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ADV [7th Dream] Pretty Warrior May Cry RJ086864

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Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the First Post)

Played the updated version of the demo and gotta say it's a relatively fun game. I ran into a umm...bug? Bought the big Ogre guy when I didn't have enough souls to spend and ended up in the negative and unable to place any minions into the field next round (13) :(

The animations are pretty nice but hoping there are a lot more coming. Also is there any way to target your minion and command them to attack certain enemies or do they just wander around aimlessly until they latch on to one? That is by far my biggest dislike about the game...
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the First Post)

Well that would be really great.

If doable you guys could build in some macro command.

Like you order you creature to gather soul and then it gathers souls while avoiding enemies.

Or if you order it to seek out enemies it will go straight to the nearest enemy and engage him/her.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the First Post)

Sorry Guys.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the First Post)

Alright, the browser history thing seems to have worked for my save file, and now I'm wondering two things;

1. Are the torture room rapes supposed to be in the gallery? Because they aren't.

2. There are 7 spots I can't seem to fill in the gallery. 5-8 on the first page and 6-8 on the second page. I suspect these may have been intended for something, but cannot figure out what for.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the First Post)

Alright, the browser history thing seems to have worked for my save file, and now I'm wondering two things;

1. Are the torture room rapes supposed to be in the gallery? Because they aren't.

2. There are 7 spots I can't seem to fill in the gallery. 5-8 on the first page and 6-8 on the second page. I suspect these may have been intended for something, but cannot figure out what for.

I didnt get the torture room rapes in the gallery. My guess is that because you can rotated those scenes so they didn't add them in the gallery.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the First Post)

anyone knows how to get the animations for lilith?
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the First Post)

Bill13, For your questions:
1, We're working on the save methed, will find out why some people can't save.
2, Skeleton supposed to have no sex animation, so he could be used if you want to kill a female hero quickly.
3, We will fix the Slimes problem in V1.2.
4, We will add more torture animations in V1.2
5, You shouldn't be able to grab souls in torqure room, Not sure if you mean you could still grab them in V1.1?

If that's the case for the skeleton, then does Glamour--violence as well I suppose--influence it's damage/defense directly to health--instead of corruption--or do those stats have no impact on the skeleton?

I believe I was able to gain invisible souls in the torture room once with 1.1, but I can't recall for sure. I'll check again later. Either way I don't think a single group of souls is bad for the torture room--I actually like the idea of some celebratory souls on successful corruption--but from what I recall they were still invisible. It didn't happen in my last 2 tests.

Just a note on the save being deleted, I've narrowed it down to a specific setting for Chrome. "Delete cookies and other site and plug in data" is the actual setting which was deleting it for me. I'm assuming clearing flash data is the problem.
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Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the First Post)

Purchased and downloading this now! Going to give you the full 5 stars on dlsite also. Sure hope you guys work out the bugs and keep the additional content coming, I for one would even pay for some of the proposed expansion packs you guys mentioned. Thanks for making this!
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the First Post)

Look for the 2nd demo he posted, it's an updated version that says it has scaling of the game window. That likely means it'll scale by click+drag.

Bought it and DL now.

EDIT: Can someone give some tips for lv 4? It seems like I just get rushed because there's not a lot of dig points given to start.

Lvl 4?

Hmm i recommend you dig up a line or an ''L'' and use Minion Block, or as your dig points start to recover, dig up some at the Right/left your minions are attacking and create monsters so that they can gang up the enemies
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the First Post)

some one unlock the endless mode ?
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the First Post)

Any idea of when V1.2 might come out? I'll probably wait for it before re-downloading it.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the First Post)

Hey all, long time lurker of the forums unlurking in frustration.

I DL'd the Demo to try the game out and see if i wanted to buy it. Downloaded, installed and started with no hiccups, but when the game starts, I cant see anything of the "dungeon" area. It's just a black screen. I read through all of the previous posts and no one seems to have had this problem as of yet. Does anyone have any ideas as to what the problem may be? ive tried googling answers and I cant seem to find anything about it. I can see everything besides the digging area and still play the game, but i am being forced to do it blind. I can hear the game playing and can click and drag my monsters into the field, but cant see anything that is actually happening. Any advice, tips, or help is appreciated.

Ty all in advance.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the First Post)

Hey all, long time lurker of the forums unlurking in frustration.

I DL'd the Demo to try the game out and see if i wanted to buy it. Downloaded, installed and started with no hiccups, but when the game starts, I cant see anything of the "dungeon" area. It's just a black screen. I read through all of the previous posts and no one seems to have had this problem as of yet. Does anyone have any ideas as to what the problem may be? ive tried googling answers and I cant seem to find anything about it. I can see everything besides the digging area and still play the game, but i am being forced to do it blind. I can hear the game playing and can click and drag my monsters into the field, but cant see anything that is actually happening. Any advice, tips, or help is appreciated.

Ty all in advance.

What's your video card and OS? I'd guess either Flash can't access the other files (you did extract them all, right? not just the .exe) or your video card can't handle the way Flash is displaying stuff (I think flash 10 already had a bit of hardware acceleration, but it SHOULD be smart enough to disable it if the hardware can't handle it).

Try right clicking and going to settings and disabling Hardware Acceleration.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the First Post)

Thx for the quick reply. I am running windows 7 on a fairly new computer. I can run games like The Witcher 2 on my comp, (albeit, not at ultra settings) so i dont think its a graphics card issue. I unclicked the hardware acceleration, but had no change. I did have a question though about what you meant about "other" files. When i DL'd the demo, there was only the 2 executables. one english, one jap correct? there were no other files for me to unzip... lol, if there are indeed other files, that is probably my problem. ima redownload and check.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the First Post)

Thx for the quick reply. I am running windows 7 on a fairly new computer. I can run games like The Witcher 2 on my comp, (albeit, not at ultra settings) so i dont think its a graphics card issue. I unclicked the hardware acceleration, but had no change. I did have a question though about what you meant about "other" files. When i DL'd the demo, there was only the 2 executables. one english, one jap correct? there were no other files for me to unzip... lol, if there are indeed other files, that is probably my problem. ima redownload and check.

Try re-installing your Adobe Flash, that is the only thing that comes to mind when you described your technical problem.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the First Post)

Thx for the quick reply. I am running windows 7 on a fairly new computer. I can run games like The Witcher 2 on my comp, (albeit, not at ultra settings) so i dont think its a graphics card issue. I unclicked the hardware acceleration, but had no change. I did have a question though about what you meant about "other" files. When i DL'd the demo, there was only the 2 executables. one english, one jap correct? there were no other files for me to unzip... lol, if there are indeed other files, that is probably my problem. ima redownload and check.

The game is supposed to have a data folder that has ALL the resources. The .exe is mostly what goes and gets that. So you have to redownload your game (or re-extract) as you're missing files. Since he can't get those files, he doesn't display anything (hence the black screen).
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the First Post)

now playing hehehe.... awesome game ;D
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the First Post)

Any possibility of uncensoring this? Will buy if it's possible to uncensor.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the First Post)

Any possibility of uncensoring this? Will buy if it's possible to uncensor.

the don't want to go against japan's laws i guess, still this game seems popular enough that we will probably see someone make a mod version of it without sensors.
Re: (7th Dream) Pretty Warrior May Cry (Read the First Post)

The game is supposed to have a data folder that has ALL the resources. The .exe is mostly what goes and gets that. So you have to redownload your game (or re-extract) as you're missing files. Since he can't get those files, he doesn't display anything (hence the black screen).

Oh so that's the problem. My lack of sleep (from playing PWMC) reduced my brain processing power by quite a bit.

Any possibility of uncensoring this? Will buy if it's possible to uncensor.

Not likely. The censoring is embedded in the video I believe.
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