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[WIP - Full] [62studio] 不思議の国のサキュバス / Succubus in Wonderland translation (RJ278424)

Still playing through the game and have only found minor things.

  • There's some untranslated text at the bottom right of the Cave Village. Three of the bookcases are still in Japanese. It looks to be the same text though, so probably nothing important.
  • Both the Breast-Lover's Drug and Drowsy Drug have the same description, "A drug that gives you Breast Addict." I'm guessing that is wrong for the drowsy drug?
  • Weirdest thing I've found is the Cleaner Succubus sprite going off the screen when you fight them. I've not found them in game yet, so have only used the refight option with a "full-unlock" save so this may be intentional if they're supposed to be really tall of something.

Other than those, there's just common things like wordwrap issues, but nothing that affected my understanding of what was being said/happening. It is usually just the odd letters at the end of a sentence.

Thanks for your efforts, really enjoyed the 12 or so hours I've put into the game so far.
The venom underpass enemies (cleaning succubus and busty phantom) are both cut off that way. I'm not sure why, there's not really context given, so its probably just a bug. There's one more bit of untranslated dialogue I noticed, one of the hat-wearing succubi who tells you where the white rabbit went.


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I'm having an error where two events that require the protagonist to be alone (hotel rich succubus, lilith recruitment) don't seem to be triggering, even though the protag is alone. I haven't found any other issues related to the protagonist being alone, so maybe a flag isn't triggering, like the achievements issue?
Recruiting Lilith works, but you have to actually beat her solo to recruit her and not just meet her afterwards (don't know if there's an easy trick to it, I just overleveled). For the hotel event, you need to be out of money and request the suite (and be in the postgame).
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For sprite go offscreen, that is because for some reason an important tag (as shown in pic) is missing in Enemies.json. It activate BigEnemy.js plugin that force enemy sprite to move downward if big enough. wrong2.png
I have uploaded the fix in post #203.
Not sure if I am doing something wrong, but KidKiddo1's update doesn't fix the sprite issues for me. I even made a new save and rushed through to the Succubus House when it didn't work on my existing save. Has anyone got this to work, am I doing something wrong? This remains the case for both Busty Phantom and Cleaner Succubus.

Only other thing I've found since yesterday is a small typo in a conversation before a fight. It is postgame, so I will mark it with a spoiler:

There is an 's' missing in the word pleasure in a conversion you have with White Rabbit the first time.
Not sure if I am doing something wrong, but KidKiddo1's update doesn't fix the sprite issues for me. I even made a new save and rushed through to the Succubus House when it didn't work on my existing save. Has anyone got this to work, am I doing something wrong? This remains the case for both Busty Phantom and Cleaner Succubus.

Only other thing I've found since yesterday is a small typo in a conversation before a fight. It is postgame, so I will mark it with a spoiler:

There is an 's' missing in the word pleasure in a conversion you have with White Rabbit the first time.
For some reason the file I upload is missing the enemies.json fix, probably due to the server crashes right after I upload the file. I reupload again the file. Try again.

Here the image proving it is working.


  • Fix1 working.png
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  • Fix2 working.png
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Not sure if I am doing something wrong, but KidKiddo1's update doesn't fix the sprite issues for me. I even made a new save and rushed through to the Succubus House when it didn't work on my existing save. Has anyone got this to work, am I doing something wrong? This remains the case for both Busty Phantom and Cleaner Succubus.

Only other thing I've found since yesterday is a small typo in a conversation before a fight. It is postgame, so I will mark it with a spoiler:

There is an 's' missing in the word pleasure in a conversion you have with White Rabbit the first time.
View attachment 42642
For some reason the file I upload is missing the enemies.json fix, probably due to the server crashes right after I upload the file. I reupload again the file. Try again.

Here the image proving it is working.
Thanks for all the help. I've fixed the error in my Translator++ file regarding those enemies, along with most of the issues mentioned so far.

I'll probably wait until the weekend, then release my final version of the translation. Others will still be welcome to work on it.
I've been gone a bit, has the battle text lines being to large been worked out yet? I can take a look at it if it hasn't.
Having finished playing the post-game, only other thing I found was a teeny tiny typo. A 'g' missing in Guess during the Cheshire Cat recruitment scene in Venom Underpass.

Liked the game, now we wait for more Lust Grimm Again.

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Alright, here's the final version of the translation that I will ever post. Since ULMF apparently no longer allows uploads of individual files larger than 2 MB, I had to split this into three: SIW TL11 split1 has both "data" and "js" folders, the other two contain files that should all go into "data". If you'd prefer an unsplit translation, you can get it from either Discord or the F95 thread.

The changes I've made are:
  • Fixing various typos, mistranslations and untranslated text
  • Replacing any instance of "Achievements" with "Achievement", so the achievements should now function properly
  • Fixing the bug with some enemies' battle sprites showing incorrectly
  • Reduced the font size for the text in battles and menus
  • Integrating most of kidkiddo1's fixes, except for ones I already did myself and the increased time limit for 62-chan Touch (as that's a gameplay change, which I prefer to leave as optional)
I'd like to thank everyone who's helped with this translation in some way: gtsisthebest, Aesthetic, strife2cloud, Strange, Fatalus, Ophanim and kidkiddo1.

As I said before, other are still welcome to work on the translation. I'll mention now that there's untranslated text in the Succubus House which I just couldn't find anywhere in the game files, so I gave up on it:
UTL text SIW.png


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Those sprite use TMNamePop.js plugin. The code to activate use this format <namePop:xx yy zz> where xx is "insert text here", yy is y-coordinate offset, zz is background color. They can be found in the Map event's Note or comment in Map events contents. The fact you cant found those texts because Translator++ cant read comment, so it is only editable in Notepad or RPG Maker editor. They also unfortunately cant register space bar so have to use alternative unicode like "   " as replacement for space.
There is also other plugin that use this sprite format such as EventInformation.js, just as a note for next translation.
Anyway here is the fix.


  • Map257.zip
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Super awesome thank you again @Green Thoughts
I'll make a small contribution here to the SP Conversion menu. Seems like it's still in JP for the random menu text and also the skill description was cutting off because they were to long. So here's the edited plugins.js file to fix that (It has a built-in resize description option, how nice). I'll also note the line that should be changed incase someone else has any future updates they would like to make so it will be easier to keep track of the contributions.

Replace the line that starts with "{"name":"FTKR_SkillTreeSystem"," with the below code
{"name":"FTKR_SkillTreeSystem","status":true,"description":"v1.18.3 ツリー型スキル習得システム","parameters":{"--必須設定(Required)--":"","Skill Tree Id":"5","--基本設定(Basic)--":"","Show Skill Command":"1","Command Name":"SP Conversion","Skill Menu Switch ID":"0","Enable Confirmation":"1","Reset When Forgotten Skill":"1","Learned Actor Var ID":"22","Learned Skill Var ID":"21","--習得回数の設定(Learned Count)--":"","Enabled Skill Count":"0","Default Max Count":"1","Skill Learned Icon":"87","--スキルポイントの設定(Skill Point)--":"","SP Display Name":"SP","Default Max SP":"0","Default Required SP":"1","Get Level Up Sp":"0","Cost Sp Icon":"296","Hide Sp Cost 0":"0","Display Get Sp":"Got %1 %2!","Enable Class Sp":"false","NonBattleMember Sp Rate":"0","--スキル枠の設定(Skill Frame)--":"","Enabled Skill Frame":"1","Skill Frame Width":"40","Skill Frame Height":"40","Skill Icon Offset X":"4","Skill Icon Offset Y":"4","--スキルテキスト(Skill Text)--":"","Skill Name Format":"","Skill Text Offset X":"38","Skill Text Offset Y":"2","--スキル枠の色の設定(Skill Frame Color)--":"","Frame Color isLearned":"0","Frame Color isLearn OK":"17","Frame Color isReqSkill NG":"15","Frame Color isRequired NG":"16","--習得回数の表示設定(Skill Count Frame)--":"","Draw Count Frame":"0","Count Frame Width":"20","Count Frame Height":"20","Count Frame Thick":"2","Count Frame Offset X":"-10","Count Frame Offset Y":"25","Count Frame Format":"\\}\\c[0]%1\\{","Skill Count Offset X":"5","Skill Count Offset Y":"-10","--ツリーの表示設定(Skill Tree Layout)--":"","Draw Line Type":"1","Tree Line Thick":"2","Add Frame To Line":"0","Fit Line Color To Frame":"1","--スキルツリーウィンドウの設定(Skill Tree Window)--":"","Skill Tree Max Cols":"7","Skill Tree Height Space":"22","--スキル説明ウィンドウの設定(Skill Status Window)--":"","Skill Status Title Format":"\\c[16][%2] Skill Info","Adjust Skill Desc Width":"1","Prioritize Skill Desc":"false","--コストウィンドウの設定(Cost Window)--":"","Cost Title Format":"\\c[16]Skill Cost:","Cost Item Format":"%1","Cost Number Format":"17,%1(%2)","Cost Number Width":"0","Cost Max Count Format":"","--前提スキルウィンドウの設定(Pre Skill Window)--":"","Preskill Title Format":"\\c[16]Prerequisite:","Preskill Item Format":"%1","--確認ウィンドウの設定(Confirmation Window)--":"","Conf Title Format":"Confirm SP Usage","Confirmation Ok Format":"OK","Confirmation Cancel Format":"Cancel","--習得時のSEの設定(Learned SE)--":"","Learn SE Name":"Powerup","Learn SE Volume":"90","Learn SE Pitch":"100","Learn SE Pan":"0","--コストアイコンの設定(Cost Icon)--":"","Cost Gold Icon":"297","Cost Variables Icon":"294","--ステータスの表示設定(Actor Status Layout)--":"","Actor Status Text1":"name,level,sp","Actor Status Text2":"","Actor Status Text3":"","Actor Status Space":"0,0,0,0","Actor Status Space In Text":"0","Actor Status Width Rate":"1,0,0","--枠の表示設定(Frame Setting)--":"","Skill Frame Type":"1","Count Frame Type":"1","Default Frame Image Index":"","Display Tree Type Frame":"0"}},


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By the way, this game has updated to 2.11. It's some minor bug fixes. If anyone wants to try updating the translation to the latest version, feel free.
I got the game. It took forever since F95 zone says to go here and here it says," Tenth version (for 2.10): https://ulmf.org/threads/62studio-n...anslation-rj278424.13908/page-10#post-1166964. This should have everything translated. " I try to download it but it takes me to discord and it says:
View attachment 42969
Sorry if I'm being a blockhead but I can't find a way to download the translation on here, f95zone, or hemdom.
A few posts up on this page is a newer version of the translation, split into 3 files. An unsplit translation is available on page 14, post #263 of the F95zone thread, or on Discord:
A few posts up on this page is a newer version of the translation, split into 3 files. An unsplit translation is available on page 14, post #263 of the F95zone thread, or on Discord:
Thank you for your quick reply. Forgive my ignorance but I still can't get the translation download. I went to f95zone and tried searching but the page number only went up to 7. I also downloaded discord program, but I don't see where I can download it. Please help me some more.
Thank you for your quick reply. Forgive my ignorance but I still can't get the translation download. I went to f95zone and tried searching but the page number only went up to 7. I also downloaded discord program, but I don't see where I can download it. Please help me some more.
That's weird. Is the title of the thread you're looking at "[Translation Request] Succubus in Wonderland ( 62studio )"?

If you've downloaded and installed Discord, then clicking that link should take you to the 62Studio server. From there, go to the #fan-translations channel and search for the string "Here's a complete translation for Succubus in Wonderland that fixes various bugs, typos and untranslated text." Or you could scroll up until you find the post with the translation.