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ACT Abandoned Vore Loli Guro [Noisy Crown] クロノスフィアー / Chronos Fear (development halted)

Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

Entry on 2 Sept:

New screenshot!

It seems he's almost finished with the story, and making game over scene next?
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

haha sorry i really didnt read what that guy said really sorry xD my bad
well looking from how game is progressing anyone try to guess how much time till gets released XD?
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

A year or two... to avoid any let downs of my own expectations.
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

Yet another update.

1) Release date: There are still lots of minor things to do, so the game probably won't be released within this year. No specific date was given, but it's implied it won't take all that long anymore.

2) CG Samples: Some ero-CGs were posted to show the drawing style used in game over scenes.

3) New blog: The current FC2 blog will be shut down this month. They migrated the blog contents over to the DLSite blogging service.
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

hmm, so when full version will release? sorry maybe its to late...always plays demo its so boring :D
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

Aaaaaaaa, u just had to break my hopes man. And don't expect it any time soon. They are still working on it though.
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

The blog was just updated with a new post.
Basically the game has been near complete since January with just some finishing up to do, but partner 1 hasn't heard from partner 2 for months. Hopefully nothing bad has happened. Full translation follows...

This is Tachihara Kanon, I manage the blog.
Sorry for making you worry with the long silence.

Thanks for all the comments.
I don't think it's good to write this kind of post on my own judgment, so after a little while, I will delete this post.

First, the current status... my opinion of the completion level of the work is, I'm sorry to say, I don't fully know.

I wrote it in the last post and comments, but as of the beginning of the year the action parts were pretty much finished. We completed item placement and balance adjustments on over100 maps. There were still finishing touches to do, but the main story event parts are complete.

My partner, Kagafuri Rina, mainly gives me the next work to do, but as of January 2016, I was told there isn't any work for me to do.

From there, my partner has been working on Chronosfear and I have taken up creating the new project... and now nearly 5 months have passed.

My partner particularly hates to be nagged, so I can't say anything.

But, unlike my lazy ass, I know how my partner stays hard at work every day.

I have been writing posts after discussing with my partner. But as I have written above, the atmosphere has been weird and for several months I haven't talked with my partner, and so I haven't been able to write any posts.

Probably the current situation will continue for the foreseeable future. I'm sorry to everyone patiently waiting.

I read your comments asking for a confirmation that we are alive, but I feel it's not good to make the decision to post by myself, so please take the lack of contact for a signal of safety.

This has gotten to be a long post without any content worth mentioning, and I'm sorry if it causes any extra concern.

Heartfelt thanks for your constant support and looking out for us patiently.
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

Huh so thats what been happening.
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

It was very odd to see a blog post that said, "we will get better at communicating and blog updates" only to be followed by more months of complete silence.

Its good to finally get an update though. I hope they finish the game I actually really enjoy playing it.
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

Sometimes, i wish more h-game devs would just release what they have instead of never releasing things at all.
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

Sometimes, i wish more h-game devs would just release what they have instead of never releasing things at all.

The H-game landscape has seemed pretty weird for a while now. Since 2013 I've kept up on a bunch of games and their developers, and I'm beginning to notice a weird pattern... A lot of H-game devs spring up out of nowhere with one really good game, and then proceed to go into development of another really good-looking game. They get pretty far along in the development of their next game, and then...

They disappear. Released games stop getting updates and blogs go silent.

This doesn't look good.
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

From the previous works this circle has done, I'm positive it'll be released. Though, when is another story. Hoping this year.
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

From the previous works this circle has done, I'm positive it'll be released. Though, when is another story. Hoping this year.

Just for the record, the author said previously not to expect the game to be completed before the new year.
That's all there is to date. It's really more of a proof of concept than a demo, I'm pretty sure he's planning on releasing something a bit more demo-like in the near future. Considering his blog said he was originally planning on doing it for the new year, I'm actually somewhat surprised we haven't heard anything new yet.
ugh....I want more of this game. Sure hope that it gets finished sometime in the next year or so.
A year or two... to avoid any let downs of my own expectations.
Yet another update.

1) Release date: There are still lots of minor things to do, so the game probably won't be released within this year. No specific date was given, but it's implied it won't take all that long anymore.

Release date? Is there one? For all we know the project might be dead and he's just keeping the blog alive for add revenue or something like that.
Alive but really can't be arsed to at least post a small status update for the last 7 or 8 months?

Seems like a big fuck you to all his fans and all the people waiting for the game.

That said, I've been checking the blog nearly twice daily for the last year or so. So I might have become a bit jaded by the dissapointment.

I hate to become the doomsayer or negative nancy of the thread, but this game has been in development since probably early 2013?

This is ridiculous. We should all know that game development is a time-consuming, difficult task, and that not all game developers (especially H-Game devs) end up devoting 100% of their time to it. Many developers are restricted to working on their games in their spare time; sometimes only once a week or less. But, for development to have gone on for this long, with infrequent (if any at all) communication from the developers... No progress reports, rarely even a "Hello, we're still here, and the game hasn't been abandoned."
We rarely even get a "Hello, we're not dead!"

I like to carry a lot of respect for H-Game devs, whether their games have content that I enjoy or not, because they go through all the sweat and hard work to make these games in the first place. They're people just like us; they have lives, and things in life can interfere with game development.

The game developers have undoubtedly thousands of fans that have been eagerly waiting for their new game, since 2013. Wasn't there a blog post stating that they were going to work on communication and more frequent updates? Like monkehman said, the years of maximized silence seems like no more than a big "fuck you" to the thousands of people that must be waiting for this game.

Once again I am sorry; I hate to add any sort of negativity to the thread, but I wrote this in hopes that the developers see this (and hopefully they can read it). Of course people have asked for an updated demo, or for the developers to just release everything that they have for the game right now, even in its unfinished and likely very glitchy/broken state. However, I disagree with this, for "Good things come to those who wait."
Although in this case, I think we're getting to a point where we've waited long enough.

I don't think what we want is an updated demo. To create another demo with more levels would just be more work, and more years of waiting for it. We don't want the game to be released unfinished, because that never goes well for anyone. I think what we want are some updates on the game. Screenshots; does the entire game look like the demo, or are there different types of levels? What do some of the enemies look like? Did they keep the outfit/clothing system that was originally in the early versions of the game?
A great deal must be kept secret, so as to not spoil the fun of discovering things when the game finally does come out, but we'd like to see something.

I saw the blog post a few days ago that was removed. According to what the translated version of the post said, Kagafuri Rina is currently not responding, and that's why we haven't seen any news. I'm assuming Kagafuri is female. Let's all hope that she's okay. I know that a lot of people would be disappointed to hear that one of the developers of Hanakanmuri had died. If she is still alive and well... What's with all this silence? What has been going on?
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

Err is it me or the blog is down? Getting 404s.

EDIT: oh wait nvm. I was on the thread where he said he will delete it.
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

The Chronosfear blog was just updated!! And they have a movie showing the latest progress! It's on youtube so no H content of course, but it's qualities as an action game look really impressive and fun. A true sequel to Hanakanmuri Circle.




Sorry there is no new information, but just to show we're still alive, we made a video of the latest Chronosfear play.

There's still no voice or sfx, but there is music so watch the volume.

Until we can make a really big update, we will probably go quiet again. We are continuing development. Sorry for worrying everyone.
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

Ohman i was hoping for a new demo. At least they have progress.
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

It does make me happy to see that they are still continuing this game. I really want to see what this game turns out to be when they're done.
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

Well at least we know that the developers are still alive and well.
But the amount of time that this game has been in development, wow...
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

Such a relief just to see that they're still alive (and if the last sneaky post is to be believed, that the devs are back in contact).

I'm a little disappointed they still don't have voices or sound effects in, but with how long it's taking to come out, I'm less looking forward to the game releasing and more just looking forward to the next confirmation that they haven't died...

Either way, when the game does finally come out, I'm sure it will be a major shock, and a great, happy surprise for all involved lol