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[DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

So far my medal is:
1st area: 3 3 3 2
2nd area: 3 3 3 3

I'm seriusly felt lucky on that last map basicaly all my girl died except the 1st team who keep circling everwhere to clear all the mob (1st try)
I still having problem on 1st area last map i do heard some ppl said place all your unit in 3rd lane, but lets say RNG is playing trick on me :(
Hint: rolling for higher rarity kinda bad to clear event map, its better recomended use those medal for lving girl and evolving them...
So far i only use 2x 50 roll since i start from begining *thanks to 2 crystal / day + event map*

PS: im clearing some old friendlist due to no idea what happen there 20++ ppl asking me on friendlist if i cleared your, sorry try to PM me with ur ID name so i remember not to clear
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I know this is the ultimate first world problem, but how do I keep getting Cosmos as my only gold unit from these gachas? I've gotten her three straight times in a row, and this last one was even from the spear campaign gacha. 6% chance to get gold, 9% chance after that to get a specific gold, times 3. I could've gotten several rainbows over with those odds. What the heck orz
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I know this is the ultimate first world problem, but how do I keep getting Cosmos as my only gold unit from these gachas? I've gotten her three times in a row, and this last one was even from the spear campaign gacha. 6% chance to get gold, 9% chance after that to get a specific gold, times 3. I could've gotten several rainbows over with those odds. What the heck orz

All i can say have faith !!.
FKG gave u alot crystal like 2x / day + event map is another 2x / completion while aigis so hard to get any crystal specialy if you still new i notice can't clear event map = no crystal :( so hard to get.
Minimal FKG let you roll alot more time and there also +1 bonus in 10 roll:D
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Only 5 spirit stones when I logged in. Oh well, I guess I can't be too picky since they were giving them out for free (come on though, they were down for 4 hours!).

Not sure why, but to get all stars on the second half seems really easy? I was able to get all medals on my first try each time. Seriously, I thought they were gonna drop a 120 stamina map as the last stage and was ready to ultimate ragefest at having no rainbows to clear it.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Did they lower the evolution cost of 4 star girls? I swear it took 2 tier 3 dragons to evolve them a while ago, now their materials are 1 tier 3, 4 tier 2. It's pretty easy to evolve them now. I just evolved Yellow Tulip now too, yay. I felt like I was falling behind because I wasn't able to evolve my girls, so I think I'm catching back up to the power level of people who have been playing since the start.

I managed to 3 star the first 3 new maps on my first go, that was so wonderful.

Edit: Oh snap, 3 stared the final map first attempt too. I can't complain about bad map luck for a while now. Quickest event ever and I am perfectly okay with that (Since I need a million tier 3 dragons to evolve my team x.x).
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Tier 3 dragon.... The nightmare :(
I wasted 5 crystal just to get 1 of them for my red 1 (i got like 20 tier2 and sold 8 of them)
Finaly Event all map full star :D now all that left is just farm affection item and prepare purple lvl up and purple dragon as soon the char given...
a 5 star with full skill full item always gonna be great :D
Too bad magic gunner felt like gonna be single target skill, I still prefer a group of 4-5 member AoE Atk-er, after all nowday all the boss minion atk twice and hurt so bad
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Yeah it's a complete crap storm. I just got 2 tier 3's in one run, there is an rng god~ I hope your luck with it improves. Mine was as bad as yours before.

2 blue, 1 red, 2 purple tier 3 wise now. I have 2 evolved 4 stars, still no evolved 5 stars. Hope I can get another blue before the end of the day, I really want to evolve Violet since she's usually the first girl to die in my main team.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Yeah it's a complete crap storm. I just got 2 tier 3's in one run, there is an rng god~ I hope your luck with it improves. Mine was as bad as yours before.

2 blue, 1 red, 2 purple tier 3 wise now. I have 2 evolved 4 stars, still no evolved 5 stars. Hope I can get another blue before the end of the day, I really want to evolve Violet since she's usually the first girl to die in my main team.

So far i got 1 evolve 6 star (don't ask how many crystal i spend on that 5 tier 3 dragon, but she like my major killer >.< pre evolve skill 7k dmg AoE / after evolve now 11-12kdmg AoE *not weakness*(maybe cuz i also add that event yelow girl PT +20% atk), i felt sooooo worth it seeing whenever her skill proc even 80 stam map mob hp just went down to 1/2-1/3 in 1 go)
1 evolve 5 star and 2 evolve 4 star. I plan to evolve another 4 star 1st for my 2-4th team, since im confident with how strong my main team now.
As for 3 star is still questionable, cuz they dont have good passive trait I might just focus 4star+
Edit: But i guess priorty for now is preparing the fully buffed that magic gunner so wednesday time to spend tons of crystal for the lvl up fairy
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I farm dragon since i'm able to clear the 80 daily map so i got a good stock of them (got enough dragonj to evolve any gold girl) , the main problem is money.

Except the last event girl (cost 100k and same material as 4 star girl) , gold cost 150k gold and rainbow 200k , plus the training cost (training cost of evolve girl are huge above lvl 45) so right now i got a money problem :eek: on all my account ^^" .
Anyway the most annoying girl to evolve is the rainbow , 5 tier3 dragon is really annoying to drop (to evolve mine , 3 week of farm + 2 flower last sunday).

3 Star are good when you don't have a bunch of 4-5 star , i got 2 3star evolved on Evilkaf and it was a good help at the beginning , now they do decent damage but since i got a bunch of 4 star evolve and some 5 star evolve , they just fill my party , waiting for more 4-5 evolved before getting kick out.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

can someone tell me how to quick level my units? it seems to take an unaturally long time to do so
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

can someone tell me how to quick level my units? it seems to take an unaturally long time to do so

Use 2 stars until about level 15, afterwards you want to use the fairies from the dailies. Make sure you only feed the same color/attribute to your girls because you get a 2x exp bonus. Beyond that, there's not much to say. Just make sure you pour all your stamina into the fairy dailies (Wednesday and Sunday) every time they're available. Gold Rush is Saturday too, you won't want to miss that either until you're up to like 500k or higher.

Today is purple and yellow, I'll be able to evolve one of my purple 4 stars today. Hard to choose which, they're all pretty similar. White Tulip does have an attack buff I want, but Purple Tulip has a slot unlock + skill up, tough call. Cornflower's shine crystal drop boost might be more helpful than I give it credit, who knows. I think I'll go White Tulip first just for the attack buff and I've had her the longest.
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Xtra note: don't be stingy spending crystal for stamina recover in this game, you got tons tons ad tons of them everyday.
FKG have alot low rate of high rare gacha roll anyway i been spending like 6++ crystal for each fairy / gold rush daily
(Used to save them for gacha, but.... lets say i want to cry on my roll)
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I disagree. Gacha rates improved to the point that a 50 crystal roll is actually a fairly reliable upgrade. I think you're also overestimating free crystals. We've been lucky that they've been doing crystal events for player milestones consistently, I don't think that'll last much longer.

I actually try not to spend any crystals on fairy dailies, at least until my team is rid of 3 stars completely and my 4 stars are equip unlocked/skill upped a bit. Once your team is decked out in tier 2 equipment, you'll realize how important having your 4-6 star girls equip slots unlocked is. So premium gacha remains a pretty consistent way to upgrade the potential of your team for quite a while.

And I'm usually the guy telling people not to waste limited resources on gacha in dmm games, but here it's actually necessary and pretty damn helpful. Spending crystals on fairy dailies means you'll level up your girls so quickly you'll also have to spend crystals to farm dragons to continue getting stronger and to keep space in your inventory, then you're just left with nothing to do and few rare girls. Not a good habit to get into in my opinion, especially before you've gotten rid of all your 3 star girls.
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Yeah using hana stone on fairies daily is important to boost your unit , and do the 50 map you will get more fairies per sta spend and the tier3 fairies are really rare so bother with them until you have really high lvl girl (evolve lvl 50+).
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

everyone have different opinion on this. One thing to note is that the girls get a huge boost after evolve.what I personally suggest:
If u wan to have a strong overall atk power team at early stage, then u use ur crystal on the daily farm to make ur team strong while u still low level but will be replace by higher star girls easily.
But if u think ur are lucky and wan to gamble with luck. Then use ur crystal on gacha and pray u get above 4 star girls since 3 star girls is obtainable trough quest. But ur team will be overall weak due to big exp eater on 5 and 6 star girls which are hard to level once they reach level 40 and u only can do fairy farming once per week.

For me i think best is gacha 11 roll for at least twice to get some decent girls on ur team.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I don't spend any stones on dailies either, which is why I'm lagging behind everyone as well. I'm saving mines for gacha rolls! I want a pretty 6* T.T
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

What's the difference on Item Gacha?
1st Tab has 2 different 5/50 options and the 2nd Tab has one more, what's it all about?

I guess 1st Tab Affection Items and the lower one Cards?
And on 2nd Tab Event Cards?
Is this correct?
Just started and a bit confused.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

lol, forgot that you can get flower gems from the board.... only gotten 2 so far though. anyways, with the addition of the board to the game i dont find it too pressing to use gems on stam regen anymore plus the drop rate of high tier faeries isnt too bad from the board imo.
also the new gacha is roll a single time get a cake bonus, roll the 11 times one and get the affection gems as a bonus. then the second gacha is the higher rate for cards that are yellow type to drop (no change in chance to get the different tiers though....)
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Just trying 11 rolls for the 1st page gacha, it adds 4 of 10% affection item to the gift box, sadly it only give me 2 silver and 9 bronze :(
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Maybe it just me who like focusing those event unit instead of rolling in gacha :confused:
But true i did have already did 2x 50 roll and my team 4 star is pretty decent (also got 2 4 star from normal roll, but maybe cuz i spend like tons and tons on it).
Right now i guess my opinion is more get a fully powered those event girl than trying luck on gacha, but again everyone have their own way
I kinda regret the 1st event girl i didnt get her strong. skill 3/5 equip 2/4 hence why i made this opinion.