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Re: Akabur Games

how do i open the config.py?? editwithidle? also how to open 00console.rpy? (which software should i use?) . I am complete noob in these cases. Would someone please help me out :(

Presumably you're on Windows. Just right-click, select "Open with..." and pick whatever text editor you have. Notepad will work, but I don't recommend it. Notepad++ is free and works much better. Whatever you like. Leave "always use this program..." checked if you want .py and .rpy files to open in that program with just a double-click later.
Korra Trainer

Korra Trainer

A few questions answered:

When will the game come out?

Their twitter account:

Like I said I will make a new thread, if they post more than a few pics.
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Re: Akabur Games

Love that release date, so soon it must be real.
Re: Akabur Games

Jesus fucking christ, one year? For a story trainer python game?
Re: Akabur Games

Jesus fucking christ, one year? For a story trainer python game?

Kind of, if you take into account his past 'accomplishments', when he reaches that date, the game will most likely only be half finished.
Re: Akabur Games

So for all the shit people have been putting on him, Akabur managed to go from 880 Patrons at $7732/mo. pre-Hermione Trainer release to 969 Patrons at $8519/mo. as of today, less than a month later. That's not to say that people can't support someone unreliable, but that the hundred people who said they were pulling their support were simply lying. He only had about 10 people cut their funding from when I was able to see a decline throughout the days.

Goes to show you that people love to pretend to pay for shit, and love to pretend to take their money back to prove a point even more.
Re: Akabur Games

So for all the shit people have been putting on him, Akabur managed to go from 880 Patrons at $7732/mo. pre-Hermione Trainer release to 969 Patrons at $8519/mo. as of today, less than a month later. That's not to say that people can't support someone unreliable, but that the hundred people who said they were pulling their support were simply lying. He only had about 10 people cut their funding from when I was able to see a decline throughout the days.

Goes to show you that people love to pretend to pay for shit, and love to pretend to take their money back to prove a point even more.

There's also the possibility that releasing the game reeled in more customers than people who cut their funding. Although no one seems to entertain that concept so its doubtful that its possible, amirite?
Re: Akabur Games

Korra trainer is not being developed by akabur so it should have it's own thread.

People are getting seriously confused here.
Re: Akabur Games

I've been operating under the assumption that most who claimed to be withdrawing support, especially on that ask.fm were just lying. The people who haven't withdrawn genuinely like the game, are taking what they can get for non-translated porn games, or are doing what I'm doing and letting it ride until the next one.

Internet communities are weird anyway. Obvious examples abound, and I had a girlfriend ages ago who was part of some group of women that cobbled together images from game stills, clip-art, novel covers, and whatever else they could find. Everything she showed me from their site was god awful, but they couldn't praise each other enough. So I figure popularity on one website isn't necessarily an indicator of quality.
Re: Akabur Games

I dropped from $10 to $1. I still don't think Witch Trainer was a bad game, but it was a flawed game. I figure, if it takes him a year to make another Witch trainer, I will have contributed $12. Witch Trainer was a $5 maybe $10 game, so that's about right.

I'm actually less bothered by the Witch Trainer game itself, and more bothered by Akabur's attitude and inability to take any form of criticism. Add in his supporters that treat him like a God of some sort, and it is an unhealthy environment. Part of me feels like he is just calling it in at this point, and that makes me sad. I REALLY hope I am wrong and his next game is just amazing. I'd gladly contribute higher again.
Re: Akabur Games

/sarcasm Yeah, like you can make a better game that works flawlessly /sarcasm

That aside, his next game is supposed to be Princess Gold, according to Dahr's Patreon post around xmas that they'll start to work on it after the holydays.

Gotta wonder if he'll (Akabur) be able to upgrade the game without getting apalled by naysayers and deliver it relatively soon considering ~75% the game is done and all he needs to do is add some side-quests and some dialogue .....

Unless, of course, he goes full retard and starts from scratch for the heck of it.
Re: Akabur Games

i need help with hermione trainer please!

when i ask her for favors i keep getting "Grypphindor are in the lead" and they are not!
i played for tons of days (300) in order to get all books read till end and buy everything.
so now house points are:
1215 493 954(gryph) 1103

i read about this and saw that they only compare to Slytherin (493)
so how can i lower Gryphindors points or raise Slytherins points?
help please!
Re: Akabur Games

/sarcasm Yeah, like you can make a better game that works flawlessly /sarcasm

That aside, his next game is supposed to be Princess Gold, according to Dahr's Patreon post around xmas that they'll start to work on it after the holydays.

Gotta wonder if he'll (Akabur) be able to upgrade the game without getting apalled by naysayers and deliver it relatively soon considering ~75% the game is done and all he needs to do is add some side-quests and some dialogue .....

Unless, of course, he goes full retard and starts from scratch for the heck of it.

I don't think he would start from scratch except maybe in the Coding process.

He still has to draw a lot of CG's for Lola, Iris, and any other character he wants to add in there. Seeing as how PT has more CG's than WT, it may take him some time, but definitely not 6 Months.

If people want to complain about PT Gold not being released fast enough I would say 2 Months is a fair Time frame to expect it.
Re: Akabur Games

i need help with hermione trainer please!

when i ask her for favors i keep getting "Grypphindor are in the lead" and they are not!
i played for tons of days (300) in order to get all books read till end and buy everything.
so now house points are:
1215 493 954(gryph) 1103

i read about this and saw that they only compare to Slytherin (493)
so how can i lower Gryphindors points or raise Slytherins points?
help please!

You can't lower the points, pass a few more hundred nights with Snape and the Slytherin points will eventually go up by 40 per night@max level .... And I *highly* doubt your points are merely over 1k by 300th day ...... Not when you can give ~100 per anal shot on Hermione x2 per day.
Re: Akabur Games

i need help with hermione trainer please!

when i ask her for favors i keep getting "Grypphindor are in the lead" and they are not!
i played for tons of days (300) in order to get all books read till end and buy everything.
so now house points are:
1215 493 954(gryph) 1103

i read about this and saw that they only compare to Slytherin (493)
so how can i lower Gryphindors points or raise Slytherins points?
help please!

Wait, Slytherin has 493 points and she's been letting you buy favors up until just then? I don't see anything in the code that would allow for that, although "slytherin > gryffindor or slytherin == gryffindor" was good for a little chuckle. Are you sure you didn't cheat them down or something?
Re: Akabur Games

There's also the possibility that releasing the game reeled in more customers than people who cut their funding. Although no one seems to entertain that concept so its doubtful that its possible, amirite?

Are you saying it's more likely that a hundred people dropped their funding and he gained 200 patrons in the span of less than a month than it is that 100 people lied about funding in the first place?
Re: Akabur Games

Are you saying it's more likely that a hundred people dropped their funding and he gained 200 patrons in the span of less than a month than it is that 100 people lied about funding in the first place?

Yes, it probably is. In fact, Patreon keeps track of this. It tells you exactly how many new "patrons" have joined since you posted your last "creation." Looking at Akabur's last two "creations," which were posted after the release of Witch Trainer, he has had +79 patrons and +115 patrons respectively. And that does not even count any who might have joined the week between the release of Witch Trainer and his posting of the Bordello creation.
Re: Akabur Games

They anounced another game:

Xaljio (Programmer) and Dahr(the guy who created Iris (princess trainer)) wrote this:
Two words
Ok, guys. I want to post small teaser for you as gift for the New Year. Finally, we (DAHR & I) can say two words about our future project now. Literally two words: Iris Quest! You'll see all details in the new year. And I'm sure it will be interesting!

(Their patreon page can be found on the front page)


It has action, it has feels and it contains a little part of my soul. I am officially back to working on this one. As you read this I am adding tons of Lola and Iris events, ability to finish the game with Lola or with Iris and even a couple side-quests for Azalea and Rose. And gazillion of other little things!
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Re: Akabur Games

Regarding the people claiming they dropped support, while I'm sure that a lot of that was just empty threats from people that weren't Patreons in the first place, also keep in mind that Akabur said in an old activity post back in November, I believe, that the Patreon count and financial total keeps in rejected payments unless he manually removes the accounts (which he said is a bother and doesn't get around to it often). As such, of course his Patreon total will always be going up seeing as a diminishing number is bad business.

HT is definitely a flawed game, but as others have stated, it has the right foundation for a good or great game if he didn't cut so much out and push it out the door in what certainly appears to be an "unfinished" state. The experience seems to have soured him on the project, as well, so any sort of expansions to it in subsequent revisions, or even a full-on "Gold Edition", seems to be out of the question, and that disappoints me. With him officially moving on to PT Gold I'm now curious as to how long it's going to take him to put in what he wants since the base game is now there.
Re: Akabur Games

HT is definitely a flawed game, but as others have stated, it has the right foundation for a good or great game if he didn't cut so much out and push it out the door in what certainly appears to be an "unfinished" state. The experience seems to have soured him on the project, as well, so any sort of expansions to it in subsequent revisions, or even a full-on "Gold Edition", seems to be out of the question, and that disappoints me. With him officially moving on to PT Gold I'm now curious as to how long it's going to take him to put in what he wants since the base game is now there.

I must say, his "updated" Patreon page does nothing to alleviate my fears... His prior page thanked people for coming, politely explained what Patreon was, provided a much deeper look into who he was, and did not demand pledges. This new page comes across as kind of douchey to me.

"If you are new to patreon - http://justfuckinggoogleit.com" Really? These are the people who are supporting you with almost $9,000.00 a month...

Also, ScottPilgrim, you're right, WT was pushed out too quickly and too much was cut. That he doesn't see this as a problem bugs me. The people kissing his feet and calling him a "God" doesn't help. I've commented there and noted his success. He has accomplished some good stuff, but his games, Gabe, and the breeding season guys are definitely not the only competition in the market. I just don't know if he is going to put out work on par with PT at this point. I really do hope I am wrong. He came across as a likable guy when I first start pledging in August.