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[WIP - Full] [RJ133508] Knight of Flame Lily Akos [WIP] Update 23/09/17 (50% complete!)

It's good work, but can you make a version without pubes? Upload that and I'll want to endorse it as I work on this. See my reply in your other thread for this for a reason.

If anyone's wondering if I'm dead or abandoned this project, neither are true. When this site went for updates, I started a thread on another forum I visit.
It'll still take time but I AM making progress. One scene at a time (yep, I'm sure this is the scene recollection room I've found). I've finished out the Mayor route's scenes and I think I'm onto the Jumbo Slime ones now.
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Thats great news! still cant wait until you are done with the translation.
Can you give out the link to the other forum?
Okay, I think I'm finally done with the Recollection Room scenes for the Rapist. He's got so many of them. It got annoying. I'm onto a whole other set now.
I'm in a spot of bother again and need some assistance.
This has me bamboozled:


Any help is appreciated.
Okay, I think I'm finally done with the Recollection Room scenes for the Rapist. He's got so many of them. It got annoying. I'm onto a whole other set now.
I'm in a spot of bother again and need some assistance.
This has me bamboozled:


Any help is appreciated.

OK, so piecing this together: According to your own translation, Map085/Map086, the brothel is named ドリームランド アチGIRL which you've translated as Dreamland Girls. 風俗 can be translated as sex service, sex industry or sex-oriented entertainment according to my Japanese dictionary, so I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that a consistent translation with what you've done so far is "Sex work at Dreamland Girls", or perhaps "Whoring at Dreamland Girls" - depending on the content of the scenes.

I will admit I am somewhat confused as to translating アチGIRL accurately. Genuinely don't get that one.

(Oh, and you'll probably want to change the "Dream Girl" title to "Dreamland Girl", consider it's more about whoring that being a dream girl; I spotted this in Map086, but it's probably elsewhere as well)
Hello, sorry for being one of those "it not worky" people. If i read correctly the patch you posted the link for is not working correctly with the rpgmaker trans right?
You read it wrong. People sometimes complained that "it no worky" without realising that RPGM Trans is REQUIRED for the patch to work. So, in short: it does work.
The patch is still being built on RPGMaker Trans.
Ignore any error messages that pop up in patching unless RPGM Trans crashes out. It should be perfectly playable in its current state but please be advised that I'm still working on it.
I still haven't gotten around to translating the Quest cards. That'll probably be the LAST thing I do.
Having a bit of a problem translating someone's name right... And I could swear it's how Akos is called in the brothel: 憧子
All I can get is Hesitancy or Captain or some such.
I assume it's Akos because the proceeding dialogue mentions the drugs. "(Just keep telling yourself it's for the medicine. Yeah, the medicine...)"
Having a bit of a problem translating someone's name right... And I could swear it's how Akos is called in the brothel: 憧子
All I can get is Hesitancy or Captain or some such.
I assume it's Akos because the proceeding dialogue mentions the drugs. "(Just keep telling yourself it's for the medicine. Yeah, the medicine...)"

Quick google translate is Tōko or admiral in english... If the text is swapped it becomes Kotō or childing adolescence
Individually it's Tō = Longing, adore (in text suggestion) and ko = Child, kitten, puppy (in text suggestion
don't know if this helps...
Quick google translate is Tōko or admiral in english... If the text is swapped it becomes Kotō or childing adolescence
Individually it's Tō = Longing, adore (in text suggestion) and ko = Child, kitten, puppy (in text suggestion
don't know if this helps...
Yeah I used Google myself as well, but considering the context I'm not so sure.
Firstly, you translated 憧子 as Ako (Map085/086) previously. Also as "Admirer", and "Akos", which I assume are errors.

However, on how to translate it: JMnedict based translation (via Yomichan) gives 憧子 as Ako, or Shouko, or Touko - all feminine names. So use your judgement on which one is the best translation - probably Ako if you want to be literal, but I'm not sure about that. I think what's going on is Akos is trying to hide her actual name in the Brothel and picked an uninspired fake name based on an ambiguous homonym of her real name. But that doesn't translate well at all.

Personally I'd go for Lilac as the translation - it's a similarly uninspired fake name (derived from Lily Akos i.e. the first parts of her first and last names), but it actually kinda also works as the name of someone in a brothel. Or keep it as Ako, whatever.
No,no, I see your point. It's just that (I think) via Rikaichan's name directory it came back as Ako. Lilac makes more sense in the current situation even though as a whole, "Ako" is a fairly common name from what I've read. This comes from japantimes.co.jp:
"Girls seem on the whole to have drawn more interesting everyday name-substitutes such as Ako (Cute)". Even taking this into consideration, I still think you're right. It just had me confused for a while.
Please don't be so dismissive as to use "whatever" as a closer next time. I honestly think you're better than that.

Corrections will be made. When I'm not so inebriated.
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Ah, sorry about that - actually not my intention to be dismissive, but trying to indicate that regardless of what you decide on the matter it's not a huge thing. Due to Aspergers I do sometimes get the wrong phrasing on nuances, which I did here. Having thought about it a bit further, the one thing I'd point out as problematic is that if there is no line where Akos actually comes up with her name for use at the brothel, the reader might not know why Akos is now calling herself Lilac because it's not a completely obvious unimaginative name. It'd probably be easier for the reader to rationalise Ako if there's no other explanation (especially as I don't think, well, anyone uses Akos's first name - in which case the derivation of Lilac might be a step too far without explanation).

So, uh, the ball's in your court? Or some similar phrasing?
Sorry, I didn't know.
It'd be easy enough to insert a new line explaining the choice to call herself Lilac. Come to think of it, having her refer to herself as "Ako" in this context WAS in error. I choose the believe that she holds that pet form of her name quite dear to her heart as that's what Shizu calls her.
I was thinking that it'd also be easy enough for her to go by "Lily" as nobody calls her that.

And yes, "the ball's in your court" is spot on. :)
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Sorry, I didn't know.
It'd be easy enough to insert a new line explaining the choice to call herself Lilac. Come to think of it, having her refer to herself as "Ako" in this context WAS in error. I choose the believe that she holds that pet form of her name quite dear to her heart as that's what Shizu calls her.
I was thinking that it'd also be easy enough for her to go by "Lily" as nobody calls her that.

And yes, "the ball's in your court" is spot on. :)

Nothing to be sorry about. As you said, you didn't know.

I'll bow to your superior knowledge on this game and what pet names are used. It's been absolutely ages since I've played it, so I'll just stick to trying for random bits of insight where appropriate.
I shelved it for a while, it's true; only doing little bits and pieces.
I dug it out again and straight away felt my enthusiasm return.
Why is it taking so long? The H-Scene dialogue is at most times completely ridiculous. But as it's a FULL and not MOST I have to do them.
Not abandoned, just sleeping.
I've only had to abandon ONE project and that's because the tools were unfit for the task.
Small progress has been made. Two more scenes done. Now I remember how much ludicrous nonsense there is in these H-Scenes.