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I won't lose!


Jungle Girl
Oct 6, 2012
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Does anyone by chance have this game or know where I can get a demo?

tried to buy it but verified by visa isn't working.
Re: I won't lose!

Hilariously enough, the title is "I won't lose" and half the preview pictures are of her in a mind-broken state

If this is Japan's idea of a strong-willed girl... well that explains why there are absolutely no strong-willed women in Japanese media...

At best you'll get a girl who acts tough, which always turn out to be a disappointment when they turn to mush like every other character.
Re: I won't lose!

Well, we can lock you in a cage with tentacles and see how long you will last XD
Re: I won't lose!

This is advertisement? Or just promotion? :D
Re: I won't lose!

looks interesting,

hope someone finds a link for this.
Re: I won't lose!

I certainly wouldn't mind being locked up with tentacles. :p
Re: I won't lose!

An interesting proposition, but due to my considerable experience with suffering I have faith in my mental fortitude. I'll last till the day I die, as I have so far, and plan to keep doing in the future, the world as I experience it certainly hasn't pulled any punches in trying to break me. I'll leave the details to your imagination, this little aside has enough drama as it is.

There is also a significant difference between breaking down (temporarily, which is much more suffering and much less becoming addicted to sex) and the mental death that characters in Japanese media tend to suffer (permanent change in things that made the character who she was)

Personally, with these kinds of media I'm in it for the struggle against terrible circumstances, this creates a win-win situation where I'll either be satisfied through seeing a strong character overcome hardship, or graphic entertainment when they fail. Still, the worst that can happen (imo) is the character ceasing to be a character with a mind of her own, and identity of her own. Seeing a character in a situation is much more convincing than seeing a girl shaped rock with possibly an audiotape strapped to it.
Re: I won't lose!

Hilariously enough, the title is "I won't lose" and half the preview pictures are of her in a mind-broken state

If this is Japan's idea of a strong-willed girl... well that explains why there are absolutely no strong-willed women in Japanese media...

At best you'll get a girl who acts tough, which always turn out to be a disappointment when they turn to mush like every other character.

The whole appeal of the "Game Over Rape" genre is to take a strong-willed character and break them. At least, that's the original idea of the genre, as I think there are some that have pretty slutty characters who seem to enjoy the act anyway.

But the real point of it is for some strong character to be defeated by, perhaps, something weaker then they are, and then be raped by it. It's the loss of power and such. It's not really as effective GoR if you get beaten up by some omnipotent, unbeatable thing...

Not this game is really GoR in a sense, it's more like a Victory Rape as the girl isn't the protagonist.
Re: I won't lose!

Interesting how your opinion is the exact opposite of mine.

I like GoR because even in defeat, you're still "rewarded" in a sense, yet you don't lose the feeling that you did in fact lose, serving more as a motivation to perform better, much like game-over scenes where the character is depicted as dead or something similar.

I don't mind seeing defeat, as long as it's actual defeat and not submission, it comes down to a situation of dominance vs submission.

I tend to find that actually dominant people despise submissive people, you can't dominate people who submit after all. I should also note a clear difference between being forceful and being dominant. Conquering someone that puts up no resistance isn't a conquest, it's not satisfying in any way, it's the same when I try to have a debate with someone who only ever agrees with whatever I say, I'm just wasting my time, I'm preaching to the choir etc.

In the end though, what I really prefer to see is the struggling character win, the greater the struggle the more satisfying the victory. In the context of rape that would simply mean the character has overcome a terrible experience in her struggle, and rape is an effective story method in that regard as the damage tends to be (at least in the situations that I enjoy) only psychologically harmful. I dislike graphical death or mutilation of a character, whether physically or mentally, damage is fine, as long as the character remains fit and capable of carrying on and ultimately achieving their goals.

Anyway, this might be too much derailing of the topic here, so this is the last I'll say on the matter.
Re: I won't lose!

Hilariously enough, the title is "I won't lose" and half the preview pictures are of her in a mind-broken state

If this is Japan's idea of a strong-willed girl... well that explains why there are absolutely no strong-willed women in Japanese media...

At best you'll get a girl who acts tough, which always turn out to be a disappointment when they turn to mush like every other character.

Maybe because most of these type of games are from Japan, and there mostly made by men who can't get woman?
Re: I won't lose!

It's probably because it's a porn game. That's the entire conceit of the gameover rape stuff. You get raped and spout 'im turning into a sluuut' type dialogue. I don't really see what that has to do with more standard Japanese media.
Re: I won't lose!

My opinion only reaches the limits of my experience, the word of choice being "media" is most efficient but not entirely accurate. That said, even in other media such as anime or whatever translated novels I got my hands on. Stories, folklore and culture that I came into contact with all seem lacking, if not completely devoid, of strong female personalities. This isn't a problem exclusive to Japanese media either, but with my lacking experience the appearance is that it is more prevalent than other cultures I know.

Don't mistake a character acting strong or being strong as being the same as having a strong personality, and make no mistake, the misogynistic nature of our history has far from escaped the minds of artists and writers, something that has been a norm for so long wont easily be changed. People have a certain expectation, an expectation of fragility in a female character, no matter how strong they act.

We expect the male lead to fight for their ideals no matter the odds or how ridiculous those ideals might be, and they usually do, to victory or the bitter end. The female (lead) is generally expected to adapt more to the situation, usually bending the knee to the will of the male in whatever regard. The obvious example here is the utter lack of strong female characters in video games. We used to have things like Samus, until Other-M "put her in her place" and that's generally how things end up. The fact of the matter remains that it's more the exception than the rule

Wait... why the hell am I ranting about this... Screw it I wrote too much to just delete it now, spoiler tags it is!

Anyway back on topic, I've been completely unable to find any sort of download for this so far, I'll keep at it but it doesn't look like it will be available any time soon (*hoping for a reverse jinx)
Re: I won't lose!

I can't find it either,even though it's already been 2 months after it's release,searching the work number doesnt work either :( hope someone is able to find it(I will try my luck with the china's website)
Re: I won't lose!

Just to point out, the file-size is tiny (less than 10 mb) and it's apparently a series of pictures with a rock-paper-scissors game required to progress.

There are about 25 downloads in English and only 257 downloads on Japanese dlsite, chances are you won't see any English links and and wading through dozens of cross-linking moon sites isn't worth the hassle for this product.
Re: I won't lose!

i cant find this game anywhere else...
Re: I won't lose!

i'll just leave this here

i bought this since i had a few points left on my dlsite account.
the game isn't anything impressive, you have two choices rape or strip. In both of them you have to win in rock paper scissors to get her rape scene.
Re: I won't lose!

thx for the link!+rep to you. Played it and yeah I shouldn't expect too much of it,it's just text and images,with rock paper scissors element,the art is good though,the music at the end of the rape is the same as the wonder treasure final boss theme. Nothing special overall.