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ACT [ Unidentified Taste] [ 未確認味覚] The Adventures of Nina ニーナの冒険 RE133787 RJ133787

Re: [Act]ニーナの冒険(The Adventures of Nina)

So I've managed to finish it, in the room now with all the animations and clothes. Trying to figure out if I should take the clothes or not and seeing if there is any kind of data in my appdata folder for the game.

Basically going to remove the game if I don't get something for finishing it. Last 2/3 areas are loads of fun - because the frame rate goes all over the place and you have to do stuff almost pixel perfect in spots.
Re: [Act]ニーナの冒険(The Adventures of Nina)

You know, I came into the game under the opinion that it would be terrible, and I was pleasantly surprised. I liked the h content, even though the enemies were few and the "scenes" very basic and short. I even liked what they were going with them, I liked the vore caterpillar and the weird flying clasp monster. It's hard, and there is quite a large element of trial and error, but not so much luck. It reminded me of Battletoads a bit, and not in a bad way. You could restart instantly and retry as many times as you wanted, in a sort of meatboyesque way. Except with longer levels. And the controls don't feel nearly as good (but they work).

Having said that, the last level and ending really soured my opinion on this game. The no save feature, and no easily accessible sprite room is unforgivable. You can view all of the scenes with the enemies, but you have to NEARLY complete the game first, and if you complete it, you exit the room.

The most offensive part is that the last level (by FAR the hardest) has one new enemy near the end. You might as well just turn off the game then, because you are not rewarded in any way for finishing off the game.
I still don't think it's as bad as everyone made it out to be, but it's not worth dealing with the last level or so.
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Re: [Act]ニーナの冒険(The Adventures of Nina)

Being the stubbon sort I want to actualy complete this game.

As such can anyone tell me how many levels are left after the level where you're being chased by the vore maggots please?
Re: [Act]ニーナの冒険(The Adventures of Nina)

I think one or two more levels. A level with a space background is the last one and is quite difficult with some chance. You basically have to memorize the timing of 2 offscreen things to clear it.

I got past the no saving by putting my computer in sleep when I took a break on the last stage, not knowing it was. I just left the program up. My framerate/speed improved quite bit when I came back to it as well. Enemies are riding horse, tentacles, vore worm, living bondage, and a well endowed walking pig.

I'd hoped to be the first to shout glorious victory, but I can still provide the credits image. Don worry it's clean. Reunited with her shirt. Yay... I guess ^^;

Re: [Act]ニーナの冒険(The Adventures of Nina)

According to the DLSite page, a Stage Select and Continue feature have been added.

Whether it's worth it to update to the latest version or not...well, I'll leave that decision up to you lol.
Re: [Act]ニーナの冒険(The Adventures of Nina)

oh men, still no luck finding this game :(
Re: [Act]ニーナの冒険(The Adventures of Nina)

Thanks for the info twilitfeather.

kh405, the original poster is offering a link via PM.
Unless you mean the updated version, I don't know if they have that.
Re: [Act]ニーナの冒険(The Adventures of Nina)

oh men, still no luck finding this game :(

Did you try, oh, I don't know, the first post?
Re: [Act]ニーナの冒険(The Adventures of Nina)

Not really, some of you can perhaps fap to this, but not me. And I'm one of the lolicon >.>
To hear a loli fan saying it's gabage makes this loli fan look elsewhere. ^^
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Re: [Act]ニーナの冒険(The Adventures of Nina)

love neko girls
Re: [Act]ニーナの冒険(The Adventures of Nina)

Yeah, this is game is pretty harsh. Still, appreciates the linkage.