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RPG [ARUMERO SOFT] [ あるめろソフト] Creature Hunter RE133887 RJ133887

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Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

The story is minimal. Which is not always a bad thing, but I would've liked more banter between the team-mates.

I should probably re-play it on hard to truly enjoy the gameplay.
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

Hard mode on Arumero games is usually pretty good, if you have the time.
It does force you to farm a little more to get proper equipment upgrades.

Beware: Especially early game, playing this one on hard will get your arse handed to you. On a silver platter. With... is that cream?
But nothing that a little luck and going back to tent after every fight can't fix, until you have a bit of levels up.

But I find hard works pretty well - they really do balancing pretty well.
You sometimes need to be aware of an enemy's resistances, and you need to figure out boss patterns, but it's totally doable and makes things last a little longer.

Beware: There's two mistakes that are easy to make and will make the playthrough rather annoying in the long run:
- One, don't rush through running from every fight and focusing only bosses.
You'll be underleveled, underequipped, and will miss some enemies and animations.
- Two, and this one is important: If you struggle against a boss/level, DON'T KEEP TRYING.
Losing fights or running from them gets you zero items, XP, or gold, and eventually gets tiring.
It's perfectly fine to try something every so often, but getting frustrated by losing over and over is a quick way to burn out on these games.
- I'll come in again: Mid-Late game, always max out on shop items before buying equipment.
Small potions are vital to regenerate between battles, large potions survive battles,
and the "go invisible" item helps you reach bosses without getting beaten down by creeps first.

I should probably try to create a translation list for the shop items, they're not game-changing but sometimes useful.
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

I still wanna know how to get the MC out of the party, there is one photo that has 3 of the support girls in the party instead of the MC. Anyone know if that was a mistake or is there some random thing that allows you to do it as part of a new game + sort of thing?
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

I still wanna know how to get the MC out of the party, there is one photo that has 3 of the support girls in the party instead of the MC. Anyone know if that was a mistake or is there some random thing that allows you to do it as part of a new game + sort of thing?

that was probably early in the development, then author probably realize it saves a lot of time by having someone be THE character to run around and force that one to always be in party rather than allowing switching between all 5 (especially since the moving sprite change with costumes...and there's a LOT of costumes)

I mean, that picture was when the progress bar have 0% on story with comment of "probably none" on that part.
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

Purchasable items:
All items have relatively low caps, so you can't buy 99 of them and battle forever.
Most of the in-combat items are self-cast only: You can only potion yourself, not chug it down a teammate's throat.
回復薬 (green bottle)
[Self] Heals 300 HP

回復薬S (green bottle)
[Self] Heals 600 HP

落卵薬 (pink bottle)
[Self] Removes egg

除種薬 (blue bottle)
[Self] Removes semen

修復薬 (yellow bottle)
[Self] Repairs clothing

防乳薬 (blue bottle)
[Self] Removes lactating

茸取薬 (pink bottle)
[Self] Remove futa

賢者薬 (blue bottle)
[Teammate] Remove lust/charm

復活薬 (wine bottle)
[Teammate] Resurrect downed teammate

回復玉 (green ball)
[Teammate] Directed heal 300 HP

アクセラー (bright blue running icon)
[Map mode] Run faster for a while

ステルス (dark blue sparkly icon)
[Map mode] Become invisible until you move again
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

I got this error message when I downloaded the game.


Then I tried another link and it works just fine now so buyer beware etc.
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

Ver 1.05:

Credits goes to Otokonoko from anime sharing :)
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

Thanks is advance for any replies. My apologies if this has been answered but I could not find a post on this.

I have played the game for a bit, a sort of lovehate thing here. I love some elements and dislike some parts .

How do you get other part members or swap members? Most of the people in the town just talk a little. The red-head has an option I think but always refuses to join.
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

Thanks is advance for any replies. My apologies if this has been answered but I could not find a post on this.

I have played the game for a bit, a sort of lovehate thing here. I love some elements and dislike some parts .

How do you get other part members or swap members? Most of the people in the town just talk a little. The red-head has an option I think but always refuses to join.

You can change your team by selecting the town on the map and choosing the second to last option or using the far right item in the room with the orbs Also you can change what character is you party leader and have a different sprite walking around by selecting the main character in the party select screen.
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

Thanks is advance for any replies. My apologies if this has been answered but I could not find a post on this.

I have played the game for a bit, a sort of lovehate thing here. I love some elements and dislike some parts .

How do you get other part members or swap members? Most of the people in the town just talk a little. The red-head has an option I think but always refuses to join.

Go into the house at the top of the map, inside the house there's a bunch of orbs and a chest, use the chest and the 2nd option is changing members (first option is changing equipments)
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

How do you get other part members or swap members? Most of the people in the town just talk a little. The red-head has an option I think but always refuses to join.

You can switch party members on the world map by selecting the town and either the third/fourth option (I forget exactly which one) or by going into town, to your base, and then selecting the first option at the chest.
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

that was probably early in the development, then author probably realize it saves a lot of time by having someone be THE character to run around and force that one to always be in party rather than allowing switching between all 5 (especially since the moving sprite change with costumes...and there's a LOT of costumes)

I mean, that picture was when the progress bar have 0% on story with comment of "probably none" on that part.

You know you can change who your leader is though, right? And every character has their own sprites for their costumes.
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

You know you can change who your leader is though, right? And every character has their own sprites for their costumes.

.- . Actually I completely forgot about that til you said it (since I usually have Lelica on 1st slot anyway)...maybe it's just to ensure you always have at least 1 character in the party?

Also, regardless of who's the 1st slot, Lelica always answer in conversation.
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

Keep getting the same error as BAB PEEG.
Ho do i solve this? What does he mean by another link?:confused:

P.S.:CMAC, are you here too? lol, CMAC is everywhere!
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Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

Keep getting the same error as BAB PEEG.
Ho do i solve this? What does he mean by another link?:confused:

This is a Japanese game. It's resources have some file names in Japanese. In your copy these file names have been fucked up so that the game can't find them.

There are normally two ways this happens:

1. Your computer fucked up the file when expanding the zip file. You just need to expand it again, properly this time. Please read the thread Frequently Asked Questions and Problems (Tech Questions Go Here!) at the top of the forum.

2. The redistributor fucked up the original zip file when they inserted their spam "PLZ GO TO OUR SITE FOR MORE 100% FREE PORN!!!!!!!111!" file and now all file names are permanently broken. In this case things are irretrievably fucked but you can usually save the situation by downloading the game's demo and overwriting the fucked audio folder with the the demo's audio.
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

^ Thanks, gonna see what i can do. :)
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

Purchasable items:
All items have relatively low caps, so you can't buy 99 of them and battle forever.
Most of the in-combat items are self-cast only: You can only potion yourself, not chug it down a teammate's throat.
回復薬 (green bottle)
[Self] Heals 300 HP

回復薬S (green bottle)
[Self] Heals 600 HP

落卵薬 (pink bottle)
[Self] Removes egg

除種薬 (blue bottle)
[Self] Removes semen

修復薬 (yellow bottle)
[Self] Repairs clothing

防乳薬 (blue bottle)
[Self] Removes lactating

茸取薬 (pink bottle)
[Self] Remove futa

賢者薬 (blue bottle)
[Teammate] Remove lust/charm

復活薬 (wine bottle)
[Teammate] Resurrect downed teammate

回復玉 (green ball)
[Teammate] Directed heal 300 HP

アクセラー (bright blue running icon)
[Map mode] Run faster for a while

ステルス (dark blue sparkly icon)
[Map mode] Become invisible until you move again

Glad we got people like you doing these! =D I would but I'm getting too strung up to really sit down and make any real useful list for anything as it stands <w<;;;
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

Keep getting the same error as BAB PEEG.
Ho do i solve this? What does he mean by another link?:confused:

P.S.:CMAC, are you here too? lol, CMAC is everywhere!
I like games!
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

thank you for the game :3
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

how do i lvl and how do you get new equipment
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