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Sex Demon
Apr 7, 2015
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ULMF thread - https://ulmf.org/forum/hentai/hentai...-the-blue-skin

UPDATE: Since Zell decided to use our translation to make an official english build, this thread might seem obsolete for now. But in case he will drop english build support in future - we'll update this thread with a new patch.

There was some requests for this one, so I decided why not. Not a lot to translate here really, but people can use this in case they don't understand how to load a save game or want to know what abilities/skills they're picking up, for example (useful for newcomers).

This translation comes in form of xdelta patch and DOES NOT CONTAIN THE GAME BUILD - download it from Zell's FC2 blog. Make sure to read PatchInstallationReadme.txt which is included in the archive.
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They look great, and so do the descriptions. Only missing an up arrow on how to do the hammer move, pointing it out juuuuuuust in case. If anything only the Voice Bazooka would be kinda hard to explain but that explanation works.

Not 100% sure if I remember, but doesn't the Camouflage skill also makes you immune to certain attacks? Can't remember, Imma go check. EDIT: Eh, it kinda does but it's only useful for non-homing projectiles. Most enemies who attack won't damage you but will as soon as you come out of it. Think the current translation works fine.
Looks okay so far but a far cry from the original designs. Zell makes his text 1 pixel wide and outlines them with adjacent pixels. The most obvious is the game over screen where the "white stuff " near the text is pixel while the text next to it is much smoother. I also see leftover smudge marks and some parts out of line from the originals on image 00101. Image 00087 should probably just say "CONTINUE?". And I think image 00087 should probably say "Quit" instead of "Give Up".

I also noticed weird morphing when trying to overlay images 00087 and 00088. I'm pretty sure the game uses a certain grid on these combination images that needs to be pixel perfect in respect to the word it's trying to change (eg adding an arrow to an option on a menu or highlighting a word). I think RPG Maker has a similar system. Anyways, I'm pretty sure if you add it as is, the text for those images will morph in-game and not look quite right when switching options.

I was wondering what the consensus would be on renaming parts to be more "English-friendly".

An example would be the main interface. In the version you posted it says "Skill", "Item", and "Ability". While my translation reads them as "Main", "Item", and "Assist" (or "Aid"/"Help").

The "Passive" and "Active" descriptions were also added by the editor when they were all originally read as "Ability".

Personally, I think some things are better renamed into something more fitting (eg ability, power, skill).

I'm a perfectionist so my standards are usually pretty high. Is everyone okay with "good enough" or something that rivals the original? I guess it all depends on how much time people want to put into it.

Were these actually translated or just written based on gameplay? I noticed the last item wasn't translated. Is that because we can only speculate what it could do based on its description?
Looks okay so far but a far cry from the original designs. Zell makes his text 1 pixel wide and outlines them with adjacent pixels. The most obvious is the game over screen where the "white stuff " near the text is pixel while the text next to it is much smoother. I also see leftover smudge marks and some parts out of line from the originals on image 00101.
I'd say this part of boneguy's post is the most substantial, honestly. If you don't mind, let's look at a comparison image I threw together using your changes, the original game, and a translation mod that somebody made for v1.09(I can try digging you up a link for that, if you want to take a look at it or ask who made it to use its resources):

Notice how thick your text is compared to the other two, and how smooth it is compared to the box surrounding it, too. Again, I can try getting a link to the translation for 1.09 if you want, I think its creator was a user on these forums.

One positive thing about what you've done is making some decent translation/interpretation. The above person may disagree with me, but I think it's fine to alter the original text a little bit to sound better rather than try keeping the translation as true as possible. I mean, "Sprint" vs "Green Boost", "Doesn't affect jumping" vs. "Doesn't affect jump", "Masturbate" vs... uhhh... "G". Whatever "G" was supposed to mean. Have you ever read a manga or something where they cared way too much about the original Japanese to have their English translation sound natural? My two cents, avoid being like that.
I think you may have misunderstood me. I'm fine with changing words from the original meanings to make more sense. I was just curious what the majority consensus was on the matter.

I tried my hand at editing the masturbate panel. And as I was typing this out I realized I spelled it wrong. WHOOPS!

And here is the fixed version:

I used Sans font because it seemed to fit most closely with that uppercase G, so I thought it would be the font of choice. I used the same colors as the original and tried to keep in line with where the old text was before. I also did the outlines of the letters by hand to make sure it was all correct and in line with how the original did it. After doing one panel I pretty much have the technique down.

Thoughts? I do plan on doing the rest with the previous translation to keep things civil. Except I did change "launch" because who says that.

As for the bottom-right part of the panel. Should it be the "Passive"/"Active" combo or just display as "Ability"? It's easily changeable so I don't care either way.
I was just curious what the majority consensus was on the matter.

I tried my hand at editing the masturbate panel. And as I was typing this out I realized I spelled it wrong. WHOOPS!

And here is the fixed version:

I used Sans font because it seemed to fit most closely with that uppercase G, so I thought it would be the font of choice. I used the same colors as the original and tried to keep in line with where the old text was before. I also did the outlines of the letters by hand to make sure it was all correct and in line with how the original did it. After doing one panel I pretty much have the technique down.

Yeah, as TheFierceDeity said main focus was "Easy to understand, not 1 to 1 translation" and you're right about "being based on a gameplay" part too.

Any kind of feedback are welcomed and it's good to see you come up with your own edits. I like that you did there and it fits the original font much better. So, if it's not much trouble with you, I'd like to see more :)
Passive/Actuve & Main/Assist - we thought that first combination would be a more "English-friendly".

Also, take a note, some skill descriptions are unused - this game have some unused content from build to build. But I'd like to see what these untranslated lines means.

Anyway, I'm going to pass your notes to Heckerman and RaknnkaR)
PS: Do you have a discord account, by any chance? It will be much faster to discuss things there.

PPS: Here's an example of injected edited sprites back in the game
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I finished the Skills, Items, and Abilities Panel. It pretty much turned out how I wanted it to, but I did have to use some discretion on some of the text, either to fit on the page or just make it sound better/make more sense.

Turns out adding depth to the bottom of the titles makes them stand out way more. See my previous version to see what I mean.

Here it is: Click "Download" in the top-right and then click on "Direct download".

Can I get a video of it as well? ;)

I'm also, going to do the rest of the images so be patient. Comments / criticism is also welcome for my previous work.
Can I get a video of it as well? ;)

Sure :)

Gotta say, I'm impressed. I'll wait for the rest of the images then, no to need rush)
I don't see any problems with your uploaded sprite, except I noticed a bug which is present even in original Zell's work - Voice Bomb window is higher than other ones by a pixel or so, I think. Easy to fix.

PS: Fixed Voice Bomb window -
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Here's the full sprite translation. It came out good for the most part.

I think I had the most fun doing the Title sprite. Zell makes great use of colors and does nice outlines. I think mine is a faithful English counterpart to his original Title sprite. I'm not 100% convinced the way I put "OF THE" in the title was the right way to go about it. I suppose I could put "Blue Skin" in the bottom part to make it fit.

It took me about as much time to do these last images as it took with the Skills, Items, and Abilities. There were a lot of different font styles and I wanted to stay true to the original designs. Being sleep deprived didn't help either. I thought I could finish them all quickly, but it only seemed to hurt since after waking up I had to fix some images and completely scrap image 89 that I was working on before I went to sleep. I was making layers by hand because I couldn't recognize that Zell had just offset two of the same letters and then outlined them.

Hopefully, the sprites that change menu options (images 88, 89, and 91) are aligned correctly and won't warp or move when changing options. I aligned them to be in line how the original text was so it should be fine, but I don't know how Zell has the borders set up and I couldn't test it. You should be able to fix it yourself as you did earlier. How did you fix that anyway? It looked fine in the sprite image.

Image 88 wasn't fun to do. There didn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to his outlines and just seemed random. So I just kind of had to improvise my own version. Does it look okay?

I did change the Game Over screen. Just rearranged some parts. I think it looks much better.

Almost forgot to mention this, but what do you guys think of "Voice Bomb" instead of "Voice Bazooka"? The latter took up too much room and downsizing the font made it lose too much thickness and didn't look quite right. I originally was going to put "Voice Boom". Is there a better word we can use than "voice" or a better name for the technique?

Also, is everyone okay with "Dark Key"?

Edit: I think "Shout" or "Shout!" is a much better name than "Voice Bazooka" or "Voice Bomb". It's also short and will fit the panel easily.
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Here's the full sprite translation. It came out good for the most part.
Great work, man! I'm really glad you made the rest of sprites.
I already tested them and all I had to fix was image 89 'New Game/Continue'. All I did to fix this image and previous problem with 'Voice Bomb' window - lowered them by one pixel in GIMP. Here's your fixed 101 'description' sprite:

Everything else looks fine to me, however, I wanted to show you a comparison:
Zell scaled down image 88 intentionally to get rid of game over bug, but this sprite looks distorted ever since 1.13b. Take a look at the original one. What do you think? Can it be recreated in lower resolution (with smoother-looking text like it was before)?

I think word choice is fine. Can't see any typos, so that'll do.
'Shout' hmm... Yeah, I think that's a good idea.

Also, I didn't include these sprites because I thought there's no need to translate those:
Don't want to screw with original artwork more than needed, but maybe you think otherwise.

And here's a video with your sprites injected into the game:
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Personally I think all the little "Yah"s and "Splurt~!"s etc. ought to be translated. I've never really liked how translations tend to leave out sound effects and mix them in untranslated with the English.
Post update: we're still working on it.
Here's an album with latest edits we made and WIP tests in-game:

Any feedback are welcomed :)

Also changed status to "Full", since we're going to edit "SFX"-type sprites as well.

Also changed status to "Full", since we're going to edit "SFX"-type sprites as well.

Nice! I think a good job was done with the SFX sprites, making them adhere to the original game having them vary in size and neatness. It will be pleasing to see the game translated top to bottom.
ok i honestly have no clue what i did wrong. maybe i just dont understand it but it makes a patch but i dont see a file to replace or a new file? and you said to use actbin file 2 times but it wont let me do that so i thought you ment the actstr file in witch it did work but still it wasnt able to read the wave file? even with both file names the same

Never mind i got it i had to make a copy of the file of my self guess i read it wrong thought the file would be auto made
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I'm not saying this translation got noticed by the developer or anything, but...

It got noticed by the developer. That's pretty awesome.