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RPG RPG Maker [2990 / nikukure] 灼炎の騎士 アコス=リリー / Knight of Flame Lily Akos (RE133508, RJ133508)

Re: [RJ133508|RPG]Knight of Flame Lily Akos

That was it. I thought I had checked that first, but I guess not. Thanks.

Edit: And now I've gotten a different issue. I'm following the guild posted here: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showpost.php?p=735785&postcount=183 and cannot find the drug dealer to start the prostitute path. I've followed it, losing to rape bosses and lowing the mental stat as much as possible but have never seen any merchant appear next to the sewer entrance. If you know more details about when he appears, if he's hidden somewhere (behind a tree or something), or anything else, that would be great.

He is to the right of the sewers entrance, when he shows up (outside).
He shows up kinda late, so keep proceeding with the quests list from your Japanese walkthru.
Re: [RJ133508|RPG]Knight of Flame Lily Akos

The vast bulk of the work is Linna's dialogue tree. 70 sheets. Most of them repeating.
If I could run a copy/replace/paste on RPGMaker codesheets, it would be so much easier. *sigh*
Now that I know at least one person is still interested, I can get back to work on this :D

wtf man there are more than just one person interested in this :) its also me haha. keep up the good work man. i wait patiently. take your time
Re: [RJ133508|RPG]Knight of Flame Lily Akos

Yes still interested of course :)
Re: [RJ133508|RPG]Knight of Flame Lily Akos

Very interested. For some reason, after beating the game once, I can't seem to get past one of the first missions. Haven't played it in a while so a translation would be awesome.
Re: [RJ133508|RPG]Knight of Flame Lily Akos

Any progress Squark?
Re: [RJ133508|RPG]Knight of Flame Lily Akos

Apologies for the long period of silence.
There's been a little more done, but I'd like to have something a little more substantial done before I release the second batch.

I knew I should have kept up with this, but the temptation between Star Ocean, Chrono Cross, F-Zero and Kamidori Alchemy Meister is just too much sometimes.

But I'm going to set myself a goal - weekly releases. It's tight but it will keep me on track. Also a shift in mindset - I will not concentrate on how much more is left to do. *sigh* That's been the cause of a lot of holdups.

Also I posted a little about "Phases" a while back. Phase II will now consist of the dungeon text and Phase III will be the Capital City quests instead.

That being said, Phase I will take the longest to work through. There's one issue with some of this, though; the majority of the "Talk" option dialogue will unfortunately be left as is as I just can't find a decent translation for most of it.

So when in the week will new versions be released? Hard to say and I'd like to say Friday/Saturday but more realistically, I'll say Thursday. I realise today is Thursday, but I'm trying for five sheets a day and should hit the second mission to Eschenbach shortly. I think I can manage this by the end of the week. In the future, though it'll be Thursday/Friday before I have anything more.

So, until I release (again, sometime this weekend) thanks for your continued interest!
Re: [RJ133508|RPG]Knight of Flame Lily Akos

Apologies for the long period of silence.
There's been a little more done, but I'd like to have something a little more substantial done before I release the second batch.

I knew I should have kept up with this, but the temptation between Star Ocean, Chrono Cross, F-Zero and Kamidori Alchemy Meister is just too much sometimes.

But I'm going to set myself a goal - weekly releases. It's tight but it will keep me on track. Also a shift in mindset - I will not concentrate on how much more is left to do. *sigh* That's been the cause of a lot of holdups.

Also I posted a little about "Phases" a while back. Phase II will now consist of the dungeon text and Phase III will be the Capital City quests instead.

That being said, Phase I will take the longest to work through. There's one issue with some of this, though; the majority of the "Talk" option dialogue will unfortunately be left as is as I just can't find a decent translation for most of it.

So when in the week will new versions be released? Hard to say and I'd like to say Friday/Saturday but more realistically, I'll say Thursday. I realise today is Thursday, but I'm trying for five sheets a day and should hit the second mission to Eschenbach shortly. I think I can manage this by the end of the week. In the future, though it'll be Thursday/Friday before I have anything more.

So, until I release (again, sometime this weekend) thanks for your continued interest!

Thank you for your hardwork. I am sure i voice similar sentiments from the rest of the lurker community so please dont think that there is no longer any interest :)
Re: [RJ133508|RPG]Knight of Flame Lily Akos

Apologies for the long period of silence.
There's been a little more done, but I'd like to have something a little more substantial done before I release the second batch.

I knew I should have kept up with this, but the temptation between Star Ocean, Chrono Cross, F-Zero and Kamidori Alchemy Meister is just too much sometimes.

But I'm going to set myself a goal - weekly releases. It's tight but it will keep me on track. Also a shift in mindset - I will not concentrate on how much more is left to do. *sigh* That's been the cause of a lot of holdups.

Also I posted a little about "Phases" a while back. Phase II will now consist of the dungeon text and Phase III will be the Capital City quests instead.

That being said, Phase I will take the longest to work through. There's one issue with some of this, though; the majority of the "Talk" option dialogue will unfortunately be left as is as I just can't find a decent translation for most of it.

So when in the week will new versions be released? Hard to say and I'd like to say Friday/Saturday but more realistically, I'll say Thursday. I realise today is Thursday, but I'm trying for five sheets a day and should hit the second mission to Eschenbach shortly. I think I can manage this by the end of the week. In the future, though it'll be Thursday/Friday before I have anything more.

So, until I release (again, sometime this weekend) thanks for your continued interest!

No worries about the silence, just happy the game is being translated. Good Luck!!!
Re: [RJ133508|RPG]Knight of Flame Lily Akos

Yessss! Our great god KAM demands sacrifices! ALL OF OUR FREE TIME FOR THE MASTER!

Ahem. Yeah. My 100% OCD Kamidori phase made my grades dip by 0.7 in one semester, I can relate.
Re: [RJ133508|RPG]Knight of Flame Lily Akos

I spoke prematurely.
I've run into a spot of bother on Sheet #19.
I have no cucking flue what's going on in the dialogue. I'll keep thinking about it and if I have a sudden flash of brilliance I might be back on track.
I'm using IMTranslator for assistance and the problem goes like this:
At one point there seems to be some sort of sweet undertones to the dialogue (about halfway down) and towards the end there's this "I leave it to you!" and a lot of chiming for new quests added.
The problem is the "I leave it to you!"
This is what someone usually utters when just before they top themselves. Which she doesn't. I don't get it. ¬.¬
Re: [RJ133508|RPG]Knight of Flame Lily Akos

I'm not too sure, but based on what you say it sounds correct. She's giving you a bunch of tasks to perform and then saying "I leave it (these tasks) to you" meaning she's entrusting you to perform the tasks she just gave you.
Re: [RJ133508|RPG]Knight of Flame Lily Akos

I like what Cadgy suggested.

@ remicks
It's not exactly "I leave it to you!", its actually this:


And the only thing I've got for it is:

"With this incident, we leave you all!" (IMTrans)
--> "With that, it's up to you!" (Me)

Seriously, what's going on with this?
Re: [RJ133508|RPG]Knight of Flame Lily Akos

This is the translation I've come up with.

"With the matters at this time, hereafter I will entrust everything to you."

That is kinda the literal translation and what I like to call japengrish. A more english sounding translation may be...

"Hereafter I will entrust you with these matters. I leave everything to you!"
Re: [RJ133508|RPG]Knight of Flame Lily Akos

I'm still working on this, but it's been slow.
Making some headway, but this block of text just doesn't translate well enough.
Which comes out as
ImTranslator Microsoft said:
Oh, speaking of Guild of raimhagen views of the Temple of mill de Laguna and relationship if it said
And both Google and Babylon say this:
Oh, Speaking of lame Hagen guild length, mill de Laguna
Relationship with Ken of the temple had to say if Toka
What the !£$€%^&* is "Toka?"

The best I can decipher is this: "The Guild at Lame Hagen spoke at length about on their views of the Temple at Mil de Laguna and of their relationship with Ken."
Not only does it not flow well or coherently, it also doesn't seem to have much to do with the quest received beforehand.
It's triggered by Mission VII, and you're not asked to go to Mil de Laguna or find some old guy named Ken.
I would appreciate some help again.

As a result of the slow going, I'd like to have at least up to Sheet #25 covered by late evening tomorrow. (I originally wanted up to #30 done, but that's only going to happen if I can get my brain in gear again, damn you other games...)
Re: [RJ133508|RPG]Knight of Flame Lily Akos

What the !£$€%^&* is "Toka?"

This here:

\- -\


The last part usually indicate leader position, so it's talking about the guild leader of the other town :v i.e. the pink hair that rekt your arse the first time you visit that town.
Re: [RJ133508|RPG]Knight of Flame Lily Akos

Cheers for that, lazycat.
AFAIK, the Guild leader of Lame Hagen is named "Mil" or something along those lines.

Good news, everyone! (sorry, couldn't help it)
RPGMakerTrans now works with this game.
What this means is that now I won't have to constantly translate and retranslate whole sections (sometimes whole sheets are repeated) and work should now be faster.
I will also be releasing it as a Trans patch rather than the whole data directory.

The flipside is that I may have to start over from scratch. That's okay, though as I can use my notes if there's anything I've forgotten about.

Releasing the game in phases may not be practical anymore.
There's roughly 318 files for me to look at, but some of them don't have any bearing on the game itself like "Troops", for example.
Some of the map files will be insanely fast as well.

Until my next update.
Re: [RJ133508|RPG]Knight of Flame Lily Akos

fighting the good fight!