cut when she found a finger trailing along her spine. Her body nearly reacted on instinct, her back arching to give Alvin a better appreciation for her beauty while a very quiet moan escaped through her closed lips. Her wings twitched a bit once his teasing swipe was complete, Pru actually taking a moment to reign them in before they started fluttering in excitement, and once he complemented her beauty she simply went back to smiling at the man as he prepared and presented the plate for Prudence. The human bowed her head in thanks as she accepted it. "Spoken like a soul who has stolen many a heart." And despite knowing that he most likely knew a woman in every port Pru couldn't seem to stop her own from reaching out to embrace him. A woman simply couldn't ignore all that flattery, especially from such a fine specimen of a man. Prudence paused at that and silently wondered how many of those thoughts were actually hers and how many were spawned by the small bit of demonic energy she felt from her infernal half.

But despite whatever the truth was she was still enjoying herself, and after allowing him the time to prepare his own seafood platter she simply found herself a seat while the demonic Pru lingered at the buffet line pondering what she'd like to try now that she could properly taste things. "Of course that makes a woman wonder, Captain..." The human leaned in a little closer, her own little maneuver to give Alvin a chance to more accurately appreciate her own assets even through the clothing she wore. "With so many hearts in your grasp how does a man manage to find a way to keep them all..." A direct look was given to Seras, one that he wouldn't fail to notice. "...satisfied?" And he couldn't possibly miss that grin, either.
Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

A mere wink was offered following her comment on his skills as a thief who steals women's hearts. When they sat down together, Alvin politely took in the assets she wished to display to him, before quietly using fork and knife to take a piece of fish and gracefully feed it to his mouth. After swallowing proper, he took a napkin to his mouth, smiled and said, "If I were to let the secret get out, then I would no longer be special, wouldn't you agree?" he asked, giving her a coy smile.

"You're a greedy woman, Prudence!" Seras announced, sitting with them. "After seeing how satisfied I was, I can see the lust in your eyes for something valuable. Alvin belongs to me." Seras declared with pride.

"I belong to no specific person." Alvin argued, before taking another bite and swallowing before speaking again. "Unlike a valuable commodity of trade like a diamond, I have the power of conscious choice. Using such a gift, I would accept Prudence's offer, purely because I love to get a rise out of you." he chuckled.
Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

"A pity for me..." Prudence's response to being denied the knowledge of Alvin's skill was truthfully a bit melancholy, but there was still a bit of mirth and playfulness that lingered within her voice. "But perhaps I could learn through example. If only I could be lucky enough to experience such a skill myself..."

Seras's sudden proclamation caught Prudence by surprise, more so for its rather forceful announcement then for the obvious truth it contained. "You are surprised by this?" It seemed a little surreal, especially since Seras had learned that Prudence shared her soul with a demon. Hell, she'd existed as one for quite a few years. A bit of greed had to have seeped in somewhere. "But it's not just greediness. I'd say it's more curiosity and interest over anything else. He's proven himself quite proficient, and I'd love to know how he managed such a feat. Both personally and professionally. If he seeks me out following this then I won't reject him. If he doesn't then so be it. I'll be disappointed, but I'll learn to live with it. As he said, it's his choice whether he decides to accept me or not. But beyond that I have no desire to simply claim him as my own."
Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

Seras pursed her lips, looking at Prudence as if she were an adversary with her expression and sharp eyes. "How coy of you." Seras said to Prudence. "Acting so innocent, you're being all but forceful. No, you're not an innocent girl who'd be flattered by company, I know the eyes of someone clever when I see them, and you Prudence, think yourself very clever." she said, before leaning back in her chair. She folded her arms under her large breasts as if falling back to get a better scope of her opponent.

"My dear, it's not clever to know that you are desirable." Alvin contributed with a cheshire grin towards Prudence, his elbows on the table and hands folded together with his chin resting on his knuckles as he gazed at Prudence in an overly romantic way, though clearly this was to bother Seras further. "Though, being quite the lady, Prudence is of course clever. If only you had such grace, Seras." Alvin said. "Although, if I may, Prudence, you are far too frank. A no-nonsense woman is fine as well, but it's personal taste speaking when I say that a woman who only says 'maybe' and dares a brave soul such as myself to take the gamble for love is truly exciting indeed. Why, knowing already that I'll be accepted, I have already planned how I will romance you. However... Being the wonderful woman you are, I do expect my voice now will create a random, exciting element from you, I'm sure." he chuckled, clearly expecting a lot from Prudence in the form of an exciting partner.

Meanwhile, Seras looked grumpy. Simply put.
Re: Passing Diamonds (Prudence)

Prudence was prepared to speak. She was prepared to defend herself, to reveal how Seras herself was being quite selfish in keeping Alvin to herself when he obviously had no intention of letting himself be tied to another, but as she looked at the pirate that started to change. She could practically feel the challenge pouring off of the woman, the way she was accentuating herself while coldly analyzing every aspect of the human that threatened the first mate's mate, and though Alvin was waxing poetic while defending Pru and sounding somewhat slightly disappointed he was largely ignored. Prudence simply kept her attention on the creature before her.

After a few moments one of the human twin's hands came forward. "Hand." It was probably one of the few times in her life that she'd given anyone a direct order, but Prudence did so as if this were nothing more than a fact that Seras could never deny. When the woman finally did answer that she would most likely find a stray thread of the human's spirit reaching out for her, the end nearly waving in Pru's palm as if inviting Seras to take it.

And Prudence hoped that she did. The mostly human half wanted to get a better feel for the emotions that were currently rushing through the pirate, and by forming this small connection it would give her that sense without being too intrusive. It would also allow her to speak candidly without anyone else overhearing. 'This truly bothers you...' Prudence was prepared to feel the truth behind what she had glimpsed, and once the extent was finally known she would continue. 'You wish to keep him to yourself. I can see that. I can even appreciate it to a small degree.' And this connection would work both ways. As Prudence could feel Seras's emotions so would Seras feel Prudence. 'So I need to know something.' And here came the ultimate reason why Prudence had sought to connect them both. 'Would you do the same for him? Would you forsake the attention of all others simply to be with him and him alone?'