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Bad Luck Succubi

Re: Bad Luck Succubi


TentanariX is on the fence for his C/E vote I placed him in E since he chose that first.

Updated to Greater Demon.

Yea at least Bewbz is in the lead.
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Re: Bad Luck Succubi

A. &..

With a slight *gulb* you began reading the topic of 'Bigger pairs are better for milk'..


The chapter was all about the wonder of large breasted women and lactation.
Big surpirse there..

as a result you suddenly felt heavier near the chest and..


Your already big breasts had gone even bigger than before! Your slinky piece of tattered cloth was stretching to its limits! Not to mention your nipples were feeling quite.. odd. Like they'd be ready to leak out stuff any moment.

"Oh, nice!~"


These bags were quite the melons now. Way bigger than your head.
With bit of hands shaking you moved over to the next chapter.. 'One touch makes you irresistable'.


The chapter talked about charm, irresistability, how to make any man/woman/thing want to fuck you, releasing their primal lust!


You feel bit odd, but not that different?

The text from the book faded and the book automaticly closed itself shut, refusing to open anymore.

"..Well that was odd."

The other succubi got back up and gave you a hand on your shoulder.

"Just give it a day or two dear, then you can read it again an...--"

She suddenly stopped and her mouth was left wide open, her irises shrunk..

"..uhh, you alright?"

Her eyes got back normal as her eyes went to that sort of bedrooms eye look when she started to look at you again.

"..Did I mention how damn good those new breasts of yours are? Truly magnificent. My, I want to squeeze them so hard..!~"

This swimsuit succubi was suddenly getting too close and friendly to comfort. ..Unnaturally even for succubi measures. ..This wasn't even flirty like they usualy are.
She suddenly took a hug sort of a grab on you.. She began kissing you on your neck and moving her other hand down to your big breasts..


"..mmmhhmm.. So.. fullfilling.. ..Delicious. You and me, right now and here~"

A) Try politely refuse.
B) As if I can stop her.. Let her have her way with you.
C) Play along and then try to snatch a chance to escape.
D) "NOPE" Push her aside and make a run for it.
E) Other?

So what would the book titles have done?
'Bigger pairs are better for milk'
Causes larger breast size and lactation.

'Nudity that stays'
Curse which causes the person to be unable to wear anything as clothing to cover one self with, things always fall off.

'What goes in, doesn't come out'
Cum inflation option, if something ejaculates inside, it stays on longer rather than flow out slowly not matter how thick.

'Even the air fucks me'
curse which causes something to constantly be fucking the bearer. Something that can't be seen or felt other than by the genital that is.

'One touch makes you irresistable'
Irresistable sexual charm by touch.

'Fish magnet'
A fish might fly and slap the curse bearer in the face at any given time in a comedical way.

'How to operate 3D maneuver gear'
Exactly what it says on the tin. Shame you don't have any, isn't it?
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

E Since she seems quite enamored with our busty succubus, give a false promise of sex and intimacy and have her follow us around and help us out in our future endeavors.
Re: Bad Luck Succubi

E as above. This is called bad luck succubi so I can't wait to see how the gambit blows up in her face.
Re: Bad Luck Succubi


Figuring that you'd be overpowered anyway, you decide to let the succubi have her way with you. With bit of hesitation you relax yourself and the swimsuit succubi continued on with her foreplay..

From the kissing across the neck and slight groping, the succubi moved to your lips giving you a more precise kissing.. tongue to tongue, deep kisses.


With each kiss and play, you kinda felt bit.. drained. After few kissings of passion, the swimsuit succubi suddenly went for your top! You felt the knot being losened from behind and swip swap! your top fell down on the ground as your big ol melons bounced out.

The succubi pushed you down on the gravel beach and jumped on top of you.

"Hmm hmmm~! They truly are soo amazing."

There was no stopping her now. Her hands squeezed your breasts ever so tightly as she was playing around. The groping was making your sensitive nipples squirt a bit due of their current lactative state.
Pleasure was building up as these lewd acts of titty play intensified.

"..ach.. ah..~!"

The succubi after doing her massage and play to your enermous breasts went for one last big grope!

"..Haa HAAA..! ~"

Milk squirted out from your nipples as the strong strokish groping motion went through your breasts and to the tip of the nipples with fine finger play! This girl ain't no amateur thats for sure.

You were feeling bit tired and drained.. But the swimsuit succubi wasn't done yet.
She was slowly moving down and down.. Pulling your skimpy naughty thong with her to your ankles..

Looking down to your privates the swimsuit succubi licked her lips and then moved her head down.


Lipliplip as she began to lick your sensitive crotch faster and faster!

"..Haa.. HNNGH.. HAAA..!~"

She wasn't even done yet but you were about to reach your climax right there!
One more scream and moan from all the pleasure..! And you blacked out.


You are not sure what all had happened and you sure do feel drained..
You slowly wake up on the floor of some sort.. apartment room?

"..what the.."

You were appereantly resting down on a fluffy rug made from sort of fur of a big bear or something. The rest of the floor has.. uhh.. towels, paper.. tons of sex toys varying from pink handcuffs, dildos to beads and.. is that a thunder battery with pinsers attached on wires coming from it? There's also more of wine glasses and other trash lying about..

"..I don't even want to know."

You slowly get up and look around you.

There's a fine double bed but it seems your friend whom was in the japanese swimsuit before seems to be laying on it face down right in the middle, snoozing and snoring.. and drooling, completely naked on top of that too. Sure is lady like of her to do that. She's looks quite deep a sleep.

You only now came to realize, you seem to be pretty naked aswell. And your knockers are still in that huge size diameters. Before you actually get to make anything snarky about your lack of clothes you notice a chair where all your stuff seems to be lying on. Your top, thong and book are all there.

"...oh. "

Not hesitating much, you get dressed and take the book on your other hand.


Looking at the rest of the room, your 'friend' here seems to have quite the little apartment here.

Lot of bookshelves, a small desk and shelves.. What you notice is that the girl seems to enjoy collecting figures that pose in sexual ways and have pretty big eyes. Quite colourful ones too, they do fit nicely on the shelves though. You notice that one of the chairs seem to have a schoolgirl outfit.

The desk seems to have a book and a feather pen. The book however seems to have a lock on it.. must be a diary.

The books on the bookshelves have varying subjects.. but nothing that interest you really. You don't think you really feel like now would be a good time to read anyway.


You take a small peek outside the door from this room.
..It seems to take to a hallway of sort. You must in a hell fortress or something?

You sit down on the chair your stuff was on and shrug.

Now what?

A) Wait around till your "friend" wakes up. Read a book or something.
B) Try wake up your "friend".
C) Lets get out of here and investigate whats up a head down the hallway
D) Same as C but change to the schoolgirl outfit.
E) Other?
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