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ACT [ねこのめめっ / neko no meme] LAB2-UndeR GrounD- (RJ192796)

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Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

Bug hunting: At least I made the punk-looking guy fall off the platform.
Lure him to the furthermost right, jump to avoid first, then let him catch you and escape. He'll either end up going above the box or go past the box once you escaped.

Well, still looks pretty good.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

Ok guys, i can't read it but it looks like there is an update on his blog.

If anyone can tell us if there is anything important in it~
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

If anyone can tell us if there is anything important in it~
You're about ten days late ;)

As far as I can make out, it's the usual stream-of-consciousness everything and nothing. Nothing super critical pertaining to game release or demo, as far as I can make out:
- Noting that all that school math of sin(), cos() and pals would be really handy to know just now
- Some story of his development computer crashing / losing power for no good reason, but from the sound of it he's still working
- One of the early non-H trashmobs, a hairless dog/rat-ish enemy, more work on figuring out more enemies and bits of the story
- Game now has weapon switching and there's a basic animation for the saber, mechs now explode, and the system has sound now.
- Will try to get an update to the demo out around the end-of-year with everything built so far.
- There's some reports of a false positive from some antiviruses against any ClickteamFusion2.5 application, being investigated by that company
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

Uhhh.... either google translate is borked or his post is talking about maths, specifically trig. Sort of zoned out from there.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

I'm not sure what the blog update is about
But using google translate
Probably the Author PC get a virus?
He did mention some Windows Update

Might be something like this
He get a virus after Updating the Windows

But I'm not really sure

And he's saying about like better luck next year

About the game , there something like evaluation before end of year

Again I'm not sure......
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

You're about ten days late ;)

I know but well, with all the christmas preparations, i can't always check all the games i'm looking for :p
And since i don't trust google translate's capacities.. better ask here x)
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

There is an update sample game play on his blog.

I played it and looks like he added a cave like area on the right.

The mouse/pig looking thing enemy was added but it doesn't seem to do anything but harm you.

A laser shooting robot enemy was added too.

All other enemies and places are the same as last demo.

That was all I could find. I am looking forward for this game as LAB ~still alive~ was one of my favorite games.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

Few new udpates with a new dl link and a pic of a bunny suit. Seems interesting. gonna try the new dl.

added a few more of the guy who grope you and the possibility to run with or without V-sync.
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Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

Haven't taken the time to read the post yet, but it looks like there's a demo for Lab2 on the blog.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

there've been several apparently
I've tried this one and... It's kind of broken. It's more of a debug mode, but I can't even jump or attack or do anything but mess around with the screen and run around
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

I can't seem to do anything, I can't move around, the arrow keys aren't working, neither does jumping.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

works fine for me. there's a dude that grabs you, some ground things that kill you, some robots that kill you, and a whole bunch of areas to walk around and be bored in. all functions work fine for me.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

I can't seem to do anything, I can't move around, the arrow keys aren't working, neither does jumping.

I have to agree with him, there's something up with the controls for me too. The arrow keys are fine, but I can't do anything aside from using the arrow keys.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

The creator said it's normal we can't jump don't worry
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

The creator said it's normal we can't jump don't worry

is there like a setting that I have to find to fix the problem? I just can't run around at all, the character is just standing there.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

is there like a setting that I have to find to fix the problem? I just can't run around at all, the character is just standing there.

check if you have a gamepad or joystick or other analog controller plugged in
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

check if you have a gamepad or joystick or other analog controller plugged in

I got it now, I had a vJoy program installed, I uninstalled it and it works lol thanks for the hint about if I had any Joystick programs installed xD
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

New Update, New enemy. Nekonomeme has been rebuked by many saying "This game has no ryona elements in it!" and accused of false advertisement,(1) so he has created a new enemy and discovered the "Tummy Punch" (belly pan) fetish.(2) Though he mentions he doesn't understand the appeal of pain.(3)


From what I'm gathering he has decided to add "Light Ryona" enemies to the game.(5) He also said that he was planning on having 30 non erotic enemies, and 30 erotic ones,(6) with an average of 3 new enemies per area,(7) but probably won't due to the size of the game.(8) Instead he is planning on having pallet swaps of enemies, one color is erotic enemy, another is not.(4,9)

(1)Well, is not that it has received a rebuked from many people.
"The LAB Tsu'll not at all is Ryona element! ! It does not have that "What a was told.(1) (2)So, the production start a new enemy. It sounds like there is a genre called "belly pan" in the world.(2) (3)'Ll do not understand at all to me! ! ! Grinded in expression Toka highest suffer from pain! ! ! And, privately painfully Ryona is but is not good,(3) (4)it was decided to try to put a light Ryona elements as if this much.(4)

"(5)we can make a frog and erotic without frog there erotic by changing only color.(5) (6)Given the number of enemy, the goal is no erotic at present 30 bodies, erotic there 30 bodies (fine erotic It is the goal of) including the.(6) (7)and I believe in each three bodies around one area (like cave area Toka underground laboratory area),(7) (8)but will likely ... not enough to think the scale of the map to make this time of(8) (9)I thought the kana not it nice to reached the enemy with different movement in different colors by."(9)
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

For fuck sake,cant those retard just let him do whatever he like without complaining,those guys are just being ass with him,complaining about thing he never promised or spoke about.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

60 enemies is... ambitious, to say the least.
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