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Aulondria: A Warrior's Path


Demon Girl Master
Oct 18, 2012
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Welcome, dear traveler, to the world of Aulondria. A world of magic and might, a world where power is the law of the land. A world where the darkness is inhabited by vicious, cruel, and lascivious beasts. You are a young warrior from the town of Crael, near the southern sea. You have chosen to seek your fortune as a mercenary, fighting man and monster for money. But, who are you?

All characters start with 2500 gold pieces.

A: Marcia D'Roth: A human swordmaiden. You start with leather armor and an iron sword, as well as three ointments.
Starting stats: Strength: 5; Speed: 7; Constitution: 4; Intelligence: 5; Charisma: 4
HP: 15; SP: 20; Max Lust: 30; AC: 25; DR: 5; Attack: +10; Damage: 2d6+2.
Starting Skills: Critical Strike: You get a +5 chance toward critical hits.​
B: Sera Craith: A dragonborn warrior. You start with iron plate armor and a two-handed battle ax.
Starting stats: Strength: 8; Speed: 5; Constitution: 6; Intelligence: 3; Charisma: 3.
HP: 25; SP: 10; Max Lust: 20; AC: 15; DR: 10; Attack: +0; Damage: 2d10+4.
Starting Skills: Dragon Breath: You can breathe fire, acid, ice or lightning at one target, for 3d10 damage. Wings: You can fly, giving you a bonus to avoiding melee attacks and traps outdoors.​
C: Kattri Setra: A catfolk thief. You start with cloth armor and a pair of iron daggers, as well as a set of lockpicks.
Starting stats: Strength: 3; Speed: 8; Constitution: 3; Intelligence: 5; Charisma: 6.
HP: 10; SP: 25; Max Lust: 30; AC: 30; DR: 0; Attack: +15; Damage: 2d4+1.
Starting Skills: Cat's Grace: You have a chance to completely avoid indirect attacks. You also have a chance to not activate traps. Sneak: You can attempt to sneak around enemies. If you attack from stealth, you automatically hit and do 5 times damage.​
D: Lucia Dreishi: An elven witch. You start with robes and a staff, as well as three ointments.
Starting stats: Strength:3; Speed: 4; Constitution: 3; Intelligence: 8; Charisma: 7.
HP: 10; SP: 5; Max Lust: 40; AC: 10; DR: -5; Attack: -5; Damage: 1d4+1.
Starting Skills: Lust Mage: Your skills and spells increase your lust instead of decreasing your skill points(SP). Choose a Spellbook:
D1: Fire Grimoire: Fireball, Fire Cloak, Wall of Flames
D2: Ice Grimoire: Ice Sphere, Ice Cloak, Wall of Ice
D3: Dark Grimoire: Siphon Energy, Woe, Fearsome Visage
D4: Light Grimoire: Smite Evil, Awe, Noble Visage
D5: Summoner's Grimoire: Call Creature, Control Creature, Eye of Fear​
E: Kara Sirta: A Lion-kin priestess. You start with robes and a mace, as well as your holy symbol.
Starting stats: Strength: 6; Speed: 5; Constitution: 8; Intelligence: 3; Charisma: 3.
HP: 35; SP: 10; Max Lust: 20; AC: 15; DR: -5; Attack: 0; Damage: 1d6+3.
Starting Skills: Lust Resistance: You take half damage from all lust attacks. Rejuvenate: You can heal for 4d6 - current Lust HP. Meditate: You can lower your lust points automatically. As your lust gets lower, you're less likely to recover.​

Now that you know who you are, what do you plan to do next?
A. Find chores to do around town. (Low Risk, low reward)
B. Go into the forest. (Moderate risk, moderate reward)
C. Travel the plains. (Moderate risk, moderate reward)
D. Travel toward the capital city. (Guaranteed Random Encounter!)

Welcome to my second ever CYOA. Hopefully, I won't have an attack of conscience like I did for my first one!
This is as much your adventure as it is mine. Therefore....
Death Options:
A. Permanent Death
B. Lose a level and any "new" items.
C. Death is not on the job

Sexual Situations:
A. Enemies are extremely horny and will always attempt to sex you.
B. Enemies fight normally, and only attempt to sex you if they have a clear upper hand, or you are defeated.
C. Only player initiated sexual situations.

Level of Gore:
A. Describe in excruciating detail exactly what happens when someone gets their knackers chopped with a sword.
B. Keep it concise, with a sprinkling of blood.
C. Disney would think that we're a bunch of pussies.

I think that's all. If I think of anything else, I'll ask in a later update.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Character: B! For the dargonz! I'd say fire breath if we have to choose that, because classic.

For choice of action: B, go into the DARK WOODS

For ye admin stuff!
Death: A, because there can be no drama without risk.
Sex: B, rape when appropriate.
Violence: B, gore when appropriate.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Something new.

Character: B. No doubt about it. Also like tassadar said, fire breath is a must.
Action:B, seems fun.

Death:B, C is too easy while I personally think A is silly for a cyoa.
Sex:B. Kind of logic to me
Gore:B. I've got no problem with it happening, but I needn't know what entrails went where, for instance.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Something new.

Character: B. No doubt about it. Also like tassadar said, fire breath is a must.
Action:B, seems fun.

Death:B, C is too easy while I personally think A is silly for a cyoa.
Sex:B. Kind of logic to me
Gore:B. I've got no problem with it happening, but I needn't know what entrails went where, for instance.

Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

D Lust mage sounds good.
D3 This is less important. If anyone actually agrees with me on the character I'll switch the spell-book if somebody wants something else. Light and summoning would be my next choices.

B for everything else.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

C I'm a sucker for thieves. As PCs, that is.

D Plenty of pockets to loot - I mean good, honest work to be found :p

Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Character: B Because that's awesome

What to do next: B Forest adventures

Administrative Stuff:

Death Options: B No risk, no reward!

Sexual Situations: B Not everyone is nice

Gore: A Let there be blood!
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

B Dragonborn sounds interesting

D City is always a nice place to start your adventure.

Would be more interesting with perma death.
Appropriate sex situations
Let there be blood, I want to see how gorey you can describe a situation
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Cease voting. I'm writing up the update now.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Character Creation:
Next Action:
Administrative Stuff:
Sexual Situations:

You are Sera Craith, a dragonborn warrior. She stands 7 and a half feet tall, with medium-large breasts. Her most striking feature are a pair of black wings, with a wingspan equal to about twice her height. She has a long tail, about half as long again as her height, and covered in black scales. Her face and arms have clusters of small black scales, but mostly she has human colored flesh. Under her armor, her chest is covered in large scales. Due to her young age, those scales have not yet hardened fully, and are soft, though slightly more resistant than skin. Her eyes are green with vertical pupils, and are very quick and sharp. Her face is slightly elongated, giving her a look of having a short snout. Her teeth are universally pointy, designed for cutting and tearing meat. With her mouth closed, there's a hint of fangs peeking over her lower lip. She has black hair that is cut short, just barely covering the back of her neck. She has one long scar across her face, starting just under her right eye and ending at her chin on the left. She has a few other scars on her body, mostly from training accidents.

In personality, Sera is proud and courageous, never the sort to back down from a challenge. While she isn't particularly learned, she is not unintelligent, though she prefers to use her strength rather than debating someone. She occasionally comes across as arrogant and impatient, due to her taciturn nature and hot-headedness. She's not overly concerned about niceties or politeness.

Sera is 24 years old, barely an adult by her people's standards. Of course, her people can potentially live for hundreds of thousands of years, so anyone under a millennia old is barely an adult by her people's standard.
Sera left her house, battered armor gleaming dully in the midday sun. Her trusted battle ax was slung upon her back, the head and the haft polished to a shine. She nodded brusquely toward a patrolling guardsman, who waved lazily at her. She had served with the citizen's militia a few times during her training, and was well known by the guardsmen. As she walked down the street, most people gave her a fairly wide berth. Crael was a human settlement primarily, and her people were not widely trusted by humans. Her parents had been travelling, planning to cross the Great Southern Sea, and had been attacked by some dark beings. Sera remembered nothing of the attack, other than darkness and fear. Her earliest memory in Crael was waking up in the orphanage she grew up in. The people of Crael generally accepted her presence, but she was still generally an outcast. And so there was no fanfare, no crowd, and no well-wishers as she walked through the gates of the town, and faced the breeze.

Rumors had been circulating through the town that some dark creatures had claimed an old temple in the forest. As Sera began her trek toward the forest, she felt vaguely uneasy, but nothing jumped out at her, and her journey was uneventful. The forest was quiet, with no signs of any animals. Sera reached back and drew her weapon smoothly, ready for anything to happen. And yet, nothing happened. Soon, Sera found herself at the ancient temple. As she passed through the threshold, there was another disquieting feeling. Suddenly, a trio of large spiders dropped from the ceiling and attacked!

The front spider turned and shot web at Sera, who twisted quickly, avoiding the attack! The other two spiders followed the first's lead, and shot their web as well. One caught Sera's hand slightly as she spun, but failed to stick, and the other rolled off her breastplate, over her shoulder. She readied her weapon, and....

SNAP DECISION! (I will take the first vote)
A. Charge!
B. Use breath attack! (-2 SP, choose Fire, Ice, Lightning, Acid)
C. Attempt to get around the enemies without fighting them.

Name: Sera Craith
HP: 25/25
SP: 10/10
Lust: 0/20
AC: 15
DR: 10
Status: Normal
Enemy Stats:
Giant Spider 1
HP: ??/??
SP: ??/??
Lust: ??/??
AC: ??
DR: ??
Status: Normal
Giant Spider 2
HP: ??/??
SP: ??/??
Lust: ??/??
AC: ??
DR: ??
Status: Normal
Giant Spider 3
HP: ??/??
SP: ??/??
Lust: ??/??
AC: ??
DR: ??
Status: Normal

Random Encounter: 31 (No Encounter)
Finding the Temple: 86 (Temple Found)
Attack in the Temple: 65 (Attack!)
Ambush?: 11 vs DC 15 (Ambushed!)
Fighting Rolls:
Spider 1: Attack! 7 vs AC(15) : Miss.
Spider 2: Attack! 15 vs AC: Miss (Tie goes to player)
Spider 3: Attack! 14 vs AC: Miss​
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Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

B, fire. The very best method of pest control!
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

B, Fire

Sera leaned back slightly, drawing in a deep breath. With a roar, she lunged forward, spitting a massive gout of flame at the leading spider. The spider writhed in agony, then crumpled into a fiery heap, with a slight whistling noise as steam burst forth from the spider's chitin. Sera grinned predatorily at the remaining spiders, readying her axe. One of them shot web at her, and missed widely. The other charged forward, leaping over its burnt brother at Sera... who immediately spun on the spot and slammed her axe down onto the arachnid, taking it from the air to the floor in one swing, causing innards to spray outward as the spider's chitin shattered. The spider writhed, its legs splaying outward in its death spasms.

A. Charge the last spider.
B. Dragonbreath! (-2 SP)
C. Wait, and allow the arachnid to make its move.

Name: Sera Craith
HP: 25/25
SP: 8/10
Lust: 0/20
AC: 15
DR: 10
Status: Normal
Battleaxe: 2d10+4 damage.
Iron Platemail: 100/100 HP
2500 GP
Strength: 8
Speed: 5
Constitution: 6
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Enemy Stats:
Giant Spider 3:
HP: 18?/18?
SP: ??/??
Lust: ??/??
AC: 12?
DR: 5?
Status: Normal
Fire Breath: 12 vs AC (hit!); 2d10 + 2d6 effective damage results: 20
Spider 3 Attack: 9 vs AC (miss)
Spider 2 Attack: 6 vs AC (CRITICAL miss)
Sera Counterattack: 15 vs AC (hit!); 2d10 + 4 results: 23

You may have noticed some numbers are hidden from you. And now, some of them are revealed but have a question mark next to them. You do not know enemy or ally stats automatically, though there are ways to learn them. Learning them through combat leads to question marks, learning through other means give more definite answers.
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Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path


Sera charged forward, planting her foot on the shattered corpse in front of her and vaulting over the still burning spider. She landed solidly on the other side, raised her axe, and charged the last spider, roaring a challenge. She spun her axe downward at it, and the blow split a chitinous plate, though the angle of the attack caused her axe to deflect to the side before it could penetrate fully. The spider lunged forward, attempting to bite Sera's leg, but she twisted and stomped on the spider's head, pinning it to the ground. She raised her axe over her head and slammed it down twice, splattering the spider's innards across the ground. It twitched once, then lay still.

15 exp.
2 plates of chitin
2 giant spider venom sacks

Sera stepped back, breathing heavily. Her axe dripped spider guts onto the ground, and her boots were covered in the foul-smelling substance up to her shins. Sera grimaced slightly, then wiped her axe and boots with a small towel. After sitting on a rock and resting for a moment, she gave the room a more than cursory glance.

The main entrance of the once proud temple was dim, smelly, and grimy. The burning spider in the center of the room cast a garish light against the walls, throwing the faded features of ancient statues into sharp shadows. The room was filled a malicious energy, and even the sunlight filtering through holes in the ceiling seemed dimmer in the dark temple. Dead gods and forgotten saints leered down at Sera from the walls, seeming to question why this mortal interloper dared to enter their temple. At the rear of the temple, a staircase leads down into darkness. While Sera's night vision was excellent, she would certainly need a torch if she wanted to go deeper. On one wall, a rotted wooden door sat partially open.

What now?
A. Search the room more thoroughly.
B. Examine the bodies of the spiders and learn more about them.
C. Go through the door to the east
D. Make torches and go down the stairs.

Name: Sera Craith
HP: 25/25
SP: 8/10
Lust: 0/20
AC: 15
DR: 10
Status: Normal
EXP: 15/100
Battleaxe: 2d10+4 damage.
Iron Platemail: 100/100 HP
2 Chitin Plates
2 Giant Spider Venom Sacs
2500 GP
Strength: 8
Speed: 5
Constitution: 6
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Sera Attack: 16 vs AC(hit); 2d10 + 4 results: 12
Spider 3 Attack: 6 vs AC(CRITICAL miss)
Sera Counterattack: 12 vs AC(hit); 2d10 + 4 results: 13
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Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

B, then A if possible, then C.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Wait she can go through small doorways with wings that big?

Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

It's not like they're always at 15 feet. She can fold them back.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

B, A and then proceed with C.