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RPG RPG Maker [同人サークルGyu!]【剣闘姫】システィーナ 探索型RPG ~選ばれし聖母の子~ / Sword Princess Cistina - The Chosen Saint (RJ131698)

Re: [RJ131698]Sword Princess Cistina - The Chosen Saint(own bought)

here is the secret key of 1 dungeo ? i looking but i cant find someone can help?

Go meet the son of the lvl 99 hero. He will give you a new area defeat the boss to get the key. Dungeon in area 1 you will need the holy water, holy sword and 10 coins to open the door.
Re: [RJ131698]Sword Princess Cistina - The Chosen Saint(own bought)

affff the last bosss need somethin for kill him ????he atack so many times i no have chanse and ged bind status all time

Go and have sex with the man who lives on the second floor of the holy port city. *When you first meet him theres alot of robed guys with him. Then go to talk to doc at the baby area. You will then give birth to the holy one. She will help debuff the final boss.

*Sorry for the brief description
Re: [RJ131698]Sword Princess Cistina - The Chosen Saint(own bought)

This game kind of reminds me of the first FF. Anyway, I've finished the Fire and Water shrines, but can not find the others. Also, I've finished the orc den, can i still get the holy sword?
Re: [RJ131698]Sword Princess Cistina - The Chosen Saint(own bought)

This game kind of reminds me of the first FF. Anyway, I've finished the Fire and Water shrines, but can not find the others. Also, I've finished the orc den, can i still get the holy sword?

Did you become his dick pet yet?


Umm, you get what you need by solving the quest in the next town, so go explore a little.
Re: [RJ131698]Sword Princess Cistina - The Chosen Saint(own bought)

Actually, I've reached the last Boss fight, but was to cocky to give birth to the saint so I got my ass beat.

Anyway, I was wondering where all the saint coins are. I've gotten seven. But I hear their where 10. Just exactly what do they give you?
Re: [RJ131698]Sword Princess Cistina - The Chosen Saint(own bought)

Actually, I've reached the last Boss fight, but was to cocky to give birth to the saint so I got my ass beat.

Anyway, I was wondering where all the saint coins are. I've gotten seven. But I hear their where 10. Just exactly what do they give you?

I think that they are required on 2nd run to get past barriers. I was able to get through on first run and only had 6 or 7 but others have said you need 10. I would say you need to be level 35+ plus have the kid to beat him without too much trouble. I was level 39 and I believe it took 5-7 turns to defeat him.

BTW: Restart only resets your lewd level. You keep everything else. Monsters don't reset either. You do get another pleasant surprise.
Re: [RJ131698]Sword Princess Cistina - The Chosen Saint(own bought)

Even after giving birth to the saint, the final boss is a pain in the ass with that dimension mesh move (or whatever it's called.) So I got what I think is the true ending. What are the others?
Re: [RJ131698]Sword Princess Cistina - The Chosen Saint(own bought)

Use this with 6.0 version and see if it works.

It's 60% my translation + yugifans (weapons,armors I think :p)

I played it till the end and everything was working fine for me (no bugs whatsoever). You will probably have to make a clear start of the game. (not sure if it's going to work with your old saves)

Nice work. However, I believe there is a typo (or not, maybe it's intended) on the Status page. It says "... and horde riding."
Horde riding? Eh... okay. Perhaps, but not right away. I think it's supposed to be Horse riding... but that brings up a whole new set of questions....
Re: [RJ131698]Sword Princess Cistina - The Chosen Saint(own bought)

Nice work. However, I believe there is a typo (or not, maybe it's intended) on the Status page. It says "... and horde riding."
Horde riding? Eh... okay. Perhaps, but not right away. I think it's supposed to be Horse riding... but that brings up a whole new set of questions....

It is horse riding.

I'm guessing she's been tough how to ride a horse since she was little (she's a princess after all), so she's actually very good at it. Anyway that's what the translation said, "Very skillful with rapier and horse riding".

Actually the whole line was "Has a strong sense of justice. Very skillful with rapier and horse riding", but there's just not enough space for both of the lines to fit on the screen so I just had to shorten it.
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Re: [RJ131698]Sword Princess Cistina - The Chosen Saint(own bought)

There's also not enough space to fit in "Swordswoman Princess", as the last s and half the first get sheared off. Status Screen issue.

Yugifan's translation seems very mechanical, while slotting your version on top of it makes things much easier to read.

From Yugifan's translation, I know it's supposed to be Horse Riding, but yours made the typo of Horde Riding. The keys are right next to each other, I know but a cursory look should have caught that ^^

You missed one though: There's a Rapier that's not too common a drop, but it increases Luck by 15, hit rate by one or two and I think one point in whatever those last two stats are. Also, the subsequent pages that can be flipped through on the status screen (I think they're elemental and status resistances or something along those lines) are largely unfinished. And the rapier that's called Para-Parasomething (can't remember the name as it's no longer translated) is now no longer in English, for some reason.

I do appreciate all the work that's gone in, though. And while I could hook the text and read the story that way, it would break the flow of the game, having to split my attention between two windows. It's not really that hard to grasp though. But once you hit level 50 and have a pair of Masked Rapiers you can roflstomp anything. Even the bosses only took one round.

While you're using the Defensive Rapier, you're virtually unbeatable. My biggest grip about this game are the two/three tagalongs you get.

Lane: Useless. Keeps hitting the enemy in the fists with his face. Dies too quickly, forcing me to run of of MP casting Raise. Gets tolerable when you have Defensor.

Lewis: Pussy. Also useless - one fight, that's it. Do something or piss off. Oh wait - I seem to unable to fight the bosses without him? Fuck. Why does he only fight one enemy? Are his legs petrifying, or is it just his nads are falling off? I swear, Sistine has more testosterone than he does.

Ribs: I didn't need him to finish off the boss in the Dangerous Cave, did I? I one-shotted him, and then in comes the cavalry. Worthless. Was I supposed to be impressed by this, and his Lv99 stats? No. He's a grinder, and I hate grindies. I had Lv50 characters and Defensor. I actually didn't need him AT ALL. I hate story OP characters.

Also: Psychic enemies. Lane goes down for the umpteenth time, so I cast Raise. The enemies knew this beforehand, and aim AT HIS FUCKING CORPSE. This really pisses me off.

I actually LOLed when I saw the english names -- Lewis and Lane. That has to be a joke.

I like how they gave her traits that don't actually matter a damn. How did she learn to ride a horse when there are no horses anywhere? Strong sense of justice my ass. Her desire to "fix her own mistakes" is less like justice and more of what's right. They are different concepts. Justice isn't always what's right, it's what's lawful. The only thing that actually stands is her skill with Rapiers.
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Re: [RJ131698]Sword Princess Cistina - The Chosen Saint(own bought)

."Yugifan's translation seems very mechanical,"

Uh, thanks?
Anyway, the original names are
レイン Lane
ルイス Lewis
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Re: [RJ131698]Sword Princess Cistina - The Chosen Saint(own bought)

yugifan3 said:
Uh, thanks?
I'm not saying it was bad. And I do appreciate the work that went in, don't get me wrong. Really, all that was wrong with it were small placement errors (for example, 18Age rather than Age: 18). The language used in the descriptions didn't seem too natural, in some cases. Overall, yay!

yugifan3 said:
Anyway, the original names are
レイン Lane
ルイス Lewis
I wasn't saying that it was a joke on your part, but rather on the part of the developer -- accidental though it may have been.

Although I'm sure レイン is translatable as Rain. Lewis is alright, though ^^
Re: [RJ131698]Sword Princess Cistina - The Chosen Saint(own bought)

Well, kinda learning as i keep translating really. Gotta make sure to fit stuff and know when to use what.

Take a skill here:
User name: は七星剣を放った!

I wrote:
Seven Star Sword
Attacks all enemies. May cause Paralysis.
User name: uses Seven Star Sword!

Yes, i could wrote 50%, but most rpg games don't write the % of how much chance you have in the skill , why i left it out.

And in a normal rpg maker vx ace game its uses , cast or does.
So, i figured i can use the common one from rpg maker not to confuse to many people. Sure , i could write: Username: charges sword up! Seven stars blinks as it slashes!

So, do you pay attention to that? I mean look at Final Fantasy, when you cast Fire. What does it say? Fire. That's it. Pokémon, same thing.
Pikachu uses Thunder. It's super effective! Nothing else.

Keep in mind that RPG Maker scripts and boxes can only fit certain amount of text. So, i try to still make it so people figure : Okay, that is that.
Do i really have to make a long explanation on: The orb is blue. :p
Re: [RJ131698]Sword Princess Cistina - The Chosen Saint(own bought)

I actually fixed that shit with her class not fitting inside the window on status screen, corrected that grammar mistake on her profile, translated the rapier, but I didn't really bother re-uploading because of those few mistakes ^_^

Anyway, so here the new link to those few things I corrected... Didn't know it would bother someone that much :)

I even changed his name from Lain to Rain. So there you go!

The only thing that really bothered me with this game and that made me initially start translating were the retarded names of enemies. Bandit 1, Bandit 2, Bandit 3... When I saw that I was like WTF!
He goes through all that trouble to implement different scripts, making events and yet he can't come up with fucking names. I just removed the numbers in front of the names so my mind was somewhat at ease.

And about the most of those stats not being translated on the equipment screen... I didn't see any point to it... I finished the game and I actually didn't even know they were there! I was even tempted to remove all of them from that screen, but I'm pretty sure someone would start to bitch about it :=), so I left them in the end untranslated.
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Re: [RJ131698]Sword Princess Cistina - The Chosen Saint(own bought)

Actually those are Lv.
Bandit Lv 1.
Bandit Lv 5.

See? The game works that each 5th level the enemy level up as well.
So if you are Lv 12, they are Lv 10.
Martial Artist Thug 1 can mean in Troops or Rank order they are in game for the story.
Re: [RJ131698]Sword Princess Cistina - The Chosen Saint(own bought)

I do appreciate all the work that's gone in, though. And while I could hook the text and read the story that way, it would break the flow of the game, having to split my attention between two windows. It's not really that hard to grasp though. But once you hit level 50 and have a pair of Masked Rapiers you can roflstomp anything. Even the bosses only took one round.

While you're using the Defensive Rapier, you're virtually unbeatable. My biggest grip about this game are the two/three tagalongs you get.

Lane: Useless. Keeps hitting the enemy in the fists with his face. Dies too quickly, forcing me to run of of MP casting Raise. Gets tolerable when you have Defensor.

Lewis: Pussy. Also useless - one fight, that's it. Do something or piss off. Oh wait - I seem to unable to fight the bosses without him? Fuck. Why does he only fight one enemy? Are his legs petrifying, or is it just his nads are falling off? I swear, Sistine has more testosterone than he does.

Ribs: I didn't need him to finish off the boss in the Dangerous Cave, did I? I one-shotted him, and then in comes the cavalry. Worthless. Was I supposed to be impressed by this, and his Lv99 stats? No. He's a grinder, and I hate grindies. I had Lv50 characters and Defensor. I actually didn't need him AT ALL. I hate story OP characters.

Agree with most of what you said on the NPCs. One thing though, on second run Lewis starts fighting all enemies and raises level faster than PC becoming a major asset. :D Weird thing is he gets to use a kitchen knife that lowers many of his stats somewhat but boosts his attack a lot!

There are weapons that get better for Cistene as well. I think assassin knife is the one after the Masked rapier. EDIT: Assassin's Dagger was one before the Masked Rapier so not sure if hers gets any better than that.

Also, you get translated story? I must have screwed up in applying the patch as I don't. :eek:

I actually fixed that shit with her class not fitting inside the window on status screen, corrected that grammar mistake on her profile, translated the rapier, but I didn't really bother re-uploading because of those few mistakes ^_^

Anyway, so here the new link to those few things I corrected... Didn't know it would bother someone that much :)

I even changed his name from Lain to Rain. So there you go!

The only thing that really bothered me with this game and that made me initially start translating were the retarded names of enemies. Bandit 1, Bandit 2, Bandit 3... When I saw that I was like WTF!
He goes through all that trouble to implement different scripts, making events and yet he can't come up with fucking names. I just removed the numbers in front of the names so my mind was somewhat at ease.

And about the most of those stats not being translated on the equipment screen... I didn't see any point to it... I finished the game and I actually didn't even know they were there! I was even tempted to remove all of them from that screen, but I'm pretty sure someone would start to bitch about it :=), so I left them in the end untranslated.

Thanks for the update! Guess I should have said something when I didn't get story translation thought it was weird that you would take an existing partial and alter it without adding something. Still have to figure out what I did wrong.

Is the accessory bug supposed to be gone?

Also for anyone - has the weirdness in the brothel been fixed in any version. Anyone get more that the one scene there?
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Re: [RJ131698]Sword Princess Cistina - The Chosen Saint(own bought)

Actually those are Lv.
Bandit Lv 1.
Bandit Lv 5.

See? The game works that each 5th level the enemy level up as well.
So if you are Lv 12, they are Lv 10.
Martial Artist Thug 1 can mean in Troops or Rank order they are in game for the story.

Who cares what lvl the bandits are? It makes no point pointing that out and it looks stupid imo, hence why I removed it.

What accessory bug? That slot is supposed to be empty, I personally would delete it. I can delete the field if it's that confusing to you.

The slot where accessories are equipped is called Armor(H/A/F) which means H - Head, A - Amulet and F- Finger .. I'm not really sure, but it think HAF stands for that.

And what brothel are you talking about? I must be getting senile since I don't remember any brothel at all... Where is it located?
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Re: [RJ131698]Sword Princess Cistina - The Chosen Saint(own bought)

Since ver 5.0, we haven't been able to equip anything to the accessory slot. It all shows in the extra gear slot. :( (I never tried an earlier version but others reported having it work before 5.0) First mention was by someone that had applied yugifan's patch but from what I gather, patch was not the culprit.

Just checked back and verified that in ver 2.0 there was useage of that slot. See this post.

Brothel is white tower on 2nd continent, to west of town that is south of desert. Screenshot attached.


  • brothel 1.jpg
    brothel 1.jpg
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  • brothel 2.jpg
    brothel 2.jpg
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Re: [RJ131698]Sword Princess Cistina - The Chosen Saint(own bought)

Since ver 5.0, we haven't been able to equip anything to the accessory slot. It all shows in the extra gear slot. :( (I never tried an earlier version but others reported having it work before 5.0) First mention was by someone that had applied yugifan's patch but from what I gather, patch was not the culprit.

Just checked back and verified that in ver 2.0 there was useage of that slot. See this post.

Brothel is white tower on 2nd continent, to west of town that is south of desert. Screenshot attached.


So I downloaded one of the previous version and I found why it wasn't working.

Here's the latest data with that accessory bug fixed.

So that bug was because of us translators, but now it's fixed.

NOTE: This is for v6.0
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Re: [RJ131698]Sword Princess Cistina - The Chosen Saint(own bought)


So I downloaded one of the previous version and I found why it wasn't working.

Here's the latest data with that accessory bug fixed.

So that bug was because of us translators, but now it's fixed.

NOTE: This is for v6.0

Thank you! :D