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(Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I wanted to save some Radars and Glasses for later on, but no, I had to push myself from 54 to 24. Wish I had more time too otherwise I might've, just maybe been able to push into top 10 since Sza stayed strong with only 4m omamori.

Oh well, there is always next event to beat the mighty Sza.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

The worst feeling, seeing nearly a full page of silver and gold cases that are going to time out...
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

woke up just to make sure I was still top 10, lol. I see Sticky passed me for 7th again.. I could have taken it back, but my love of efficiency trumps my vanity.. barely
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Aaaaaaaaaaand it's dead. Time to go play with my dragon waifus. I quite enjoy Dragon tactics.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I don't like the stamina system on it. Can afk 90 minutes max before stamina is full again. :(
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I don't like the stamina system on it. Can afk 90 minutes max before stamina is full again. :(

Yeah the stamina system heavily rewards active play, granted the rewards right now for using it all at every chance is really low. Outside of abusing the 1 stamina for 2xp trick map you don't miss a lot. I'd say Spirit is the only thing you have to use on cooldown if you can but that has an hour and a half recharge so.

Time to wait 100 pero Nwild card .

I had planned to go to bed when the event ended but I have a few million saved up so I'm gonna be checking for them sexy 100 pero N wilds again. If they fixed it oh well nothing but an hour of sleep lost.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I dont understand why ppl want the 100 pero nwilds so bad, you dont get enough over the time?^^
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I dont understand why ppl want the 100 pero nwilds so bad, you dont get enough over the time?^^

You whales have all your cards maxed so you can never understand the struggle of common sardine :p

"Stay tuned to PeroPero Seduction for our upcoming Elite Guard 4 event, and more surprises!" Let us rest!
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

You whales have all your cards maxed so you can never understand the struggle of common sardine :p

"Stay tuned to PeroPero Seduction for our upcoming Elite Guard 4 event, and more surprises!" Let us rest!

Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

You whales have all your cards maxed so you can never understand the struggle of common sardine :p

As someone who's a whale in the JP version and a minnow on EN, I understand how much it sucks to have to pick and choose which cards to use wilds on first.

"I really like this card, but this other one will get me more SED, but she's just a Moe while this Sexy one will get me more in the long run, but this oth--GODDAMN IT"
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I dont understand why ppl want the 100 pero nwilds so bad, you dont get enough over the time?^^

My only non-100+s are 17 Rs, and R wilds are rarer than perhaps they should be, so people like buying up N wilds and converting them.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I dont understand why ppl want the 100 pero nwilds so bad, you dont get enough over the time?^^

You can convert 10 N wilds into 1 R wild, R wilds are very hard to get.

To put it into perspective you can get about 800~ R wild cards for a million pero which is amazing, it really helps solve the issue with how hard it is to get R wilds.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

You can convert 10 N wilds into 1 R wild, R wilds are very hard to get.

To put it into perspective you can get about 800~ R wild cards for a million pero which is amazing, it really helps solve the issue with how hard it is to get R wilds.

I'm kinda also doubting it happens again. I would imagine they've figured out what keeps causing it by now.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I'm kinda also doubting it happens again. I would imagine they've figured out what keeps causing it by now.

Let me dream i finally have like 800k Pero to burn!
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

Yeah probably, I already got like 1500 rare wilds from it total so far so even if they do fix it, I'm content.
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I'm kinda also doubting it happens again. I would imagine they've figured out what keeps causing it by now.

I hope not, saved up over 1m pero hoping to get cheap n wilds.

BTW, has a pero maintenance ever actually finished within an hour? And if not why don't they just advertise it has 2 hours wait?
Re: (Nutaku) PeroPero Seduction

I think they finished like 5 minutes past the hour one event a while back and fun fact half the game didn't work so they had to take it back down.