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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I decided to mess around with a new account just to see what has changed for me as I'm better experienced than I was a month ago.

Starting units:
Iron Soldier x2
Iron Archer
Iron Heavy Armor
Silver Soldier Krave
Silver Archer Soma
Silver Healer Arisa
Gold Valkyrie Carrie (Unlocked as part of the tutorial)

3-star clear units gained from the first few missions:
Silver Bandit Fuyunes(?)
Silver Rogue Cecily
Silver Healer Ruka

After being able to unlock most of the main menu, serial codes were used for the following 3 units:
Gold Rogue Kyuteri
Gold Heavy Armor Berenice
Gold Archer Claire

After completing enough story missions to unlock the quest portion of the game, I was able to gain the following units:
Tutorial Missions:
Silver Heavy Armor Rean
Silver Healer Christopher
Silver Archer Daniela
Silver Mage Valerie
Silver Witch Calliope
Silver Soldier Phyllis
Gold Soldier Katie

"Emergency Mission":
Silver Rogue Cecily
Silver Valkyrie Elaine
Silver Witch Nenya

Final Beginner Unit List:
Iron Soldier x2
Iron Archer
Iron Heavy Armor
Silver Soldier x2
Silver Rogue x2
Silver Archer x2
Silver Healer x3
Silver Bandit
Silver Mage
Silver Witch x2
Silver Valkyrie
Gold Rogue
Gold Heavy Armor
Gold Archer
Gold Soldier
Gold Valkyrie

With just 10 stamina, I was able to complete set of units that can possibly be used for the life of the game. Getting Cloris with only level 1 units in theory is quite possible, but it is quite difficult from the couple of tries I've had.

Looking back when I was a total newbie, I've never completed all the Emergency Missions so I've never had access to Cloris and Nenya. It didn't help that I did not realize that I can gain these units from those missions because I don't know a single lick of Japanese. I've also made the mistake of eating many silver units I thought I wouldn't need at all. So many mistakes were made. It really makes me want to make a guide so new players won't make the same mistakes I did.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

No problems with that here :p A lot of us have been playing so long it's hard for us to give advice on certain things because the game has changed a lot from when we first started. Of course we can say what units to aim for and give general tips, but we lack the new player perspective. Anyways most of us are willing to answer any questions people have but writing a guide would be difficult unless we made a new account as you have.

I'm sure if it's good we can probably get it on the front page.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

No problems with that here :p A lot of us have been playing so long it's hard for us to give advice on certain things because the game has changed a lot from when we first started. Of course we can say what units to aim for and give general tips, but we lack the new player perspective. Anyways most of us are willing to answer any questions people have but writing a guide would be difficult unless we made a new account as you have.

I'm sure if it's good we can probably get it on the front page.

I had plenty of free time today so I actually had a good start on writing one up!

This is meant to be a very early draft of the game guide that's just meant to explain some about basic classes as well as helping new players get a working set of units to use. I want to exclude events because players should understand the game and not try to chase stars as soon as they start. I'm not extremely knowledgeable about this game so I would love for some people to provide help in this guide and make this game newbie friendly for the early portion of the game.

I might try to record a strategy video for the final Emergency Mission. Basically prince rank lower than 10, all possible obtainable units until then, and only level 1 units. I know it's possible because I got the boss down to 25% with 3 healers on the map, so if I change my strategy and add another unit (thinking of Nenya), then it should work.

As soon as you begin the game, you will be thrown into a tutorial mission immediately after viewing a CG. This mission covers the core basic gameplay this game has to offer, which is placing units onto set positions on the map. Your goal is to use these units to defend against a horde of monsters and prevent them from passing through your troops.

After a couple basic missions, you will be shown through the affection/approval menu. You can come back here later, but for now just view one of the units and then immediately leave.

Continue to repeat the story missions. During a mission, you will obtain drops from certain units you kill. You can obtain bonuses for fulfilling certain conditions. For now, what you need to know is that you can obtain useful units by collecting at least one of each drop from a mission map. The reward depends on the map and not all maps will give a reward for collecting every drop from the map. The important thing is that you should be collecting units that will be important to you for the life of the game.

By the time you get to level 4, you will be rewarded with Gold Valkyrie Carrie. Then you will be shown a tutorial on how to add a unit to your deployment group. You will be going through these menus often, so do pay attention! After you add Carrie to your line-up, you should change your title. Your current title provides a bonus HP +10% to your prince. The other titles will provide either a bonus ATK +5%, HP +20%, or Ally ATK/DEF +3%. At later levels, titles can possibly change the outcome of a mission so make sure you check back every couple of levels and change your title accordingly.

Now that you have changed your title, lets add the following units:
Gold Rogue Kyuteri: aigisgot
Gold Heavy Armour Berenice: aigiscomic
Gold Archer Claire: dokidokiminami

Go back and add them to the deployment group.

Continue to repeat story missions and try to unlock the rewards.

Lets cover some important aspects about missions:

You will gain a star for the following:
  • Complete the mission
  • No units killed (Force a unit to retreat if it's close to dying)
  • Kill all enemies

You can only 3-star clear a mission if you obtain all 3 stars in one session. You will not 3-star clear if you obtain each star in separate sessions.
Most missions will reward you with a Sacred Crystal for obtaining a 3-star clear.

When you reach level 5, you will unlock the Tutorial Missions. Each of these mission will consume 1 stamina point.

Here are the rewards for 3-star clearing each mission:
Tutorial Missions
Mission 1: Rean (Silver Heavy)
Mission 2: Christopher (Silver Healer)
Mission 3: Daniela (Silver Archer)
Mission 4: Valerie (Silver Mage)
Mission 5: Calliope (Silver Witch)
Mission 6: Phyllis (Silver Soldier)
Mission 7: Katie (Gold Soldier)

Now that you have completed the tutorial missions, change your line-up to the following:
Phyllis (Silver Soldier)
Soma, Daniela (Silver Archer)
Arisa, Ruka, Christopher (Silver Healer)
Valerie (Silver Mage)
Calliope (Silver Witch)
Carrie (Gold Valkyrie)
Rean and/or Berenice (Silver/Gold Heavy Armor)
Claire (Gold Archer)
Katie (Gold Soldier)

With 3 slots left, you can use fill up those slots with units of your choosing. You will be using these units for the life of the game so do not eat these units unless you can obtain a much better unit.

Onto the next set of missions. These missions will use units from your deployment group and can be difficult for new players. It can also be discouraging because you will only get a reward if you get a 3-star clear for each mission. Every stamina used is important!

*** The following may change in future updates ***
Emergency Missions
Mission 1: Cecily (Silver Rogue)
Mission 2: Elaine (Silver Valkyrie)
Mission 3: Nenya (Silver Witch)
Mission 4: Cloris (Gold Witch)*

*Do not attempt this mission until you have progressed further into the game. It is quite difficult for new players with low level starting units.

By the time you complete Mission 3 of the Emergency Missions, you should at least be level 8. At this point you will be mostly doing story missions.

About unit classes:
Soldiers are all around melee units that are pivotal to your line-up. They are balanced units that do not excel offensively or defensively, but they are great early deployment units because of their low cost. These units will block 2 or 3 enemies and are great at stopping goblin rushes. Good soldier units will have the Reinforcement skill. When this skill is used, it will replenish your sortie points. Soldiers with this skill are great assets because they will make missions less difficult. The ability to deploy high cost units sooner because of Reinforcement is not to be underestimated. Never again will you have to wait endlessly to deploy a mage when a horde of red gargoyles is flying through your map.

i dont have much experience with rogues. anyone care to provide some insight about them?

Valkyries are on par with soldiers. They perform a similar role in providing you with sortie costs through kills. Every kill performed by this unit will grant a sortie point. something about magic resistance, damage vs certain enemies

Heavy Armor:
Heavy Armors are the tank units of this game. At a moderately high cost, they provide better tanking ability than soldiers. When a soldier's value during a mission is lowered as time progresses, force the soldier to retreat and immediately replace them with a Heavy Armor or a better unit. These units will block 3 or 4 enemies.

Archers are ranged units. Their low cost allows them to be deployed early and their range allows them to weaken or kill enemies before they can attack a melee unit. They are great support units because of their ability to provide cover fire. Archers will attack flying units with higher priority.

Witches are ranged caster units. Witches are similar to archers, but they have a lower attack range. They will cast an ice shard on a single target. The target will then be inflicted with a short slow debuff. Witches are great against gargoyles. If you are having trouble with gargoyle rushes, then witches will be necessary to complete a mission. Witches will attack flying units with higher priority.

Mages are ranged caster units. They will cast a fire blast on a target for high damage. Enemies in the proximity of the blast will take lowered damage. This is useful against horde rushes as well as gargoyle rushes. The only downside is that mages have a high sortie cost. It is necessary to have a soldier deployed early if you want to bring out a mage soon. Mages will attack flying units with higher priority.

Healers are healers. What more can be said? Well, positioning is important. A CC'd healer will reduce your reliance on more healers because of the increased casting range, but make sure your units are capable enough to kill enemies without making it a burden on the healer and other units. Healers will heal lower HP units with higher priority (percentage based)

Here are a couple advices that you should keep in mind:
The greatest mistakes will always be the things you do early in the game. Take your time. Play smarter. Be efficient. Be patient. Ask questions before you do something you will inevitably regret.
Never eat your silver units unless you are sure you don't need it. It will only lead into regret. Silver units may not seem great because people tend to think higher grade is better, but these units are actually hard to come by.
You should at least keep 2 mages and 2 witches. These will definitely be important for later missions when red gargoyles become more frequent.
Soldiers and Valkyries are important during the start of a mission. You can get by without them, but these unit classes will make it easier for you to 3-star clear missions. Without them, you are effectively playing a harder mode!
Always get your healers to level 50 before CC'ing them.
If you are going to feed friendship items to a character, always go all-in. A unit with 50% or 100% affection will always be a lot better than multiple units stuck at 20~30%.
Be patient! Best advice I can offer. The joy of this game (for me) is seeing your units become powerful. You will also realize how good units can become later on in the game if you build them up well.

It takes 15,600 experience to get a Silver unit from level 10 to 50. This will require at least 34 silver fairies (almost 2 days worth of stamina) and 34 level 10 bronze units. Plan accordingly and you will never have to do an early CC that you will regret.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@exkale: I was trying to work on a guide on the specific units a player gains, but this game keeps changing the rules, and I've been so busy with trying to level up and awaken my units that I haven't had time to test certain units out.

The same goes for the interface; that keeps changing so much that I decided to wait until I feel that they're done with things, so I can just do a simple screenshot guide for it that's more condensed than the one in the original post.

For example, one of the best units you get as a beginner was the silver valkyrie Mischa; she can pretty much carry your team all the way up to Undead Monsters as a 50CC40~ Unicorn Knight, but I don't know how well she compares to Katie. All I know about Katie is based on comparisons between Phyllis and Julian (a max-cost reduced Phyllis is roughly as good as an out-of-the-box Julain as far as reinforcement goes). Then there's the platinum rogue Cypria, and how well Cypria compares to Mischa, Carrie, or Funes as your main duelist. Platinum units are a pain to level up and class-change, so I don't know if working on Cypria is a wise investment of a new player's time.

Tamamo Spoilers

Toranoana Tokuten:

Sprite (awakened?):

By the looks of it, she can deal roughly 460 damage to two units.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Looks pretty good so far. Oh and:

Rogues have a high chance to dodge enemy attacks so they can lessen the workload of your healers a bit, though they're risky to use. Most of them have assassinate for a skill that not only raises their attack but gives them a chance to insta kill (Or massively wound boss monsters) mobs. So they're kind of the gamble/hit or miss class. On average they're worth their cost to deploy but their inconsistency makes them difficult.

Miss too many dodges and they die or strain your healers and cause somebody else to die, or they can dodge everything and make you win a fight you normally wouldn't be able to. This can lead to a false sense of security on difficult maps and cause failures if you aren't careful. Their dodge chance does improve when they're CC'd (Debatable), so it's really probably best to try to CC them before you have them as a constant on your team. Usually you want to use them as disposable units to stall enemies early on until they're strong enough to use assassinate well, where they can then be used as low cost boss or miniboss killers.

Overall they're pretty disposable, only the high CC'd/AW'd ones are really as reliable as some other units and can be counted on to do their job throughout the fight. Good news is if you're desperate to 2 star a map to farm it, rogues are one of the better units to use as sacrificial pawns to kill all enemies. Otherwise you can probably get through the entire game without using rogues. The recent buff to assassinate against bosses does make them more useful than they used to be.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'm also worried about changes that can happen over time, so that is why I'll be trying to make some parts independent of each other (such as the "Emergency Mission" portion) as I keep revising it. It is also why I'm keeping it strictly low level. At that point of the game, players are in the discovering phase. It is also a point where they have to build a foundation that provides a solid foothold. This foundation being an understanding of the game and having a team to work with. If someone gets lucky with a premium gatcha they can go wild with it, but they should never neglect the basics :p

...one example being me using Sherry exclusively and avoiding the use of soldiers :(

oh god why did i avoid Mischa. I just took a look and saw that she had a recovery skill. That would've been an awesome unit to use

Thanks for the information about rogues. I'll try to adapt it into the guide
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Upcoming Maintenance Update:
-Due to issues, the estimated time has been extended to 17:00.

Ah, looks like they're trying their best to make sure the updated maps, and rebalanced units aren't going to cause the game to careen into internet double hell.

Assassins and rogues have the same evasion chance (50%). They don't get a buff after they're class-changed.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Assassins and rogues have the same evasion chance (50%). They don't get a buff after they're class-changed.

Wasn't what people used to think/say. I even tested it a bit myself and saw a difference. Was there a change or just misinformation?

See: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showpost.php?p=540579&postcount=408 and http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showpost.php?p=540588&postcount=409

Well what I said overall above is still pretty accurate anyways if that's true. At low levels their low health/defense is dangerous to rely on still, even if their dodge chance is the same before and after CC.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Great guide!

I will give few comments from my point of view... (I started playing this game 23.06.2014).

At the early game I had 2 of them (Cecily and gold one for codes) and only one witch (Calliope, emergency mission came out much later) and they were awesome boost for me. I was using them to tank/kill heavy armors on my way (they were hit for almost whole HP but being hit at all happend very rarely). Later in the game I've noticed HA should be killed by witches but then I had 50CC Calliope with 100% affection.

I've been using Cecily as my main party girl untill maybe one month ago, when I've obtained some nice melee characters from event. She was helping me much, even if sometimes early kill fucked up my whole tactics. She has low cost, so she was nice to catch enemies my main characters misses. After that she could be retreated or not.

You should write to CC all characters at 50, not only healers and witches.

In your guide they come like out in the blue. Imho they need more introduction.

Rest of all sound very good. Good job mate!
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Wasn't what people used to think/say. I even tested it a bit myself and saw a difference. Was there a change or just misinformation?
I don't remember anyone in the Japanese community ever saying/thinking that, so I don't know if there was a change; no one has delved into the game's data to find the actual numbers back then. The only known thing that was different from now and back then was that the random number generator worked differently (the things you did that affected the random number you were given when you logged in were simpler, and easily exploitable). Other than that, the only change they made was during the maintenance on the 13th of August when they changed how assassination and instant death worked.

These are the actual numbers in case you missed this post:
(Ninjitsu IV has 60% evasion, but no one has that skill yet.)

No one has figured out how the black rogue's awakened ability affects her instant death abilities yet.

This game is leakier than a faucet; the upcoming update is going to have these units in as premium summoning chance-up units:
-Platinum Sun Priestess Patras
-Platinum Feng Shui User Marle
-Black Yinyang Master Mikoto

On that note, they're buffing Mikoto and Marle (Mikoto has a cheaper cost, and 20 more range), and Marle's class quirk when she class-changes is 50% rather than 30%.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Game is up, no event atm. Guess we have some time to acquire fairies and clear the new story missions. If anybody notices stat changes, lemme know please? I'm curious who's changed.

New event maps drop new iron units already. If I had the space, I'd play them till completion to see the rewards (Completion might be new silvers) but right now I'm just 3 staring them for the crystal and moving on. New maps use desert units, so watch for the sandworm rushes and super attack mummies. Silver Pirate from the 28 charisma map anyways, got it first try. Damn not like I really need silvers right now.

New irons that drop from these maps are such high levels that they're better than bronzes on old maps for exp at least. We may have us some new maps to farm (Unless Rural got a buff too). New crossbow wielding silver from the 33 map! She's cute :D Seems she's a vampire hunter. Attack affection bonus.

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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

How is this for a general description of rogues?

Rogues are melee units with high damage output at a low cost. Rogues are also frail and can only block 1 enemy so it isn't advised to put them in the front line position. Despite their frailty, they can evade attacks to avoid damage. Most rogues' key skill is the ability 'Assassinate.' This allows them to have a chance to instantly kill an enemy. On the brighter side, rogues are useful as a 'interceptor' type of unit. Rogues can be placed at the rear if an enemy has breeched your main defences. They can also be used at the front line temporarily to kill off a unit that can be troublesome for the main group if left unchecked. An example being a group of heavy armor units approaching your main tank and they aren't able to take the brunt of the damage. One assassin can 'tank' one of the heavy armors temporarily to make them halt at their current position for a while and separate it from the group of enemies.

It's hard to make them look good. I don't want to underrate them as well. I should probably raise a rogue before I make a better description of them.

Also, how is this for an advice?
Never overlook a unit that does not aesthetically please you. We all have our tastes, but if you're skeptical about a unit, then look up information about it. It can be a hidden gem disguised behind an artwork you might not like!

This is one advice I had to tell myself. I wanted to avoid using Ruka because of her art (not a fan of enormous boobs), but I had to put my tastes aside so I can progress through low-mid tier maps efficiently.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

well not sure if its on purpose, but some reason the tuesday daily is up along side this thursday one, also what is that red box on the top left awakening screen is for, ohs i spy the final story quest that i was stuck on (the 3 ghoul mages or w/e) being lowered to 42 stam instead and i see more stages after it now
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Never overlook a unit that does not aesthetically please you. We all have our tastes, but if you're skeptical about a unit, then look up information about it. It can be a hidden gem disguised behind an artwork you might not like!

Haha, thats Daniela for me :) (worst picture EVER!). Fortunately I started with Soma and Claire, now slowly Spica comes to my rescue (lvl30 before CC). Maybe I wont use Daniela at all, but I still have her in my inventory (from Claudia event even with 12 copies, lol).

Can I show you my party? I finally decided to make my first AW and I am wondering if my decision (about AW at all and girl I want to awaken) is correct.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Maintenance Update:
-Emergency Mission "Oni-dwelling Swordsman" Ends.
-500,000 Registered Users and DMM Games TGS Exhibition Sacred Crystal Present.
-Premium Summoning Chance-up Unit Changes.
-New Story Missions Added.
-Function to Select Multiple Units During Synthesis Added.
-Function to Select Multiple Units During Retirement Added.
-Adjustments for Certain Story Missions.
-Stamina Cost for Certain Missions Decreased.
-Initial Level for Certain Units in Story Missions Increased.
-Rebalancing of Certain Units' Stats (awakened abilities, stats, and skills).
-Additional Unit Boxes from the Shop (max 28, need to be over rank 20).
-When you clear certain story missions, your unit box is increased (max 12).

DMM Games Tokyo Show Exhibition Celebration:
-1 Sacred Crystal each day (total 7) you log in (19th~25th).
-Big chance to obtain awakening orbs on daily maps with a 'helper' unit already deployed (until October 2nd).

Daily Mission Changes:
-Fairy Rescue available on Tuesdays and Fridays.
-Magic Crystal Guardians shifted to Thursday.
+Magic Crystal Guardians and the Thursday Dailies will be removed during the next maintenance.

Unit Changes:
Adelle: Awakened Ability HPx6%
Aria: Awakened Ability ATx2%
Avenger Class: -2 Cost
Belinda: Awakened Ability Witch ATx7%
Berenice: Awakened Ability HA DFx5%
Dahlia: Awakened Ability Valkyrie ATx7%
Dorothy: -2 Cost
Hina: -1 Cost
Kyuteri: Drop Item All Classes (normal: 2%; cc: ; awakened: )
Lilia: Skill Multiplier Increases (i.e. 2/5 DFx2.1)
Marl: Cost -3; Class-changed Quirk (50%)
Marnie: -5 Cost; +30 range
Mikoto: -1 Cost; +20 range
Monica: Drop Item All Classes (normal: ; cc; awakened: 5%)
Olivia: 25% Magic Resistance
Robert: Drop Item All Classes (normal: ;cc: ;awakened: )
Samurai Class: Samurai/Samurai Master Cost Reduced (Former: 22,26,26; Now: 21,24,26)
Sherry: Skill Effect Raised
Spica: Awakened Ability Archer ATx7%

Story Mission:
-Silver Vampire Hunter Khuri
+Skill: Strengthen Attack I
-Silver Rogue Ballad
+Skill: Assassination I
-Silver Soldier Asar
+Skill: Reinforcement I

Battleground in the Burning Sands (25):
Iron Soldier (70), Wilfred (60), Hashim (50), Complete: Ballad
Anna: "Here is the territory where fellow humans have been forced by the monsters to fight one another."
Soldier: "Report! It seems many enemy soldiers are heading this way."
Anna: "It looks like the monsters were watching out for us. Prince, please prepare for battle."
Anna: "By the way, while we came well-prepared, the soldiers are exhausted from marching in the heat."

Ruined Capital in the Desert (28):
Iron Pirate (70), Iron Mage (60), Mauro (40), Complete: Velotte
Anna: "These ruins... how awful. It looks like this is all that's left from when they fought the monsters."
Soldier: "Enemy attack! Enemy attack! What the hell!? What's that monster wrapped in bandages!?"
Anna: "That monster is...!"
Anna: "That's the monster known as the mummy!"
Anna: "It possesses a dangerous characteristic where its strength increases the more it's hurt! Everyone, please be careful!"

Oasis in the Scorching Heat (30):
Iron Soldier (70x2), Roy (60x2), Hashim (40x2), Complete: Nenya
Anna: "Prince, we have discovered an oasis nearby. While I would like to let our tired soldiers rest from their march..."
Anna: "It doesn't look like we can do that. I received a report that an enemy band is heading towards this oasis."
Anna: "Let's punish them for getting in the way of our rest!"

Lurking Monsters in the Sea of Sand (33):
Iron Samurai (70), Iron Armour (60), Burgun (45), Complete: Khuri
Anna: "The bones of that giant creature... it looks like it has been eaten by something..."
Anna: "A multitude of sand clouds are heading our way! Prince, prepare to engage them!"

Base Struggle First-part (36):
Iron Ninja (75), Iron Archer (75), Hayate (50), Complete: Kagerou
Anna: "We finally made it up to here."
Anna: "According to our scouts, the soldiers of this country sound like they're being forced to do manual labour."
Anna: "If we can control this battle, I think we may be able to save the people suffering at the hands of the monsters."
Anna: "Prince, this is the pivotal moment. Let's begin preparing for battle!"
Soldier: "Prince, report. We secured the safety of the ruins' interior. We've also confirmed the monsters' retreat."
Anna: "Thanks for the report."
Anna: "Prince, it looks like these ruins are a fortified base for the monsters."
Anna: "It should be hard for them to commit their evil-doings in this country now that they have lost their base."
Anna: "I'm slightly concerned about the monsters who retreated, but let's free the people of this country first!"

Base Struggle Last-part (40):
Iron Soldier (70x2), Leo (70x2), Hashim (55x2), Complete: Asar
Soldier: "Report! All of a sudden, giant gates appeared! Monsters are stepping out of the gates!"
Anna: "It seems the monsters that retreated from the prior battle have been confirmed to also be heading this way. They may be planning to retake the ruins."
Anna: "However, we won't let them have these ruins. In order to save the people of this country... Prince, please take command!"
Anna: "That was an intense battle, but we somehow managed to prevail."
Anna: "The monsters that appeared from the hell gate were probably ruling this country. They were an enemy with a fearsome power."
Anna: "Prince, this was a long and harsh journey, but I think we should rescue the people who've been suffering at the hands of these monsters."

Stage Data Comparison:
Mission Name (experience per charisma/gold per charisma with Noel):
Base Struggle 2nd (14.5/81.67): 40CHA; 580EXP; 3267GOLD; 20FOOD
Base Struggle 1st (14.27/80.19): 36CHA; 514EXP; 2887GOLD; 18FOOD
Lurking Monsters (14.24/81.48): 33CHA; 470EXP; 2689GOLD; 17FOOD
Scorching Oasis (14.2/83.03): 30CHA; 426EXP; 2491GOLD; 15FOOD
Ruined Capital (14.07/83.67): 28CHA; 394EXP; 2343GOLD; 13FOOD
Battleground (14/85.8): 25CHA; 350EXP; 2145GOLD; 12FOOD

Undead Monsters (13.42/117.85): 42CHA; 564EXP; 4950GOLD; 20FOOD
Road to Capital (12.77/81): 22CHA; 281EXP; 1782GOLD; 9FOOD
Rural Gate (10.25/82.5): 12CHA; 123EXP; 990GOLD; 3FOOD
Fire Dragon (13.41/93.64): 34CHA; 456EXP; 3465GOLD; 17FOOD
Dragon Hunting (13.43/101.91): 37CHA; 497EXP; 3960GOLD; 18FOOD
Extermination 3 (13.33/99): 30CHA; 400EXP; 2970GOLD; 16FOOD
Extermination 2 (12.36/83.22): 22CHA; 272EXP; 1831GOLD; 7FOOD
Lookout Tower (13.16/87.12): 25CHA; 329EXP; 2178GOLD; 13FOOD

Food EXP Per Charisma/Betty Gold Get Per Charisma (/w Noel):
Base Struggle 2nd: 16.11/? ()
Scorching Oasis: 15.55/? ()
Rural Gate: 15.23/ 167.5-180 (184.25-198)

Extra Notes:
Rural Gate (12): Iron Soldier (70x2), Iron Archer (70x2), Hector (50)
Hashim Food Base XP: 100+5xLVL (i.e. lvl 15 Hashim is 170; lvl 20 Hashim is 195xp)
Bronze Food Base XP: 70+5xLVL (i.e. lvl3 Hector is 80xp; lvl20 Leo is 165xp)

Tamamo Spoilers:
Toranoana Tokuten:

Sprite (awakened?):

By the looks of it, she can deal roughly 460 damage to two units.

Youko Tamamo:
Class: Youko (Awakened: Tenko)
Cost: 13 (Max-Cost Reduction)
Skill: Youko Awakening 1/3 (ATK/HP/DFx2.0 for 25 seconds, 30 seconds at 3/3; WT14 & CT22 supposedly)
Max Level: 65 (85 Awakened)
Affection Bonus 100%: HP+198, AT+120
Magic Resistance: 5%
Evasion: 50%
Block: 2 (attacks both opponents)
Awakened Materials: Rogue, Samurai, Ninja, Time Fairy, 2-Master Monk Orbs, 2-Samurai Master Orbs, and 250,000 gold
Awakened Ability: HP Greatly Increased
Initial Stats (0% Affection): HP725 AT151 DF89
(Level-Up 1>2: HP5 AT3 DF1; Level 19 {100% Affection}: HP1003 AT300, DF109; Level 65 {100% Affection}: HP1211 AT371 DF159)
Awakened Initial Stats (100% Affection): HP1252, AT359, DF151

Dragon Princess's Revival:
Available for 8 days total on the 13-14th, 20-21st, and 27-28th of September, and the 4-5th of October (Sat-Sun between 0:00~23:59).

Dragon Crystals Trading (Ends October 9th):
Time Fairy: 500 (one-time purchase)
Echidna: 150
*Unspent dragon crystals won't be deleted. And the previous dragonewt event will be revived at some point in the future.

Dragon Princess Anya Materials:
1 Drania (from previous dragonewt event)
1 Silver Dragonewt
1 Bronze Dragonewt
1 Time Fairy

Maps and Story:
Runaway (10/0):
✩~No Drops~✩
(dragonewt appears)
Anna: "Huh!? Those look like dragonewt soldiers. Did some survivors remain on the surface?"
Anna: "It seems their target is that small shack. What do you suppose is in there?"
Echidna: "Ahh, my pursuers are already here... I no longer have the energy to flee..."
Echidna: "You, over there! Ahh... Thank the providence of the goddess."
Anna: "It looks like someone is hiding inside the small shack. Were they being chased by the dragonewts?"

Echidna Introduction:
Echidna: "Thank you very much for coming to my rescue. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, I am the dragonewt miko Echidna."
Echidna: "It's true our clans used to fight with one another. However, our quarrel with the humans is already in the distant past."
Echidna: "Instead, we are hoping to peacefully coexist with the humans..."
Echidna: "But when the great elder commanded us to war with the humans once again, I ended up fleeing from the underworld."
Echidna: "The great elder sits in the top position of our clan. None of us can refuse his commands..."
Echidna: "He still bears a grudge against the humans since he was one of those who experienced the war with the humans in the past."
Echidna: "But even among the dragonewts, there are those who wish to coexist with the humans like I do!"
Echidna: "So, prince, would it be possible for you to lend me your strength...!? Of course, please leave the guidance to me."
Echidna: "Right now, my clan is proceeding to invade the surface from every direction. Let's put a stop to them first...!"
Echidna: "... There isn't much time. Prince, let's work together!"

Re-invasion (20/1):
Gadoras (3), Dragonewt Warrior (40), Dragon Crystal (70)
Baby Dragonewt: "Cech da hoomuns! Wock dem up in ah cage!"

Chaotic Battle (30/2):
Gadoras (5), Dragonewt Warrior (60), Dragon Crystal (95x2)
Dragonewt of Many Colours: "Duhuh! Ahm'ah paintah!"

Dragonewt 2 (40/2):
Gadoras (5), Dragonewt Warrior (80), Dragon Crystal (75x3)
Ars: "This isn't working. Bring out our elite warriors!"
(dragonewt with pots and pans tied with strings hanging off its body appears)
Ars: "Who are you? Where are the elite warriors?"
Pots 'n Pans Dragonewt: "Dahah! Ahm'ah peddlah!"

Dragonewt King 2 (70/3):
Gadoras (7x2), Dragonewt Warrior (70x2), Dragon Crystal II (85x2)
(dragonewt infomercial)
Dragonewt King: "You, too, can be a king for only five ninety five!"
Satisfied Dragonewt Customer: "Aye sold muh mum and dad fer five ninety five! It's Ezay~!"

Dark World (30/3):
Gadoras (6), Dragonewt Warrior (60), Dragon Crystal (100x3)
Ars: "You shaggy son-of-a-bitch. You may have got the king, but my minions are gonna kick your arse."
Ars: "You just committed suicide, boy."

Dragon's Den (35/4):
Gadoras (8), Dragonewt Warrior (50x2), Dragon Crystal III (75x2)
DC per trip: 4.5; per stamina: 1.125; per charisma: 0.128

"The dragons vanished from the sky, and now the last unit drains away. We sit together, the Drania and I, until only the Anya remains."

Underground Decisive Battle (40/5):
Gadoras (10), Dragonewt Warrior (80), Dragon Crystal II (100x3)
DC per trip: 6; per stamina: 1.2; per charisma: 0.15

Gadoras: " "

Great Elder (50/5):
Gadoras (13x2), Dragonewt Warrior (65x2), Dragon Crystal III (60x3)
DC per trip: 5.4; per stamina: 1.08; per charisma: 0.108

Great Elder: "Misfit. Can you hear me, misfit?"
Great Elder: "Tell me, misfit. Tell me how misfit flew."
Great Elder: "Misfit talked before, so talk now."
(Anya stares with a constipated expression.)
Great Elder: "Misfit must learn social skills, not misfit skills. Skills like 'communication'."
(Anya spoke one word. One word, and only one word.)
Anya: "Anya~!"
Great Elder: "That word I do not like, misfit. You do know what we do with misfits?"
Great Elder: "Don't test my patience. Tell me how misfit flew."
(Anya hopped.)
(Anya twirled.)
(Anya was still a misfit.)
Anya: "Anya~!"
Anna: "Please look, Prince!"
(Anya is seen rotating inside of a rotisserie oven.)
Ars: "Welcome to Kentucky Fried Anya Thighs."
Anya: "Aanyaaa..."

Premium Summoning:
-Increased chance for:
+Platinum Sun Bishop Patra
++Normally attacks with magic, but switches to healing with her skill.
++Skill: Recovers HP of all allies within range.
++AW Ability: Gold Get
+Platinum Feng Shui User Marl
+Black Yinyang Master Mikoto
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Daily Mission Changes:
-Fairy Rescue available on Tuesdays and Fridays.
-Magic Crystal Guardians shifted to Thursday.
+Magic Crystal Guardians and the Thursday Dailies will be removed during the next maintenance.

Sorry for being noobish but I don't really understand this... They're going to delete all dailies for Magic Crystals? @@


I found first change: Azami got her sortie decreaed! (it was 22/17, now 20/15(?))

Also, I've got complete bonus from first map:
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ah man I'm trying to save my charisma and stamina because I know the dragon weekend is about to start, but it's so hard when I need fairies, crystals and want to play with the new story missions, unf. I'm so happy there wasn't a new event this week. So far this has been a really great update. Only downside is that the wiki is going to be unreliable for quite a while.

Sorry for being noobish but I don't really understand this... They're going to delete all dailies for Magic Crystals? @@


I found first change: Azami got her sortie decreaed! (it was 22/17, now 20/15(?))

You confused me with your first message lol. Azami was 20 cost CC'd and max cost reduced I believe, now she's down to 18. Her AW reduces her cost by 5, so she can become 13 cost now as opposed to 15 before unless Ninja awaken ability was nerfed. That is quite awesome.

Haha, thats Daniela for me :) (worst picture EVER!). Fortunately I started with Soma and Claire, now slowly Spica comes to my rescue (lvl30 before CC). Maybe I wont use Daniela at all, but I still have her in my inventory (from Claudia event even with 12 copies, lol).

Can I show you my party? I finally decided to make my first AW and I am wondering if my decision (about AW at all and girl I want to awaken) is correct.

Daniela is better than Soma for most end game maps. Attack strengthening allows her to still be relevant while Soma will barely be able to chip most mobs (Especially red gargoyles). Although I like Soma more (I think about everybody does), I use Daniela on my team without regret.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Don't ask me for advanced advices! I've played this game for around a month now. I'm not even close to getting any sort of AW unit :(

Here's an update on my "Emergency Mission" all level 1 units only status:

I was able to kill the boss twice, but I accidentally let a random unit die before I can make them retreat. It is definitely possible to 3-star clear this map early on, but it will require luck and timing when the final wave appears.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@exkale, I am asking others <3

@Fruit, my Azami is still waiting for CCing her (with few copies, not enough Fairies ;/), so my informations are also for her "first" version. I have mine on 16 sortie so not sure what's her minimal. About Daniela: I have Claire for situations I need attack strenghtening (50CC28). Also, I like Soma more :) (when I was noobish I also feed her and Calliope all my flowers, so they both are 100% affection/both better than my other witches/archers)