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A Bird's Refuge (firebane) GMed by Takimaru


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 22, 2010
Reputation score
Alisia: HP = 41, PP = 50, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Alisia finally landed after her lengthy flight, finding a nice, even patch of grass to touch down upon, with a winding dirt road not far from it. The afternoon sun shone down upon her from one corner of the sky, granting a slight feeling of warmth to her feathers from the extended period of time spent under its rays. Though the winds had been favorable for the past hour or so, they had recently become stale, leaving the poor harpy to exert far more effort than she would have preferred to continue flying, and the land all about her had become largely unfamiliar at this point. Whether or not she would admit such a thing to herself, she was... well, lost.

Luckily for her, the weather wasn't too awful. She could make use of the well-traveled path just next to her, and soon found it fairly easy to walk upon whilst resting her wings. But she would soon find that she was not alone, as just around a heavily wooded bend came some kind of creature, perhaps not fifty feet from her, the sound of footsteps trailing it closely. With a closer look, Alisia recognized the being to be some kind of bunny girl, as the new arrival was possessed of two long, noticeable ears, protruding from the top of her head. She was rather diminuitive in stature, perhaps around four feet in height from what the harpy could tell, with sweaty locks of white hair framing her pretty face, which bore otherwise clean features and deep red eyes. Carrying a panicked expression, she spotted Alisia and cried out, "H-Help me! I--uwah!"

Tripping on a rock that she was far too rushed to notice in time, she faceplanted into the dirt just in time for three men to come running swiftly around the bend. They were brigands, at least from what Alisia could make of their crude clothing and weaponry, though only one of them, the man at the very back, was visibly wielding a weapon at first glance--a steel mace. The second ruffian had a set of hand pillories at the ready, presumably intended for the capture of this unfortunate creature, and the thug at the head of the group had his hands free, which served just as well, since he quickly seized the opportunity provided by the bunnygirl's fall to pin her to the ground in the prone position, pushing the side of her face into the dirt while the other grabbed at one of her wrists. "Lemme go!" She kicked and struggled, but was no match for the considerably larger human, who simply laughed at her before flashing a lewd grin.

"This'll teach you to try an' run from the Stewards of Andert!" he barked, holding her down firmly as the second bandit hastily fastened the wooden wrist restraints onto the helpless, squirming girl. "Damn subhumans, the lot o' ya... always causin' trouble for us honest human folk. If ya just kept your mouths shut and realized your damn place in all of this!"

Whimpering, the bunnygirl could only grimace, trying to lift her head up pleadingly towards Alisia, though to little avail as the brutish man exerted his will onto her. It wasn't long before the last man of the trio, with a mace at the ready, noticed the harpy's presence and pointed her out. "H-Hey! It's... a harpy! Aren't those worth bank on the open egg market?!"

Looking up at this, the second grinned halfway when his gaze met Alisia's. "Yeah, you're right! May as well, since we've already got a handle on this little number," he replied, slowly rising to his feet and removing his weapon of choice from the back of his belt as he did so--a long, weighted chain of sorts. The first member followed suit and looked up briefly, but kept most of his attentions fixed on the writhing bunnygirl in his grip. As he did, the other two men moved to approach Alisia menacingly, one of them brandishing his mace as the other began to twirl a segment of his chain overhead. "Come here, little harpy..."

Enemies, should she choose to engage:
3 Bandits (1 is preoccupied)
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Re: A Bird's Refuge (firebane) GMed by Takimaru

After flying for so long Alisia was happy when she finally hit the ground. She was just resting her brown feathered wing from the hard job of flying with stale winds, when she heard the bunny girl calling for help. She then saw 3 bandits coming after the girl. As she stood there she saw the girl fall over a rock. While the bunny lay there Alisia sees one of the 3 men grab a hold of her making her unable to move anymore.

While listening to their conversation Alisia began to suspect these men where some kind of bounty hunters looking for 'subhumans' as they called them to sell them at some kind of market. After hearing the bandit say she would be worth a lot Alisia became furious at the bandits, because they thought about her as an object to sell. "Don't you dare touch me human." She quickly began casting lesser gust at the bandit with the weighted chain, because of the longer range of his weapon hoping to knock him over for a moment while she can concentrate on the other bandit.
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Re: A Bird's Refuge (firebane) GMed by Takimaru

Alisia: HP = 41, PP = 50, EP = 39/41, Status = Fine

Casting rolls:
Alisia rolled a 3 (+ 17 Base Casting, +10 Focus in Wind) = 30. Success.

Attack rolls:
Alisia rolled a 7 (+34 Mind, +12 Magical Accuracy) = 53. Hit.

Damage: 8 (1d8 roll) + 5 (Line) + 2 (Focus in Wind) = 15. 15 x 3 (Level damage modifier, including that from Evoker) = 45 damage. He's down.
Chain-wielding Bandit's Resistance Check = Failed, obviously.
1 down, 2 to go.

"Gyaaaah!" The chain-wielding bandit wasn't moving for long, as a swift, powerful gust of wind lifted him and his lengthy weapon off of the ground entirely, sending him sailing back at least a hundred feet--well past that of where his colleague and the bunnygirl were located--before he crashed down violently onto his head. Even from that distance, Alisia could tell that he was immediately knocked unconscious, if not dead, from the impact caused by her powerful gale, as the defeated thug's body showed not a single trace of movement afterwards.

The mace-wielding man who was right next to him didn't even take notice of his partner's abrupt disappearance, charging forward angrily and closing the gap between them. Alisia still had time to react before he came within striking range, but from the speed at which he was charging toward her, it was only a matter of seconds, leaving the harpy with just enough time to make a quick decision as to how to deal with her second attacker. "I'm gonna break yer wings and put ya in a cage!"

Not far behind him, Alisia would notice that the man holding the captive subhuman in his grasp had realized his fellow slaver's poor fate, and likely the capabilities of the creature they were dealing with. Dragging the struggling bunnygirl along, he began to retreat, attempting to go back around the bend from whence he came.

"Uuuh, forget this!" he exclaimed, just before attempting to flee with the bunnygirl in tow, despite her loud, constant verbal protests. "Wah! Leggo a' me... Helpppp!"
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Re: A Bird's Refuge (firebane) GMed by Takimaru

I will be away for a week so I wont be able to reply till sunday 5th of august.
She was amazed at how strong she had become as she saw the man fly and hit the ground hard enough to knock him out (maybe for good). After sending her first opponent airborn Alisia quickly focussed on the man charging at her. "I bet you can't even break a twig." she said and quickly began charging up another lesser gust aiming for the man with the mace, but at the same time she tried to see where the cowardly third man was going. I will hunt that man down after I'm done woth this one she thought.

If the spell is succesfull in knocking the bandit with the mace down Alisia will follow the one who is dragging along the bunny girl taking the air of she can't find him.
Re: A Bird's Refuge (firebane) GMed by Takimaru

Alisia: HP = 20, PP = 50, EP = 37/41, Status = Weakened

Casting rolls:
Alisia rolled a 7 (+ 17 Base Casting, +10 Focus in Wind) = 34. Success.

Attack rolls:
Alisia rolled a 9 (+34 Mind, +12 Magical Accuracy) = 55. Hit.

Damage: 1 (1d8 roll) + 5 (Line) + 2 (Focus in Wind) = 8. 8 x 3 (Level damage modifier, including that from Evoker) = 24 damage. Still alive.

Resistance Check to determine if bandit gets knocked down:
Bandit rolled a 19 (+15 resistance) = 34.
Alisia rolled a 14 (+17 resistance) = 31. Bandit wins and remains standing.

Bandit's Attack Roll:
Bandit rolled a 9 (+30 modifier) = 39. Hit.

Bandit's Damage Roll:
Rolled a 1, 3 + 2 + 15 = 21 damage.

The second gust cast by the harpy sent cutting winds that caused numerous lacerations to instantly appear along his face, sides, and other extremities, but he persevered, barely managing to avoid getting toppled by the spell's impressive force by lowering his center of gravity, gritting his teeth to make it through while lifting his mace overhead at the same time. Making it through the fierce burst of air by power of will, he initiated a fierce swing which was no doubt meant to cripple her, seeing as it was aimed at her shoulder. "Hrraaah!"

The head of his mace came crashing down upon its target, nailing her shoulder and almost causing the harpy to fall from the impact. If nothing was actually broken from that, the sheer pain of the injury sure made it feel like it did. The brigand was either lucky or stronger than he looked, but if Alisia wanted to retaliate at close-range, the time would be now, while he was attempting to pull the weighty weapon back. The thug's body was already torn up from her previous attack, but the adrenaline of the moment was keeping him upright for now, and would fuel his next assault if she didn't think quickly. "Now you're mine!"
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Re: A Bird's Refuge (firebane) GMed by Takimaru

While casting her spell Alisia quickly noticed it didn't have much effect on the man charging (a little slower now) at her. Seeing as it only made some cuts on his body she tried to get out of his way. She however wasn't fast enough to react to the mighty swing of the bandit his mace. She screamed out in pain after being hit on her shoulder.

The pain was hard to overcome but she still wasn't done with the fight and began clawing at the man who was trying to ready his mace for another attack.
Re: A Bird's Refuge (firebane) GMed by Takimaru

Alisia: HP = 20, PP = 50, EP = 37/41, Status = Weakened

Attack rolls:
Alisia rolled a Natural 20! (+16 Body, -10 from Weakened) = 26. Hit, just barely.

Damage: (Rolled a 5, 2) + 5 = 12 total. He's down.

Remaining enemies:
1 Bandit

Being given the narrowest window of opportunity to attack, Alisia desperately clawed at the man as he attempted to continue his assault. Luckily for her, he was just slow enough on the draw for the harpy to put him away, and her panicked swipes caught him across the eyes. The already grievously injured slaver fell backwards to the ground, clutching his face in pain as the wounds took their toll on him. "Aaaargh, m-my eyes! Uwaaah!" One thing was for sure--he wasn't getting up anytime soon.

That left the final bandit, who had already turned the corner. Alisia would find him not too far, however, though it hurt her to fly at a reasonable speed and she would need to descend soon. The bunnygirl's wrists and ankles were bound at this point, with her hoisted over one of his shoulders. He looked over the opposite one to spot her trailing him, and stopped quickly, turning around. Remembering what the harpy had done to his fellow man with the initial gust, however, he wasn't about to give up his hostage that easily. Lifting the bunnygirl up by the scruff, he kept her in front of him like a human shield. "You wouldn't want anything happening to your fellow uh, subhuman, would you? Now come over here, nice and slow, heh heh... I'll take it easy on the both of ya if you just surrender quietly, yeah?"
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Re: A Bird's Refuge (firebane) GMed by Takimaru

After managing to hit the second bandit across the eyes with her claws Alisia quickly went air born to look for the other bandit. She soon had to land again however due to her injury but not before she found the last bandit again.

This bandit wasn't going to simply attack her but instead tried to make her surrender by holding the now to much restrained to do anything bunnygirl in front of him as a shield. She didn't see much choice other then to slowly walk towards him making the bandit think she complied to his tread. But as soon as the bandit would lower his guard she planned on clawing at him to make him let the bunnygirl go.
Re: A Bird's Refuge (firebane) GMed by Takimaru

Alisia: HP = 20, PP = 50, EP = 37/41, Status = Weakened, Placed in a Submission Hold

Attack rolls:
Alisia rolled a 1 (+16 Body, -10 from Weakened) = 7. Miss.

Grapple Check:
Bandit rolled a 15 (+30 Grapple) = 45.
Alisia rolled a 9 (+4 Grapple, -10 from Weakened) = 3.
Bandit wins.

Since Alisia lost the Grapple Check, she is unable to do anything for this round and the bandit can take one option from the list. He chooses to force her into a Submission Hold.
(A character or creature who is within a Submission Hold cannot attempt any action except for escaping or those actions that explicitly say that they can be used while in a submission hold. The same rule applies to characters with the Bound status.)

Unfortunately, Alisia's natural Grapple after Weakened modifier is so low at -6 (in part due to Poor Grappler and Fragile) that after a natural 20, she has 16 grapple check... and the bandit has a Grapple of 30.

Remaining enemies:
1 Bandit

Apparently the thug had a similar plan in mind, releasing his hostage immediately in order to attack Alisia once she got in range. However, being given no time to draw his weapon by the winged beauty, he could only attempt to grapple with her, rushing in for a tackle. She tried to swipe at him beforehand, which she did have the initiative for, but the harpy's claws barely missed the man as he dove straight and down just in time, burying his shoulder into her hips and knocking over her center of gravity.

Dropping his knee and driving forward to topple her over, he successfully forced Alisia onto her back, moving quickly to straddle her and sinking his body weight onto her torso. "Stupid subhuman, now you're gonna get what's comin' to ya!" Clasping his hands around her neck, he began to choke her, his thumbs pressed tightly against her carotid artery from either side, in order to cut off the flow of blood to her head.

"Wah!" cried the bunnygirl, who was still practically hogtied on the ground. "L-Leave her alone! I-I changed my mind! Just take me instead! Awawawa..."

"Shut up! Both of you are headed to the camps!"

Alisia's vision started to go black around the corners, and she simply knew that if she could not shake the man at this point, then things could get bad for her, as her consciousness was fading quickly.
Re: A Bird's Refuge (firebane) GMed by Takimaru

Alisia slowly walked toward the bandit trying to look like she was giving up. But as she came close to the man she was straddled by his unexpected move. In the little time she had she tried to hit the man rushing at her but missed and got knocked over.

While on the ground she quickly felt a heavy weight on top of her making her unable to move. Not long after that the man grabbed her neck making her unable to breathe. She knew she was in trouble now and couldn't do anything other then trying to get the man off her by moving as much as she could.
Re: A Bird's Refuge (firebane) GMed by Takimaru

Alisia: HP = 20, PP = 40/50, EP = 37/41, Status = Weakened, Bound

Alisia in Submission Hold - can only try to escape, atm.
(A character or creature who is within a Submission Hold cannot attempt any action except for escaping or those actions that explicitly say that they can be used while in a submission hold. The same rule applies to characters with the Bound status.)

Bandit used Stranglehold!
Stranglehold (Activated) - When the character has a target in a grapple, they may forsake all other actions for that round in order to make a grapple check at a -4 penalty against their target. If the target is in a submission hold, the -4 penalty becomes a +4 bonus. If the character wins, they deal the difference between the check in damage to the target's Resistance. When the target’s Resistance hits 0, they are knocked unconscious.

Grapple Check:
Bandit rolled a 16 (+30 Grapple) = 46 (+4 from Stranglehold bonus) = 50.
Alisia rolled a 19 (+4 Grapple, -10 from Weakened) = 13.
Bandit wins. Difference in Grapple Check = 37.
37 damage is dealt to Alisia's 17 Resistance = 0. Alisia is choked unconscious.

Remaining enemies:
1 Bandit

"Nooo, don't hurt her! T-That's it! I... I'm gonna bite you!" cried the other subhuman, whose wrists and ankles were bound. It was all she could do to attempt to worm her way towards him, but the brigand was far from deterred, having other ideas in mind, and kept his focus on Alisia, whose vision was fading much quicker than it was for her 'ally' to actually get in a position of helping her.

"Too late for that, filthy creature! You're not gonna do jack! Now we've got a harpy in our collection... heheheh," the man shot back darkly, a grin of twisted glee upon his face, and that rather unpleasant sight was the last thing Alisia saw before the blackness completely closed around her vision and her consciousness was snuffed out.


Alisia woke up a cage, being wheeled along by a cart. Her wings were bound tightly against her back, as a sturdy length of rope, supplemented by intricate knotwork, wrapped around her body from waist up to her bust, with her breasts being left exposed for all to see. The harpy's feet were bound in the same way, individually covered with some type of leather sheath to keep her from clawing at anyone, and in turn linked together with a few strands of rope. More noticeably, she wore a collar around her neck, which was attached to a length of chain.

The bunnygirl was right next to her, perhaps having just woken up herself--her eyes dimly fluttered open and glanced in her fellow subhuman's direction. She looked as if she wanted to say something, but before she could actually pronounce any coherent sentences, the two had arrived in some sort of cabin, a rather large one where others like them were kept in numerous iron cages--about 4 in total. Within these cells were a catgirl, an elven male, and a naga. The fourth was empty.

"Get out!" yelled a familiar voice. It was that of the slaver who had choked her out, and he roughly pulled the two out from the cage after opening it. Neither of the girls could do little to run, thanks to the bindings placed upon them, and the man found a twisted kind of pleasure in dragging them along by the chains attached to their collars. Opening the door to the last empty cell, he tossed the bunnygirl into it and snarled at her.

"Nnngh! Buuuu..." She grimaced, but sat up and stuck her tongue out at him. Simply shaking his head, the ruffian waved her off and quickly turned his attention back to Alisia, who was prone due to the awkward shape of the coverings around her clawed feet, not to mention the rope keeping them together, which made it difficult for her to stand. He unsheathed a dagger from his belt and cut the rope between her ankles, making the task of being upright somewhat easier, but the man didn't cut her any slack, as her 'chain' was still firmly in his grasp.

"Now you don't get a cell right away, but you do get this," he explained, forcing her up by the 'leash' and into a nearby wooden device of sorts. It was a pillory, perhaps not something that she would instantly recognize, but she quickly understood its purpose when the slaver placed her neck into the middle circular gap placed in the lower half, then closed the top over it, making it all but impossible for her to move without some degree of discomfort, not that the position was the most comfortable anyway. She was forced to face one of the nearby walls, not being given much scenery to look at, though the other captives could easily tell what was happening to her. From her peripheral vision, however, she could at least tell who was entering and exiting the building. Only the man was currently in there with them, but the sounds of idle chatter could be heard from outside, implying that there were more people like him waiting.

"Can't use the wrist holes with you all wrapped up like that, but that's fine... this'll keep ya in place! Heh heh. Besides, you look better this way, just as Andert himself intended--for the lot of you subhumans to realize your place, that is, as slaves of humans! Who do you think made the greatest empires on this continent?! Us! And for your kind to terrorize us the way you do... You had this coming!"

The thug growled at her and raised his hand up high, smacking her exposed ass, now that she could do little about it. It left a bright red mark upon Alisia's shapely bottom, accompanied by a mild stinging sensation spread across that area.

"Everyone here--the stupid rabbit, the elven pansy boy, the crazy cat and the rapist snake--are headed to our specialized training camp. But you... you killed Gebert with those damn spells of yours! And as for Tomond, well, you're about to do your penance in full."

Taking a few steps toward the doorway, he made a gesture at the people located towards the cart's front end, saying "Tomond! She's all ready for you now."

Into the cabin walked a somewhat familiar face--except the top half, including his eyes, was covered in bandages. It was the mace-wielding bandit that Alisia had clawed at from the previous battle, and it looked as if the damage she had done was permanent, as he clutched a walking stick in his hands to help him move along.

His cohort helped guide him to Alisia's position, towards her exposed rear end. "Over here, man," he directed in a somewhat pitiful voice. "You can take all the time you want with this damn subhuman and teach her what it means to mess with the Stewards of Andert. Normally it's not part of our policy to do anything like this until after training, but eh, I figure what's the harm. For revenge's sake, I think you ought to at least get first crack at her, yeah?"

"Uuhgh... thanks," replied the blind man. Alisia could then feel him groping her ass haphazardly, feeling her hips and sides, trying to get a good idea of how he was positioned. He then began a small tirade that showed no loss of love.

"Damn you... DAMN YOU! My eyes are completely gone because of you... If you'd have just gone quietly, then none of this would have happened, but look--now you're captured anyway, as you should be! And I suffered, but for what?! To lose my sight forever?! We were only to send you to 'training' and then sell you on the slave market, like the rest, but now... I... I'm gonna make you bear my offspring until you're sick of it!" Judging from his tone of voice, and his painfully erect member, still covered by his pants, prodding at her rear end, Alisia could tell exactly what the man's intentions were.

Even he wasn't about to go in dry, however, and he stooped down, using his hands to feel his way around her body in the process, and eventually happened across her womanhood, locating it with his fingers. With those he began to rub up and down Alisia's exposed slit, enough to even get her juices flowing against her will. "Gaha, I can feel how wet she is now," he mused aloud, which earned him some chuckles from the other man.

Alisia wasn't even given enough time to get used to it, as she felt a warm, wet muscle lashing at her sensitive lower lips. It was his tongue, no doubt, and the blinded bandit had employed it to 'feel' his way around her dripping flower, from petal to petal, and even dipping it inside, pushing its tip between her swollen folds. She could feel it wriggling about within the shallow ends of her pink tunnel, threatening to further excite her body's natural response to its movements, and in turn, humiliate and degrade her in front of the assortment of her fellow subhumans.

After a few minutes, he drew his tongue back out and began to lap away steadily at her pussy, licking it up and down and making it a point to brush it against her clit on each stroke. He'd continue this way until her body showed signs of arousal, which he would confirm by stopping to reach underneath, eagerly groping at her breasts until he felt her nipples, hoping to find them as hard as he expected. If this was the case, the blind man would get back up to his feet, undo his trousers, and free his already erect member from them, slapping it twice lightly onto Alisia's rump. Feeling that she was lubricated enough by now, at least from his saliva if nothing else, he then clutched the rod between his thumb and index finger and began to slide only the tip of its head up and down between the harpy's slick petals.

"You're gonna be begging for my cock by the time we're done," he growled, before easing himself into her, inch by inch, with a deep, elated sigh. However, he would stay lodged deep inside once he was hilted all the way in, saying, "But I'm no pushover, not when it comes to this. I'm not gonna move until you beg me to," he taunted.
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Re: A Bird's Refuge (firebane) GMed by Takimaru

Alisia heard the bunnygirl yell out to the Bandit but blacked out soon after that.

When she came to see was in a cage. She tried to move but somehow couldn't do this. Quickly she noticed she was wrapped up making her unable to move much. She lifted her head just when the cart the cage was on stopped and saw in a flash that there where more cages in the room they where in now, almost all of them had someone in them except for a fourth cage.

She didn't have much time to think about there being only 1 cage left before the cage was opened and she heard the same man as before yelling at her and the bunnygirl. Only a moment later she noticed something pulling her around her neck and soon she was dragged out of the cage. After the bandit cut the ropes binding her feet together Alisia was put in some sort of wooden stand with holes in it. The top half was lifted and the bandit put her head in the middle hole and lowered the top half back on the lower half.

In this uncomfortable position she couldn't see or do much. She saw the bandit walk toward the door and call for someone called Tomond. As the man entered she realized it was one of the bandits she fought not so long ago. A bit glad she at least made some lasting damage she wasn't focusing and suddenly felt someone touching her ass quickly realizing it was the now blind bandit.

She was shocked by what the man said but didn't say anything hoping it would be over soon. As the man continued groping her he suddenly went lower and even began using his tong. The harpy quickly became aroused. She however tried not to show this but this was getting harder and harder. Eventually she let out an almost silent moan.

At this point the man suddenly stopped and for a second she thought it was over only to find out she was wrong. She heard the man lower something and knew it could only be his pants. Her suspicious where right as a second later she felt the mans cock go inside, however ones inside he simply stopped and told her to beg for him to move. Still having some pride she refused to say anything. Unable to do anything else she simply waited trying to outlast the patience of the man now inside of her.
Re: A Bird's Refuge (firebane) GMed by Takimaru

Alisia: HP = 20, PP = 10/50, EP = 37/41, Status = Weakened, Penetrated x 2

30 PP damage done. (Rolls after modifiers: 10, 12, then +8 for fetish)

The sightless ruffian grumbled, finding his patience growing thin with each passing moment. Already she could feel him throbbing lightly within her narrow canal, as if threatening to spill his load at any second, even if she knew that the man was far from that point. He managed to wait for just a few minutes, but after that point, the harpy's apparent stoicism only served to anger the bandit whom she had permanently scarred, and he gave the side of her ass a decidedly harsh slap, growling. "Trying to act cool, huh?! Well, I'm sure you already look like a fool bound up in this pillory, in front of all the other subhumans! I'm gonna use you until I'm sick of it!"

With that, he drew himself out halfway before slamming into her forcefully, getting himself in all the way once again, then gyrating his hips afterwards. "Ohhh, yeah... damnit, I can't take it anymore!"

While it was him who gave in to temptation first, it didn't make the deal any sweeter, as Alisia was still resigned to let the thug do as he pleased to her. And so he did, grunting steadily as he started to fuck her, establishing a steady, yet strong pace that caused the entire pillory to creak back and forth, and the harpy's breasts to swing in time with his fervent strokes. Soon enough, however, this rhythm picked up, and only moments later, as her natural slickness allowed, he began to piston into the helpless creature with reckless abandon, groaning in pleasure as he pumped away happily. A wet slapping sound echoed through the room, which caused many of the prisoners to cringe, the majority looking away and squeezing their eyes shut. Only the naga looked on with interest, while the bunnygirl cried out, "Let... let her gooo!"

"Shut it!" yelled the other slaver, who swiped at her through the bars with his dagger, which caused her to retreat to one end of the cell and give him an indignant look.

Meanwhile, the blind one was thoroughly enjoying Alisia's body, reaping the spoils of his team's victory to make up for the damage done to his eyes. She could do little to resist at this point, and the forced immobility upon her limbs, for the most part, only emphasized the sensation of being ravaged by the angry bandit. Looking to make the most of it, he even resorted to leaning down again to toy with her jiggling bosom, squeezing and fondling her lovely assets to his satisfaction. Alisia could feel the man's balls slapping against her pussy's moist exterior as he bred her, though his real goal in this case was to make her submit in some form. If anything, the brute was tireless, determined in his quest to make her cry out, or even cum from his consistent movements combined with the angling of his underside against her most sensitive spots within. Desperately, he searched for some kind of reaction as fuel to taunt her with, though the low, stifled moans she released didn't go unnoticed as well.

"Hahaha, I think she likes it, yeah?!" exclaimed the other bandit.
"Heh... it is me, after all... hahh, hahh... hrrnngh..." replied the one pounding Alisia, though he didn't stop there. "You want a crack at this, too?"

The blinded one's cohort simply grinned, unlocking the pillory and pulling the harpy free from it, though she was given little time to relax. Once she was freed, her eager violator pulled her down onto him into the reverse cowgirl position, lowering himself to the ground, then turned her over to face him while still inside, working completely by feel alone. Clutching her shoulders, he pulled her down forcefully to expose her rear pucker to the other man for his entry. Alisia felt a lukewarm, slick substance being applied to her ass, likely some sort of lubricant, preparing her for the second penetration.

It might have seemed strangely inconsiderate for a group of brigands like these men, but she would soon find that it was more for the other man's benefit, as he pushed himself into her rear entry without a sense of gentleness or consideration. Even as the ruffian behind her was settling in and trying to get himself used to the tightness of her ass without cumming too soon, the one below the harpy continued to thrust into her hungrily, reaching up to play with her breasts once more and even suckling on each of her hardened nipples, as if trying to get something out of them. It was more than enough to bear, at least physically, for one man to be plowing her cunny the way he was, but the addition of the second cock to her anal passageway only made things considerably more intense and much more difficult for her not to scream out in some fashion. Sandwiched between the two thugs, Alisia found herself thoroughly humiliated in front of the other captives, who could do little other than watch as their fellow subhuman was violated.
Re: A Bird's Refuge (firebane) GMed by Takimaru

As time passed Alisia began to get a little smile on her face as she knew she was still going to get some sort of victory over this man even in her current position. This soon changed however as the bandit his lost his patience and began to fuck her hard.

As the man was raping her harder and harder Alisia couldn't help but moan, however she still tried to make them as silent as possible. She gasped as the man suddenly bent down and began playing with her breasts only to return to silencing her moans as much as possible.

As she heard the other man exclaim she liked it she knew her moans weren't silenced enough. She was suddenly taken out of the wooden structure and slowly lowered. As the man was on the ground he forced her to turn around to face him and lowered even further almost touching the blind mans his chest with her own. Almost immediately after being in this position she felt something wet in her ass and not long after that she knew what this was for as another cock was entering her only this time from her rear end. As this went on she eventually wasn't able to silence her moans anymore. She knew she had to do something, however unable to move much she decided to wait for the right moment. Concentrating on the dicks inside of her she waited for some indication that they where about to cum and got ready to try move in such a way that at least the one in her pussy would come out so she wouldn't get cum in her womb.
Re: A Bird's Refuge (firebane) GMed by Takimaru

Alisia: HP = 20, PP = 50/50, EP = 37/41, Status = Weakened, Stunned

Alisia attempting to have the man pull out normally requires a Succubus Power "Pull Out", but in place of that, I can allow a Grapple Check.

Grapple Check:
Bandit rolled a 4 (+30 Grapple) = 34
Alisia rolled a 6 (+4 Grapple, -10 from Weakened) = 0.
Bandit wins.

Pleasure Damage:
Alisia takes more than enough PP damage this round and climaxes. She is Stunned for her next action and PP is reset to full.

Pregnancy Rolls:
Miss. Alisia is not pregnant.

The lecherous pair continued to ravage Alisia with alternating strokes, grunting and panting roughly as they had their way with her. Regardless of how much experience the harpy had in terms of her rear orifice, the man behind her was going at it with unparalleled zeal, as if he were the one claiming her cunny. Her natural tightness only made him more excited about the act, though his thrusts still managed to synchronize with that of the blind one enjoying the comforts of her womanhood; when one of her partners plunged into her, the other drew himself out. Alisia would find that there wasn't a moment where she wasn't feeling heavy stimulation upon her lower tunnels one way or another, as both of the bandits' members pulsed strongly while lodged in her ass and pussy.

Feeling around with his mouth, Tomond, who was also busy feverishly raising his hips into hers, eventually found her bosom and clamped his lips over one of her sensitive nubs, sucking on the stiffened nipple and even biting down on it lightly, toying with her body to his satisfaction. To make matters worse for her, he curved back in such a way to grind against her G-spot with the head of his cock, and soon enough the two men began to speed up. It was clear that they intended to cum inside of her, as the wet slaps of their hips against hers were so rapid at this point that it was hard to imagine either of them stopping until they had finished.

"Ohhh, fuck, I'm gonna cum!"
"Uuuh, m-me too! You're gonna get a great gift of human seed, so be sure to accept all of it, harpy!"

Knowing that this was the time to move, if any, Alisia moved her hips so that Tomond, who was getting ready to drop his milky load in her pussy, would pull out upon releasing his initial spurt. And so he did, squirting his spunk upon her pink entrance's gaping exterior with a deep sigh, but upon noticing within a second or two that he was no longer inside, made it a point to shove himself right back in, causing the man's third, fourth, and fifth shots to make it inside of her.

"Ah ah, that's not your choice to make, subhuman!" he exclaimed as he treated Alisia to the feeling of being inseminated thoroughly, her petals painted with his initial burst as he finished himself off with the tip of his cock pressed tightly against her cervix. She could feel a bit of his warmth seeping into her womb, much to Tomond's delight. "That's no way to accept my gift! You're supposed to take it where it counts! Gyahahaha!" Indeed, it was something of a terrifying feeling as he held her down against her will, squeezing out all that he could, seeking to forcibly have her bear his legacy while he achieved sweet relief at the harpy's expense. He wasn't the only one to experience such a thing, however, as the combined sensations proved to be too much for the harpy as well, causing her to reach a hard, shuddering orgasm. Similarly, the ruffian taking Alisia's ass had reached his limit, and wasn't shy at all about using her colon as a receptacle for his tremendous load. She felt the explosion of warmth take place deep in her ass, the lustful bloke continuing to fuck her even as he let out spurt after spurt of his sticky seed. "Uuuuuuggghh! Hnnn! Hnnn! HNNNNGH!"

Alisia was left feeling quite warm inside, even after the two men finally stopped and pulled themselves out of her, causing a flow of milky, viscous fluid to dribble from both of her well-used chambers. The one behind her was quick to get up and clean himself off afterwards, leaving just her and Tomond, who was a bit slower to do so thanks to his condition. Eventually, he was helped to his feet by his cohort, while the harpy was harshly thrown into the cell with the bunnygirl, even while still dripping of both mens' seed. "Heh... that'll give ya something to remember us by."

The petite creature held Alisia in her arms, brushing her bangs aside from her face and looking down at her with a pitiful expression. "T-Those jerks... can you move? We'll get out of here... s-somehow... I swear! Aldin will save us."

"Hah! Are you dense?! Aldin was killed just two days ago, you stupid subhuman! So much for your resistance," scoffed the nearby brigand as he helped Tomond find his cane again.

"No way... that can't be! Y-You lie!" cried the bunnygirl, her features taking on those typical of one in denial.
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Re: A Bird's Refuge (firebane) GMed by Takimaru

As the harpy was fucked by the two men who somehow managed to synchronize there trusts it began getting harder to concentrate on the dick in her pussy. She let out a short gasp as the man beneath her began sucking on her nipple.

As the two man spoke Alisia quickly reacted by moving a little with her hips to let the blind mans rod flop out of her. As a reward for her fast reaction time she got some of the mans spunk over her. However her attempt seemed to be in vain as the man noticed he was out and simply shoved himself back inside for some painting inside of the harpy.

As she was held down by the blind bandit to make sure everything that still would come out came inside the girl, she couldn't hold herself anymore and let out a hard moan as she orgasmed. The two of them weren't the only ones to be at there orgasms however as Alisia suddenly noticed a stream of warmth going into her ass while she was still fucked by the second bandit.

The harpy couldn't move while the two men pulled out of her and the overflow began to come out of both of her entrances. As she was thrown onto a cell she heard the bunny girl. “Not really, to tired” she whispered back.

As she saw the poor bunny girl mourn about Aldin whoever that may be, Alicia felt sad for the girl and wanted to comfort her somehow but as she was to tired she couldn't do anything else then look at the girl.
Re: A Bird's Refuge (firebane) GMed by Takimaru

Alisia: HP = 41, PP = 50, EP = 41, Status = Fine

As exhausted, abused, and drained as she was, Alisia could do little else but lay there. With the two bandits having clearly gotten their jollies off, they were content to leave the harpy alone for now. Tomond was ushered outside, while the other remained in the cabin, taking a seat in a chair placed against a nearby wall, watching the doorway. Eyeing Alisia lewdly, he chuckled, folding his arms and reclining a bit.

Under other circumstances, it would have been difficult, to say the least, for the winged beauty to find enough peace of mind in a place like this, but her body was aching for it. Having been pummeled from both sides while struggling like that took quite a toll on every sore muscle. She found sleep calling her, and it came rather quickly, the last sounds she heard being the bunnygirl's soft weeping.


When she came to, perhaps only a few hours later, Alisia was woken up by a large crashing noise, probably the cart she arrived in being flipped over, from the sounds of it. Panicked screams and the sounds of swords clashing could be heard outside, and this even stirred the sentry watching over them into action. "W...What the hell?! What's going on out there?!"

With the man's attention diverted momentarily, Alisia could see that some of the other subhumans in their respective cages were perked up and curious to see the source of the commotion. The catgirl and elf seemed too battered, not to mention bound, to make a proper attempt at escape, which might have otherwise been easy considering that each of the latticed doors were only held in place by a single steel lock, roughly the size of a child's fist--not to mention that the likelihood of human reinforcements arriving appeared to be slim, judging from the sounds outside. Of the others, the naga was the only one who appeared strong enough to try such a daring escape, but she seemed far too disinterested.
Re: A Bird's Refuge (firebane) GMed by Takimaru

As the exhausted harpy lay there to exhausted to move she saw the the blind man exiting the building and while the other bandit took a chair to guard the subhumans as they called them. Alisia was to tired however to care much about this as she began to close her eyes, leaving the bunnygirl to her mourning over the one called Aldin.

As the winged girl began to wake up she suddenly opened her eyes because of a hard crashing sound. It only took her a couple of seconds to be fully awake because of all the commotion outside. When their guard stood up distracted by the sounds outside Alisia quickly looked around to see one of the other captives using this opportunity either because they can't or the simply don't care. Knowing she couldn't try to convince the naga to break out because she would get the attention of there guard, she began trying to break the lock with her claws while whispering to the bunny girl “could you try to get these bonds around my arms off me?
Re: A Bird's Refuge (firebane) GMed by Takimaru

Alisia: HP = 41, PP = 50, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Unfortunately, Alisia doesn't have the highest Body score, and while her talons would allow her to claws away at wood or other organic materials much better, her attempt against the steel lock fails.

Aldin's Attack Roll:
+72 modifier, all autohits.
(Rolled a 4, 6) + 69 = 79
(Rolled a 6, 5) + 69 = 80 + 10 = 90
(Rolled a 3, 3) + 69 = 75
(Rolled a 1, 4) + 69 = 74 + 18 = 92
Bandit is beyond dead.

"H-Huh? Oh, um, sure," replied the bunnygirl, who had just been roused into consciousness as well, from the looks of it. Her white head of hair was disheveled and she still bore eyes that belonged to those of someone who had just gotten up, but she made haste and worked to undo the bindings upon Alisia's wings. "Nnngh, gosh, these are really hard!" whined the red-eyed subhuman, trying her best despite her size to undo the plethora of knots that held the harpy's upper appendages tightly. Eventually, she got to nibbling on the rope with her teeth, and given another minute or two, was finally able to chew the restraints off, for the most part, to where Alisia could shrug them off with some extra effort in spreading her wings.

Unfortunately, the lock itself held firm. While the harpy's natural weapons could certainly help in slashing or piercing like a set of daggers would, the mechanism keeping her and her cellmate in the cage was apparently quite sturdy, as it did little other than clank around noisily. A few scratches formed upon its surface from Alisia's persistent attempts to damage it, but other than that, the device remained intact.

"Wah... there's gotta be something we can use here!" cried the bunnygirl, frantically searching around the cell. After all, she had little time to get accustomed to it, between having to bear witness to Alisia's violation just earlier and trying to rest up. "Oh, oh! My name's Ceiti by the way. Thanks for trying to save me... even if we wound up here just now. I don't get why they hate us so much! A-And... they even killed our leader..."

While Ceiti's visage reverted back to that of a frown, the bandit on guard duty, who Alisia recognized as the one that had taken her backside, came flying in through the doorway, crashing into the wall and collapsing into a bloody heap. A centaur, barely big enough to fit through the already sizable entrance, came clopping in. His human half was undoubtedly the body of a warrior, with blue eyes and raven hair, firmly grasping the hilt a curved blade held in each hand. His lower horse half bore a muscled black tone to it, though several parts of it, especially the legs and ribs, were wrapped in several bandages, tiny red spots hinting that the wounds were still relatively fresh--that or he hadn't been given ample time to change them out. His upper body, including one eye, was adorned with similar dressings.

After making sure that the thug was dead, the warrior made his way to the area where the other subhumans were kept, arriving upon Alisia's cell first. The bunnygirl immediately recognized him, her face lighting up in a mixture of joy and disbelief. "Aldin! Y... you're alive! Get us outta here!"

"I wouldn't have come here if it were for anything other than that purpose. Stand back," ordered the newcomer, turning his back to the iron gate before delivering a powerful kick with his hind legs at the scratched-up lock that Alisia was trying to break earlier. Even the first blow didn't mangle it completely, which, given the force by which the entire cage rattled, said volumes about the strength of the padlock. However, a second and third kick from Aldin's hooves finally crushed it, and he sheathed his swords on scabbards held at his sides before grasping the lock's remnants and pulling them off of the gate's closure. Opening the door to the cell, he took several steps off to the side, allowing Alisia and Ceiti out from their iron prison. The bunnygirl came scampering out first, hugging tightly onto one of Aldin's front legs. He grimaced at this, clearly hurt from it, but managed to stay standing. "Nngh, careful now. The battle still continues outside, but we're getting everyone out of here--this is just one of many buildings."

Ceiti began to sob. "I'm sooooo glad you survived! How did you... okay, I guess I'll ask later, huh? Those jerkwads caught me, sorry--but I wasn't the only one! They also caught Getti, and Nolus..."

She continued to ramble nonstop as the centaur simply looked down at her and gave a sympathetic look and a sigh. Soon enough his eyes lifted up and met Alisia's. This harpy was clearly a face he didn't recognize, and so his attention remained on her, his expression calm and slightly curious in his inquiry. "And who is this? A friend?"
Re: A Bird's Refuge (firebane) GMed by Takimaru

Alisia tried to wait patiently for the sleepy bunnygirl to take off her bindings. When the girl said it was hard she replied “ye I know I can't move my arms or wings even a little.” after the girl struggled a little with the bindings Alisia suddenly heard some kind of gnawing sound. Looking around she saw the girl nibbling at the ropes. After a few minutes she felt them getting loose enough to break lose from them.

Thanks” the harpy said before slashing at the lock as much as she could. When she stopped she found out the she had only made a few scratches to it. She began to lose hope while the bunnygirl ran around the cage looking for something to break the lock.

I'm Alisia, nice to meet you, even if it is in this awkward situation. And they probably hate us simply because we are different, we aren't subhumans, they aren't superior to us. If he had not used such a dirty trick as using you as shield I would have won against all 3 off those damn humans.

Now in rage she hadn't noticed Ceiti being back in her depressed state. But suddenly there was a body flying into the building. She quickly came to her senses and saw it was their guard. She looked at the door hoping the ones killing these bandits weren't simply stronger bad guys. As she watched a centaur came in looking a bit bruised and he had a couple off wounds.

The feathered girl was concentrating so much on the centaur that she backed away for a moment because of the bunny girls enthusiastic reaction. It seemed this was the Aldin she and the bandits where talking about.

She reacted just in time as the hooves from the centaur hot the lock. Now realizing she couldn't possibly have opened that lock as the centaur had to hit it 3 times before it finally broke. As the centaur opened the door she saw a flash as the bunnygirl was hugging the centaur. She stepped out off the cage and waited for the two to finish.

I'm Alisia” she replied “I stumbled upon her and the 3 bandits catching her while I was trying to rest a bit from my flight. I managed to defeat 2 of them, one for good and one is blind now. The third one however used her as a shield making me unable to defeat him.” she said while looked down, afterward she looked up to see the centaurs reaction about this.