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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Oct. 25th)


found it
the mp4 version flickers for me
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Oct. 25th)

I just hope Gyazo isn't cheaping out on the .mp4 support. I live and fucking BREATHE the thing. Most useful program I've ever downloaded.

It may also be worth noting that it's asking me to download gyazo for free... I don't have any way to verify this, but I feel like it used to be able to tell that I already have gyazo installed (ie. when viewing others' gyazo pics, the button was asking me to upgrade to the paid "ninja" subscription or whatever).
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Oct. 25th)

looks like the "show mp4 version" is only available after login
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Oct. 25th)

You've got a fun game going here. I'm glad to see updates whenever they come. I just had some various ideas and/or questions. Most will probably fall under "extra graphical details".

I appreciate that you're having the game be open-ended as far as encounters affecting the ending. Most games tend to be "oh you had a couple encounters GAME OVER". I lean toward the idea of "yeah, avoid the encounters, but if you get in one it's not the end of the world -- more so make it a mini challenge to escape from with debuffs, visual shame, and an affect on the ending.

It's probably a spritemare, but are there plans to have cum "stick" after the attacks?
Eg: In the soldier encounter, it looks like she's going to get a facial, which could mark her face/hair/chest until she gets cleaned up... Or in the case of creampies she could also get drip particles when she runs/jumps/kicks. In the case of inflation, would it spill during the end animation or stay with her, or just disappear afterward?

How many enemy types were you planning on having?

Are there plans to have more than one position for each enemy? A lot of the RoR genre games I've played tend to just pick between two animations, though I'm an entertainment-value nut and would be stupid and go "do ALL the positions! :D :D :D" and probably never complete the game. Scope creep is not your friend!

When is the "open invitation" feature planned to be added?

Could inviting enemies for sex be used as a false lure for a sneak kill? If so, it could have a chance to backfire, resulting in a no-escape, rough sex encounter.

The arousal bar, I think it was... what would that change as it fills?

Also, is she a virgin at the start of this game? Avoiding all encounters result in a purity ending if so... Also could have a small pregnancy chance from each encounter that might give her a large belly in the ending, noting what she turned out to be pregnant with.

Finally... were there any thoughts on adding an "internal view" window near her when in an encounter?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Oct. 25th)

You've got a fun game going here. I'm glad to see updates whenever they come. I just had some various ideas and/or questions. Most will probably fall under "extra graphical details".

I appreciate that you're having the game be open-ended as far as encounters affecting the ending. Most games tend to be "oh you had a couple encounters GAME OVER". I lean toward the idea of "yeah, avoid the encounters, but if you get in one it's not the end of the world -- more so make it a mini challenge to escape from with debuffs, visual shame, and an affect on the ending.

It's probably a spritemare, but are there plans to have cum "stick" after the attacks?
Eg: In the soldier encounter, it looks like she's going to get a facial, which could mark her face/hair/chest until she gets cleaned up... Or in the case of creampies she could also get drip particles when she runs/jumps/kicks. In the case of inflation, would it spill during the end animation or stay with her, or just disappear afterward?

How many enemy types were you planning on having?

Are there plans to have more than one position for each enemy? A lot of the RoR genre games I've played tend to just pick between two animations, though I'm an entertainment-value nut and would be stupid and go "do ALL the positions! :D :D :D" and probably never complete the game. Scope creep is not your friend!

When is the "open invitation" feature planned to be added?

Could inviting enemies for sex be used as a false lure for a sneak kill? If so, it could have a chance to backfire, resulting in a no-escape, rough sex encounter.

The arousal bar, I think it was... what would that change as it fills?

Also, is she a virgin at the start of this game? Avoiding all encounters result in a purity ending if so... Also could have a small pregnancy chance from each encounter that might give her a large belly in the ending, noting what she turned out to be pregnant with.

Finally... were there any thoughts on adding an "internal view" window near her when in an encounter?

Hoo boy, long list! First of all, thanks for your interest! I'm glad you've enjoyed watching the game progress, and it's good to see people already liking the idea of multiple endings. So I guess I'll go through your list of comments in order.

First of all, cum that remains.. I know this would be a great feature, but eugh. 'Spritemare' is a very fitting description for it, lol. It's something I'm considering, but I really wouldn't get your hopes up for it, it's very unlikely. The amount of time it would take to implement is astronomical. In the case of inflation, I haven't fully decided yet, but it's between having it fall out of her or just disappear, depending on which feels right for the animation in question. Having her belly stay full would mean a complete resprite of every animation in both her clothed and half-naked forms, which is exactly the reason why persistent cum is horribly unlikely.

I don't have a fully planned enemy list yet, so I can't give you an exact number, but I'm expecting around 12-15 or so regular enemies (as in, not including bosses) with their own sex scenes each. There might also be other enemies without sex scenes, though. It depends on whether or not the gameplay needs more enemy variety.

As you said, scope-creep is certainly not my friend. More than one sex scene per enemy is also something I'm considering, and it's a lot more likely than persistent cum, but I haven't fully made up my mind on it. There are a lot of things I have to consider in regards to it. Like the fact that there will be at least a dozen enemies, lol.

The "open invitation", as you called it, probably won't be added that soon - or, at least, not the animation. I could easily make a single sprite for it and implement it soon, just to make getting the H-scenes easier, but the animation is detail that will be implemented later on.

I don't think there will be any 'fake invitation' things like you mentioned, though. It's something I'll consider, but I wasn't originally planning on Alicia really using her sexuality as a weapon or anything like that. It'd be a much more likely function in future games I create.

I haven't actually talked about what the libido bar does publicly, so you'll just have to wait and see like everybody else on that one. :p

Haven't decided whether or not she's a virgin. There's a lot of plot-related stuff I need to sit down and hash out soon. I'm focused on the gameplay first right now, so lots of details like that still need to be determined. I think I like the idea.. Probably not going to have a pregnancy ending, though, considering there will be enemies in-game that can impregnate you and have you birth a new enemy shortly after (think Parasite in the City).

Lastly, the internal view. I haven't really thought about it. It's something I'm willing to consider, but I can't say I've ever sprited an internal view before so I'm not sure how well it would turn out. Still, I'll keep it in mind for the future.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Oct. 25th)

Would you be willing to try and incorporate breast expansion and nipple fuck?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Oct. 25th)

Would you be willing to try and incorporate breast expansion and nipple fuck?

While I hate to rain on anyone's parade, I'd like it to be on the record that I actually find this stuff a total turn off. If it does get added, I hope it will be optional.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Oct. 25th)

WARNING to the creator Patreon is going to pull all NSFW content!!!

You may want to jump over to Gratipay.com or something!
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Oct. 25th)

WARNING to the creator Patreon is going to pull all NSFW content!!!

You may want to jump over to Gratipay.com or something!

can i get a source on that? i did look but i only found a reddit post with a maybe
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Oct. 25th)

While pornography is against patreons revised TOS, IMO it's highly unlikely patreon have any plans to enforce it as the shitstorm would be far too huge.

The revised TOS is simply an excuse to target a handful of specific individuals.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Oct. 25th)

While pornography is against patreons revised TOS, IMO it's highly unlikely patreon have any plans to enforce it as the shitstorm would be far too huge.

The revised TOS is simply an excuse to target a handful of specific individuals.

They hit the 8 chan owner with the false claims of CP because of the gamergate thing he had to change his patreon to cat videos to not lose his page.

Quinn seems to be the one behind it

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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Oct. 25th)

Would you be willing to try and incorporate breast expansion and nipple fuck?

Those are both things I'm considering. No guarantee yet, though.

And don't worry, all potentially objectionable content in Crisis Point will be optional. You'll be able to turn off anything you might not want.

Thank you for the heads up, Incognito. I don't even know what I'm going to do if Patreon is strict about this.. Might have to turn to commissions for a living until Crisis Point eventually gets finished.. God, please let that just be a bunch of legal speak, this is the last thing I need right now...
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Oct. 25th)

I hope that is true. Because not alot of info is being given besides the ToS that was updated from what I've found.

I've talked to admins/owner of the site about it, there really should be no problem for sites that abide by the rules I listed, etc.

And if you DO get wrecked by Patreon, in the 1 in a million chance they really do wipe all the NSFW sites;

Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Oct. 25th)

Drama over, haha
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Oct. 25th)

Drama over, haha

Thank the fucking lord. And you too, HentaiWriter, for keeping up with the available information and relaying it to all of us. The wave of relief is almost palpable.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Oct. 25th)

Thank the fucking lord. And you too, HentaiWriter, for keeping up with the available information and relaying it to all of us. The wave of relief is almost palpable.

Hah, was just about to post that here. As I was talking about in my thread I'm pretty certain these guys have a serious interest in being on our side on this topic as I think a really substantial part of their revenue is from projects like this.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Oct. 25th)

Thank the fucking lord. And you too, HentaiWriter, for keeping up with the available information and relaying it to all of us. The wave of relief is almost palpable.

Hey, I just wanna be of service to people in the hentai community who are hard workers and deserve all the help they deserve, and that includes you :p
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Oct. 25th)

Drama over, haha

*porn that violates other rules, such as underaged etc, is still not allowed, as it should be.

And the "etc." eventually and always becomes "everything."