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Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

"Shitshitshit... look, I'll tell you, okay? Don't kill me, alright!" The least crippled of the three spills out, looking away in fear, "Some guy, said he'd find us if we didn't bring them to him, in a cave over that way. He offered us plenty of money, so! Y'know, why not? It's just some half-bloo-ugnnn...." aaand Tana grants him the illustrious title of Second Least Crippled. Her boot meets his ribs a few times, before she stops, asking in a cold, calm voice, "Just some... what?" His body curled up, one arm cradling his other, as well as his fresh-broken ribs, he whimpers out a feeble "Nothing..."
Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

"M'kay, well then why did he want them and... (sigh)... goddammit Tana, the more you hit someone the less they'll be able to talk you know," Bree began asking as Tana kicked the guy, popping her across the ass with the flat of Tyrfing's blade to make sure she felt it, a bit sharply to make sure she didn't do it again without Bree telling her to. "And that's one reason why I say I don't think you're ready Tana, insults are only hurtful if you let them be. And a real warrior lets nothing get to them, no matter how insulting it is to them," Bree added to Tana in a stern and commanding voice to let Tana know not to do it again, then she turned back to the guys, likely for one of the others to answer instead.

"Now, why did your boss want my sisters? And did he want me as well?" Bree asked after making sure that Tana wasn't going to do anything further. Once her questions were answered, Bree would await Kelly's return with the guards, patiently keeping a watch out for anything or anyone else that may be coming their way.
Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

"He just wanted them, I don't know! We weren't told shit, just to grab Alistair's abomi-...kids. his kids." Tana, having turned away, pouting angrily, restrains herself, barely, to the bandit's visible relief. Upon closer inspection, they look suspiciously similar; brothers, perhaps, who went to a life of crime together. Further questions only yield unsure references to vaguer insinuations of something that may or may not be at the Pass of Ghosts.

Eventually, Kelly returns with some guards, three of them carrying blankets and a tower shields for use as makeshift stretchers. Kelly leans in close to one of the bandits as the guards lift him, probably making some threatening statement. The guard from the back checks off three names from a list and hands you a coinpurse of 150 denarii. "These three weren't that prolific. Mostly petty theft, some muggings, the sort of thing some areas just allow, assuming the owner doesn't getcha. They must have gotten in over their heads, to be going after nobles' kids. Desperate for debt money, I don't know. Anyway, thanks for catching them." And with that, the guardsmen take their leave, marching to the groans of the bandits.
Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

"Alright then, if that's all then we'll just go and see your boss when the guards get here. And don't worry, she's not going to stomp you anymore, unless you really piss me off that is, then I'll just let her go to town," Bree said to the guy, noticing Tana doing her utmost to keep from attacking the guy again when he began to call the three of them Alistair's abominations. Though in all honesty Bree wanted to give him a few swift kicks in the balls herself for that, but she wasn't like that when not in battle. In battle she was a bit reckless and the bloodlust usually got the better of her, but she could control it for the most part, at least enough to keep from caving the skulls of people in during battle, which is why these three were still alive to be exact, because of her self control that she'd worked at for most of her life when her father started teaching her other things than her mother was. Further questioning the guys simply bored Bree for the most part, as there was really nothing sure enough to be called anything more than rumors at best, though she knew that sometimes rumors could be useful so she decided to remember them as best she could for now, never know when they'd come in handy.

While they waited for Kelly to return, Bree looked over at Tana and noticed her pouting a bit after being scolded, which made Bree sigh a bit as she thought to herself that maybe she'd said too much to Tana. She reached out and poked Tana in the butt with her fingers to get her attention while they waited. "Hey, cheer up. You kept your cool there that time and you're a better person for it, you're stronger and a little wiser in my opinion. I wasn't trying to be mean to you Tana, and you know that, or at least you should know that anyway. I want you to be the best warrior that you can be Tana, one that doesn't let words piss you off to the point that you make yourself worse than the people or creatures you're fighting. You fought admirably against those guys before we showed up, because Gwen was just fine and you seem to be too. I have really high hopes for you sis, I really think one day you could be better than me and mom both, and when that day comes I couldn't be prouder," Bree said to Tana, to try and cheer her up some with some praise as she moved away from their captives a bit so they didn't really hear everything being said, patting her sister on the shoulder as she spoke.


When Kelly finally returned with the guards, Bree nodded to her in thanks yet again, not stopping her from making any threatening comments to the bandit men as she took the pay from the guards. "Aye thank you kindly sir. We interrogated them a bit and they said that the one that hired them was in a cave somewhere close by, so we'll go and check it out and see if we can bring in whoever that is as well, though it seems that whoever this guy is that hired them wanted them to take my sisters specifically, as well as me I'm assuming if they could manage it. So there's no guarantees that their boss man will be brought in alive, depends on what he wanted us for. Give us a few hours and if we aren't back by the time the sun has gone down all the way to inform you guys one way or another, then send a search party out to look for us if you can. I already set most of their bones as best I could also, just so you know," Bree said to the guard, informing him of what they'd learned from the three bandits about their boss, informing him also that they were going to check it out and if they weren't back by a certain time then to come look for them.

Once they were gone, Bree would look to Kelly and Tana, a determined look in her eyes. "Alright now that's taken care of, Kelly, I think half of this is yours... unless you both think we should split it three ways that is, in which case fifty denarii each, otherwise seventy five to me and Kelly," Bree said, sorting out the money they'd just received in either two or three ways, unless Kelly didn't want any of it in which case Bree would put it all into her coin purse in her pack. "Alright, now we go to find their boss, and he's probably not going to get lucky enough to live... unless he can convince me not to somehow. Those guys weren't worth bloodying our blades and dirtying ourselves with is why I didn't want you two to kill them. We're better than them, now come on, we've got another bastard to beat the hell out of... and probably kill," Bree went on to say to her sister and her friend, sounding serious about killing the boss of the bandits unless he provided them a reason not to do so.

Just tell me how much of the denarii to put into Bree's inventory and I shall.
Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

"Well... all your sister - Tana, right? - has is that staff. I'd be willing to put some of mine towards getting her some real equipment. Unless you think it's better to just see what we can scrounge from the guy who hired those three?" Kelly brings up, pointing out Tana's woefully under-equipped state. Tana nods, clearly holding back her excitement to go on an adventure, and putting in her own opinion "And after that, you two should split all the rest. You did save me, after all. Sound fair, sis?"
Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

"Yeah this is Tana, my youngest sister Gwen was the little one, and thanks again for taking her home for me Kelly, I hope that she didn't get too bad a spanking by mom... or dad for that matter. And yeah it may be good to get her properly equipped for fighting... but if we go back to do so then their boss may get away," Bree said, looking around at the weapons dropped by the bandits, noticing the cudgels laying on the ground. She grabbed a couple of them and handed them to Tana, putting the other into her pack for safekeeping for now to sell off later for extra spending money. "Here Tana, use these for now until we can get you some better equipment, just try and stay behind me and Kelly when it comes to fighting alright, since you haven't got any armor on like we do or anything. And yes that sounds fair enough, so that we can get you some proper armor and weaponry more to your liking when we head back after dealing with this annoyance," Bree added to Tana after handing her the cudgels, patting her on the shoulder.

Once Tana was ready to go, Bree would lead the way towards the caves the guys mentioned and pointed them towards when she questioned them. She would take point, asking Kelly to take the rear so that Tana could have the center since she was so under equipped like she was and all, so that she could stay safer. Once they got to the cave, Bree would draw Tyrfing from his sheath and pull her shield around, taking point as they prepared to enter the cave and search for the boss of the bandits.
Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

Tana slings one cudgel over her right shoulder and the other at her left hip, grinding her feet in the dirt to get used to the new weight. She nods, solemn, seeming to have grown more stable now that she was in anticipation of a battle, rather than in the midst or aftermath. Perhaps she'll even out soon, a welcome addition to the group. Kelly, too, becomes grim, intent on enacting justice on the orchestrator of the near-kidnapping. The trios steps fall on soft leaves, the green, hazy light that filters in from the forest soothing to frayed nerves.

Upon arriving at the cave, Kelly, understanding Bree's protective intent, takes the left, to better free her shield arm, while leaving Bree's blade uninhibited. Tana shrugs, drawing the scavenged cudgels and dropping to a low crouch, eyes darting about the dimly lit cave. A point of light, likely a torch set at the border of true darkness, glows, wavering in the light breeze at the group's back. A shiver runs up the spines of all in attendance, the damp air and chill wind combining for an eerily spooky effect. Perhaps this cave, even so near to the town, contains some phantom. Or maybe it's just superstition acting up. Even so, caution is always the best policy in uncharted waters, or, as the case may be, chambers. No bandits attack immediately, likely hiding out deep within the cave.
Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

Seeing that Tana was as ready as she was going to get for now, Bree nodded to her and then Kelly as she led them towards the caves mentioned to them by the bandits before the guards took them off to jail... and to a healer probably. Soon enough they came to the caves, with Bree taking the lead as they went inside, Kelly noticing what she was intending to do and taking up a flanking position on the opposite side of Tana, to better cover her since she had no armor on like them. Tana seemed to figure out what they were doing and went into a low crouch, to better help them out with their covering her, as Bree would merely need to step to the left a step or two and raise her shield, and Tana was covered.

"Alright you two, let's be quiet and be ready. Kelly, you're not the quietest at the moment, so maybe take it very slowly so that you have a chance at being quiet," Bree said in a whisper to Kelly as they entered the creepy cavern, Bree's hair on her arms standing straight up as a chill ran up her spine at the breeze blowing through there.

Bree thought it was just silly superstition for the most part, but then again she knew that some people had the ability to summon ghosts and whatnot, as she'd seen it before in Therion during the invasion. Seeing that no one attacked them upon entry, Bree figured that whoever was in here would be further inside, and whoever he was... or she if those guys were wrong, was be about to have his or her ass kicked. Bree led the way further inside, taking each step carefully and watching the floor and walls for any sort of traps that may have been left for them or anyone else that might try and enter this place. She tried to take her time so that stealth was an option, but she may not have a choice in the matter in the end, so she readied her sword and shield to cover her and Tana at a moment's notice just in case.
Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

Stealth: 20-7(Stealth)(Kelly), 10+11(Stealth)(Bree), 13+17(Stealth)(Tana)
Perception: 2+22(perception)(Bree) Vs 44(Unknown)
The three take their time, moving up to the torchlight's source: a small chamber that splits off in four directions. From one, comes more torchlight, reflecting off of a cave wall, making the condensation there shimmer. To the right of that lays another path, more straight, but dark. Some cobwebs wave at the entrance like a sad, decrepit banner. The third path has a faint, greenish glow that dimly lights the stone, fading to shadow just before it can meet the torchlight. The final path, too, glows, though a bit brighter, and with a watery lapis hue.

Kelly does an outstanding job of sneaking, her armor only barely clanking as she moves forward. Tana and Bree, for their parts, move silently, feet light on the cool, damp stone. It seems no one has noticed them, as of yet, or, if they have, no one noticed being noticed. Tana whispers as the group reaches the split, voice quiet and determined "Which way do we go? The only clues we have are those lights... and those webs...
Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

Taking stock of the area around them as she listened to Tana ask which way they should go, Bree looked down each of the paths to see what was down each one, noting the features of each as she looked down them all. She was also very glad that Kelly seemed to have managed some form of stealth with her armor, though Bree was still of the opinion that she needed lighter armor so that she could move faster and quieter.

"Well since it seems that nothing's noticed us yet, I'd say we'll have the drop on them fairly good. As for direction, the only one that seems worthwhile to go to at the moment and the correct way to find our target would be the one just ahead there lit by torchlight. But let's of course be careful, never know what we'll find really, so slow and quiet you two," Bree whispered to Kelly and Tana.
Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

"Maybe I should stay back...? Explore some other tunnel, just in case or something? I don't wanna get you two caught, but I can't fight without my armor..." Kelly whispers, not budging yet. Tana nods agreement, mouth set in a grim line, though an occasional smirk twists its way across her lips. Kelly looks to Bree, submitting to her authority despite the obvious outvote.
Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

"Hmm... maybe just stay here for now, come in if you hear screaming and or fighting, because we don't know what else is in these tunnels yet. I'd rather not leave you behind here, but if we're to have any chance of catching whoever this is off guard then we'll have to go in quietly. You're our reinforcement Kelly. After this... maybe go in for some slightly lighter armor like scale or something like that perhaps, so you can move faster and quieter when need be. Though it's up to you of course if you want because I won't force you to switch if you aren't comfortable with it," Bree whispered to Kelly, motioning for her to stay there for now, as their backup.

With that, Bree nodded to Tana as they continued onwards, with Bree crouching a bit with her sister as she moved to just on the edge of Kelly's sight. If it looked clear enough that she could move up without having to worry about the noise, then Bree would motion Kelly to move up with them, taking it slow and steady, though if it wasn't safe enough to move her up without giving them away, then Bree would hold a hand up to keep her back for now.
Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

Perception(Bree)3+22 Vs 4+25
Perception(Tana)19+17 Vs 4+25
As Bree and Tana approach, the torchlight grows brighter, just the edge of a barrel visible when Tana stops, flinging out an arm to stop Bree. She hisses, grimacing "Bandits! And they know we're here. At least... seven of them. Back up to where the tunnel narrows, we can take them on two at a time. When Kelly catches up, we can push forward." Remembering the tactics lessons Bree and Tana had drilled into them, Tana makes a quick decision, already moving back as the clatter of bandits taking up arms reaches Bree's ears as well, now obvious to anyone nearby. Luckily, the twists of the tunnel will make ranged weapons impractical, likely forcing the aggressors into melee.
Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

As they moved up, Bree saw her younger sister stop her by holding her arm out as she hissed, whispering that their enemy knew they were there and coming. Bree just nodded to Tana and motioned for her to come back a bit into the tunnel, pulling back to the narrowest portion that still allowed her and Tana to fight easily side by side, though a portion that would allow her to step in front of her sister if need be to cover her just in case any of said bandits had a bow and decided to use it, no matter how impractical it would be to do so in this place.

"Alright sis, if it looks like we'll be overwhelmed fall back to Kelly's position and I'll be right behind you covering our backs okay. Hopefully she'll hear the fighting and move up like we agreed upon. One on one these guys don't stand a chance against us, just step behind me if you need cover to catch your breath for a few seconds though okay, don't hesitate to do so. These guys mean business and if they capture us, then they'll rape us most likely before trying to sell us back to mom and dad, and I'll take the brunt of the blame for allowing it to happen, so... don't get caught... please. And if I tell you to run, don't you dare backtalk me or I'll kick your ass when we get out of here, and mom will probably do the same to you for not listening to me," Bree whispered to her sister as they fell back to a more defensible position so that they could hold, hoping that Kelly would hear the sounds of fighting and push up with them... though she didn't know how Kelly wouldn't hear it especially when she or her sister one of the two would likely do a battle cry at some point.

As their enemies closed in at them, Bree would raise her shield and prepare to fight, glancing over at Tana for a split second to see if she was ready for battle as well, and if she didn't look ready then Bree would step a little ahead of her to be in front and cover her. Regardless though, as soon as enough of their enemies were in range, Bree would begin her attack, swinging her shield around and bashing the first guy in the face, following up with a sword strike to finish him off unless her shield bash knocked him out, where she would then spin around with her shield at the next guy to come along, aiming at the one going for Tana if one did, but just going after the next nearest one if they didn't. Her plan was to draw all enemies at her since she was in the heavy armor and likely the more dangerous of the pair of half orcs in here, since she could dish out more damage and take a lot more as well.

Triple Strike against the first and second guys to get close to Bree, unless it takes all three to take the first closest guy down that is. All attacks are at -6 attack, and Bree takes -6 dodge until her next turn comes around, but her shield bashes are at +4 dmg. This makes her sword attacks 1d20 + 76 and sword dmg 4d6 + 43, and both of her shield bash attacks 1d20 + 61, and shield dmg is 3d6 + 32.
Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

Once again, your bonus to hit is greater than their dodge. Hit, hit, hit.
Damage: Shield:1+4+5+32=42-5 Sword: 5+6+4+3+43=61-5, Shield: 1+1+6+32=40-5
as for Tana: 13+36=49 vs 35, hit, 4+3+31-9=29 damage. 18+36=54 vs 35, hit, 2+2+31-9= 29 damage.
Bandit E(A through D died.):16+30 vs 65: miss
Bandit F: 13+30 vs 65: Miss
Bandit G: Can't use rifle because twisty cave, can't attack because his buddies are in the way. Ponders using rifle on self, reflecting on the fates of A through D. C had been his best friend, ya know.

The bandits, slightly more well armored than their predecessors, and possessing guns as well as clubs, charge, 3 meeting their grizzly fate at the hand of Bree, two skulls cracking, grey-pink brain spilling to the floor, and one head simply severed from its late owner's body, hitting the ground with a wet clunk. Tana, for her part, reacts swiftly and decisively, bringing both her newly aquired cudgels down on the head of her aggressor. The bandits that fill the gap attack, going after Bree, who had, after all, slaughtered more of their drinking buddies. Whether by simple lack of skill, or utter terror at seeing their companions die, one to a child, no less, they both miss. The final bandit, at the back, just obscured by the cave wall, can be heard quietly sobbing.

You monster.
Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

Seeing he three coming in at her, Bree quickly and easily dispatches them, showing no mercy in her strikes as they were outnumbered and she didn't have the luxury of doing so. She made sure they felt no pain though as she slammed her shield into the first one, literally knocking his brains out as she spun around, taking the second one's head clean off of his shoulders. She then pushed in and slammed her shield into the next one's face, smashing his nose into his brain and taking care of him. Out of the corner of her eye Bree noticed Tana dealing with her single foe, smashing her cudgel right into his head, killing him... her first kill in battle... gods their mother would be proud of that, Bree knew, but would likely be a little pissed she wasn't here to see it.

With the numbers now more even, Bree smirked slightly as she narrowed her eyes at the remaining three bandits. Bree pondered letting these three go, but didn't know if she could trust them not to try and attack them from behind. Maybe she would knock these three out, sine she hadn't really meant to kill the other three... it just turned out that way, though there was nothing she could do about that now really. Moving forward with her shield raised, Bree went after the next nearest two, or just the nearest one if she couldn't get at two or all of them, swinging her shield again in an attempt to knock her target out without killing him outright before slamming the flat of her sword into one of them, knocking him out too if she could reach a second one, leaving Tana to handle the third unless she could catch him too with a shield strike to the face to knock him out as well.

Same thing against as many of them as possible with another Triple Strike, spreading 1 shield strike and the sword strike to two opponents if possible, and the second shield strike against the last one if possible. Same stats for the attacks, though try and be nonlethal if possible, so that she can question them later maybe.
Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

oh golly gee, you hit! And again. And again. 60-5, 43-5 and 42-5 damage.
Bree rapidly drop her opponents, though she couldn't help but kill the first, her sword cutting too deep. The other two, however, go down with less catastrophic damage done, and look ready to stay down for a good long time. Tana sulks a bit at only being able to kill one, but shrugs it off. She wipes the brains from her borrowed cudgels before putting them away with a sigh. "So... do you wanna go back and get Kelly? Maybe take another route, see if we find something?"
Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

As Bree handily took out the last trio of foes, knocking two of them out cold with blows to the head from her shield, but killing the third with her sword swing, she looked around at her sister who seemed to be sulking a bit about only getting one kill during this fight. "Aye, would probably be good to get her, unless she didn't hear us fighting there and is already on her way, in which case we'll give her another minute or so. Those two aren't gonna be getting back up anytime soon I don't think, so we can just tie them up and leave them. Hell I didn't mean to kill as many as I did, but they did attack first, and that's how mom trained me, and you two, if attacked, fight with everything you've got regardless of if you kill your enemy or not. I'll tie those two up real quick if you wanna go get Kelly real quick, but if by some chance she isn't there you come straight back here and tell me, don't try and be a hero because we'd fight better with both of us together," Bree told Tana before sending her on her way to fetch Kelly who was likely waiting for them to come and let her know that the area was clear.

While Tana went off, Bree tied these remaining two up with their hands behind their backs as she checked to see if either of them or any of the rest had anything worthwhile on them, such as money or a note of some sort. Any money she found she'd put into her money pouch for safekeeping, to give Tana her share after they finished up in here.
Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

Tana nods, jaw set, and heads off to get Kelly. The bandits seem not to have any money on them, likely having stored it in dome secret area of the cave. Soon enough, a familiar clanking can be heard, and Tana, Kelly in tow, returns. Kelly looks over the carnage, suppressing a gag at the spilt contents of the criminals' bodies. "Y-you did this? Jeez... it's like you're your own army..."
Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

While Tana went to get Kelly, during which time Bree set about moving the bodies of the dead about and out of their way, while tying the unconscious ones up so they couldn't get away. When Tana returned a minute or two later with Kelly in tow, Bree heard them coming before they arrived just as she finished tying the unconscious ones up. When Kelly said what she did at Bree's and Tana's obliteration of their foes, Bree chuckled a bit at Kelly's amazement.

"Well I did fight before and during the invasion Kelly, so I've got a lot of experience in fighting. Not that I'm trying to one up you two or anything, but it is the truth," Bree said to the two as they returned and Kelly spoke. "Tana got one of them herself though, which I'm very proud of. Have to tell mom and dad that one when we get back later. But for now we should keep moving forward, find out who it is that wants me, Tana, and Gwen, and for what. I mean I don't think I've made any enemies out there in Therion, I've always helped out when I can and everything when Therion needs it. I mean, it's my home, it's what I'm supposed to do," Bree added, sounding proud to be from Therion and that she did all she could to protect her home.

With that, Bree would nod to her companions and prepare to move forward on down the same path a little further if they were ready, though if Kelly or Tana one of the two wanted to wait for just a minute or two then she wouldn't mind doing so, or if Kelly wanted to interrogate their next newest captives after they woke then she would stay, not allowing her or Tana to hurt them because that was just plain mean and dishonorable to her.