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Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)


Demon Girl Pro
Jun 12, 2013
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Bree:HP: 94, PP: 46, EP: 46, status: fine
It was nearly time to set out, the last supplies bought and equipped. A sense of destiny seems to suffuse the air, though preparations weren't quite complete, and there were still final goodbyes to be said. Such goodbyes were likely going to have to be repeated at least a couple of times to satisfy Bree's younger sisters, as they were that strange mix of excited and reluctant to see her go.
"No, I get her stuff when she leaves! I'm older, after all!" and, well, perhaps a bit greedy. The two were bickering, again, though they seem ready to collectively tackle you should you attempt to leave before the argument and goodbyes are said.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

As Bree got the majority of her gear together that she planned on taking with her on her journey, she noticed that the last of the things that she'd need were still in need of packing, but other than that she was ready to go. In her time here in Therion, Bree had learned both the human's way of life from her father, and her orcish heritage from her mother... which wasn't always the easiest way to say the least, so she had the fiery blood of an orc when she needed to, but she could also be a little calmer than most orcs and even half-orcs like herself probably were most of the time as her father taught her compassion and kindness, and how to show them both. Her mother never really stopped her father from teaching Bree these things, but she didn't support them any at all really, so Bree had a mix of the two and showed them both as well, to her sisters especially whom she loved greatly, but never to her mother, at least not in the same way she did her sisters anyway.

It was time to say goodbye to her sisters though now and she could think about how her parents had raised her to be another time, as her sisters were bickering and arguing over who'd get what of her things when she left. "Well you two, I don't think that you'll be getting any of my stuff unless I kicked the bucket, because when I come back I'll probably need it. But you can use my stuff while I'm gone though, as long as you take care of it that is, you've got to be responsible with it or you can't borrow any of it," Bree said to her sisters as they practically wrestled over who'd get what when she left. Hell the way they were acting was as if she'd never come back ever again, when she full intended to come back and show her mother that she was strong when she became strong enough to do so. "Now come here both of you so I can give you hugs before I set off alright, then I gotta go see dad and do the same, then tell mom I'm going... what a fun time that'll be," Bree added, holding her arms out for Gwen to come over and jump into them so she could hug her goodbye. She'd do the same for Tana as well, if her middle sister wished, though the fact that Tana had just come of age pretty much might make her not want to do so.

Once that was all over and done with, Bree would head off to find her father and see what he was up to before telling him that she was about to go, and that she was there to say goodbye for now. Her father was such a kind man, but strong... strong enough to manage to handle her mother in and out of bed at least. Her father had always whispered to her as she grew up that he'd earned Brynna's respect, though she never did find out what it was that had done this, so it always left her wondering why her mother stayed with her father over the years.


Demon Girl Pro
Jun 12, 2013
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

The pair embrace you, squeezing almost uncomfortably tight. Tana breaks away first, stretching nonchalantly. "So, where do you plan to head, sis? Even if you plan mostly on wandering, you must have a starting plan, at least?" Gwen looks up, one small fang poking over her lip, a lisp in her voice as she speaks, a little louder and more excitedly than is absolutely necessary, "Yeah! What'th your plan? I wanna know, I wanna know!" The questions of the two assail you, Gwen refusing to release you till you answer, Tana merely looking on with an amused expression, suppressing a chuckle at Gwen's antics.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

"Heh, well my plan is to go out, get stronger, get myself some strong mates and give you lots of little nieces to play with and dote on, then come home and show mom how strong I've gotten, to make her proud... and to make her see that just because we can show kindness and stuff sometimes doesn't make us weak like she thinks," Bree said, kneeling down and kissing Gwen on the forehead and giggling. "To start off though I'll probably head east along the road, following the river out into the woods a ways before turning south, because I don't wanna go too far east else I'll run into the bad orcs. Other than that, I may head south down to the border with Badaria or something like that after a while and just generally look for aliens to kill, women to bed, and... well just to generally have fun I guess. Come on, I gotta go see dad and tell him bye and stuff before I finish packing, why don't you two come with me," Bree added as she continued hugging Gwen a little longer as she finished speaking.

With that, taking Gwen by her hand and holding onto it, Bree led her sisters along with her to search out their father, who was always happy to see his children, despite their being half-orcs. Really the majority of the people they'd ever met weren't very hostile towards them in general thankfully, mainly as Bree had proven herself many times over in battle alongside the Therion people when the aliens attacked a couple of years before.


Demon Girl Pro
Jun 12, 2013
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

After some searching around, you find Alistair in his study, admiring a painting he recently ordered; a portrait of the family. He turns as he hears the door open, clasping his hands together and grinning cheerily. "Ah, I was right! Even a master artist's painting is no match for my daughters' radiance! Setting out on your journey, I take it, Bree?"
His cheerfulness remains, unforced, understanding as he is of you and your ambitions. He gestures, waving you over as he takes a seat, unrolling a map. "I decided I'd like to keep track of where you go, how much progress you've made, the like. If you could send a letter each time you reach a city with a general summary of what you've done, I'll plot it out on this map, so that when you come home, you can see how far you've traveled. Sound okay?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

When Bree and her sisters found their father in his study, which was where she expected to find him really, she noticed that he was staring at a painting that he'd ordered, which she saw was a family portrait of them, though she was still unsure of how he'd conned their mother into standing still for that long to get a portrait of her to add into the family one. Maybe he'd just gotten a wax model of her made to stand there for them to paint instead, she surely didn't know.

"Heh, thanks dad. And yes I am, as soon as I pack the last of my gear I'm taking with me that is," Bree replied to his question as she followed him over to his seat where he unrolled a map. She listened to him speak again, telling her that he'd like to keep a record of her travels if possible, which she'd almost expected, as he did like his adventuring stories and stuff and he was quite smart to say the least, having taught her and her sisters their letters and numbers and whatnot as he did. "Yeah sure, if I get the chance. If not then I suppose I could try and find one of those spirit users or mages to do one of those spells or whatever they do to send a message that way instead, if I can't get a letter to you that is," Bree went on to say to her father as she looked over the map.

Bree let her sisters say anything that they wished to their father before she leaned over to him and kissed him on the cheek. "Bye dad, I love you. And don't worry about me, I'll be careful alright. And when I come home whenever, I'll bring back some strong mates and show mom that I'm strong," Bree said, then she leaned in closer to whispering distance. "Dad, how did you get mom to... you know... like you and respect you as much as she does? I know you probably won't tell me, but I figure that I won't get the chance to ask again for a good long while and I should, just in case you know," Bree whispered to her father, though she doubted that she'd get a straight answer, as her father had always been very vague on the matter. It didn't really even matter all that much to her to be honest, she was just curious was all, but if he didn't tell her she'd give him the same pouty face she always did when she asked and go about her business, which was to next go and see her mother... which she doubted would really care if she came to tell her she was leaving honestly, but she figured she deserved to know at least.


Demon Girl Pro
Jun 12, 2013
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

"Ah, well, that's the thing! She never told me, and I haven't a clue, myself," he shrugs, tousling your hair as you pout. His smile grows as he hugs you, still treating you just a bit like a kid, as fathers tend to do. "Well, I suppose you ought to go see your mother now, yes? I believe she's out in that gym she convinced me to build. You know the one. I'll pack the rest of your stuff for you, if you just let me know what and where it is, seeing as your mother tends to keep you rather busy" he grins, chuckling internally at his little joke, and holding out a hand for your bag.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

"Well now, I didn't expect that dad, that even you didn't know why. I doubt she'll tell me why if she's never told you. Oh well I guess, maybe when I beat her I'll demand she tell me... no us," Bree said to her father when he told her that even he knew not why her mother respected him and whatnot. When he made the offer to get the rest of her things together for her, Bree smiled and nodded at him, shaking her head back and forth as he rustled her hair. "All I really need is the food I'm taking, my tent which is by far the largest bit, and an extra change or two of clothes to wear when and if I find a town or city to sleep at an inn at, but... I'll need some more money for that so I'll probably have to take a job or two on my way out of Therion or something, or maybe go treasure hunting," Bree added, handing her backpack to her father, which still required the food and extra clothes, while the tent was to be fixed to the top of the backpack while she wore it.

With that, Bree hugged him again and then her sisters once more before heading to find her mother in her gym that Bree knew all to well where it was, as she'd spent a lot of time training in there. On her way out of her father's study, she turned the corner and went on down the steps, then followed the path she always followed out to her mother's gym, wondering if she was in there or not, feeling a little tense as she did so. As soon as she reached the doors, she opened them slightly and peeked inside to see if her mother was in there, almost hoping that she wasn't.

"Mother... are you in here?" Bree called out into the gym as she opened the door, to give her mother a moment or two of warning as she entered. If Brynna was in there doing whatever, likely training, then Bree would step inside. "I was letting you know that I'm going now, as soon as I gather my travel rations and clothing that is. I uh... I don't know when I'll be back, but... I will do my best to bring honor to our family and make you proud," Bree would say should her mother be in there, bowing her head a little and her voice a little tense as it nearly always was when speaking to her mother.


Demon Girl Pro
Jun 12, 2013
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

As you step in, a loud crack, and the sound of something toppling, escape through the opening door. Brynna turns to you, face slicked with sweat, panting, the splintered remnants of yet another training dummy laying at her feet. "Right, right, honor and all that. But, hey, for now, could you go grab me another dummy from the storage room? Damn things keep breaking." she doesn't seem to show care, though you have a feeling it's there. Perhaps this is just her way.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

Seeing the destroyed dummy laying on the floor as she entered the gym, Bree nodded to her mother at her orders to bring her another dummy to break, which Bree of course did, nodding her head as she went over to the storage closet to grab yet another one. She could understand why it was so easy to break them though, as she did so herself at least once a day when she trained herself.

"Why don't we uh... spar with each other one last time before I go huh, give you a living moving target to swing at that can swing back and all. What do you say?" Bree said to her mom as she brought the dummy back out from the storage room, drawing her sword and taking a stance after setting the dummy up against the wall. "You never know when we might get another chance to do so," Bree added, knowing that this was her mother's way of showing her love, through strength and battle. It had always been this way between them really, Brynna training and sparring with Bree to force her to get better.


Demon Girl Pro
Jun 12, 2013
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

Brynna chuckles, popping her neck as she takes stance, not bothering to discard the weapon she had been using for training before. Her armor on, as training without that constant weight slows progress, she nods, "Any time you're ready, bree."
As usual, she offers the first strike to her daughter, confident in her superior skills.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

Cracking her neck as she took up her fighting stance as well, pulling her shield out and getting ready to fight with her mother one last time before leaving home for who knows how long. "Alright then mom... get ready, because I'm a lot stronger than the last time we faced off. And if I win this time, you have to tell me why you stayed with dad all this time," Bree said, preparing herself for the coming blows she would likely take during this bout.

She didn't much like the fact that she'd leave out a little bruised, but she figured it best to do this with her mother, as it was what Brynna took the greatest Joy in doing really. Bree jumped in, swinging out her enchanted blade at her mother in a horizontal arc going from right to left, not striking to kill of course, but to try and bring first blood at least. Then she spun around and attempted to slam her shield into her mother's chest to follow up her sword strike. As soon as her strike was over she pulled her shield back up and prepared to try and block her mother's incoming strike.

(Just a basic attack with her sword and shield since she can do 1 attack per either on her turn.)
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Demon Girl Pro
Jun 12, 2013
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

Bree:HP: 19, PP: 46, EP: 46, status: weakened, unconscious
Bree's Rolls: 1+82 Vs 42, Hit. Damage: 1+1+4+4+43-25=28, 2+60 Vs 42, Hit. Damage: 1+3+3+32-32=7. Brynna's rolls: 17+83+6+6 vs 65, Hit. Damage: 6+10+23+4+4=47-(17/2)=39. Resistance Vs heavy metal. 17+32+2+2(53) vs 8+34 (42) failure on bree, stunned. Free action, crushing blow: Autohit on stun, 11+5+23-20=19-(17/2)=10 damage, resistance Vs Crushing blow: 18+32(50) vs 15+34(49), failure. Free action: autohit on stun, 3+9+23=35-(17/2)=26 damage,for a total of 75 damage. Guillotine proc, resistance roll: 15+32(brynna) vs 5+34(bree), failure, KO.
Brynna holds stance, simply taking the hits, nodding approvingly before leaping forward, her training greatsword crashing down on Bree's head, dazing her. She takes advantage of the opening to spin around, landing another blow on the side of Bree's skull with a resounding crack, keeping up the stun. Finally, with a powerful horizontal slash, she knocks Bree off her feet and into dreamland.

Bree:HP: 94, PP: 46, EP: 46, Status: weakened
Bree awakens to the sound of a doctor berating her mother for going too far, and her mother's angry retort "She KNOWS we don't hold back while training!" Noticing that you've awakened, she turns to you for support, "Go on, Bree! Tell him!" your father simply shakes his head, smiling faintly at her antics. "Are you okay? She gave you some nasty bumps, but I think the doctor took care of it all pretty well. You might not feel the best for a little while, but I understand if you don't let that hold you back. Hell, I don't think you OR your mother know the meaning of holding back."
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

Swinging her blade and spinning around to bash her shield against her mother in an attempt to knock her down and gain the advantage, while at the same time trying to remain as calm as possible, Bree struck her mother and slammed her shield into her. However, Bree's mother simply took the blows in stride, and though Bree had done a good deal of damage to Brynna, it wasn't enough to take her down as she swung her wooden training greatsword around and slammed it into Bree's head, leaving a bump there and causing Bree to stagger back in a alight daze.

As Bree stumbled back and tried to right herself, Brynna didn't let up and smashed her wooden greatsword into the side of her head, where she then swung her weapon around and slammed her to the ground, where her vision went black almost instantly. The final thought she had was, dammit, she lost again.


As Bree came back to the waking world a few minutes later, to the sounds of a doctor telling her mother off about going too far in their sparring session. Hearing her mother angrily tell the doctor that they always go that hard and never hold back during training and demanding that Bree tell him as such. Shaking her head a bit as if she had a hangover, Bree raised up and got to a sitting position with her father's help as he shook his head and smiled a little at Brynna's words. "Yes doctor it is alright, I will be fine, and you can't get stronger without some hardship at least. In training you should never hold back, for you never get stronger," Bree said to the doctor to calm him down, so her mother didn't deck him or anything for telling her off about going so roughly with Bree. "No dad we don't... I do know how to hold back, but I just don't like to. Now I'll have to fix my armor up some before I go out. Think you could help with that dad?" Bree added at her father's words, standing up as she asked him about helping her to get her armor fixed back up before she headed out now.


Demon Girl Pro
Jun 12, 2013
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

"You already spent the 200 denarii I gave you for the trip?" he raises an aristocratic brow inquisitively, eyes narrowing slightly. "Normally, I'd send a courier to the best smith in town, but you're going off on this big quest to prove yourself and all. I feel like it would be a little unsporting to give you even more help before you'he left the gates!" he jests, though the outcome is the same; Bree' going to have to find a way to get the armor repaired herself, or maybe just set off, hoping to be able to fix it on the way, somehow.

Brynna simply takes Bree's agreement and figuratively runs with it, continuing to berate the doctor for even suggest that she go easy on daughter. Said physician inches his way to the door, eventually sliding away from Brynna's fearsome wrath.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

"Well yeah, I got Tyrfing enchanted and stuff so that he'd be stronger like you told me to do," Bree replied at her father asking if she'd already spent all of her money, when he said what he did though about feeling it unsporting to help her even more before she left she lowered her head in shame. "Y-Yeah it would I guess, I'm sorry father. I'll manage it on my own then before I leave," Bree said in an ashamed tone as she got up and hugged him again, hanging her head slightly as she went to the doors.

Leaving the gym with a wave to her parents before the doctor really managed to get away himself, Bree headed back to collect her things and see if she had the money on hand to pay for the repairs to her armor that she'd need to get it back into good condition with which to head out of Therion at full strength, as it was unlikely that she'd be able to get it repaired herself much in between towns.

If it turned out that she didn't have enough money left after her enchantments on her gear, then she would have to find some work of some sort to make some money with which to repair it before heading out. She would need to ask her father if he knew someone that needed some help with anything that she could handle, or see if he himself needed an errand done that she could handle. If her father didn't have any work to be done, or didn't know anyone that needed something done that she could do, then Bree would ask her father if he minded watching her things while she went and found a job to make some money to repair her armor with, likely needing to check out one of the local taverns for someone that needed something done and would pay decent money for it.
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Demon Girl Pro
Jun 12, 2013
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

Coinpurse empty, Bree enters the tavern, various patrons looking to see who opened the door before going back to their drinks. The job board has a couple of ads on it. Recently pinned up, it seems, given the complete absence of beer stains or wrinkles on the papers. One is a request for the retrieval of an item from a cave, the other is a simple delivery job, though it was the local smith that posted it.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

Heading on over to the tavern instead of talking with her father about any possible jobs he might have for her, or any that he might know of someone needing a person with her skills, Bree saw a couple of job postings on the wall of the place upon entering, as well as a few looks from the patrons of the place. She decided that she liked both of them and would check them both out, but only if the delivery job for the local blacksmith wasn't enough to pay for repairing her armor, which she'd need at full strength. She grabbed the posting for the delivery job and went off to talk with the blacksmith about where he needed the delivery taken to.


Demon Girl Pro
Jun 12, 2013
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

"Ach, tis'nt the most dangerous, or glorious job, but I'fe just finished up a big ol' pile of armor and swords, and my apprentice went and got his legs broken over some mischief, so I've got no one to deliver it. Look, you just load the cart out there, and pull it on over ta the east gate, where the militia'll pick it up, an' I'll fix up this armor, free o'charge. Sound fair'nuff? " the smith speaks gruffly, and with a very noticeable accent, though not one that's easily placed. His thick, wiry muscles stand out, burn scars littering his bare arms as he gestures to the cart.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

Making her way from there to the blacksmith a ways away from the tavern, Bree found the place relatively quickly, as she'd gone there before, just not in a long while really. She listened to the smith tell her what she needed to do once she arrived, nodding her head at the man about job. "Oh okay then, I can easily handle that. And that would be just fine to me sir, thank you very much. My armor means a lot to me and since I'm going adventuring I'll need it in tip top shape before I go and all. I hope your apprentice gets better soon too also," Bree replied to the blacksmith, taking her armor off and handing it to the man for him to work on and repair for her in exchange for hauling the arms and armor to the eastern gate.

Bree then set about loading the cart in question with the weaponry first, setting it in the back of the cart, where she then set the armor pieces up onto the cart after that. One by one, the suits of armor were set up onto the cart and after she got them all on board, she tied the cover down over the cart and began pulling it off to the eastern gate, calling out to the blacksmith that she had it all loaded and was going to haul it on over to the gate for him while he worked. Pulling the cart was a fairly easy task for someone as strong as Bree was, and she'd done stuff of the sort before to help out around town over the years, making it well known that she could be a trusted citizen of Therion, and that even though many of them were bad, not all orcs or half-orcs for that matter were that bad.

When she got the cart hauled over to the eastern gate, she called out to whoever was there that she was there for the delivery from the blacksmith of the weapons and armor, and that she would help unload it if they needed the extra help to do so, as she had to wait for her armor to be fixed and all before she could go.