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RPG RPG Maker [ 305 LABO] [ 305開発部 ] Miko to Miru Sekai / ミコと見る世界 RE148781 RJ148781

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Re: ミコと見る世界

Thanks for the tip, I eventually powered through it and learned that if you talk tothe third guard twice they will run away (and presumably be why the alarm is on.)
But that sounds like a better lead for a good ending.

How do you actually hideout at the village? Upon approach a farmer runs away and I can't seem to enter any buildings?

The top left house, interact with the door and a voice tells you to "go around back" go above the house and you'll see two trees very close together with a single space between them, go to that space and interact with the house and you'll enter the backdoor where a woman will let you stay the night.

Edit: So after removing her arm and starting over, I tried to break her out the non lethal way by standing post till the evil monk's leader shows up. The two monks let me through no problem and I was forced to fight him and the two corpse-bodyguards. Barely won (with a little cheating) and suddenly I'm now the hero of the temple. One of the monks gives you some items, one of them a key. The key unlocks the brown door where you start the game at, just outside the starting room at the temple. Opening it reveals an underground lake with a gulliotine and a bed, with a tombstone in the water above those. Going to the tombstone provokes some evil looking fish to attack you, keep going right and you'll eventually enter a narrow hallway, where the girl gets closer to you because bloody handprints are 'following' you on the wall, at the end is a small shrine with a chest in front of it, I couldn't interact with it so i went inside.... Where i saw a bloody handprint on the chest. Entering it made me fight some stalagtite of rotton corpse arms, which i assume plotwise is where all the monks' arms were dumped. However the problem now is that afterwords, it says I entered a new area called "???" and now im stuck in total darkness. I can talk to the girl with "shift", but if I try to press X to open the menu, a bloody real life hand touches my face, meaning I'm now stuck there unless I reload.
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Re: ミコと見る世界

The top left house, interact with the door and a voice tells you to "go around back" go above the house and you'll see two trees very close together with a single space between them, go to that space and interact with the house and you'll enter the backdoor where a woman will let you stay the night.

This. I actually found it cute and sad at the same time, but Miko REALLY gets attached to said woman and that attachment increases with every replay. But every morning you have to leave.

@Ayu Break
The alarm goes off regardless of what you do, I've killed each and every person that you can on the way there.....and alarm still goes off like who the hell knows that she's missing!?

edit: @Resaiyu, it's a dead end....and not dead end as in a wall but a you're going to die ending. I'm not sure what the details are cause when I found the place I was pretty much on my 3rd hour playing and 22nd hour awake so it really creeped the hell out of me. If you talk to the before entering the place, she's completely terrified as she does not like the dark but after entering ??? and defeating the hands she's suddenly fine. She'll tell you that there's a cliff so you have to be careful and follow her steps exactly.....of course, doing so will instead get you killed. My guess is the girl is already dead or possessed and once you're inside it's pretty much too late. Then again, so far everything in the game has had a reason. Oh btw those fish are eels and they give the one gore-like CG in the game.

There's also a CG in the room you rescue her. In that pot, there's a herb. In the beginning of the game you couldn't reach it, but she could with her arm and later you could with yours. Buuuut without her arm, she has to get it the normal way....and gives quite the show doing so.
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Re: ミコと見る世界

That's weird, I asked her to search the pot and never got a CG... Maybe it's because I didn't talk to her beforehand? I'll give it a shot, and yeah that place was odd, good to know it's a death-flag going there. Otherwise going through like I normally would, talking to her 3~4 times in each area but I'm not seeing a single CG, other then the different 'Snacktime' cg in the forest where she lacks her arm and looks... So adorable, hnnng. :p
Re: ミコと見る世界

That's weird, I asked her to search the pot and never got a CG... Maybe it's because I didn't talk to her beforehand? I'll give it a shot, and yeah that place was odd, good to know it's a death-flag going there. Otherwise going through like I normally would, talking to her 3~4 times in each area but I'm not seeing a single CG, other then the different 'Snacktime' cg in the forest where she lacks her arm and looks... So adorable, hnnng. :p

There's an affection meter of sorts, the more you rescue her and the more good things you do for her, the more she likes you. Once she's in love with you you'll start to see the voluntary H scenes. The best way to tell is by getting the 3rd ending. At first it's just a cute CG but once she's in love with you, you get an H scene afterwards.

Also, try losing or abandoning her when she's captured.

The snacktime CG is indeed adorable but it points out one MAJOR flaw in the game. Inconsistency with the CG. Snacktime and the very first CG makes her look flat chested but oh man.....a very nice surprise when you do get the H scene. Actually I take that back, it's not a flaw cause it makes finding out the truth even more awesome.
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Re: ミコと見る世界

The top left house, interact with the door and a voice tells you to "go around back" go above the house and you'll see two trees very close together with a single space between them, go to that space and interact with the house and you'll enter the backdoor where a woman will let you stay the night.

Ah thanks. this game seems tricky enough if you canread japanese, let alone if you can't. ;)
Re: ミコと見る世界

Ah thanks. this game seems tricky enough if you canread japanese, let alone if you can't. ;)

Wait til you find the scene reply. It gives you "hints" to CG you haven't seen....in the form of 3 words. It's like reading ancient hieroglyphics and only keywords were left, none of the stuff to make it make sense.

Seriously been burning the brain cells trying to figure out the game, but it's surprising fun.
Re: ミコと見る世界

Wait wait wait, I need this cleared up I guess. The affection thing I can get, but are you implying if i get an ending, I can start a brand new game and keep everything? Or if i load a save before the ending it'll still have it? Because all I've been doing is using the mind-travel to avoid getting endings as a result.

No, the 3rd ending has 2 versions. One you get when she only likes you, which you will pretty much be at by the time she loses her hand. The second adds in an afterstory H event which you get by getting the same ending but with her being in love with you instead.

All endings both good and bad ends the game. Just the game keeps a record of which CG and endings you've seen. So get the ending, let it go back to the title screen, and then reload your save file. Starting a new game, will leave you with nothing. time-travel is the only method to keep everything. otherwise it would be a useless feature lol.
Re: ミコと見る世界

Yeah i just caught that, and you caught my post, lol. Got a h-scene with th girl reaching into the pot, just in case you missed it, the next one where you sleep in the woman's house in the village... Now that she lost her arm, I don't know how to get her captured by the monk bandits unless I ignore the village and go through the village at night... Or I'm supposed to lose to them/their boss up top.
Re: ミコと見る世界

It is not a dead end. After you fall off the cliff you have to press "c" and choose the second option twice (makes you hit the girl). The screen will clear up and you can continue. Eventually you will wake up in the temple again, but it is an altered version where you can't attack anyone. When you attempt to rescue the girl from the monk again, you will come too late (you get a CG). But I have not figured out what to do next.

Also, I have another question. Since the girl lost her arm, I can no longer free her by force when I go back in time to the temple. The game always makes me wait for the priest. Any ideas on what i might be doing wrong?
Re: ミコと見る世界

Wait so does nobody have a full save? Damn this game must be rough
Re: ミコと見る世界

It is not a dead end. After you fall off the cliff you have to press "c" and choose the second option twice (makes you hit the girl). The screen will clear up and you can continue. Eventually you will wake up in the temple again, but it is an altered version where you can't attack anyone. When you attempt to rescue the girl from the monk again, you will come too late (you get a CG). But I have not figured out what to do next.

Also, I have another question. Since the girl lost her arm, I can no longer free her by force when I go back in time to the temple. The game always makes me wait for the priest. Any ideas on what i might be doing wrong?

I noticed the same thing, I can't sneak her out anymore, I HAVE to fight the monk boss, which unless I'm cheating is really really not fun.
Re: ミコと見る世界

So to colate what we have.
Known CGs are:
Talk to her after rescuing her, possibly after the pot. Before leaving.
After beating the monk ambush, have lunch at the stump.

after arm loss.
Lose to head Monk at starting zone
Lose to monks in cave
Have lunch at stump
Escape bandit cave (end 3)
As end 3 but love rather than like.

There is also a H scene of hear reaching into a pot and in the village but I don't know the trigger.

Anything elce discovered yet?
Re: ミコと見る世界

I noticed the same thing, I can't sneak her out anymore, I HAVE to fight the monk boss, which unless I'm cheating is really really not fun.

It's not that hard to take him down really, Miko should have an skill where she can use a herb in battle.....this thing boost the herb from giving some hp to completely restoring hp and mp. It's basically her only worth after losing the arm. Just use the 25mp skill and have her heal you when needed. The fight is no problem for me, no cheating involved.

If you're low on herbs, just reset time and gather a few from the pot.

@Ayu break, no I know of more it's just I'm currently getting them now.
With arm:
After staying in village the first time, do not give her your name and escape monks. (currently trying for this one, required I start a new game)

Without arm:
Lose to or abandoning her with cult leader or members (they aren't monks) at starting zone.
Have her reach into the pot for herb. (It's the second choice and then first choice)
Losing to the eel in the underground cave. (mutilation warning)
The one naitsa found after falling from cliff.
Night visit from her in village.
Lunch time (like) and (love).
Losing to monks in ambush.
Losing to monk's leader in cave.
Escaping with her (like), + H scene (love)
Escaping with her after hitting her at anytime.

edit: oh, forgot. Apparently there's a keepsake of her's somewhere you have to find. This may just be the missing link to getting the true ending. Getting the keepsake has it's CG, there's a CG for the true ending and another after story CG.

edit 2: Well damn, I just found out 2 things...one good...the other bad. The first, there actually is an H version of the ending you get when you escape while she still has the arm. She just have to like you, well this could be bad for those who didn't have a save file before losing the arm. There's another version of this ending if you hit her before escaping. The bad, I can't seem to find a way to avoid giving her my name (ie. stay at the village) AND gain exp. This makes getting the ending where you do so....kinda impossible. There's no way you can get through the cave with just one herb at lvl 1. Hell I can't even defeat the guards outside.

edit final cut: So more good news, I found yet another ending that happens while she still have her arm.....bad news, it's a bit of a pain. Once she gets kidnapped, go inside the cave and defeat the elder. Afterwards, you get a vaiation to the defeat scene only this time the guard will warn everyone and they all get the hell out of there. She gets happy, sets herself free and waits for you. Now leave her. That's it! So easy huh? Except...without her, that fight is a bitch....
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Re: ミコと見る世界

I figured out what you have to do after you fall of the cliff in the cave. First of all, select the option to slap the girl like i said before. The screen clears up and you are in cave. Take the exit to the left. You will then wake up in the dark. Walk to the girl who is still unconscious and talk to her. This will let you wake up in an alternate version of the beginning (indicated by creepy music). Follow the monk to the temple and stand guard outside(happens after you talk to the guard outside numerous times choosing first option). After the monk boss passes you, try to go inside yourself. The other guard will see this and talk to you. Choose the first option. Inside, try to walk up to the girl. The guard will stop you and you get a CG with the monk boss groping the girl. Then go outside. Talk to the guard outside and choose 1 and then 3 option. Now he lets you leave the area. Do so. In the starting area talk to the first monk you see and select 1 and then 2 option. Then go right until you meet the second monk.Talk to him and use second option. He will then clear the way. Next talk to the monk in the top right and select 1 and second option again. Then go down and talk to left monk guarding the entrance. Select 1 and second option again. Now, go back to the second area and talk to the monk standing guard. Select the 2 option. The will then be lured away. Go inside. Talk to the next guard. He will also be lured away. Talk to the last guard and select the 1 and then the 4 option. Now, try to reach the girl. Once you have done this you both wake up.

Now prepare yourself for a HARD boss fight. The boss has an H-scene on losing. It does more than 260 damage per hit, so you should have a decent lvl and enough herbs. After you defeat it, you can leave leave the cave and you get ending nr 4. Alternively you can walk up to the cross and fight a monster eel. Havent beaten this one yet.

Hope this helps us in creating a 100% save. :)
Re: ミコと見る世界

So, here's the thing I learned late last night. KHTA said that the darkened CGs, the ones we haven't unlocked yet, can be interacted with to get barebones hints. I don't know what I did, but choosing a darkened CG gave me 3 options, the top being the hints, the bottom being to cancel... The middle? It asked me if I wanted to see the CG anyway, so technically you can see all of them when you want. Upon looking closer I'm still stumped to actually unlocking them.

One hints that she has to be -madly- in love with you when you warp, as the CG has you holding her body with the shadow hand as you use her like a sex toy. (She's so into it she has hearts in her eyes, to give you the idea).

Another CG implies that we fight or find dogs/wolves/animals -somewhere-, but I haven never seen or heard of them so I'm lost there. Like 2 different CGs involve tentacles somewhere, which the only thing I can think of is inside the underground shrine where you fight the giant heap of rotten arms, or so I'm assuming they are.
So, here's the thing I learned late last night. KHTA said that the darkened CGs, the ones we haven't unlocked yet, can be interacted with to get barebones hints. I don't know what I did, but choosing a darkened CG gave me 3 options, the top being the hints, the bottom being to cancel... The middle? It asked me if I wanted to see the CG anyway, so technically you can see all of them when you want. Upon looking closer I'm still stumped to actually unlocking them.

One hints that she has to be -madly- in love with you when you warp, as the CG has you holding her body with the shadow hand as you use her like a sex toy. (She's so into it she has hearts in her eyes, to give you the idea).

Another CG implies that we fight or find dogs/wolves/animals -somewhere-, but I haven never seen or heard of them so I'm lost there. Like 2 different CGs involve tentacles somewhere, which the only thing I can think of is inside the underground shrine where you fight the giant heap of rotten arms, or so I'm assuming they are.

Sorry, I'll rewrite the endings since some of them I was off on. The one with the dogs you get from losing to the head monk inside the cave.

Nice work naitsa! I had a feeling that world wasn't just for the cg or it would have ended right afterwards but I had no idea what to do and my brain was already fried.

I figured out what you have to do after you fall of the cliff in the cave. First of all, select the option to slap the girl like i said before. The screen clears up and you are in cave. Take the exit to the left. You will then wake up in the dark. Walk to the girl who is still unconscious and talk to her. This will let you wake up in an alternate version of the beginning (indicated by creepy music). Follow the monk to the temple and stand guard outside(happens after you talk to the guard outside numerous times choosing first option). After the monk boss passes you, try to go inside yourself. The other guard will see this and talk to you. Choose the first option. Inside, try to walk up to the girl. The guard will stop you and you get a CG with the monk boss groping the girl. Then go outside. Talk to the guard outside and choose 1 and then 3 option. Now he lets you leave the area. Do so. In the starting area talk to the first monk you see and select 1 and then 2 option. Then go right until you meet the second monk.Talk to him and use second option. He will then clear the way. Next talk to the monk in the top right and select 1 and second option again. Then go down and talk to left monk guarding the entrance. Select 1 and second option again. Now, go back to the second area and talk to the monk standing guard. Select the 2 option. The will then be lured away. Go inside. Talk to the next guard. He will also be lured away. Talk to the last guard and select the 1 and then the 4 option. Now, try to reach the girl. Once you have done this you both wake up.

Now prepare yourself for a HARD boss fight. The boss has an H-scene on losing. It does more than 260 damage per hit, so you should have a decent lvl and enough herbs. After you defeat it, you can leave leave the cave and you get ending nr 4. Alternively you can walk up to the cross and fight a monster eel. Havent beaten this one yet.

Hope this helps us in creating a 100% save. :)

Hmm, are you sure there isn't more to it? I still get the game over after watching the CG and talking to the guard, choosing the choices you said. I may have just skipped over something you didn't.

edit: Ok, when I talked to the guard you don't choose 1 and then 3 you just choose 3. He finally let me walk away.
edit: Nevermind...I'm just an idiot, I now realize what you meant about choosing 1 and then another number. You're saying to choose the "talk" option. /facedesk

With arm:
Talk Miko after first time rescuing from fountain head monks.
Skip staying in village (she doesn't get the new kimono), defeat the monk ambush, head to the monk's hideout, then turnaround and leave. (Can also get if you lose ambush and rescue her but this way is easier. Requires Miko to be at least lvl 11.) Ending 5 (no H, but a nice ass shot)
After getting new kimono, defeat ambush or rescue Miko from monks and leave with like or love affection (may require love). Ending 2.
Taking a break.
Defeat ambush or rescue Miko from monks and leave with love affection and have the "brutal person" title (gain by hitting Miko). EX Ending 1. (this one is kinda sad)
Lose to ambush and defeat monk's leader alone, then leave without meeting up with Miko. Ending 1.

Without arm:
Lose or abandon Miko to the fountain head monks.
After rescuing Miko, examine the pot. Choose the second option to have Miko retrieve it then choose the first option to attack her (may require love affection). Talk to her afterwards for something funny. Talk to the guard then talk to her again for continuation....damn she's cute.
Lose to the eels in the cemetery underground.
Night visit from her in village if you have love affection.
Taking a break.
Lose to monks, either in cave or ambush.
Lose to monk's leader.
Leave monk cave with love affection. Ending 3.
Leave monk cave with love affection and "brutal person" title. EX Ending 2.
Inside fake world, from seeing Miko inside storage area.
After leaving fake world, lose to the...bunch of.....laughing....arms.......yea......this game.
Leave cemetery after defeating arms with "brutal person" title. EX Ending 3.
Leave cemetery after defeating arms. Ending 4
Defeat mother eel and obtain keepsake. Only way to do this is by making sure you have a rock in your inventory and having Miko use it while you use the 120mp skill, if you don't win in the first turn you will lose. Once you have the hair ornament simply use it in the item menu.
Leave cemetery after defeating arms and giving Miko the keepsake. Ending 4 with slight CG change.
Dev "thank you" after getting EX Ending 3 and Ending 4 in second scene replay.

That's it, all CG accounted for. The dev mentions a hidden item called Red Fruit in the game, he says there's no significance to the item just to say you found it. Also was not freaking aware that
Miko was blind this entire time! I mean, she was able to describe stuff and hated the dark...wtf!?
. Well, it was definitely fun hunting down the CG and the story was really good. This game should be more popular.
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Re: ミコと見る世界

thank you so much KHTH!!

i waithing this game long LONG time ago

i think no one gona share this game at all
because the artist is bad and have a lot of puzzle (but i'm ok with it)
Re: ミコと見る世界

The game WAS shared, by KHTA on page one.
Re: ミコと見る世界

*sigh* even misspelled my name....it's just four letters yet even then....

actually I use to think that about the artwork too....but now I'm pretty sure it was on purpose. Look at the 3 doujinshi the dev made, it shows that he/she can definitely draw yet the quality in this game was far lower than in the mangas. But once I was finished with the game, I now can't see the game having any other artstyle, it just fits. Miko was cute in the non-H CG, had more than enough sex appeal in the H CG and had a combination of cuteness and maturity in the portrait icons.

I even got use to the black and white CG and animated H scenes. playing the game in color would be weird for me now.
Re: ミコと見る世界

i have no idea how to beat big Arm in room hiding the jail
(the music in thare is creepy as fuck)

i try to read all commend in here to figure out to beat this game
but you know...something is too hard to understand

i play this game like 5-6 hour only i know is how to get new kimono
(is make you main character can level up)
and get only H-scene in 3nd ending

I don't understand at all is about "Arm" you girls
is can cut off or something??
because people said about "remove her arm" everytime
but i don't really get it how to do that

p.s. is that still don't have someone put 100% save??
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