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RPG WolfRPG Loli [305lab] [305開発部] 継ぐ者のコドク (RJ257653)


Tentacle Monster
Sep 20, 2012
Reputation score
Demo is included. Game is scheduled to come out on 07/Late/2019

Title: 継ぐ者のコドク
Genre: RPG
Tags: Loli, Monster_girl, animation (LIve2D), QTE combat, impregnation, inflation, male protagonist, rape(bad end), NTR(bad end route)

The game is made with wolfRPG, scenes are animated.

Postapocalyptic world now medieval tech level, with ancient hightech here and there, and somewhat filled with monsters.
Male MC accepts quests/tasks from towns shopkeeper to pay back his debt and earn money.
These quests are mostly collecting scrap from nearby old research facilities and escort missions. Theres also box pushing/pulling puzzle for warehouse arrangement task.
Game starts with MC accepting a quest to gather scrap once again, but this time he goes deeper inside the facility and finds something.
From there on go where events lead you, meeting interesting people along the way.

Normal RPG, you go around talking to people, or take quests and get moved to other maps with enemies.
Enemy sprites are visible on map and common mobs can usualy be avoided if you want to.(they have some sight range and will trigger combat if they see you.)
Combat is normal turn based RPG combat, but spiced up with QTE to actually hit/deal crits/dodge enemy attacks.
If you lose a fight(thats you arent supposed to lose) you can retry unlimited times, or load a save.
Bad ends/bad end routes are marked with skull on choices, sometimes choices that lead to H are marked with heart.
After completing tasks/quests you usually have afternoon for training skills/stats with exp.

normal RPG movement/menu, C or shift to talk to party member.
QTE during combat arrow keys, z(red rings) and x(blue rings)
You can choose to skip or see shortened versions of H-scenes in menu.

Another H game by the creator of シヅキのいる場所 , this time with some flavor to the gameplay. A QTE system, and once again, a unique storyline that's bound to have it's fair share of nightmare fuel like his last two H games if the demo is anything to go by. It seems the creator has not really considered the QOL changes he's done for his last H game, as this one starts off unforgiving with save points once again scattered around various locations only, and there's no difficultly option. I imagine if anyone grew up with DDR this H game will be much easier for them, as the developer expects you to land everything on 'great' or else you get punished hard. I don't know Japanese, but just based on the appearance alone there's certainly a mystery to uncover. Expect a difficult H game, followed by some animated H scenes and a story with possible tragedy, not an easy fap title. Apparently you can change the difficulty by selecting the second option when you get the key item in your bookshelf.

It's about the usual stuff where a traumatized young man meets a monster girl and they end up falling in love.
The gameplay is QTE.... yeah it's interesting and different at the start, then becomes kinda tedious imo.
The animation is where it's all worth it, 3GB has a lot to show, the h-scenes have to load depending on your level of animation which can change in a setting in your house.
Also has some horror elements of course.

Unique controls: SHIFT key to talk to the girl while in party, QTE combat is with the standard 4 arrow keys, Press Z for the orange circle, Press X for the blue circles.

NOTE: I added the loli tag based on appearances, however the H game does not have it tagged. Better safe then sorry I suppose.
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Demon Girl
Nov 12, 2011
Reputation score
Seems pretty interesting but yeah is also quite difficult.

On the box sorting puzzle you can press shift + first option to switch character control. I spent way too long trying to solve that with just the guy.

Also anyone else noticed that the QTE for dodging the bug girl's first attack is actually the konami code? :ROFLMAO:
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Demon Girl Master
Jun 21, 2014
Reputation score
There's a difficulty option, sort of; one of the sparkly bookshelves in your home sets the current difficulty, and also gets you a star item that allows you to change it any time.

In the initial difficulty selection prompt, the top option is likely 'normal' (for what the developer thinks is 'normal'), and the bottom option is 'easy' (or what the developer thinks is 'easy'). However, the sparring sessions you can have with Kodoku in the evenings (in the dialogue with her, second option from the top; first option is buffing your stats, third is learning Kodoku's skills) is fixed at the game's 'hard' difficulty level.

Also I just found out that you can actually control Io (male main character)'s movements in the nightmare sequences that comes every day. If you manage to make it to the bottom of the screen while dodging all the hands, he wakes up with full HP and SP, instead of falling off the bed and getting -1 HP and -50% SP (+25% SP from breakfast).

I've not been able to figure out how to do a similar thing with Kodoku, though she might need to go through story-related character development first.


Tentacle Monster
Sep 20, 2012
Reputation score
There's also what seems like an item at the right side of the nightmare sequence for the guy, but you can't seem to reach it. By the way, when you first find the girl, even if you avoid the Centipede girl's attack, she'll just attack again so don't worry about it. Unless you're suppose avoid her attacks like 20 times or something lol.
Also anyone else noticed that the QTE for dodging the bug girl's first attack is actually the konami code? :ROFLMAO:
Fuck you beat me to it.

It's nice that the developer added skulls towards decisions which would end in a bad end, though the earliest bad end you can get doesn't have it's H scene for the demo. It seems like the tragedy based events will be much easier to avoid then in his older games now, though this game is still pretty creepy with those bug infested rabbits. I imagine there's some serious mystery going on, as is typical of 305lab, so maybe there will be fucked up 'good' endings too like in his last game. The cover art for game title screen already looks like she lost a hand or something.


Demon Girl Master
Jun 21, 2014
Reputation score
Either that or her hand's balled up into a fist, with the blood being whatever creature she ate five minutes ago (basically the state you found her in).

Played to the end of the trial, and managed to get a decent gist of the story so far despite my lacking language proficiency. The bosses at the end of the trial was... If you're not confident in your reflexes, use the easy difficulty setting. You're required to perfect-QTE one shot in the first before you can deal any reasonable amount of damage, and two shots in the second (fortunately, Kodoku is with you for the second boss fight, so you've basically won after you get both shots off.)

The sparring sessions unlocked after that doesn't require perfect-QTEs (thank god) but you're still dealing with the hard difficulty and you fight alone (oh god no).

Also also, the nightmares mostly stop after a certain point in the story. Kodoku's change after a point, before eventually stopping.

The only real H-scene available is the "first night" scene, obtained by progressing in the story.

Plot points I understood:
There seems to have been a massive, all-out war some time in the past of the story; whatever happened wrecked society so much that they went from 'modern enough that they have robots/AI all willy-nilly' to 'steel age medieval-renaissance at best', leaving behind ruins and lost technology/OOPArts.

The bug-monster-things (継ぐ者, "successors"/"inheritors") only appeared at the end of the war; my theory is that they're supposed to be bio-weapons made in the ruined lab, of which the strongest/best of them was supposed to be turned into some kind of super soldier (there might have been some "kill everyone else and become the sole survivor" thing there too, which only makes sense if the concept was inspired by 蠱毒/"Kodoku").

Kodoku says that she was supposed to wait for a human who will give her a ジュウ (probably refers to 銃, "gun", if the super soldier theory is correct), though evidently the war ended before they can manage to.
You manage to bluff her into helping you out, and she acquiesces as long as she eventually gets her ジュウ (whether or not either of you actually knows what it means is up for grabs). Fortunately for you, she mellows out after some time.

The soldiers in the large city seems to have intel about what's happening in the ruined lab, and as soon as confirmation appears that Kodoku is alive, they made to grab her into helping them out because of her incredible combat strength, starting with conquering this robot-filled ruined castle thing. Fortunately for them her time with you seems to have mellowed her out a bit, unfortunately for them her time with you made her more comfortable living in peace than fighting alongside them. Also the robotic Queen of said robot castle went to live with you after giving the leader of the soldiers authority of the "King".

Io is adopted. His memories of the past seem to be rather fuzzy, and likely rather important.


Tentacle Monster
Sep 20, 2012
Reputation score
Hum, I see. Though you also see legs of something nearby that don't resemble those fly-hares. Ah well, we shall see in time. Which reminds me, in the screenshots that was given to us of the game development, there was a succubus like character you had to fight. She wasn't in the demo though, so maybe you'll see her later on in the game.


Demon Girl Master
Jun 21, 2014
Reputation score
I checked the title screen again and saw those legs. I then went and cross-checked with Kodoku's flashback sequence (the "collect scrap metal" job, after she warms up to you - after she agrees to be clothed, or a little bit after that. You'll know it because she'll stop you on the way and ask to be taken to where you met her), and I think I know whose limbs those are supposed to be.

There used to be a centipede and a spider. The centipede and the spider were friends. The centipede wanted to be together. The spider wanted the centipede to live.


Jungle Girl
Dec 30, 2010
Reputation score
I cant even get past the rabbit at the beginning. No matter what I miss the second ring. Im probably not understanding it though.


Tentacle God
Jan 5, 2012
Reputation score
I cant even get past the rabbit at the beginning. No matter what I miss the second ring. Im probably not understanding it though.
The different color rings use different keys. I learned that one the hard way as well.

Somewhat got the battle system down, still make a mistake or two every now and then but usually always crit when attack and take low dmg when defending. I surprisingly have more trouble with the direction keys than the timing circles.

Anywho, I love the concept so far....only complaint is that there's only a button to talk to her. Maybe the ability to have sex anywhere will be added later but at the same time it wouldn't be surprising if it doesn't. Previous game had no other people around while this one is fairly populated. Oh well......wish you could keep the long hair look.
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Tentacle Monster
Sep 20, 2012
Reputation score
In his last game you could talk to the girl too with the Shift key, and initiate sex scenes that varied based on location. I would like to imagine this is the same, but we will have to see. I suppose I should edit the OP with all this new information now on the controls and such.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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This thread has been moved to the H-Section to be locked due to a lack of gameplay description. If you wish to preserve this thread, please PM a moderator with an updated OP.

Edit - Thread moved back.
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Demon Girl Master
Jun 21, 2014
Reputation score
Some more observations and maybe tips, some of them repeated:

>All decisions that lead directly to a bad end are marked by a skull.

>All decisions that lead to a H-scene are marked with a heart (there's a grand total of one H-scene fully visible in the trial, mind).
>Hearts also mark locations where you can check to trigger a H-scene. On one hand might imply that the previous game's "sex anywhere" system is gone, on the other hand you don't need to play a guessing game as to where you need to start up the sex to trigger a certain scene.
>Quests with the aforementioned H-markers are, of course, also marked with hearts.

>Glowing yellow stars are generic non-H event markers. This can mean anything from "this is where you trade EXP for stats and skills" to "you can find loot here" to "an important event/dialogue happens here, and may or may not give you a gem" to "you can read some lorestuff here".
>Quests with yellow stars are important, and progress the story. Don't take them until you're sure you can handle them.

>New skills are unlocked by obtaining "gems"; they seem closer to metaphysical crystallizations than any physical thing, and are obtained through important events, revelations and observations. You still need to spend EXP to purchase said skills after unlocking.
->You can obtain one gem in the cliffside north of the path towards the abandoned lab (only obtainable after a point in the story; it's a loop trap otherwise). The gem unlocks a weak (almost useless) non-QTE attack for Io that also allows him to passively break down simple locks.
->Another gem is available after Kodoku's flashback sequence in the lab, and allows her to learn Fishing, among others; reducing daily meal upkeep by 200G each, unlocking more dialogue, helping her overcome her fear of fish, and adds more overall WAFF factor.
->Yet another is obtained in a cave north of the place you camp out in, midway towards the city of Corinth(?)/コリント, after the first star quest; it unlocks "non-verbal communication", a.k.a. the thing you use on non-hostile NPCs if you want sexy times with them.
->The last gem obtainable in the trial (If I'm not wrong) is earned via one of the books in Corinth's library, and gives you Crafting Lv1; I think it's used alongside a key item obtained in the abandoned lab (accessible via the lock break skill) to upgrade Io's bow.

>The size of QTE circles are mostly proportional to how many inputs are involved. An abnormally small circle is usually grounds for a single input with a very short time limit. Think fast!

>Know your enemy. Different enemies have different attack and defense QTEs, but they all have a pattern; attack QTEs are generally drawn from a small fixed pool, and defense QTEs have certain pre-set patterns and logic.

>You can retry any battle if you lose. Thank the developer for that, huge QOL buff there, especially since you'll probably be screwing up a lot unless you're a QTE god.


Tentacle God
Jan 5, 2012
Reputation score
A little hint to add: Having Kodoku learn to fish (1k cost at bottom of list) is absolutely necessary to mellow her out. If you do not learn to fish before taking on the story quest, the game will put you on the same path as the H+Bad End from her question during dinner the night after learning the skill. You'll know you're on this path as if you try to save a skull will appear next to the game time. 1k points is not an easy feat to get through grinding so hold on to your points to buy this skill first.


Tentacle Monster
Sep 20, 2012
Reputation score
The H game has finally been released by the way, time to grind and get some delicious story.


aka the Asian rapper Kikkoman Flowsauce
Feb 18, 2013
Reputation score
So wait, you play as a guy or what? Seems like it from the preview. Didn't bother to download the game


Tentacle God
Jan 2, 2010
Reputation score
The bees are damn annoying. I got as much attack as you can get at this point and still can't kill the bee group before they kill the ally bee. Is there something I'm missing for this?
Edit: After trying for about half an hour I have to of missed something. Is there a weapon upgrade or something I'm suppose to be able to get at some point? The bees have too much hp to kill them all in the short amount of turns that I have.
Edit2: Nevermind I found out I can intentionally miss the ally bee with the aoe arrow attack.
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Tentacle Monster
Sep 20, 2012
Reputation score
A little hint to add: Having Kodoku learn to fish (1k cost at bottom of list) is absolutely necessary to mellow her out. If you do not learn to fish before taking on the story quest, the game will put you on the same path as the H+Bad End from her question during dinner the night after learning the skill. You'll know you're on this path as if you try to save a skull will appear next to the game time. 1k points is not an easy feat to get through grinding so hold on to your points to buy this skill first.
Does this particular bad end have a new H scene or can it be ignored?


Tentacle God
Jan 5, 2012
Reputation score
Does this particular bad end have a new H scene or can it be ignored?
I don't know. That was during the demo which only had one H scene and I didn't look at the scene's name, and due to the mandatory torture known as "work" I have yet to have time to play the game. Just save before teaching her the skill. I'll most likely explore that option so I'll get back with yes or no at a later time.
That 3 gb+ download though......

Black Thunder

Demon Girl
Nov 14, 2015
Reputation score
I am stuck. I get this heart and skull ending where this blond dude takes her. I go over there she kills me and if I dont that is also just a game over. I saw earlier about a fishing skill costing 1000 points and needing it. I looked at her skills after talking to her and I didn't see a 1000 point skill. I chose the third option which is second from the bottom. Not sure if this is the right place to check.


Jun 10, 2009
Reputation score
wait for a save file on this.. to much trouble just bad ends T_T