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The Works of Toonpimp

Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Makes me think there's a pretty big market for porn game making, most specifically furries. People are so desperate that they'll pay all that for subar quality. Brb, learning to create furry porn games.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

An update for you all. The TP forum is closing down on the 22nd. Expect a lot of new members here... lol.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Not that my opinion is welcome here or anything... But I thought for the price I payed, I got what I wanted. If I wanted guns or new combos, I'd have asked for them. The price was pertaining to the animation and character models, thus, small details were free.

I enjoyed what I got for the amount I spent. That's really all that matters.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Not that my opinion is welcome here or anything... But I thought for the price I payed, I got what I wanted. If I wanted guns or new combos, I'd have asked for them. The price was pertaining to the animation and character models, thus, small details were free.

I enjoyed what I got for the amount I spent. That's really all that matters.

Course, value is in the eye of the beholder, or whatever. If you don't mind paying, then who cares? I'm just more worried about the rumors of him being payed and the project being canceled or unfinished anyways. I just hope people look up his track record before sending him money is all. I'm sure at times he can be very professional and he's made some decent games, seems to lack reliability though.

Went back through and replayed a lot of the old ones, some on newgrounds, some from his site. None were all in one place that I could find though, anybody know where they can all be played?
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Wth happened to cracklevainia 2 that was such a promising game... just cancelled out of nowhere
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Wow, toonpimp's forum is actually closing.

Finally something's done correctly by him.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Wth happened to cracklevainia 2 that was such a promising game... just cancelled out of nowhere

The commissioner stopped funding it.

And wait what. He's closing the forums?
.. Toonpimps actual name wouldn't happen to be Adam would it? He's starting to remind me of someone I knew a long time ago.
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Re: The Works of Toonpimp

i have to be honest. He did make 2 of my most favorite games. Cracklevania and FiFi's fury. I felt cracklevania was honestly an ok attempt at a castlevania-ish hentai game. Good amount of creatures, and though i wasnt a fan, the change from woman to male back and forth was unique on his part. Boss battles were ok too, I was honestly kinda impressed.

Fi Fi's fury reminded me heavily of the sidescrolling fighters i liked. Now im not going to give it huge props or say it Did its very best, but it really didn't do too bad as far as combos went, and even with good amount of shit on the screen, it didn't do half bad, with some decent rape scenes. The addition of assist characters was also fairly good too, so i Honestly have FiFi's Fury as my Absolute favorite from him.

So as much as i could bash...i can honestly say those two games i felt he was on Top there. That he was really Riding the right roller coaster. it was only after the Samurai pizza cats game, or polly tales, That i honestly felt the quality was beginning to fall into the floor. So Take that as bashing if you want, but if i could give him one suggestion, is look at those two games above, because those were his finest work and best points in my book.
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Re: The Works of Toonpimp

I agree with you, those games were good. But sadly, everything after that was crap.

I'm not sad to see him go. He'll pop up again I assure you.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

I rather liked the forums. Felt like home a bit. Liked the people there all too well, had fun cleaning up the place too.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

well can't say I'm surprised to see it being closed. The asshole just couldn't take it anymore so he's going to close it so he doesn't have to deal with it. Good riddance I say.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Holy shit?! Really?! Gotta save some arts! Well, my albums here shall be bolstered soon.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

well can't say I'm surprised to see it being closed. The asshole just couldn't take it anymore so he's going to close it so he doesn't have to deal with it. Good riddance I say.

Lol. And yet you had to get a last word in on him by making a new account to troll over there. You should let it go, at least that would be the MATURE thing to do.

EDIT: Congratulations, you just made the forum stay just for your spite =p
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Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Lol. And yet you had to get a last word in on him by making a new account to troll over there. You should let it go, at least that would be the MATURE thing to do.

EDIT: Congratulations, you just made the forum stay just for your spite =p

lol. Actually I've had that account on there for a while. Made it like a day or two after my account raigntk got kicked lol. Also I don't mind it at all. I enjoy TP's game's it's just that he's a jerk.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

lol. Actually I've had that account on there for a while. Made it like a day or two after my account raigntk got kicked lol. Also I don't mind it at all. I enjoy TP's game's it's just that he's a jerk.

After the stuff you've been saying, I could say the same thing about you.

People like the forum over there, myself included and when someone comes around and suddenly says "Good riddance" that's heartless and selfish. FYI It's probably my most favourite forum that I hang around.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

After the stuff you've been saying, I could say the same thing about you.

People like the forum over there, myself included and when someone comes around and suddenly says "Good riddance" that's heartless and selfish. FYI It's probably my most favourite forum that I hang around.

Yeah and so did I (granted I still do for the most part), but I am a heartless bastard so...yeah.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

@shadowman: well, if you feel like you got your money's worth, more power to ya.

As for me, I think 60's Spiderman can sum up my feelings on that game, as well as whether or not he shuts down his forum:

He has potential, he has shown he can create decent, if not good games, he just doesn't. He's had years now to improve, and he did for a while, but as of late he's been slipping, to the point that his latest games feel like they were made when he was first starting out, or at least a year after he started.