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A Cold Place (Dreana)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

Shadowcat silently moved through the forest along the side of the road, toward the Badorian village of Artmirst. She had never understood why the soft-skinned people lived so clustered, and in such strange, square dwellings, but she didn't much care. It only made it that much easier to kill them and escape cleanly. This would not be much different from her usual missions, she thought. Kill some creatures that were much slower and dumber than she, and sell their body parts to alchemists at some other town. Money and blood, both ripe for the taking.

She slowed considerably as she saw a lone wolf up ahead, peering intently at the road. She effortlessly snuck up behind the creature, stopping when she got within ten feet, as she noticed that there was something very... wrong... with the creature. It's eyes glowed red, visible even though she was behind it, there were short, wriggling protrusions extending from various places on its hide. she was downwind of it, and she could smell the rotting meat on its breath, along with something... strange.
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

*She would eye the beast curiously as the strange smell reached her. She could imagine it killing some foolish person or other beast to explain the rotten smell but whatever the other was she wanted to perhaps find a clue. Closing the distance with practiced stealth she planned on delivering a solid strike both hands clenched together to the creatures neck hoping with sufficient force into breaking it.*
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

Stealth Check: Success.
Damage: 3 + 2 + 18 = 23 x 2 = 46 damage.

Shadowcat, true to her name, easily sneaks up on the creature. Her clenched fists crash down on the creatures neck, and she can hear its neck break from the blow. It falls to the ground, already dead.
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

*walking around the dead beast she was pleased with the silence of its death and felt anything nearby would not have been alerted but her eyes scanned all around first to make sure nothing else was close before bending to investigate the corpse* "not impressed...just as easy to kill as a human."
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

Perception vs Stealth: Success

Shadowcat hears something in the woods behind her as she crouches over the corpse. She turns just in time to see two more of the strange wolves rushing toward her, barely 10 feet away.
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

*a grin came to her lips as she saw two more. The beasts rushing her she felt a low rumble within herself as she waited for the coming attack she would leap forward to pass between them hoping to catch them off-guard twisting in the air as she did to be able to bring a hand up to the left most beast in a rigid strike up into its throat which was usually the most vulnerable spot on animals like this. atfer the strike hit or miss she would shift into a roll to come back to her feet in a crouch facing the beasts* come to me lets shed blood together..
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

To-hit: 18 + 40 = 58 vs 23 = hit.
Damage: 1 + 2 + 18 = 21 damage.

Shadowcat easily passes between the two creatures, her strike catching one of the beasts in the throat as she passes, and rolls away. She regains her feet to see the one beast collapse to the ground, coughing loudly, and the other spin and lunge at her.

To-hit: 5 + 20 = 25 vs 36 = miss.

She easily rolls away from the beast and regains her footing.
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

*shifting her stance as she dodges the ones attack she darts in at its side thrusting her foot straight out at its rear leg hoping to strike the joint from the side and thus break the creatures leg. Disabling the opponent the strategy here in this 2 on 1 situation.*
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

To-hit: Epic Roleplay.
Damage: 6 + 2 + 18 = 26 damage.

Shadowcats kick shatters the wolfs leg, forcing the joint to bend the wrong way. The beast collapses, howling in pain and obviously out of the fight.

The wounded beast rushes her back, taking her by surprise.

Grapple: 20 + 20 = 40 vs 36 = Success.

The wolfs surprise attack knocks her to the ground, the beast landing on top of. Strangely, she feels a pair of whip-like tendrils wrap around her legs, holding her in place. More strangely, she can feel something prodding against the crotch of her armor. The creatures hot breath on the back of her neck, broken by an occasional cough from the hit she got on it, is slightly exciting, and she can see the red glow from its eyes in the shaded forest.
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

*Giving a grunt as she hits the ground she took in her situation as it was taking an assumption of what the beast was after she jerked up with the left side of her body while tucking her right shoulder down in an attempt to throw her elbow back into the side of the beast's head fiercly or at the minimum try and shift the weight of the thing onto its side and to free her mobility some.* "Earn this kitten if you can..you shall surely fight for getting yerself between my legs."
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33, Grappled

Grapple: 1 + 36 = 37 vs 7 + 20 = 27 == Shadowcat wins.

Shadowcat easily shifts her weight, forcing the creature onto its side. She rolls away from it and regains her feet. The wolf regains its footing as well, and begins to circle her, waiting for an opportune moment.
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

*shifts into a more casual stance and starts circling with the beast squareing off with it* "well this has been mildly entertaining..." *continuing to keep a facing to it as they both circled she suddenly darted in with a dash forward and then a final dive in with a strike aimed for the top of the beasts head intent on slamming its head into the dirt*
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

To-hit: 14 + 40 = 54 vs 20= hit.
Damage: 4 + 2 + 18 = 24 damage.

The beast is caught by surprise by Shadowcats lunge, and its head cracks against the ground. It collapses, dead.
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

*giving a nod of satisfaction to herself at the unmoving beast she moved along to the injured one intent to put it out of its misery keeping around behind it to prevent any unneeded injury to herself from it she would move in quickly once close enough to strike in at its neck with a single bone-crunching strike to finish it off*
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

Shadowcat finds finishing off the crippled beast easy, and it too soon drops to the floor. She can see a small red glowing thing beneath its hide around its shoulder blades, just beneath the skin.
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

*Approaching the beast with a curious look on her face she knelt down to the corpse and using her nails to the best of their ability she dug into its hide looking to yank out the glowing object and inspect. while looking it over she would try to move to another corpse to see if it had one as well*
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

Shadowcat claws away the flesh and hide, eventually finding a small glowing red stone. She doesn't know what it is, but she figures that it must be worth something to someone. The other creatures have no visible glowing red spots, but their might be more of the strange stones buried in the creatures bodies.

(Shadowcat gains 1 Darkheart and 2 Experience.)
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

*figures if one had one the others should probably have one as well and decides to do an examination more in depth of the other two bodies digging into the first of the other two to see if she can dig up one of these stones from it as well. blood was of little concern to her she could always find a river to wash off in*
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

Shadowcat sets to work tearing through another of the wolves bodies, and after a half hour and one bloody mess she pulls another dark heart from the wolfs corpse. The body of the one she'd first killed lay a few feat away.
Re: A Cold Place (Dreana)

*frowns a bit to herself work never bothered her and neither did blood but that was quite a bit of effort to go for this thing she wasnt even sure if it was worth something or not. She would kick the third corpse off into the brush leaving the two corpses she tore into already where they lay. After that she would set off down the road keeping her eyes open for any sign of a watersource to wash some of this blood off of herself with*