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RPG [73号坑道 ] Lilitales -リリテイルズ- (RJ137150)


Jungle Girl
Oct 16, 2015
Reputation score
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

Same question gets asked quite often, so have you tried the above?
Lawl. I'm exactly in the same spot. I already figured out that I need to cast 'Lightning'-Spell from the description. Buw how do I cast it?

Using Button 1-5 has no effect, trying to cast it from the menu has no effect. Loaded earlier save game... no change.


Tentacle God
Aug 30, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

Lawl. I'm exactly in the same spot. I already figured out that I need to cast 'Lightning'-Spell from the description. Buw how do I cast it?

Using Button 1-5 has no effect, trying to cast it from the menu has no effect. Loaded earlier save game... no change.
What about standing on the spot and casting lightning from the skills menu?


Mystic Girl
Oct 17, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

Hm. Not working. I'll try another save game before entering the ruins.
I think you need to stand on the exclamation mark to your Left, not the one in the middle between the two question mark.
While looking at the wall, cast Lightning from skill menu.
You cast it the same way as you would using Cless healing skill from non-battle situation... Or something like that.
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Jungle Girl
Oct 16, 2015
Reputation score
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

I think you need to stand on the exclamation mark to your Left, not the one in the middle between the two question mark.
While looking at the wall, cast Lightning from skill menu.
You cast it the same way as you would using Cless healing skill from non-battle situation... Or something like that.
Did not work. Loaded a save game from before entering the ruins. Maybe a script error or something... dunno... now working. Thanks so far.


Tentacle God
Aug 30, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

Strategy on the Hima website for defeating the black dragon works! For those who can't be bothered to read or machine-translate the info, I'm leaving it below for reference.


1. Cleared EX dungeon and have all the items.
2. At least 560HP.
3. Can get 201 agility with the help of items (minimum level to pull this off is level 26).

1st Dragon phase:

1. Skill set to "Quickchange".
2. Get 201 agility with items and wear the floating ankle.
3. Repeatedly use 八重連襲.
4. At start of turn with 201 action points, swap agility boosting equipment for 厄除けの護符 and reflect ring/extra damage item.
5. Because the number of actions each side gets is determined by the agility score at the start of a turn, make sure Luna has the agility boosting equipment back on at her third action.
6. The dragon will switch to angry mode after players take off at least 2000HP.

2nd Dragon phase:

1. After the dragon switches, if players are not already at their 3rd action of the turn equipment should be switched to Non ne Curale, Fairy Aroma and 宮殿式防衛戦術. Hopefully HP is still around 300 since the only action to be taken with this equipment setup is to defend.
2. At the 3rd action of the turn (when Luna's action points are at 1), switch back to agility boosting equipment and the Fairy Aroma. Use the turn to heal up damage.
3. At the start of the turn, switch back to non ne curale and 宮殿式防衛戦術 and repeatedly defend with this equipment setup.
4. Heal up on the 3rd action of the turn and make sure the equipment setup is set to ensure 201 agility at the start of the turn. If players have a health buffer, use the opportunity to cast Ray or Lightning.
5. Repeat until the Dragon switches to "Awakened" mode.

Dragon 3rd phase:

1. The dragon will always do the following two actions after switching modes. The first is a damaging move which removes any passive buffs on Luna from the Fairy Aroma, the second is a healing flare which heals the dragon, gives it resistance to status debuffs and HP regeneration per turn.
2. Aside from the usual agility boosting equipment setup to be equipped at action point 1 like in chapter 2, the offensive equipment setup for players should be Fairy Aroma, 幸運の腕輪 and Reflect Ring.
3. The dragon in this mode has lost its counter-move against physical attack and now has weakness to wind. Equip the spear with the wind element or stick to the spear with the strongest physical attack.
4. Before attacking the dragon with 八重連襲, I recommend players use 幸運のコイン, the skill 捨て身の構え and the item 精霊の丸薬 (this is optional as it's a rare item and obtainable from the EX dungeon or as a guaranteed drop from the beast tamer. If short on mana use the mana pots to top up to at least 24 mana for the chain attacks or the full rejuvenation potion). Once the preparation is done, it's a matter of luck as to whether the dragon dies first from the huge damage output of 八重連襲 and how often the dragon's magical attacks are reflected back onto itself saving the player from breaking the chain of attacks.

The ending scene of the battle should have different variants depending on what Luna is wearing at the time. Each state of dress has a different label for the statue, but only the first victory counts for the full congratulations scene.
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Demon Girl Pro
Aug 21, 2011
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Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

How do you do the Append? Is it post game or entirely different campaign?


Sex Demon
Aug 27, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

How do you do the Append? Is it post game or entirely different campaign?
Primarily post-game, additions to the Arena and the Dancing minigame, but there's some changes to the underground slave market too, alongside miscellaneous changes (e.g. small changes to some equipment/skills' damage). It's not a bad idea to start a new game, which I'm personally going to do some time this week.

^ (I didn't actually play the append; just reading from the scripts) (read Harleyquin's post from page 38 for more details)
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Jungle Girl
Apr 22, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

When I start the game and try to click any of the options on the main menu, I get a buzzing noise as soon as I run my mouse over the option and nothing will click. Anyone know what's causing this?


Jungle Girl
Apr 22, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

I personally haven't the faintest clue. I do know that Windows 10's anniversary update is cancer though.

Japanese system locale is of course mandatory, but I don't think that's your problem; guessing OS or a deeper software/hardware problem.

Must just be a Windows 10 thing. I always have my system locale set to Japanese and even tried switching format, region, etc to Japanese.


Jungle Girl
May 21, 2015
Reputation score
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

Can you guys play Non-virgin "Negotiating with the brothel boss" in the gallery?
My game is playing the Virgin one instead


Sex Demon
Aug 27, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

Can you guys play Non-virgin "Negotiating with the brothel boss" in the gallery?
My game is playing the Virgin one instead
Ahh! A translation bug! KILL IT!

(Topic relevance: it's a translation issue, the base game's fine)

Nice find - indeed I forgot to replace the strings for the gallery virginity checks. This will be fixed in the next translation patch release. Thanks for calling it out!

p.s. scrubbed 2 previous posts on this page (unimportant posts, they were taking up threadspace)
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Jungle Girl
May 21, 2015
Reputation score
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

Ahh! A translation bug! KILL IT!

(Topic relevance: it's a translation issue, the base game's fine)

Nice find - indeed I forgot to replace the strings for the gallery virginity checks. This will be fixed in the next translation patch release. Thanks for calling it out!

p.s. scrubbed 2 previous posts on this page (unimportant posts, they were taking up threadspace)
No, i should be the one who should say thank you

Thank you


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 24, 2015
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Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

The new dance scene doesn't seem to be procing for me, I have 80+ lewdness and dance at stage hut but when you can't dance anymore because it's to late a shady guy doesn't spawn, only the regular who doesn't give me any choices just says about being good dancer... I've completed the ruins and beat the Golem...


Sex Demon
Aug 27, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

The new dance scene doesn't seem to be procing for me, I have 80+ lewdness and dance at stage hut but when you can't dance anymore because it's to late a shady guy doesn't spawn, only the regular who doesn't give me any choices just says about being good dancer... I've completed the ruins and beat the Golem...
For getting the Append Dance Scene:
1. need to finish the main storyline (the append dancing scene is an EX scene, i.e. post-game). Only then will the "Dubious-Looking Men" show up at the Stage Hut in the evenings.
2. need to reach the dancing fame of 『Popular Dancer』, otherwise they won't be interested in you.
- The game tracks Luna's dancing fame through the variable "%odori"
- 『Popular Dancer』 fame comes at %odori == 15 (I believe it goes up by 1 per dance session). Because the game doesn't have a UI to show you your dancing fame, an indicator that your fame is at least 7 would be if you have the Dancer's Footwork passive skill.
3. need at least 80% lewdness ("Infection Lv.") for Luna to decide to go to the night show (the decision procs when the day is over, after she's received their offer).
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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 24, 2015
Reputation score
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

For getting the Append Dance Scene:
1. need to finish the main storyline (the append dancing scene is an EX scene, i.e. post-game). Only then will the "Dubious-Looking Men" show up at the Stage Hut in the evenings.
2. need to reach the dancing fame of 『Popular Dancer』, otherwise they won't be interested in you.
- The game tracks Luna's dancing fame through the variable "%odori"
- 『Popular Dancer』 fame comes at %odori == 15 (I believe it goes up by 1 per dance session). Because the game doesn't have a UI to show you your dancing fame, an indicator that your fame is at least 7 would be if you have the Dancer's Footwork passive skill.
3. need at least 80% lewdness ("Infection Lv.") for Luna to decide to go to the night show (the decision procs when the day is over, after she's received their offer).
Thanks for the info :) Atleast now I know what to do.


Sex Demon
Aug 27, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

Thanks for the info :) Atleast now I know what to do.
Yes.... it's because the append dancing scene is pretty "OP"-ish, giving you >200k dinars in just one night's work - blows the pre-Underground fundraising "arc" out of the water.

Slutty Dancer Luna laughs at Batil's info service costs. :p


Jungle Girl
Jul 28, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

Can anyone post their save of the later parts of the game??
Lost my saves :/


Jungle Girl
Apr 27, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

Anyone have a save with the last H scene of the new silver haired slave girl in the append disc? The save from etigoya only has 2/3 scene (the last one still showed as "???")


Jungle Girl
Oct 13, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Lilitales -リリテイルズ-

When I start the game and try to click any of the options on the main menu, I get a buzzing noise as soon as I run my mouse over the option and nothing will click. Anyone know what's causing this?
anyone have a suggestion I'm having the same problem.