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A Cold Place (Dreana)

Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

Shadowcat makes for a ghastly spectacle as she walks down the road, the blood dripping from her claws and arms until it dries. After half an hour of walking, she reached the western edge of the town, and spied a lone man walking into a small building. The sign ahead of her said that she was in the merchants district, and all of the buildings seemed abandoned. She hadn't found anyplace to wash up, but perhaps she could find a bathhouse or a well.
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

*Upon sighting the figure going into the building she shifted into stealth mode so to speak and moved off worry about cleaning up pushed to the back of her mind as she sought out the building the unknown figure went into to see if this was competition or perhaps prey.*
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

Stealth Check: Success

Shadowcat silently and swiftly stalks into the house after the man, and finds him standing in a hallway over the corpse of a naked woman. "Worthless." She hears him mutter, as he shakes his head. He is holding a pair of swords, but she could probably sneak up on him if she wanted to.
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

*a feral grin across her lips as the blood covered form darted in on silent feet seeking to move in behind him and with a deft movement of hands one would snatch ahold of hair or head and tilt his head back so those pointed nails upon the other might gain a better hold as she sought to rip the mans throat from his neck and stifle any screams along with any fight that he might put up.*
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

(If it weren't an important NPC, I'd epic roleplay the f*ck out of that one.)

Shadowcat sneaks up behind the man, moving as silent as death and as quickly as lightning, and her claws are about to close around his hair and throat before she suddenly finds herself floating a foot off the ground, unable to move.

"There aren't many that can sneak up on me like that." He says, and turns to look at her. He has white hair and golden eyes, which seem to be glowing blue at the moment. "Not bad kitty;" he says. "Now, care to explain why your were sneaking up on me?"
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

"well 4 words come to mind...most liekly why everyone is here... killing evil corrupt thing." she twitched about in the air trying to test how much movement she had while being floated like she was chewing her lip as her mind passed over possibilities
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

"Ahhh. More competition. Wonderful. Why didn't you just says so? It's not nice, trying to kill people who haven't started anything with you ya know." He says, and shakes his right index finger back and forth at her.

"Might as well let you down then." He says, and suddenly Shadowcat finds herself back on the ground. She lands on her feet. "Hey, have I seen you before?" He says, cocking his head at her.
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

*gives a soft laugh at his question and shakes her head body tense to move just in case he decides to start something suddenly* "oohh..the only people to see me more then once would know me by name..you in this just for the money huh? or you got other interests?" *she gave another grin showing teeth as she rubbed her hands together scratching little bits of dried blood from her hands as well*
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

"Really? Maybe I've heard of you then? That hair just looks so familiar...." He says, and assumes a pondering pose, his hand scratching at his chin. It is then that she notices that his swords are back in their sheaths, one at his left hip and the other over his left shoulder.

"Me? I'm just in it for the money. What else would I be here for?"
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

"ohhh money is grand and lovely in getting you along in life but the thrill of the kill? that holds nothing for you..watching an enemy writhe in pain as blood oozes from the cuts of your claws?...well in your case swords. If your sooooo curious as to who i am..they know me simply as Shadowcat."
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

When she mentions the name Shadowcat, his head perks up, and he smiles. "So, you're Shadowcat? THE Shadowcat? Interesting. I'd thought I'd heard that name before, and heard your description along with it. You're that assassin! Nice to meet ya!" He says brightly. "I'm Geralt, by the way. Geralt the Hunter."
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

hah a hunter..the exact nature of our future..discussions with each other may depend entirely upon what your title refers to hunting...a people hunter...a monster hunter....a treasure hunter? i'm always curious if anyone was ever ballsy enough to put any bounty upon me.
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

"Hunter of what you ask? Why, I hunt everything! Men, beasts, monsters. And as for a bounty on your head...." He trails off, his smile suddenly becoming menacing. "Of course. Dead or alive, a million denarii in pure gold. Payed on delivery of live body or beheaded corpse."

Suddenly, his mood lightens considerably; "But I have no interest in collecting it. And I know of few who would. No, that much money is impossible to spend in one place, and not worth hauling around to find things to spend it all on. "
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

"well that at least makes things aim more to a cooperative view...well at least a non-hostile one..and ohh it makes me so happy to know i have gotten so much attention as to earn that kind of bounty" *she started to pace around the little place they were standing taking in the current surroundings making a quick check to make sure they had not gained any other attention by their conversation.* "oohh why is this dead woman so worthless?"
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

"Oh that? She gave in to the demons corruption. Went mad, tried to rape me, you know the story. She might have been pretty. Once." He says, his grim but joking demeanor returning.
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

"well..as of yet we have not agreed to work together and no offense but i'm not interested in standing around all day..if we are gonna...cooperate we can walk and talk if we are not then why not tell me where you are going so i dont end up following after you and we end up fighting over the same kills."
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

"I'm perfectly willing to cooperate, so long as you agree on an even 50/50 split of all funds acquired through kills taken while in the town of Artmirst, not including those taken before we entered into contract. As for where I was going, I was about to head upstairs and see if there was anything in the attic. Demonic or shiny."
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

*she lifted a hand to her chin turning to look the man from head to toe she was already aware he was a capable person and so she gave a shrug of her shoulders and smiled a toothy smile* "well...sounds like a fitting arrangement to me..that little trick of yours was pretty nifty. i'll have to learn it one day. so anyways lets check upstairs for shiny or demonic things"
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

"Excellent. Do lets!" The man says, and walks past her to the stairs leading up. He starts to ascend, not waiting for her to follow as he takes the steps two at a time, though he is being surprisingly quiet about it.
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

*grins at his eagerness and follows along behind him moving stealthily as well just as eager to see whats awaiting further along*