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Jumpers Rebirth

Re: Jumpers Rebirth

If I ever explained the luck I had in my life, I don't think people would believe me until they saw it.

Good team! Thine map be done! 75x75 cells! Lots of places to explore! Beautiful swimming pool! Catwomen galore! Treasures, sex, and frorcs! Every building can be explored, and there is a story line so you can find out what the shit is going on! All this, and more, can be yours, for 18 payments of $19.99!

...What do you mean, what's a Frorc? Well, it's a frog and an orc combined that tass came up with, that can lay eg... meh, you'll find out soon enough.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

I presume I spent the 10AP last turn crwaling out from under the creature?
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

There's never a turn gone by when no AP is spent. Even when doing nothing, 10AP is automatically used for defense.

To answer your question, yup, pretty much.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Not to ask a dumb question, but why do we know there is only a single female monster in the entire castle? Given that the only one who has seen the creature is Sakuya, that would be the only way for Elizabeth to know who it is.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

It's sort of a plot event I failed to convey to you. Ashe's kingdom was overtaken by traitorous members of the King's most trusted men and women. One of the lead traitors, was Belladonna. All Sakuya did was, 'detect' her presence in the room, and I basically played it off as common knowledge that everyone knew after Sakuya succeeded the roll, and discovered the presence of a succubus in the throne room, which could be none other than Belladonna.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

I'm just saying, so far, the only description Ashe and Elizabeth have of the enemy is that she is a 'demoness'... It seems a bit odd to have a character then pop up and say "The only demoness in the castle is the succubus Belladonna". Especially since only Sakuya knows for certain it's a succubus as you never had her tell us what it was in your post with the sensing roll... I mean, it could just be a random demoness and Belladonna could be fucking someone in the King's chambers...
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

and I basically played it off as common knowledge that everyone knew after Sakuya succeeded the roll, and discovered the presence of a succubus in the throne room, which could be none other than Belladonna.

There might be others, but with only one in the throne room, at the very least, even without my explanation saying it's pretty much a granted piece of information that they knew, it would be very easily assumed that the boss demon herself would favor being in such a place of high value and prestige.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

So, basically, despite never having seen what monster is inside the throne room, Elizabeth can identify it by knowing it's a demon and female... *Theatrical sigh*... That still sounds extremely out of character, but oh well.

Edit: Stupid internet connection not posting this when I told it to 10 minutes ago.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Here, whiny pants.

Sakuya peaks around the corner, "It's a succubus, looks like the king's adviser was a demon."

Elizabeth, "That'd be Belladonna..."

Elizabeth can identify it as Belladonna, knowing she's the head of the traitors beforehand, and a woman, since Belladonna is a woman, and a demon, since the castle is filled with demons, and since Sakuya told them there was a female demon in the room.

I figured it would be obvious, but oh well.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth



Your latest post makes no sense at all. The only thing Sakuya has said since she said "Wait... Let me see..." is " Ashe... This demoness won't be nearly as easy to defeat as the other foes we've faced so far. Because of this... I must insist that we plan something out instead of running in and attacking."

Where are you getting anything about flying?
Re: Jumpers Rebirth



I said before,

All Sakuya did was, 'detect' her presence in the room, and I basically played it off as common knowledge that everyone knew after Sakuya succeeded the roll, and discovered the presence of a succubus in the throne room, which could be none other than Belladonna.

after Sakuya succeeded the roll

common knowledge that everyone knew the presence of a succubus in the throne room

everyone knew

everyone knew

everyone knew

When such rolls are made, no names are mentioned, which you'll find there is none in the post concerning the data about the succubus, since it's the "group's" roll, and they all discover this knowledge.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Then all the posts from post #41 and down need to be deleted because in that context they are all nonsense.

It's sort of a plot event I failed to convey to you. Ashe's kingdom was overtaken by traitorous members of the King's most trusted men and women. One of the lead traitors, was Belladonna. All Sakuya did was, 'detect' her presence in the room, and I basically played it off as common knowledge that everyone knew after Sakuya succeeded the roll, and discovered the presence of a succubus in the throne room, which could be none other than Belladonna.

This post reads to me that everyone knew Belladonna was a traitor

The fact of the matter is you said:

I basically played it off as common knowledge that everyone knew

Which, given the context struck me as:
I basically played Belladonna being a traitor off as common knowledge that everyone knew

Also, if Sakuya told us about who and what she saw in the throne room, why did you end that post:

And once they reached the corner where the demon lord no doubt resided, Sakuya suddenly stopped the group, "Wait... Let me see..."

That implies that you want GoldGolem to roleplay Sakuya telling us what she saw which is how it seems GoldGolem replied to it.

This is the Current Story from post #40 in a single quote:
With one more slice, Ashe performs the finishing blow on the beast raping Sakuya, freeing the maid of it's grasp, and it's cock.

Ashe attacks Gargoyle B; 81(23, 58) Vs. 76 Hit!
Damage: 28
Gargoyle B was defeated!

After the battle, both Ashe and Sakuya leaned forward, putting their hands on their knees, panting a little from the fight. "These monsters... These rapist monsters..." Ashe panted, "I won't let them get away with this..."

Elizabeth walked forward, and shook her head as she did so, "This wouldn't be the first time I've been without clothing... You two have never fought more than other humans within the safety of these walls... Trust me, them raping you is not the worst part of it all."

Sakuya simply shook her head, before taking some steps over, down the hall, to a nearby room, "I need... I need to rest a moment..." she tells them, going into the nearby guest room.

There were several other maids, just like Sakuya within the room, many were awake, but all were resting, likely from having been used as sex slaves all day. They payed the three walking into the room little mind, their minds too corrupted from all of the rape to think of anything else but the next demon to satisfy...

After resting a while, the group's refuge was interrupted by the sound of battle. "She must have lit the signal!" Ashe announced, before getting up on her feet. "Come, this is our only chance to put an end to the demon behind this deception!"

And with that, Sakuya and Elizabeth rose as well, and followed Ashe out of the room, and through the halls, all of the demons who normally guarded the area gone to fight the forces out front in the main assault, giving the trio a clear shot at the throne room.

And once they reached the corner where the demon lord no doubt resided, Sakuya suddenly stopped the group, "Wait... Let me see..."

After taking a quick peak around the corner Sakuya turned back and faced the princess. " Ashe..." she started, " This demoness won't be nearly as easy to defeat as the other foes we've faced so far. Because of this... I must insist that we plan something out instead of running in and attacking." The maid thought that Ashe running out and yelling to get the foes attention than Elizabeth and herself doing a surprise attack might be a good way to start the battle off, although she had a feeling there was a better way to go about this.

Ashe looks at Sakuya with a disgruntled look before replying, Fine, but would you mind saying what the demoness looks like, maybe? You're the only one who's seen her.

Elizabeth steps in to answer Ashe's question, "That would be the King's... Your father's adviser, Lady Belladonna. That may not be her real name, but you know who I'm talking about." she told Ashe.

Ashe blinks at Elizabeth, You pulled that out of Sakuya saying she saw a demoness in the throne room? If you're that perceptive, why don't you come up with a way for us to beat it? She replies

Elizabeth chuckled, "Well, I didn't want to rob my lady of that honor, but, if you insist..."

After a moment, Eliza put a hand to her chin, closing her eyes when she accidentally caught herself looking at her naked comrades, "Well," she began, lowering her hand, "From what Sakuya gathered, she can fly away with one of us as she pleases... So getting caught would not be good in the least, because we'd have to chase you down, and free you while she simply keeps flying away. Worse, she's a succubus, and that means mind control magic, very dangerous stuff, that." she said with all seriousness, "That will be a tough one... Sakuya and myself might be able to resist somewhat, but you are especially vulnerable to her charms, since... Well, forgive me my lady, but you are easily manipulated."

With a chuckle, she cleared her throat, and continued, "I don't know what we can do about the magic... If she charms one of us, and uses the charmed one to hold one of us, while she makes off with another, we'd be in a tight spot..." Eliza cocks her head to the side, shrugging, "Well, if my lady doesn't mind having sex with a succubus... You can distract her, while Sakuya and I try our best." she told her with a small blush at the thought of Ashe getting fucked by a demon of lust.

Given that you're saying GoldGolem Replied incorrectly, both of my posts are invalid as I was replying to what he said.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

I didn't end that post there, unless you missed the last bit. Afterwards, the information concerning the succubus was shown. And you're wrong, Gold replied correctly, by assuming the other characters knew of this information that was presented to you, which by my own words, they did.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

Everything after And once they reached the corner where the demon lord no doubt resided, Sakuya suddenly stopped the group, "Wait... Let me see..." was in quotes, and wasn't action said or done by the characters, in fact, it was just technical stuff.

Now then:
And once they reached the corner where the demon lord no doubt resided, Sakuya suddenly stopped the group, "Wait... Let me see..."

After taking a quick peak around the corner Sakuya turned back and faced the princess. " Ashe..." she started, " This demoness won't be nearly as easy to defeat as the other foes we've faced so far. Because of this... I must insist that we plan something out instead of running in and attacking." The maid thought that Ashe running out and yelling to get the foes attention than Elizabeth and herself doing a surprise attack might be a good way to start the battle off, although she had a feeling there was a better way to go about this.

And once they reached the corner where the demon lord no doubt resided, Sakuya suddenly stopped the group, "Wait... Let me see..."

After taking a quick peak around the corner Sakuya turned back and faced the princess. " Ashe..." she started, " This demoness won't be nearly as easy to defeat as the other foes we've faced so far. Because of this... I must insist that we plan something out instead of running in and attacking."

After taking a quick peak around the corner Sakuya turned back and faced the princess. " Ashe..." she started, " This demoness won't be nearly as easy to defeat as the other foes we've faced so far. Because of this... I must insist that we plan something out instead of running in and attacking."

After taking a quick peak around the corner {Insert Perception Roll Here} Sakuya turned back and faced the princess.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

It was information given to you, as was my explanation to your question for how they knew about the succubus. All these points and arguments you're making are pointless, since I've already said they know, several times in fact.

Now then;

They know who the succubus is,

They know it's a female,

They know it's a demon,

They know she has wings,

They know her name is Belladonna,

And they know what she looks like.

After the perception roll, they all found out this information. They did, they really, really did.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

All I'm saying is, no where in the game thread does Sakuya ever say this. In fact, the point where she would see the succubus is in the middle of GoldGolem's thread.

I am saying, I want the game thread to make sense. Currently, the only way for the character's to have the knowledge is either for them all to be psychic, or for them to be reading the player's handbook.

Either go and edit in somewhere
Sakuya tells the others what she saw
or I'm going to start treating the game like the characters know it's a game.

Even if you are right, everything from post #42 on needs to be deleted because I responded to what you typed in the game thread. (In which the line 'Sakuya told the others what she saw' was never placed).

I just want some in game justification as to why Ashe and Elizabeth possess this knowledge.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

... Or for you to take into account that I said that Sakuya already referred this knowledge to both characters, either way, the edit is there, and the next post I see from you had better be a positive one.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

You only said that in the ooc thread and therefore it didn't really count. Also, on a side note, the main reason I waited a day before replying to that post initially was that, without the newest bit, your post seemed unfinished.

Now then, seeing as how Sakuya has given a description, I'm going to delete both of my posts and then wait to see if Gold wants to edit his thread.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

I said it as the GM of this game. It doesn't matter if I said it while on the moon, it counts as much as I want it to. And Golem doesn't need to edit his post, you just need to situate yourself in your happy place.
Re: Jumpers Rebirth

The reason I originally deleted my posts is that, after your edit, it looked like the game was this:

Sakuya: *Explains what the demon looks like and that she was Belladonna*

Ashe: What does she look like?

Elizabeth: Belladonna

If you are obsessed with making me play a character who sounds like a completely retarded idiot, I will withdraw from this game.