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ACT [Kaijo] Nagai Yamiji - NOW ONLY $4.99

Re: Nagai Yamiji

I also felt it was a little cheaty to tweak the same image to inflate the amount of cgs...
Re: Nagai Yamiji

yeah but making the player go hunt down every iteration was a bad call

There's nothing to force you to unlock every CG. Some people seem to enjoy the hunt for all the CGs
Re: Nagai Yamiji

yay finished it. all in all not bad one of the best ror games ive played. just one thing i noticed that the white dudes with swords for arms were not in the galley.
Re: Nagai Yamiji

yay finished it. all in all not bad one of the best ror games ive played. just one thing i noticed that the white dudes with swords for arms were not in the galley.

That's intentional. They're kinda sub-bosses, if you will. Glad you enjoyed the game :)
Re: Nagai Yamiji

I feel ashamed for not looking around in the game thread for awhile. Nice to see another game dev getting started though. From what I've seen so far from the demo, it looks enjoyable. However, I did feel bad (only slightly) for the zombie jumping on his head taunting him as he attacks the area where the character was earlier. I also love the slime ball's quickness. I can't say much else since sleepyness kicked in, so haven't went very far. '^'

At any rate, keep that muse of yours going strong for your future ideas!
Re: Nagai Yamiji

I feel ashamed for not looking around in the game thread for awhile. Nice to see another game dev getting started though. From what I've seen so far from the demo, it looks enjoyable. However, I did feel bad (only slightly) for the zombie jumping on his head taunting him as he attacks the area where the character was earlier. I also love the slime ball's quickness. I can't say much else since sleepyness kicked in, so haven't went very far. '^'

At any rate, keep that muse of yours going strong for your future ideas!

Well thanks for the kind words :) I hope you enjoy the rest of the demo!
Re: Nagai Yamiji

Glad you're enjoying the game overall!

If the controls are being funky, try rebinding them from the Options menu, this seems to fix some problems for people.

Other than that, that game is rather hard :p

The keybinds are not the reason, played the kyieru games so I know whats hard and good to control at the same time.
Re: Nagai Yamiji

soo, is the zoomed option supposed to do something in the game? for me it changes absolutely nothing, using the standalone version if that matters.
Re: Nagai Yamiji

soo, is the zoomed option supposed to do something in the game? for me it changes absolutely nothing, using the standalone version if that matters.

It does, but only in windowed mode. Bit of a bug there, it ought to work in fullscreen mode as well.
Re: Nagai Yamiji

Okay. Maybe this is up here somewhere but I can't find it among all the pages here. I got the roll jump thing and I have no idea where to go now. I am going crazy. Please help. Thank you.
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Re: Nagai Yamiji

Okay. Maybe this is up here somewhere but I can't find it among all the pages here. I got the roll jump thing and I have no idea where to go now. I am going crazy. Please help. Thank you.

After getting Dodge Roll, backtrack to the first room of the castle. There should be a staircase that you can reach now and continue on upward.
Re: Nagai Yamiji

The file location you want is C:\Users\*name*\AppData\Local\Nagai_Yamiji\

Make sure you actually bought the game, or I doubt it'll work.

I've attached the entire folder with a complete save too (minus the license, of course), let's see if that works

Thanks for the share, it just locks all CGs. I have the licence file from buying the game. Unless someone shares the images some other way that's it for me.
Re: Nagai Yamiji

Not a bad game, overall, though very frustrating. I'm not sure why people are so heavily focused on sheer difficulty in games these days. There were a lot of very good games in the past that weren't this difficult, and I think most of the difficulty comes from the precise timing on the wall jumping. Also, there's a difference between difficult and frustrating.

Having hard-to-time jumps is difficult. Making it so that if a player misses ONE in a series of jumps, they fall all the way back to the start, is just being a jerk.

I like the sprite sex, but the CGs, not so much. I'm a huge fan of erotic mind control, so seeing only one MC-based rape (the black-robed guy that implants you and makes you masturbate) was a bit of a disappointment, but I'm aware that it's not a very common kink. I was equally disappointed not to see that particular rape as one of the CGs.

Also, I seem to be stuck. Admittedly, I did cheat a little to get past most of the game to find some of the content, and on the tall thing with sword arms, when I defeat it, it drops down on all fours and tentacles sprout from its back, but after that it's immune to everything and if I try to leave, everything goes black. What am I missing, here?
Re: Nagai Yamiji

Not a bad game, overall, though very frustrating. I'm not sure why people are so heavily focused on sheer difficulty in games these days. There were a lot of very good games in the past that weren't this difficult, and I think most of the difficulty comes from the precise timing on the wall jumping. Also, there's a difference between difficult and frustrating.

Having hard-to-time jumps is difficult. Making it so that if a player misses ONE in a series of jumps, they fall all the way back to the start, is just being a jerk.

I like the sprite sex, but the CGs, not so much. I'm a huge fan of erotic mind control, so seeing only one MC-based rape (the black-robed guy that implants you and makes you masturbate) was a bit of a disappointment, but I'm aware that it's not a very common kink. I was equally disappointed not to see that particular rape as one of the CGs.

Also, I seem to be stuck. Admittedly, I did cheat a little to get past most of the game to find some of the content, and on the tall thing with sword arms, when I defeat it, it drops down on all fours and tentacles sprout from its back, but after that it's immune to everything and if I try to leave, everything goes black. What am I missing, here?

I personally don't find the game that difficult. It could certainly be due to the fact that I've been playing it for months on end now, but yeah :p

Making players retry a platforming section if they fail is pretty standard practice for platformer games, going all the way back to SMB on the NES.

There actually is a CG with MC, you get it for being defeated after getting raped by the Dark Cultist. And, like you said, it's not a hugely popular kink, so featuring it much more wouldn't have been very wise I don't believe.

After they drop down, do a dive kick to the tentacles on their back. That'll kill the Striders fairly quickly.
Re: Nagai Yamiji

I've beaten the demo and want to buy the full game but Paypal is pissing me off.:mad: It won't let me load any money onto the account. Isn't there any other way that I can buy the game?
Re: Nagai Yamiji

I've beaten the demo and want to buy the full game but Paypal is pissing me off.:mad: It won't let me load any money onto the account. Isn't there any other way that I can buy the game?

Within about a week the game should be up on DLSite, although at about double the price.

Unfortunately, PayPal is about the only service that I can use that doesn't charge a monthly fee or outrageous commissions
Re: Nagai Yamiji

This game is tough! It may take me a while to finish it. Makes me sad.
Re: Nagai Yamiji

Within about a week the game should be up on DLSite, although at about double the price.

Unfortunately, PayPal is about the only service that I can use that doesn't charge a monthly fee or outrageous commissions

gumroad is 35 cents +5 percent or something and they dont explicitly ban porn

tos "obscene content, child porn" implying not all porn is obscene