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A Dangerous Songbird (Keylo) GMed by Hafnium


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
Reputation score
Maven: HP = 71, PP = 68, EP = 175, Status = Sealed (68), Bound, Blindfolded
Perception: 2

After several months, Alisha Silverstring, or, Maven, was still in the northern reaches of Crolia. Her assignment, an order from a commander who answered only to the queen, was a mission for her alone. The dragon-blooded woman was to use the talents seemingly granted to her by fate itself in order to 'convert' the orc raiding parties. In addition, Maven had free reign over how she chose to go about her objective of dispatching the beast-men and demoralizing their kin with her presence behind their lines.

And dispatch them she did, for the longest time. Slavers were easy prey for the preternaturally gifted dragonkin. It took only the most minor amount of her considerable powers in order to reshape them into something more useful to the side of good. An orc slaver who had once found himself dealing in slaves would find himself a tailor, a blacksmith, or a farmer. There were those that broke, of course. There were always those that broke.

After so much time spent destroying minor slaver parties and seeing no end to the amount of beast-men who would pick up the job of trading humanoids, it became obvious that she wasn't able to make much of a dent dealing with the symptom alone. To truly strike a blow against the evil nature of the orcs, she would need to go to the source. But how?

While traveling, her enemies answered her question for her. An orc ambush of a paltry four or five riflemen beset her upon the road. It would have been simple to eradicate them, like she had all the others, but they could serve as minions against evil even before their minds were wiped. They could deliver Alisha directly to a source of what she warred against. So, she calmly gestured her surrender. The orcs immediately rushed, chained, and blindfolded the dragonkin, not ones to take an easy capture for granted. She was thrown into a wagon with so captured humans and elves in varying states of undress, though she could not see them, only feel them. There was no limiter on her powers. The slavers were none the wiser as to just how predatory the songbird they captured was.


A few days later, Alisha found herself sold. It was hard to say where she was, deprived of sight the entire time. She was led, still blindfolded, with a few other sold slaves into some building or another. They were shackled together by wrists and ankles and led in a line. There was the sound of a large door opening ahead of her and then closing behind her, presumably once all had entered. Then there was much walking, with little information as to where she was other than that she could feel cobblestone under her feet. Alisha could smell musty air and burning torches as she was led along, as well. There were several more minutes of walking with little else in the way of sensory input. Finally, they came to a stop. They stood there, for a few moments, before the songmage could finally hear someone talking tens of feet ahead of her.

"Physical labor," the voice called out. The sound of shackles being unlocked and several groups of feet moving away followed. Another presence took a few steps closer in her direction. "Energy battery," the noises of manacles and moving feet repeated themselves. "Labor... Labor," it happened two more times. It was then that the voice was next to her with a hand on Maven's shoulder.

"Ooh, you've got quite an energy about you. You'll be perfect for repaying demons and as a battery." From up close, it was a decidedly feminine voice accompanied by a similarly feminine touch. Whoever the person was, she had a natural tone for mockery. More pressingly, however, was the feel of the woman's touch on Alisha's sheek as it began to heat up. It burned, only slightly, not the worst pain that Maven had ever felt. A bit more worryingly, Maven realized that her songs had been cut off from her. A subtle flexing of Alisha's powers revealed that it wasn't enough of a seal to beat back her natural willpower entirely, though it was difficult to say how long it would take for her to break it.

"That's the last of them, lead her away." As the woman ordered, Alisha felt herself unshackled and pulled away by two sets of bony hands. The dragonkin did manage to overhear a conversation as she was brought to whatever fate that was intended for her.

"Is this abhorrent practice really necessary?" A deep voice asked from well behind Alisha.
"Why do you always ask that? I don't understand. Why do you keep asking that?" A slightly demented, androgynous voice replied.
"Surely we can go about these plans without bringing innocent men and women into slavery! Even you have to be able to see that."
"I don't like it when you say things like that. It sounds like you're threatening me. I don't like to be threatened."
"Now, now, you two. Why don't you go play with some of the disobedient slaves?"
"Okay!" The dragonkin could hear the wide smile as a set of feet went running off behind her.
"As for you, dear knight. Surely you must understand the value of extra hands. It would be a shame if your little princess was ever left alone and lost down here, or without an escort and mistaken for a slave..." There was no response beyond a set of plated boots stomping off across the floor.

The conversation didn't matter much beyond that point, anyway, as Alisha was alerted by the sound of a door opening and a sudden turn to the right that she was nearing her destination. After she came to a stop, the two bony hands forced her to bend over, pressing her neck and wrists into grooves in a wooden board made especially for the appendages. When she heard the squeaking of a hinge and a similar board pressing against the top of her neck and wrists, followed by the clicking of a lock, Maven realized that she had been locked into stocks. Her two escorts could be heard walking away, closing the door behind them.

It seemed like it might be time to put her plans into action soon. The dragonkin could not feel anybody else in the room, though it was impossible to confirm with sight due to her blindfold. Her robes were still on, having never been removed, although it was difficult to say how long that would be true if she dallied. The stocks were nonmagical, she could destroy them easily if she broke the seal, which was definitely within her power. It was merely a question of how much time and how much energy it would require. The seal might persist for a while after the stocks were destroyed but Alisha would have no issues casting against it once she was unbound.

The question of the moment appeared to be whether Alisha would put her efforts into breaking her bonds or wait.
Re: A Dangerous Songbird (Keylo) GMed by Hafnium

“Oh anima effimera che ti celi nel profondo dell'inganno, chi hai continuato ad aspettare nel bosco deserto? ”

*Oh ephermal soul, you conceal yourself in the depths of deception, why do you continue to wait in the deserted forest?

To the east there had been evil, and thus to the east she had travelled: singing lullabies to the wicked, so that they may be born anew. To the west there had been those who would hunt the kind of heart, and thus to the west she had travelled: singing sonatas to purge the darkness from corrupt hearts. But alas, many remained in need of reformation still, in spite of her efforts to do good where she could. Trimming at the branches when the roots remained strong was a fruitless endeavor… Unless she was willing to plunge herself into the tendrils of darkness, nothing would ever come about.

And so plunge herself into the hands of the soon damned she did, to allow herself to be tied, blinded, and lead away, to have her songs stolen from her lips, to be thrust into the midst of the enemy’s grasp…
Such was the only way for true progress after all; the heads must be cut away so the bodies could die.

“Is this abhorrent practice really necessary?”

And the only way for the innocent at heart to be redeemed, and set free from the awful chains that bound them to do evil. After all, the sins, not the sinners always were what should be condemned.

Bound in stocks, a “battery” for repayment, and “energy” they had called her. Powerless the wicked believed her, ignorant of how saints remained incorruptible even by the demons of hell… and how Alisha Silverstring would drown them in yet another song; one that plucked at the chords of passion, and the most primal of desires.

All that was left to do was wait. Wait, and smile with her muted lips.
Re: A Dangerous Songbird (Keylo) GMed by Hafnium

Maven: HP = 41/71, PP = 57/68, EP = 175, Status = Sealed (68), Bound, Blindfolded
Alisha's Pleasure: 15 - 26 = 0.
Damage: 5

Alisha's Pleasure: 15 - 26 = 0.
Damage: 4

Alisha's Pleasure: 13 - 26 = 0.
Damage: 7

Alisha's Pleasure: 31 - 26 = 5.
Enemy's Pleasure: 21.
Damage: 4

Alisha's Pleasure: 28 - 26 = 2.
Enemy's Pleasure: 10. Orgasm.
Damage: 7

Resistance Check: Goblin #1 is enthralled.

Alisha's Pleasure: 29 - 26 = 3.
Enemy's Pleasure: 18.
Damage: 3

Alisha's Pleasure: 27 - 26 = 1.
Enemy's Pleasure: 27. Orgasm.
Damage: 4

Resistance Check: Goblin #2 is enthralled.

Gain 6 corruption.

Alisha's wait did not last long before she heard the scuffling of footsteps on stone. They were distant, at first, probably not far from where she had been sorted with the other prisoners not more than an hour before. The door creaked open behind her and the steps only came closer and closer. They finally stopped, mere inches behind her vulnerable pose. "Ah, a new one. Nice little body on her too, ain't it?" A voice that sounded very much at home on a small, crude creature sounded out from behind the blindfolded dragonkin. Alisha felt her robes being pulled up and over her hips, her clothing being moved to allow for an unobstructed view of her sex and ass.

"Eh, she hasn't been tagged yet. Means the succubi haven't checked her. Not wet either, means she hasn't been drugged."
"Who cares? We're owed. Let's take it from her." She felt a large, calloused hand slap against one of her cheeks, the smack against her rear causing a loud crack to echo in the chamber, before roughly grabbing and squeezing the soft flesh. "You don't get this quality of reward every day, y'know"
"Suppose you've got a point there," the other replied with a chuckle.

Roving hands touched at her lower lips and squeezed at her thighs and backside without much concern for her feelings in the matter. Alisha could feel the vile creatures' eyes upon her nethers. They felt intent on memorizing every detail of her exposed body. Two pairs of calloused appendages smoothed across her soft flesh, down her legs, up her inner thighs, and rubbed at her crotch. "Alright, I'm going first." One voice finally announced as stimulation abruptly stopped. "The hell you are!"

The songmage could hear a fight break out behind her. Kicks and punches as both fought for the right to use her first. "Wait, wait, this is no civilized way to handle this. Rock, paper, scissors for her pussy, best two out of three."
"Okay, I guess."
"1...2...3, shoot. Dammit."
"Hah! Okay, 1...2...3, shoot. I win again! I get her first."
"Fine, fine."

The two seemed to quickly forget about their little scuffle as attentions were returned on Alisha's body. She could feel breath on her sex as one knelt down behind her. With a surprising suddenness, the dragonkin felt a tongue drag across her netherlips, leaving a trail of saliva in its wake. Two fingers parted her folds and the creature's tongue explored further into Alisha's depths. The stranger's stimulation was too inexpert to overcome the dragonkin's willpower, she was able to simply ignore any pleasure that she might have found in the act. Her visitor didn't seem to care much about how she felt, though. He continued to molest her with his tongue, coating her sex with his drool.

And when she was sufficiently lubricated by the act, Alisha felt his breath leave her groin as he stood up. His knuckle nudged into the woman's skin a few times as he hastily undid his pants. Mere moments passed before something hit the ground. Something nudged at her womanhood. Before she could put much thought into what was to come next, Alisha felt a vice-like grip on her hips, yanking at her to angle her downward and almost causing her to lose her footing. The penetration did not come immediately, though. Instead, she felt a long, slimy length rub between her thighs, rubbing against her labia, and pushing further along her stomach until it had reached her abdomen. She quickly realized that the creature's rod was almost a foot long and incredibly thick. It wasn't fully erect, either.

Her unknown visitor rocked between her thighs and against her stomach, using her soft skin to masturbate himself to full size. "Hurry up and fuck her, I want my turn." The loser's voice proclaimed with obvious irritation, becoming tired of the foreplay. "I won, I get to do whatever I want to her. That's the rule." A frustrated sigh came in response. Maven's molester seemed to be growing tired of the foreplay as well, though. He withdrew himself from between her legs and one of the hands left her hips. The head of her visitor's cock pressed between her outer lips and, without any preparation, pushed into Alisha's sex.

With only the saliva to aid in lubrication, the rough thrust brought mostly pain at first. There was still some miniscule amount of pleasure, as her womanhood stretched to accompany the invader. The bound woman felt the over-sized appendage throb powerfully inside of her inner walls and heard a loud groan. "Shit, she's tight. I don't think you're gonna have to wait long for your turn." The dragonkin doubted it as well, as she felt the creature's manhood push further into her. His free hand took up at her hip again and he held her with a death grip as he began his efforts. He couldn't even manage to hilt in the woman. This small fact didn't seem to bother the stranger as he began to pump Alisha's depths with short, powerful thrusts. It wasn't long before he was groaning and his motions became frantic. Pain gave way to pleasure for the songmage, as well, though she was able to simply ignore most of it.

Not more than a minute after he had begun, her partner's erratic thrusts came to a crescendo. He pushed in one last time with all his might, claiming an extra few inches of Alisha's womanhood for his rod, and came. His cock throbbed and throbbed as he released a profuse amount of seed into the dragonkin's barren womb. It continued almost as long as the act itself had, the excess cum beginning to overflow and trickle down the bound woman's thigh. More importantly to the songmage, she had felt the telltale connection of her mind and his. A goblin, she discovered, and he was now hers to command. He pulled out without another word and stepped away to allow his friend a shot.

The second goblin wasted no time with foreplay, roughly penetrating Alisha with no concern for her. She had loosened up enough for his treatment of her to be much less painful, at least. It even sent a few volts of pleasure through her spine. There was simply no way the two could bring the woman to a peak while she was resisting, though. But it didn't seem to matter to the second goblin, either, as he quickly built into a rhythm with no concern for how his partner felt. He continued, like the first goblin had, at his own pace until he finally deposited his load in the songmage, emptying enough of his seed into the woman to make her feel slightly bloated. Like the first, Alisha could feel her enthralling magic at work on the second goblin.

The visit appeared to be at its end and the mage had command of both of her visitors, feeling a little tired and a lot messier for her ordeal, but with no issues beyond that. The two goblins were still in the room, Alisha could feel them. The question, was what to do next.
Re: A Dangerous Songbird (Keylo) GMed by Hafnium

Oh the pangs of sorrow in her soul from how crude these creatures were in their sins, unsophisticated and so weak of mind…so easily lulled in to the desires of the flesh, so willing to indulge themselves in carnal passions. Such…awfully unskilled lovers, despite their surprising girth. What a waste it was for these creatures to continue their lives in such a manner! One would think that they would at least be competent in the use of their only true assets. Yet alas, so undisciplined they were that it seemed almost a mockery to string chords of passion into them.

After all, no cry did they manage to elicit from her, scarce any arousal… souls unknown to true rapture if she had ever met any. All the goblins had managed to do in their dissonant attempt at creating harmony was a sore rear and a sticky mess… such dreadful monotony. Granted, she had little intention of adding her own voice of euphoria to a chorus of pleasure…but truly she had expected better than this. Nonetheless, it was done. A chord had been planted into the minds of those who had chose to use her as an instrument of ecstasy, rather than a singer of songs. They were now attuned to her voice, and thus from them the purging would begin.

Having kept mostly silent throughout her “ordeal”, though she hardly considered it that, Alisha would make as it to let out a chord…though no sound would ring out, save in the minds of those she now commanded.


*Obey*, that was the chord that would suddenly ring out in the minds of those forcibly attuned to the beck and call of her voice; her personal chord to command enthralled creatures to do her bidding, one that forced out any thoughts of premature rebellion. Once complete, it would be then and only then that she opted to speak, her voice soft and melodic…yet a voice that seemed to seep relentlessly into the confines of one’s mind.

”Come, release all that which binds your Maven. The blinds on her eyes, the stocks which restrain her, the seal upon her soul; touch her cheek for the last and utter the chord: “Frreie”.”

When, more likely than not, she had been released from all that had constrained her in anyway or form, it would be then that the dragonkin uttered new commands to her newest servants.

“Now then, vocalize. Tell your Maven, your choirmaster, who was to see her, what was to be done to her, who would have permission to relocate her either as toy or prey.~”

After all, while it would be easy enough to rewrite the heretics one by one in a broad and open manner, such was horribly inelegant and unartistic~…
Re: A Dangerous Songbird (Keylo) GMed by Hafnium

Maven: HP = 41/71, PP = 57/68, EP = 175, Status = Sealed (51)

As Alisha bade them to obey, obey the goblins did. Their minds were far more malleable than any others she had worked with. The idea of taking the orders of a mistress was quite literally beaten into the diminutive green demons. All the songmage had to do was to fill a position of both strength and femininity and they would follow. The lulled goblins stepped forward and attempted to remove the lock that kept the dragonkin sealed. When that didn't succeed, they instead hacked it loose with crude axes and gently helped their new mistress out of her stocks. Which might have been welcome, given the soreness creeping up her back from how long she had been forced to stand in that awkward position.

The last restriction to come off was the blindfold. It took several moments to accustom her eyes to light again, even if the small, dank chamber had little of it. Alisha found herself in a drab little dungeon, gray cobblestones making up the ceiling, walls, and floor. The area couldn't be any more than ten foot by ten foot. Two sets of stocks were side by side, bolted into the ground, although both were unoccupied now that she had made her escape. A heavy, oaken door reinforced with iron was framed in the middle of the wall. The lights that flickered from behind the wooden portal were the only accompaniment to a dim lantern which hung overhead.

Her two 'rescuers' were small and wiry, wielding crude axes. One was a plain shade of green, the other slightly darker in color. Neither had hair to speak of on their ugly heads. Both had apparently been wearing leather pants, though such was not the case as Alisha inspected them. Instead, their humorously over-sized rods stood erect in the cold air of the dungeon, still wet from the act that had enthralled them to her.

The goblins managed to tear themselves away from lewd, appraising glances of her body for just long enough to look confused at her choice of wording. It was clear that neither of them were very clever, though they did at least put an effort into answering the songmage's question. "Er, yes, uh... Songstress?" The darker green one answered in a nasally voice, his general confusion briefly exchanged for uncertainty as to what to call Alisha, before returning to general confusion again. "Lady Aphrodite is the one who sorts prisoners and slaves. She is also the one who summons us and as such provides mortals for payment. A succubus would have come to, er, test you eventually, to confirm that you were safe for payment." It wasn't hard to tell that the pause was more out of concern for angering his new mistress than out of any modesty as to what the demons would have done.

"Once the succubus was done, you would have been sorted further from there. Branded, possibly drugged, and used depending on what they found," the lighter goblin spoke up helpfully. Despite their explanation touching on all the preventive efforts that had been in place to stop just such an event, both appeared painfully oblivious that they had been charmed by magic.

The goblins had offered all they would without further questioning. If Alisha liked, she could question them further. Otherwise, the door appeared to be unlocked and unguarded, she might venture out into the hall if she so desired.
Re: A Dangerous Songbird (Keylo) GMed by Hafnium

Such simple creatures, born to serve, yet ever so corrupt from a lack of proper guidance. Instilling proper purpose in their minds would correct their paths easily enough. That however, would not fix the root of the problem, the source of such evil influences. But to even begin as to that, Alisha would have to find a means to be brought to her… and of course, a way to ensure that she was not disturbed.

A glance towards the lowly goblins would have suggested that they were capable of neither, too weak and too foolish to be of any worth beyond serving as instrument of carnal pleasure. But simply walking out through the door before her songs were fully prepared would make the presence of Crolia’s Maven known far too early…

“…Resound again. Resound as to who may bring a slave to see this…Lady Aphrodite, who may escort slaves about, and who else might call forth for a slave. Are succubi allowed to lead forth songstresses as they please?”

While it was doubtful the ones before her were capable of any of these, knowledge of who could allow her to remain obscure until the time of the final performance…was crucial. The final use for the evil remaining within the two before her…
Re: A Dangerous Songbird (Keylo) GMed by Hafnium

Maven: HP = 41/71, PP = 57/68, EP = 175, Status = Sealed (51)

(I don't feel like throwing a wall of green up; so prepare for the power of narrative exposition!)


Uncertain of what to begin with to best help their new mistress, the goblins began at the start, explaining that the keep which Alisha had found herself in was split up into four wings. There was the Cubiculum, which was led by The Devil, in this case Lady Aphrodite. The cubiculum, they explained, was mostly guarded by demons. Goblins, stalkers, varying succubi and their ilk, and even an ogre. As Aphrodite's duty in the keep included the summoning of demons, both temporary and permanent, and seeing to their payment and organization, her wing was the one that the goblins were most knowledgeable about.

"She has eyes all over the castle, songstress. Even in the wings that she's supposed to stay out of. She might even already know you've escaped."
The other nodded at this but did add; "If you want to meet with her in person, one of the succubi would be able to bring you to her. She likes to play games, though, and only answers to The Emperor. Maybe..."
"If you showed yourself to be willing to play her games, she'd let you walk right to her! She really likes toys with strong spirits, too, and you're really strong!"
The two nodded in agreement, sucking up to their temporary new mistress. Neither appeared to notice that they had essentially just called Alisha a toy.

Assuming that Alisha had more questions about the four wings, they would continue talking. The next wing they chose to describe was the Castellum, which was led by The Hanged Man, though they did not know his actual name. They had little information about the person behind the wing except that Aphrodite enjoyed calling The Hanged Man such only because he despised the moniker. They noted that he loathed demons so much that he wouldn't allow them to enter his sight and that he held the same attitude about most of the other servants in the keep, leaving the Castellum the least populated wing.

"He has a real bug up his ass, y'know?" The goblin directed the question at his comrade rather than Alisha.
"Yeah, I got lost on my first time here and stumbled into that wing and he happened by. He started yelling at me with all these big words and threatening to cut me in half to send a message to any other 'foul demon' who would 'taint the land'. Sheesh."

The third wing to be brought up was the Carcer, led by The Tower. There was only one wing that they had less information on. Indeed, the goblins seemed terrified to discuss The Tower at all, throwing glances over their shoulders. The two, demons themselves, suggested that demons among demons roamed the halls of Carcer. Their only recommendation before moving on was to avoid that wing if at all possible.

The fourth and final wing had no name and, by what they admitted to be a guess, likely housed The Emperor. They had never seen him in person but apparently he was the one that the other three answered to. The entrance was, according to them, guarded by several protective magics and physical defenses. The only way that they knew of to enter the fourth wing involved obtaining a key from each The Devil, The Hanged Man, and The Tower, and only then would she be able to confront The Emperor.

When they had finished, they looked to their new mistress nervously, obviously hopeful for either a reward for serving well or at least to avoid a punishment for doing poorly.
Re: A Dangerous Songbird (Keylo) GMed by Hafnium

((This post is made under the assumption that the remaining Sealed status is a mistake, as per previous discussion over profile conversations. If not, Alisha will order the goblins to remove the seal first before taking the described action.))

The Devil, The Hanged Man, The Tower and The Emperor… Four that would assume Fate’s arcana were what stood in the way of harmony being to chaos. It seemed that her task was more difficult than she originally anticipated, but it mattered little. She would free The Devil from the bindings of lust, put an end to The Hanged Man’s wait, return order to The Ruined Tower, and bring The Emperor to his knees. For she was The Judgment, that which would bring forth rebirth and redemption to the corrupt, and none could escape her at the last day.

But where to begin?...And where to go from there? If she was to move about freely, she would have to see to it that The Devil sang a more pleasing tune first, that was for certain. Playing along with the games of those resilient to song would perhaps be difficult, though would perhaps be the most direct means to her goals. But what of the rest?... In what order should she bring them into her choir? The Hanged Man perhaps, one who showed signs of self-redemption was easier to sculpt than one immersed in madness…at least, without a proper chorus to back her symphonies. Thus he would perhaps be the next to be brought to enlightenment. Then after that, once she had passed judgment and redemption onto all those needing salvation, then would she turn her attention to the origin of the dissonance, The Emperor, and put an end to its wicked influence.

Yes…that was how she would conduct this performance, how she would demonstrate her ability as the trump of Fate’s arcana. She would teach the servant of The Devil Sublimation, then have it lead her straight to its orchestrator, the stage of her first performance; a performance of holy verse, one to cleanse the iniquities of the soul. And once The Devil was cleansed, her pack would soon follow.

Speaking of which… there was still the matter of the two pawns before her, whose usefulness as ones bathed in sin had ended now that she knew what she needed to know. What should she, as the Maven of Songs do?

…Need one even ask? She would grant to them a special note, one that all of their compatriots would soon hear. Beckon them closer, that was what Alisha chose to do at that moment in time. And once they were close enough, she would crouch down, putting their heads close to her lips.

”Resound, thou hast surely done at this time. And thus, this reward shall be extended to you…”

…A screech perhaps, if one could describe it as that. Though one only audible to the two that the dragonkin chose as an audience. A screech that seems to tear into one’s mind like a vicious stake, one that buried itself deep with no hesitation and remorse as it gouged, it tore, it pierced into one’s sanctuaries… yet one that lasted only for a brief moment, thanks only to the simplicity of its victims. For soon things would begin to change, though simply for now. A reward, they had already, been granted the reward they presently desired from their “true master”, the one that has designated them to mingle amongst others of their kind in exchange for the opportunity to indulge the same benefits of the rest… and provided they knew who their true “mistress” was always, greater rewards for await them still. Simple lines added to the record of their lives, existing only to conceal the seeds of rebirth already planted within them. For when the time was ripe, even their very natures as goblins would be overwritten, their entire histories taken from them and replaced with something far greater… but “only” when the time was ripe.

When this had been done, it would be then that Alisha would release the goblins, a faint smile gracing her visage.

“Go, return to your business as usual. This number does not require your presence.”

And when the goblins departed, the dragon would kneel down as if in prayer upon her cell’s floor…beginning to sing softly, so that she would be able to greet whoever was next to arrive with a roaring crescendo…

((Mindworm both of the goblins, then prepare to telepathy dominate the next person to visit.))
Re: A Dangerous Songbird (Keylo) GMed by Hafnium

Maven: HP = 41/71, PP = 57/68, EP = 151/175, Status = Fine.
Resistance (Mind Worm): Goblins both fail (not big surprise). Alisha plants a nasty little surprise in their heads.
They both take 20 damage but it isn't a big deal since they're not about to get into a fist fight with anyone.

Resistance (Enthrall): Goblins both fail and remain enthralled, despite disliking having magic inserted into their brains.

Resistance (Dominate): Alisha wins, the succubus is dominated.
(You would be correct! My mistake.)

The two goblins appeared vaguely disappointed that Alisha wasn't stripping to present them their reward. Both were blatantly hoping for something a little more intimate. As she placed the worms that she would use as their eventual undoing in their minds, the two diminutive demons even attempted to break free of her and resisted the implantation of her tools. In the end, they were no match for Alisha's power, and inside them she planted the seeds that she would use for their redemption, whether they were willing or not. Furthermore, their free wills remained locked and bound in the cage the dragonkin had sealed them in.

At her command, they turned and left with only the slightest hint that they begrudged their lost chance to use their new mistress again. Their departure, marked by footsteps on the cobblestone that gradually fell away to nothingness, left the room largely silent, with the exception of Alisha's singing. But the spirit wielder did not even have time to rest before she could hear another visitor on the way. She could hear wheels rolling down the hallway outside, accompanying some clanging noises. Focusing on the noise, a series footfalls could be heard behind those noisy wheels. The owner of those feet was whistling a jaunty tune, the kind that one might hear whistled on the fields of a farm.

The song-mage's visitor did not sound like she, and the visitor was most certainly a she if her bubbly voice was given any credit, minded, or even noticed, Alisha's singing as she stopped at the door and audibly went over a checklist. "Cell number... 7. Let's see... Powerful soul, use caution, do not unshackle, fit for sealing collar. Whew, scary, scary. I don't understand why Lady Aphrodite doesn't just break these ones in immediately, all sorts of things could go wrong if they're left down here until one of us gets around to them. Maybe I should put it in the suggestion box," the visitor wondered aloud. Even as she spoke, Alisha could hear equipment being rustled and a grunt as her visitor presumably lifted something heavy. "Yep, bag number three for you." A few more steps echoed in the hall before the door swung open.

As the hallway was revealed, so too was the demon who had obviously come with orders to break Alisha. A thin red dress that had a fifty percent chance of actually concealing something on a good day, high heels that she managed to walk effortlessly in, curves and cleavage that could only really belong to a shapeshifter, crimson red skin, and two horns on her forehead that curved backward and circled past her ears to end a few inches away from her jaw were really all the evidence necessary, though she provided a bit more in her red irises. The demon, herself, was obviously not prepared for what she had seen. In her left hand was a syringe with a pink liquid that was held haphazardly, though its needle had been pierced into a cork, presumably for safety, a large leather satchel slung over that same arm, and in her right was a mug that the crimson woman was currently drinking from. The mug, Alisha noted, read You Don't Have To Be A Rapist To Work Here, But It Helps! She might quickly determine, if she was interested enough, that it hadn't always proclaimed that the demoness in front of her absolutely adored non-consensual sex, as "A Rapist" was hastily scrawled, in black paint which did not match the red and white of the cup, above a word that had only been nine-tenths removed.

The black-haired demoness spit out the liquid that had been in her mouth and dropped the mug to the floor, causing it to shatter into several pieces. "Oh shit, oh shit." She proclaimed her mantra repeatedly with the panic of someone who had seen a jailbreak before and knew all too well the implications of stumbling upon a person sitting calmly on a floor in a prison with an unlocked door rather than trying to beat their way out of the building with a two-by-four. "Pri-" she started to shout out a warning but was too late. Her yell was cut short by Alisha's song and she quickly found her willpower subsumed by that of the dragonkin. With the song-mage's spell a success, the demon stood there, still as stone, awaiting the orders of the woman who now commanded her body.
Re: A Dangerous Songbird (Keylo) GMed by Hafnium

Ah, the expression of pure terror… a herald to the oncoming of repentance, a common sight to the Singer of Demise.

”… così sottoporre! “

A roaring crescendo was what she would grace the sinner, the hapless spawn of the corrupt, to drown out its will. No other voice was to be heard on her personal stage, not while she still had…other songs left to sing.

”Come closer, and shut the door. Put down that syringe, shed thy garments, and allow this humble songstress to sing a song of pleasure for a captive audience.”

Such would be what the daughter of dragons say to her newest thrall, beckoning the temptress over as the door shut and left the two all alone…with all the time in the world to provide additional incentive for the other to remain obedient…

((Fading to black only because of a huge lack of inspiration for this scene, idea is for Alicia to make the Succubus orgasm via her tongue or fingers, but to forbid anything to be done to her as well per enthrall, to reinforce the mind control. (For Alisha knows the dangers of actually copulating with a succubus all too well.)))

Once the deed was done, it would be then that Alicia…after having licked her fingers clean of the act that had come before, chose to begin the next phase of her plan. That of securing a private audience with the one who would call herself The Devil. Cupping the face with of the now twice enthralled succubus with a delicate hand, the dragoness would opt to give a subliminal command in an almost enchantingly soft and dainty voice…

”Songs I have sung for you, songs for your amusement. And now as a weaver of tones and lyrics, I must request that you bring me to another audience. The one whom you refer to as Lady, the master of this wing. Lady Aphrodite, if a more specific name is to be given. After all, it would be a horrible sin for melodies such as this to not be spread, would it not?”

Even if the demon would normally think otherwise, she would have no choice but to think that it would indeed be a sin not to let her mistress hear the songs filled with honeyed words, delicate touches, and ever the enjoyable experiences. The dragoness would not allow her to think otherwise, for all must simply conform to her will, one way or the other. Her leaving the demon’s personality intact for now, was simply for her entertainment at present time.

”If thou art ready, then please…come closer, and remove thy Maven’s garments, bind her eyes, and secure her hands…perhaps add a chained collar and leash if necessary…and lead her to the chambers of Lady Aphrodite..”
Re: A Dangerous Songbird (Keylo) GMed by Hafnium

Maven: HP = 71, PP = 68, EP = 175, Status = Blindfolded, Bound... again.
Resistance; Alisha wins. Succubus is enthralled.

(Never thought I'd see a fade to black before the smut started in DG! But, given the wing, I'm sure this will be rectified eventually. >.>)

After her 'private performance', her audience had found herself bound even more to Alisha's will. But still the horned demon laid panting in the aftermath until the songmage made her first command. "Yes, mistress," she responded as if it were the most natural thing in the world. The black-haired woman rose up on her bare feet – her heels had been lost at some point in the middle of all that had occurred – shakily, before straightening up her red dress. The demoness practically beamed at her newest mistress as she padded to the leather satchel and knelt at it.

From it, she pulled a number of things, every single one of them lewd. A very large, pink... object, was discarded to the side, at which point it bounced comically across the dungeon floor. A purple thing as long and thick as the succubus's arm was left on the ground. A much smaller, red device was cast aside, and began to whir as soon as it hit the floor, which managed to propel it further until it hit the wall. A collection of tiny, pink egg-shaped things were pulled out of the bag. The most extensive collection of rubber animal phalli that Alisha had ever seen in her life followed shortly after the eggs. "Aha!" The red woman proclaimed triumphantly as she rose from the floor with a blindfold and chains in hand. The songmage noticed that the bag wasn't even half empty.

After retrieving the chains and blindfold, the succubus went about the task of undressing Alisha very enthusiastically. Yet, as her clothing was slid away, the dragonkin discovered that the demon's touches were soft, almost like silk against her skin, and practiced to a degree that would put a pickpocket to shame. Still, despite how effortlessly Alisha had been unclothed, the succubus went no further than ordered, focusing herself on her next task instead. She secured Alisha's hands with the chains, and placed a collar with a similar chained leash on the mage. The woman's eyes were covered with a blindfold, and she was left in darkness as her new pet went about seeing her next task to completion: escorting Alisha to Lady Aphrodite.

The walk was very long. It was easy to lose count of how many hallways and rooms that she moved through. Rats – for they sounded too big to be mice – seemed to be a constant, skittering across the floor to escape as the two approached. The only infestation worse than the rats was that of the demons. And though she couldn't see any of them, she could be assured that there were many demons in those rooms. Wolf whistles filled the air as she was paraded to Lady Aphrodite in her nudity. The songmage received more than one stealthy grope or slap on her backside, though her convert did seem to shoo most such opportunists away as quickly as she spotted them. Despite that, it might have almost been expected to last for an eternity, with how long it all continued, and Alisha's rear surely ended up red from the liberties taken.

"Mistress, we're at Lady Aphrodite's door," the songmage's succubus finally announced, ending the ungraceful parade. Alisha found their surroundings to be very quiet, and, as a bonus, free of groping, it sounded as if she had more time to prepare, and as if she might have entirely slipped past all the demons who might have kept her from her target.
Re: A Dangerous Songbird (Keylo) GMed by Hafnium

((My apologies, but a phase in which smut is hard to write strikes me every now and then. :p, I expect it to pass soon enough though.))

The implements with which her thrall normally operated were at least, of minor intrigue as they were pulled out one by one. For in all her songs of pleasure, never did she note such…variety, such an array of instruments by which she could have performed. In another day or age, when fair Crolia did not suffer so direly, she would have been inclined to take time to “compose”… to see which symphonies she could concoct with such an a vast collection. However…as she couldn’t afford to spend too much time dallying, such fancies would regrettably have to take second place to the swift deliverance of judgment.

And thus without any comment, Alisha allowed the succubus to undress, chain, blindfold, and lead her away from the room with the sad broken mug. Her head lowered, and with no smile to give…a look of impassivity to make her look as if she was a weak and vulnerable woman…albeit one whose skin glowed with a pale soft light in the manner of the divine, but a weak and defenseless one nonetheless. If anything spoiled the disguise though, it would be how…unresponsive she was to random gropes or slaps against her rear. No yelps of surprise were uttered from her, nor the slightest display of fright… And while a reddened rear may have been cause for some distress, her pride as a dragonkin who excelled at fornicating with sinners, while maintaining temperance of her own so as to bring forth their salvation, would not allow her to give “trivial harassment” such as that more than a slight smirk at best…out of bemusement of course.

It would only be once she arrived at her destination, that the songstress would finally break her silence to correct her thrall… now grinning slightly from the current course of events.

“The term is Maestro. I am a composer of symphonies, not one who revels in the dominion of others. Remember that. “

Naught but a pet peeve of hers, or so many seemed to mistake her line of work for another. Though her correction would matter little given her next instructions.

“Nonetheless, knock upon her door. And introduce me initially as a “toy” by which she would be interested in. The finer details are left to you to decide.”

This of course, was naught but a test to see how powerful the self-proclaimed “Lady Aphrodite” was of course, to see if what the extent of her opponent’s perception. Whether or not she were able to notice the domination and see through the ruse, would play a large role in determining what card Alisha was to play next… As her thrall proceeded to do as she was told, Alisha would perform the simplest of silent prayers, steeling herself for what was to come.

((Activate Blessing 3.))
Re: A Dangerous Songbird (Keylo) GMed by Hafnium

Maven: HP = 71, PP = 68, EP = 175, Status = Blindfolded, Bound... again.
Not really any rolls, but the enthralled succubus disappears!

Alisha couldn't see it, but the succubus nodded. Similarly, she couldn't see it as the crimson-skinned hand raised to grab the doorknocker, but she could hear it when the door opened, before a single rap was emitted. "Ah, I've been waiting for you. It's time for you to go back home and think on how you failed." The exchange was almost entirely silent, except for the sound of a key hitting the ground. Somehow, the songstress could tell that her enthralled succubus companion was no longer around. "I'm sorry, dear... maestro, is it? I don't like threesomes, despite whatever you may heard about us succubi, there's just no intimacy to it, and someone always gets jealous."

The voice was obviously directed toward Alisha. The sound of high heels clacking across the floor seemed to echo in the room, but the songmage could tell that the succubus was moving far to her left rather than toward her. "But maybe that doesn't bother you much, if you would have yourself introduced as a toy. Have you come for a dose of my sweet affections, little girl? You needed only ask..." Her words dripped with honey. By listening, the dragonkin could tell that she hadn't moved at all. "But you are my guest, my little friends have assured me of as much." Something skittered across the floor, large and furry, it brushed between Alisha's legs before moving toward the source of the succubus's voice.

"Who's a good boy? You are, yes you are," she addressed the unseen vermin in baby-talk, before returning her vocal attentions on the still chained and blindfolded Alisha. "Right now you are mostly at my mercy," the steps began to come closer to her, stopping several feet in front of her. "I have no doubt that you have some nasty little tricks, to have made it outside my bedroom. You can try them on me, if you'd like, but with a blindfold and chains on, I wholeheartedly believe I will win. You can, of course, try to find the key and even the playing field, you might even manage to do so before I have you begging for my touch..." she trailed off.

"... Or, you can accept an invitation into my bedroom and we can have a little fun. I think you're familiar with the art of enthralling a lover and doubtless familiar with what my kind will do to a partner with such a big soul, and both of these things are the stakes I would propose. The winner, though I'd like to believe we both will be, in a way, is the one whose willpower is strongest. It will be so much more than just fun, little toy, one of us will gain the other as a pet, to do whatever they like with. Maybe that intrigues you?" The footsteps moved a few feet further away from Alisha, before the unseen lady concluded; "In a few moments, I'm sure I'll know your decision, and we'll see how talkative I remain."
Re: A Dangerous Songbird (Keylo) GMed by Hafnium

Although the succubus had disappeared, she would have completed her purpose excellently regardless by doing so. So long as she had been useful in gauging the master of the wing's disposition and abilities, whatever fate befell her was of little concern to Alisha.

Rather, what was truly important now was the course of action she should choose to take now that she was before the master of the wing. Granted, it would have perhaps been better to not be bound and blindfolded, however given the nature of her abilities, her present state did little to limit her actions. Well, at least as far as simply setting everything in front of her ablaze...

However, that was not the manner in which a singer of songs should behave. That, sort of barbarism was best left for those who would call themselves wizards or sorceresses. Instead, in accordance with a more civil line of behavior, the dragonkin would...

Take a few steps into the room as she had been offered, and then bend to one knee, head lowered.

"...Thou woundest me with your accusations, to suggest I would come this way to resort to petty tricks or to simply seek a delicate touch. Rather, I am a minstrel that seeks a master to sing for, an artist in search of an appropriate muse. But alas, the common folk have little in the ways of understanding or appreciating talent. A single harmonious note is enough to bring most of them to their knees, babbling senseless and undeserved praise. While some find the praise of the rabble to be enough, I seek...more worthy commendations. Pleasentries aside however, please...do allow me the chance to compose a song of pleasure for you, one woven with multiple ecstasies."

A statement, interwoven with both truth and lies. While once she would perhaps have truly sought a master upon the discovery of such a gift, the love for her homeland was the only thing that held true sway over her. Yet while she was behind enemy lines, to be a personal songstress or servant to one capable of great influence would allow far more discretion and flexibility in her movements, than she would be able to otherwise. And this way, even if she were to become charmed... she would be able to behave in a manner fitting to the words she had claimed.
Re: A Dangerous Songbird (Keylo) GMed by Hafnium

Maven: HP = 71, PP = 68, EP = 175, Status = Sealed (75)
Alisha is sealed... again. X = 25.

(Normally I wouldn't throw smut at you so quickly after you were having issues. But, uh, Alisha did kind of just agree to a sex-off with a succubus, so yeah. >.>)

A musical giggle erupted in the unseen room as Alisha knelt. "Is that so? You'll simply have to prove it to me." the sultry voice replied. A few clicks and clacks of what the songmage could assume to be her host's high heels against the floor alerted her that the lady of the wing stood right in front of her. Two delicate, dainty hands caressed her face, one taking her chin in hand and the other rubbing against her cheek. The dragonkin felt a slight burn on her cheek and, with her spiritual powers cut off from her once more, immediately knew that she had been sealed. "Wouldn't want you to cheat," Aphrodite whispered into her ear.

She was then led, by the hand on her chin, back to her feet and further into the room. The unseen woman gradually brought her to a halt, after a short distance, then slipped behind her. A few clicks later and Alisha's hands were unbound. The delicate hands grabbed onto her shoulders, guiding her to turn around, toward the woman who had slipped behind her. Once she was facing the succubus, one of those hands pushed against her chest, causing her to lose her balance and fall backward, with no way to see what she was going to hit on the way down.

The blinded girl, instead of falling back and cracking her head on something, ended up being cushioned by a huge, soft mattress. She could feel velvet covers beneath her naked back, a pleasant sensation against her skin. "That's a good look for you," Aphrodite teased. "I wonder how it will look on me," she added ominously. The dragonkin didn't need to think too hard about what it meant, either, as her blindfold was removed only to see... herself. It wasn't really herself, though. The person taking the dragonkin's form had an arrogant smirk that she appeared to have been born with and was a little bit taller. Still, she had the same glowing skin, the same unusual features, the same colored hair. Of course, there was also the matter of the average-sized rod poking out from between her doppelganger's legs, which Alisha, herself, lacked.

The room, itself, was an impressive affair in comparison to the dungeons. It was circular, easily fifty feet in diameter, with twenty foot high ceilings. Marble columns lined the outer ring of the room. An oaken vanity with a mirror larger than Alisha herself could be seen in one section of the room. Bookcases filled with books, mostly lewd in nature but some educational in other ways, lined a section of the wall. A few other bits and pieces of oak furniture could be found elsewhere. The bed she had ended up on was circular, and large enough for an ogre to comfortably bed in. It was absolutely flooded with silky pillows, and an open curtain of similar material ran around the entirety of the bed.

"What do you think? Ever made love to yourself before?" Aphrodite teased, in regards to her appearance, still retaining her own voice, at least. "You'll never forget this, trust me." She idly touched the phallus between her legs. "I can give you one, if you'd like, when we get to the main event. But for now I think it's only fair that I give you a head-start. Show me a song of pleasure with those lips of yours, maestro. Worship it as you'll worship me when I'm through with you," she concluded with a mocking grin.
Re: A Dangerous Songbird (Keylo) GMed by Hafnium

((And half a year later...))

It is said that there are two things which are immeasurable as far as dragons are concerned; the riches of their hoard, and the extent of their pride. Pride in their powerful, mighty forms, their mastery over the elements with naught but a simple breath, their dominance in all things they cared to master...unequaled in their eyes by any other mortal, breathing creature to the point of narcissism. While Alisha was not necessarily as vain as her ancestors, it could not be denied that the form before her offered comfort and satisfaction. No amount of priestly training could deny her the self-gratification that ran through her very blood. Before her, was "perfection"; the "saintly" body that had brought so many to their knees prior. Sinner the demon may be... but perhaps this concert would be pleasing to her for once. No...her discipline prevented that much at least. Though at the very least, she'd start with a cantata to "herself", a song of self reflection...and worship.

That of course, did not mean to show such inclinations to her "audience". Well, not for longer than a brief moment anyway, a brief flash of approval in her eyes at best. After all, it was unbecoming for a "maestro" to show self indulgence. No, instead it was better to appear composed, to make the "listeners" believe the songs to be performed were for their desires alone.

"It is is unusual indeed, for a songstress to begin a serenade with such an introspective piece. Most ask for odes dedicated to their name, their splendor and beauty. But if that is what the lady of the occasion desire...then such a tune I will first perform. The night is young, and many numbers shall be performed this day after all..."

A sultry tone, yet not so much as to mar the melody of her voice. A flame of passion to offer attractive contrast to sapphire blue pupils, enough to pique curiosity, but not enough to throw reason to the wind. Slowly she would crawl her way towards her would-be "master" on hand and knee along the velvet covers, rear raised and head lowered. Her movements, one might say, were subservient, like a pet that had already acknowledged their place. But for those who were more observant, those movements would instead, seem more serpentine in nature than submissive, like a predator moving to strike.

Once in position, it would be then that delicate silk like hands would first wrap themselves around the "object of worship" running along its length in a delicate...but painstakingly slow pace. A slow initial tempo, to set the mood for more...dramatic shifts later on. A gentle appraising caress to send small, tiny sparks along into the owner's very core... delicate "strums" along it, in the manner a musician might give to a harp or lyre they were playing for the very first time. A conductor, learning how best to lead an orchestra into a slow and sensual waltz.

At the end of the caress, the rod would then be brought against to the songstress's soft, tender cheek as the latter opted to "nuzzle" against it softly, closing her eyes as if in an act of reverence. Seemingly as if its nature had been judged, and met with approval. Excitement, the best word to describe the new spark in the ocean blue eyes, as Alisha would then move away slowly from the phallic member so as to grant its tip a gentle kiss...then another further down on its head...before a whip-like tongue emerged from the delicate lips and began tracing every vein and part. If the caresses were appraisals, then surely this must be a tuning of sorts, each slow lick along a different part of the organ being an experiment to see which would produce an ideal sound...what offered the best taste, as perceptive ears paid close attention to the respective responses to each act of stimuli.

Once the daughter of dragons was satisfied with what she had gathered, it would be only then that she repositioned herself to finally wrap her succulent lips around the head of the conjured phallus...tongue extending and masterfully wrapping itself around the length as she did so. Finally, the introduction had been completed...and the time for the first verse was at hand. Forked tip finding its way to the member's urethal opening, when Alisha finally began to move her head, bobbing along the member's length, the serpentine organ too would play a role. Constricting against the fleshy conjuration (but not too tight) as the tip danced about the sensitive opening... the deceptive force exerted by such delicate and soft lips could only be described as a vice. Not in a manner that'd cause physical injury...but rather perhaps, threaten to wring every drop from the object it now held captive. Certainly, the songstress did not lie when she claimed she was here to sing a song of pleasure. However, as to the length of the performance...well, that had yet to be seen.

((...Foreplay, go.))
Re: A Dangerous Songbird (Keylo) GMed by Hafnium

Maven: HP = 71, PP = 68, EP = 175, Status = Sealed (75)
Total of 27 PP damage dealt (3 rounds rolled). If Alisha didn't have Spunky it would have been 0. >.>

Her opponent's mocking grin remained plastered across her face as Alisha began. The demoness's expression held no secrets at the onset. When the succubus watched the songstress crawl across the bed on all fours, she was only imagining how pleasant it would be to see the proud descendant of dragons travel that way all the time. And it would take nothing less than the spirit wielder's best performance to prevent Aphrodite from realizing her depraved imaginings.

The woman's veined rod stood at attention as Alisha took it into her hands. It was as she did so that Aphrodite's visage became stoic. Though she might have stolen the songstress's looks, it was difficult to discern anything from the demon's new expression. Where many might have melted beneath her touch and pledged their undying services to her for the affections she was offering then, Aphrodite offered no outward response to the beginning of her performance. The only evidence Alisha had that her strokes were accomplishing anything was the bead of precum that formed on the tip of the conjured manhood.

Her progression to nuzzling the demoness's magical appendage did elicit a reaction. "Ah, that's more worshipful," she praised the dragoness. When she finally opened her mouth her enjoyment of the act became more obvious, punctuated as it was by soft sighs. So, too, did the initial kiss garner more comments. "You'd make an excellent succubus. I could convert you, you know. Maybe once you've been my pet for a while." The offer sounded truly genuine.

The rest observed nothing but silence and the occasional pleased sigh, unless Alisha chose to make a reply. Her tongue's ministrations were rewarded with more salty drops of precum and a soft moan. The chorus of the room was accompanied by the gentle slurping noises made as the dragons' descendant began to bob her head along the succubus's length. The demoness seemed to bask in the sight of the powerful spirit wielder earnestly servicing her as much as she did the feel of Alisha's mouth wrapped around her shaft.

Aphrodite allowed her to continue her service for a fair amount of time, though despite Alisha's best efforts her partner seemed nowhere near orgasm. Her oral pleasuring of the demoness must have lasted a few minutes before she was halted. Her opponent pulled away gently, allowing Alisha to unravel her serpentine tongue, and placed two fingers underneath the dragoness's jaw in order shift her gaze upward in order to meet her doppelganger's. "I know the truth about you," she claimed.

"Whether you think you're doing this to accomplish some greater goal or whether you think you're doing this because you want to 'compose a song of pleasure' for me, it's all the same. Deep inside you is an obedient pet just waiting to be freed. It's the truth of every creature born upon this wretched world." She spoke the words so casually that any weak-willed person might have assumed them true if only for that. "And it's my duty to teach you who you really are inside. No matter how strong you are, when I'm finished you'll know the truth. You'll be happier."

The succubus moved her hands to Alisha's shoulders and nudged her backward, pinning her down to the bed. She straddled the spirit wielder with her body, which happened to be a nearly mirror image of Alisha's body. "So, how would you like it? Have you ever penetrated another woman before? It's magnificent, I assure you. Or perhaps you'd like to play it familiar and receive? Or... I can give you the full service. There's no guarantees that it won't break your fragile mind, though~"
Re: A Dangerous Songbird (Keylo) GMed by Hafnium

No stranger to belittlement and scorn by demonic "lovers", the dragoness remained collected and indifferent to her foe's remarks, carrying herself with a...professionalism of sorts as she meticulously continued her "worship" without a word. No proper maestro would turn away from her performance to entertain a critic. To allow herself to be distracted, even by another master of hearts and emotions, would be to willingly sully her craft with dissonant chords stemming from the opinions of the rest. Besides, lesser demons had often spoken the same, only to melt away from her delicate ministrations. Sinful travelers and hypocritical priestesses during her... "confinement" at the covenant, had met the same fate.

Rather it was only after the prelude had been completed, that Alisha would offer any sort of verbal response to her "opponent"'s claims. And if there were any worry or doubt in her mind after the...relatively lackluster results from her initial performance, the songstress made no sign of it at all, behaving exactly as before. It was impossible for the result to have been expected by her, yet no surprise would she show whatsoever. Instead, she remained subservient, yet elegant...meek, yet composed. Was it because she believed herself capable of victory still?

"It is as you say, this world is indeed a wretched place. Interwoven with webs of lies and deceit, few of us truly know what we really are. But my lady, thou woundest me yet again with thy accusations. To claim ulterior motives, to imply that I might be bold enough to join thy ranks... Is not a songbird happiest, with an owner for which to sing? What I seek, it naught but a fulfillment of such truths, a stage by which to perform."

No, as it would turn out, the daughter of dragons sincerely intended for the results to be the same either way. For her to become the "personal" pet of this wing's master, to put herself in a position to act...yet remain obscured by shadows still. From the very first step into the room, Alisha had been acting with purpose. Each word, each movement...all carefully tailored to ensure that regardless of who became enthralled, progress would be made towards the Emperor. If she were to somehow succeed in enthralling the succubus, then everything would work out in itself. If not, then her very own declarations would allow her to retain her greater purpose. A thrall after all, was capable of serving another purpose still, so long as it created no conflict with the dominant force upon its mind. By carefully merging her own intentions with what she believed her enchanter's would be, so as to ensure some semblance of free will... there was little need for her be concerned in the slightest. If the demon desired naught but endless private serenades, she would comply. If instead multiple public concerts were the wish instead, then concerts would she perform (though a heavy tax would she charge on each listener). Granted, there was still the indignity and depravity of lowering oneself to be a mere pet to another. But as one chosen to purge the world of evil, to shed light on a corrupt world, such minor affronts could easily be forgiven in due time.

It is these thoughts that would allow Alisha to focus her attentions so surely to the task at hand. To so sincerely perform the role of a servant looking for a master, in spite of the blood that ran in her veins. For after all, in the dragonkin's mind? She would win in the end, regardless.

"It would be a lie to say that I have not... Yet it would also be a lie to say I was experienced at such at parting flowers. However, as a performer I will do whatever the audience demands. The choice is yours my lady."

((Full resistance either way))
Re: A Dangerous Songbird (Keylo) GMed by Hafnium

Maven: HP = 71, PP = 68, EP = 175, Status = Sealing Collar (??), Enthralled
Round 1: Single Penetration.
Round 2: Double Penetration. Orgasm.
Round 3: Triple Penetration. Orgasm.
Round 4: Quadruple Penetration. Orgasm.
Round 5: More of the same. Orgasm.

Total PP damage to Alisha: 526, which, uh, drains her unconscious.
Total PP damage to Aphrodite: 99. She still has PP to spare. >.>

Resistance Checks: Alisha wins... at least until after Alisha was knocked out and Aphrodite was given the opportunity to do things to her unconscious body. >.>

"This will be good fun," Aphrodite promised. "You'll soon know how paradise feels, my precious little pet."

The demoness's stolen form began to change. Her conjured manhood receded into her body, leaving her groin looking as if it had never been there at all. Alisha's body simultaneously began to change, a phallic head poking forth from the skin of her groin, inches above her clit. It grew into a fully fledged cock, a mirror of the one that she had serviced not more than minutes prior. By the time its growth had concluded, it was at least six inches.

Aphrodite readjusted herself. The demon was obviously well experienced, her every movement was a sultry promise as she came to her knees above the dragoness's crotch. The dragonkin's doppelganger dipped her hand to her nethers, spreading her lips with two fingers. With a last, devilish grin, the competition was beginning in earnest. Alisha was able to watch and feel as the demoness slowly impaled herself on the songstress's cock.

And it quickly became apparent that no amount of pride would see her win the competition she was in.

The pleasure was otherworldly, it was the only way to explain it. The way her opponent's inner walls squeezed and contorted around her shaft. Even though her succubus mirror wasn't moving at all, her insides were convulsing around Alisha as if to milk the spirit wielder of her seed simply by resting on her lap. It was a shock of pleasure that would normally be reserved for a person's first time, the kind of sensation that would leave a weaker person's mind blank and see them drooling on the sheets. Aphrodite clearly knew it, judging by the predatory smile playing about her lips.

"That's one~" She proclaimed in a singsong-y voice as she moved her hands to the supine dragoness's legs for balance. "You've outdone my expectations, but I'm not done yet..."

"Two," the succubus announced, and it took no inquiry to understand what she was counting. Alisha felt her clit begin to engorge as it changed its shape into that of an organ to match the one embedded in her succubus adversary. Aphrodite reached back to grab and guide the growing appendage, directing it between the warm, soft cheeks of her rear in order to impale herself on it as well. It was too much. Without either of the two ever openly moving their bodies, Alisha suffered her first orgasm at the hands of the demonic woman.

As she loosed several thick, though infertile, ropes of cum in the succubus's unearthly pleasurable orifices, it became increasingly obvious that she was no match in the contest she had chosen. She was a guppy fighting a shark. The dragoness was no weakling, she had sung songs of pleasure before, songs of war in abundance, and any other number of melodies, but Aphrodite had her sorely outmatched in the bedroom. She knew it, too. Her vicious smile only grew wider as the spirit wielder's energy drained in amounts far exceeding those that had been deposited in the succubus's womb and bowels.

"You're willful," she announced, clearly referring to the dragonkin's ability to shrug off the succubus's soul as the latter attempted to enthrall her. "You'll be fun to properly train. Three~"

Something burst forth from Aphrodite's back. From Alisha's view it looked akin to a shadowy tendril. She could see it moving, but couldn't track it for its position behind the demon it was attached to. But she didn't need to see it in order to feel it prodding its way between her netherlips. It parted her easily for the slickness induced by her body's orgasm and thrust its way into the pinned and pleasure-stunned spirit wielder. Even it was unnatural in its ability to induce a feeling of ecstasy. Bumpy nodules seemed to seek out her every sensitive spot, rubbing against every patch of nerves on her inner walls in the process.

Without fanfare, Alisha's body was forced into a second orgasm. More waves of white filled Aphrodite's belly and more of the songstress's spirit was siphoned away. Nothing about it seemed to play out the way it should have. Neither of her turgid phalli were sore, neither softened, and both felt like they were encouraging her to seek more pleasure. The succubus seemed nowhere close to her peak, either. She giggled mockingly at the spirit wielder. "You'll need much more training to give me a fitting performance, but I'll provide it all for you, along with a nice little collar and leash to show you your new place. Four~!"

A second tendril joined the first, aiming a little bit lower than its counterpart. There was no meaningful struggle that Alisha could offer as it parted her ass cheeks and insistently pressed its way into her unoccupied hole. Thankfully it was small and easy to accommodate, but even its miniature size didn't hinder it from attacking her nerves in much the same way as its bigger brother. Aphrodite still hadn't moved her hips in the slightest, and Alisha rode out a fourth orgasm.

"All your wasted seed inside me," she cooed happily. "A shame that a strong specimen like yourself isn't fertile, you would provide an impressive heir. I can think of a potion that might momentarily allow me to do just that, though... Another thing to add to my list for later. For now, let's begin~"

From the moment the words escaped her lips, it was truly and completely over. The time it took her to raise her hips in order to thrust herself upon Alisha once more was only a countdown toward the songstress's impending defeat. The way the sensations all combined was truly too much. The feeling of her twin pricks embedded in Aphrodite's heavenly body, the feeling of tendrils tailor-made for her pleasure pounding away at her, and the rhythm that the sensations maintained between each other hammered at Alisha's head such that the raw ecstasy of the scenario would have blasted her into unconscious even if her draining soul hadn't.

Her body surrendered one final time, her conjured cocks spraying out another set of loads and her body convulsing around the twin invaders pumping at her crotch and rear. Alisha's last conscious orgasm felt almost halfhearted, as if her body had simply acquiesced to the knowledge that the succubus would be providing it with much more of the same. "Don't feel bad about blacking out, you don't need to be awake for me to finish up here," the demoness who had copied her image announced calmly as she bounced upon the rapidly fading dragoness.

With those parting words, it would be understandable if her soul's latest victory against her opponent's attempt to entrap it would feel bittersweet.


Alisha awoke naked, lying face up upon the bed she had lost consciousness on. Upon her neck was a silver collar with "A.S." engraved in the metal in an almost breathtaking display of cartography and metalwork. It had a hook that a red leather leash was attached to. For some reason, Alisha's brain told her that this was her normal state of dress.

Strangely enough, the spirit wielder's brain was also quite convinced that she was Lady Aphrodite's loyal pet, a notion that her pride as a dragoness rebelled against. She still remembered the events of before her sleep, though they had taken on a loving light and the words were conspicuously absent. It was all made even odder by the memory that she not only held no love for the rest of the compound's inhabitants, Emperor included, but that she, in fact, wanted to cleanse them all... just not the demoness who had held her leash.

That very demoness was in the room with her, sitting on the edge of the bed. She wore a cloak and hood and had her back turned such that it was impossible to see her features, but she did speak up once the songstress had come back to the waking world. "You're awake, my sweet pet~ I was afraid I had taken too much from you. How are you feeling today?"
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Re: A Dangerous Songbird (Keylo) GMed by Hafnium

Paradise?...So many had claimed that, yet so few had been able to deliver. Granted with how familiar the demon had been with the techniques used in the prelude. Thus is was "plausible", that the shapeshifter before her might allow her to experience some ecstasy. Even as the ever so familiar...extra, appendage was conjured, even as she stared into those predatorial eyes, confidence still brimmed within the dragoness, she had defeated other demons in the bedroom before...

"Then I must be truly than- Hyahh?!~"

...But evidently? None of this caliber. For the moment the succubus first lowered herself upon the conjured member, the very moment those walls began to contract, Alisha's eyes would widen in visible shock and an absolutely melodic cry of both pleasure and surprise would ring out (testifying at the very least, she was indeed a songstress), taking completely off guard. How could...but surely she had been preparing herself for it, to resist it? No... if she didn't resist, she would already be broken at this point. Straining to keep some semblance of pride, she'd attempt to force a smirk, gritting her teeth to not allow for another cry.

Yet when her clit began to engorge and she felt it guided between those ever so soft and warm cheeks... even that notion altogether was completely robbed from her as she felt the knot within her give way and seed pour into what was unquestionably now her superior (as far as lovemaking was concerned at least), voice ringing out in what could only be described as a "harmonic" scream of pleasure. The sensation of her soul being torn into...no the sensation of being utterly, and hopelessly dominated. The last time she felt this was when she was a student...when she had first been taught purpose in her life. Taught by...who? That wasn't clear. But regardless, draconic pride or not...she knew when she had met her match, as by this point Alisha allowed her voice free reign.

There was no way for a child with a cuckoo flute to match the masterful symphonies of a grandmaster pianist. No way for a hatchling to defeat the oldest of dragons. No way for her to not have the entirety of her soul devoured by the one she had intended to be a "master" over her for the duration of her mission. It was clear that she had lost, that the demon had succeeded in "proving" herself as a "master". But that of course, only extended to songs of pleasure. Her soul, at least what was left of it, easily swatted away the attempt at overtaking it. Her mentor, the one who had inspired her to become the cleanser of the world, had ensured that she stood above all others on that front.

"You'll be fun to properly train. Three~"

However, none of that would matter if she were rendered unable to use those defenses altogether. Something that seemed inevitable as the very act of tendril pierced into her maidenhood sent her over the edge yet again. It was clear enough now, that she would end up a legitimate pet to the one that claimed herself to be "The Devil". There was no other way about it at this point. Rather now the questions were as to the duration, and purpose (beyond the obvious of course). She had faith that eventually, she would shrug off an enthrallment altogether, the succubus had not yet shown she'd be able to maintain it if any conflict ever arose. However, if she were to make no progress towards eliminating this threat to the Crolian people...or rather, if the task became impossible as a result of this, that... would truly mean her defeat.

But that scenario was only possible, if she had failed completely in her reading of the wing's master. And by what her now exhausted consciousness could make of Lady Aprhrodite's words, even as she found herself quadruple penetrated by a single being for possibly the first time, Alisha doubted it. A "strong specimen", "an impressive heir"...the very air the demon carried herself in... this wasn't the behavior of one who was content with where they were, not one who was happy with being merely a lieutenant to an "Emperor". And while her ability to make one's very sense of self melt away by pleasure, now that she had been connected so to the succubus... the dragoness believed that her Lady's other powers were perhaps...lacking. At least, so the attempts to overtake her soul seemed to tell.

That's where she would come in then, and where her greatest chances of continuing her mission lay. More likely than not, with each portion of the songstress's soul the shapeshifter devoured, memories, ideals, and other details too would come along with it. All of which, as far as she were concerned, was fine. Let her become known as a faithful servant to the queen, let her become known as the infamous "Maven of Strings" who brought ruin and terror to the wicked with each chord and sound. Most of all, let her "status" as a weapon, a last ditch resort to be used only against the greatest of threats against Her Majesty's people become known, one that had been effectively "locked away" in a covenant till her presence became imperative. Her foremost goal know was that her "new master" recognized her not as a mere breeding tool or battery like the rest, but instead a lethal and powerful tool. One that could be used for her own purposes, to seize power and grant her dominion like no other "pet" could. If such was allowed to come to pass, so long as she would still seek headway towards cleansing the rest and her true purpose was kept a secret from The Emperor, then all would be well...for the most part.

And thus, in those final moments, as Lady Aphrodite moved her hips upwards to finish Alisha off...that would be the entirety of the dragon daughter's actions. To push to the forefront of her soul memories and experiences that emphasized her abilities, her purpose, and her efficiency. Such that as her vision faded, and her senses began to dull, even that of her voice...she just might manage a smile still.


A...S...her initials. Odd how she hadn't notice those details before, with her having worn this for so long.

Reawakening would be a bit... disorienting for Alisha, as everything seemed to come to her all at once. Her loyalty to Lady Aphrodite, her master and her ultimate "ideal", her hatred for the unclean swine that would dare to even think of claiming a similar status or beyond than that of her mistress...and of course, how she had been planning on rectifying such a thing for the longest time now. But wait...a mistress? When did a daughter of dragons such as her serve a-

"You're awake, my sweet pet~ I was afraid I had taken too much from you. How are you feeling today?"

With naught but a simple sentence from her master though, all her confusion would disappear as she instantly felt at peace. Why had their been any doubt in her heart at all? She was a songbird after all, and Lady Aphrodite was her mistress. Crawling up along the bed, Alisha would find herself rubbing up against her master's back, draping her arms around the latter's neck in the process while nuzzling her cheek against it... pleased to simply take in the demon's scent. Glowing, snow white draconic wings emerging from her body, wings that generally only emerged that in the past in the presence of someone she trusted or to demonstrate awe, would then wrap themselves gently around the succubus, one final act of subservience before she finally spoke.

"Forgive me my Lady, it was not my intention to make you worry. I feel as if I've been in the deepest of slumbers, from which I only now awake. What shall your songbird sing for you today?..."

To some extent, a certain...elegance, had disappeared from her speech. For her words veiled neither draconic arrogance, nor hidden intentions. Instead, in their place, was a strange "gentleness", a "docilty" seemingly possible only by someone who had in some distant past, been trained to express subservience.
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