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Violet (plmnko)

Re: Violet (plmnko)

Paying attention to the moves of her opponent instead her growing need to beat him looks to had worked perfectly, as her increased magic blast out of existence what she was fighting. Violet sigh and take a breath amazed of how poerful impact she send until the moans behind made her remember what her partner was suffering. Sammantha, resist! I will go to fr...eh? The image in front of her was so filled with lust and passion than she get frozen in the instant, unable to do more than see how her ally was just loving the torment than the last of her opponents was making her feel.

Violet just remain there blushing and shivering softly by how the pleasure on Sammantha was making her maybe need some on her too. It was then when she just was observer of the powerful orgasm on the another plant woman. Dont let her dominate you. Violet almost wisher when she noticed a magic hand get placed between her legs, gasping she turn softly back to clarify than there was not another foe and for her amuzement she glance to see her own spirit guadian rubbing her wet lower lips.

What the... stop... not now. She tried to order to her spirit but her bdy then placed her weight in front of her staff as her legs spread softly. swaying her green sexy rear as she remain looking to Sammantha.

2: Watch and Fap.
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Violet decides to masturbate until she climaxes as she watches Samantha's rape. Violet deals 155 pleasure to herself, and gains 180 KP as she 'rapes herself', helped by her spirit. This orgasm does not give her an adrenaline boost though.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Samantha: 21+5=26 vs. Virago: 27.

The Virago expertly keeps Samantha down, while allowing her to struggle just enough to weaken her some.

Pleasure Roll:

Virago: 16 vs. Samantha: 7+5=12.

Samantha can't stop the Virago from continuing to ride her, and she moans in pleasure. The Virago continues to hit her most sensitive spots, and Samantha can't handle it. She screams in pleasure as her body stiffens, and violently spurts it's pleasure out in another powerful orgasm, this one making her back arch and her toes curl. Samantha claws at the air, but can't do anything except climax in pleasure, writhing underneath the Virago raping her. Samantha suffers 100 pleasure, and gains 75 KP from her orgasm. She has 245 Stamina left until she orgasms again, however she can feel the fight being raped out of her as she climaxes, the adrenaline boost gone!

The Virago has 70 stamina until she climaxes around Samantha's cock again.


1: Try to free Samantha.

2: Fap yourself to another orgasm, regardless of that it's corrupting you slowly.

3: Continue to fap until she breaks free.
Re: Violet (plmnko)

In a fast way, the spirit user could sense her nectar escaping out her honeypot, creating naughty trials at her legs or falling direct to the earth, her breath increased as her legs strenght fade what made her struggle to remain standing using her staff. Why?... i cant fight this any longer...ahh She mutter to herself as her pussy get endlessly assaulted by her own servant until the orgasm inside her end to grow and explode making her sweet voice join the one of her ally.

After some seconds to recover herself, she could still feel her guardian trying to dominate her more, but now with her passion slighty reduced for now she was able to push herself away of the hand below her. What im thinking? cant let them do as they please with us. Samantha, please resist! She shout as she start to run toward the last foe of the battlefield, ready to take her out of her plant friend.

1: Try to free Samantha.
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Free Samantha Attempt:

Violet: 16 vs. Virago: 1

Violet manages to shove the Virago off of Samantha!

Immediately, Samantha tries to attack, but the Virago is faster than they gave it credit for. In moments Samantha's attack is used against her, and the Virago swiftly mounts her again and continues riding her! Samantha suffers 100 pleasure and gains 240 KP as the Virago orgasms around her cock again, causing Samantha to thrash wildly as she manages to fight back the urge to orgasm herself! Samantha has 145 stamina left until the Virago makes her orgasm.

The counter attack spends the Virago's turn. 18/20 Pregnancy.


1: Try to free her again!

2: Other?
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Easily the Virago was removed, Violet herself was amazed by how easy this happened, even when her body was still affected by the lust from moments ago. But Samantha was just in an helpless state to defend herself, the depraved being certainly found her weak spots to leave her like this.

Before Violet could protect her ally, this being jump over her partner and fuck her in front of a slighty pissed Violet. For all the...Why all of you are the same? Enought, im tired of this, let her alone or your life will end here! She shout before try once again to free the very aroused Sammantha
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Free Samantha Attempt:

Violet: 20 vs. Virago: 10.

Violet again removes the Virago!

Again, Samantha tries to rush in and attack the Virago, only to be countered a second time, and helplessly pinned and ridden again!

Samantha suffers 50 Pleasure and gains 35 KP after her Sylvari side kicks in. She has 95 Stamina left until she has another orgasm, while the Virago has 60 Stamina.

Virago: 17/20 Pregnant.

((Samantha is horribly unlucky right now)).


1: Try to free Samantha again.

2: Other?
Re: Violet (plmnko)

For all the... Violet could only exclain by seen the Virago take Sammantha again, this stoped to be funny and make Violet try again to free her ally, as many times as needed to take down this creepy woman.

Im not playing, stop this nonsense and we will let you escape. She order to her foe, her staff used again to remove her body from her plant girl ally.

1: Try to free Samantha again. As many times as needed
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Free Samantha Attempt:

Violet: 7 vs. Virago: 30.

Violet fails miserably to free Samantha.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Samantha: 28+5=33 vs. Virago: 29.

Samantha manages to get herself free!

Grapple Attempt:

Virago: 19 vs. Samantha: 17+5=22

Samantha dodges!


1: Attack!

2: Fuck the Virago, or Samantha yourself!

Samantha: 5/8 Adrenaline

Violet: 2 turns on Barrier Spirit left.

Virago: 16/20 Pregnant.
Re: Violet (plmnko)

After a tedious struggle, Violet was not the one who ended stop such rape in Sammantha. Instead someone rescue her, the other plant woman push away the Virago so now both nude warriors were free to attack theirs last foe and put an end to this fight.

With her barrier close to end, Violet focus all her powers and shoot a possible last attack at the sex crazy woman who now dont have any shield to protect her.

1: Attack! Spirit Trash on Virago!
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Attack Roll:

Violet: 24 vs. Virago: 19.

Violet hits for an overkill amount, killing the Virago at last.

Samantha: 4/8 Adrenaline

Violet: 1 turns on Barrier Spirit left.

Both Women gain 700 XP.

Loot Phase:

Karsetti: HP Potion
Virago: HP Potion
Predator: Nothing
Harpy: Map Piece!

Cassidy appeared as soon as they spotted the map piece, informing them they would need to fight Blood Raven next.


1: Grab the loot and fight!

2: Grab the loot and rest to full (can't be caught)
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Re: Violet (plmnko)

The mix of spirit power between mistress and servant was just too much for the Virago's body to endure it, blasting it off existence in a blink. The girls just could only smirk when they found finally their first map after all the many battles in tehir path.

Ehm, are you fine Sammantha? i really sorry for take so long in save you. Violet said as she helps her partner to get up, mostly ashamed for that little moment where she lost herself, but she maybe expect than Sammantha havent noticed it, after all the other plant woman was busy feeling that amazing orgasm.

Violet take the potions and map, she was not sure how they will soon gather all the items, maybe if she use some vines of some plants to make herself a belt to store them, at least that strange hologram come again talking about their next fight. That woman sound more as part of this terrible place than another survivor, it make me ponder how much time has passed after she recorder that mensage. Lets take a rest before face that Blood woman, it would be better in that way.

Said this she do what she needed to do before rest, trying to remain alert. It was fortunate than they dont needed to eat or sleep, but without these primary needs sex has turned maybe in one of the few priorities, what increase her worries in could find a escape at time.

2: Grab the loot and rest to full (can't be caught)
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Both women sit down to rest and recover, and after a short time they both are at full power!


1: Move onward.

2: Wait a little longer to discuss strategy. (Interaction time)
Re: Violet (plmnko)

There was not much to talk,Violet feels shame for what she made moments ago and Sammantha havent talked back to her, maybe was better just continue and forget all.

Well, it has been enough rest... Are you ready to beat that Blood Raven? Asking in a more cheerful tone, Violet let decide Sammantha if she could continue now and after both can continue they move on.

1: Move onward.
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Re: Violet (plmnko)

Samantha nodded, standing slowly. Before they continued on, she placed a hand on Violet's shoulder.

"Don't feel bad about what happened, OK? This place ... it's getting to me too. No matter what happens, we stick together until the end. And as far as I'm concerned, the only way this is ending is with us going home with that pricks head, you hear me?"

Giving her a gentle hug, she hefted her weapon.

"Now, let's go properly introduce this Blood Raven to our weapons shall we?"

Moving onward, they found themselves standing in a large area with tombstones all over. As they moved through the area, they spotted their foe.

Blood Raven was stunningly attractive, even for a demonic creature. It was evident that she might have been like the two of them at one time, and been corrupted, for she appeared to be Mathosian. In fact, if not for the three Apes next to her that looked up to her, waiting commands, she could have tricked them.

Smiling wickedly at the two, Blood Raven spoke.

"Let's begin shall we? I look forward to riding you both!"

Enemy Encounter:

Blood Raven: HP: 10,000. Stamina: 300. Pleasure: 40.

Level 4 Possessed Ape (1): Stamina: 175. Pleasure: 35. HP: 700. Damage: 10. Weak to Magical Attacks. Special Ability: Pin Down (Physical).

Level 4 Possessed Ape (2): Stamina: 175. Pleasure: 35. HP: 700. Damage: 10. Weak to Magical Attacks. Special Ability: Pin Down (Physical).

Level 5 Possessed Ape (3): Stamina: 175. Pleasure: 35. HP: 700. Damage: 10. Weak to Magical Attacks. Special Ability: Pin Down (Physical).

Initiative Roll:

Ape 1: 27 (1st)
Ape 2: 24 (3rd)
Ape 3: 10 (5th)
Blood Raven: 11 (4th)
Violet: 25 (2nd)
Samantha: 9 (Last)

Grapple Attempt:

Ape 1: 12 vs. Samantha: 30 (Auto Counter!)

Samantha stands her ground rather than avoid the Ape, and just when it looks like she's going to be tackled, she suddenly swings her weapon, slamming the Ape away! She deals 400 damage, and the Ape now has 300 HP left!


1: Finish off the Ape.

2: Something else?
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Violet tried to erase the shame of so indignant acts in battle, placing all the fault on her shoulders until a hand place in one of them making her stop and softly turn, however her body get frozen once Samantha's words start to come.

The optimistic words form her ally made her nod, making some of her worries fade as she manage to turn to her. Yes, ours weapons will put an end to all the demonic creatures and the silly one than tried to trap us here... we will find soon a way to leave this damn planet.


With her guilty out and more calm after heard than the charge of lust in this planet was not only in her shoulders. The spirit user noticed a beautiful woman at the side of corrupted beasts, it was not her first time facing human like creatures. If that woman was at the demon side then that unknown's woman fate was sattled ending at theirs hands.

The first beast tried t take down the warrior plant girl, but this make him regret it and place it close Violet to end his life. I will place my hopes on you, my friend. Violet said as she focus her spirirt power to summon her guardian spirit which would protect Sammantha as Violet used her staff to end maybe the life of the ape.

1: Finish off the Ape with Spirit Trash. Summon Spirit Guardian and protect Sammantha
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Violet casts her Barrier Spirit on Samantha, placing her in the protective state! She loses 75 MP and has 120 left.

((Note: Blood Raven is what we call a sentient enemy. The first time that barrier activates and repels a foe, SHE will change targets, but her minions are too stupid to.))

Attack Roll:

Violet: 30 vs. Ape 1: 19.

Violet kills the Ape with a single shot, not even needing the shrine's buff.

Grapple Attempts:

Ape 2: 27 vs. Samantha: 21.

The Ape tries to attack Samantha, but the barrier repels it! It has 250 HP left.

Blood Raven: 1 vs. Violet: 2 (Seriously?!?)

Blood Raven, having intelligence and noticing the repelling barrier, lunges for Violet clumsily, and misses, but only just.

Ape 3 tries to attack Samantha, but the woman isn't content to just let the barrier be whittled down, and instead counters the Ape for 400 damage! The Ape has 300 HP left.

Attack Roll:

Samantha: 25 vs. Ape 3: 3

Samantha lands her attack with weakning blow and KILLS the Ape, leaving the battle now a 2 on 2.

Barrier Spirit: 9/10 Active, 250 HP Left.


1: Attack the remaining Ape.

2: Attack Blood Raven.

3: Have sex with something?
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Thanks all what is good, the fight started as Violet has expected, the ape pretty dumb to dodge get killad and she got the right distance to dodge the slut of trap her. However, as the apes get reduced she can expect to be the one in danger.

Violet could only sigh and prepare the battlefield the best than she could with summon her attack thunder spirit and kill the remain fliesack.

1.- Finish off the Ape with Spirit Trash. Summon thunder Spirit. hope to dodge bloody raven
Re: Violet (plmnko)

Violet summons her elemental spirit, and begins her attack!

Attack Roll:

Violet: 28 vs. Ape 2: 2

Violet lashes out with her attack, and the power of the shrine still seems to be with her, for she nearly killed it herself, and her spirit finished it off! 1,200 damage between them (OVERKILL!)

Grapple Attempt:

Blood Raven: 2 vs. Violet: 16.

Instinct told Violet to move right after firing off her spell, which turned out to be a good thing as Blood Raven suddenly went flying past where Violet HAD been standing!

Attack Roll:

Samantha: 25 vs. Blood Raven: 18.

As Blood Raven stumbled, trying to catch her balance from missing Violet, Samantha would step into a swing and clobber their foe in the side of the head with her weapon, unleashing a devastating Weakening Blow attack! Samantha deals 600 damage, and places Blood Raven in the Weakened State. Blood Raven has 9,400 HP left.


1: Close, and FIRE!

2: Other?
Re: Violet (plmnko)

And so another ape eat the dust or turn in some. Ussually her spells arent so strong so she enjoy this increment in her damage all than she could. With a smirk in her face after such attack , Violet notice the woman try again to attack her and again dodge the danger, givng to Samantha chance to use her powers, now if she could just attack and dodge again they could have the victory more closer.

1: Close, and FIRE! Spirit Trash to Blood Raven
Re: Violet (plmnko)

With all the apes taken care of, Violet turns her attention to Blood Raven!

Attack Roll:

Violet: 28 vs. Blood Raven: 21.

Violet lands her hit for 600 damage, and her spirit adds 1,200 more as Blood Raven is weakened at this time. All in all, Violet deals 1,800 damage, and leaves Blood Raven with 7,600 HP.

Grapple Attempt:

Blood Raven: 10 vs. Violet: 16.

Violet dodges the takedown bid.

Attack Roll:

Samantha: 30, 28, 22 & 28 vs. Blood Raven: 26, 5, 17 & 2.

Samantha launches into her Ferocious Strike Chain, letting loose several grunts as she swings with all her might! Samantha lands all 4 hits, only the first of which lands critical. Still, she deals a total of 850 damage, and leaves Blood Raven with 6,750 HP.

Important Stats:

10 turns left on shrine buff.

Blood Raven: 2/3 Weakened.


1: Keep pouring it on!

2: Other?